THE MICHIGAN DAILYS Y ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as ad class rmail matter. bscriptions during regular school year by carrier, ; by mail, $4.50. nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative A20 MADISON AVE. NEW YoRK, N.Y. 'CHICAGO -EBOSTON -ASAN FRANCISCO LOB ANGELES ..PORTLAND *SEA1H,' Board of Editors AGING EDITOR..............ELSIE A. PIERCE 'ORIAL DIRECTOR ...MARSHALL D. SHULMAN ge Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins IT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton, ving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander, obert Weeks. rTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; d DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl THE FORUM Elizabeth Douglac, BE Strlckroot. ARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman; Anderson, Elizabeth LBingham Helen bara J. Lovell, Katherine More, Betty Business Department BUSINESS MANAGE .................JOHN R. PARK A SO"IATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT W0Mfi'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Sigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret erres Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, an Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Wch1l nski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wlsher. Contracts Manager Ernest A. Jones,rLocal Advertlsinar Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- tiled Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT WEEKS The Nature Of Trotskyism .. . TO MOST STUDENTS, the Moscow trials were at first interesting only because of. the exotic Oriental flavor of their drama. The subject of Trotskyism was waging a determined struggle with monarchism and an- archism for last place among student political interests. This status had been, for almost a decade, the natural one for the minute Fourth International. Today, however, Trotskyism is receiving the alert scrutiny of a great number of progressives who only a few months ago were content to view with baffled unconcern what they believed was solely a dispute within communism. Thou- sands of columns have been written about the Moscow trials, leading intellectuals of the United States have plunged very deeply into the subject, the Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky has twice become a dueling ground for liberals, a municipal election in Minneapolis has had Trotskyism as its most significant issue, and even in Michigan's auto unionization drive Trotskyism has been a factor. What has brought this changed attitude to- ward Trotskyism? The most logical answer is that a. change in the character of Trotskyism has brought a change in the attitude toward it. To explain this change we must first of all look to the Moscow trials, which furnished a new defi- nition of Trotskyism from which the conflict has sprung. The Moscow trials, in essence, asserted that Trotskyism had ceased to be a positive political movement but instead, had become the property of an unprincipled group which, through degen- eration, had substituted destruction of other political movements for the construction of its own. Assassination, sabotage, and an alliance with fascist forces were charged. Consideration of the most important aspects of the trials-the correctness of their judgment -was for a long time obscured by certain legal and psychological aspects. But today an opin- ion can be offered, and it is that Trotskyism is guilty substantially as charged. Mauritz Hallgren, formerly an editor of The Nation and editorial writer on the Baltimore Sun, has offered an able logical argument of Trotsky's guilt in his letter of resignation from the Com- mittee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky. The ac- tual verbatim report of the proceedings has been even stronger evidence, as Malcolm Cowley of The New Republic has so eloquently testified. Although the recent Mexican "investigation" was unable to prove or disprove anything of importance, the undubteg] unwillingness or inability of Trotsky to produce the vital evidence necessary for any valid judgment, and the will- ingness of the inquisitors to work without these tools, as revealed by Carleton Beal's letter of resignation from the committee, indicated that if further hard facts are to be introduced: they will not be introduced by Trotsky and his friends. The most convincing evidence of all, however, A Liberal Education To the Editor: I don't know Mr. Julian H. Orr, '37, but if he represents the "true liberal appeal to reason," it proves that I am certainly not in his camp and damn glad of it! In the Forum of May 14, he beheads me a great array of liberal artillery. Out- wardly it looks like a neat clean job, but I would have wished for a more talented executioner. In my letter of May 6 I spoke with strong sin- cerity: therefore I am "emotional." I projected the problem of fascism into later years: for this necessary perspective I am "irrational." Well, everybody knows the liberal. Under an appeal for reason and restraint, he puts a blanket over the fire to keep the smoke from spreading the danger signal. His is the unemotional approach: Whisper, wrap your feet in silent sandals and ever so quietly spread the alarm on muted violins. Then to bed. Amen. Now I propose to show that Mr. Orr needs much instruction: Point one: Mr. Orr needs to know more about Spain when he .says "What assurance is there that