MAY 7, 1937 .1 TRY 311 GH I.G A N, D A I LY Architects Declare Roman floliday For A nnunal Ball Tonih E S9 tl eautifuI Students Play To Be Featured At Intermission Swimming Proves Popular At Michigan Jlane Of Garnett To Be Guest' Richard Dennis, '37, General Chairman More than 200 couples will cele- brate "A Roman Holiday" at the an- nual Architects Ball, to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the Archi..- Lectural Building. Richard Dernis, '37, general chair- man of the dance will have as his guest Jane Garnett, Grad. Stella Dawson, '38A, chairman of publicity will attend with Don Wangelin, '38E, and Florence McConkey, '38, has in- vited William Lyman, '39A. Miss Mc- Conkey is in charge of favors. Guests Anounced Philip Haughey, '37A, chairman of the music committee has invited Mary Jane Field, '38A. Betty Hop- kins, '38A will be the guest of Robert May, '37A, chairman of tickets.Dor- othy Cowle will come out from De- troit to attend the dance with Otto Kerschbaum, '37A, chairman of the floor committee. Walter Anicka, '37A, co-chairman of the decorations committee will have as his guest Jeannette Searles, andAlfred Roth, Spec., also in charge of decorations, will attend with Jean Taylor, '37A. Kay Hoffman, Grad., will be the guest of Richard Polland, '38A, chairman of the entertainment committee. Panels Depict Fiesta The first floor drafting room of the Architectural Building has been transformed into a Roman street scene. The walls are covered with panels depicting the gay and colorful life of an old fiesta. Around the bal- cony which circles the room tables have been placed in cabaret style. The gardens will be lighted with vari- colored indirect lights and will be apened' during the danse. Costumes Compulsory Costumes are compulsory this year and there will be prizes for the best- dressed couples. The faculty will judge the student costumes and the students will judge the faculty. During the intermission the stu- dents of the architectural school will present a play, "The Burning of Rome." It will open with the tri- umphal march of Nero returning from the wars, 'and will end with a demonstration of singing and danc- ing firemen. Les Arquette and his orchestra will furnish music for the dance. Assembly Plans New Activities GroupOf Ten Pass Amendment Making Board Membership Open For Petitioning In '38 A proposal for activities committee of ten members was adopted by the Assembly Board yesterday at a meet- ing of the non-offiliated representa- tives in .the League. The new committee will have as its purpose the further organization of dormitories and league houses, urging the non-affiliated women to tryout for various campus activities, Joanne Kimmell, '38, chairman of the group who devised the plan, explained. Membership on the committee will be obtained through petitioning next fall. Miss Kimmell pointed out that for the remainder of this year a group of ten women will be appointed to the activities committee. They will con- tinue their duties next fall until the positions can be filled by the regular form of petitioning. This group will be directly connected with Assembly itself. An amendment was passed at the meeting to require petitioning for all positions on the original Assembly Board. The new system will eliminate the possibility of women not interested in the oiganization of non-affiliated women from holding membership, on the Assembly Board, Helen Jesperson, '39, president of Assembly, said. For- merly, the presidents of the smaller dormitories and league houses auto- inatically became members of thel board and the larger dormitories and zones elected their representatives. HOSIERY FOR MOTHER'S DAY $1.00 Value .. . 89c has Durability and Sheer Appearance Spring Dances League Is Scene Undergraduate Will Be Givell AA.U. D Tea At League Association of University Women held B o a By 13 Houses Thejuior g'rf the^"meria Will DeToa its annual dinner meeting last night at the League.-1 Those who have been asked to Today's Parties Include Mrs. Rose Bittinger, of Barton Hills pour at the League undergraduate 'Bowery Ball,'informials, was the speaker for the dinner. Mrs, tea to be held from 4 to 6 p.m. today s ittinger is a student of costume in the League Ballroom were an- F nounced yesterday by Barbara Heath, designing and spoke of the signifi- '39, who is in charge of the affair. Twelve parties will be given on cance of costume designing as related The list includes Mrs. Ralph Aigler, campus tonight. Various types of to the stage. She stated that coor- Mrs. George Codd, Mrs. Charles Da- entertainment will range from spring dination of costumes, scenery and vidson, Mrs. Frank Hartwig, Mrs. Ho- formals to a "lBowery Ball." Also, at lighting were necessary to bring out mer Heath, Mrs. Irene Johnson, Miss this time several houses will give the details-of the costumes. Various Ethel McCormick and Mrs. T. Hawley their spring informals, and one house examples were used to illustrate her Tapping. will entertain at dinner. points. A new seating arrangement will Alpha Chi Sigma will hold' an in- Hostesses for the dinner were chair- be