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May 11, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-11

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The Weatfier


Fair and somewhat wamer
today; tomorrow showers.

Sir iQ rn



:o, The
P~our Literal.



Of Zeppelin
Crash Is Held
Rosendahl Believes Cause
Of Disaster Lay Within
Technical Advisers
LAKEHURST, N. J., May 10.--(P)
-The Hindenburg's flaming dive tc
destruction was described graphically
to a commerce department investi-
gating board today by two expert eye-
witnesses, but neither was able to
offer a conclusion as to the mys-
terious cause of the dirigible dis-
aster which claimed 35 lives.
One of the witnesses, Commander
Charles E. Rosendah, leading Amer-
ican lighter-than-air authority, in-
timated strongly, however, that in
his opinion natural causes, such as
static electricity or lightning, were
not responsible and the secret of the
disaster lay within the great ship.
William F. Von Meister, executive
vice-president of the American Zep-
pelin Transport Company, agent here
for the Germany operating firm, con-
fined his testimony to what he ob-
served when flames suddenly en-
gulfed the ship with a safe landing
seconds away.
Rosendcahl Places Outbreak
Roseridahl definitely placed the
outbreak of the hydrogen fire on the
upper aft surface of the 800-foot long
silver envelope,
"I observed a small burst of flame
on the after part of the ship on the
top," he said, describing his first
warning of the disaster.
"My feeling was at once that it
spelled the doorw of the ship."
"After hearing the two witnesses,
the three-man investigating board
and its staff of technical advisors I
inspected the heavily-g iarded wreck-
age of the Hindenburg, then carefully
studied the motion pictures of the
disaster, and adjourned until Wed-
One theory of the many advanced
for the cause of the fire was that
the airship's trailer ropes carried a
spark.fr mthgr dtohe-shiP
Commander Rosendahl testified
the ropes were dropped four min-
utes before he observed the fire and
that it was his opinion they grounded
the static electricity accumulated by
the ship on its voyage.
'Lightning Not Feared'
"On this occasion it was humid
and, without doubt, contact of the
trailer ropes would discharge any
static on the ship," he said.
He also indicated a belief water
ballast dropped by the ship during
landing maneuvers could not have
provided a conductor for a spark
from ground to dirigible.
"As a rule," he said, water ballast
"dissolves and does not strike the
ground in a solid stream."
He declined later to state directly
what he thought of theories that
lightning or sparks from electrical
machinery might have caused the
"Lightning, while not a comfortable
thing, is not feared," he said. As for
sparks, he pointed out electrical ma-
chinery aboard the ship was "metic-
ulously" insulated and protected.
Dewey To Discuss
Socialist Problems
Prof. Ralph L. Dewey of the econ-
omics department will discuss "Some
Questions Socialist Economics Must

Answer" before the new campus lib-
eral group, tentatively named the
Student Union, at 8 p.m. today in the
Professor Dewey came to the
University this year from the De-
partment of Commerce in Washing-
ton. Previously he had been on the
faculty of the Ohio State University.
The executive committee headed by
Marshall D. Shulman, '37, associate
editor of The Daily and president of
the organization, will submit a con-
stitution for the approval of the
At a meeting yesterday of the or-
ganization's s e c u r i t y committee,
whose chairman is Earle B. Luby, '38,
plans for a cooperative bookstore were
formulated. Luby, who will investi-
gate cooperatives' problems this
week-end in Chicago, submitted a
plan calling for a nucleus of 100 stu-
dents and a faculty advisory com-
mittee to begin the cooperative. A
membership fee will be collected
Avery Will Provides
$5,000 For Scholarship
'14.,ua +1, nan . nlr c fnrsa nim-

