The Weather Fair and warmer today; show- ers tonight and tomorrow; cooler tomorrow. L 3k i g an :43 tii Editorials A Hypodermic For The A.F. Of L.. Before Winter Comes VOL. XLVII No. 156 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Foreign Crisis Felt To Be Past ByT. B. Potter Conflict Within Five Years Is Called Unlikely In Talk Before ModelAssembly Reform Of League Outlined In Meeting Predicting the renewal of interna- tional cooperation by Italy, Germany and Japan and feeling that the crisis in the League of Nations has passed its low point, Prof. Pittman B. Pot- ter of the Universitie des Hautes In- ternationales Etudes in Geneva, and now exchange professor in the University of Chicago, addressed the annual banquet of the Michigan Mod- el Assembly in the Union last night. When interviewed after the ban- quet, Professor Potter said that a general European conflict was ex- tremely improbable at least within the next five years, and that the Spanish conflict, in showing modern war machinery less effective than previously believed, has had much to do with the changed attitudes of Italy and Germany. Labor Conference Meets The Assembly got under way at 11 a.m. yesterday with the meeting of the International Labor Conference in the First Congregational Church. Dealing primarily with the subject of collective bargaining, the director's report, given by Robert E. Fryer, '38, stressed the need of International legislation in the field of labor law and was followed by a discussion by Alfred Fortino from Alma College, Harry Vinson from Michigan State College and John Buckingham from Wayne University, pointing out the effects of labor legislation in the countries which they represented: United States, Canada and Great Britain, respectively. Preliminary Discussion Held After the luncheon in the League the delegates adjourned to the com- mittee'rooms in the League for the preliminary discussion of the prob- lems facing the plenary session of the Assembly which will meet at 10 a.m. today in the First Congregational Church. The committees will meet again at 9 a.m. this morning to draw up concrete proposals on American neutrality and its relation to the League, and on the reform of the League, to be presented to the plenary session today. The first committee on the reform of the League presided over by Ed- ward C. Moore of Western State Teachers' College reached very defi- nite conclusions,' first as to the need of greater universality of the League (Continued on Page 2) Packard Ends Labor Struggle With UAW Pact DETROIT, May 7.--(2)-The Pack- ard Motor Car Company and the United Automobile Workers of Amer- ica signed an agreement late today after several weeks of negotiations. Its terms swill not be announced until the pact is submitted to a meet- ing of workers for their ratification Sunday. The negotiations on the union's 22 demands were halted temporarily while the National Labor Relations Board conducted an election-the first in the automobile industry un- der the Wagner Act-to determine whether the workers wanted the UAWA as their sole collective bar- gaining agent. The vote was four to one for the union. Exclusive bargaining privileges was one of the union demands. The oth- ers presumably were settled in to- day's agreement, which will be inj force until next May 1. Ford Asserts Living Scae Remains ow DETROIT, May 7.-WP)-Henry Ford declared his opposition to the Federal tax on undistributed profits today, asserting that its purpose was to eliminate independent business and that government expenditures were not raising the standards of the country. "If the government took every cent of Ford Motor Co. profits and used the money to raise the standards of Ruthven Demands Congressional Inquiry Into Educational Lobbies Outlines 9-Point Program For Advanced Schools In WashingtonTalk An immediate Congressional in- vestigation of educational lobbies "with a view to effecting their elim- ination" was urged yesterday by President Ruthven in a speech before the American Council of Education in Washington, D.C. President Ruthven reiterated his warning of several months ago in Philadelphia that federal subsidies should be refused by educational in- stitutions. In his antagonism toward federal subsidies President Ruthven clashed directly with the Michigan Educa- tional Association, which has been lobbying for the Harrison-Black Bill for $100,000,000 aid to state educa- tion. President Ruthven proposed the following nine-point program for higher education in America: 1) Educators should immediately rededicate their schools to the dem- ocratic idea and acquaint faculties with the dangers of, and trends to- ward, state and federal control. 2) The educational organizations should study themselves with the objectivesofdco-ordinating their ac- tivities, and of increasing their ef- fectiveness in the particular fields in which they are primarily designed to serve. 