THE MICHIGA N DAILY WEDNESDAY IY 1,193' Student Guides To Honor First State Governor Stevens T. Mason, Early Champion Of Education, Was Executive At 19 A special commemorative edition of the freshman Orientation Period guide in honor of Stevens Thomson Mason, first Governor of Michigan, will be issued to incoming first-year students next September, according to the Regitrar's Office. Governor Mason was appointed Secretary of the Territory of Michi- gan by President Jackson in 1831, a note on the inside of the cover of the booklet indicates, at the age of 19. When Michigan became a state in 1835 Mason was elected Governor, an known in state history as the "Boy Governor." When a bill which would have resulted in the sacrifice of the University lands at $1.25 an acre' was passed by the Legislature, it was prevented from becoming a law by Governor Mason's veto. An excerpt from a message to the Legislature delivered by the Governor Feb. 1, 1836 which is quoted in the booklet part: "Ours is said to be a government founded on intelli- gence and morality, and no political axiom can be more beautifully true. Here the right of all are equal, and the people themselves are the primary source of all power . . . Public opin- ion directs the course which our gov- ernment pursues; and so long as the people are enlightened, that direction will never be misgiven." On the front cover of the pamph- let is a portrait of Governor Mason, and on the reverse a copy of a map of the campus decorated with whim- sical figures, drawn by Berta Knud- son, '38A, on sale at a State Street bookstore. Nazis Refused Chance To Get Helium Supply Zeppelin Company Wanted Independence And Felt Gas Cost Too Much {Continued from Page 1) claimed that "if it was not for the selfishness of Americans in refusing helium to Germans, the whole thing would not have happened." He also mentioned Dorothy Thomp- son, syndicate writer for the New York Herald Tribune, "a member of the U.S. Senate, and a general in the U.S. Army air corps," as among those "hiding behind the 'necessity' of keep- ing the 'small supply' of helium .for 'our own use.' He said helium was first discovered in Texas during the World War, and that it is found in certain natural gases in quantity of about one and one-half per cent. Following its discovery an imme- diate search all over the world for Other sources of helium, by both the Allies and the central powers, was without success, Professor Pawlowski said. Although helium was discovered during the World War, he said that the Zeppelin development was started, 40 years ago and that it was "orig- inated and continued as dependenti exclusively on the highly inflam- mable hydrogen." Former Landon Aid Will Give Talk Here A. W. Cordier, professor of history at North Manchester College, North Manchester, Ind., and former adviser to Gov. Alf M. Landon during the presidential campaign, will address the students of Ann Arbor High School at 9:45 a.m. Friday, according to Kermit Eby of the high school fac- ulty. Professor Cordier, who worked with Charles P. Taft on Gov. Landon's advisory board, and wrote the for- eign policy speeches of the Repub- lican candidate, will speak on "Be- hind the Political Campaign." Pro- fessor Cordier is a recognized author- ity on foreign relations, having spent two years at Geneva. SNOWSLIDE KILLS SIX SEWARD, Alaska, May 11.-( P)- A report was received here today that six persons were killed last night by a snowslide on Lynx Creek, at Moose Pass. Seek To Determine Teacher's Opinions Questionnaires to obtain informa- tion concerning opinions and exper- iences of graduates of the School of Education who entered the teaching profession last September have been sent out by Dean James B. Edmonson of the education school. Among the information desired are the salaries of graduates, schedules of classes which they are teaching, duties other than teaching that have been assigned to the graduates, feel- ings of the graduates towards teach- ing, and their opinions on teaching after they have been in actual con- tact with it. Downs' Trial Is Continued In Strike Case American Airmen On Transatlantic Hop To Coronation Prof. Lorch To Aid On Exam Comiim ee Prof. Emil Lorch of the College of Architecture has been appointed to a >pecial committee of the National :ouncil of Architectural Registration Boards to make a study of examina- tions for the registration of archi- _ects, it was announced yesterday. The examinations which the Coun- cil is studying are open to graduates in architecture after three years of architectural experience. Their pur- pose is to lead to admission to prac- Uice in various states on the basis of only one examination. There are now DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued on Page 4) application are due immediately be- fore the examination starts. A.S.C.E. Election