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May 12, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-12

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the author ity of the Board in Control of
student Publications.
Published every morning except. Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
p4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colege Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd, Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spalier, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwaltor, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Colematn, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries_ Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L* Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Manag rs
.1 Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; ichard Croushore,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

becomes hopelessly snarled and both sides de-
cide : "We can't agree."
The conferences take place at regular intervals,
under the act's provisions, at "Industrial coun-
cils" iwhich the state industrial welfare board is
to help organize. These councils are to consist
of representatives of labor and management.
Mediation is provided by a "special board of
mediation" which is to be created by the indus-
trial relations board with the approval of both
sides. If this is not agreeable the "industrial
council" is empowered to appoint its own medi-
ator who then may cooperate with the industrial
labor relations board.
Now the typical "industrial council" is that re-
cently created in the UAWA-Packard agreement:
"regular conferences, shall take place between
the plant shop committee of the union and
the management's representatives once each
month at a time mutually agreed upon."
Once such a council disagrees over a vital issue,
the task of a mediator, if he is to bring about a
settlement at so late a stage in the game, be-
comes almost insurmountable.
If however the mediator attends the regular
conferences from the beginning he would be in a
position to anticipate and prevent industrial
disputes before they took form.
Provided with adequate and impartial infor-
mation (by investigators for which the act ar-
ranges), he could judge the accuracy of man-
agement claims that "lack of profits prohibit a
wage increase," and union claims that "higher
living costs require a wage increase."
The plan is practical, for with conferences
once a month in each plant, one mediator could
act for many concerns. He would be powerless
to vote (else he would find himself really an ar-
bitrator by casting the deciding vote) but just
as Governor Murphy in the General Motors
strike, he would possess the information and im-
partiality which is the basis of conciliatory meth'-
He would provide a balance wheel which would
assist and maintain the democratic process in
industry and end serious threats to industrial
democracy before they can exert pressure.


The Industrial
RelationsAct. 0

THE "industrial relations act" pre-
pared under the direction of Gov-
ernor Murphy and. now receiving consideration
by the State Legislature is a most significant
document. It represents a synthesis of many
experiences-notably in Australia, Great Britain,
Canada and American states-with government
intervention in labor disputes.
While it is so generally worded as to allow di-
vergent interpretations, its chief provisions in-
1. A guarantee of collective bargaining rights
for employees.
2. A state industrial relations board, with
broad powers of investigation and mediation.
3. Registration of unions, requiring nearly all
possible information except membership lists.
4. A requirement that all labor disputes shall
be submitted to this board, and that all strikes
and lockouts shall be unlawful during a pre-
liminary period when these disputes are being
5. Extraordinary powers vested in the Gover-
nor to postpone for an indefinite length of time
strikes or lockouts when the "public interest" re-
This act will be modified in many respects be-
fore it actually becomes a law. Governor Murphy
unquestionably intended that this should be so.
After careful study, it seems to us that at least
these important changes are advisable:

