SUMMER SESSION Ll r e Lwit 43UUgIqp til SECOND SECTION SUPPLEMENT fl VOL. XLVII No. 16Y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Record Summer Enrollment Is Expected New Institute In Electronics To Be Feature Westinghouse, RCA, Bell Telephone Aiind General Electric To Cooperate Lecture-Laboratory Work To Be Given An innovation of the 1937 Summer Session will be the Electronics Insti- tute, a special lecture and conference program in the study of electronics sponsored by the department of elec- trical engineering. The Electronics Institute is to con- sist of two successive but independent four-week lecture sequences with par- allel laboratory courses to go along with the lecture material. Supple- mentary courses will be offered in the lepartment of electrical engineering and the physics and mathematics de- partments, rounding out the pro- gram. CorporationsBack Project The Institute is being sponsored by the electrical engineering department through the cooperation of the Gen- eral Electric Company, the Westing- house Electrical Company, the Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Ra- dio Corporation of America. Mem- bers of the technical staffs of these companies will be sent to the session as special lecturers and research leaders. Within the University part of the program is being sponsored by the department of physics and the department ofbmathematics. The main objectives of the Insti- tute are to provide an opportunity for graduate students, teachers of electronics, and men engaged in elec- tronics work in industry, to broaden their concepts of fundamental prin- ciples of electronics. It is hoped that assoiatibni between men Who are e- gaged in research work in electronics in industrial laboratories, and teach- ers and students will contribute to higher understanding and to develop- ment of teaching methods. The work is to be of graduate level, with the courses carrying credit in the Grad- uate School. Two Lecture Series The specialized program of the In- stitute will consist of two successive lecture sequences of four weeks each. During each sequence there will be two formal lectures and a problem- laboratory course. The first se- quence, from June 28 to July 24, will' deal with high-vacuum electronic phenomena. Lectures will be held at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. four days a week, followed by two three-hour after- noon laboratory meetings for discus- sion of problems illustrating material presented in the lectures. Laboratory groups will be organized according to interests of the members. The second sequence will be on the general subject of gaseous-conduc- tion electronic phenomena. Lectures will follow those of the first series at the saie times, with a problem- (Continued on Page 10) Institute Work I11 Linguisties To Be Offered Classroom, Lectures And Luncheon Conferences Are On Programn For the second annual season the Linguistics Institute, held under the auspices of the Linguistics Society of America, will be offered this summer as a regular part of the University Summer Session. The Institute, to consist of class- work, lectures and luncheon crnfer- ences, is offered for the study of lan- guage and linguistics from a histor- ical and structural point-of-view, ac- cording to Prof. Charles C. Fries, di- rector of the Institute. Its aims pare toward the development of a scien- tific knowledge of linguistics in their function among tribes and peoples. It will also study the laws of language change and growth. Histories of vari- ous languages and studies of language structures and fundamental prin- ciples will be given. Help In Research- These courses will have their main Large Visiting Faculty List To Honor Session Here International L a w Institute Will Be Held Lectures And Seminars To Feature Annumd Summer Gathering Professors of International Law from all sections of the United States will attend the Institute of Interna- tional Law to be held here this sum- mer. The Institute, not an official part' of the Summer Session, is being of- fered the facilities of the University, and several members of the faculty are leading the work. Comprised of seminars and lectures, the Institute is primarily for organized work in International Law among men over the country who are interested in it. Lectures will be given on special sub- jects, and these will be followed up by general group discussions. The work is offered especially to men from smaller colleges and universities. Several outstanding international law authorities of the country will take part in leading the Institute. These include Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the University political science de- partment, George G. Wilson, recent- ly retired from Harvard, Prof. P. E. Corbett of the University of Toronto, George A. Fince, secretary of the Carnegie endowment for internation- al peace and managing editor of the American Journal of International Law, and James B. Scott, former United States solicitor-general. Special Studies In Far Eastern Cultuire Given Institute Feat ures Courses In Cinese, Russian And Japanese Languages An Institute of Far Eastern Studies, presenting a survey of languages and cultures of oriental countries, will hold its first session this year as part of the University summer school. Prof. Robert B. Hall of the Depart- ment of Geography, is director of the Institute. The work of the Institute will con- sist of general lecture and laboratory