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May 14, 1937 - Image 22

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-14

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FRIDAY, MAY X4. 193'x,

TH1~ MIE2TTT(~AN IIAITY FiIfl)AV, MAY 14. 1937

Important Advances Made In Women s Athletics

In Last Fifty


Early Campus Life Related Openin -Dinner
By Student Of Class Of 1845 Of Celebration
(Continued from Page 20) augural address from President Fish. To Be June 14

nish ourselves with Paley's "Natural
Theology" and Stewart's "Philosophy
of the Human Mind" and gave us les-
sons in each of them. I, (had the)
good fortune to borrow Stewart's
"Philosophy of Judge Fletcher." The
students have had great times moving
today.. We kept our old room.
September 27th. We recited today
as before and are delighted with our,
new instructor. I drew up a codeC
of laws for the regulation of the So-
ing and listened to a beautiful in-
ciety Library which, in the evening
at the meeting of the Society, was
adopted entire. We had a good meet-

I was appointed Chairman of thej
Committee on Excuses. I have a talk
with Parmelee now and then about l

Banquet To 13e Expross on

his loved and lovely one. Of Gratitude Of People
October 1. In the forenoon I wrote
an anaylsis of the Introduction to Town To Uiversity
Stewart which I consider an excellent
exercise . . . In the afternoon Clark (Continued from Page 17)
and I went down in town and looked
at some dagguerotype likenesses There were from 900 to 1000 people
which were splendid. We saw one attending and with that size a crowd
of a fellow with asses ears on. And it was not possible to seat everyone
many there are no doubt who are in the same room, according to Mr.
anxious to see their visages on pa- Stace. Consequently, the June Cele-
per who are not in reality so worthy oration Community Dinner will be
and respectable as a poor ass ... given in the Intramural Building
October 14. Got my lessons as 4 where it will be possible for everyone

Itleals Culminated
In W.A.A._flildig
1891 Marks First Attempt
For Women's Gym; Fail
To Get Money
Athough women's sports at the;
University of Michigan cannot prop-
erly celebrate a centennial until 1994,'
nevertheless sports for women havej
made great strides here since theyj
were established less than 50 years
The history of physical education]
for women parallels very closely its
development in many educational in-
stitutions. The first recorded interest7
for it at Michigan is evidenced in
1891 when there was some discussion
of building a women's wing in con-
nection with the proposed Waterman !

available tennis courts, a hockey field,
a skating rink, and additional space
for other activities. The small white
house which still stands was used as
a field house.

Great advancement took place un- passed a resolution which created a
der the directorship of Miss Cather- Division of Hygiene, Public Health
me Bigelow, who was in office from and Physical Education. Dr. John
1901 to 1914. Curriculum offerings Sundwall who was made director of
were enlarged, calisthenics decreased, this division appointed in 1923 Dr.
and activities such as interpretive Margaret Bell as associate professor
dancing, hiking, archery, and ice- and director of physical education
skating introduced. It was at this for women and women's physician in
period that the now traditional Lan- I the Health Service. This made pos-
tern Night was initiated. The proj- sible a close relationship in the
ect grew out of a proposed field day health and physical education work
for women and the celebration in- for women. Dr. Bell also assumed
cluded the dedication of the new responsibility for teacher training
Palmer Field and the installation of curriculum and the physical educa-
the League officers. tion for girls at the University High
The period of the World War placed School,
renewed emphasis on the necessity Many Changes Made
of physical well-being and all wom-' Since Dr. Bell's appointment in-
en were required to take without numerable changes have been made
credit two years of physical education in 'facilities, equipment, program,
and a course of six hygiene lectures. staff, and scheduling. A board in
However organized work was at this control of athletics was created for
time somewhat curtailed because of both men and women. The Women's
the demands from military leaders Athletic Building was completed in
for the use of the gymnasiums as 1927 and Palmer Field was im-
temporary hospitals. Physical educa- proved. Classes in gymnastics were
tion classes were conducted in the dropped in favor of a sports and
Natural Science Building. rhythmic program. Both team and
Under the directorship of Miss individual sports found a place in
Marion Wood, who was in office from the curriculum and the requirements
1918 to 1923, intramural play and in- for women in physical education
terclass contests were stressed and which are used today were deter-