To The Defense
To the Editor:.
The Board of Education in Flint recently failed
to renew the contracts of several prominent Flint
school teachers on the grounds of alleged ineffi-
ciency, incompeterce, and lack of general teach-
ing ability. Four of these teachers-Caroline
Stearns, Shirley Olmstead, Edmund Alubowitz,
and Morris Roum, are members of the Michigan
Federation of Teachers, which contends that
" these teachers have had satisfactory teach-
ing experience of from one and a half to 16
years. "It seems rather clear that, while not
stated, activity in the American Federation of
Teachers is the real cause of dismissal."
Students at Flint Junior College came to the
defense of Miss Stearns by presenting petitions
bearing over 200 signatures to the school board.
Several former Junior College students on the
University campus disagree with the board's
charges of inefficiency and incompetence direct-
ed at Miss Stearns. All those who wish to vouch
for her competency and to protest the board's
action are urged to sign petitions to that
effect which are already being circulated by the
following students on campus: George Stevens,
'39L, Shirley Sanford, '37, Donald Beebe, '37,
Sim Dimitroff, '39M and F. Paul Probert, '37.
Those desiring to register a personal testimony
as to the teaching ability of any of these dis-
missed teachers, are likewise urged to do so. Send
all protesting correspondence to Ralph M. Free-
man, Secretary, The Board of Education, Flint.
Duplicate copies of such correspondence has been
requested by the board's critics and should be
sent to Mrs. Genevieve Evanoff, 1172 Oak Street,
The Ann Arbor chapter of the Teachers' Fed-
eration, we have been informed, has the Flint
situation under observation and future action is
at present being considered. This abridgement
of academic freedom is but one of a number
of precedents everywhere encroaching on profes-
sional rights. We of the University who hold
professional positions, or hope to in the future,
should begin now to check such intimidation and
prevent its repetition.
-George Stevens, '39L.
-F. Paul Probert, '37
To the Editor:
Answering Professor Slosson's letter called
"Who Works for Whom," Mr. S. L. brought to
light some ideas which I have heard before and
after classes among a large number of intelli-
gent students.
Everybody knows that the function of a uni-
versity professor is to preserve, communicate,
and advance human knowledge but this ideal is
rarely personified in the actual faculties of col-
leges and universities. Let me remark at the
starting that I believe in personal effort for
learning and that the function of the teacher is
to stimulate and guide the students. This is what
we ask from our instructors, but do we get it?
Not in every case. Why do some members of
the faculty fail in their duties and leave bad im-
pressions in the mind of the student?
I have been following a course of lectures in a
rather remote subject in order to guide my
studies upon a branch of Medieval culture. Un-
fortunately our professor cuts generally once a
week (oftentimes two and three) lectures rarely
and insipidly, reflecting an evident lack of in-
terest for the student. In this particular case
the class is wasting time and creating distaste
c-4 .. .. -4- Tl i m -if-rn a oofthenv f -Cn

*****IT ALL~
SATURDAY was a great day for the Michigan
delegation to the Derby. Last year it cost
them 35 cents apiece to buy their way into the in-
field, but Saturday they wriggled through a hole
in the fence along the backstretch and planted
their portable camp chairs across from the own-
ers' boxes for a dime a head-while general ad-
mission customers spent up to five dollars each
to squint through periscopes from far up the
track, and ended up by tramping over into the
infield for a look at the races.
THE DAY WAS PERFECT. Only faint wisps of
white marred the perfect blue of the sky,
and the hot sun rolled up sleeves and opened
collars. By eleven o'clock the infield was begin-
ning to fill up with both black and white, half
of them were there to take money from the rest.
Crap games, three card faro, touts, bookies,
and the long-fingered gentry were all present
-and very busy. Negroes were everywhere and
kept up a continual din.
Gangs of colored boys roamed through the
crowd snatching everything not watched. I got
up once to make a bet and a little darkie made
off with my chair while Bill Bates was sitting
right next to it.
A few minutes later I saw a -big hulk of a
Negro kick the legs out from'under a 15-year-old
boy carrying a big basket of sandwiches and in
an instant a hundred howling, scrapping colored
kids were massed in a seething pile grabbing for
the lion's share of the loot.
SOME OF THE SHYSTERS have this three
card game down to a rare science. There
are three cards, two black and one red, and the
object of the bettor is to guess where the red one
is after the cards have been manipulated.
These brothers have a line of chatter calcu-
lated to suck in Mahatma Gandhi as they slowly
flip the cards back and forth offering to pay
you twenty for ten if you turn up the red one.
They don't fool with small change. A fin is the
least they'll cover ahd they often entice suckers
into making bets of twenty bucks and more.
And they entice a lot of people. They'll flip the
cards slowly so that you can plainly see just
where the red one is, but presto, it was the one
next to it. Too bad!
Another trick is for the manipulator to ap-
pear to make an awkward mistake, and you, set
to pick up some easy cash, find that he wasn't
so clumsy after all.
But the best act and the one that really
tumbles the suckers is only put on by the past-
masters of the art when they want to drum up
business. The head shyster finally entices some-
one to bet a fiver. The sucker picks wrong and in
anger throws the card out over the crowd which
is gathered around.
The manipulator protests, sand when he turns
his back to pick it up someone in the crowd grabs
the red card and bends up a corner. When the
shyster resumes his chatter he has a taker who
wins, another, and another-all picking the red
card by the bent edge. Someone inathe crowd
shouts lets break this S.O.B. and another guy
A portly business man who has been watching
the proceedings with a look of indifference now
steps forward to take advantage of the situation.
He's seen so many of these boys shake down
suckers that it does him good to see one of them
taken for a good ride.
The shyster looks worried as the eager crowd
jams around and he calls out in a shaky voice,
"I got plenty more money, now who knows where
the red one is."
A half dozen see the bent edge but the big
man steps forward and says, "I'll bet you a hun-
dred dollars I can pick it."
The shyster looks green, but the crowd behind
him starts to clamor and threaten. He agrees
and the big man with an air of tolerant amuse-
ment turns up the card with the bent edge. It is
. * *