Meeting: The stu- dent chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers will hold its an- nual election meeting in Room 311 West Engineering Bldg. today at 7:30 p.m. There is much important busi- ness to be discussed, and it is desir- able that all members be there so as 37 states requiring qualification to to make next year's officers represen- practice. tative of the organization. (Continued from Page 11 boys, and explained that it was about this that he was addressing only the picket line, and not the crowd that had gathered to watch the pickets. He explained the handbills that were passed the afternoon of the pick- eting, and said that they were pub- lished by the Student Workers' Fed- eration. He said that the picket line stopped no one from' passing, and that the way was clear all the time for pedes- trians to walk on the sidewalk past the line. Other witnesses called by the de- fense included William Rohn, 715 Ann St., John McConachie, '40, Ralph Bell, '37, and John Brennan, '40. They all testified that the picket line did not obstruct the sidewalk in any way. The trial will be resumed at 9 a. m today when the defense attorney, Ar- thur Lehman, will call two more wit- nesses. The trial of Myron E. Slater, local bookstore owner, scheduled to occur yesterday, was postponed until 2 p.m. May 18. He is charged with using in- decent language at the same picket- ing. EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS Among the guests today at the coronation of George VI are Dick Merrill and Jack Lambie, American transatlantic fliers, who landed at North Weald Royal Airforce airdrome after a non-stop flight from New York. From here they flew abqut 15 miles to Croydon airdrome, original objective of their hop. Their plane, "Daily Express," is shown over the Atla'ntic just after the takeoff. Labor's Response To CIO Held Sign Of ClassSpirit By Angell' CKLW--1030 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00--String Ensemble. 6:15-New and Sports. 6 :30-Palmer House Concert Orch. 6:45-Rick Roberts' Orch. 7:00-Wallenstein's "Impressions." 7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins. 7:35-Melody Interlude. 7:45-Mercy Hall Program. 8:00-Gabriel Heatter. 8:15-George Duffy's Orch. 8:30-Music for Today. 9:00-Romance and Roses. 9:30-Dr. Charles Courboin's Recital Hs 10:0-Mart Kenny's Orch. 10:30-Kay Kyser's Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11 :15-Eddy. Duchin's Orch. 11:30-Paul Whiteman's Orch. Midnight-Hugo Mariani's Orch. 1:00-Weather Forecast. WJR-750 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-Stevenson Sports. 6:15-Irene Beasley and Bill Perry. 6:30-The Allen Family. 6:45-Boake Carter. 7:30-Cavalcade of America. 7:30-Laugh with Ken Murray. 8:00--Andre Kostelanetz' Orch. 8:30-Palmolive Beauty Thea.tre with Jessica Dragonette. 9:00-Gang Busters. 9:30-Babe Ruth-Sinclair. 9:45-Jerry Cooper. 10:00-Poetic Melodies. 10:15-Wismer Sports. 10:30-Gems and Jams. 11 :00-Headline News. 11 :15-Tommy Dorsey's Orch. 11:30-Red Nichols' Orch. Midnight--Marvin Frederic's Orch. 12:30-To be announced. WWJ-920 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00--Tyson's Sports. 6:10-Dinner Music. 6 :30-B radcast. 6:40-Odd Facts . 6:45-Sport Review. 7:00-One Man's Family. 7:30-Lady Esther Serenade. 8:00-Town Hall Tonight. 9:00-Your Hit Parade. 9:45-Musical Moments. 10:15-Evening Melodies. 10:30-Dance Music. 11:00-Webster Hall Orch. 11:30-Lights Out. Midnight-Northwood Inn Orch. 12:30-Weather. WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles P.M. I tall. By JACK DAVIS American labor's astonishing re- sponse to the CIO unionization cam- paign is evidence of an awakening class consciousness, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department stated yesterday. The recent automobile strikes and' the Packard election particularly, in which the UAWA piled up huge ma- jority in a plant noted for generous labor treatment show a new spirit, forcing on to the old individualism, intent on improving conditions as a class, he continued. Class Lines Not New Class lines have been crystalliz- ing for a long time but there has been- a lag on the part of labor in realizing this, he pointed out. Each individual worker has refused to classify himself with other workers but has preferred to believe himself an incipient capitalist. The great American success story has been ac- cepted, and labor has seen no rea- son for organizing. This attitude has been the great-' est obstacle labor leaders have had to face. Men refused to believe that they would long remain laborers and therefore had no interest in a labor organization. And since they tend- ed to identify themselves with the capitalist class, many opposed labor organizations on principle. Labor Realizes Need Recent events, however, have com-1 bined to undermine this dream. The