courses supplemented by outside lec- tures and conferences, Professor Hall states. Advanced courses leading to individual research and seminar work will be among those offered and out- standing authorities in Far Eastern Fields will be brought to Ann Arbor for the lectures. Forums will be held on alternate Wednesdays and ex- hibits will be sponsored throughout the session. Among special features of the In- stitute, Professor Hall says ae the Chinese, Japanese and Russian lan- guage schools. The Chinese School, sponsored by the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations, will be a full-time course offering in- troductory work in reading Chinese. The Japanese seminar will offer work in grammatical use of Japanese and one in speaking, reading and writing. The Russian school will give prepara- tory reading and speaking work. This will be the first time that the combination of Chinece and Japanese language concentration has ever been offered in this country, and one of the few times that either language has been taught by an American university. The Institute will offer a variety (Continued On Page 11) Ci'llHon Course Is To Be Taught Here The first course on the carillon ever taught ip America will be offered here this summer by the School of Music under the supervision of Prof. Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur. According to President Charles A. Sink of the music school, those stu- dents who show that they have ad- vanced far enough musically will be President's Message PRES. ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN * ., ,- Throughout the United States the Summer Session is now a rec- ognized and regular part of the yearly program in the majority of the larger and more important Uuniversities. The days are past when this session was merely a poor relation of the academic session and a period in which those who were unfortunate enough to fail in their courses during the academic session could reinstate themselves in the good graces of the faculty. Today at Michigan all the di- visions of the University are in session during the summer and offer not only the courses which make up the standard curriculum but many others which can be obtained only in the summer. To make possible these special pro- grams, group of distinguished visiting scholars will be present to aid~1ii tflh entt~rtion "iil to give special lectures. Besides the educational fea- tures of the Summer Session, one must not forget that nature, too, offers certain ddvantages which are not so generously bestowed between September and June Ann Arbor is ordinarily a pleas- ant place in which to live and work during the summer months, and it would not be right if our summer visitors should fail to avail themselves of the many op- porturjties for recreation which are presented by our combination of river, lakes,band playing fields. - ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN Lecture Series Will Be Given ByINoted Men Research Men, Specialists Are To Participate Ini Annual Session Feature A wide variety of subjects will be discussed this summer in the series of lectures being sponsored by the Sum- mer Session. The lectures are a regular part of an outside program of plays, social events, excursions, concerts and other activities sponsored by the Summer Session for its members during each session. Faculty men who are doing interesting research or who are well acquainted with certain branches of study will participate in the series. Four Lectures A Week Lectures will be given at 5 p.m. every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the Session. After the first week, Tuesday and Thursday lectures will be conducted by the Institute of Far Eastern Arts. The subjects for these lectures have not yet been announced. Professor-Emeritus William H. Hobbs of the geology department will give the first lecture of the series on Monday, June 28. His subject will be "Peary." Dr. Herman Reicker of the hospital staff will explain the "Meaning of Indigestion" the next day, and on Wednesday "The Present Situation in Spain" will be discussed by Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history department. An astronomical lecture by Prof. Heber D. Curtis of the as- tronomy department will end the first Authorities In Respective Fields Form Important Part In Program Many To Take Part In Institutes Here Special Foundations Send Men Here For Original Work And Research Visiting professors, many of whom are leaders in their fields of research, will form an important part of the faculty of the University during this year's Summer Session. The visiting faculty has been drawn from universities and schools all over the country. Some will come for the first time, others have taught here before, and some will continue work they have been doing here during the regular part of the year. Several are being sent through the cooper- ation of foundations and other agen- cies interested in work being done here, Dr. Edward Sapir Dr. Edward Sapir, Sterling Pro- fessor of Anthropology and Linguis- tics at Yale University, who will con- duct courses in comparative linguis- tics at the Summer Session, is a leader in the field of American In- dian languages. He is best known for his interests in American Indian linguistics and ethnology but has had wide experience in many branches of the social sciences. He has done his most outstanding field work among the Hupa, Navaho, Southern Piute Indians, and