the Loyalists will establish a democratic government?" Answer: The Loyalists don't have to establish a democratic government because that was already established by an election last February! The People's Front was elected and is functioning today. Election means democratic and I say again "students in Spain are de- fending those same democratic principles which we so blandly inherited," the democracy of the ballot. Point two: Mr. Orr counters my "Fascism is death to culture" with "This would indicate that culture is dependent upon the political system, a belief which cannot be supported." Listen again: Culture may not be dependent upon a political system in that it can definitely be cre- ated in actual conformity to that system, but the dependence is still there! When Fascism says' you can't read Heine or Thomas Mann, I repeat that Fascism is death to culture and your most elate rationalism never alters the fact that you can't read Heine or Thomas Mann! Skipping his paragraphs 4 and 5, (which have,- nothing to do with the problem at hand), I offer point number 3: Mr. Orr rebukes me for speak- ing of "cultural evaluation" because of the "ap- peal to our desire to feel ourselves to be cultured students" (!), adding, that I appeal also "to the prime instinct for self-preservation." Perfect. That's just what I do mean! If Mr. Orr doesn't feel included in the category of cultured stu- dents, let him not imagine resentment of others! He paints me as a barker trying to put one over by saying "You're cultured, fellows, now listen." The liberal is congenitally suspicious to well- meaning. I do appeal to the cultural nobility of students, I do appeal to their prime instincts! I want no intellectual subterfuge. But somehow I don't strike it off with Mr. Orr. Just what does he resent? Point 4: I did not say to take my word that we must "defeat the revels hi order to forestall" the loss of those precious values. I say take the word of history! See what happened when fas- cism spread from German to Austria in '34 and then to Greece and now touching Roumania! No, don't take my word; just watch the world, Mr. Orr, and apply its warnings. I am accused of pulling an "atrocity act by mentioning the DeFalla incident, a true, record- ed event. Here it is difficult for me not to be Jitter with a man like Orr, who, soaked in sus- picion, (labelled "reason") spears me again by his twisted immersion in the "will to find out." I suggest he go to Spain and find out. The last paragraph is in true liberal tradi- tion, "I am not a fascist. I-object-to intervene." If you're not a fascist, you must show a consistent energy against the most remote encroachments of Fascism, you should be an ally of democracy even if it's not in your back yard! Nobody wants you to hang around. If you're not for or against, then get off the field. Don't be a mock-warrior! I don't know your politics, Mr. Orr, but all I know is that you have a disease peculiar to liberalism: you interchange curses with cheers. In short, your guise of reason and democratic principles is a fraud. Those colors are pu on and when they come off you'll be revealed asone who builds up a gigantic defense when it could be put simply as "I don't care either was so I'll take pot-shots at both sides." Well, it don't go. Such "reason," liberal or otherwise, equals zero. -Norman RIosten, Grad. Morituii te Saliutamus To the Editor: Mr. Rasten's "Letter to the Dead" made at least one of us turn over in the grave. Now it ,.. ..".-;,r~<> fi11-r~c l~n li~i~o" ch ii i iirv th BENEATH **** **** I~ T ALL By Bonth William - AS LONG as the local police commission acted so drastically in suspending for four days the two protectors of the public safety for their part in the brutal beating of 53-year-old Fred Chase, it would have been better had they gone the whole way and showed they really meant it by slapping both officers lightly on the wrist. BETTY PENCE, sophomore town girl who was one of the complaining witnesses against Patrolman Herman Suma, parked her car across from the Publications Building shortly after the whole police mess had been stirred up When she came out her auto was wedged in at the curb by other parked cars. A passer-by, noticing her plight, called to Officer Suma who was nearby and asked him to help in "shoving one of the cars. Herr Suma growled an appropriate remark to the effect that the lady might look elsewhere for aid and stalked indignantly away. ALL OF WHICH and a lot more, which must remain sub rosa, gentle readers, is to put ye gulpers of the amber foam on your guard, because in the back of my mind and in the front of the minds of at least one member of the local constabulary is the idea that hencefor- ward students are going to toe the mark or else. In other words from now on little if any len- iency will be shown brew quaffers who return home unsteadily, or are inclined to burst forth into a melody en route. However, one parting shot. There are in the neighborhood of thirty policemen on the Ann Arbor police force, and in all fairness to the department I think it shrould be made clear that by far the greater number of these are darn fine, loyal, decent men who would go out of their way to be courteous and considerate. Only a small minority are guilty of the blanket charge of brutality which has been levelled against the entire force. * ** * AND NOW something that I've wanted to do for a long time. Of all the University