Demon Proton,'Zeppelin Crash
Theory, Is Attacked By Fajans
ExplanationHeld Unlikely two men are well acquainted with
" each other) and admitted that his
As Disaster Conditions explanation of the behavior of hydro-
Exist In Every Flight gen under the stated conditions was
absolutely correct, buthProfessor Fa-
By ROBERT FITZHENRY jans doubted that the proton con-
The "demon proton" theory of the centration would be sufficient to
cause of the Hindenburg crash ad- cause an explosion. Even if it were
vanced on the front page of the New sufficient, he said, there is no reason
York Sunday Times, and considered why such explosions wouldn't be
to be the latest explanation of the taking place constantly in lighter-
disaster, was exploded yesterday by than-air ships.
Prof. Kasimir Fajans of the chemis- Fajans Gives Statement
try department in a talk before the Professor Fajans own statement,
trydeprtmnt n atal beorethemade last night to The Daily, is as
German department luncheon club. follows:
The theory was announced by yis
Prof. Otto Stern of the Carnegie In- Hydrogen in the normal state is a
stitute of Technology, who was for- molecule consisting of two hydrogen
merly closely associated with the atoms. The heat which is evolved
Zeppelin works before his exile from when one gram of hydrogen com-
Germany. It stated that the dis- bines with the oxygen of the air to
sociation of the hydrogen molecule form water is about 30 kilogram (or
into a proton and an electron by dif- large) calories. This process takes
fusion through the was of the dir- place only when the amount of hy-
igible caused a sufficient amount of drogen in the air is high enough,
energy to be released to ignite any and when external causes-like an
normal hydrogen gas present with- electric spark or a lighted cigarette-
out a spark, are present to produce local heating
Professor Fajans praised Profes- and start the reaction of the ex-
sor Stern's professional ability (the plosive mixture of hydrogen and oxy-
Puts"But if hydrogen is dissociated
M u1ssoi i nIi Puts into atoms and the atoms into their
constituents-the positively charged
g-O Lo don proton and the negatively charged
B anUOn Lonon electron-then the heat of the reac-
tion per gram hydrogen becomes
New I Ita about 400 kilogram-calories, and this
reaction takes place spontaneously
without an external cause. When
hydrogen molecules are passing
Newspapermen O r d e r e d through metal or perhaps even fabric
By Il Duce To Depart walls a small amount of the hydrogen
is dissassociated into protons.
From England Amount Of Protons Small
"Now if this amount were greater
ROME, May 10.- (W) -Premier the reaction of the protons with oxy-
Benito Mussolini's campaign against gen would be sufficient to cause an
the British press swept the London explosion of the hydrogen which an
date-line from Italian newspapers to- airship has to release when it de-
day. scends. But the amount of protons
For the first time in generations is so small that it is very unlikely.
not .a line of news from the British that this can be the real reason for
capital appeared in this city's press; the disaster; otherwise such explo-;
and all Italian newspapermen in sions would be occurring constantly,
Great Britain were on the way home (Continues on Page 61

Downs, Slater London Mobs


Wally Simpson.Resumes-
Maiden Name, Warffield

Face Charges
In Court Today
Civil Rights Group
PledgesIts Support
Head Of Student Workers
Is Held For Loitering,
Slater For Profanity
Tom Downs, '39, president of the
Student Workers' Federation, and
Myron E. Slater, local bookstore own-{
er, will go on trial at 2 p.m. today in
the court of Justice Jay H. Payne.
Downs is charged with loitering
in a public place in connection with'
the picketing, April 9, of the Ann Ar-'
bor Recreation Center, 605 E. Huron
St., and Slater is charged with using
indecent language at the same pick-
The following statement was re-
ceived by Downs last night.
"The Michigan Conference for the
Protection of Civil Rights, in the
name of nearly one-half million af-
filiates, stands behind you in our
common struggle for the protection
of our constitutional guarantees of
freedom of assembly and speech.
Pledges Cooperation
"We are prepared to cooperate in
any way possible to see that the right1
of all workers, whether student or
non-student, to organize in Ann Ar-
bor and not infringed upon.
"We are determined that the rights
of labor will be protected in Ann Ar-
bor courts."
When first arrested, Downs was1
charged with speaking in public with-
out a permit, but when it was found
that there was no ordinance covering
this, the charge against him was
changed to loitering in a public place.s
He will be represented at the trial by
Arthur Lehman, a candidate for
mayor in the recent election. :
Slater is charged with using inde-1
cent language in a warrant sworn out1
under the disorderly conduct ordi-i
nance of the city by Robert C. B.<
Campbell, Grad., a former Hopwood
prize winner. Frank B. DeVine will
represent him, and he will be triedt
before a jury.
William Laird, city attorney, will
represent the city in both of these1
Appeal To Be Heard
The appeal of Ralph Neafus, '36-
F&C, who was found guilty of loit-
ering at the same picketing by a jury
of six men April 29 in the court of
Justice Jay H. Payne will be brought
up in the Circuit Court of Judge
George W. Sample in the near future.
Neafus was sentenced to pay a fine
of $45.30 or go to jail for 15 days.
He spent a night in jail and then
was released after the appeal was
granted. Prof. J. F. Shepard of the
psychology department furnishedf
$200 bond for him.
Senators Averf
Spanish Spies
Are In Country
In (.ardll a Is Involved In
Operations, Senators Nye
And BernardCharge

