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May 14, 1937 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-14

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FRIDAY, MAY 14. 1937

Will Be Given
During Session
Session Tours Will Cover
Points Of Interest Inland
And On Great Lakes
(Continued From Page 9)
followed by a second trip a week
later, as excursion five. Trip four
will be an inspection of the Cran-
brook Schools at Bloomfield Hills.J
Christ Church and the Carillon will
be visited. This trip will be made
by bus.
Niagara Falls and vicinity will be
visited in trip six, which will last two-
and one-half days. The excursion
will go by boat . this summer for
the first time. A member of the
department of geology will accom-
pany the group as lecturer. The tripI
will end on Monday morning, July 19.1

Menlo Park Laboratory will be made,
and a stop will be made at the Dear-
born Inn near-by. People who can-
not be accommodated on the trip the
first Wednesday may take the fol-
lowing week's excursion.
The General Motor's proving
grounds at Milford, northeast of Ann
Arbor, will be visited on Saturday,
July 24. Here a visit will also be
made to the Weather Station. This
will be made by bus.
A second boat trip will be taken in
the tenth excursion, to Put-in-Bay,
in the Ohio part of Lake Erie. After
a steamer ride of 125 miles, a visit
to several caves on the island, to Per-
ry's monument, and other points of
geologic and scenic interest will be
made. A member of the geology de-
partment will accompany the trip as
Last in the series will be a tour
of the Ann Arbor Daily News Build-
ing, where there will be an oppor-
tunity to see a modern newspaper
plant in operation. This is an af-
ternoon trip, and there will be no fee.

THEge MVsii GA DALY toHoMrAYS.o3ere

Center Of Many Men's



Of Double Stars Is Made Here


The FePyver Francais under the di-

On Wednesday, July 21, and on ,rection of Mlle. Deirdre McMullen,
July 28, excursions will leave for will hold its second season as a
Greenfield Village in Dearborn. Here house for women students, of French
a tour of the Village and of Edison's this summer.

The Michigan, Union, men's building on the campus, serves as the
headquarters for most men's activities. Here meetings of various organi-
za1kins, luncheons, and recreational activities are held. It also serves as
place of residence for alumni and campus visitors.

The Lamont-Hussey Observatory, shown above, situated in the city
of Bloomfonetin, Orange Free State, South Africa, is operated by the
University. Its equipment consists of an excellent 27-inch refractor
telescope, and it serves in the study of double stars in the southern.


New Institute
In Electronics
To Be Feature

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Mi*chi*gan Tradi*ti*on
for the cleaning of their PALM BEACH
mer aarments is exemplified in the

(Continued from Page 9)
laboratory coming also in the after-
noon. Eight week supplementary
courses will be held during the time
in the electrical engineering, mathe-
matics, and physics departments, as
part of the Institute program. En-
rollment in the courses may be done
through the Graduate School.
Among special outside lecturers
who will lead the Institute this sum-
mer will be: Dr. Saul Dushma.n and
Dr. Lewi Tonks, of the General Elec-
tric Research Company . laboratory,
Schenectady, N. Y.; Dr. Joseph Sle-
pian and Dr. R. C. Mason, of the
Westinghouse Research Laboratory,
East Pittsburgh, Pa.; Dr. f. E. Men-
denhall and Dr. F. B. Llewellyn of
the Bell Telephone Laboratories, New
York City; Dr. L. B. Loeb, of the Uni-
versity of California; Dr. B. L.
Thompson of the RCA Vacuum Tube
Laboratory and V. K. Zworykin of the
RCA Electric Research Laboratory,
Camden, N. J.
Prof. William G. Dow of the de-
partment of electrical engineering is
the director of the Institute.
Range Of Suhjecbts
GivenIn Lectures
(Continued From Page 9)
'Dictionaries" by Prof, Thomas A.
I Knott of the English department,
who was formerly general editor of
the recent Webster Dictionary, will
"Field Research in the Interior of
Brazil," will be the subject of the
lecture on the next Monday, by Prof.
W. G. Smillie of Harvard University,
who will be a member of the Summer
Session staff. This speech will be
followed by one on "Recent Biblical
Studies and Discoveries," by Prof.
Henry A. Sanders of the speech de-'
"Recent Advances in the Treat-
ment of Cancer by Means of Radia-
tion," given by Dr. Willis Peck of the
Health Service, will be next, on Mon-
day, June 26, and on Wednesday Prof.
Verner Crane of the history depart-
ment will speak on "Benjamin Frank-
lin." "Leoprosy in Modern Times,"
described by Dr. Malcolm H. Soule of
the Medical School will be given on
the next to the last Monday, and
Prof. Rene Talamon of the French
department will talk on "Paris" the
following Wednesday.
Carillon Course Is
To Be Taught Here
(Continued From Page 9)
24, open to both high-school students
and recent graduates, and to instrue-
tors and directors of music in sec-
ondary schools, will also be a feature
l of the 1937 Summer Session in the
School of Music. ,
Students will be housed and board-
ed under University auspices and both
educational and recreational activ-
ities will be under the supervision
and guidance of members of the fac-
Social And Public Work
Institute Is On Program
(Continued from Page 9)
here, is offering courses sponsored by
several departments of the Univer-
sity. These range from problems in
public administration, engineering
highway and public utility problems,
to courses in the economics and psy-
chology departments and School of
Education. One of the most impor-
tant courses, Professor Benson said,
will be the laboratory course in pub-

