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May 13, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-13

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The Weather
Cloudy and much cooler, show-
ers in north portion today; to-
morrow fair.


Sir 3rn1


In Uniform...



Swingout Gets
Senate Assent;
Will Be Held
Campus Honorary Group
Heads Pledge Seniors To
Gentlemanly Conduct=
Ceremony To Start
In Later Afternoon
Approval of the traditional Senior
Swingout was granted yesterday by
the Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs following submission of a pe-
tition signed by two class presidents
and heads of campus honor societies
seeking permission to hold the event
Sunday, May 23.
The petition was submitted by the
swingout committee h e a d e d by
Franklin T. Dannemiller, '37. It
pledged the signers and their organ-
izations to "faithfully attempt to pre-
serve order and gentlemanly con-
duct during the course of Senior.
Cooperation Needed
"We realize that in the past the
greatest objection to the continuance
of this tradition has been its disord-
erdliness and that our cooperation is
necessary to its revival," the petition
stated. "While we cannot attempt to
police Ann Arbor in entirety on that
day, we will cooperate to the fullest
extent by placing members in the line'
of march and along the way."
"In making this request," the pe-
tition read, "we ask the committee
to consider that many campus tradi-
tions are fast fading. Here is one
that we feel worthy of preservation if
properly conducted. We also feel that
we are in a position to see that it is
so conducted. The student body, as
we have sampled it, seems heartily
in favor of it."
. Begins At 4:30 P.M.
The Swingout ceremonies will be-
gin at 4:30 p.m. and are expected to
end at 6 p.m. In the event of rain
it will be held the following day.
Swingout was revived last year af-
ter a lapse of four years. It had been
Continued on Page t
CitZeHs ide
As insurgentst
Bomb Bilbao
Food Shortage Reported1
In Basque City Shelled
By RebelAirplanes
BILBAO, Spain, May 12.-()-In-
surgent airplanes dumped more than
100 bombs into the suburbs of ha-
rassed Bilbao today but did not ful-t
fill Gen. Emilio Mola's threat to blast'
the Basque capital to bits.
Terror-stricken inhabitants, mind-..
ful of the insurgent northern com-1
mander's warning he would bombard
the city "without mercy" if it did not
surrender by today, ducked for cover
three times as nine bombing planes
and seven pursuit planes roared over
Several gasoline tanks were set
aflire and nearby buildings were de-t
stroyed. Clouds of dark smoke bil-
lowed over the city.
With more than 300,000 persons
packed into Bilbao, food supplies
again were running low as those re-
cently brought in by British and

French ships neared exhaustion.
Basque officials asserted they were
informed Mola had chosen today forj
the expiration of his ultimatum be-
cause the eyes of the world would be
turned away from the Spanish civil
war toward the London coronation.
Indignation which would follow a
violent attack on the civilians in the
city thus would be lessened, they said.
Loyalists Attack Toledo
TOLEDO, Spain, May 12.-(IP)-
Heavy government attacks against
historic, insurgent-held Toledo de-
veloped today into a mass offensive
in which, insurgents said, the at-
t a c k e r s suffered "unprecedented
Waves of government infantry
charged insurgent positions south of
the Tajo River, as a climax to four
days of fighting.
Insurgents clung to positions they
took four days ago on the Merida
highway, West of Toledo.
Insurgents braced their lines to-
night along a six-mile front south of

