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February 24, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-24

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9a Member 1937
Ibsoc ed Colle6iate Press
Distributors of
"ofe6ie Di6est
Publishied every morning except Monday during the
UnIversity year and unmer Session by the Boad in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan a
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$1 510; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College' Pubishers Rersentaive'
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department Elsie A.dP.ierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd William E. Siacketon. Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
e1Lano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovel, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Business Assistants; Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton
Ketcham, Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New-
an, LeonardaSegelman, Richar'dKnwe, Charles
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Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy Stephanie 'Parfet, Marion
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Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
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Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager: Richard Croushore. Na-
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Wilsher, Contracs Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
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Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
For Relations
With Notre Dae ...
THE BARRIER is down! When the
mpossible happened last Satur-
day and a Notre Dame man, "Hunk" Anderson,
was named to the Michigan coaching staff, it
brought to the fore once again the question of a
renewal of athletic relationships between Notre
Dame and Michigan.
It has long been known that there was friction
between Director of Athletics Fielding H. Yost
and IKnute K. Rocklnie, great coach of the Fight-
ing Irish who was killed in an airplane crash
in the spring of 1931, and this is said to be the
main reason for the final split between the
schools in 1924.
The two schools have not clashed on the
gridiron since 1909 but in other sports there was
a long and friendly rivalry that observers, are
now hoping can be renewed.
Among Michigan alumni and on the campus.
it was felt that Yost would never approve the
selection of a Notre Dame man for a Wolverine
coaching position, but, according to Coach Harry
G. Kipke, the Michigan director was a leader in
the movement to secure the services of Anderson
as line coach.
The fact that every school is endeavoring to
curtail its athletic expenses is undeniable. Notre
Dame is but 160 miles from Ann Arbor and thus
the expense of traveling to face the Irish would
be but a fraction of what it is for practically any
other trip on the Wolverine schedule.
The expense item is of prime importance to
all athletic teams and coupled with the fact that
a Michigan-Notre Dame meeting in any sport
would be a "natural" it seems all the more

logical that the Irish should be included on
Michigan schedules.
Early last year agitation for resumption of
Michigan-Notre Dame grid relationships was
disregarded by local athletic ofLials. Notre Dame,
officials, however, seemed anxious to see the
plan succeed but stipulated that overtures must
be made by Michigan if the two schools are to
With. "Hunk" Anderson, former Irish, star as
well as coach, now on the Michigan coaching
staff and placed there with Yost's approval, it
is thought that Michigan's athletic director will
perhaps be willing to make these overtures to
Notre Dame.
Michigan basketball fans point out that the
Irish quintet is perennially one of the best in
the Mid-West, a victory over Purdue this year
seeming to be the best proof of this. The
Wolverines also rank as one of the best teams in.
the Big Ten and there is little doubt but what
a clash between the two this season would have
aaninerd as much interest as Mondanv's Wolverine-

