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May 14, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-14

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The Weather
Generally fair and cool today
with moderate northeast winds.


Lt ig tan


And 'The Nation,..



3 Known Dead
In Disabling of
British Vessel
International Patrol Vesse
Meets Disaster Off South
Spaish Coast
4 Others Missing,
Score Are Injured
VALENCIA, Spain, May 13.-')-
Three sailors were known dead, four
were missing and more than a score
injured aboard the British destroyer
Hunter today off the south Spanish
coast when, Spanish sources said, the
vessel either struck a mine or was
The vessel, a unit of the interna-
tional sea patrol around Spain, was
disabled by an explosion at 3:15 p.m.
(10:15 a.m. E.S.T.) as she cruised be-
tween four and five miles off the
Mediterranean portof Almeria.
Official Statement
The Ministry of Marine in an of-
ficial statement announcing the
launching of an investigation tomor-
row gave no cause for the disaster,
but Febus, official Spanish govern-
ment news agency, asserted:
"Two versions circulate in Almeria.
"The less authorized is that the
vessel struck a mine while patrolling
the coast.
"The most consistent accounts say
the disaster was caused by a torpedo
launched by a German submarine."
Supporting the latter theory, the
agency said, was the fact the Hunt-
er's bow showed gaping holes-on both
port and starboard, indicating a mis-
sile passed through the vessel.
German-Built Submarine
(It was -presumed the "German
submarine" meant a .German-built
submarine in the hands of Spanish
(A report reaching Lisbon from
Salamanca, Spanish Insurgent head-
quarters, said the British destroyer
struck a mine while the British Ad-
miralty in London said it did not
know exactly what occurred)
The Hunter was on patrol duty for
the European "hands-off Spain"
committee, supervising the ban on
the flow of arms and foreign vol-
unteers to the Spanish civil war.
lit By Torpedo
Officials gave no further details but
some witnesses were reported as say-
ing they were certain the vessel en-
countered a submarine torpedo rather
than a mine.
(The Hunter had a complement of
145 men.
(The British destroyer Hardy
steamed from Gibraltar, 160 miles
from Almeria, for the scene.
(Almeria is the nearest port to
Gibraltar held by the Spanish gov-
ernment. Spanish insurgents hold
the coast from Gibraltar through Ma-
laga to a point roughly halfway be-
tween Malaga and Almeria).
F.D.R. Returns,
faces 'Revolts'
Within Ranks
President Ends Sojourn
Withl 'No-Colnproiise'
Attitude Oil Issues
President Roosevelt, returning to-
morrow from an 18-day Gulf fishing
trip, must decide what to do about
two "revolts" in Congress.
Senate and House leaders, called to

a White House conference tomorrow
afternoon, said they expected to learn
whether Mr. Roosevelt will accept a
compromise on his court revamping
bill, which has aroused strong oppo-
Other legislators expressed eager
concern as to how the Executive may
takef the House vote against his pro-
posal to make permanent the Civilian
Conservation Corps.
Well-informed persons said some
administration leaders may ask the
President to accept a court compro-
mise. They are prepared, it was un-
derstood, to tell the President that his
bill for six new Supreme Court jus-
tices faced a disruptive and possibly
even a losing battle-but that a
compromise could be enacted with
comparative ease.
13.-(IP)-Assuming an apparent no-
compromise attitude, P r e s i d e n t
Roosevelt told a press conference on
board his train today that the broad
objectives of his first administration
remained the aims of his second.