Ormandy And Orchestra Share
Plaudits With Kirsten Fla gstad

Payne Finds MIPA To Open
Downs Guilty Its Thirteenth

Lauritz Melhior, Tenor,
Will RenderWagnerian
Compositions Tonight
An enthusiastic reception and ca-
pacity crowd greeted the opening con-
ceilt of the May Festival last night
in Hill Auditorium, as Eugene Or-
mandy led for the first time in Ann
Arbor the brilliant Philadelphia Sym-
phony Orchestra and Kirsten Flag-
stad thrilled her audiences here with
her soprano selections, called back
six times at the end of the concert
with no encores forthcoming.
Tonight's concert at 8:30 p.m. is
again expected to draw a capacity au-
dience to hear Lauritz Melchior, one
of the greatest Wagnerian tenors,'
render scenesfrom Wagner'sn"Par-
sifal." Mr. Melchior will also inter-
pret arias from "Die Meistersinger"
and "Siegfried."
The Philadelphia Symphony again
under Mr. Ormandy will offer Bee'-
hoven's Overture, Lenore, No. 3. For
the first time in the May Festival
series the University Glee Club and
the Lyra Men's Chorus will supple-
ment the Choral Union in providing
a men's chorus of over 300 voices to
assist in the Scenes from "Parsifal."
In addition the Choral Union under
the direction of Prof. Earl V. Moore,
director of the May Festival, will offer
the American premiere of Fogg's
"The Seasons." Palmer Christian,
University Organist, will also partici-
Professor Moore explained that the
appearance of Mr. Melchior here is
making possible the presentation of
the Wagnerian numbers, especially
Continued on Page 6)f
Board Installs
Union Officers;
Staff Is Chosen
Regent-Elect Lynch Urges
Sdents To Take Active
Part In Government
John C. Thom, '38, and Frederick
V. Geib, '38 F&C, were presented
with council keys, officially install-
ing them as officers of the Union, at
a dinner last night. They will assume
their duties today.
The president's staff, consisting of
ten sophomores, announced by Thom,
Donald H. Belden, Paul M. Brickley,
Raymond C. Downs, Richard E. Fox,
James A. Hollinshead, Fred Luebke,,
John R. Parker, Elliott F. Robinson,
Carvel T. Shaw and Donald F. Van
Lynch Speaks
Hon. John. D. Lynch, Regent-electI
of the University, speaking in Ann'
Arbor for the first time since his elec-]
tion, advised the union staff to take
i greater interest in political affairs.
"More and more University men are
being elected to high state offices,"
he said, citing the nine University
graduates who were nominated by the
Democratic party. "My only hope is
that more courses in political man-
agementare given so thataour future
political leaders will be well trained
for their positions."
He gave assurance, yesterday, that
the "University will be run very much
during my term in office as it had
been in the past. "I'm certain we will
be as human as ever."
Award Charms
Charms awarded for service to the
Union were given to 34 sophomores
and eight members of the Board of
Directors. Among those on the jun-
ior staff who received keys were the
H. Murray Campbell, Samuel Cha-
rin, Carl Clement, Fred Collins, Geib,
Louis Hoffman, Jock MacLeod, Jo-

seph S. Mattes, Julian Orr, Bruce Tel-
fer, Thom, Hudson Tourtellot and
Burton S. Wellman.
Special charms were given to the
retiring officers, Herbert Wolfe, '37,
and William S. Struve, '37.
Senate Recoanizes
Progressives Club
The newly formed Progressive Club
was granted recognition as a local
organization yesterday at a meeting
of the Senate Committee on Student
Affiliation with the American Stu-
dent Union or any national organi-
zation will not be considered by the
committee until the club has func-
tioned for one year.
Other organizations which received

To Lead Symphony

Lewis Demands
AFL Concede
'CIO Tenets'
Labor Head Accuses Green
Of 'Treason' Against
Own Organization
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., May 12.-]
(k)-John L. Lewis demanded today
complete surrender by the American,
Federation of Labor as the price of,
peace with his own Committee for;
Industrial Organization.
Addressing a meeting of the second,
largest of his CIO unions-the Inter-,
national Ladies Garment Workers-
Lewis said:t
Accuses Green
"If the Federation wants peace, let
it issue some statement that it is
willing to concede the principles on
which the CIO was founded."
Then he referred to the automobile
workers he organized and shouted:
"You can take my word for it, they
do not want peace with the AF of L.'
And neither do I."
He accused William Green, presi-
dent of the American Federation of
Labor, of committing "treason"
against his own organization; "not
merely treason," he said, but "moral
turpitude," by seeking to prevent a
settlement of the CIO automobile
520 Delegates Attend
Lewis came to address the 520 dele-
gates representing 240,000 garment
workers after some leaders of their
union, including President David Du-
binsky himself, had expressed hopes
for peace between the warring labor
But today after Lewis had de-
nounced the federation and President
Green, the delegates stood and ap-
"Peace in the labor movement?"
Lewis asked. "Who created war? The
CIO did not withdraw from the AF
of L. They dedicated themselves to
the proposition of organizing unor-
ganized workers and bringing them
into the AF of L. If that was a crime1
or treason, the federation has made
the most of it." ,
Phi Eta Sma
Takes 52 New
Mem. ers Hee
Michigan's honor freshman, 52 in
number, were taken into Phi Eta Sig-
ma, national honorary fraternity for
freshman men, at the initiation ban-
quet held last night in the Union.
Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the Eng-
lish department addressed the ini-
tiates on "The Obligations of A
Scholar." Dean Joseph Bursley out-
lined the history of the campus chap-
ter of Phi Eta Sigma.
Men initiated last night included
from the literary school: Richard Ab-
bott, Mandell Berman, Robert Ber-
ris, Emery Cook, Harry Drickamer,
Raymond Fraser, Halleck Fry, Colvin
Gibson, Philip Gordy, Robert Han-
sen, Harold Holshuh, Harland Jarvis,
Robert Kann,, James Laird, Morris
Miller, Leonard Newman, Alfred Reif-
man, Ellsworth Reynolds, William
Rosow, Henry Schock, Robert Snyder,
David Suits, Daniel Tenenberg, Don-
ald Treadwell, Lawrence Vandenburg,
Alexander Vial, John Walters and
Ellis Wunsch.
From the engineering college ' 22
were invited to membership. Those
included Claude Broders, Frank Con-
I---....... .'...