Sure, the whole thing was sucker bait. The
first fellow, who threw the card away, was a
plant, so was the fellows who marked it, so
were the fellows who won on it, so was the
angry fellow who stirred up the crowd. And
then the shyster simply straightened the edge of
the red card, bent the edge of a black one,
and proceeded to hook the big business promoter
like any common farm boy. Simple.
AF TER watching this fascinating little spec-
tacle your columnist sauntered up to the
head of the stretch and was almost taken over
the bumps himself.
A rather seedy looking individual bummed
a match and asked how he could get into the
grand stand. Looking at the row of national
guardsmen all along the rail I told him he
couldn't and explained that you could see a good
deal better from the infield.
He said he didn't care, he wanted to get across
and when I said that he could bet with the
bookmakers and collect just as much as from the
mutuals he muttered, "I never play the horses."
"What's your racket, then mister?" I asked. At
the same moment I got a glimpse of small narrow
hands with slim digits and I didn't need his,
"What the hell do you think," to draw my con-
And so another Derby has come and gone, but
the beauty of it is that next year and the year
after, and the year after that there will be an-
other Derby and anyone who really wants to
can see the whole thing for a dime.
should bear once in a while the frank opinion of

(Friday, May 14, 2:30 p.m.)
SCHUTZ"-Weber. Unlike all too ac
many musical masterpieces, Weber's th
lomantic opera, Der Freischutz, was in
hailed at its first performance at Ber- Bu
lin on June 18, 1821, by both public m
and critics as an operatic triumph-a sa
triumph particularly of the new Ger- D
man romanticism and nationalism (1
over the degenerate ostentatiousness va
of Gasparo Spontini, then the reign- by
ing idol. The Overture itself was ta
wildly cheered, and had to be repeat-
ed. th
Although 219 of the 342 measures re
in the Overture are actually from da
the opera itself, there is no appear- tu
ance of patchwork or of the kind of b
melodic potpourri that serves as at
many an operatic overture. The f
form is entirely logical and sym- to
metrical. In addition, the Overture d
is highly dramatic, a quality which
affected and influenced at least two to
later masters-Wagner and Berlioz.IL
The latter repeatedly pinnacled the L
work in rhapsodic eulogies, as in his E
"Treatise on Instrumentation," when e
he speaks of the "dreamy phrase of J
the clarinet, accompanied by a trem-
olo of stringed instruments, in the
midst of the Allegro of the Overture. 1
Does it not depict the lonely maid- H
en, the forester's fair betrothed, who, H
raising her eyes to heaven, mingles M
her tender lament with the noise of e
the dark woods agitated by the b
storm? O, Weber!" Li
O Berlioz! tU
Songs-(Children's Chorus). The e
first of the three songs to be sung by h
the Children's Festival Chorus is
"The Lass with the Delicate Air," a
lilting ballad in the English folk w
style by Michael Arne, a noted Eng- t
lish musician and-strangely-al-e
chemist of the middle eighteenth cen-f
tury. The second is one of Schubert's d
simplest yet most delightful melo-
dies, "The Trout"-the tune of which
he also used as the theme for a set
of variations in his well-known pi-
ano quintet of that title. The third, U
and more modern, song is the "Lulla- r
by" of Cyril Scott, contemporary i
Engish composer, poet, and phil- T
osopher, in which a simple melody is p
given a subtle harmonization that is
characteristically Scottian.
(Unfinished)-Schubert. Of all t
the mysteries which musical historys
has unfolded perhaps the most in-O
triguing of all, rivalled only by the d
enigma of Beethoven's "Immortal
Beloved," is the question of "why" r
the "Unfinished Symphony." It was
not, like the uncompleted works of P
other men, left so by the death of the
composer; Schubert lived six years,
his most productive years, after the
completion of its first two movements
and fragments of a third. Besides,
the score was sent as it stands to the
Musical Society of Graz, in gratitude
for the composer's election as an hon-
orary member-thus proving that, as
far as Schubert was concerned, the
work was "finished." Did other cares,
other occupations interrupt? Did the
fount of inspiration fail? Was the
lyric rapture of the Allegro and An-
dante evoked by some secret love
affair which came to nought, and so b
embittered the unhappy youth of 25 r
toward the half-ripened fruit of his g
emotion? c
Or was it that, after an indifferent C
attempt to round out the Symphony C
along classic lines, he realized that c
what he had written was no ordinary h
sonata-allegro and contrasting slow I
movement, demanding the relief of o
a scherzo and lively finale, but the k
well-rounded expression of a par-c
ticular mood-a thing of beauty and t
completeness following which a con-v
ventional conclusion would seem in- t
tolerable? Schubert may not have
reasoned it all out along these lines, I
but he was too sensitive an artist notI
to feel instinctively when he had saidr
all he had to say.t