Ormandy Believes May Festival
Is Superior To Any In Europe

Great Artists Have Been
Driven From Continent
By Rulers, He Says
The present May Festival, with its
abundance of star performers, would
never be possible in a European coun-
try, Eugene Ormandy, conductor of
the Philadelphia Symphony Orches-
tra, said in an interview yesterday.
American audiences are sophisti-
cated in their tastes and critical in
their judgment, Mr. Ormandy main-
tained, adding that these character-
istics are due to the wealth of ma-
terial they may draw from and the
number of offerings from which they
may choose.
In Europe today, he explained, if
they had, for a festival, just one of
the musicians now in Ann Arbor,
they would be extremely grateful.
The great artists have either left or
been driven out of Europe by men in
power, Mr. Ormandy said, and have
come to the United States.
Conductor of the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra until last year, Mr.
Ormandy gives credit for his suc-
cess to the misfortunes of others. In
1931, when Arturo Toscanini, direc-
tor of the New York Philharmonic Or-
chestra, had trouble with his arm, Mr.
Ormandy, who was concert master at
that time, substituted for the famous
Later in that same year, Verbrugg-
hen, conductor of the Minenapolis
Choral Union,
Melchior Heard
In 2nd Concert
Fogg's 'Seasons' Presented
In American Premiere
By Student Chorus
Lauritz Melchior; Wagnerian tenor,
the Philadelphia Orchestra under the
direction of Eugene Ormandy and
Prof. Earl V. Moore of the music
school; and the University Choral
Union combined their efforts'before
an audience of 5,000 at hill'Audi-
torium last night in the presentation
of the second concert of the May Fes-
Plaudits from the audience at the
end of his interpretation of two arias
from "Die Meistersinger" and "Sieg-
fried" brought Mr. Melchior back for
an encore in which he sang a third
Wagner piece "Sigmund's Love Song"
from "Die Walkure."
The Choral Union under the direc-
tion of Professor Moore sang the
American premiere of "The Seasons"
by Fogg.
Conducted by Mr. Ormandy, the
orchestra started the concert with
an interpretation of Beethoven's
Overture, Lenore, No. 3.
Mr. Melchior combined with the
Lyra Male Choir, the University Glee
Club and the Choral Union in the
presentation of scenes from "Parsi-
fal" by Wagner.
At 2:30 p.m. today the Young
Peoples' Festival Chorus and Eugene
List, 18-year old pianist will perform.
The orchestra will be conducted by
Mr. Ormandy and Roxy Cowin. At
8:30 p.m. today Ezio Pinza, bass and
Elizabeth Rethberg, soprano, both of
the Metropolitan Opera will aid in
the presentation or a "miscellaneous
artist program"
ichigran Students[
Viewed As Plotters

Symphony Orchestra, became ill and
again Mr. Ormandy stepped into the
director's box. his "musical com-
edy" theme was repeated in 1933 in
the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
and last year, in Austria, when Bruno
Walter, famous German conductor,
was taken ill Mr. Ormandy took his
place with the Vienna Symphony
While in Austria, Mr. Ormandy
said, he presided at the Linz Festival
with the Vienna Sympony Orches-
tra. "I am going back over there
this summer in July," he added, "to
again conduct the orchestra."
Mr. Ormandy described his stay in
Austria and said, "We climbed the
highest peaks-by auto, not by foot."
Mrs. Ormandy, who was having
breakfast with her husband during
the interview, smiled and said, "I was.
wondering if you would be honest
about that."
Now on a three and one-half weeks',
(Continued on Page 2
Indiana Whips
Varsity Nine
In 10-3 Game
Hoosiers Shell Burt Smith
From Mound; Loss Is
Third Straight
BLOOMINGTON Ind., May 13.-
(Special to The Daily)--The Wolver-
ines sustained their third straight
Conference loss here today as the In-
diana nine collected a total of 12
hits to win 10-3.
The Hoosiers shelled- Burt Smith
off the mound in the fourth after
scoring four runs in the first inning,
and three in the third. The burly
right-hander was given mediocre
support, which together with several
damaging hits gave the Indiana nine
a commanding lead.
Long John Gee, who relieved Smith,
nianaged to put a damper on the Hoo-
sier attack, allowing only three hits
over the rest of the route and striking
out five.
The Wolverines enjoyed a brief lead
by picking up a run in the first. Walt
Peckinpaugh reached first on an er-
ror, was advanced to second on Lisa-
gor's sacrifice and scored a moment
later when Leo Beebe lined a sharp
single to left.
Then the Hoosiers began their run
manufacturing. After Smith u aiffed
Thompson, Gwin got a life on Smick's
error. Grieger drew a pass, and
both men lingered around while Hob-
son bounced out to the pitcher. Then
Clark and Andres blasted successive
triples, folowed by Hosler's single to
account forfour runs.
In the second, Michigan counted
only one run, although the bases were
loaded with none out. Merle Kremer
opened the frame by walking, beat a
fielder's choice on Dan Smick's tap
(Continued on Page 7)
Au to Bri Violitions
Brin. Y Arrest Of .13
Thirteen students were arrested
and subjected to varying penalties for
violation of the automobile regulation
during the week-end of May 7-9 and
the preceding few clays, according to
an announcement of the office of the
dean of students.
Six of the offending students were
placed on probation, six were given
extra hours of academic work and a
degree was withheld from one until
Assistant Dean Walter B. Rea is-
sued a warning to students against
driving in contravention of the auto
ban in the future.