Of Loitering
SWF President Sentenced
To Pay $18.40 Or Spend
10 Days In Jail
High Court Appeal
To Come In October.
Tom Downs, '39, president of the
Student Workers' Federation, was
sentenced yesterday to $5 fine and
$13.40 costs or 10 days in jail for
"loitering" at the scene of a strike
here nearly five weeks ago.
Downs was released on $20 bond
furished by Prof. John F. Shepard of
the psychology department. He will
appeal the decision, which was hand-
ed down by Justice Jay H. Payne, Oct.
4 in Circuit Court. /
Carey Testifies
Sergt. Norman Cook of the Ann
Arbor police department arrested
Downs for speaking in front of the
Ann Arbor Recreation Center, scene
of the strike, without a permit from
the mayor. Since the arrest no one
has been able to find the ordinance
requiring a permit. The charge was
changed to "loitering."
The verdict of guilty came immed-
iately after Raymond Carey, clerk in
Wahr's bookstore, testified that pe-
destrians had had no difficulty in get-
ting through or around the picket
line the night of the demonstration.
Carey said he did not see cars
double-parked on Huron St., that he
did not see police directing traffic
and that he could not understand
from across the street what Downs,
who spoke "for about 15 minutes,"
was saying.
Bernstein Next
Declaring that the verdict rested on
the interpretation of the word "dis-
turbance," Justice Payne said police
have a right to relegate public gath-
erings to certain areas. Downs, he
said, merely protracted the disturb-
ing situation, that Ralph Neafus,
'36F&C, found guilty recently of the
same charge, had created by his
Joseph Bernstein, '39, another of
the five students in the series of "dis-
orderly conduct" arrests of April 8,
will come up for trial next week, ac-
cording to Arthur C. Lehman, attor-
ney for the SWF defendents.
Cinema Actors
Assist Strikers
With Cash Aid
HOLLYWOOD, May 12.- (I) -
High-salaried movie stars, whose
Screen Actors' Guild recently reached
a separate peace with film producers
are contributing "substantial finan-
cial support" to striking studio crafts-
men, a union leader declared today.
"We haven't asked for - that kind
of help, but a lot of substantial fi-
nancial support has been given by
the stars. They are all for us."
Hollywood headquarters of the Fed-
erated Motion Picture Crafts were ju-
bilant today over reports that pick-
eting of theatres has begun, or will
start tomorrow, in key-cities through-
out the United States.
Charles Lessing, business manager
of the union and generalissimo of the
striking workers, said:
"We have received word from Ho-
mer Martin, president of the United
Automobile Workers, that 11 Detroit
theatres are to be picketed, starting
tomorrow night. He tells me that
picketing will go on from 10:30 a.m.
until 9 p.m. daily until we've won our