depression taught a hard lesson and as labor emerged it had lost faith in its ability to rise to the top. Roose- velt's campaign, moreover, emphasiz- ing the forgotten man and his need for help strengthened this feeling. With this new class consciousness developing, the possibilities for an American labor movement become proportionately greater, said Profes- sor tAngell. Ten years ago such a response to a unionization campaign would have been inconceivable. The American Myth was too strong. Even today labor's new orientation comes Journalists Offered Pho-toraphy Course A non-credit course in news pho- tography is now being offered by the department of journalism to students interested in picture-taking. Prof. Wesley Maurer announced yesterday. Professor Maurer pointed out that many journalism schools are includ- ing such courses in their curriculums owing to the fact that newspapers are beginning to demand that their reporters have experience in taking news pictures. The first meeting was held, Profes- sor Mauer said, Monday, May 3. The next meeting is to be held 7 p.m., May 17 in Room E, Haven Hall. Professor Maurer said he hopes to bring several of the State's leading photographers here to address the meetings. as a distinct surprise to many people. Should labor succeed in obtaining substantial gains, such class con- sciousness may well lead to a lessen- ing of class hatreds and a realization that all classes have a common pur- pose, he said. CIO Result Of Demand In any event, repercussions of this, conviction of unity may be great. It, means that Lewis cannot be dis- missed as a phenomenon who willt wear off when his promises of higher wages do not immediately material- ize. It means the CIO drive for rec-1 ognition as the sole bargaining agency was not mere opportunism but! arose perhaps from an unconscious demand, and indicated that Ameri-; ca~n labor is prepared to take -a long- range view and achieve benefits as a class. Above all it may mean that labor will come to a realization of its po- sition, and will refuse because of its lack of unity to remain a minority in, both of the major political parties. City Tax Increase Planned By Council' An increase in the city tax rate and a tentative budget of $521,607 were set by the city council's budget committee yesterday. Municipal operation will take about $370,214. The tax levy of seven and one-half mills will bring in $278,607, with the difference coming from other sources. Debt service and special funds will take $151,392. The city council will consider im- provements to the Main St. pavement from Catherine St. to William St., the repaving of Arch St. from S. State to White St., and S. State St. from Hoover Ave. to Arch St. tonight. Two Students To Act As Scout Counsellors Polish Lecturer To Talk Today On 'Statistics' Dr. J. S. Neyman, noted Polish professor of mathematics at Univer- sity College, London, will deliver the first in a series of three lectures on "Theory of Statistics," at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 3017 Angell Hall, Prof.' Cecil C. Craig of the mathematics department announced yesterday. A graduate of the University of Waraw, Dr. Neyman is conducting a lectute tour in America. He has al-I ready spoken at Princeton University, the University of Chicago, the Univer- sity of Iowa and Iowa State College. His topic for the lectures, tentative- ly announced as "Confidence Inter- vals," is concerned with the possible inferences one may make from the sample to the population from which it is drawn. Dr. Neyman, member of the Polish Mathematical Society, has beenI teaching at the University of War-i saw. He lectured on statistics at the Central College of Agriculture in Po-I land, and was head of the biometrics' laboratory, Nencki Institute, from 1928 to 1935. May 29 Is Announced For Frosh Picnic Datel The Frosh Picnic will be held Sat- urday, May 29, on the Island, accord- ing to an announcement made yes- terday by Donald Barnes, chairman of the Picnic Committee.c Arrangements are being made to' sell frankfurters and marshmallows for roasting over the fires. The com- plete details of the picnic willebe dis- closed at a later date, Barnes said. Professor Lorch is a member of the Committee on Registration Laws of the American Institute of Architects. (Continued from Page 4) poems, the form of this Concerto of Liszt's is rather free, and based on the statement, repetition, a n d transformation of only a few themes. the decisive opening phrase given out by the orchestra assumes the charac- ter of a "motto theme," since it ap- pears throughout the four general sections of the work. The Concerto was first performed at Weimar in 1855, with Liszt playing' and Hector Berlioz conducting. The work was not immediately popular, and for many years was rarely played -particularly in Vienna, where the