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May 16, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-16

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SUNDAY. MAY 16, 1937

Morelli, Metropolitan Star,I
Finds Joy In Love For WorkI
One Hour Vocal Practice ing, feeling that he was too young to
Per Day Sffce Ss begin the study of music. However,
PDyuJ e tS coming from a family of singers, a
Michigan Graduate musical career had always been hist

SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1937
VOL. XLVII No. 163

4:15 p.m. The lecture will be ii- * 11 d- t'"° CuIj
lustrated. The public isordiallyin,- ' e, ' ne
vited. _ Will Be Laid Today
University Lecture: Bertil Ohlin,
professor of economics in the Schoolt Page I)

'.r.. .. ..-.. , .. ..



dream, he said. Freshman Sophomores and Jun:-
This is the first time that this iors in L.S.&A., Architecture, Educa-
famous baritone has visited Michigan tien, Forestry and Music: Save your-i
since his graduation and with ther' self one dollar by leaving at Regis-
exception of the new buildings, he trar's Office your address for July 1
finds little chainge, a fact about to July 15. if this has changed since
which he is very glad. During this February registration. Your blue.
yisit hheed tthat he has spent print, giving your full record, will be
a great deal of time looking up his hiedprhort usafte shcommencement
old professors and has enjoyed it viser before you register next fall.
greatly. While Mr. Morelli was here Blue prints to replace those lost dur-
in school he tgok part in the Michi- ing the summer will cost one dollar
gan Operas and it was at Flint that each.
he earned 10 dollars for his first pro- I Robert L. Wiliams, Assistant
fessional appearance.'Registrar.
Devolves All Time To Musicgi

of Business Administration, Stock-E
holm, Sweden, will lecture on "Swe-
dish Economic Policy in Boom and
Depression" at 4:15 p.m. on Monday,
May 17, in Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: "The Contin-
uity of Style in Near Eastern Art" by
Dr. M. S. Dimand, curator of Near
EasternArt, Metropolitan Museum of
Art, New York. Illustrated. Sopn-
sored by the Research Seminary in
Islamic Art. Monday, May 24, in

First Methodist Church. The subjectj
of his sermon will be "Let Us All Sing
At the First Baptist Church the

Natural Science Auditorium.
public is cordially invited.

Rev. R. Sayles will speak at 10:45
a.m. on "The Recovery of Ideals."
Prof. George E. Carrothers will
speak at 9:45 a.m. today before the
student class at Stalker Hall on
"Should the Average Man Expect
At 7 p.m. Prof. Preston Slosson of
the history department will address a
student meeting of Episcopal students
at Harris Hall on "Casuistry or Ethics
as a Parlor Game."
"Early 1937" will be the topic of
the second discussion of the Mich-
igan Clinic to be held at 11 a.m. at
the Unitarian church, with the gen-
eral subject of the General Motors
and Chrysler strikes. At 7:30 -pm.
the Liberal Student's Union will hear
a discussion of "Some Problems of
Vocational Education by Prof. George
E. Myers


There will be an exhibition of
paintings by the National Member-
ship of the American Artists' Con-
gress sponsored by its Michigan
Branch in Alumni Memorial Hall
(Continued on Page 4)

Mr. Morelli now .devotes his en-
tire time to music, believing, as he
says, that a singer must give "all or
nothing" to his work. He thinks that
if one likes his job, nothing is dif-
ficult. He says that he is so happy
and that everything is so pleasant,
that his profession is no work at all
and that he never gets despondent.
After graduation from the Univer-
sity, Mr. Morelli ,went Ito Valpariso,
Chili to study and shortly after went
to Italy. He made his debut near
Milan and at that time already had
10 operas in his repertoire. He now
has mastered 5, can sing in English,
French, Italian, Spanish and Basque
and is nlannin tolearn Gr7m.n_ He

The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information has re-
ceived notification of the following
vacancies in Juneau, Alaska:
Junior and senior high school Eng-
lish. Salary for candidate with A.B.,
$1500; for M.A., $1600. Positions be-
gins next fall. Two years of exper-
ience required. Extra-curricular ac-'
tivities pay extra. It is possible for
the recipient of this position to re-
ceive up to $1810 per year.
Home Economics. Salary $1500.
Position begins fall. Two years ex-
perience required. Candidate must
qualify for Smith-Hughes certificate
Elementary position. Uppe.r grade,]
U,,r. lar $00 Pt' iti n hrg ins connI

MUFJ Sure Thing NOW---.1
..And it's a Sure Thing
You'll End With a MUFF
TIherc MAY lie enough left of your fur to make a muff next
winter. but why "muff" a sure thing . . . Send your furs to
GREENE'S where scientific cleaning, glazing, constant cold
Jornge, and insurance give you absolute protection.