put into effect at the tea. One formal dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. men of the affair and included Mrs. official hostess with four assistants today. Chaperons for the party will A. A. James, Mrs. Karl L. Malcolm, will be placed at each of 10 tables. be Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Seibert and Mrs. Harry L. Hawkins, Mrs. Douglas As the women enter the ballroom Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Rushton. McLean, Miss Geneva Smithe, Mrs. they will draw the numbers of the Alpha Rho Chi will entertain witl Rudolph Schulte and Miss Margaret tables at which they are to sit from a costume dinner today for those Blashill a box placed at the door. Each table members attending the Arrhi-,t.' - will seat approximately 30 women. s t +a i... ;l ccc at sLE, . Ball. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Ross will chaperone. Instructor Claims Sport Ideal For J3~auty And As Recreation i 1 To Hold Informal Dance Chi Psi will hold a closed informal dance today. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Kindred will be chaperons. A colonial garden will be the set ting for the spring formal which Jor- dan Hall will give today. The chap- Delegates Wives Plan Entertainment A special program has been ar- ranged by Mary M. Lichtenauer for wives of delegates to the annual con- vention of the Michigan State As-e sociation of Life Underwriters to- day. In the morning, the women will tour the campus, the Hospital and the business section. After a luncheon at the League, they will meet for bridge. The convention will be attended by more than 500 persons, Clarence F. Yates, local.underwriter in charge of the meeting, said yesterday. Official hostesses for the tea are Jean Bonisteel, '38, Marcia Connell, 39, Margaret Cram, '39, Virginia Eaglesfield, '39, Jean Hanson, '38, Jean Lillie, '39, Stephanie Parfet, '39, Harriet Pomeroy, '39, Priscilla Smith, 38, and Barbara Teall, '39. Women living in League houses are especially urged to attend, Miss Heath said. erons will be Dr and Mrs. Turnbull ofc End uraice Built Up> And standpoint. It is now lady-like to DabrMsHeetOpeon "kick a mean crawl" and while the Deai born, Mrs. Herbert Oppleton Physical ym As V-man lifeguard still dashes valiant-MssIabelle Dudley and Miss Ruth Well As Safety ly to a shrill cry for succor, he is apt K B e to be more disgusted than intrigued Kappa Nu will give a spring formal EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second by such, rawness of technique. A tinner dance from 7 pyattry1Clu. n a series o features discussing the omely,bronzed arm, sliding evenly today at Huron Hills Country Club. proper technique in the, different wvorn- I yoey ldn,___________________ en's sports given on campuse in and out of the water has been By MARJOIIE TILINGHIAST proved a much more irresistable at- J.G.P. SCRIPTS WANTED Btraction. Anyone interested in writing a Swimming is an ideal -sport, ac- The physical education depart- script for next year's Junior Girls cording to Miss Laurie Campbell, in- ment for women gives class instruc- Play should call Roberta Chissus, structor in the physical education de- tion in swimming and diving. In ad- '39, general chairman. partment for women and director of dition to these classes, there is one the Michigan women's swimming I being held this season in Red Cross The chaperons for the occasion will club, since it not only offers oppor- Life Saving. There is also the Mich- be Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kessel, Dr.: tunity for healthful, pleasant recrea- igan women's swimming club, made and Mrs. Bernard Heller, Mr. and tion and splendid physical develop- up of qualified swimers who are Mrs. Samuel Bothman and Prof. and ment, but it also safeguards one seeking practice and recreation. Mrs. S. G. Goudsmit. against the dangers of many outdoor a cilities Prove Inadequate Mosher To Entertain ' activities. In discussing women's swimming Mosher Hall's spring formal will Since it allows for maximum func- here, Miss Campbell emphasized that be given from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., today. tion of muscles without danger of the facilities for women are highly The chaperons will be Mrs. Martha strain and builds up one's endurance inadequate. Because the women have Ray, Mrs. Margaret Parsons, Mrs. generally, Miss Campbell believes it no pool, they are forced to swim at Nina K. Preston, and Miss Jean Kel- to be a perfect exercise. Moreover, it most unpopular hours and at consid- ler. results in that often envied but sel- erable expense to the individual. Phi Rho Sigma will hold a radio dom achieved symmetrical develop-1 Miss Campbell said that the men's dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today. Dr. ment of the body, and produces pli- swimming department and the man- and Mrs. N. R. Kretzschmar and Dr. ant, supple muscles rather than those agement of the Union have been and Mrs. John Sheldon will be the Amazonic forearms which are prone mhst cooperative and considerate i chaperons to characterize devotees of more vi- granting the