Like many other of Schubert's1
works, the B minor Symphony was
not made known to the world untilg
years after his death. In 1865 af
Viennese conductor, Johann Her-
beck, heard a rumor of the existence
of such a score, and succeeded in un-
earthing it from amongst a pile ofj
yellowed manuscripts in the pos-(
:ession of the aged director of the
Musical Society of Graz, to which
Schubert had sent the score in 1822.
At its first performance, in Vienna,
Herbeck "finished" the work with
the rather mediocre Presto finale
from Schubert's more puerile Third
Symphony. "Finished" is probably
the word!
B. Gaul was born in New York
City in 1881, studied in New York and
Paris, and has held positions as or-
ganist, teacher, and critic in New
York Cleveland, and his present
home Pittsburgh. Another cantata
of his for children "Old Johnny Ap-
pleseed," was performed at the 1931
The cantata Spring Rapture, whose
text was written by Nelle Richmond
Eberhart, is something of an answer
f to Shelley's question. "If Winter

Program Notes

(Continued from Page 2) f
ademic year, 1936-37, are informed t
at an examination will be offered2
Room 103, Romance Language
iilding, from 9 to 12, on SaturdayI
orning, May 22. It will be neces-c
ry to register at the office of theI
partment of"Romance Languagest
12 R.L.) at least one week in ad-
nce. Lists of books recommended
the various departments are ob-
inable at this office.1
It is desirable that candidates for+
e doctorate prepare to satisfy this
quirement at the earliest possible
te. A brief statement. of the na-
re of the requirement, which will
found helpful, may be obtained
the office of the Department, and
rther inquiries may be addressed
Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Satur-
ys at 10 a.m. and by appointment).
This announcement applies only
>candidates in the following de-
artments: Ancient and Modern
anguages and Literatures, History,
conomics, Sociology, Political Sci-
ce, Philosophy, Education, Speech,
Master's Degrees in History: Can-
idates for the Master's Degree in
istory are asked to register in the
istory Department office before
onday, May 17, for the language
xamination to be given at 4 p.m.,
riday, May 21. Candidates must
ring their own dictionaries. Copies
f old examinations are on file in
he basement study hall in the Gen-
ral Library. The examination is one
our in length.
Juniors concentrating in English
ho wish to apply for admission to
he Senior Honors Course should
ave. their names at the English of-
ce, 3221 Angell Hall before Satur-
ay noon, May 15.
W. G. Rice.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
fniversity Carillonneur, will give a
ecital on the Charles Baird Carillon
n the Burton Memorial Tower,
hursday afternoon, May 13, at 4:15
May Festival Concerts: May Fes-
ival concerts will take place as fol-
Wednesday, May 12, 8:30 p.m. Kir-
ten Flagstad, soloist. Philadelphia
)rchestra, Eugene Ormandy, con-
Thursday, May 13, 8:30 p.m. Lau-
itz Melchior, soloist. Miscellaneous
rchestral numbers. First American
erformance of "The Seasons" by
The Dramatic Seasons
EDITOR'S NOTE: The article by Prof.
Kenneth T. Rowe on The History of
the Dramatic Seasons which appeared
in this column yesterday inadvertently
led into another article not by him.
The continuation of Professor Rowe's
account of previous Dramatic Seasons
appears below.
Another kind of achievement has
een the bringing to Ann Arbor di-
'ectly from New York of distin-
uished productions with the original
asting in the leading parts as Jane
,owl in Twelfth Night, Edmund
Gwenn in Priestley's Laburnum
Grove, and Nazimova in Shaw's The
Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles.
Most notable of all, each season Mr.