people that Old Bonth has come in contact with during his four years on the campus, one man stands head and shoulders above the rest as a regular guy. He is Bud Rea. Bud is the only faculty man I've ever found who could look at matters in the same light as an undergraduate. He has a sense of humor that would choke a horse. He's utterly frank about himself and all his dealings with students. He's efficient and businesslike, overwhelmed with work, yet he always has time to drop everything and chat with any of his numerous friends who drop in to discuss everything from the weather to the auto ban. Few people know Bud's past history or they'd see far better just why it is he understands the machinations and perplexities of students a well as he does., Bud graduated from Michigan early in the '20's after one of the most auspicious senior years ever enjoyed by any son of the Maize and Blue. He captained the basketball team, was Sachem of Michigamua, and president of the senior class. Not since Bud's time has there been another man who enjoyed such widespread campus popularity. A successful banker in Erie, Pa., Bud returned to Michigan in 1930 to aid in the investment de- partment of the University and was later trans- ferred to the office of the Dean of Students. I think the job that Bud has disliked most in his university work has been the unpleasant- ness which of necessity accompanied the en- forcement of the auto ban. But he undertook the work and no one could have handled it better. His inherent pleasantnes sand a real knowledge of character, together with a sense of firm justice have firmly established the auto ban as a Michigan tradition and Bud as an A-1 administrator. Now that my incumbency draws }o a close I want to take this opportunity tc thank Bud, not only for the consideration with which he has always treated me, but also for the decency which he has continually shown to everyone who has ever come in contact with him. I nominate 'for Michigan's Hall of Fame a, faculty man whose staunch student admirers number hundreds, Bud Rea-one swell gent. WAR ADMIRAL goes in the $50,000 Preakness today at Maryland's renowned Pimlico, and you speculators who want to pick up a little loose change will be wise to have a bet riding on the gallant little fellow who ran away with the Derby. Eight horses will probably parade to the post today with the Admiral an odds on favorite. A good price on the Riddle colt would be 7/10. (shades of the French Revolution!), Culture, What-Have-You will;not veer off the road of intellectual freedom. History would not agree. I think there is no freedom without spiritual freedom; that the division between man and animal is an infinite chasm. Stalin and the Spanish Democrats would not agree. As I see it, Mr. Rosten wants to listen to soul-stirring music in the Kremlin. He would turn his back on the West without facing East. The little Gotterdammerung in Spain has causeel Mr. Rosten to grow excited over Fascism when something far more important, philosophically and economically, is fighting to hold Madrid. In other words he has missed the to-be-or-not- to-be of our age: Moscow or immortality. Un- fortunately for those who have a horror of the absolute, there is no half-way house; "How like an angel in apprehension, how like a God" has nn rnpnn in in heoviet__nr in the hio-h cnun- MayFestival A Review AFTERNOON By DON CASSEL Eugene List, youthful pianist, thel Young Peoples Festival Chorus and' the Philadelphia Orchestra under conductors Eugene Ormandy and Roxy Cowin, constituted the perform- ers on yesterday afternoon's Third May Festival Concert. Found Department in the Business' The chorus and orchestra werel Office, Room 1, University Hall. In- heard in three songs, "The Lass with quiry concerning lost articles should the Delicate Air" by Arne, "Lullaby"m be made promptly at the above men- ttioned office. Articles found on the by Cyril Scott, and one of Schubert's Campus and in University buildings lieder transcribed for chorus, "The sCamp u n edUnversimmedingy Trot."Aganlatr i te pogrmshould be turned over immediately. Trout." Again, later in the program, Those articles not called for within they performed the Cantata, "Spring 60 days will be surrendered to thej Rapture" by Harvey Gaul, finder. The orchestra, under Mr. Ormandy, Shirley W. Smith, played the overture to "Der Frei-____ shutz," Schubert'srUnfinished Sym- ' To All Members of the Faculty and phony and accompanied Mr. List into Administrative Staff: If it seems cer-. the Concerto in E fliat for piano and tain that any telephones will not be orchestra by Franz Liszt. used during the summer months, The performance of the overture please notify Mr. Bergman in the to "Der Freishutz," which opened the Business Office. A saving can be program, was beyond reproach. TI\ effected if instruments are discon- clarity and delicacy of the lighter nected for a period of a minimum of3 passages and the rich sonority at the three months. climaxes made it an exceptional per- Herbert G. Watkins. formance. __ The three songs for chorus, which Studc-nt Accounts: Your attention followed, seemed admirably fitted to is called to the following rules passed this very capable chorus of some 400 by the Regents at their meeting of children's voices. Not only did they sing with fine ensemble and homo- geneity of tone but most remarkable. was their flawless enunciation. Much credit is due the conductor, Roxy, Cowin, and