Meeting Today
500 High School Students
And 41 Advisers From
50 Cities To Attend
Groups To Discuss
Newspaper Work
The thirteenth annual Michigan
Interscholastic Press Association con-
vention, attracting more than 500
high school students and 41 advisers
from 50 schools throughout the State,
will hold its first meeting, at 7:30 p.m.
today at the Michigan Union ball-
This convention, sponsored annual-
ly by the journalism department of
the University, will bring to Ann Ar-
bor what the department says prom-
ises to be a record gathering of the
representatives of newspapers, maga-
zines and year books of Michigan
secondary schools to discuss the prob-
lems and special topics of their pub-
lications in general assemblies, ad-
dresses and round-table discussion
Face Room Shortage
A rooming-shortage for the dele-
gates is still being faced, according to
the journalism department, and any-
body who has available rooms is urged
to offer them to the association for
the week-end by calling the depart-
ment in Haven Hall.
Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of
the journalism department, will wel-
come the delegates tonight and after
a reception there will be a dance.
There will be five other general con-
vocations: Arthur Player will give
an address to the group 9 a.m. to-
morrow; Thomas Knott will speak on
words at 1:30 p.m.; Dr. M. S. Rice
will speak at the annual dinner-dance
which will be held at 6 p.m. tomor-
row at the Michigan Union; George
Averill will give an address at 9:30
a.m. tomorrow; and Professor Brumm
will give a luncheon address at 12:30
p.m., tomorrow.
Discussion Starts At 10 A.M.
About 30 round-tables will be con-
ducted throughout tomorrow and
Saturday. Those at 10 a.m. tomor-
row are: "Personality," by James
"Bingo" Brown, dean of men, Michi-
gan State Normal College; "News-
writing," by Prof. Wesley Maurer of
the University department of jour-
nalism; "Getting the Advertising
Breaks," by Frank Kissel; "Literary
Aspects of Annuals," by Myrtle Hasel-
tine; "Sports," by Abe Rosenkrantz
and Cornelius Bukema; and "The
Magazine," by Ruie Pinney.
Those at 11:05 a.m. tomorrow are:
"Demonstration of Interviewing," by
Bud Shaver and Harry Kipke; "Off-
set Printing," by W. H. Barton; "In-
formative Features," by Dr, Marion
Magoon; "Mimeographed S c h o o 1
Newspapers," by Maynard Hicks;'
"Art for Annuals," by Dorothy
(Continued on Page 6)
Symphony Honors
Deceased Musician
Through the tomb-like silence of
Hill Auditorium yesterday afternoon
swelled the strains of the Second
movement of Beethoven's Seventh
Symphony played by the Philadel-
phio Orchestra.
With no one in the audience to
hear, the orchestra, through this
composition, paid tribute to the mem-
ory of a former comrade, J. Walter
Guetter, first bassoonist, who died in
Philadelphia 10 days ago.
Yesterday afternoon was the first
opportunity which the orchestra had
to honor the memory of their fellow


King Of England


Daughter Of New
Witnesses Service
World Nobility

- Associated Press PhotoV
Mayor Sadlert
Pledges CityF
Police Probe
Prof. Wesley Maurer Asks.
For Either Indictments
Or Vindication Of Men
Demands by citizens and civick
groups for action on the charges of
police brutality were met in a state-c
ment issued by Mayor Walter C. Sad-
ler last night, guaranteeing that thea
investigation of the Chase arrest1
would be "fair and complete."
Mayor Sadler stated, "The policet
commission started an investigationr
last Monday into all the phases ofc
this unfortunate situation. The in-
vestigation has been as fair and com-
plete as possible, and every effort has
been made to see justice done. I an-
ticipate that my report from the com-
missioners will be available tomor-
Demands Answer
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour-i
nalism department, chairman of the t
executive board of the Citizens' Coun-
cil demanded that the city govern-
ment make definite answers to the
charges of brutality during the ar-t
rest of Chase by Patrolman Suma.t
Professor Maurer's statement was
as follows:1
"The executive board of the Citi-
zens' Council discussed at its weeklys
meeting today allegations of police
brutality in a recent arrest and in
connection with other instances. Thei
board has taken no formal action forc
ratification by its members, but it is
awaiting with interest a formal re-
port of the police commissioners of
their inquiry into the allegations and
it expects members of the City Coun-
cil to demand a report should the
police commissioners be of a mind to
withhold their findings.
Destroys Confidence
"Either the police officer in ques-
tion should be vindicated of the
charges of brutality or else he should
be properly disciplined. The com-
munity of Ann Arbor cannot afford
to. tolerate a libel against its police
force, for allegations of sadistic bru-
tality destroy confidence in the of-
ficei's of the law. Neither can the
community tolerate any member on'
the staff~of police who does not reflect
this community's refinement and re-
straint, for the power of the law is
weakened when its administrators
and their subordinates become hard-
ened to the community's sensibilities.
"We, with many others, hope the
charges will prove to be unfounded,
but we will, I am confident, join oth-
er citizens in insisting that there be
some intelligent report to the com-
munity of the inquiry.,"
Steelworkers Begin
Strike At Pittsburgh

