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May 11, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-11

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Text On Radio,
First Of Type,
Is Announced
Wal io Abbott Writes Book
Expected To Fulfill Need
For Broadcast Guide
A new textbook on radio broadcast-
ing the first of its kind, will be pub-
lished by McGraw Hill Book Co., this
month, Prof. Waldo M. Abbott, direc-s
tor of the Broadcasting Service, its
author, announced.
"It is an innovation in texts, writ-
ten to meet the growing need for
some sort of guidance in the teaching
of radio speaking, dramatic and tech-
nical work," Professor Abbott said. "A
very comprehensive treatment, the
book does not attempt to present
complete information on every topic."
Already Used Here
According to advance indications,
many colleges will use the book, Pro-
fessor Abbott said. In addition to its
discussion of education, there is
ample material for the radio speaker,
' writer, broadcaster, listener and
teacher. In mimeographed form, the
handbook has been used for two years
at the University.
Among the topics treated are: the
networks-disadvantages and advan-
tages: the station, technically dis-
cussed; transmission and pickups;
radio speaking. A special chapter is
devoted to radio features such as
sports descriptions, round table dis-
cussions and interviews.
The remainder of the book deals
with the preparation and delivery of
addresses and the influence of radio
in various fields. A section on the
law "as it affects broadcasting" points
out the legal aspects of the govern-
ment-station relation.
Many Contributions Added
Professor Abbott, assistant profes-
sor of the speech department, mem-
ber of the Federal Radio Education
Committee and vice-president of the
Ann Arbor Broadcasting Co., Inc..
now petitioning for a local station, is
in New York arranging for the final
preparations with McGraw Hill Co.
Contributors included Turrel Ule-
man, formerly assistant director of
the Broadcasting Service, who aided
Professor Abbott in preparing the
technical portions of the volume; Leo
J. Fitzpatrick, vice-president and
general manager of WJR; Franklin
Dunham, educational director of
NBC and "Ty" Tyson, sports com-
(Continued from Page 4)
before directing the play anew. I
noted carefully every scholar's opin-
ion, every important actor's inter-
Shylock is not a lie; that is ob-
vious. He is, indeed, quite the most
poignant and penetrating study of
the Jewish character outside of the
Old Testament. If, indeed, he were
an offense on this great people, then
mothers-as a race-could rightly cry
out against "Oedipus Rex," or wives
against "Hedda Gabler," or Scotsmen
against "Macbeth," or the British
Royal Family against "King Rich-
ard, the Second."
Much of this confusion actually has
been brought about by actors them-
selves. Shylock, in the saying of the
theatre, is the refuge of every brok-
en-down old star. The whole legend
of Shylock as an "old" man is inter-
esting in itself. In Shakespeare's day
we know that Shylock was played
with red wig and beard. The "old"
Shylock, indeed, came onto the stage
a century later when an actor named
Macklin, desperately poor, as this de-
but in London did not have the

money to buy a red wig and so used
the stock old-man's grey hair that
every character actor had in his kit.
Once in the plaiy he is called "Old
Shylock"; but, recalling that Shy-
lock's daughter Jessica surely cannot
be much beyond eighteen, it is not
illogical to picture Shylock as a man
in the prime of his vigor and vitality.
"Old Shylock" has no more meaning,
I venture, to age than our modern
term "old boy."
This apparently slight break with
tradition actually is of the most illu-
minating importance to the whole
virility of the play. The Trial Scene
then becomes the pitting of like
against like, a crazed strong man
pitted against the dignity and calm
reasonableness of a Venetian author-
ity. If Shylock is not a fit subject for

drama, then we are passing by half
the drama in the world of real life.
The conflict of the quality of mercy
as against "I would have my bond,"
entirely beyond any christian or jew.-
ish connotations, has been the pith
of the struggle of all time. To put
it more clearly, "The Merchant of
Venice" merely dramatizes the old
adage "an eye for an eye" as against
the newer and still largely disused
>recept of "do unto others as you
would have them do unto you."
Shakespeare, as we know, actually
wrote "The Merchant of Venice" be-
cause his rival theatre had a current
success called "The Jew of Malta."
But this giving the public "what it
wanted" at the moment is only half
the story; by the strange alchemy
that was Shakespeare's he turned
what might have been another Eliz-
abethan pot-boiler into the most
searching study of misguided emo-.
tionalism the literature of the stage'
has ever known.
Yet frequently our actors, in ad-
miration of this glowing portrait,
have overlooked the true background
and import of the play. "The Mer-
chant of Venice" was written by
Shakespeare, beyond doubt, as a com-
edy-a comedy of carnival-time in
old Venice. It is, I believe, primarily
a love story; or if you will not go quite1
that far, at least Portia's story must!
be equal in importance to the story
of Shylock. The play must not end,
with the Trial Scene; there is still
the comedy of the lost rings to come,
and, in Lorenzo's mouth in the Gar-
den scene, some of the most exquisite
lyric poetry Shakespeare ever wrote.
"See how the floor of heaven is thick
inlaid with patines of bright gold,"
he has said, and surely such heaven-
wise music must not be thrown away.
Perhaps our chief success in the
present production of the play is
that the scenes after the Trial Scene
interest and delight the audiences
as much as any portion of the entire
production. For the first time, we
have achieved the ambition of not
having the audience reach for their
coats as Portia returns to her idyllic
All NYA work for the month of
June must be completed by June 19,
Harold C. Anderson, cost accountant
of the building and grounds commit-
tee, announced yesterday. Student
workers will have until May 24 to
complete their work for the present
month instead of May 17.

