THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1937 4 Royal Family Acclaimed A f ter Elaborate Coronation Annual Tao Da Lansing Senators Pass EXPLOSION INJURES FIVE Y Basic Science Measure DETROIT, May 13.-(P)-An ex- .w plosion of escaping gas in a two- . i Ti o StarLANSING, May 13.-(,)-A basic family flat here Thursday injured science bill, subject of stormy con- four workmen and Joan McFawn, 5, A 7 4 Aib Hwho was eating breakfast near a win- * - : 3.z o troversy in both Houses of the Leg's- dow. She was burned on the face and ,lature, passed the Senate today with neck. The workmen escaped serious (Continued from Page l only one dissenting vote. It goes to injury. ~-~ ~-~Ethe House for concurrence in minor t rY theran, Presbyterian, Methodist and amendments, and then to the Gover- Disciples Guilds. nor. Large support has already been re- The measure requires all persons ceived from fraternities and soror- pacticing the healing art-osteo- ities, Barndt stated, with several paths, chiropractors and all practic- houses planning to make their con- ing physicians-to pass examinations tributions today. President Ruthven yesterday an- conducted by a central examining nounced support of the Tag Day in a body. Among the subjects in which formal statement. His message was they would have to show a grade of "The annual campaign on behalf of at least 75 are chemistry, anatomy the Fresh Air Camp maintained by and pathology. the students of the University of~~--- Michigan furnishes an opportunity to contribute to a project which has be- 2ome close to the hearts of the Uni- BE ER versity community. The good which BE R C has been accomplished by the camps through the many years of success- All PopulI ful operation is difficult to estimate. Those who contribute to the support FOR PROMPT DEL of the camp may be assured that they are taking part in an enter- prise of genuine social importance." Meats - Groceries Previous backing had already been indicated by the University. The campaign has been carried for the first time this year among bus- iness and professional men of Ann Arbor, in an effort to extend the 420 Miller Avenue drive to as many groups interested as possible. Especialy strong support OPEN 8 A.M. to has been received from campus bus- iness areas, Barndt said, although Scontributions are still being solicited and a statement of totals has not yet been prepared. Jewelry and Watch Repairing HALLER'S Jewelry State at Liberty WA 4 Read Daily Classified Ads ses or Kegs or Brands IVERY-Call 3205 - Mixers - Wines . - Associated Press Photo Still wearing the glittering crowns which were placed on their heads in England's most elaborate coron- ation, King George VI (right) and Queen Elizabeth (le ft) are shown with their children, Princess Elizabeth (standing next to her mother) and Princess Margaret Rose (standing before her father), and attendants, receiving the acclaim of thousands from the balcony at Buckingham Palace. This picture was radioed to America from London. ce Market Phon4 e 3205 11 P.M. DAILY ANNOUNCING- - C"AJL KI NS-FLETCHERAS IwA eIft Cik.I1I A of the Amalgamated Association of Anti-Italian Press Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, local CIO, affiliate, disclosed he had ap- Called 'Dangerous' pealed to the two officials for the "right to organize" wihout the threat of discharge. ROME, May 13.-UP)-Count Gale- He declared in letters sent the labor azzo Ciano, Italian foreign minister, ministers that "a number of men warned London today that a press have been theratened with discharge " campaign" against Italy is "gravely in the different steel mills herabouts , a because of their being suspected of 1 dangerous." being sympathetic towards member- He did not mention Great Britain ship in our association." by name. I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT i LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, ad-j joining lavatory, shower bath, con- PRIVATE home, near campus and tinuous hot water, garage. Students downtown. Small flat, double or business men. 422 E. Washing- room, two single rooms, suite of two ton. Cooking and laundry priv- rooms; each with entrance. Drum- ileges. Phone 8544, Mrs. R. L. Lewis. mond,, 327 E. William, Phone 521 2-2203. 485- TWO LARGE front rooms. Baths. ROOMS with board at 821 East Uni- Shower. Hot, soft water. Beautiful- versity. Theta Phi Alpha home. ly furnished. Reasonably priced. Tel. 4018. 510 Dial 4557. 522 FOUR SINGLE, one double rooms. SUITE and single room. One block Clean, well kept, cross ventilation. from campus. $2.50 and $3.00. Mrs. CleanHatshaway. 527 Thompson. 2-3738. Near Yost Field House. 712 Mc-~y23 Kinley. 2-2996. 511 523 SINGLE and double rooms for boys. SINGLE and double rooms for sum- Also suite. Board if desired. 714 mer. Breakfasts and dinners served. Church. Phone 7530. 524 Mrs Higley, 1001 Forest. 512 Churh. Pone7530_52 ----THREE lovely, well furnished single APPROVED by University: Single rooms. Shower bath. Hot and cold rooms and suites. Garages avail- water all the time. 1120 Olivia Ave- able. Mrs. Brown, 436 S. Division, nue. Phone 7796. 509 phone 2-3586. 