3) The foundations should be asked largely to cease providing di- rect grants-in-aid, and in their place to give more support to scholarships and fellowships and to projects which Government Aid' Program Is Hit In Atwood Talk Underwriters' Conference Hears Critic Make Plea For Self-Reliance Condemning the widespread gov- ernment provision for security andI welfare, Albert C. Atwood, financial editor of the Saturday Evening Post, told the annual state convention of life underwriters here yesterday that life insurance is an expression of in-I dividual responsibility. "This ever-increasing struggle to1 live off the state, to get on its pay- roll, to draw benefits from it, he ex- plained, can lead only to the de- struction of much of what we hold dear in this country in culture, in ethics, character and independence as well as financial solvency." Sacrifice Found Necessary Abolition of poverty, Mr. Atwood maintained, is not a matter for legis- lation. "It is essential to the con- tinuance of democratic institutions that people care for themselves as much as possible. We cannot have a wholesome civilization without vol- untary sacrifice and responsibility, and I certainly don't want to live in a country from which such qualities have been removed." The stability and sanity expressed by life insurance, Mr. Atwood claimed, would compensate for violent polit- ical movements from extreme Re- publican to extreme Democrat. He asked the agents to "enlarge the forces which make for orderly adjust- ment in the nation." 'Hammering' Advocated Mr. Atwood also advocated educa- ion and constant hammering by life insurance men to tell their customers how they can meet their own respon- sibilities as a means of caring for the poor. Charles E. Gauss, state insurance commissioner, pointed to the inade- quacy of the state department's or- ganization, claiming that it is "not only undermanned but underpaid, with the result that it hadudeveloped into a training school for young men 11 and ladies. Officers elected at the afternoon session included George E.' Lackey of Detroit as president of the associa- tion; Donald J. Porter, Grand Rapids,: Earl Engel, Jackson and Jack M. Rab- inovich as vice-presidents. Dr. Allen Will Speak Before Phi Beta Kappa S s Dr. Florence E. Allen of Columbus, s O., judge of the United. States Cir- f cuit Court of Appeals, will be the principal speaker at the annual Phi t Beta Kappa initiation banquet at J 6:30 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids f Room of the League. form parts of research and teaching programs approved by the education- al counsels. 4 A congressional investigation of educational lobbies should be de- manded at once with a view to ef- fecting their elimination. 5) The president's planning com- mit ee should be asked to investigate fedei'al subsidies in the hope that the practice of creating them may be discontinued or methods adopted which will limit them to experimen- tal periods and otherwise keep them from centralizing control over the schools. 6) The institutions of higher ed- ucation should accept the American council on education, or create some other council, as the general co-or- dinating body for all of their activi- ties. 7) The American council on edu- cation or a similar body should be requested to give immediate atten- tion to the preparation of a broad national program which will elimi- nate undersirable competition and (Continued on Page 2) Police Beating Inquiry Begun By Commission Three Witnesses Declare Treatment Of Custodian Was Unwarranted An investigation into the allegedly brutal treatment of Fred Chase, 53- year-old University custodian, by Pa- trolman Herman Suma last Saturday noon was started by the local police commission last night. The commission met for three hours in the City Hall and will meet again next week in view of the fact that no decision on the case was reached. Further allegations that the treat- ment of Chase was unnecessarily bru- tal were made by three more wit- nesses yesterday. William Grier, '39, said: "As I was waiting to cross State Street at the corner of William Street a police car came around the corner and I saw a small, poorly dressed man being struck across the mouth by a burly looking officer. The cowering man did not seem to be showing any cause why he should be treated so brutally." Mrs. Roy H. Gearhart stated, "I did not see the first blow but I saw the man while the police were still mistreating him. He looked as if he had been in an auto accident. He was offering no resistance and there seemed no justification." Another incident in which the po- lice were allegedly brutal was re- vealed when Bolton Morrison of Flint, charged last night that police had mistreated him when he and several visitors to Ann Arbor were arrested