of Pittsburgh for the first time in history and
why Notre Dame should always be shunned no
one knows. The theory was advanced last year
that Notre Dame's athletic policies are anti-
thetical to those of Michigan, that the Irish use
their athletic prowess largely for financial gain
and to advertise the school. But few sport
experts will argue that Pittsburgh has any differ-
ent policies and its track team will be here March
5 for the biggest dual meet of the local indoor
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. 'Contributors ae asled
to be brief, the editors reserving theright to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Men, Donkeys, War
To the Editor:
Information, please! How much does it cost
to get to the Solomon Islands? It's the glad
news from England that prompts me to inquire.
The plan for complete rearmament and for
training the population to complete physical ef-
ficiency, for the purposes of war. Quite raw
enough to make a Solomon Islander glad of his
seclusion with his beads and hatchets-and I've
half a mind to join him.
Oh, yes, I know, they're doing it for security.
So that, if they're attacked, they can strike back
quickly at enemy population centers and so
cripple them. It's purely to defend what tgey
have. Let' me quote you what one Englishman
says about that:
"Cynics tell us that folly, though rare in
asses, is as usual in men as their craving for
power and their unscrupulous use of it when
they have it. Maybe both these arise from our
gift of reason, which was withheld from don-
keys. Man, therefore, is not only unique as an
animal in his unremitting preparations for the
wholesale and systematic slaughter of his own
species; he alone can argue a good cause for his
strange conduct. Because he has mind, he can
justify deeds, and give them even a grave relig-
ious sanction, which would make a tiger ashamed
of his stripes. No tiger ever went into strict
training that he might with more certainty of
success enter a neighbor's den and slaughter the
cubs there."
Charming picture,, isn't it? And not too inaccu-
rate. The painter is H. M. Tomlinson in "Mars
His Idiot," an incendiary volume demurely hid
in the main library.
The need for security which gives the "grave
religious sanction" is a curious thing. I seem to
remember from my history books a need for se-
curity which led to our last war. Even the
words are the same, wise words, grave and
weighty words. Only their conclusions were
horrible. Ten million men went to look for
security last time, and haven't come back. There,
was not a plan before 1914 but had death in it,
and these are the same plans. Arm for security.
Yes. When Jason sowed the dragon's teeth there
sprang up armed men who fought. A sowing
of dragon's teeth never varies in the crop.
This western hemisphere of ours is turning
itself into an excellent place to get out of.
Stranger, can I hook a ride to the Solomon
Islands? -Law Student, '39.
Defends Court Plan
To the Editor:
More than a century ago Thomas Jefferson
tried to destroy judicial interpretation of the
Constitution by impeaching Federalist judges
upon the Supreme Court. The attempt failed,
but it did put the fear of qod into the judges.
When it seemed that Chase would be successfully
impeached, as he richly deserved, John Marshall
came to the conclusion that Congress might be
the best judge of constitutionality after all.
One hopes that he was not willing to abandon
his pet theory because of fear -of impeachment.
Very likely he was not so sure of the sanctity
of the court as our Tories are today. Jefferson
was bitterly criticized for his attack on the court,

being characterized as a dangerous demagogue by
the "good and the few.". . .
Now President Roosevelt has br ought forward
some proposals which are intended, to change
the Court so that it will permit social and eco-
nomic legislation on a national scale. He is,
being subjected to the same sort of criticism that
Jefferson was forced to endure. Most of it is
obviously unjustified. His proposals are abvious-
ly constitutional, their purpose is clear, and
the method to be followed is legal. The means
he is attempting to employ are certainly far
less assailable than those of Jefferson. Nor is he
the first president since Jefferson who has de-
tested judicial review. Andrew Jackson refused
to enforce an important decision of the court,
and both Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt bore
no love for the court. We all know what the
great progressive, Robert LaFollette, thought
about judicial review'.
President Roosevelt enters upon his second
term backed by the most overwhelming majority
even given to a candidate in a contested presi-
dential campaign. He was not re-elected in the
hope that he would do nothing, or in the hope
that the Supreme Court would prevent him from
doing anything. We all knew his dynamic per-
sonality, and we all knew that he would not be
idle. He believes that the federal government
must possess widw powers for the purposes of
social and economic legislation.
We all know that it is impracticable to secure
these powers through constitutional amendment,
partly because of the cumbersomeness of that,
method, and partly because of the undeserved
halo which has been thrown around the definitely
nolitical Sureme Court to nrotect it from the

