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May 08, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-08

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Burning Issues Of The Day
Flare Up In Pile Of Letters


" k-


- Edited and managed by students of the University of
Miigan under the authoilty of the Board in Control of
Student Publication~s.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the- Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches. credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colege Publishers Representative
420MADI9Ot&Awl. NEW YORK. N.Y.

Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfe HARichardHershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
IGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
SPORTSEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred Delano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty

Business Department
BUSINESS~ MANAGER .... ..... ...... ,JOHN R. ,PARK
- BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge,, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret FerriesJa e
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
JeanSheinfrank, Dodi Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.

Ours Bdt To Gasp And Sigh
To the Editor:
"Colnmn left," said the battalion leader; "col-
umn left," said the first lieutenant. And I'll
be darned if the column didn't go left-a little
sloppily, to be sure, and the man on the end
stumbled over a sand bag as he hurried to catch
up-but it went left all right, and the R.O.T.C.
had a grand time thrilling the crowd by march-
ing over Palmer (it-used-to-be-Women's-Ath-
letic) Field, while a flock of co-eds, scantily clad,
took time out from their intramural baseball
games to let the army pass.
Now we'll be perfectly rank about it, we aren't
going to make any cracks about how the R.O.T.C.
isn't content to take recruits from men's phys.
Ed. but must also step on the women's-and we
aren't going to begin a nice objective debate on
the war propaganda which might be seen in the
band and uniforms-all we want is a place to
Of course we didn't mind stopping a wild
dash and ignoring the little pop fly which circled
calmly over our heads, when we realized that it
was the Star Spangled Banner which was rising
into the blue; and we were perfectly ready to
grab that other player's bat when she eyed the
ball and aimed calculatingly toward the 2nd tuba
from the end; and I do believe we enjoyed watch-
ing the blond who kept time with his hands, feet,
and chewing gum all at once, but when we heard
that it was going to happen every Tuesday-on
the one day we try to rout girls out of dorms,
sororities, zones, and homes-well, it was just
too much. We went berserk. We broke our
bats over each other's heads and shouted our
woes to the heavens, but did anyone hear us?
-No, they were all running after the band. So
we now present our plea:
We would like a little place to play.
-C. M. Franking.
Poolroom Justice
To The Editor:
Herr Adolph Hitler
Berlin, Germany
Dear Herr Hitler:
I understand that you are looking for some
good S.S. and S.A. men to enforce your "moral
finprovement" dfive-an integral part of your
fine program in Germany today.
I have just the group for you, and although
they do not fit your requisite of Nordicism to
the letter, I am sure that they will join in your
work with an ardor and an enthusiasm that is
certain to delight you.
At present they are employed as "officers of the
law" in a small town nestled in the southern
part of the state of Michigan (U.S.A). For a
slightly greater incentive-such as unlimited
killing privileges, Sunday lynchings, or just plain
hell raising-they might be induced to join your
quaint little group. At present they are more
or less dissatisfied with their jobs here, as they
find the work much too quiet, tame, and unin-
teresting to keep them busy.
They combine to an admirable degree the two
precepts of your organization-physical brutality
and mental inferiority. They are aggressive, well
fed, and are men of steel. They are unafraid and
will go after any unarmed culprit with a hell-
bent vengeance that should open your eyes.
If you care to, communicate with them at the
city hall or any of the town's numerous pool

DepartmentAl Managers
J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don-J.
Wilgher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones,, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg,sService
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
A Hypodermic
For The A.F. Of L. . .