First Trip A Disaster 'SCA Air Cam p 'When Phi Betes Start Yawning, Falling Meteor
Tag Salesmen Then Spring Season Is On Way Reported Seen
Seek Help>ers .(..* Sunday Evenina
Scicntists Now Consider that the endocrine glands seem to
--- Let-Down Is Probably have a definite cycle, enlarging and -
contracting with the seasons. They "Trailing clouds of glory," in the
fh-. L t11d(lnts lIteirested Piysiological One also concluded that changes in thefa
I Are ReqIested To Leave I size and relationship of other impor- I of a meteor was seen to fall in the
N By ROBERT FITZHENRY tant organs seem to have a direct re-
ames At Lane Hall w lation to the amount of sunshine vicinity of Ann Arbor at about 10:30
AtLneHl When even the Phi Bete emits an peet mSna
involuntaryywnth lro present. p.m. Sunday.
Volunteers to help conduct the and turns a lack-lustre eye toward Also working on the effects of The meteor, which was also re-
University Fresh Air Camp Tag Day ;he open window, when the green- weather on various body functions ported in four other Michigan cities
be needed as soon as possible ness of campus and a hint from a Dr. William F. Peterson of the Uni- was described by witnesses as a white
before the drive on Friday, it was an- pretty maiden's eye are suddenly versity of Illinois College of Medicine ball with a green tail.
nounced yesterday by William G. treasured 21 times as much as all recently used the weather theory to Miss Marjorie Barber, a clerk in
Barndt, '37, chairman of the Tag Day. the book knowledge in the libraries, demonstrate why more people with is i bsies ce wh
I Any student on the campus who then it's time to get out the sulphur genius or with insane traits are con- was returning to Ann Arbor from
is willing to take a post on Friday is and molasses; that season is here ceived in the spring. He maintained D etr it and Mr. Do
asked to call Lane Hall and inform again. that the unusually stimulating cli- Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Donald
members of the general committee or Recent scientific investigations in- mate of the spring weather has a Boyd, Ann Arbor, said that they saw
to leave his name with the attendant. dicate that there is a possible physi- tendency to produce an abnormal em sky from south to north.
SMIembers of the Fresh Air Camp staff ological reason for the seasonal let- condition in the glandular system of rof Dean . Mnoft
be aided by a few of the boys who Dr. Warren Forsythe, director of be communicated to the child. astronomy department, said that he
h~ il ae sttionms owntwncandp.ildow.ithemotherwhicinftrnnsemset
- have spent summers at the camp. the Health Service. termed plausible Another authority in this field is saw the luminous train of another
Tdgisthe comment in the recent Literary Dr. Clarence A. Mills, professor of ex- meteor about four hours later, but
Tagposwilltecmsoldatalldtstaeicthat without the reports of exper-
Sspots on the campus, Barndt said, Digest which said that man has a perimental medicine at the University enced observers it would be impos-
and at important corners in the definite endocrine rhythm which of Cincinnati, who says that "Sci- eted heresuch a ould
city. Posts will be covered through- makes him feel differently according entific evidence accumulated in re- have fallen.
out the morning and afternoon, and a as the seasons vary. Laboratory work-. cent years indicates that man re-_have__a__en.
large staff of workers will be neces- ers, the Digest said, have reached sponds to his climatic environment
sary, according to Barndt. this conclusion after studying rats in no uncertain manner. His energy
Campus groups, including fraterni- and pigeons in detail. level and vitality, his inventiveness
ties, sororities, guilds and other or- Dr. Oscar Riddle of the Carnegie and ingenuity, his progressiveness
a _ _ _ganizations have been contacted, Institution and Dr. Wade H. Brown and ability to accomplish, all seem to PENS -- TYPEWRITERS
at.ersll- Barndt stated. Among those already of the Rockefeller Institute for Med- depend largely on the degree of cli-
the ill-fated Hindenburg for the indicating support are the Union, The ical Research, working independently matic stimulation to which he is sub- 302 South State Street
first time on its initial trans-At- Daily, the Michigan Men's Indepen- j with pigeons, rats and rabbits, found jected."
which end- dent Association, the Student Chris-
ed ii disaster at Lakehurst, N. J, tianAssocieties and church affiliations. The
is shown being carried to an am- University administration has backed
bulance for removal to a New York I the pEoject.nTHE EVERYMAN LIBRARY
hospital. _____________ Business men have been asked to
contribute this year for the first time.Cioae fd
Hindenburg Crash Contacts with the-Ann Arbor jewelers Containing world largest series of individual authors
revealed support from every firm, anthologies covering every field and period of literature,
Theory Is RefuTag Day include in addition to and catering to every taste. A catalog for the asking.
Barndt, Fred Olds, '38, campus vol-
(Continued from Page unteers; William Newnan, '39, adver- Priced at O NLY NINETY CENTS
-- - __ _- tising; John McConnachie, '40, fra-
a ternities and sororities; and Ralph STOCKED COMPLETELY AT
as all the conditions are present every gam ,'7,sei sus
time an airship descends." Segalman, '37, special stunts.
Professor Fajans termed more UNIVERSITY
plausible the theories that the explo-
sion was started by static electricity watch Repairin g
on the cover of the zeppelin, or by a H A L L E R'
difference in potential between the
earth and the ground rope, or by Jewelry .316 SOUTH STATE STREET
sparks flying from the engines, or by State and Liberty



Taste that says " Come again"
Mildness that says "Come often"

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