THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1937 A Sixth George Mounted The Mighty Throne OEf England When King George is crowned king of England he will h.e the sixth of his name to rule over the world's mightiest empire. IIere he is with his predecessors. Top row, left to right: George I, king from 1714 to 1727; George IL, who succeeded to the throne in 1727 and died in 1760; George III; ruler during the American Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, 1760 to 1820. Bottom row, left to right: George IV, king from 1820 to 1830; George V, father of the prese'nt king and ruler from 1910 to 1936; George VI; who ascends the throne abdicated by his brother, Edward VIII. ight and, she added : "I sometimes think that the wife CaltLo Impresses Art1sts, rho stays at home and carries on El the work in the household, should e paid a definite salary, for sheuoubt It erac l arns it without any question." .The remarks were made in a radioO iscussion between Mrs. Roosevelt Brarnwell Fletcher And vinced that marriage and the stage nd, Miss. RoseSchneiderman, sec- A go very well together. "It works nice- iA~~ Mis RoseHelen Chandler Arrive l"M.Fece ad hywr etary of the state labor department AY," Mr. Fletcher said. They were nd president of the women's trade For Dramatic Season married two years ago, but the wed- nion league. ding trip was delayed at the time By MARIAN SMITH because Fletcher was to appear in a house Estimates Flood Despite Bramwell Fletcher's con- radio broadcast the next evening. viction that "the carillon tolls at least However, the stage has tended to Relief May Cost Billion 14 times at eight in the morning," Mr. bring them together and it was there WASHNGTO, Ma 12.tom)TheFletcher and Helen Chandler, Dra- they first met. WASHINGTON, May 12.-(iP)-The matic Season artists expressed their hPrefers Stage [ouse FIood Control Committee esti- T iated today that satisfactory na- admiration of the recently erected To them, the stage offers much n tower.more excitement and pleasant ex- ional system of control projects 'ould cost "billions of dollars." Miss Chandler and Mr. Fletcher, periences than movies, although they, The committee recommended known off stage as Mr .and Mrs. frequently appear in screen produc- [ouse adoption of a resolution to di- Fletcher, were impressed by the car- tions. Miss Chandler said that al- act the secretary of war to draw up illon. so thoroughly impressed in fact, though she preferred the stage she prograxi of flood control, develop- that they will attempt to have the would rather do a "good movie" vent of hydroelectric power, water. chimes sMopped at 8:15 p.m., while than a "bad play." Her career has ,nd soil conservation. the play "Tonight at 8:30" in which taken her from stage to screen and they will appear is being presented. back again-her first stage appear- The bells, they believe may disturb ance being at the age of eight. Her diii~n3,Tt I'fl the audience. Miss Chandler stated first roles, as she grew older, were in s that the bells made her feel that tragedies but she has recently been Grg St te she should be dashing off to class doing more comedies. The change Georgi St a1with the other women students. was quite sudden but she stated that Arrives From Hollywood she finds comedies "more intriguing."i Forester iss Chandler has just arrived in In speaking of the play they are Ann Arbor, after a cross country hop giving in the Dramatic Season, Mr. from Hollywood, where she was mak- Fletcher stated that it was both mod- Frank Heyward, '29F&C, has re- ing a picture. Rapid travelling and ern and sophisticated. Noel Coward ently been appointed State Forester the immediate start of rehearsals and Gertrude Lawrence opened the i Georgia, Prof. Dow V. Baxter of have prevented her from seeing much play in New York, and this will be he forestry school disclosed yester- of the city or campus but she stated the first time any other cast has given ay. she is anxious to see Ann Arbor. it. Miss Chandler and Mr. Fletcher Heyward graduated with a B.S.F. Both Mr. Fletcher and Miss Chan- have been appearing in several of egree in February, 1929 after hav- dler were enthused about the Dra- Coward's plays but they are all of ig done work at the Georgia Insti- matic Season program and Fletcher the more sophisticated type, sincej Ite of Technology and at the College stated that he thought the Dramatic they do little singing or dancing to- f Engineering here. While in the Season was the niost important sum- gether. [niversity, Heyward's chief interest mer engagement out of New York. Return To Coast ras in forest soils. He completed a Their appearance in Noel Coward's Mr. Fletcher, in commenting on the Ludy on the effect of forest planta- first cycle of "Tonight at 8:30" will Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, stated ions on soils at Saginaw forest in mark the first they have played these that he found it the "cleanest the- onnection with this subject. roles. atre" he had ever seen. Heyward was a member of the local Miss Chandler and Mr. Fletcher Miss Chandler, who was educated hapters of Sigma Xi and Phi Kappa are practically the only married at the Bannet School in New York, 'hi. After receiving his degree, he couple, with the exception of Lynn said she could tell that the League id further work at the University of Fontanne and Alfred Lunt, who con- was a student building as