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May 15, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-15

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Tornado Roaring Across Iowa Splinters Farm Buildings



(Continued from Pagc 4)
the Average Man Expect Justice?"
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Mr. L. L. Finch will speak on "How
to Make a Home Christian." Fellow-
ship hour and supper following the
Important Day for Presbyterian
Students: Two events of great interest
will take place on this Sunday af-
ternoon, May 16.
At 4:30 p.m. the Corner-stone of
the new Presbyterian Church and
Student Center will be laid at an im-
pressive service at the new site, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue. Following thisl
service all members of the Westmin-
ster Guild and their friends will go
immediately to the Michigan League
where they will have supper in the
Russian Tea Room. The newly elect-
ed officers and committee chairmen
will be installed at a service to be
held in the League Chapel from 7:15
to 7:45 p.m.
daChurch of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
10:45 a.m., morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Mr. George Alder, Di-
rector of the Fresh Air Camp, will)
address the guild on "Camping and
Character." If it is dry and warm1
the social hour and meeting will be
held at the top of the bluff across the
river northeast of the city. Phone
5838 if you desire transportation. If
the weather is unfavorable the meet-
ing will be held at the church.
First Congregational Church, Wil-
lLiam and State.
10:45 a.m., service of worship. Ser-
mon by Dr. E. W. Blakeman. His
NEW LONDON, Tex., May 14.-(P)
-W. C. Show, a tragic figure who
lost a son in the New London school
explosion, was removed as superin-
tendent today by a board which said
it had concluded his health. could
not stand the "enormity of the bur-

subject will be "Relig:Qn !n Univer-
9:30 a.m., senior high school group
under Prof. Earl Griggs.
9:30 a.m. Post Parley meetings for
all college students who are interested
in the Parley. The meetings will be
held in the lower room of the church.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson will lead
the discussion.
9:30 a.m., May Forum group on the
Effective Church will meet in Pil-
grim Hall. Chairman, Dr. Van Tuyl,
leaders Professor Bradshaw, Mrs. C.
C. Meloche, Mrs. D. L. Gildersleeve
and Dr. D. C. Long.
5 p.m., Ariston League Forum, ledi
by Mr John M. Trytten, director of
Guidance in the University High1
4:30 p.m., Student Fellowship, willl
meet at the church at 4:30 p.m. They
will go to the island for a worship
service and fellowship together.
Harris Hall: There will be a stu-
dent meeting at Harris Hall Sunday{
evening, May 16, 7 p.m.
Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on"
"Casuistry or Ethics as a Parlor
Game." All Episcopal students and
their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday, May 16
8 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.,
Church School, 11 a.m., Kindergar-
ten; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and
Sermon by The Rev. Frederick W.
Leech. '_
Lutheran Student Club: Pictures on
the "Life and Times of Dr. Martin
Luther" will be shown in the Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall Sunday eve-
ning at 7:45 p.m.
The public is cordially invited. Sup-
per and social hour at 5:30 p.m. All
students and their friends are wel-
Confirmation services will be held
Sunday in both Trinity Lutheran and
Zion Lutheran churches.
Unitarian Church, 11 a.m. Sunday:
Second panel discussion on Mich-
igan Clinic. Topic, "Early 1937."
Members of panel, D. W. McCreedy of
Pontiac, Mrs. Winnifred Proctor, Mr.
Milton Kemnitz and Rev. H. P. Mar-
ley. Questions and discussion from
the floor.
7:30 p.m., Liberal Students' Union:

Gas, Company
Seeks Permit
To Build Lines
Permission to construct a natural
gas pipeline to Ann Arbor was asked
by the Washtenaw Gas Co. in peti-
tion filed Thursday with the Michi-
gan Public Utilities Commission.
The Panhandle Eastern pipeline,
which serves Detroit, and passes with-
in. 22 miles of Ann Arbor, will also
serve Ann Arbor. The pipeline which
the Washtenaw Gas Co. proposes to
build would branch from the Pan-
handle Eastern pipeline near Milan
and connect with Ann Arbor on
Washtenaw Ave.
Charles R. Henderson, president
and general manager of 'the Wasn-
tenaw Gas Co., and Frank B. DeVine,
company attorney, presented the pe-
tition, which will be heard early in
June, to the commission.
Henderson said yesterday that ne-
gotiations for necessary rights of way
for the construction of the pipeline
are under way and that the detailed
work will be continued in preparation
for the start of actual construction
when the permission is granted.
Prof. George E. Myers will speak on
"Some Problems of Vocational Ed-
9 p.m. Social hour.
$100 REPAIR $100

This desolate, scene, taken from the air, shows all that remained of the buildings on one farm near
Clarion, la., after a tornado swept over the area, kill ing nearly a score of animals and several hundred
chickens. The wind scattered the barn and other buil dings, leaving only the house, granary and shed.
Property damage was estimated by the owner at $50,000.