Jam Avenues
About Palace
Strike Threatens To Stop
Traffic On Wednesday;
25,000 Busmen Idle
Coronation Banqueta
LargestSince 1911
LONDON, May 10.-(P)--Huge
crowds estimated at more than 1,000,-
000 people swept into the full tide of
gay, dazzling pre-coronation celebra-
tions tonight while King George VI
played host at a brilliant state ban-
quet in Buckinham Palace.
Jamming streets and hotels, break-
ing through police cordons and trudg-
ing gaily where they could not ride-
London's busmen are still on strike-
the coronation visitors swarmed
around the palace.
'We Want The King'
They roared "we want the king" for
hours while inside the monarch en-
tertained at the greatest banquet
since the 1911 coronation festivities
of his father, the late George V.
Hundreds of cars circled the pal-
ace, some with roofs loaded with gay,
singing passengers.
The walkout of 25,000 busmen,
tying up 5,000 buses and throwing
London's traffic into an almost hope-
less jam, gave every indication of con-
tinuing through Wednesday, coron-
ation day.
But those who came-and are still
coming by the thousands-from all
parts of the world showed little con-
cern, even though 12,000 street car
employes appeared eager to join the
busmen. Some busmen's groups
called for strikes of other public serv-
ice employes.
Guests Are Entertained
The King and Queen, visiting West-
minster Abbey in a last-minute re-
hearsal of the coronation ceremonies,
later entertained 450 guests includ-
ing many members of foreign royalty
at the big Buckingham palace dinner.]
Outside the famous palace in the
glare of floodlights, surged a gigantic
crowd that turned the mall with its
70-foot high white coronation masts
into a hundred-foot wide ribbon of
humanity, massed against the locked
arms and prancing horses of hun-
dreds of policemen.
Basques Strip
Army Officials
Of Full Control
BILBAO, Spain, May l0.-(P)-The
Basque capital of Bilbao, its men
fighting the insurgent ring in one row
of trenches while its women helped
dig another row back of the lines,
today consigned its fate to a new de-
fense council.
Stripping its military high com-
mand of full power, the autonomous
Basque government putaPresident
Jose Aguirre in charge of the council
and named five high army officers as
his aides.
The insurgent air force struck at
villages near Bilbao, apparently in an
effort to cut off the city's water
Meanwhile Basque' battalions
blocked the insurgents oa the Segona
and Galdacano roads north and east
of the city, and an Asturian brigade,
fighting for the government, was re-
ported to have regained lost ground
on the sharp slopes of strategically
important Mount Sollube. (One in-
surgent communique said they took
the town of Mugica in this region.)

ical school,

who will speak on "Ex-
Studies. on Diphtheria

MONTS, France, May 10.-(AP)-
The Duke of Windsor's fiancee as-
sumed her maiden name of Wallis
Warfield, her spokesman, Herman L.
Rogers of New York, announced to-
night, following legal action in Lon-
Her name-under which she will
marry the former British monarch-
is now "Mrs. Wallis Warfield," he
said. He emphasized it was "Mrs.,"
not "'Miss."~
The "Mrs." was retained at her own
request, her spokesman added, but
he said he could not say why.
Application for the change, drop-
ping the name of Simpson, was made
to a London court five days ago. The
former Baltimore woman's solicitors
advised her by telephone today the
change had been legalized, Rogers
The marriage date, he added, will
not be announced before May 17.
Edmunds Will
Talk. On Toxin
For Diphtheria
Winner Of Henry Russel
Award To Be Announced
During Program
The annual Henry Russel lecture
will be given at 4:15 p.m. Thursday
in the Natural Science Auditorium
by Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, chair-I
man of the department of materia
medica and therapeutics of the med-I

under orders of Il Duce.
The only London date-line seen in
Rome was carried by the semi-official
Vatican City organ, Osservatore Ro-
mano-the story was about prepara-
tions for the coronatieri of King
George VI Wednesday.
Nor did members of the English
colony receive their usual copies of
the Times or other London newspa-
pers, with the exception of three
London papers exempt under Mus-
solini's ban.
The Italian Press carried some
comment by German and Portuguese
newspapers approving Mussolini's ac-
tiom, giving rise in some quarters to
the thought that Adolf Hitler was
contemplating a similar move in the
Independents Plan
Membership Drive
A general membership drive to en-
list students in the recently formed
men's independent organization will
be held at 7:15 p.m. today in the
Union, William G. Barndt, '37, its'
president announced yesterday.
"We'd like to see some new faces
tonight so that we can make definite
plans for next year," he said. "The
only requirement for membership is
that the student be an independent
on campus," Barndt explained.
John C. Thom, '38, recently chos-
en president of the Union has al-
ready pledged his support to the In-
"Our main program for next year
will be the organization of indepen-
dent men into a strong group, and we
shall cooperate with the Dorm Com-
mittee in the attempt to unite them,"
Thom said Sunday.
Cupid Is Blind 0
Survey Of St
When it comes to dates the Michi-
gan student looks at life as a gamble,
according to a recent survey on blind
dates conducted by The Daily.
All of the 125 women and 68 out of
70 men questioned admitted that they
have taken a chance on their part-
ners for the evening.
Perhaps because they are more
game or for other reasons, the wom-
en on campus have had a greater
number of blind dates per person
than the men, The average num-
ber for the women is 10 a year while
the men are content with three, al-
though one member of a prominent