Year By Year
History Given
Of University
(Continued from Page 20)
tell, Charles I. Walker and Thomas
i~acItyre Cooley.
1863 - June 25- President Tap-
dismissed from Presidency of Univer-
sity because of antagonism of certain
members of the Board of Regents. Dr.
Erastus O. Haven, formerly Profes-
sor of Latin and English Literature,
appointed to Presidency on same day.
'First -Law Building built. Students
numbered 652. Baseball first played
in the University.
187 -Latin and scientific course
established, substituting modern lan~-
guages for Greek. Tax of one-twen-
tieth of a mill, yielding $16,000 an-
hually, granted by Legislature, pro-
vided a Professor of Homeopathy be
9,ppointed. Regents refused to make
the appointment.
1868 - Course in Pharmacy estab-
1869-Legislature granted Univer-
sity $15,500 for two years, as well as
accumulation resulting from the first
act, with the Homeopathic rider
abandoned. This was the first ap-
propriation received from the State,'
outside of the original $100,000. Fac-
ulty salaries increased to the $2,000f
originally provided for in 1857. Presi-
dent Haven resigned. Henry S. Frieze
appointed acting President. Legisla-
ture voted $75,000 for erection of
main section of University Hall.
1870 - January 5-- Regents estab-
lished co-education, through a reso-
lution that "no rule exists in any1
University statutes for the exclusionr
of any person from the Universityr
Who possesses the requisite literaryt
and moral qualifications." February
29- Madelon L. Stockwell of Kala-
mnazoo enrolled as first woman stu-E
dent in the University. Certificate
system of admission from high
schools established. First recordedt
game of football.
1871- June--James Burrill An-1
*ell inaugurated President of the
University. 1,110 students in the<
(Continued on Page 23),
Encyclop edia
Not Yet Ready
In spite of a "very satisfactory re-
*ponse" to recently issued requests
or articles there are still about 200
'ut of 500 items to be included in
the "University of Michigan Ency-
Olopedia" still outstanding, Wilfred
B. Shaw, director of the Bureau of
Alumni Relations and editor of the
Work said yesterday.
Because of the material not yet
submitted, Mr. Shaw estimated that
the "Encyclopedia" would not be
ready for publication before next fall,
perhaps not for six months or more.
"t is necessary that we have most of
the articles in hand before we begin
the real editorial work on the vol-
ume," he said, "especially since many
of the articles deal with different as-
pects of the same departments and
therefore overlap in treatment. For
this reason we are anxious to get the
remainder of the material in as
uickly as possible."

there was quite a bit of elective ac- minied. The Board, through Prof. R.
tivity. There were then four full W. Aigler and Coach Fielding Yost
time staff members in the depart- have sponsored, with interest and en-
ment. thutilasm the activities. It is through
In 1921 the Board of Regents this guidance and support that the

usual and wrote an essay on Concep-
tion. In the afternoon I read anc
studied some and then walked down
to the lower town and looked around a
little. Two "Temperance dramas" in
town tonight. One I understand is
very good.
October 13. Sunday. Attended the
Presbyterian church twice today. Pro-
fessor Ten Broek preached both times
and he delivered excellent sermons
both times. In the evening I was at
the Methodist (church) and was dis-
gusted with some of the most bom-
bastic and affected speaking that I
ever heard. The preacher was a
stranger and thought, no doubt, that
he was making a great impression.
October 17. Passed through the
same dull routine of studying, read-
ing and writing. At noon I went
down town, nothing going on. Theatre
in town yet-metamorphosed from a
temperance into a real low wander-
ing theatre of vagabonds. Politics all
the excitement now. M9eeting at the
coon pen tonight. Democracy tri-
October 27. Sabbath. Sunday has-
come again with all its endearing
recollections and holy thoughts.
I often think we do not appreciate
the Sabbath and its privileges as we
ought. I attended the Presbyterian'
church today. In the forenoon we
had a regular political sermon. It
was remarked by one of the students
that all it lacked of being a stump
speech were cheers. There is a cer-
tain girl at church who is generally
listless and inattentive and who -gen-
erally sits with her head turned from
the students. But this afternoon I
noticed she was all attention aid
that she was with her face turned to-
ward the preacher and consequently
toward the students with mouth, eyes
and ears all open, seemingly anxious
not to lose a word. This was odd.
But come to look, there was right in
range of the preacher -a student who
attended the Presbyterian church for
the first time today and who is a
general favorite among the ladies and
under plea of attending the preach-
er she was oggling him.
November 2. In the forenoon we
attended the Saturday exercises. Af-
ter that we met with. Herr Mentsing
who proposed to teach the German
language. About 4 dozen signed. He
is to teach us one hour in each day,
Saturdays excepted, at the rate of 3
dollars per term.
November 5. In the morning at 9
o'clock the students met and I was
appointed chairman. The object of
the meeting- was to make regulations
for studying the German language
with Herr Mentsing. We are by con-
sent of the professors to meet in one
of the recitation rooms at 9 o'clock
(Continued on Page 23)

to be in one place thus having a
homogeneous crowd. The capacity
crowd will be 2.000 and it is beli d 8