******-IT ALL
"----By Bonth W iliams
BILL GRIFFITHS scored a field goal with this
story early last week.
At the initial meeting of the class, a speech
professor requested that each student come
to the front of the room and introduce him or
herself, adding fraternity or sorority affiliation
-if any.
The first four girls called upon demurely
tripped to the fore, mumbled their names in a
whisper, and a little more distinctly added
"Kappa, Alpha Phi, Pi Phi, or Sorosis."
The fifth young lady called upon was dressed
in stunning black. Her confidence added a lith-
ness to her movement as she stepped up on the
platform with a smile for the boys and a "sweet"
smile for the girls. Then, in clear mbdulated
tones, she said:
"Although I have not the honor of belonging
to a sorority, I do have an apartment."
Several students were badly trampled in the
after class rush, Griffiths reports.
BENEATH IT ALL: Harry Newman, in town
yesterday, hied himself down to the Intra-
mural Building where Kip is putting a group of
aspiring gridders through daily calisthenics.
Harry spent most of his time talking over plays
with Michigan's head coach, and even went so
far as to go through the foot work and dia-
gramming . . Anybody who read this column
Saturday and knew anything about horse racing
would never read it again. While I have handi-
capped many horses who probably could not run
a mile in 1:51, there will be no such beasts in the
$50,000 Widener Cup. Whopper, whose over the
week-end effort was not too smart is still our
choice, but his 1:51 workout was for a mile and
an eighth, of course . . . Vic Heyliger has a
brother in the marines who is a dead ringer for
him. When some joker came up last week and
I slapped the Beaver's brother on the back with
"What are you doing in the monkey suit" he
came very close to having his face mashed in ...
On this page is one of the better Daily editorials,
on the "Play Notre Dame" theme. If you haven't
seen it you've missed something that's well worth
your time.
THE CONTROVERSY over the Supreme Court
rages on with the nation divided into rad-
ically biased camps, each of which is convinced
that the other is led by unmitigated imbeciles.
The most concise view of the situation which
I have either heard of or read about was given
by Professor Dwight L. Dumond in his History
140 class the other day.
Professor Dumond is one of those few
great historians who say just what they think
without giving a damn for the consequences.
Professor Dumond pointed out that first of all
he was an individualist-that he insisted on
doing what he pleased up to a reasonable limit
and that hence he is opposed to any government
exercising too much power.
In his opinion every government should be
based on suspicion. Every ruler should be
watched, and the only safety for the liberties
of man are the orderly processes of law. The
only safety for the ordly processes of law is in
a sound judiciary.
In the opinion of Prof. Dumond the Supreme
sized, there is no cause to fear the appoint-
ment of additional judges, simply because there
are not six men in the United States who would
be approved by the Senate that would support
the NRA, etc.
The real danger lies in the precedent estab-
lished. The precedent of tampering with an
institution which has never been tampered with
Suppose, for instance, that four years sees a
change of sentiment in this country of the
type which is so sudden and so characteristically
American. ff the court is re-made now to suit
the present administration, then certainly it
will be the antipathy of that administration of
four years hence. That administration will re-

make the court to suit itself and in the re-making
its traditions and authority cannot help being
In the opinion of Prof. Dummond the Supreme
Court, although guilty of stupid mistakes and
at times spotted with- incompetents, is a pretty
good thing, and, he believes, it, along with the
principle of judicial review, should not be rad-
ically altered.
AD BENEATH IT ALL : Best shot of the day:
Two girls, engaged in rapid fire discussion
barrelling down the diagonal with one's righte-
ously indignant chatter plainly audible, "So I sez
to him, I sez, 'Say, how old do you think I am?'""
. . . The Sphink rally in Hoiman's cellar was
qitue a success Saturday and was attended by
the noted Detroit Press tycoon, Tom Kleene .. .
Hunk Anderson, who sat with Harry Kipke and
Grid Manager Fred Colombo at the Purdue game
Monday, almost went crazy during that memor-
able thriller. Several times he almost bounced
his head on the rafters in the excitement . . .v
When the Theta Chi's staged a House ping pong
tourney Bob VanderPyl set up as a bookie and
did a thriving business. Most of the wagering
was on Johnny Speicher, Varsity wrestler, and
the smart bookmaker saw that he was about to
be taken to the cleaners if Johnny came through.
He failed to find a man who had any real assur-
ance of beating Johnny, who closed at 3-2. In
desperation VanderPyl entered the tournament
himself and spent hours in religious practice.
His efforts were in vain, however, for Johnny
swept through all opposition, including the bookie
himself and Brother VanderPyl paid off to the
tune of ten shellalos.