Noah Webster Says...
To the Editor:
Professor Preston Slosson's recent article re-
buked students like B.W. and undergraduate
students in general, because-so believed Mr.
Slosson-the former seemed to say that "a dem-
onstration against war is futile unless also a
demonstration against the University author-
ities," while the latter-so believed Mr. Slosson
again-were so unlike the privately tutored stu-
dent, who is glad neither if his tutor comes
late nor if his dear teacher skips the class alto-
gether, and who does not endeavor to get by
with the least studying.
First, let me assure everyone, and this includes
Mr. Slosson and our University's administration,
that neither B.W. nor even the worst pacifist
-nor even the best communist, if you please-
has any illusions to the effect that ipso facto
a student demonstration .Ygainst war, in order
not to be futile, must also be a demonstration
against the University authorities. Only the
minfre fool can harbor such an illusion.
The wise fool knows that he cannot afford to
strike at his morepowerful partner as long as
both are earnestly striving for a common end.
Evidently, therefore, all depends on the more
powerful partner. Of course, power breeds sus-
picion, and, unfortunately, it seems that the
little voices of truth are the suspects. This sus-
picion of the powerful partner is very much a
self indictment. Why even the best of Amer-
ican communists should ridicule me if I expressed
myself to the effect that the Communist Party,
for example, wants revolution. And I would
deserve his ridicule.
But I have been noticing more and more that
intellectuals cannot awaken themselves to the
realization that their fine theoretical calcula-
tions especially on the/ really vital social-eco-
nomic phenomena, are not worth two cents as
a guide and barometer to every day experience.
Perhaps this eternal drowsiness is what causes
our intellectuals to be so exceedingly timid and
so good-mannered-as if good manner implied
tolerance, to say nothing of wisdom! I seem to
notice also that whenever a true intellectual goes
beyond his cloistered walls, he almost invariably
makes quite a fool of himself. The sun of
reality brings out the numerous spots of theory
upon his dress-and he certainly looks ridicu-
lous. For example, Professor Raymond T. Bye
wrote an excellent text on The Principles of Eco-
nomics, but when he tried to make use of his
theories in criticizing a certain study of the
Brookings Institution, he certainly looked ridic-
ulous and wasted a few pages in a journal of
economics. Heavens! however, I am not be-
littling theory-and, certainly I hold high the
standard of principles-but I am denouncing any
theory, social, political, economic, or educational,
which deems itself above the realm of ethics:
In particular, social ethics.. rhi
But let us continue with the case at hand. Mr.
Slosson explained B. W.'s "curious illusion" as
being "but an extreme case of the misappre-
hension involved in the use of "strike" for a stu-
dent demonstration." Unfortunately, I must
state very definitely that the misapprehension
is on the part of Mr. Slosson. Mr. Slosson makes
a serious blunder when he states that "a strike is,
by all deflinition, to bring pressure on an employer,
by refusing to work for him,' 'and that "there
can be no such thing as a student strike."
The intransitive verb "strike," says Noah Web-
ster in definition No. 1, means"to go; advance;
proceed; to take a course." Now then, Mr.
Slosson, is it not correct and are students not
able to take a course against war? And this isn't
all that Noah says. Definition No. 6 says that to
strike (still intransitive, mind you) means "to
deliver a stroke or thrust; to give a blow; to
fight; as, to strike for one's country." How noble
an example! We students can strike for our coun-
try by striking for peace. Surely, Mr. Slosson,
it was a slip to insist that an employer is neces-
sary in order to strike or to have a strike. Your
chosen meaning, which, however, you say is the
complete definition for the word strike (noun), is
in reality merely definition No. 14! Perhaps this
is a striking fact.
Now, as to Mr. Slosson's rebuke at the entire
student body, except some graduate and profes-
sional students, let us not say much, for the
logic link is almost completely missing. Per-
sonally I wasn't aware of any fact which states

that all, or even a majority, of us could be fitting
subjects for -private tutoring-or, if we could
have tutors, that we should act differently, and,
if we should act differently, that it would be be-
cause we were paying the teacher directly and
not a University cashier. Furthermore, we may
rest assuredthat in every class there are a few
earnest, tutor caliber, students who are sad
indeed when the teacher (if he is a teacher)
does not show up. And undoubtedly there are a
number of students who insist on getting by,
not with the least, but with the maximum of
Perhaps, fellow students, we ought to try to
see to it that, in spite of the state of education,
we acquire such striking qualities as, intelligent
common sense, social mindedness, principles,
convictions, courage, and sacrifice.
-Louis Deutsch.
vately-endowed schools which owe nothing to the
residents of their respective states, whereas the
University of Michigan is definitely obligated to
the residents of the State of Michgan. Why
couldn't the University bring about a lowering of
living costs and provide such an excellent edu-
cation at such a reasonable total cost that some