the Indians of the Northwest Pacific. Coast. Dr. Sapir received his training at Columbia University and was a member of the Ottawa Museum staff for several years. He also served in the faculty of the University of Chicago before going to Yale. He has been in Ann Arbor several times and in 1935 was lecturer at the General Assembly of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Literature.K / Dr. George Kennedy Dr. George Kennedy, lecturer in the Chinese Language and Literature at Yale, will be a member of the Lin- guistics Institute of the Summer Ses- sion. Born and raised in China, he has had long experience in speaking and reading Chinese and knows sev- eral dialects. After studying -here and in Germany, he was appointed Sinologist in the Yale Graduate School. The American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations is joining with the Linguistics Institute in bringing him to Michgan. Through his research in the Chinese lan- guage he has become the founder.of a new method of teaching Chinese in which students are given a grounding in the elements of the language through a specially prepared series of reading materials. He will be assist- ed by Chih-Pei Sha, Associate in Or- iental Languages at the University of California. Dr. Healey Willan, Lecturer and Examiner of Music and University Organist at the University of Toron- to, will be a member of the School of Music. Born in Dalham, I England, Dr. Willan received a di- ploma in music at 19 and at 23 was organist at St. John's, Kensington. In Toronto he organized the "Tu- (Continued on Page 10) Speech Course Includes Plays, And Broadcasts In addition to regular speech courses, facilities for broadcasting, theatre production, and laboratory work in linguistics will be included as part of the Summer Session program of the department of speech.L The Michigan Reportory Players, organized under the direction of the department, will give presentations in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre during the summer in which students interested in dramatics may take part. From eight to 10 plays will be produced, under the direction of Prof. Valentine B. Windt and guest direc- tor Whitford K a n e, well-known American actor who has been asso- ciated with several theatrical produc- tion organizations here and abroad. Physics Group Will Take Part In Symposium Outside Lecturers To Lead Work In Internationally Famous Gathering The fifteenth annual Symposium of Theoretical Physics, an internation- ally known part of the Summer Ses- sion, will be offered this summer as part of the program of the depart- ment of physics. The chief field of interest will be nuclear physics. The Symposium consists of lectures and seminars in the field of theoreti- cal physics, conducted by men univer- sally recognized as leaders in their re- spective fields. Lectures are given in independent series on different sub- jects, and range from periods of one week to the duration of the Session. Seminars are held twice weekly. Re- search with the University cyclotron and high-potential equipment will be possible. Men who will take part in this year's program include Enrico Fermi of the Royal University of Rome, O. E. Uhlenbeck of the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, James Franck, lobel Prize winner, of Johns Hopkins University, L. A. Thomas of Ohio State University, and F.N.D. Kurie of the University of California. Ar- rangements are being made to have the students and professors live to- gether in a fraternity house during the session. Laboratories and facilities for re-, search are offered in photographic and infrared spectoscopy, in the fields of x-rays, sound, vacuum tube work, ultra-short waves, and in nu- clear research. 11 Excursions Will Be Given During Session Session Tours Will Cover Points Of Interest Inland And On Great Lakes Excursions to places of interest in Michigan and on the Great Lakes will leave the campus each week thise summer in a series of 11 trips plan- ned by the Summer Session for itst students. Most of these excursions will be" on Wednesdays and Saturdays dur- ing the Session and will last only a day. Reservations for most of them should be made at the office of the Summer Session. Fees coveringf travel expenses will be charged for those out of town. A tour of the campus will come first, on July 1. This will comprise an inspection of the General Library, Clements Library, Cook Legal Re- search Library, and other buildings of the Law Quadrangle. The Union, Burton Tower, Aeronautical Labor- atory, Naval Tank and other points of interest will also be visited. Ex- planatory talks will be given by those in charge. A day spent in Detroit will follow, on July 3, in which the Detroit In- stitute of Arts, Detroit Public Li- brary, Belle Isle, Fisher Building and Radio Station WJR, and the zoo will be toured. The trip will be made by bus. A trip to the Ford Plant and in- spection of the Ford Industries at River Rouge will be the destination of trip three, on July 7. This trip will also beonmaue bynbus, and will be I (Continued on Page 10) Faculty Will Take Part In Summer Concerts Part of the outside program being offered this summer by the Summer Session for its members will be the weekly series of concerts given by the faculty of the School of Music. These concerts are held once every week in Hill Auditorium. There is no .ntranee fee. The nrogram has not Directs Session Wide Choice Of Curricula To Be