Publication in the Bulletin is con
n' University. Copy received at the OM
Schuabel's ionce30 i .0a.on Stuay
Last night's recital by Artur Schna-
bel, world-renowned pianist, was
heard by a large and enthusiastic WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1937
audience. Although there were no VOL. XLVII No. 101 .
encores, he was recalled to the stage.
several times at the intermission and Notices
at the end of the concert. Smoking in University Buildings:
Mr. Schnabel's first number, the Attention is called to the general rule,
Schubert A major Sonata, was inter- that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
rupted after the first movement to E versity buildings except in private of-
allow late comer~s to be seated. From fices and assigned smoking rooms
every conceivable standpoint this was where precautions can be taken and'
an unfortunate happening. Nearly control exercised. This is neither a
all sonatas rely upon an uninterrupt- mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
ed continuity of spirit and mood be-
tween movements for their successful sonal habits It is established and
presentation. The Schubert Sonatas
was no exception and consequently enforced solely with the purpose of
suffered. The lively, buoyant Scher- preventing fires. In the last five years,
zo and the rinal Rondo with its stead- 15 of the total of 50 fires reported, or
ily moving theme set off by sharply 30 per cent, were caused by cigarettes
contrasting dynamics, were particu- or lighted matches. To be ef-
larly fine, fective, the rule must necessarily ap-
Schnabel's reputation as an inter- pl to bringing lighted tobacco into
preter of Beethoven has already been or through University buildings and
( acknowledged and the confirmation to the lighting of cigars, cigarettes,
of this ability came with his Beet- and pipes within buildings-includ-
hoven group which included the Fan- ing such lighting just previous to go-
tasie, Op. 77, the "Six Bagatellen," ing outdoors. Within the last few
Op. 126, and the Rondo a capriccio, years a serious fire was started at
Op. 129. In all of these, his ap- the exit from the Pharmacology
proach was direct, straightforward building by the throwing of a still'
and sincere. Each phrase was placed lighted match into refuse waiting
in its right perspective with the result removal at the doorway. If the rule
that the continuity and unity is to be enforced at all its enforce-
achieved was remarkable. The tempo .went must begin at the building en-
of the Rondo a Capriccio was one trance. Further, it is impossible that
that not many pianists would attempt the rule should be enforced with one
but one which makes this piece most class of persons if another class of
descriptive of the "fury" which Beet- persons disregards it. It is a dis-
hoven had in mind. agreeable and thankless task to "en-
The Schumann "Davidsbundler- force" almost any rule. This rule
tanze" which closed the program t th f tob th the
was played in true "romantic" style. against e use of acco witinte
Certainly those who have contended buildings is perhaps the most thank-
that Schnabel's style is too austere less and difficult of all, unless it has
would have been convinced to the the winning support of everyone con-
contrary after hearing his perform- cerned. An appeal is made to all per-
ance of this work last night. He sons using the University buildings-
achieved at one moment the rarest staff members, students and others-
delicacy and grace in the next, the to contribute individual cooperation
most carefree abandon describable. to this effort to protect University
Mr. Schnabel possesses all the at- buildings against fires.
tributes of a great artist and a few This statement is inserted at the
which are peculiar to himself. The request of the Conference of Deans
most striking of these is what might Shirley W. Smith.

