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May 13, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-13

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Y 13, 1937

T housands Crowd Street Cars In London Bus Strike

Tennessee Makes
'Sit-Downs' Illegal
NASHVILLE, Ten., May 12.-(P)-
The Tennessee legislature passed a
bill today to outlaw "sit-down strikes,"
and sent it to Governor Gordon
The measure provides that when a
person quits his employment, whether
voluntarily or by discharge, he "shall
within a reasonable time thereafter
withdraw from the premises of the

This picture gives some idea of the transportation problem facibg London since 26,000 bus drivers went
on strike just as pre-coronation festivities were at their height. Taken at Aldgate, picture shows crowds,
milling and pushing, in vain effort to board an already crowded street car during the midday homeward

(Continued trom Page 4)
Coning Events
A.S.M.E. Members: All members
planning to make the trip into De-
troit on Thursday afternoon, May 20,
should sign the list on the bulletin
board near the Mechanical Engin-
eering office before Friday, May 14.
Membership cards for new mem-
bers are available in Room 221 and
will be needed on the Detroit trip.
Mechanical Engineering magazines
for March, April and May are also in.
Esperanto: The Esperanto Class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, May 14.
Graduate Outing Club. The An-
nual Overnight at Patterson Lake,
Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and
16, don't miss it. Everything for every-
one. Swimming, hiking, canoeing,
baseball, treasure hunt, singing, danc-
ing, camp-fire, 20 miles of scenic
highway. Group leaves Lane Hall
Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Sunday group
leaves at 8:30 a.m. Phone Mrs.
Wayne Whitaker 5745, before 5 p.m.
for reservations. All Graduate stu-
dents are cordially invited.

Bat-Man Davis Relates Thrill
Of Soaring Through The Air

30 Part-Time
Jobs Available
F or Students
Thirty part-time jobs consisting
chiefly of yard and garden work and
waiting table are going unfilled be-
cause of a dearth of, students willing
to take-, the'm.Ms Eliz beth A

Modern Icarus Recounts
His Many Close Escapes
From Death
Though he now knows the thrill of
narrow escapes, spectacular enough
to astonish even Ripley and has a
nodding acquaintanceship with most
of the hospitals from coast to coast,
Irwin Davis, bat-man extraordinary
explained yesterday that but for an
argument over working hours he
might have remained a bank clerk.
Davis admits that soaring with his
wings has no practical value outside
of a possible use in landing spies
during wartime but claims that as a
sport it is unequalled.
Bat-flying is an attempt to take
advantage of the speed gained in fall-
ing and to fly without mechanical aid,'
he said. This speed is considerable
and a number of maneouvers such as
loops are possible.
Wings Are Canvas
Davis' wings, which must withstand
considerable strain, are made of 10-
ounce duck canvas. Leaping from
the plane two miles above the earth,
he is able to sail about three miles
under calm conditions. After an 8,-
000 foot fall he opens the first para-
In his nine years as a jumper,
Davis said he has had to use his
second or emergency parachute only
three times when the first one failed
to open. He confesses - that those
moments were thrilling.
A number of other moments have
been close to tragedy, he said. Most
vivid of all is the memory of an en-
Press Club To Open
Meet Here Tonight
(Continued from Page 1) _
Probst; and "Business Problems forf
Small Papers," by James Mc-Laugh-
Those at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow are:
"People I have Interviewed," by Mrs.
Eleonor Tufty; "Community Service,"
by Professor Brumm; "Occupational'
Information," by Professor Maurer;
"School News Reel Demonstration,"
by Mary E. Hetherington; "Amateur
Photography," by Leonard Menzi;
and "The Annual Triangle," by Stor-
er, Salisbury and Weiderman.
The addresses at 3:35 p.m. are:
"Newspaper Clinic," by Professor
Maurer; "Newswriting," by Prof. A.
A. Applegate; "The Handbook," by
Doris Trott; "Human Interest," by
Prof. Donal Haines, of the Univer-
sity journalism department; "Person-
ality Features," by Howard Collins;
and "Humor," by Clyde B. Marsh.
These will be held at 10:30 a.m.
Saturday: "Columns," by H. C. L.
Jackson; "Editorial Writing," by
Professor Brumm; "Creative Writ-
ing," by Mary Merwin Phelps; "Read-
ing the Newspaper," by Kermit Eby;
"Quill and Scroll," by Doris Glines;
and "Headline Writing," by Milo