Given Divisional Field Stations To Conduct New Courses In Specialized Study Summer Courses To Begin June 28 By ROBERT MITCHELL A steady trend toward increased at- tendance at each successive Univer- sity Summer Session will not be brok- en this summer, according to Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the ses- sion, as all signs point to a new rec- ford enrollment. A wider program will also feature this year's Session, he said, the 44th sponsored by the University. General correspondence in the of- fices of all of the University depart- ments, Professor Hopkins said, indi- cates that the Summer Session en- rollment this summer will be the larg- est ever to come to the University. The exact number cannot be predict-. ed, but letters have come from all sections of the country, and an espe- cially large increase in the Graduate School is apparent. Last year, 4,528 students attended the Session. The Session will open in all schools and colleges of the University except the Law School, on June 28 and will end for most of them on August 20. The Law School will open on June 21 for a five-week term lasting until July PROF. LOUIS A. HOPKINS Secretary Of Session PROF. LOUIS M. EICH Cost OfLiving Is Low During Summer Here I Fees, rooming and board expenses this summer will enable the student at the Summer Session to attend the University at a fairly reasonable cost. Outside expenses, trips to nearby lakes for swimming, to Detroit, and other points of interest, and regular expenditures here in Ann Arbor will all vary according to the tastes of the individual student. But fixed room rates and the University fees will not be so large they tax the student income. Session fees in the College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts, the College of Engineering, the College of Pharmacy, the College of Archi-: tecture, the School of Music, and the School of Business Administration will all be $35. Work in the Grad- uate School and in Public Health Nursing will be given for $35 also. In the Medical School both six and eight week courses will require tui- tions of $45, while in the Law School the ten weeks course will be $45, and the fee for the five week course will be $27. Regular fees in the School of Education will be $35, but students electing only four week work, with not more than four hours' credit- will pay only $21, and those enrolling in two week courses, $15. In the University field stations fees will for the most part be higher. Tui- tion in the Forestry Camp and the Biological Station will be $50, in Camp Davis for surveying, and the (Continued on Page 10) . Social, Public Work Institute Will Be Given, Professional training in social and public fields will be offered in the Summer Session this year through the Institute of Public and Social Ad- ministration, it has been announced by the offices of the Session. The Institute is part of the Grad-i uate School to provide a basic train- ing in social and public problems and administration. It coordinates the technical work of these fields, gives professional experience ' and provides facilities for research in them. It will consist this summer ofi fmn main dniiions. a curriculum in Calendar June 17-19. Registration, in the Law School. June 21. Work begins in the Law School. June 21-25. Session of the Alum- ni University. June 21. Work begins at Geology 'Camp. June 25, 26. Registration in all other Schools and Colleges. June 28. Work begins in all other Schools and Colleges, in the Division. of Hygiene and, Pub. lie Health, and at the Biologi- cal Station. July 26. Second term in the Law School begins. Aug. 6. Work closes in the Med- ical School (six-week courses), in the School of Education (six- week courses), and in the Di- vision of Hygiene and Public Health. Aug. 20. Session ends in the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, of Engineering, of Architecture, and of Pharmacy, in the Medical School (eight- week courses), School of Edu- cation (eight-week courses), School of Business Admini- stration, School of Music, and The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies; and at Camp Davis. Aug. 21. Session ends at Bilogi- cal Station. Sept. 1. Session ends in the Law School. Sept. 3. Session ends at camp of School of Forestry and Co'nser- vation. 26, when a second term of the same duration will open. Six week courses in the Medical School, the School of Education, and the Division of Hy- giene and Public Health will close August 6. The work at the forestry camp will last the longest, ending on Sept. 3. Registration will come on Friday and Saturday, June 25 and 26, and in the Graduate School will be on June 24. The Law School will hold registration on June 17, 18, and 19, as work here begins earlier than in the other departments of the Session. Students planning to do the summer work are asked by the Officers of the Session to notify Secretary Louis M. Eich in advance. Three Main Courses Courses which will be offered dur- ing the Session will be of three main types. There will be courses for un- dergraduate students regularly en- rolled in the University. These will supplement regular work and fulfill requirements for special curricula,. There willbe special or technical courses for teachers, librarians, engi- neers, and professional men in active practice, and there will be graduate courses leading to higher degrees. Be- cause men who are leaders in special 1inc o fxvnrkon h m.isrb, . ' i.ra