Beneath It All
-City officials packed the decks of
the S. S. Hysteria upon her arrival
here this afternoon to extend the wel-
coming greetings of the wide-eyed
derby town to Col. R. J. H. Henoch,
Commissioner Bonthron X. Williams,
Steward Fritz Buchanan, and Judge
William Bates, internationally-known
sporting figures who checked in at
one of Louisville's most exclusive
trailer camps at 5 p.m.
The visiting dignitaries received
reporters and others in the main sa-
lon of the Hysteria and then kept
them waiting a full 15 minutes while
friends sought frantically through
the ship for Colonel Henoch's shoes.
Seriously though, the Ann Arbor
delegation, arrived here with all its
members but not all of the trailer
intact. The latter being due to a
collapse of the table in the breakfast
nook while the Colonel and the Com-
missioner were 'attempting to pour
each other a glass of milk en route.
Steward Buchanan behind the wheel,
the encourage wheeled down the Ohio
valley from Cincinnati through Ken-
tucky Hills now in the almost com-
plete grasp of summer. Young foals
romped along the rail fences of blue
green pastures as we bowled along
and finally pulled in here on the
banks of the placid yellow river which
six months ago was termed a swirling
Frankly these trailers are a bit per-
plexing. You're all right as long as
you sit down and are unambitious,
but when attempting to light the
stove, as we did while rolling through
Toledo, or to type as I did while bang-
ing over a brick road, the conse-
quences are inevitable.
We left the Hysteria in dry dock
however and are even now within'
the confines of this crazy derby town
where the streets are a madhouse of
jostling crowds and happy drunks.1
On every corner you can buy jockey1
caps and pennants and get knocked
over by two dozen drunks.
Hotels and bars are jammed to
capacity. In the same lobby of the
Seelbach where last winter Chuck
Kennedy and I talked to the desk
clerk from a row boat, as he sorted,
telegrams from frightened flood vic-
tims, are hundreds of galy-dressed
glad makers in all stages of making.
In the upper halls of the hostelries
is a continuous roaring occasioned by;
a dozen parties on each floor, eachi
dishing up the particular variety of
whoopee they like best.
The talk is all of tomorrow's
classics and of the jockey, owners,
trainers and horses who will run in
the 63rd Kentucky Derby. The last
minute word the night before the
derby is War Admiral, weather con-
ditions seem to warrant a fast track,
which will greatly favor the chancesk
of the son of Man O' War.t
On everyone's lips are stories oft
the turf, of Eterminator, Regret, Gal-1
lant Fox, Twenty Grand, and otherI
immortal winners of the classic. The
moderns are confined to conversa-
tions regarding Cavalcade's great racel
in 1934, the awkward but game Om-
aha's drive to the wire in 1935, theI
thrilling run through the stretch
staged by Bold Venture and Brevity
ending in victory for the Morton
Schwartz colt, and breaking the
hearts of Brevity and his countless3
backers. Everyone in Louisville on
derby eve doffs his hat to the mightyI
thoroughbred. Everyone is wonder-r
ing what stories will be told a yearI
from tonight about tomorrow's race.
Will it be War Admiral, Dellor, Scene
Shifter; Pompoon, Melodist, or someE
horse that now no one rates as a con-
tender? Louisville and the rest of the;