be described as pianistic poise. He,
at all times sublimates his virtuosity
in order to elevate the music to the
position which it deserves. This
means keeping his fluent technic sub-
servient to the dictates of the music.
There are doubtless many pianists
who aspire to the same ideal but it
is rare that one achieves it as suc-
cessfully as Artur Schnabel.
-Don Cassel.
Liberal Break
On Court Plan
Held Immnent
(Continued from Page 2)
ment advanced against the Roosevelt
That appears to be correct, but the
dangerous precedent argument is not
the only one advanced against the
President's plan. Many persons who
call themselves liberals, and who
want New Deal legislation enacted
and upheld by the court, think both
the President's plan and the Shartel
plan "political subterfuge." Both
plans, they charge, attempt to force
the justices out.
Nor are a great many people con-
vinced by any means that Professor
Shartel's proposal is constitutional.
Some Hold For Amendment.'
These liberals are inclined to hold
out for an amendment. At least,
many of them feel, this should be
done first. Some favor the theory
advanced by Walter Lippmann, that
possibly an amendment amenIing
the amending clause should be at-
tempted; an amendment that would
make section eight, article one of the
Constitution, enumerating the pow-
ers of Congress, easier to amend, and
leave the other parts of the Consti-
tution, particularly those tending to
guarantee civil liberties, alone or
even make them harder to curtail.
The question of a mandate from
the people enters the question. Did
the Roosevelt victory last November
mean that he has been given the go
sign for a plan like this? Only a few
of the most ardent and, apparently,
not too well versed, supporters of the
plan, like William Green, American
Federation of Labor president, and
John L. Lewis, CIO chief, answer yes.
Even most supporters of the plan
do not advance that argument. Pro-
fessor Durfee did not.
Was It A Mandate?
Most of the supporters of the plan
answer that the election was a man-
date for this act, which they hold
entirely compatible with the Consti-
tution. The opponents of it, liberals
and conservatives alike, appear to
give little credence to the argument
of a November mandate.
The facts are that the Democratic
platform upon which Roosevelt ran
called for a Constitutional amend-
ment, and the President did not once
even mention Constitutional change,
neither by amendment nor by pack-
ing the Court, during his campaign.
The plans suggested for reforming
the court abound, as they have since
the time of John Marshall. The old
theory of James Madison, that Con-
gress should, by a two-thirds major-
ity, be able to override Court de-

structive notice to all members of the
ee of the Assistant to the Predent


Attention of Hopwood Contestants
is directed to page 6 of the Bulletin,
Rule 14. No petition will be consid-
ered by the committee after March 1,
R. W. Cowden
Sophomores and prospective ju-
iors, College of Literature, Science
and the Arts:
Students will not be admitted to a7
program of concentration unless:
1. They have earned at least 60
hours and unless the average of allI
the work is of C grade or better.
2. They have satisfied the re-
quirements in English Composition.
Students who have earned 60 hours,
and whose scholastic average is be-
low C, may be permitted to elect a
maximum of 15 hours, in addition to
the 60 hours, in an attempt to raise
the scholastic average to the required
minimum of C. When a student is1
permitted to continue in residence
under this arrangement, he must
elect and complete a full program of
courses. A student who is unable to'
raise his scholastic average to the re-
quired minimum at the end of this
additional period (with a total of 75
hours) will be required to withdraw
permanently from the college. (An-
nouncement p. 39).
This additional period is merely to
give the student an opportunity to
improve his scholastic standing, and
none of the additional hours will be
counted toward graduation.
Elements of Musical Production,
Speech 14: A musical for the Cen-
tennial Celebration will be given in
conjunction with this coke, the
School of Music, and the Dept. of
Physical Education. All those in-
terested should consult at once with
Mr. Windt at the Laboratory Theatre.
Contemporary: Manuscripts for
the third issue should be left at the
English office, 3221 A.H., as soon as
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcements of Unit-
ed States Civil Service examinations
for chief accountant, assistant, prin-
cipal accountant, accountant and au-
ditor, (optional subjects, cotton,
grain, butter and eggs), commodity
exchange administration, department
of agriculture, salaries, $3,200 to $5,-
600; medical technician (Tissue Cul-
ture), National Institute of Health,
Washington, D.C., salary, $1,600; park
ranger, National Park Service, De-
partment of Interior, salary, $1,860.
These examinations do not require
degrees. For further information con-
cerning them, call at 201 Mason Hall,
office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
Notice to Seniors L.S.&A.: Friday,
Feb. 26, is the last possible day de-
linquent seniors may pay their dues,
which are one dollar. There will be
a table in the front of Angell Hall
from Tuesday, Feb. 23, to Friday, Feb.
26, where those not having done so
will have their last chance to pay
these dues.
Might they be reminded that all
seniors failing to pay this fee will
fnrfith a riogt -rmnnry nthp rhins_