several weeks ago. He claimed that "police threw me against a steel cell while I was handcuffed and I was knocked out. State police had prev- iously treated us perfectly well." Band To Play Over National Hookup Today The 80-piece Varsity Concert Band, under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli, will present its first own coast-to-coast radio broadcast from noon to 12:30 p.m. today through the studios of station WWJ, Detroit and over the NBC red network. While the band has broadcast pre- viously over the University station through WJR and has taken part in such broadcasts as the National Broadcasting Company's 10th anni- versary program and the Pontiac Var- sity Show, this is the first time that the band is to present its own com- plete show. The program today will be. open and closed to the strainsrof the "Vic- tors" as arranged by Professor Re- velli. The remainder of the program is: "Come Sweet Death," by Johann Sebastian Bach; "Slavonic Rhap- sody," by Freidman; "Les Deux Ja- ponais"; and "Amporito Roco," a Spanish march by Texidor. After the broadcast the band will be the guests of the Michigan Alumni Club at the Intercollegiate Club for luncheon following which they will attend the Detroit Tigers-Washing- ton Senators baseball game. 1,400 NYA Workers To Get $21000 Today Captain Dies As Air Crash Brings Probe Investigation Into Reports Of Sabotage To Be Made By Federal Committee Eckener Postpones Graf Zeppelin Trip LAKEHURST, N.J., May 7.-()- Captain Ernest Lehmann, stocky lit- tle veteran master of Zeppelins, joined 32 other victims of the Hin- denburg holocaust in death tonight, even as Federal authorities set out to establish if sabotage caused the fatal plunge of the great dirigible. Before he died, Lehmann, who skippered the Hindenburg on her pi- oneering passenger trips here a year" ago, echoed the views of the paradeS of aeronautical experts who havel looked over the grotesque wreckage strewn over the U.S. Naval Air Sta- tion landing field. 'Can't Understand It' "I can't understand it," he said. "I can't understand it." With the ugly reports of sabotage refusing to be downed, two authori- ties, Dr. Hugo Eckener, head of the Zeppelin Company, and Senator, Copeland, (Dem., Ky.), chairman ofI A S Seventh Parley To Sail For America Liberals In Majonlty Swinogs Into Action Basques Hold Lines Under Bomb Attack BILBAO, Spain, May 7.-(P)-A squadron of 14 insurgent planes dumped tons of bombs on Basque villages and government troop con- centrations around Bilbao today, kill- ing an undetermined rfumber of women and children. The planes rained death from the skies as insurgent General Emilio Mola's heavy artillery shelled Bas- que soldiers at Mount Sollube, key- point in the Basquet defensive sys- tem east of Bilbao. The Basques, without planes to resist the insurgent air attack, dog- gedly held to their trenches amid scores of exploding bombs and shells. Associated Press Photo DR. HUGO ECKENER Business Men Convene Here For 9th Time Talks By Hayford, Seltzer, Cowdrick Will Feature Alumni Conference Insurgent piarTes kepti machine-gun fire butt met fierce resistance vanced after each air up a merciless the insurgents as they ad- attack. the Senate commerce committee- were on record as saying this pos- The largest turn-out in recent years sibility of sabotage should be ex- is expected at the Ninth Annual Al- haustively investigated. umni Conference of the School of Meanwhile, the latest death toll of Business Administration, which will last night's flaming disaster released; by the Zeppelin company placed the open its one-day session at 8:30 a.m. known victims at 33. The roll named today in the Union. 11 passengers, 21 members of the Discussions of current business crew, and one spectator as dead. problems by campus and outside au- Charles E. Rosendahl, hero of thorities, addresses on the Univer- American airship flights and com- ity Centennial Celebrations and pre- mandant at Lakehurst naval base sentation of the Beta Gamma Sig- where the dirigible's skelton lay,' ma scholarship keys to four seniors broadcast a report of the disaster to and two juniors in the school will fea- the German nation. ture the session. Lost Through Fire IThe purpose of the conference, ac- "In judging this disaster." he said, cording to Prof. Dudley M. Phelps of "it must be remembered that the Hin- the School of Business Administra- denburg was lost through -fire. The tion, who is in charge of arrange- ship had successfully completed herJ ments for the, conference, is "to form west-bound crossing over the North a closer relationship between alumni,, Atlantic, was under normal control in faculty and present students of the every respect and was making a nor- school and to create an opportunity mal landing." for an interchange of ideas about "Whatever may have been the or- current business