Poetic Drama Return Predicted
To Express New Social Emotiton

Heller Describes
Jew's Persecutions

(Continued from Page 11

pression of emotion, as distinguished
from communication, is a more prim-
itive language than prose and pre-
ceded prose, he said. In that light
it is perhaps easier to understand
why poetic drama is so much more
intense than prose.
Proletarian Trend Seen
The development of a proletarian
drama is the second trend visiblef
in American drama today, Professor
Rowe indicated. Springing up a l
over the country it appears to be a
folk movement, the first expression of
our industrial life. A factory as well
as the soil can eventually create a
unified culture, he said.
"Its purpose is not entertainment,"
said Professor Rowe. "The audience
that came to be diverted by the old,
old tricks found its nerves wracked by

who form 10 per cent of the total
population, pay 56 per cent of the
taxes, he said.
"One third of Poland's 3,000,000
Jews live at a subsistence level, andl
they would starve if it were not for
financial aid from abroad, primarily
from American Jews," Dr. Heller said.
The government, Dr. Heller point-
ed out, is entering into competition
wih some private industries, par-
ticularly those in which Jews are em-
ployed. However, when the Jews,
forced out of their own businesses,
go by the government monopoly they
are refused employment, he declared.
One out of every five people in
Poland is in the government employ,
yet in the city of Bialstock, where
out of the 100,000 population, 60,000
is Jewish, there are few if any Jews
working as municipal employes,
the country, he said. These have na-
turally tended to become proletarian
in tone.
"Certainly our time is a stimulat-
ing one for a dramatist," he stated.
HOLLAND, Mich., May 15.-(_P)-
Against a background of millions of
tulips, Holland's ninth annual tulip
festival will open tomorrow
-- ---

211 E. Liberty

Phone 2-2644



Realism Not Adaptable I a glimpse througn a terrifying key
The convention of realism is not ' hole. It didn't caress and soothe; it
adopted to such a purpose, Rowe de- arrested and shocked. It didn't stay
lared. It must resemble life, and discreetly on the stage; it leaped
people in real life are inarticulate. across the footlights."
Life does not stop to express the sig- i Not A New Form
nificance of the drama it enacts, This description is applicable, for
it moves too swiftly. Realism by its such plays are not a new form of
very economy has proved capable of drama as the left wing playwrights
some powerful effects but it has a would have us believe, Professor Rowe
limited application to for the great- continued. "Rather they stem from
est intensities of emotion." the Ibsenian tradition. They look
We are so accustomed to regard [different because each deals with the
prose as the common way of express- social problems of its times and irn
ing thoughts, Professor Rowe point- appropriate forms. Ibsen's problems
ed out, that it comes as rather a were those of the middle class. Tl
surprise that in the workers' theatres great problem now is social justice
springing up all over the country for the mass of workers."
the 'anguage of many of the plays, The government through the Fed-
written by the workers, themselves eral Theatre Project has sponsore
uneducated men, is poetry. this new development in the creatior
But poetry as a medium for the ex- and support of relief theatres ovei









16. - --- - F


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Sight is the most precious and useful of your senses. Vision
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sizes) the importance of good lighting, for easier and more com-
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sidering what your eyes do. for you, they deserve good light!
Don't guess where your eyes are concerned: Consult an eye.
sight specialist regularly. And don't guess about your lighting,
either: Have it checked with the Sight Meter. Your eye is a mar-
velous seeing instrument, but it is a poor judge of lighting condi.
tions. Your eyes will try to see in light that is far too dim for
easy and safe seeing. Under continued abuse of this sort, they
may be permanently injured. The Sight Meter can check your
lighting accurately. There is no charge for this service. Call
The Detroit Edison Company.

(Missouri Synod)
Cor. Third and Liberty Streets
Carl A. Brauer, Minister
9:30 A.M.-Church school
Service in German.
10:30 A.M. - Preparatory Service.
10:45 A.M.-Pentecost Service with Holy Com-
munion. Sermon: "The Work of the Holy
kve. 5:30 P.M. - Student club meeting and supper.
and Corner State and Washington Streets
the Rev. Charles W. Brashares, Minister
9:45 A.M. - Student Class led by D. G. E.
.ent 10:30 A.M. - Morning Worship Service. Sub-
Z of ject: "Let Us All Sing Again" by Dr.
wild 6:00 P.M. - Wesleyan Guild at Stalker Hall.
the "How to Make a Home Christian" is the
Rev. L. LaVerne Finch's subject. Fellow-
ship hour and supper, too.
East Huron between State and Division




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