counter with high tension wires in
which he was badly burned. His pilot
had warned him before the take-off
of another jumper who had been
killed on the same wires the day be-
fore. When he awoke in the hos-

pital he thought that ne was dead -
ShedSmith,assistant in charge of student The Junior Class of the School of
and in his delirium n e im tor ha Education will hold a weiner roast on
trouble in convincing him that he employment, announced yesterday. the Island, Saturday, May 15, at 6
wasn't. Davis added that few things Twenty-two of the jobs consist .m. All members of the School of
have troubled his nerves since then. house gleaning, transplanting, wash- IEdm.Allnmn.berfrtedSchoolin-
ing arcesporer orkandgenralEducation and. their friends are in-
Lands In Lake ing porches, porter work and genera] vited to attend. And those who
Other experiences are funny now. yard and garden work. A forestrywisho attend please get in touch
One jump landed him in Lake St. student is sought to set out plants. with atyone of the following per-
Clair early in the autumn. The The rate of pay for the jobsisthesans before Friday, May 15:Lilburm
rescue boat put out and from the standard 35 cents an hour set f Ochs, John Fabello, Hanley Staley,
bow a man kept yelling "Keep Cool! student workers. William Druker, George Shakarian,
I'm Coming." In the meantime Da- The other positions are room jobs, Olin Murdick, Edward Slezak, Ruth
vis almost froze in the icy water. board jobs and room and board jobs Carr, Dorothy Gardner, or Mary
D-for waiters and dishwashers, mostly
Operating out of a fair ground Da-in restaurants. Jane Muller.
vis had the good luck to split the top High school studens expecting to
of a side show and found himself enter the University will be accepted
suspended by his harness from the for the jobs if University students do
snake pit. He was considerably re- not apply, Miss Smith said. Appli- WE SPECIALIZE IN
lieved to find out that the snake cants may reach Miss Smith by call- Dance & Banque'
charmer who advertised his snakes as ing University Extension 2121.
alive and poisonous was a fake and Almost 1300 students are employedPrograms
had removed the venom. on NYA jobs, Miss Smith said Maynard St. CRAFT PRESS Ph. 8805

Audience Lands
Flagstad Songs
And Orchestra
(Continued from Page i
from "Parsifal." Mr. Melchior is one
of the seven Metropolitan/'Opera start
appearing in the Festival series.
Tomorrow afternoon the Young
People's Festival Chorus will sing and
Eugene-List, 18-year old pianist, wilF
offer a recital. In tomorrow night's
concert, Elizabeth Rethberg, soprano,
and Ezio Pinza, bass, both Metropol-
tan Opera stars will sing. The Sat-
urday afternoon concert will be de-
voted to selections by Joseph Knitzer
violinist, and the orchestra under the
conductorship of Jose Iturbi.
The final concert of the six-per-
formance, four-day series will be Sat-
urday night when the Choral Union.
the Philadelphia orchestra, and the
Metropolitan opera stars Miss Roth-
berg, Marion Tefva, contralto, Arthu-
Carron, tenor, Carlo Morelli, baritone
and Mr. Pinza will merge under the
direction of Professor Moore with the
assistance of Mr. Christian to pre-
sent Verdi's opera in four acts,
"Aida." This will be the climaxing
concert of the series.
This is the 44th annual May Fes-
tival series, it having begun under
Dr. Albert M. Stanley in 1894. The
series, starting inauspiciously, wa
constantly enlarged and continually
gained in popularity until today it is
regarded as one of the foremost mu-
sical festivals in the country.
_Iromptly and neatly done by exp--i
,niced operators at moderate w .,
314 South Suave bueLtt

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