soon as she alifornia. Following this he -be- stantly appear together in the same entered. She has found all her needs ame connected with the United cast. So far, they have been cast fulfilled within the building, but tates Southern Forest Experiment together in six plays in the two years stated that it confined her too much tation in Lake City, Fla. of their marriage. Both are con- to one place. Followingthis engagement Miss Chandler and Mr. Fletcher are plan- ning to return to California lassified Director r I A.S.C.E. ELECTS OFFICERS SStudent officers of the American LAUNDRY Society of Civil Engineers elected at Place advertisements with Classified a meeting last night in West Engi- Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. neering Building are Roger Frazier. The classified coiumans close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Careful work at a low price. Ox '38E, president; Lee Widman, '38E, Box numbers may be secured at no - vice-president; Wilson Hardleben, extra charge. WANTED '38E, secretary; William Chase, '38E, Cash in advance 11e per reading line SPANISH TUTOR, graduate student treasurer. A short talk was presented for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing, line for three or more insertions, preferred. Contact Leonard Borin, by Prof. Lawrence C. Maugh of the (on basis of five average words to line) 928 Forest Avenue. Phone 2-1767. - Minimum three ifnes per insertion. 502 civil engieermg department. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line 5 for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. CLOTHING WANTED TO BUt': Any fro thedsont if pai ithin ten days old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, Watch Repairing& , $5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS, ~ALER'S FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, H L E S DIAMONDS and musical instru- Jewelry EAVING TOWN, must sacrifice ments. Phone Sam. 6304. 78x State and Liberty solid black walnut dining set; nine LOST AND FOUND EVENING RADIO- PROGRAMS CKLW-1030 Kilocycles P.M. 6 :00-String Ensemble. 6:15-News and Sports. 6 :30-Childs and Delbridge. 6:45-Pleasant Valley Frolics. 7:00-Music and, You. 7:30-Guy Lomardo's Orch. 8 :00-Ici Paris. 8:30--EdeFitzgerald Revue. 9:00-The Witch's Tale. 9:30-Henry Weber's Musical Revue. 10:15-Freddy Martin's Orch. 10:30-Leo Reisman's Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15-Benny Goodman's Orch. 11:30-Henry King's Orch, Midnight-Bob McGrew's Orch. 12:30-Joe Sanders' Orch. 1:00-Weather Forecast. WJU -750 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-Stevenson Sports. 6:15-Dodge Program. 6:30 Alexander Woolcott. 6:45-Boake Carter.j 7:00-Kate Smith. 8:00-Major Bowes Amateur Hour. 9:00-Your Adventure with Floyd Gib- bons. 9:30-March of Time. 10:00-Poetic Melodies. 10:15-Wismer Sports. 10:30-Mummers present-Marked Hours. 11:00-Headline News. 11:15-Harry Owens' Orch. 11:30-Eddie Elkins' Orch. Midnight-Marvin Frederic's Orch. 12:30-To be Announced. WWJ-920 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-Tyson's Sports Review. 6:10-Dinner Music. 6 :30--Bradcast. 6:40-Odd Facts. 6:45-Sports Review. 7:00-Rudy Vallee. 8:00-Maxwell House Show Boat. 9:00-Music Hall. 10:00-Amos n Andy. 10:15-Evening Melodies. 10:30-Northern Lights. 11 :00-Northwood Inn Orch. 11:30-Dance Music. Midnight-Webster Hall Orch. 12 :30-Weather. WXYZ-1240 KilocyclesI P.M. 6:00-Easy Aces. 6:15--Ray Sinatra Orch. 6:30-Harry Heilmann. 6:45-The Factfinder. 7:00-Roy. Shetld's Music. 7:30-Lone Ranger. 8:00-Al Pearce. 9:00-The Green Hornet. 9:30-Willie Morris-Ed. Nell. 9:45-Michigan T. B. Assoc. 10:00-WPA Detroit Civic Orch. 10:30-Eddie Varzos Orch. 11:00-Sammy Dibert. 11:30-Don Ferdi's Orch. Midnight-Lowry Clark's Orch. Hostelers May Form Branch House Here, (Continued from Page 1) quickly as he or she prefers. Bi- cycling has proved the most popular form of transportation thus far, it was announced, although many al- so walk or ride horseback as well as canoe on some of the more watery routes. The price for staying at the hostel is 25 cents per night and the hours are bed at 10:30 p.m. and rising at 6 a.m. It is the custom for the hos- teler to prepare his own meal. Isabel and Monroe Smith are in charge of the American Youth Hostel movement, which has its headquar- ters at Northfield, Mass. They are planning to bring a group of New England hostelers to canoe through parts of Michigan this summer. Britain Cheers New Sovereign In Gala Fete All Bit Edward In Royal Family Watch Historical r wpePale And Parade (Continued from Page 1) Australia, New Zealand, and the Jnion of South Africa, of the British possessions and territories and the Indian Empire. He was also priest, titular head of the English church i md pledged to defense of the faith. By his side was 37-year old Eliza- beth, born a commoner but with her own crown of gold and pledged to rule with him over Britain's half-billion subjects. Thus on the day and at the hour set for Edward of England, George accepted his brother's discarded mantle.of kingship. And all his family save Edward watched the glorious spectacle, while at the same moment a new dispute arose over the exile's marriage to Wallis Warfield, the American born commoner that Britain would not lave as queen. Wait All Night / The great day of pomp and ritual, the 36th coronation of a British sov- ereign within the abbey walls since William