Henderson obtains in some mysteri-
ous way known only to himself, for ]
know of no parallel elsewhere, pro-
duction rights for one to three o
the outstanding hits of the seasor
while they are still at the height o
their Broadway runs. Private Lives
There's Always Juliet, The Anima
Kingdom, Another Language, Desig
For Living, She Loves Me Not, Par-
nell were among such productions
the plays everyone wanted to see i:

they could have got to New York. Th
list is to be continued this spring witl
Tovarich and Coward's Tonight a
8:30. In such plays Ann Arbor is ac
tually given contact with Broadwa
in representative plays while fres
and of current interest. This aspec
of the season has been balanced b:
revivals of classics. Plays by Soph
ocles, Euripides, Shakespeare, Con
greve, Tchekov, Strindberg, and Ib
sen have been presented. This yea
.t will be The Merchant of Venici
Variety of another kind has bee:
added with an American premiere c
Alfred Sangster's The Brontes and
first production of a new America:
play of a coal-miners' hunger-strik
The Ugly Runts.
Robert Henderson conceived
Drama Festival in Ann Arbor, and he
now organized and directed seve
seasons, with an eighth approachin
Devoted and invaluable assistance i
the business management was give
throughout by Mrs. Henderson, who:
recent loss was so deeply felt in t1
community. In 1931, Professor O,,
car J. Campbell proposed a Civ
Committee to sponsor the interests
the Dramatic Season and to give ac
visory assistance on selection of play
and financial matters. Profess(
Campbell was the first chairma
siive hr rnf P n fessom owrdMnm


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vhaiversity. Copy received at the offio. . ath. AssI-tat t* tb. Pre.ie.t
==M 3:30; 11:00 a.i. an Saturday.

Fogg. Excerpts from Wagner's "Pa-
sifal." Philadelphia Orchestra and
the Choral Union; Eugene Ormandy
and Earl V. Moore, conductors.
Friday, May 14, 2:30 p.m. Eugene
List, pianist, soloist. Miscellaneous
orchestral numbers. Young People's
Festival Chorus and the Philadelphia
Orchestra. Eugene Ormandy and
Roxy Cowin, conductors.
Friday, May 14, 8:30 p.m. Elisabeth
Rethberg and Ezio Pinza, soloists.
Miscellaneous artist program. Phila-
delphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy,
Saturday, May 15, 2:30 p.m. Jo-
seph Knitzer, violinist, soloist. Phil-
adelphia Orchestra, Jose Iturbi, con-
Saturday, May 15, 8:30 p.m. Solo-
ists: Elisabeth Rethberg, Thelma
Lewis, Marion Telva, Arthur Carron,
Carlo Morelli, Ezio Pinza. Verdi's
"Aida" with Philadelphia Orchestra
and the Choral Union. Earl V. Moore,
May Festival Notice,: The sympa-
thetic cooperation of concert-goers
and of the general public is respect-
fully solicited.
Evening concerts will begin at 8:30
p.m. and afternoon concerts at 2:30
p.m. Please come sufficiently early
as to be seated on time.
Holders of season tickets are re-
quested to detach proper coupons be-
fore leaving home, and to present for
admission, instead of bringing the
entire ticket.
Those leaving the Auditorium dur-
ing intermissions will be required to
present ticket stubs for re-admission.
Visitors are not admitted to rehear-
Traffic regulations will be in
charge of the Ann Arbor Police de-
partment. Traffic will be prohibited
in front of the Auditorium during
concerts, except that taxis may load
and unload in front of the Auditor-
ium. Private cars will please use side
entrances on either Thayer or Ingalls
Inquiriesregarding lost or found
articles should be made at the office
of Vice-President Shirley W. Smith
in University Hall.
The University Musical Society will
greatly appreciate cooperation in
these and other respects in order to
avoid all unnecessary confusion.
Charles A. Sink, President.