500 Students
Attend MIPA
Session Here
Brumnm Greets Journalists
From 50 State Schools
In Annual Assembly
Maurer To Head
More than 500 high school students
and 40 advisers representing 50
schools throughout the state attend-
ed the first general assembly and re-
ception of the Michigan Interscho-
lastic Press Association last night at
the Union.
Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of
the department of journalism, gave
the address of welcome to the group.
Miss Thelma McAndless ofRoosevelt
High School, Ypsilanti, presided and
Miss Helen Ryder, adviser of the-
University high school's broadcasting
publication, and Mr. Arthur W.
Wright, adviser of the Ann Arbor
High School's Optimist, received the
Inspect Daily
Following the reception, the group
made a tour of inspection through
The Michigan Daily offices and plant.
This convention, sponsored annual-
ly by the journalism department of
the University, is the meca of repre-
sentatives of newspapers, magazines
and year books of Michigan secondary
schools at which the problems of the
publications are discussed in general
assemblies, addresses and round-table
discussion groups.
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the
journalism department will preside
at a general assembly at 9 a.m .today.
Arthur Player, executive secretary of
the post syndicate, will speak on
"The Winter's Conscience."
6 Round Totals
There will be six round-tables each
hour at 10 a.m. at 11:05 a.m., at
2:30 p.m. and at 3:35 p.m. An ad-
viser's luncheon will be held at 12:15
a.m. in the Union. A general as-
sembly, with Prof. Donal Hamilton
Haines of the journalism department
presiding, will be addressed by Prof.
Thomas A. Knott, editor of the Middle
English Dictionary, on "Incorrectable
Tomorrow, there will be six round-
tables at 10:30 a.m. and a general
assembly at 9:30 aml., presided over
by Professor Maurer.
City Tax Rate
Will Increase
By I11 Per Cent
An 11 per cent increase in Ann
Arbor's tax rate, equal to $1.13 per
thousand assessed valuation, was an-
nounced yesterday by Ald. Glenn Alt,
chairman of the city council budget
His figures based on the final draft
of the 1937-38 city budget expendi-
tures and tax levy which were re-
viewed by the city council Wednes-
day night, will be submitted to the
council for formal action Monday.
The tax rate will be $11.39 per
thousand valuation. Last year the
rate was $10.26.
This year's tax levy is $422,994.13,
an increase of $42,000 or approxi-
mately 11 per cent over last year's
levy. The city budget is $524,609.28,
an increase of about $13,000 over last
year's budget.
The difference between the increase

in the tax levy and the increase in
the budget, Alderman Alt stated, is
due to a reduction in the amount of
anticipated income.

Eggleto n Gets
Russel Award
For 1936-37
Winner Is Announced At
Lecture Delivered By Dr.
Prize Recipient Is
Worker In Zoology
Dr. Frank E. Eggleton, assistant
professor of zoology, was named win-
ner of the Henry Russel Award for
1936-37, President Alexander G.
Ruthven announced yesterday prior
to the Henry Russel lecture which was
delivered by Dr. Charles W. Edmunds,
chairman of the department of ma-
teria medica and therapeutics of the
medical school.
Dr. Eggleton was graduated from
Hillsdale College in 1922 and received
the master of arts degree from Mich-
igan in 1923. He was instructor of
zoology at Syracuse University from
1923 to 1926, and returned to Mich-
igan in that year. At the University
biological station he was assistant
limnologist in 1926, and became a
member of the staff in 1931. Dr. Eg-
gleton received the3degree of doctor
of philosophy in 1930.
Eggleton's Publications
Some of Dr. Eggleton's publications
on the fauna of northern Michigan
lakes are "A Limnological Study of
the Profundal Bottom of Certain
Fresh Water Lakes"; "The Deep
Water Bottom Fauna of Lake Mich-
igan; a Comparative Study of the
Benthic Fauna of Four Northern
Michigan Lakes"; and "Limnetic Dis-
tribution and Migration of Corethra
Larvae in Two Michigan Lakes."
President Ruthven praised Dr. Eg-
gleton's work and said that his stu-
dents know him as "an unusually fine
teacher, laboratory instructor and
The Russel Award of $250 is given
to an assistant professor or instruc-
tor whose work in research and scho-
larly activities seems to merit this
honor. It is made possible by a be-
quest of Henry Russel, '73 of Detroit
who left $10,000 to the University
upon his death. His will stipulated
that the income from the bequest
should be used to provide additional
compensation to members of the in-
structing staff. Prof. Lawrence Preuss
of the political science department
was the winner of the Award last
Introduced By Worrell
Dr. Edmunds, who spoke on "Ex-
perimental Studies on Diphtheria
Toxin," was introduced by Prof. Wil-
liam H. Worrell of the Oriental lan-
guages department and president of
the University Council of Research
Clubs. The recipient of the Henry
Russel Award is chosen by the Re-
search Clubs.
Dr. Edmunds traced the develop-
nients in the field of pharmacology
and said, "No one would think of giv-
ing a drug today without first hav-
ing seen its effect on animals." He
explained that diphtheria toxin can
be injected into animals, and that
the pathological changes can then be
Midwest Hostel
Grou~p To Visit
Saline Farms
The Saline Valley Farms, which
were established as the second youth
hostel in Michigan yesterday were
chosen as the first excursion of Amer-