(Continued from Page 2)
her classes until Thursday, May 13.
Extra reading: Sociology 233 'Au-
thority and Freedom" by John Dewey
in the November 1936 "Survey Gra-
phic" and Sociology 239 "Dynamics
of Therapy" by Jessie Taft (the en-
tire book). These readings are to
be completed by May 13.
M.E. 7, Sec. Y, Squads "A" and "B":
The test of the Stirling boiler will be
conducted on Monday, May 10. Re-
port to the boiler room, ready for
work, at 5:15 p.m. If your atten-
dance from this hour until the end
of the test is not possible, see your
instructor not later than 1 p.m. Mon-
day, May 10.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower, Sun-
day afternoon, May 9., at 4:15 p.m.
University Lecture: Dr. Walter H.
Bucher, chairman of the department
of geology and geography, University
of Cincinnati, will lecture on "The
Hart Mountain Overthrust" on Tues-
day. May 11, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural
Science Auditorium. Illustrated. The
public is cordially invited.
The Henry Russel Lecture: Dr.
Charles Wallis Edmunds, professor of
Materia Medica and Therapeutics,
will deliver the annual Henry Russel,
Lecture at ,4:15 p.m., Thursday, May
13, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
His subject will be "Experimental
Studies on Diphtheria Toxin." On
this occasion also announcement of
the Henry Russel Award for 1936-37
will be made.
I Exhibition
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture: An exhibition of the student
work in design from member schools
of the Association of Collegiate.
Schools Hof Architecture, among which
is included the University of Michi-'
gan College of Architecture, is being
shown in the third floor exhibition
room of the Architectural Building.
This will be on view through May 13,
daily except on Sunday, from 9 to 5.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Choral Union Ushers: The follow-
ing men may call for their May Fes-
tival usher cards at Hill Auditorium
box office between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
today. Old cards are not good for

itiation fee must be paid in full by
May 19, 1937. All members must re-
turn information cards and make
final payment on dues by Tuesday,
May 11.
Pitch and Putt Club: There will be
an important meeting Monday af-
ternoon at 4:30 p.m. at the Women's
Graduate Outing Club: Annual
canoe trip down the Huron River,
starting near Whitmore'Lake. Party
leaves at 6 a.m. Sunday morning.
Each group of four provides one
canoe and transportation. Reserva-
tions should be made through Wayne
Whitaker, telephone 5745, or through
Edward Marceau.
Beta Kappa Rho faculty tea at the
Michigan League Building Sunday,
May 9, from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. The Student
Class will meet with the Spring Par-
ley at the Michigan Union.
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Robert Sanford, '38, will speak on
the subject, "Hobbies." This will
be an illustrated talk on Mountain-
eering. Fellowship hour and supper
following the meeting.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:30 a.m. Dr. C. B. Al-
len, of the Metropolitan M. E. church,
Detroit, will preach on "Mother."
First Presbyterian Church, meet-
ing at the Masonic Temple.
At 10:45 a.m. "God's Proxy" is the
topic upon which Dr. Lemon will
preach at the special Mother's Day
Service. Special music by the stu-
dent choir.
At 6:30 p.m. Mr. Gilbert Anderson
of the Dodge Community House in
Detroit, will be the guest speaker at
the regular meeting of the Westmin-
ster Guild. His topic will be "The
Church and Social Work." A supper
and social 'hour will precede the meet-
ing at 5:30 p.m. All students are
Church of Christ (Diseiples)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Discussion program on
the subject "The Program of the
Church for our Modern World." This
discussion will draw freely upon the
findings of the Parley,
First Congregational Church, Wil-
liam and State Street.
10:45 a.m., service of worship, ser
mon by Rev. Ray Morton Hardy of
troit. His subject will be "The Royal
4:30 p.m., Student Fellowshp. The
group will meet at Pilgrim Hall at
4:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon for an
outdoor meeting.
A picnic supper is planned fol-
lowed by a vesper service.
Harris Hall: There will be a student
meeting in Harris Hall Sunday eve-
ning at 7 p.m.
The Rev. Henry Lewis will speak
on "Moral Codes and the Cllege Stu-
dent." Refreshments will be served.
All Episcopal studers and their
friends are cordially invited,
Saint Andrew's Episcoal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are:
8 a.m., Holy'Communion, 9:30 a.m.,
Church School, 11 a.m., Kindergar-
ten, 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, and
sermon by The Rev. Henry Lewis.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church:
10:30 a.m., Confirmation service. A
class of 16 children and 9 adults will
be admitted to church membership
by Hoy Baptism and the rito Con-