Pilots Complete
Hop To London
May 10.-(AP)-Dick Merrill and Jack
Lambie, flying the Atlantic "just to
break the monotony" of life, arrived
tonight on the first half of their
round-trip flight from New York to
Their silver, twin-engined Electra,
its radio apparatus damaged, first
landed at North Weald airdrome, 15
miles north of London. Ten minutes
later they were in the air again, and
at 6:35 p.m. (12:35 p.m. EST) they
came in at Croydon, 20 hours and 59
minutes after leaving New York.
The immediate reward of their
accomplishment was a series of kisses
by two enthusiastic American girls
who rushed through the big crowd, at
the airdrome.
Both insisted they were in fine con-
dition, and expected to be back in
New York Thursday, to deliver pic-
tures of King George's coronation.
Both were as casual and business-
like as their mission. Carrying pho-'
tographs of the Hindenburg disaster,
they explained they would have been
in sooner but for "very bad weather
after leaving the Newfoundland

Award To Junior Teacher
The recipient of the Henry Russel
Award for 1936-37 will also be an-
nounced at the lecture. This award
is given annually to a member of the
faculty who is of no higher rank than
an assistant professor. Last year's
winner of the Russel Award was Prof.
Lawrence Preuss of the political sci-
ence department.
The awards are made possible by a
grant from Henry Russell, '73, of De-
troit, who left $10,000 to the Univer-
sity when he died in 1920. The only'
stipulation of the grant was that the
money be used to raise the salaries
of faculty members.
Half To Senior Professor
It was decided by the Regents that
half of the award be given in the
form of a lectureship to a senior,
member of the faculty for outstand-
ing achievement for that year. The
Regents also decided to give the other
half to a younger faculty member
in the form of an award, for the
most promising work of the year.
The winners of the awards are chosen
by the University Council of Research
Council Will Study
Pension Revision
Republican movement to revamp the
Social Security Act culminated to-
day in the appointment jointly by
the Social Security Board and the
Senate finance committee of an ad-
visory council to study the idea of
revising the old age pension system.
A statement issued by Chairman
Harrison, (Dem., Miss.) of the Senrate
committee and Arthur J. Altmeyer,
chairman of the board, said the
council would begin within the next
month a study of fundamental
changes in the law, including pro-
posals to extend its scope to workers
not now covered.
Representatives of workers, em-
ployers, and the public were named
to the council-.

Closing Parley
Meeting Hears
Bitter Attacks
On Radicalism
3-Day Session Featured By
Vigorous Discussion Of
Current Movements
Haber Tells Labor,
Teachers To Unite
A heated attack upon radicals, crit-
icising them for "regimented bigotry
... violent hatreds . . . logical incon-
sistencies ...and obsessions of a mess-
ianic mission . . ." followed by a de-
fense on the ground that these atti-
tudes characterize only certain radi-
cals, but not radicalism brought to a
close the 1937 Spring Parley Sunday,
The attack and defense came at
the end of three days of panel dis-
cussion at which the question of lib-
eralism constantly recurred and lib-
erals were criticised for their inability
to take action. Prof. Wesley H. Maur-
er of the journalism department de-
livered the blasts against radicalism
"as a defense" before-the attacks of
the radicals against liberalism, he
said. He was answered by Mentor L.
Williams of the English department,
who summed up the radical position.
'Logical Inconsistencies'
Speaking of the "logical inconsis-
tencies" in the radical stand, Pro-
fessor Maurer made the point that
radicals laugh at the idea that war
is inevitable yet affirm their eternal
belief in the inevitability of revolu-
To this Mr. Williams replied that
"the avoidability or inevitability of
revolution is not the question at is-
sue." He went on to say that "at
this time, and at this time only, rev-
olution is imminent,"
Preceeding Professor Maurer, Prof.
Preston Slosson of the history de-
partment tied up the liberal point of
view, indicating that the confusion
about liberalism lies in that two wide-
ly different things are so named. One,
he said, is the content of a certain
economic and social theory, the oth-
er is an attitude of mind, a method
of approaching a problem.
"University professors should join
forces with organized labor" was the
opinion expressed by Prof. William
Haber of the economics department,
in response to a question from the
floor earlier in the session.
Join Original Labor
He qualified this however by say-
ing that the step should be taken only
if affiliation with labor could be ac-
complished without sacrificing the
impartial mind and free inquiry. He
stressed that it would "give the
university professor a very broad and
real contact with a vital force."
A large part of the discussion was
devoted to socialism and the profit
motive. After Prof. John F. Shepard
of the psychology department denied
that there was anything instinctive
(Continued on Page 2)
Finish Inquiry
In Police Case
Police commissioners yesterday
ended their investigation into the
charges of alleged brutality by Pa-