Authorities In Respective
Fields Form Important
Fart In Program
Many To Take Part
In Institute; Her
Speelal Foandations Send
Men Here For Original
Work And Research
Cmninued From Ptxg(,. 9)
dor Singers," an a Capella choir spe-
cializing in songs of the Tudor
Period, He has composed a large
number of songs, choruses and or-
gan works. At present lie is working
on an opera and a coronation march.
Other outstanding men who will be
here this summer include Dr. Frank-
lin Edgerton, of Yale University, who
is considered the most outstanding
contemporary Indologist, and Dr.
Wilson G. Smillie, Professor of Pub-
lic Health at Harvard University. Dr.
Smillie has been associated with the
Health Division of the Rockefeller
Institute and is at present Science
Director of its International Health "
Division. He was a member of the
Summer Session last year.
Visiting Professors .
Other visiting professors will be:
Dr. Bernard Bloch, of Brown Univer-
sity; Dr. Herman Browe, Supervis-
ing Director of the Detroit Elemen-
tary Schools; Gerald Bush, Belton;
Harold Bachman, of the University
of Chicago; Dr. Wallace Caldwell, of
the University of North Carolina; Dr.
William Carr, Washington, D.C.; An-
drew Casner, of the University of
Illinois; Yuen Chang of Nanking,
China, at present a member of the
University faculty; Evelyn Cohen,
New York; Dr. Dennis Cooke, Nash-
ville, Tenn.; Dr, Bessie Gambrili, of
Yale University; Rudolph G3elsness,
of the University of Arizona.
Dr. Frederick Hamil, of Carleton
College; Bryan Heise, Ypsilanti; Dr,
James Hillhouse, of the University
of Minesota; Dr. H. Clifton Hutchins,
Washington, D.C.; Albert Jacobs, of
Columbia University; Whitford Kane,
New York City; Joseph Kleefus, De-
troit; Dr. Hilmar Krueger, of the "
University of Wisconsin; Clifford
Lillya, Chicago; Katherine Manning,
New York City; Dr, Arthur Martin,
of Ohio State University; Eleanor
Meston, Ypsilanti; Gustavus Ohling-
er, Toledo, O.; Mary Parsons, Lec-
turer in Library Science; Jesse Or-
mondroys, Swarthmore, Pennsylva-
nia; Clyde Pettus, of Emory Univer-
sity, Georgia; Dr. Paul Rankin, De-
troit; Dr. George Rice, of the Univer-
sity of California; Dr. Leo Rockwell,
of Colgate University.
" Others On. Faculty
Ralph Rush, Cleveland Heights;
Agnes Samuelson, Des Moines, Iowa;
Charles Shaw, Swarthmore College;
Dr. Verner Sims, of the University
of Alabama; Theo Werle, Lansing;
Ralph Wilson, of the University of
Idaho, Southern Branch; Alexander
Wyckoff, New York City; Charles
Yard, Michigan Municipal League;
and Dr. Jacob Zeitlin, of the Univer-
sity of Illinois.
Cost Of hiving,
Is Low Du.ri>nor
Summer Here
Regular, Outside Expenses
Vary With Tastes, But
Fixed Fees Are Small
(Continued From Page 9)
Geology Camp, $45, and in the Geog-
raphy Camp, $35.

All of the fees apply, regardless of
the number of courses taken. Each
student is required to register in
the school or college in which he is
doing the major part of his work,
and if he elects work in another in
which the fee is higher, he will pay
the higher fee. Students may enroll
for the latter half of the Session for
a payment equal to 60 per cent of
the fee for the entire Session.
Activities Priviliges
Students who are enrolled for
,Iourses that continue for four weeks
or more are entitled through their
fees to privileges of the Michigan
Union or the Michigan League, to the
Health Service, and to subscription
to the Summer Daily.
The cost of living will alse be mod-
rate. Board ranges from $5.50 to
X7.50#a week. Room prices are from
$2.00 to $4.04 for single rooms and
from '$2.00 to $3.50 for double rooms
or suites for two persons.
Women who are not registered -in
the Graduate School are required to
live in residences approved by the
Office of the Dean of Women. Uni-
versity dormitories for women will be
open, and application for residence
in one of these halls should be made
Fn thn Tlnnn of WmmAn TALAL, of


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