women the use of their (Theta Chi will hold its annual olent sports. facilities. However, since swimming closed Bowery ball from 9 p.m. to 1 Mineral Spring Popular is gaining in popularity rapidly and a.m. today. Chaperons for the party The great therapeutic values of since it is so beneficial a sport, there will be Mr. and Mrs. George Harriss water, recognized by all peoples is a great 'need for more adequate and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitmer. through the ages and probably best facilities for women. To Hold Radio Dance realized by the Romans in their ela- -- - Theta Xi will hold a closed radio borate systems of public baths, are Tdance tonight. The chaperons will another of the factors which combine Sororities To Honor be Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Buehler and to make swimming one of the most For eke Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boddy. beneficial;of sports. Today, the pop- GuestsF rW eekend Zeta Beta Tau will hold a formal ularity of mineral springs and the dinner dance from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. great value derived from swimming in The local and alumni chapters of at the Washtenaw Country Club as he treatment of muscles affected by! Zeta Tau Alpha sorority will be a feature of its spring house party. infantile paralysis testify to the worth= hostesses for the fourth annual Mich- Prof. and Mrs. Wassily Besekirsky of this sport. igan Zeta day on Saturday. and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rosenthal The importance of skill in swim- The delegates from the Ann Arbor will chae n.d ming as a safety measure can not chapter will be Katherine Kirwan, ce fro9Pim.ltol am day. be overestimated, for not only does '37, and Betty Loughbourgh, '38. Miss from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today. it safeguard a person against the ha- Katherine Kempher of Ann Arbor is r. and Mrs. Jerome Conn., Dr. and zards of outdoor activities, but it gives in charge of affairs. The Albionand Mrs. S. M Goldha r and Mr and him mastery over any situation simi- Michigan State College chapters will Mrs. Henry Meyer will be the chap- lar to that in which Aunt Hetty, in be represented as well as alumni from n. a pair of heavy hiking boots and cor- Detroit, Flint and Lansing. dovn n inc nfim ,n Alpha G-a m llf c on~;, ' TYPEWRITERS All makes and models. Bought, Sold. Rented, Exchanged, Repaired. 314 SOUTH STATE STREET Tours & Cruises ENGLAND, FRANCE. GERMANY, Etc. Make Toue and Steamer Reservations NOW Phone 6412 Steamer ',% Specialist Since 1917 Art Maj.intLr. # G. Lake& Ocean -__ -__ --___- KVEBLR TRAVEL BUREAU 601 L HURON sT., ANN ARBOR. MICH. .1 Supmerior MILK-ICE CREAM Week-End Special Vanilla and Fresh Strawberry Cream Superior Dairy Company Phone 23181 - - -- ------- 1 re(,-poncng costume, steps quaintly off the dock while carrying the lunch. Sport Becomes Necessity Moreover, swimming is getting to be an actual necessity from the social Alpha POhi Defeated By Jordan Nine, 74- Jordan Hall defeated Alpha Phi sorority yesterday 7-6 in a4.hotly-con- tested baseball game. Dorothy Gardiner, '38Ed., pitched for the winning team and Betty Lyon, '39, was her opponent, in the Alpha Phi group. Florence Dyer, '40,, Mary Richard- son, '4OEd., and Miss Gardiner made home runs for Jordan; and Mary 1 Jane Crowley, '38, .and Miss Lyon for Alpha Phi. The game between Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Xi Delta was defaulted. Apn u amma Dueita is entertain- ing Miss Julia Riser, their interna- tional inspector this week. Miss Ri- ser, who arrived in Ann Arbor Wed- nesday will remain here until Sunday. Last night a dinner was ' given at the sorority house in her honor. On Sunday morning Miss Ri- ser will speak at the Founders' Day breakfast. WOMAN LEADS PRESS GROUP CHICAGO, May 6.-(AP)-Mrs..Hel- en Malloch of Chicago was elected president of the National Federation of Press Women today at the organi- zation's first annual meeting. Watch Repairing: HALLER'S Jewelry State and Liberty - - - - - -- - t 7 I \ -- iV Ro0mantic for b hU y starlit evenings And romantic they are, in every sense of the word . . . designed to make you irresistibly fascinating for someone. Choose a gypsy striped challis; a slinky white crepe; red roses printed on white challis with a bolero Jacket and emerald banding; or a naive sprigged cotton sheer; a royal marquisette with white organdy flame licking the hemline; or any one of countless others, Come in and select one of the most glamor- ous gowns.. . dash over to the beauty parlor, get your hair frizzed and banged . .. take a few steps more to our Downtown Store and try some special evening make-up we recommend CHARLES OF THErRITZy combine all of these efforts, and presto! you're a new person! 1I.9 to$2 2.o7 ,_ T----. _ ----.._. T __ --_ _-- -- --- --- --. .__ YOU R MOTHER- Wherevcf' she is, her day is One you'll want to remember with a very special greeting. Nothing can so adequately ex- press your feeling for her at a minimum of eXpense as flowers delivered to her at home next Sunday morning. II I I II