firmation. Sermon by the pastor on
"Jesus Only."
Student Club meeting from 5:30-
7:30 p.m. Election of officers. Sup-
per at 6 p.m.
7:30 p.m. Reunion service of the
confirmed. The Rev. Arnold F.
Krentz of Mt. Clements will 'deliver
the sermon at this service.
Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
South Fourth Ave. Theodore
Schmale, pastor.
9 a.m.,' Early service (conducted in
9:30 a.m., Sunday school.
10:30 a.m., Morning worship with
Mother's Day sermon on "Our Faith
and Our Families"
7 p.m.; Young People'sXLeague.
Unitarian Church, Sunday at 11
First of series of three panel dis-
cussions on "Michigan Clinic." Topic
for thisSunday, "The Depression
Years" led by William W. Voisine,
mayor of Ecorse, Dean S. T. Dana,
Miss Edith Bader, Elmer Akers and
Rev. H. P. Marley. Question period
to follow.
'7:30 p.m. Liberal Student's Union.
Prof. Robert Angell will speak on

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
a-versity-. Copy received at the off-o UtheAsat toto Prsida"
nath 3:30; :00 a.m. an Saturday.


ican Federation of Labor would
fight the Committee for Industrial Organization
has been a question in the minds of students
of the labor movement ever since the C.I.O. was
suspended from the A.F. of L. a year ago.
Federation officers have now revealed their
plans. These plans provide for a. large-scale
drive for industrial unionization in mass produc-
tion industries. A.F. of L. industrial unionization
will differ from C.I.O. industrial unionization,
leaders contend, in that it will encourage craft
unionization within industrial organizations. The
theory behind these plans obviously seems to be
that the crafts will maintain their distinction
while still enjoying the advantages of an indus-
trial union.
Theoretically these plans are sound enough.
Strong industrial unionization can be compatible
with equally strong craft unionization when they
are sponsored by the same organization. As a
matter of fact, these plans comprise a potential
cure for one of the Federation's superficial sores
that of craft unions failing to act together in
But the A.F. of L. will not find the solution
to effectiveness merely by banding its craft.
unions into industrial organizations. The road,
to progress for the Federation lies in the expul-
sion of its docile and treacherous leadership,
which has made a regular practice of selling out
individual unions. A typical instance of leaders
selling out the rank and file was in the Minne-
apolis truck drivers' strike in 1934. With the
strike in its zero hour Daniel J. Tobin, interna-
tional president, refused the strikers aid because
of too militant rank and file leaders. Another
instance is the maritime strike of last year. There
are many others.
And like any disease it can be eradicated only
by a thorough cleansing. A bath won't do the
trick. If the 106 unions of the A.F. of L. really
want to reorganize and progress, their first move
when they meet May 24 in Cincinnati will be
to expell their present leaders and elect more
militant ones. Possibly their salvation lies in
reunion with the C.I.O. and in the adoption of
John L. Lewis as their leader.
Before Winter
Comes.. .
HEN THE BEDS were full at the
Health Service during the influ-
enza epidemic this last winter, students in need
of hospitalization had to be turned away.
More than once last winter students had to
be sent home from the Health Service, although




the May Festival.
Henry Aikison
H. A. Anderson
Jerry Arzouman-
Robert V. Baxley
Ralph S. Bell
Ehman Beth
Warren A. Beth
Jim Calver
John Carriel
Weldon Clark
Thomas Draper
Howard R. Doud
Mulder Gerret
Ross A. Gortner,
John B. Green
Amos H. Hawley,
Woodrow Hunter
Charles Ingersol
William W. Jack

Rodger E. Longley
La Marca
Milton Marmer
Robert C. May
James McCormick
R.H. Nichols, Jr.
Russell Paulman
Darriel Phillippi
Robert Prince
J. I. Routh
C.R. Ruegnitz
A.L. Schlesinger,
Edward Sherman
Milton Slogh
Frank Otey Smith
Gilbert S. Smith
Sidney Sobin
Lester Sperberg
John G. Starr-
Harold F. Stewart
James W. Upham