University Lecture: Dr. D. Donald
Hudson, Land Classification Section,
Land Planning and Housing Division,
Tennessee Valley Authority, will lec-
ture on "A Geographer's Contribution
to the T.V.A." in Natural Science Au-
ditorium on Wednesday, May 19, at
4:15 p.m. The lecture will be il-
lustrated. The public is cordially in-
The Henry Russel Lecture: Dr.
Charles Wallis Edmunds, professor of
Materia Medica and Therapeutics,
will deliver the annual Henry Russel
Lecture at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May
13, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
His subject will be "Experimental
Studies on Diphtheria Toxin."' On
this occasion also announcement of
the Henry Russel Award for 1936-37
will be made.
University Lecture: Dr. W. H. Bu-
cher, chairman of the department of
geology and geography, University of
Cincinnati, and exchange professor,
will lecture on "Epeirogenic deforma-
tion and the nature of its major
rhythm," today 'at 4:15 p.m. in Room
2054, Natural Science.
University Lecture: Bertil Ohlin,
professor of economics in the School
of Business Administration, . Stock-
holm, Sweden, will lecture on "Swe-
dish Economic Policy in Boom and
Depression" at 4:15 p.m. on Monday,
May 17, in Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-
Mathematics Lectures: Dr. J. S.
Neyman of University College, Lon-
don, will give a series of three lec-
tures on the "Theory of Statistics."
The. first lecture of the series will be
given this afternoon at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 3017 Angell Hall. Sub-
sequent lectures will probably occur
I on Thursday and Friday at the same
f Exhibition
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture: An exhibition of the student
work in design from member schools
of the Association of Collegiate
s Schools of Architecture, among hich
1 is included the University of ichi-
gan College of Architecture, is eing
1 shown in the third floor exh ition
1 room of the Architectural B uing
e This will be on view through y 13,
e daily except on Sunday, from to 5.
- The public is cordially invited.
f There will be an exhibition of rints
- by the National Membership the
s American Artists' Congress spo ored
r by its Michigan Branch in Alpmni
Memorial Hall through May 21, af-
- * - frn-9 -n




1. A restriction of the powers given by the act
to the Governor. The act provides: ".... and in
the event that' any act herein declared to be in-
compatible with the public peace, welfare, and
safety (the Governor does the declaring) shall
be committed by any person or group or organi-
zation before such consultation (the Governor
has "reasonable opportunity" to consult with the
disputing parties) is formally terminated by the
governor, it shall be the duty of the governor to
take such action under the laws of this state
or of the United States as he shall deem neces-
sary and appropriate for the due protection of
the public peace, welfare and safety." An anti-
union governor could cripple lawful union activ-
ities with this power. The least that could be-
done would be to set a time limit for "formal
2. Abolition of the definite penalties provided
for violation of the act or interference with
members of the board in the performance of their
duties. It has been the consistent history of all
attempts at government intervention in labor
disputes that penalties provided cannot in fact
be enforced. Further, success of government me-
diation in collective bargaining has always been
proportional to the degree of voluntary coopera-
tion and whole-hearted support it has evoked.
The setting up of definite penalties can only serve
to impart an aura of threats and compulsion

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