problems." igin," he continued, "the loss of the l entebsiness pres." Hindenburg can be attributed only to The principal address will be given one basic cause, namely, that of fire. Hayford, New York economist who Had this ship been inflated with the has been connected with General Mo- non-inflammable, non-explosive heli- um gas, such as is used in our Ameri- tors Corp. for several years, will speak can airships, such a catastrophe on "Business Policies in Relation to would have been impossible." Economic and Social Trends'" Earlier in the day, the Senate mili- Edward S. Cowdrick, industrial re- tary affairs committee approved a bill! (Continued on Page 6) which would liberalize commercial! sale and export of non-inflammable Murphy Asks Labor helium, of which the United States has a monopoly. )elegates To Confer ZEPPELIN SERVICE STOPPED BERLIN, May 8.-(Saturday)-(P) -Dr. Hugo Eckener, veteran dirgible commander, said tonight the Graf Zeppelin now in regular South American service "will make no more1 trips until the Hindenburg disasterl is fully cleared up." "It will be impossible to use the Graf as a Hindenburg substitute car- rying coronation pictures to New York, nor will the Graf cruise to South America again until the Hin- denburg investigation is complete," he said. Dr. Eckener made the announce- ment before retiring shortly after midnight to rest before boarding an airplane for Cherbourg, France. He and other members of an investiga- ting committee will board the Europa today for the trip to the United States. Aerial and artillery bombardment w marked the third day of an insurgents drive to rout Basques from the Ber- meo sector, where 2,000 insurgents, u including many Italians, have been L surounded by government soldiers.-t Indiana Hands Y Michio an Nine 2nd Defeat, 65 t i Hoosiers Keep First Place ti In Conference Standings N By Batting Prowess. t t By GEORGE J. ANDROS Michigan's chances of holding theb Big Ten baseball championship fors another year received a definite set-o back yesterday afternoon on the Fer- ry Field diamond when Indiana'sa league-leading nine walked off with a 6-5 decision over the champions.S Coach Ray Fisher's crew now must h win all f its remaining contests, in-a star Illinois aggregation this after- noon on the local grounds, to be as-s sured of a contending position. Mich- igan had previously bowed to Iowa in the Conference, now possessing a BigV Ten record of three won and two lost.- A slim crowd braving overcast skiesn and occasional showers saw the Hoosiers put the game away in thet first three and one-third innings byt poncing on big John Gee for sevent shits and five runs. Burt Smith, who finished the game on the mound fort the Wolverines, was touched for fourd hits and another run.s Kremer Leads Battinga Merle Kremer, with a home runr and a pair of doubles, and Leo Beebe,s with three singles, led an 11-hit at-: tack against Indiana's Babe Hosler,r but the Wolverines could not bring across the necessary counters when the opportunities presented them-f selves.S Michigan opened the scoring in thei first on Beebe's one-base knock ands steal of second followed by Stever Uricek's single, but Indiana came back for two in the second inning. John Clark singled to right-center, went to second on Hosler's sacrifice,1 and scored on Ellis Gwinn's single., Gwinn went to second on an error by Capt. Kim Williams in left and scored on another one-base knock by Frank Filchock. Gee Quits In Fourth Indiana scored its third run in the next inning on a successfulsbunt and a long triple to left by Russ Andres, and finished Gee in the fourth with a double by Heine Becker followed by a homer from the bat of Filchock that resulted in runs four and five. Kremer's homer on the heels of a: single by Beebe and a fielder's choice made the score 5-3, in the same in- ning, but the Hoosiers scored the eventual winning run in the sixth on a triple, two walks and a scratch single off Smith's glove. In the home half of the sixth the Wolverine scoring ended with two runs coming from Beebe's third, single, a wild throw, Kremer's double and a single by Danny Smick.