those who shared in the training of the group. Mr. Ormandy resumed his position. on the podium to play the Unfinished Symphony of Schubert. Despite a few "ragged" spots in the orchestra, the work as a whole was given a most convincing reading. The fine sonority and ensemble of the 'cello and bass sections, a characteristic feature of this orchestra, was particularly no- ticeable in the Andante movement. The cantata, "Spring Rapture" in, which chorus and orchestra appeared, is so completely unconvincing mu- sically that even the fine performance failed to make it interesting. The Liszt Concerto in E flat with Eugene List as soloist brought the concert to a close. Mr. List displayed a technique worthy of one much old- er. Octave passages in either hand or both seem to cause him little con- cern. EVENING By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Fortunate are the persons who were in Hill auditorium last night. Routinely excellent performances are many but rare indeed are those in which the human soul transcends the innumerable physical difficulties in- volved in musical expression to pre- sent with such glowing directness the message of inspired composers. With the soloists and with the orchestra, the technique of expression was sub- merged in a flow of sheer, soul stir- ring music. This is not rhapsody. It is fact. The glorious melody and delicious good humor of Mozart, radiant through the no less genial personal- ities of Elizabeth Rethberg, Ezio Pin- za, and Eugene Ormandy, came from "Se vuol ballare," "Non piu andrai," "Crudel, perche finora" from The Marriage of Figaro, and the Bei man- nern" duet from The Magic Flute, with "La ci darem" from Don Gio- vanni as an encore. Mme. Rethberg had previously sung Beethoven'; scene and aria, "Oh! Perfido," witt "Dich, theure Halle" from the seconc act of Tanihauser in encore, and Mr. Pinza encored his first group with the aria, "Il lacerato spirito" from Verdi'. Simon Boccanegra. The Orchestra, utterly surpassing its previous performances here opened the program with the light- hearted Academic Festival OverturE of Brahms, gave an interesting pres- entation of Liadov's arrangement of eight Russian folk tunes, and con- cluded the regular portion of th( program with as thrilling a perform- ance of Brahm's Fourth Symphony as we ever expect to hear. Ther having answered the audience's ac- claim in words, Mr. Ormandy playec three more selections, chosen from among the many requests-the Bac Air from the D major Suite, De- bussy's Clair de lune, and the "Rid( of the Valkyries" which preludes the third act of Die Walkure. Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or Summer Session. Student loansl which fall due during any semesterI or Summer Session which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on SATURDAY, MAY 15. 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 162 Notices To Members of the Faculty, Staff, and Student Body: Attention of everyone is called to the Lost and DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Vimversity. Copy received at the officrday the Aitant to the Preeid.M 1oU 3:30; 11:00 a.m.. on Saturday. charge of the Ann Arbor Police de- partment. Traffic will be prohibited in front of the Auditorium during concerts, except that taxis may load and unload in front of the Auditor- ium. Private cars will please use side entrances on either Thayer or Ingalls Streets. Inquiries regarding lost or found articles should be made at the office of Vice-President Shirley W. Smith in University Hall. The University Musical Society will greatly appreciate cooperation in these and other respects in order to avoid all unnecessary confusion. Charles A. Sink, President. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. D. Donald Hudson, Land Classification Section, Land Planning and Housing Division, Tennessee Valley Authority, will lec- ture on "A Geographer's Contribution to the T.V.A." in Natural Science Au- ditorium on Wednesday, May 19, at 4:15 p.m. The lecture will be il- lustrated. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Bertil Ohlin, professor of economics in the School of Business Administration, Stock- holm, Sweden, will lecture on "Swe- dish Economic Policy in Boom and Depression" at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, May 17, in Natural Science Audi- torium. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: "The Contin- uity of Style in Near Eastern Art" by Dr. M. S. Dimand, curator of Near i the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University, and (a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or Summer Session just completed1 will not be released, and no tran- script of credits will be issued. "(b) All -students owing such ac- ccunts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or Sum- mer Session until payment has been made.' S. W Smith, Vice-President and Secretary. Junior Class of Education weiner rcast scheduled for Saturday, May 15 has been postponed to Saturday, May' 22. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has re- ceived notification of the following vacancies in Juneau, Alaska: Junior and senior high school Eng- lish. Salary for candidate with A.B., $1500; for M.A., $1600. Positions be- gins next fall. Two years of exper-' ience required. Extra-curricular ac- tivities pay extra. It is possible for, the recipient of this position to re- ceive up to $1810 per year. Home Economics. Salary $1500. Position begins fall. Two years ex-' perience required. Candidate must qualify for Smith-Hughes certificate Elementary position. Upper grade, Salary $1500. Position begins soon. Two years experience required; four years training required. Elementary position. Third grade. Salary $1500. Position begins in fall. Two years experience required; four years training required. Students interested in applying for thpse positions or desiring further in- formation concerning them, please call at the office of the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In-1 formation, 201 Mason Hall.I Swingout: Seniors in all. colleges fre urged to order their 'caps and ,owns without delay for Senior, 3wingout on Sunday, May 23. They are available at Moe's Sport Shop on North University, Van Bovens, and Rogers' on South University at only ;5 cents in addition to the rental fee or commencement. Your early co- >peration will assist the committee n planning the event, and will as- ure you of the proper garb for Swing- out. Academic Notices English 71 will not meet today. G. D. Helm. Concerts Eastern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Illustrated. Sopn- sored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Mobiday, May 24, in Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Exhibition There will be an exhibition of paintings by the -National Member- ship of the American Artists' Con- gress sponsored by its Michigan Brarch in Alumni Memorial Hall through May 21, afternoons from 2 to 5 p.m. Exhibition of Sculpture by students of Prof. Avard Fairbanks in the Con- course of the Michigan League. Some work by Professor Fairbanks is also on exhibit. Events Today Graduate Outing Club. The An- nual Overnight at Patterson Lake, Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, don't miss it. Everything for every- one. Swimming, hiking, canoeing, baseball, treasure hunt, singing, danc- ing, camp-fire, 20 miles of scenic highway. Group leaves Lane Hall Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Sunday group leaves at 8:30 a.m. Phone Mrs. Wayne Whitaker 5745, before 5 p.m. for reservations. All Graduate stu- dents are cordially invited. Chinese Student Club: The final general meeting is to be held today at 7:15 p.m. in Lane Hall. All mem- bers of the club are urged to attend it promptly. Coming Events Economics Club: Prof. Bertil Ohlin of the University of Stockholm will discuss "Current Economic Tenden- cies" before the club at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 17, at the Union. Staffs and graduate students in Economics and Business Administration are cor- dially invited to attend. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michi- gan Union. All faculty members in- terested in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be an informal 10-minute talk by Prof. Hans G. Beutler. Interfraternity Council: Anyone desiring to petition for the office of President of the Interfraternity Council, must have six copies of his petition in the hands of the Secre- tary-treasurer of the Council before noon on Wednesday, May 19, 1937. Program Notes SIXTH CONCERT (Saturday, May 15, 8:30 p.m.) "Aida," an opera in four acts- Verdi.aIn the story of Aida,present- ed to Verdi by Mariette Bey, noted French Egyptologist, and put int libretto form by du Cocle and Ghis- lanzoni, Verdi at last found a librettc which challenged to the utmost hi; powers of intensive and unified dra- matic expression. Probably no othei opera is any more intense with deep conflicting emotions, more gorgeous with pageantry, more colorful, botl musically and pictorially, than Aida. The abundance of Oriental pomp anc splendor, the ancient and mystic rites of the priesthood, the glorification of a victorious army, the thwarted pas- sion of two young lovers, the jealousy of a princess for a slave, the stubborn and vengeful patriotism of an Ethio- pian chieftain-all cried for a mu- I M-,iv Voctivai l Vn"Povfc-I, l * %i y 1. _ ival concerts will take place as fol- Delta Sigma Rho will hold its Saturday, May 15, 2:30 p.m. Jo- annual banquet Saturday, May 22, at eph Knitzer, violinist, soloist. Phil- 6 p.m. All old members planning to delhiaOrcesta, oseIturbi, con- aend the banquet69pl1ease contact I 3delphia Orchestra, Jose Iubcn Grace Gray, phone 6923. iuctor. _ Saturday, May 15, 8:30 p.m. Solo- ,Wa I e n Orientation Advisers: :sts: Elisabeth Rethberg, Thelma There will* be a meeting at 4 p.m. Lewis, Marion Telva, Arthur Carron, MondayMay-17, in the League. carlo Morelli, Ezio Pinza. Verdi's Everyone must be there. Unless you ~Aida" with Philadelphia Orchestra Everyeust bethepreiounlssouh d 11 1 r 11nadlp a1 Vare excused by me previous to the dutheCoral Uno.Er V ormeeting, your absence will signify that you are no longer a member of -the orientation committee. May Festival Notices: The sympa- harnatitFemmtt . hetic cooperation of concert-goers Margaret Ferries. and of the general public is respect- Michigan Dames meeting at the dully solicited. League an Tuesday, May 18, at 8:15 Evening concerts will begin at 8:30 Lau nTedy a 8 t81 p.m. and afternoon concerts at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. David Reed, stylist, will ).m. Pldasernconesuficenrtyar2:3talk on "Appropriate Clothes to p.m. Please come sufficiently early Wear." ,All members are urged to as to be seated on time. come. Holders of season tickets are re-: m,- _.. I 8