the Conqueror came in 1066, began at early dawn. Thousands had waited the night through for the first possession. The nobility in velvet and ermine and carrying their coronets began their entrance to the abbey at 6 a.m. beneath cloudy skies. Promptly at 8:40 a.m., the great gilded gates of Buckingham Palace opened and the first of the procession noved toward the abbey-a chain of royal limousines in one of which rode American Ambassador Robert W. I Bingham and special envoys James W. Gerard, General John J. Pershing and Admiral Hugh Rodman. Crowds Cheer The great crowds cheered. Church bells pealed. At the abbey annex, footmen lowered the steps of the royal coach and the youthful Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, welcomed their majesties. They were conducted into the ab- bey, calm and serious, to be met by the venerable archbishop. Up through London, through lanes of cheering folk, among them 50,000 Americans, the procession wound- i spectators hung from streamered gir ders, perched on rooftops, huddled against the rain in huge tiers of grandstands. Through six miles of streets, up Northumberland Avenue, past Char- ing Cross, into Trafalgar Square, I down narrow Cockspur Street, Pic- cadilly, Regent Street, to Oxford Cir- cus and Hyde Park and back to the palace. Soon French windows opened over the main archway of the palace yard. The King and Queen, others of the family, stepped forward to receive the cries of their subjects: "God save the King." At present the quiet of Patterson Lake is broken only by the recurrentI blows of a hammer or the buzz of hand-saws as preparations are be- ing completed for the 17th season of summer camp for those fellows in Ann Arbor, Detroit and Hamtramck whose parents would find it difficult ! Judd Declares Schools Need N 1ewProgram Many intellectual forms are needed, today in our secondary schools if the, education we offer is going to be broad, Prof. Charles H. Judd, head, of the department of education of. the University of Chicago, said yes- terday, speaking at the second an-. nual convocation of the School of Ed- ucation in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.a "We have not given training for the common life of the~ individual," he said. "The secondary. school today nust teach people to discriminate be- tween important problems. We are faced with new political problems, and a new kind of thinking has tot be induced." Professor Judd pointed out that our secondary school system has been under revision for the past 30 or 40 years, and that today, more than ever, it needs people with new ideas. Professor Judd was introduced by Dean James B: Edmonson of the ed- ucation school at the convocation which was held honoring students who are candidates for the teacher's certificate. 1937 Dramatic Season DON'T MISS THE- GALA OPENING Monday at 8:15 P.M. 3 HELEN CHANDLER and BRAMWELL FLETCHER in the first group of NOEL COWARD'S Ton ight A1 8:0 Eats, Boats, Fishing Popular At Poor Boys Fresh A;r' Camp Things liked best: "Eats . . . boats to send to cpun for even one week, fishing . . . the cook . . . dogs much less four--those boys between Wally Watt . . . cabins . . ." the ages of 10 and 15 called "under- Things disliked most: June Alder privileged." . cookies . . . " Every file in the office of the camp The above were snatched from one director, George Alder, contains elo- of the most human documents ever quent testimony for the utter need penned-a report by a boy after hav- of such an organization. Letters ing spent his allotted time at the from thankful mothers and fathers, University Fresh Air Camp at Pat- letters from the boys themselves. terson Lake. Photographs of the group in Cabin M F 4Y l 10, of the boys at mess, poised for a dive into the cool water, or the nature study class. There was the letter from one boy in Detroit who wrote his letter of gratefulness to "Dear Mrs. Sigma Phi-" Fraternities and sororities al'e ex- pected to cooperate 100 per cent, as in the past, to aid in raising the $2,000 set as a quota of the "bucket brigade." President Ruthven has said: "This cause, as no other, has gained the sympathy of all connected with the University. That it has been success- fully carried on for such a period is a great satisfaction to the Univer- sity of Michigan and its friends." The camp includes 180 acres of wooded virgin timber, and the camp itself will this summer accommodate more than 300 boys, chosen by teach- ers, and social workers. They are to be selected partly on the basis of de- linquency risk, social need and fi- nancial status. All day tomorrow volunteers will be stationed at strategic parts of the campus to enlist the support of every student in a cause to once again give 300 boys a chance at "Eats . . . boats . fishing . .. Wally Watt . . I-.' 4 LEARN TO DANCE Social Dancing taught daily. Ter-.ace Garden Dancing Studio. Wuerth Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 2nd Floor I I - comprising "Hands Across the Sea," "Still.. Life," "Ways and Means" Box Office NOW Open. a N 'ights at: 8:15-75o, $1.10 3:15 - 50c and 75c. Phone 6300 New MARCH OF TIME Other Features, Too A Anno uncing The.MA GARGOYL.E, featuring: Michigan's Next Football Season Campus Chatter A Delightful Short Story The Gargoyle Aquarium. A sinister Preposterous Person OUT TOD AY! I pmnmmw ;r II II BOOKS on MUSIC and the OPERA MAY FESTIVAL LIBRETTOS I' f 11 1. r C I