513 - - --- - -- - SINGLE or double room. Private FIVE ROOMS to rent at 518 Monroe, family. 1301 Forest. 527 close to campus. Three rooms as doubles, per semester, $15.00 per BOARD and room. Lohmiller, 917 person, as singles, $22.00. Two South State. Two blocks from cam- rooms as doubles $10.00 per person, pus. Price is reasonable. Phone as singles $15.00. Husband and wife 6766. 528 acceptable. 514 FURNISHED seven rooms and bath, 727 E. UNIVERSITY-Just opposite near campus. $50 a month. Season the University's Elementary School or Summer School. Phone 8472. 529 --Desirable rooms with board for __ men. Reasonable price. Phone 7472. FURNISHED room for summer. 1033 515 E. University Avenue. 530 ROOMS for girls. Well-ventilated and KX-ROOM house. Comfortably fur- clean shower and bath. Two min- nished. Excellent location. Summer utes walk from campus. 621 School only. Phone 8842. 531 Church. Phone 7037. 516 THREE-MINUTE WALK from Angell 523 PACKARD. For men, single Hall. Suites for men. Good beds, rooms, cool and comfortable. $3 and reasonable. 413 Thompson Street. $3.50. Doubles at $2.50. Hot show- 532 ers. 517 ers.__ _ _ 7 ONE double room and three single SINGLE and double rooms for girls, rooms for summer school students. large yard, garage, trees, near cam- All modern conveniences. Reason- pus. Curtis, 1511 Washtenaw Ave- able. Phone 5088. 816 Packard. nue. Tel. 3851. 518 534 4 and 5 Room furnished apartments ROOMS, neat, quiet. One-half block at 209 N. Ingalls Street for summer from campus. Reasonable. Mrs. or school year. Good beds. Studio Gates. 715 Oakland. Phone 3138. couches. Laundry. Call 3403. 519 535 SUMMER SESSION students: One APARTMENT, nicely furnished. 3 single room, one two-room suite. rooms and private bath. Utilities, Clean, well-ventilated, priced rea- except gas furnished. Two short sonably. 706 S. Division. Phone( blocks from center of campus. N. B. 6812. 520 Hughes, 502 E. Jefferson. 536 Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads. LAST TIMES TODAY- GLENDA FARRELL "HERE COMES CARTER" EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS WJR-750 Kilocycles P.M. 6 :00-Stevenson Sports. 6:15-News and Sports. 6:30-Rick Roberts' Orch. 6:45-Lane Prescott's Ensemble. 7:00-Richard Himber's Coffee Club. 7:30-Cesare Sodero Directs. 8 :00-Raymond Gram Swing. 8:15-Rick Roberts' Orch. 8:30-Wallenstein's "Sinfonietta." 9:00--Paul Whiteman's Orch. 9:30-Mario Morelli's Ensemble. 10:00-Henry King's Orch. 10:15-Kay Kyser's Orch. 10 :30-Freddy Martin's Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15-Carl Hoff's Orch. 11:30-Paul Whiteman's Orch. Midnight-Lee Shelley's Orch. 12:30-Joe Sanders' Orch. 1:00-weather Forecast. CKLW-1030 Kilocycles P.M. 6 :00-String Ensemble. 6:15-Will eMorris and Edward Nel, Jr. 6:30-The Allen Family. 6 :45-Boake Carter. 7:00-Broadway Varieties. 7:30-Hal Kemp's Orch. 8:00-Hollywood Hotel. 9:00-San Francisco Symphony Orch. 9:30-Babe Ruth. 9:45-Vocal Varieties. 10:00=-Mortimer Gooch. 10:00-Musical. 10:30-The Great Plague. 10:45-Shep Field's Orch. 11:00-Headline News. 11:15-This Week in Review. 11:45-Benny Goodman's Orch. Midnight-Marvin Frederic's Orch. 12:30--To Be Announced. WWJ-920 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-Tyson's Sports Review. 6:10-DinnersMusic. 6 :30-Bradeast. 6:40-Odd Facts. 6:45-Sports Review. 7:00-Cities Service Hour. 8 :00-Waltz Time. 8:30-True Story Hour. I9:00-First Nighter. 9:30-Pontiac Varsity Show. 10:00-Amos n" Andy. 10:15-Musical Moments. 10:30-Detroit News Radio Extra, 11 :00=iWebster Hall Orch. 11:30-Dance Music. Midnight-Northwood Inn Orch. 1230Weather. nOrh WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-It Happens Every Day. 6:05-To Be Announced. 6:15-Ford Bond. 6:30-Harry Heilmaun. 6:45-The Factfinder. 7:00-Irene Rich. 7:15-Singin' Sam. 7:30-Death Valley Days. 8:00-All-Negro Revue. 8:30-Coronet on the Air. 9:00-Jack Pearl. 9:30-Whitney Ensemble. 9:45-Elza Schallert Reviews. 10:00-Chicago Symphonic Hour. 11:00-Lowry Clark Orch. 12:30-Arthur Ravel Orch. Midnight-Morrey Brennan Orch. May Festival Tops Those In Europe (Continued from Page 11 ----~~--~-~---- tour of the country, Mr. Ormandy willj go next to Toledo, he said, and froi there to Toronto. "I am called the Flying Conductor," the little man ex- plained, 'not because I go up and down but because I go back and forth across the country." He is now on his way to New York City after a trip to San Francisco, he pointed out. 'The story of my life reads like a' dime novel," the famous conductor said, "My father was a great music lover but could not afford to have the education himself so decided tol have his son become the world'sI greatest violinist. I became a good 1 violinist," Mr. Ormandy continued, "but not the greatest." A college man, Mr. Ormandy at- tended the University of Budapest. University life over there, Mr. Or- mandy said, does not differ to a great degree from American college life. The freshmen have their games, he said, and fraternity initiations are similar to American ones. TYPEWRITERS /~ WEK-tf~) WEC AL uFdRaESH 1 I U V1 E I NE o # 4 r Drug Co. 818 SOUTH STATE 324 SOUTH STATE I G. MIJUTIC 1 b' 0wj I U IW William Shakespeare's U I I 11