a11 p5 ji l1 g U) 1 U _U I. r c a ry ,s . oU gf'} 1,CI Ij x,15,
has no favorite among his numerous Two years experience required; four
roles. years training required.
Travelled Over World Elementary position. Third grade.
Mr. Morelli has traveled all over Salary $1500. Position begins in fall.
the world and has particularly pleas- Two years experience required;four
ant memories of Copenhagen, Chi- years t.aining required.
cago and New York. However, he is Students interested in applying for
happy almost everywhere, he says. these positions or desiring further in-1
Two years ago ,he became a member formation concerning them, please
To yearshgohe becra mea Cmember call at the office of the Bureau of
of the M~etropolitan Opera .Company,A it t adOcpioa n
the dream of every singer, he said. Appointments and Occupational fn-
But, as he happily phrased it, pleasure formation, 201 Mason Hall.
consists in the journey more than Swigout: Seniors in all colleges
the arriving, and hard work is neces- are urged to order their caps and
sary in order to retain the big posi- g gwns without delay for Senior
tin.gown ihu ea o eo
Lions. Swingout on Sunday, May 23. They
When asked whether audiences in are available at Moe's Sport Shop on
United States, South America and North University, Van Bovens, and
Europe responded differently to opera, Rogers' on South University at only
Mr. Morelli stated that the response 25 cents in addition to the rental fee
was about the same. He believes for commencement. Your early co-
there is everywhere a certain cultured operation will assist the committeej
class which appreciates the same mu- in planning the event, and will as-
sic in the same manner, sure you of the proper garb for Swing-
South Americans More Serious out.
Mr. Morelli believes that university
students of his native country are Academic Notices
older and more serious than students
here. There the bachelor's degree is To Graduate Students in Educa-
taken after high school and an ex- tion: The preliminary examinations
amination must be passed befor ad- for the doctor's degree in Education
mission to the university, where a will be held on May 27, 28 and 29.
professional degree is taken. In South Anyone desiring to take these exam-
America it is taken for granted that inations should notify my office at
the student is at school for the pur- once.I
pose of study and therefore no com- I Clifford Woody,
pulsion is exerted upon them. Also Chairman of Committee on
universities there are not interested Graduate Study in S&hooJ
in the student's private life. of Education.
Mr. Morelli avers that he is an ex-
cellent cook. He also likes photog- Lectures
raphy and metal work and has made
an extensive study of palmistry. "A University Lecture: Dr. D. Donald
jack of all trades" is his appelation Hudson, Land Classification Section,
of himself, but everything comes sec- Land Planning and Housing Division,
ondary to his chosen profession. For Tennessee Valley Authority, will lec-
he indicated that he can do the other ture on "A Geographer's Contribution
things only when he is sure that he! to the T.V.A." in Natural Science Au-
has done his best in his music. ditorium on Wednesday, May 19, at

P. S.

You can't even make a muff out of a woolen



(jorrnent. Safest to store them over summer, too.
C -5----f~
Phone 23-23-1
Member: National Association of Cleaners & Dyers




^.. -

again They Sing Their Way Into Tour Heart!


Members of two English classes at
Santa And junior college would rath-
er meet Cleopatra than any otherl
woman in history according to a vote
taken there recently. Queen Eliza-
beth was the second favorite. j


Are Training on it!
We Deliver Phone 3494

..._ . . o

- - w W


For Information-Cali MISS JONES at 2-3241

- -- ------ --- -----


LAST WEEK there was much,
much fun at the Architect's Ball
with everyone decked out in the
oddest conglomeration of costumes
yet seen anywhere. That WAS fun,
wasn't it? But that's not all, for
there's loads more fun to be had
these Spring days with the Key
Dance coming up and canoeing,
cicycling, and the year's "all cam-
pus" fraternity parties.
* * * *
"ALL CAMPUS" fraternity par-
ties, our innovation, at least, it
seems that this year especially
there's ,more spirit there, must
certainly be prepared for. After
all, if milady is to be seen by an
"all campus" crowd then most cer-
tainly she must be dressed to suit
the occasion, with an air of smart-
ness and style. This gadder-about-
er is entirely with you - and in
my gadding have found the perfect
thing for these informal affairs.
you'll find this "find." It's a line
of Franklin original frocks of linen
lace - the very latest thing you

peau. There's quite a variety of
possibilities for every costume and
in every line of hats, so just go to
JUNE GRAY'S millinery shop on
South U. and she'll give you some
of her very super advice on the
Style and color hat 'you need for
that new dress-SHE knows! Inci-
dentally I can make a pretty good
guess that a white felt or straw
with a cute colorful flower trim-
ming would be just perfect-not
only with this but with loads of
others. O yes, and you might try
some changeable trimmings-June
has these and will design the hat
and trimmings for you. "Better
lock into this little matter I'm a-
AND NOW cn the more personal
side of things-I've found some
wonderful combinations of bath
powders and soaps. CALKINS-
FLETCHERS are showing this
week this idea of dusting powder of
the same fragrance as your soap.
It's really an awfully good idea and
various cosmetic companies make

f ih JR



AT IM 1 IV snows today st

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