-. -. -.-VU ,V *" *1 -'--ve Gymnasium. Sufficient funds werej
that there will be between 1,500 and not forthcoming however.t
1,750 people attending.CteNxtMv
1's"*o1''""1".Cites Next Move f
Instead of long banquet tables, The next move in this directiont
group tables will be used, thus en- was made in 1894 when Keene Fitz-t
abling special groups to sit together. patrick, the assistant of Waterman1
It is believed that the Intramural Gymnasium, set aside morning hours.
Building will be turned into the lar- several days a week for classes forI
gest banquet hall Ann Arbor has ever women. Two hundred and fifty wom-l
known. en, half the number of those en-
"The dinner is being given by the rolled in the University availedsthem-
people of Ann Arbor for the purpose selves of this opportunity. Calisthen-
of expressing their appreciation of ics, simple running and throwing
all that the University has meant to games, and marching were done and
the community during the past event- all activities were carried on behind
ful century, all that it means today closed doors.
and all that it will mean during the In 1897 a women's building became
coming years," Mr. Stace said. a reality when Barbour Gymnasium
The Rev. Frederick Cowin, pastor was built and it served as a social
of the Church of Christ (Disciples), center for women as well. At this
will be the master of ceremonies, dur- time Dr. Eliza Mosher was appointed
ing the dinner. Historical skits will as Dean of Women, medical adviser
be given on the stage throughout the to women and instructor in hygiene
dinner. Play Production, the speech and Miss Alice Snyder was appointed
department, the University Band, instructor of physical education. A
and both the members of the Men's three-year course similar to that of-
and Women's Glee Clubs are coop- fered by Mr. Fitzpatrick was then in-
erating in the presentation of these troduced and the work was voluntary.
skits which will portray different This however was unsatisfactory and
momentous happenings in the his- in the next year the classes were
tory of Ann Arbor and the Univer- compulsory.
sity. When Miss Myra B. Jordan suc-
At the conclusion of the dinner, ceeded Dr. Mosher as Dean in 1902,
President Ruthven will preside and the office of Dean of Women andl
speeches will be given. Regent Ed- Professor of Hygiene were separated
mund C. Shields will speak on "The and Dr. Helen Brooks, director of
University and the State" and George Barbour Gymnasium, took over the
Burke, Ann Arbor attorney, will latter responsibility. At this time
speak on "One Hundred Years of additions were made in the curricu-
Town and Gown." lum.
In the summer of 1908 the League
1 eC XV(1 purchased a seven-acre tract of land
Cherry Trees Given which was known as"Sleepy
By Japanese Alumni low." This was effectively wooded
to give the privacy believed necessary
for suitable conduct of outdoor sports
University of Michigan alumni of for women and a year later an addi-
Japan recently presented 250 flower- tional gift of land from Senator
ing Japanese cherry trees to the Thomas W. Palmer of Detroit made



women's facilities have materialized.
The extra-curricular activities for
women reflect the changes which
have taken place in the required
progress. The intramural depart-
ment now spohsors all types of activi-
ties to pi'rmote wide participation.
The Wom4en's Athletic Association is
becoming more and more a coordin-
ating body, the strength of which
lies in the many interest clubs which
have developed through student
Frequent observations, discussions
with members of other college facul-
ties and available data from current
literature lead to the conclusion that
the physical education department
for womfen not only compares fa-
vorably with similar departments in
other universities and colleges, but
surpasses the great najority in ex-
cellence of program, staff, and fa-
For youn men and
m~en who stay young.
1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.

You will find PREKETES the spot to eat when
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Suiulay Diniers: Duck 60c, Half Chicken 65c
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University. The trees will either be
brought from Japan by Hanji Suma,
and presented to the University dur-
ing the June Celebration, or will be
purchased in the United; States, ac-
cording to Dr. Robert B. Hall of the
geography department.
Officials said the trees may be
planted near the University Hos-
pital. From a botanical standpoint
it is highly questionable whether they
will reach maturity in this climate if
the meagre experience in the past
with these trees is indicative of their
ability to live, Prof. Harley H. Bart-
lett, chairman of the botany depart-
ment, stated.
The trees which the Japanese gov-
ernment presented to' the United
States and which are planted along
the Potomac river in Washington,
D. C., have reached maturity and are
visited by thousands every spring.

Weekdays . 9 to 6 p.m.
Saturday 9 to 9:30 p.m.
DSNGEi ue-:
Dear Miss Summer Session Student:


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(I . --..-- ._._._v_.____._

May 14, 1937


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In a few short weeks, you'll be starting two months of school
in Ann Arbor. We won't tell you here just how much fun you're
going to have, for that'll be on other pages in this issue . . . What
we do beg leave to tell you is that we are ready, waiting and able
to serve you with all your clothing needs while in our pleasant
surroundings. We want you to know that you can depend on
Mayfair Quality, so do give us a chance to show you how we can
help . .
For every hour of the day and night; for every indoor and
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12 to 20 for only one dollar, and up), and blouses in many spring

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