trolman Herman Suma in the arrest
of Fred Chase, 53-year-old University
custodian. A report will be submit-
ted to Mayor Walter C. Sadler today.
Meeting at the city hall, commis-
sioners held a closed investigation
from 8 to 11 p.m. with Chase, his wife,
Mrs. Roy Gearhart, and Assistant
The young lady who communlcate
with The Daily last.Friday in regard
to the arrest of Fred Chase is urgent-
ly requested to call again and indicate
where she can be reached.


WASHINGTON, May 10.-(A')-
Senator Nye (Rep., N.D.) and Rep-

TO SUPPORT PRESIDENT resentative Bernard (F.L., Minn.)
WASHINGTON, May 10.-(I)- charged today that spies are oper-
Michigan Democrats agreed in a ating in this country in the interest
caucus today to support the Presi- of Spain's insurgent forces.
dent's proposal for a $1,500,000 relief Bosaid Jan rg ncorer
appropriation. Both said Juan Francisco de Car-
denas, former Spanish ambassador to
the United States, is involved. They
in Dates Here, also named other former officials of1
_the Spanish embassy.

T T 1VTA toTte concil.
UAWA Used Coercion To Enlist
Members, Auto Workers Charge

udents Indicates
answered in emphatic terms to the
contrary. One poor resident of a
larger dormitory replied, "He could
have been, but he didn't see it that
way." Another woman student said,
"Yes, but he doesp't know it." But
still another replied, "I'll say! We're
being married in September."
Asked approximately how often
they accepted blind dates, the men
answered with such remarks as,
"Whenever I don't have anything bet-
ter to do," and "rarely" or "seldom."
One frank but unfortunate feminine
undergraduate admitted that she had
a blind date every time there was a,
a dance at her house. Needless to
say, she has never met her heart's

Nye submitted to the Senate trans-
lations of letters he said were written
by members of a New York shipping
firm to addresses in Spain, Mexico,
France and Cuba. Many discussed
shipments of arms and supplies to
the Spanish Loyalists.
The Senator told reporters he would
ask the Senate to investigate "all
subversive influences.,,
Bernard urged the state depart-
ment to revoke what he termed the
"illegally honored passports" of Car-
The Supreme Court issue, mean-
while, became a leading topic of
radio discussion after a week-end lull.
Wyvern Taps Ten
Sonh mor' Omnen

Coercion and intimidation have
been and remain common weapons in
the UAWA's drive for members, work-
ers in the Chevrolet and Fisher Body
plants told a Daily reporter Saturday.
Men who have joined the union as
well as unaffiliated workers said that
a campaign of petty annoyances had
made them so uncomfortble that it
was a question of joining the union
or leaving the job.
Independents Ignoredm
}Complete ostracism, the men re-
port, has been the most powerful club
in bringing independents around. A
worker in the manifold department
at Chevrolet's number four plant said
that, although working on the same
assembly line, he was completely ig-

could get them back.. In extreme
cases, he said, work had been de-
liberately spoiled.
Since there is constant pressure to
raise production, such acts, trivial in
themselves, can be very effective,
workers implied. The group pressure
exerted is enormous, non-union men
are forced together in one corner of
the plant, without contact with the
other men and are constantly on the
defensive. Not belonging to the
union is a constant irritation, and
many join just to relieve that. As
one of the Chevrolet workers phrased
it, "a union membership is damn
,heap insurance."
Mild forms of terrorism are com-
mon in whipping the members into
line, other men declared. Clothes are

Dean Walter Rea testifying inx
son. Statements f r o m Will
Grier, '39, Lorenzo Plumpton, G.
Burd, and Dr. Neil Gates were 1
Chase's charges of. brutal tr
ment were the first of three alle
tions to be made in as many c
against police. Substantiated by N
nesses, he stated that Patrolman I
man Suma unjustifiably manhanc
him during the arrest which t
place at 12:40 p.m. on May 1, at
corner of State and N. Univer


.., r : :1,.;.

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