critic Hanslick (famous as an advo- cate of Brahms and notorious as an opponent of Wagner) dubbed it "the Triangle Concerto." The reference was to the scherzo sectionsin which there is a considerable use of the triangle-an instrument which for fastidious ears had only a meretri- cious tinkle. . State Legislature Passes Fenlon Bill The State Senate yesterday' com- pleted legislative action on the Fen- Ion Bill, which permits the University of Michigan to qualify for a $4,000,000 gift from the Rackham Foundation, according to the Associated Press. This measure repeals an almost- forgotten and never-enforced act re- quiring that cash gifts to the Uni- versity be deposited with the State Treasurer. The law was ignored be- cause the State constitution gives the University's Board of Regents au- thority to regulate its own affairs. The bill now goes to Gov. Frank Murphy for his signature in order to go into effect. Ir. I!l The Phi Eta Sigma initiation will be held today at 5 p.m. in the Union. Initiates will bring a large white handkerchief. Naval Reserve Flight Training: Of- ficers of the United States Naval Re- serve Corps Station at Grosse Ile will be in Ann Arbor today. They will be here for the purpose of discussing the flight training program of the Naval Reserve and for supplying detailed information to such students as are interested. Students who wish to take the physical examination will be giv- en transportation to Grosse Ile and return to Ann Arbor. Students in- terested in attending this meeting should keep in contact with the Aero- nautical Engineering Department, in- asmuch as the exact time of arrival and the place in which the discussion will be held are not known at present. Scabbard and Blade: Regular meet- ing at 7 p.m. in Michigan Union. Of- ficers for coming year will be elected. Uniform required. Room posted. Sphinx will have a luncheon meet- ing at 12:15 p.m. today in the Union. Coming Events The Junior Class of the School of Education will hold a weiner roast on the Island, Saturday, May 15, at 6 ,p.m. All members of the School of Education and their friends are in- vited to attend. And those who wish to attend please get in touch with anyone of the following per- sons before Friday, May 15: Lilburm Ochs, JohnFabello, Hanley Staley, William Druker, George Shakarian, Olin Murdick, Edward Slezak, Ruth Carr, Dorothy Gardner, o' Mary Jane Muller. Lutheran Student Choir: Rehearsal Friday evening, 7-7:45 p.m., at Trin- ity Lutheran Church. Rehearsal Sun- day afternoon, 2:30 p.m., at Zion Parish Hall. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Case System Thrce-Year Day Course Four-Year Evening Course Co-educational Member of the Association of American Law Schools College Degree or Two Years of College Work with Good Grades Required for Entrance Transcript of Record Must Be Furnished Morning, Early Afternoon and Evening Classes For further information address CHARLES P. DAVIS, Registrar 233 Broadway, New York JACKSON DANCE WOLVERINES ORCHESTRA I TYPEWRITERS FOUNTAIN PENS Student Supplis NINE PIECES SOLO I STS P.A. SYSTEM Dates Available May 15, 21, 23 - All ofJune SPENCER MYERS 600 Fourth St. Jackson 0. D.Morrill 314 SOUTH STATE STREET I .U Two University students are to serve as counsellors at Camp New- kirk, Boy Scout camp at Dexter, this summer, it was announced by Scout Executive Walter MacPeek, yester- day. Dick Sklarky, '39E,'an Eagle Scout and assistant scoutmaster of Troop 2, and Stewart Tatum, '38, will serve on the camp staff. SENIOR CAPS AND GOWNS Place your order right away. No deposit is required when your order is given. We furnish all new outfits of the better quality and made ac- cording to intercollegiate stan- dards. ORDER NOW. GEO. J. MOE SPORT SHOPS. 711 N. Univ. 902 S. State 6:00-Easy Aces. 6:15-Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. 6:30--Harry Heilmann. 6:45-The Factfinder. 7:00-Broadway Merry-Go-Round. 7:30-Ethel Barrymore. 8:00-String Symphony. 8:40-It Happens Every Day. 8:45-Tonic Time. 9:00-V~ic and Sade. 9:15-Eclipse of Sun Program. 9:30-Minstrel Show. 10 :00-Emil Coleman. 10:30-Will Osborne Orch. 11:00-Lowry Clark Orch. 11 :30-Lou Breeze Orch. 1 :45-Maurie Sherman's Orch. Midnight-Morrey Brennan Orch. Favorite Dish for Michigan Track Champs PURITY ICE CREAM WIKEL DRUG COMPANY We Deliver Phone 3494 Announcing - The MAY GARGOY.LE featuring: The Gargoyle Aquarium. A sinister Preposterous Person Michigan's Next. Football Season A Delightful Short Story Campus Chatter THURSDAY, MAY 13th On Sale AllDay I I I Music Festival IS WITH THE FINEST IN MUSIC May Festival of Children's Books Select your Children's Summer Books now from our large new stock. Kruger s. ALWAYS WITH THE Is ASSOCIATED BEST IN FOOD To you who are in Ann Arbor for the "Music Festival" and also desire the best in food: may we suggest you try - - - i