ican Youth Hostel in the midwest by
a group of Michigan Youth Hostelers
at their meeting held at Lane Hall
last night.
The hostelers will leave Ann Arbor
at 5 p.m. today and bicycle to the
farm hostel which is located just
'nith of Saline. They will stay there
Friday and Saturday nights setting it
-,rder for the summer season and
will return Sunday afternoon. Charles
McLean, Grad., will be in charge of
the group.
The house parents at the farm will
be Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hogan, Uni-
versity alumni. Food for the group
will be purchased at the farm store
there and prepared by the members.
This will be the first of a series of
trips to be made by the group. Trips
to Michigan hostels will be made dur-
ing the rest of the school year. The
group expects from ten to 12 other
.new hostels to be ready for use within
the next month.
M.P.U.C. Receives New
Lake Michigan Scheme
LANSING, May 13.-- (A) - The

Approves Suspension

Annual Tag Day
Drive To Start
At 7:45 A.M.
$2000 Total From City,
Students Goal Of Fresh'
Air Camp. Workers1
Fresh Air Camp men and volun-
teers will take over the campus and
the city today in the annual Tag Day
drive for funds to support the Pat-
terson Lake camp for less-privileged
boys of Ann Arbor and Detroit.
A total of $2,000 from the combined
student and city drives is the goal of
the Tag Day. Men will be stationed
A list of those who will distri-
bute tags today and their as-
signed positions will be found on
page 3 of this issue.
across the campus and on important
corners of downtown Ann Arbor. So-
liciting will last from 7:45 a.m. to
3 p.m.
Over 150 volunteer workers who
answered the call of chairman Wil-
liam Barndt, '37, this week will cover
the campus. Members of the Fresh
Air Camp staff will take over posts
in the city, and will be assisted at
several points by boys from Ann Ar-
bor who have spent summers at the
camp. .
Campus organizations are helping
in much of the campaign, as well
as giving financial support. Societies
contributing, $arndt announced yes-
terday, include Wyvern, Mortarboard,
Sphinx, Michigamua, Michigan In-
dependents, Cooperative House, Stu-
dent Christian Association, the Un-
ion, The Daily, and the Baptist, Lu-
(Continued on Page 2)
Merrill Plane
Seen Speeding
Toward U.S.
SOUTHPORT, Eng., May 13.-(/P)
-Henry T. "Dick" Merrill and John
"Jack" Lambie sped toward the Unit-
ed States tonight in their silver, twin-
engined monoplane, hoping to com-
plete their trans-Atlantic roundtrip
in New York early tomorrow after-
While 10,000 persons cheered on
the Southport sands, the plane roared
along the beach, climbed into the
air at .9:13 p.m. (3:13 p.m., E.S.T.)
and disappeared over the Irish Sea.
At 10:40 p.m. (4:40 p.m., E.S.T.) it
passed high over Ballinasloe, in west-
ern Ireland, moving rapidly.
"We're likely to encounter head
winds all the way," he said before
the takeoff. "It probably will take us
21 hours or so to get to New York.
"We've put a full load of 1,300 gal-
lons of gasoline into the machine."
14 N w Members
Taken By Vulcans
Vulcans, senior engineer's honorary
society, took 14 men into member-
ship at a banquet Wednesday night.
The initiates are: Don Alexander,
Carl Clement, David Eisendrath, Carl
Gerstacker, Al Karpinski, Neil Leven-
son, George Marzonie, Fletcher Platt,
Fred Smith, Goff Smith,'Sid Stein-
born, Dick Wangelin, Bob Young
and Jack Young.
New officers were also elected.
They are: Carl Clement, president;
Goff Smith, vice-president; Dick
Wangelin, treasurer; Dave - Eisen-

drath, secretary and Carl Gerstacker,
Engineering Council representative.