for the purpose of building up a fund
to keep the class intact upon grad-
uation. Please cooperate with mem-
bers of the finance comitte and
avoid having to pay a larger sum in
future years. Dues may be paid in
the Angell Hall lobby or to the fol-
lowing: Betty Lyon, John Thomp-
son, Rebecca Bursley, John Buke-
ley, Waldo Abbot, Maurice Hoffman
or Stuart Low.
Academic Notices
English 293 will meet today at 4
p.m. in 2235 Angell Hall and' regu-
larly thereafter on Mondays at 4 p.m.
W. G. Rice,
Mathematics 6, Tu. Thurs., 9 a.m.,
beginning Thursday will meet in
Room 340 West Engineering Build-
ing instead of 401 Mason Hall.
W. L. Ayres.
Mathematics 372: Seminar in Gen-
eralizations ' of Analytic Functions.
First meeting today at 2:15 p.m. in
Room 30 Argell Hall.
G. . .Raiich.
Music 41: Make-up final examina-
tion and class xericise. Report Rec-
ord 'Library,' Hill - Audtoriu, Friday,
Feb. 26', at 4 p.m.
H. E. Couper.
Music 111: Make-up final examin-
ation 'and. class exercise.- Report
Record Library, Hill Auditorium, Fri-
day, Feb. 26 at 4 p.m.
H. E. Couper.
E.E, 7a, Building Illumination: Will
meet this week'on Thuirsday at 5 p.m,
Feb. 25, for those who cannot meet
at the scheduled time, and also will
meet on Saturday at 8 a.m., Feb. 27,
for those who cannot meet on Thurs-
day. Both meetings in Room 248,
West Engineering Building.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Menorll Tower,
Thursdayafter'oon, Feb- '25, at 4:15
University Lecture: Prof. Niels
Bohr, of the University of Copen-
hagen, will lecture on "Problems of
Atomic Nuclei' at 4:15 Thursday af-
ternoon, Peb.'25, in West Lecture
Room, Physics Building. The public
is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Prof.. Aexan-
der R. Hohifeld? of the University of
Wisconsin, will lecture on "Richard
Wagner, Dramatist," (in Etiglish) on
Monday, March 1, at 8 p.m in Xa-
tural Science Auditorium. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Uiversity Lecture: Prof AleXan-
der . Iohlifeld, of the University of
Wisconsim, will lecture on "Der Ir-
dische Ausgang der Fauistictu ng
Goethes," (inn German) on Tuesday,
March 2, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural fci-
ence Auditorium. The public is cor-
dially invited. -
French Lecture: Mr. C. E. Koella
will give tth fifth lecture 'on the
Cercle Francais program: "Les C.au-
chemars de Ju'in Green." Tcdayl at
4:155 p.m., oom 103, Romance 'Lan-
guage ldg.
Tickets- for thie series of lectures
may be procured at the door.
Lectures in- Mathematics:. Prof.
Otto SMaszfornrerl of the University
of Frankfort A.M., visiting" lecturer in
mathematics at the U versiy of
Cincinnati, will deliver a serie- of
three lectures on topins in nss.
The first lecture .will be given on
Thursday, Feb. 25, at 4:15, p.m. in

Room .3017 Angell Hall on "Trans-
cendance of pi and e." The second
lecture will be given on Friday, Feb.
26, at the same hour in Room 3017
Pn "Approximation of Continuous
An Exhibzidon of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
teetural building. Open daily from 9
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
Oil Paintings by KarlHofer in
Alumni Merrial Hall are showing
an extra week through F'eb. 28, af-
ternoons 2-5
Events Of Today
Luncheon for Graduate Students
today in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School,
will speak informally on "The Su-
preme Court."
Botanical Seminar meets today at
4:30. p.m., Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Pa-

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