Harvard Of The West
To the Editor:'
The administration apparently is very much
pleased to announce the financing of a third
dormitory unit. The three units of the pro-
posed quadrangle will cost $345,000 and house
all of t182 men. 182 men out of the number
of men enrolled in the University is a rather
small percentage. Are the dormitory funds being
spent efficiently?
It seems to me that the main objective of the
State University should be definitely utilitarian-
i.e., to. provide the best education to the great-
est number of students. High quality educa-
tion cannot be provided unless the University
has sufficient funds to meet its needs. However,
the number of students receiving education is
definitely limited unless the cost of education
is brought down to where it is available to stu-
dents in the lower financial brackets. Since the
tuition can scarcely be lowered, the living costs
are the only items that can be decreased. In my
opinion these costs are definitely a concern of
the University. While the promoting of the new
men'sdormitory indicates that the administra-
tion recognizes this fact, the proposed quad-
rangle seems a waste of funds to me. True, the
new buildings will probably be impressive enough
to evoke a few gasps from gaping visitors but
the number of men actually housed will be only
a drop in the bucket. I believe that any men's
dormitory which does not house enough men
to control appreciably the price of room refits
in Ann Arbor is an abortive attempt: to remedy
the housing situation. That the controlling of
room rents is not impossible is shown by the fact
that the University of Iowa quadrangle, housing
nine hundre4 men, effectively controls the room
rents in Iowa City.
The construction of a very large dormitory
necessitates either the raising of huge sums of
money or lower standards of building construc-
tion than is used in the Lawyer's Club, the Union,
and other Michigan buildings. I believe that
Michigan he-men do not need massive-walled,
rfiaifed.eerios r su mntueusyfunied n- _


turf world wonders. Today we
have our answer.


Emil and die Detektive
At The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Boys will be boys, the old adage
goes, and last night we saw the
set of keen, charming youngsters that
Erich Kaestner created in his Emil
und die Detektive (Emil and The
Detectives) doh about on the screen
7n all their boyish glory. The Ger-
man language film version (with
English subtitles) of thismodern
Hiuck Finn, actually living the role
of sleuth, stands out as an intelli-
gently constructed bit of cinema hu-
mor. We can hear Penrod and the1
immortal Tom Sawyer join in the
chorus of welcomes to Emil Tischbein.
Emil's career of crime and counter
crime begins in his 'hick' town of
Neustadt, where he mischievously
performs a work of artful decoration
on the statue of some stuffy hero.
From there he rides to Berin to visit
his grandmother and winsome cousin
Pony Hutchen. On the railroad voy-
age, free from Heil Hitlers and my-
stic signs of the order of Brown
Shirts, a greasy crook filches 140
marks from the sleeping Emil.
Arriving in Berlin, Emil's adven-_
tures as a serious detective, take
him into the arms of as amusing a
i.Wo, rf cr,,f a .tyirk ac ac a

Clarence KooistraJoseph C. Wagner
Theodore Lahti Kurt H. Zander
G. C. Livingston, W. K. Zewodski
The U. of M. Outing Club will have
a supper hike today, leaving Lane
Hall at 2 :30 p.m. All those interest-
ed are cordially invited to attend.
Coming Events
'German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be an in-
formal 10-minute talk by Prof. Kasi-
mir Fajans.
School of Music Seniors: You have
been invited to attend the annual
banquet of the School of Music Al-
umni Association on .Saturday, May
15, at 11:45 at the Michigan League.
This is a fine opportunity to meet
prominent School of Music gradu-
ates, become members of the Alumni
Association, enjoy an excellent pro-
gram. Reservations should be made
immediately by signing your name on
the list provided on the Senior Bulle-
tin Board in the School of Music lob-
A.S.M.E. Members: Election of of-
ficers for next year will be held on

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