Britain's Millions
Acclaim NewKing
On Six-Mile March

Coronaion Delayed
Briefly For Crowd
All But Edward In Royal
Fanily Watch Historical
Spectacle And Parade
LONDON, May 12.-()-A thou-
sand years of history lived and moved
in solemn splendor to crown George
the Sixth in hallowed Westminster
Abbey today.
Outside London's massed millions
cheered along a six-mile royal route
from Buckingham Palace.
But it remained for a six-year old
girl to humanize the whole spectacle.
Among the great of mighty Britain
and envoys from the world, Princess
Margaret Rose, youngest daughter of
King George and Queen Elizabeth,
was just a little girl.
The princesses sat through the two-
hour ceremonial between their grand-
mother, Queen Mary, and their aunt,
the princess ,royal..
King Is Nervous
Queen Mary, mother of abdicated
Edward and the newly crowned
George, appeared the bulwark of the
monarchy. Everywhere she was ac-
claimed with an added respect that
marked her as one apart, beloved
of her people.
The new king seemed nervous dur-
ing the opening stages of the long
service, but appeared to gain confi-
dence as the ceremony progressed.
Both he and Elizabeth were solemn,
pale and unsmiling while ,in the ab-
And while the well-rehearsed cor-
onation was solemnized a half hour
late, an estimated two millions waited
along the procession road back to
More than 7,000 fainted among
those who gathered through the
night to cheer. It was the greatest
crush London has known. Two died.
A girl fell down an elevator shaft
and a youth was killed fighting in
the crowd.
Rain Marks Ceremony
Rain fell as the monarchs left the
abbey in early afternoon, but the
crowd stuck it out and there were
cheers and shouts at every turn of
the long route. homeward, where
George in the evening broadcast to
the empire his thanks to his half bil-
lion subjects.
The climax came at 12:30 p.m.
The venerable Archbishop of Can-
terbury stepped before the altar and
tqok into his hands the crown of
St. Edward. A new king was crowned.
He had received the sceptre, "ensign
of kingly power and justice." In clear
and steady voice he had taken the
oath to rule justly.
He was proclaimed under the bless-
ing of the church to rule the peoples
of Great Britain, Ireland, Canada,
(Continued on Page 2)
City Campaign
For Boys Camp
With a goal of more than $2,000.set
for their aim, Fresh Air Camp men
will push their final drive for funds
from city business men today before
opening tomorrow's annual Tag Day.
William Barndt, '37, and Walter
Luszki, '37, general chairmen of the
campaign, gave a second call yester-
day for more volunteers to help sell
the tags on the campus, asking stu-
dents interested to notify Lane Hall.
Most of the Tag Day will be in the
hands of these men, it was said, as
the camp staff will be campaigning
in the downtown sections of the city.
Donations continued to be received
from campus business men, it was
announced, in the last drive for funds

in the State Street section.
Suggestion that the Tag Day would
have a more vigorous drive on Cam-
pus this year than ever before was
given by Luszki, whd cited the need
for funds to meet the rising food
prices and plant costs.
. The operating cost of the Fresh Air
Camp for which the Tag Day is being

American Youth Hostel Group
May Have Branch In Ann Arbor

In accordance with a movement
to start a group of American Youth
Hostels to run throughout the state
of Michigan a meeting will be held at
8 p.m. today in Lane Hall. Prof.
George G. Ross will be in charge.
This will be the first attempt to
start the movement, which has proved
so popular in continnental countries,
in the midwest and which is expect-
ed to have quite a large following.
Hostels have been established with
success in a group of New England
states comprising New York, Connec-
ticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.

ization. This entitles the holder to
stay overnight at the number of hos-
tels the membership card specifies
and to receive a corresponding
amount of literature of the subject
including the monthly magazine put
out by the organization.
Anyone between the ages of four
and 94 years may purchase a mem-
bership. For those under 25 years
old, the cost is one dollar per year,
and for those 25 years of age or
older, it costs two dollars. A family
or group of 10 under one leader may
buy a year's membership for five
dollars and the international stamp
for travel abroad, which enables any
A ,'na4an n iith hnc Frair aato f a.. at

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