- Michigan had great opportunities to tie the/ score in both the seventh and eighth, but heads-up ball was not always in evidence. Captain Williams opened the sev- (Continued on Page 3) Student Activity In Labor Sanctioned; University Will Not Aid Co-ops 7 Special Sections Will Meet Today Conservative, Radical And Liberal Views Presented At Annual Session Student participation in labor ac- tivity was approved; Racial discrimination in profes- sional schools was scored; Dean Bursley warned that the ad- ninistration could not aid student cooperatives; Sex was 'put on ice' until today; And state medicine was applauded -as a Spring Parley dominated by liberals yesterday tried to discover what a "liberal" is at its opening ession in the Union. More than 400 students and fac- ulty members crowded the North Lounge both afternoon and evening o plan "A Program For Our Times" n what for the first time in several ears was a completely rational dis- ussion with emotionalism conspicu- ous by its absence, according to Ralph Danhof, general chairman. Varied Approaches Presented Before the floor was thrown open o lively discussion Col. Henry W. Miller head of the engineering draw- ng department, Mentor Williams of he English department and Prof. Max Handman of the economics de- partment presented the approaches o modern problems of the conserva- ive, the radical and the liberal. Starting today, the Parley will break up into seven sections meeting simultaneously at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to discuss the seven divisions' of the main theme. These divisions and the chairmen who will preside at them are: Benson Added To Panel Our economic system - Norman Sharfman, '37, our international re- lations-Robert French of the ec- onomics department; our govern- ment-Fred Warner Neal, '37; our social life-Mrs. Thelma Zwerdling, '37; our religion-William Wilsnack, '37; our college education-Bernard Weissman, '39L; and our art-Harry Bethke, Grad. All the sections will meet in the Union. The committee announced last night that Prof. George C. S. Benson of the Bureau of Government was added to the government section panel. A large part of the, discussion cen- tered about the arrest of the five stu- dents in the recent bowling alley strike. Dean Bursley condoned the activity of students in labor activity pointing out that it is the right of the student as a citizen to do, as long as he does "not make a nuisance of himself. 'Liberal' Definition Given In answering a question from the floor which asked whether the five students arrested would be expelled if convicted by the courts, Dean Bur- sley replied that this query could not be answered in advance. The attempt to define "liberal" arose out of the introductory talk given by Professr Handman in which he indicated that the liberals' ap- proach should be one of understand- ing rather than acting. The liberal (Continued on Page 61 Secret Primary Election System Now State Law LANSING, May 7.-(A)-The se- cret primary election system, debat- ed by politicians for years, became law in Michigan today. Governor Murphy signed the Wick- strom Bill, providing that hereafter voters in primaries need not disclose their preference by asking for a ballot of that party. The new act requires that ballots of all parties be given the voter. In the privacy of the booth he may select the one he wishes to vote and discard the rest in an "unused ballot box." The primary election system has long been the subject of political ar- gument. Some leaders of the major political parties contended party loy- alty was encouraged by forcing voters LANSING, May 7.-(/P)-Governor Murphy today invited labor organiza- tions to send representatives here Monday for a conference on the ad- ministration's labor relations bill now pending in the legislature. The Governor said he discussed the measure today with Frank X. Mar- tel head of the Detroit Federation of Labor. He said Martel and John Reid, secretary of the Michigan Fed- eration of Labor, would be among the conferees Monday. Murphy reiterated statements made last week that he believes compro- mise amendments to the bill can be agreed upon. The measure has been criticized by some labor organizations! on the section which would authorize1 the proposed labor board to postpone strikes until mediation had been at- tempted. Relaxation From Lessons Called* Necessity For School Children By HORACE GILMORE Public schools today are hopelessly academic, obsessed with the notion that everything must be taught, giv- ing little freedom or encouragement -to impulses to learn, Warren R. Good of the education school declared in an editorial in this month's issue of the School of Education bulletin. "They need a liberation from the continual round of lessons, and a shift to a program of diversified op- portunities with greatly increased emphasis on the non-academic as- pects of life," Mr. Good's editorial stated. "We not only keep children in school for relatively long hours at arts, fine arts and the lore of books. "A fifth that should undoubtedly. re- ceive attention might be called se-1 dentary pastimes; especially games, ranging from dominoes to bridge, having marked social value," the ed- itorial continued. Practical arts recommended by Mr. Good's editorial would include all that is now industrial arts, home ec- onomics, laboratories, gardening, home mechanics and the like. The fine arts would include all kinds of performance and study in music, drawing, painting, sculpture, carv- ing, furniture design, interior decor- ating and similar arts, as well as