2 Patrolmen
Are Suspended
For Brutality
During Arrest
Sadler Pledges Assistance
To Prevent Reurrence
Of Police Acts
Suma, Enkemann
Fined After Probe
Patrolmen Herman Suma and
Casper Enkemann were suspended
yesterday from the police force for
four days without pay for "unneces-
sary brutality" during the arrest of
Fred Chase, University custodian, on
May 1 for drunk and disorderly con-
Punishment of the two climaxed an
investigation which began last Mon-
day at the instigation of citizens who
witnessed the arrest. Each of the of-
ficers will lose $20 in pay as a result
of his suspension.
Chase was in the hospital for four
days and missed more than a week of
work as a result of his treatment at
the hands of the officers.
Sadler To Be Responsible
Mayor Walter C. Sadler said last
night that he would be personally
responsible for the elimination of
such police actions in the future.
Mayor Sadler's statement read:
"The Police Commission has made a
very thorough investigation of the
entire incident leading up to the ar-
rest of Mr. Chase at State St. and N.
University Ave. on Saturday noon,
May 1. While sonme of the evidence
was contradictory still the Poliee
Commission is convinced that the ar-
rest was made with unnecessary force
and have disciplined the two officers
Police Deplore Action
"The police department and offic-
ers as a whole certainly deplore such
situations which bring discredit upon
their organization. The present one
is particularly unfortunate and I am
personally certain that the fine per-
sonnel of the Ann Arbor police will
see that a similar abuse of authority
does not occur in the future," Mayor
Sadler said.
In its report to the mayor the Po-
lice Commission pointed out that no
witnesses could be found who had ac-
tually seen the first blow struck by
Patrolman Suma and that the testi-
mony of other witnesses was of a con-
tradictory nature.
Mayor's Report
The report which the mayor re-
ceived this morning from the secre-
tary of the Police Commission read
in part as follows:
"While no eye witnesses can be
found or have volunteered to come
before the Commission with definite
testimony or information pertaining
to the alleged assault, it is the judg-
ment of the Commission that undue
tactics and force were used at the
time of the arrest and therefore have
ordered that the two officers impli-
cated in the alleged assault be disci-
plined by being suspended for four
days without pay."
r o
Itle Argument
May Keep Duke
From England

Former King Edward Asks
That Wally Be Called
'Her RoyalHighness'
LONDON, May 13.--(/P)-Former
King Edward's demand that Wallis
Warfield become "Her Royal High-
ness" when she marries him was said
tonight to have caused a dispute
with the government that may en-
danger his hope of returning some
day to England.
The government was willing that
Mrs. Warfield be known as the Duch-
ess of Windsor. But it drew the line
at the three little words which would
rank her with the Duchess of Kent
and the Duchess of Gloucester, wives
of King George's younger brothers.
There were reports also that some
members of the royal family opposed
the designation. Edward was said
to be insistent on coupling the title
to "Her Royal Highness, the Duchess
of Windsor."
Tomorrow the Prime Ministers and
representatives of the dominions will
meet in the first Imperial Conference



University of Michigan students
congregating in restaurants and
plotting the overthrow of the govern-
ment was the picture painted yester--
day by the Rev. Fr. Joseph A. Luther,
dean of men at the University of
Detroit, in justifying a recent ruling
prohibiting frequenting of restau-
Father Luther, according to yester-
day's Detroit News, ruled on Wednes-
day that, "Mixed groups who leave
the campus during class hours in cars
or frequent adjoining restaurants will
be subject to disciplinary action."
Some Detroit students complained
on thegrounds that there are no
study halls and that the practice
of studying in empty classrooms is
discouraged, and that the only place
to go is to a restaurant.
The News reported that one woman
student said that Miss Constance T.
Maier, dean of women, has been
calling women students into her of-
fice to reprimand them for "going
with" men on. the campus.
Father Luther, when asked to ex-
plain the ruling, is quoted in the



Worker Declares Ford Employes
Arc Determined To Form Union

Ford workers are determined to tion'-it's terrific.

They want youI

organize in their own union despite
the promises of Henry Ford that he
will raise wages and make unions im-
possible, a Ford employe maintained
"What guarantee will unorganized
workers have that the Ford manage-
ment will not slash wages and make
conditions worse? The auto worker
who wished to remain anonymous,
"We in Ford know better than to
listen to the fake promises we have
been getting for more than two


to go faster each day. The foremen
urge you to take a salt pill in a glass
of water so that you will not lose too
much by the heavy sweating. Yes-
terday my shirt front actually had a
caking of salt.
"I get so little time out that my
bowels don't even work properly.
There is no system of relief men so
you can get a few minutes off," he
"I see that in The Michigan Daily
one of your reporters spoke to other
auto workers who claim that they

years," he declared as he pointed out were being coerced into, joining the
that each time men were making union," he observed. "It's been my#
known their discontent with wages experience that non-union men refuse

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