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May 07, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-07

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FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1937


'A Program For Our Times' Promises .
To Offer Lively Issues At The Parley

Art Cinerna League
[E Art Cinema League which has
brought so many fine films to1

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tb
UnIversity. Copy received at the offie .' the Assisteat to tw PresIde
uni 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.




h "

+ .
4. ;
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Edited and managed by student of the University of
Michigan under the authoriy of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morningexcept Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of.republication of all other matter herein also
Enteredsatthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second,~ class mal,"matter.
Subscrlptils $during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mall, $450
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Natonal A vgtifsing Service, Inc.
College Paubdsters Representatie
Board of Editors
George Andros. Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cumins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.°
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WON'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman:;
Eliabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS MANAGER ............... . .. JOHN R. PARK
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwaltr, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W, Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's BusinesAssistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie 'Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
J. Cameron Hall, Accounts' Manager; Richard Croushore,
National Advertising and Cirulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falenrer, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
The Independace
Of The Irish...
HE NEW IRISH constitution, re-
T cently promulgated by Eamon de
Valera, to be put before the people in June,
represents the fruition of theIrish leader's own
private theory as to what status his nation should
have-internal independence with external asso-
ciation with the British Empire.
In 1921, when the Irish delegates returned
from London with the signed treaty with them, a
treaty which had been signed without de Val-
era's knowledge, de Valera issued his famous
"Document No. 2" in which he expressed this
idea of an Ireland competent to govern itself
without any assistance from outside, but in which
he still retained the theory of external associa-
tion with the British Commonwealth of Nations.
Under the existing constitution, the Irish Free
State is declared in Article 1 to be "a co-equal
member of the Community of Nations forming
the British Commonwealth of Nations." LastI
December, taking advantage of the abdication. of
Edward VIII, de Valera abolished the governor,
general's post, removed the king from the consti-
tution and made the following constitutional
provision with which to carry on the Free State's
external relations with the British empire: The
Executive Council was authorized "to the extent
and subject to any conditions which may be
determined by law, to avail itself, for the pur-
pose of the appointment of diplomatic and
consular agents and the conclusion of interna-
tional agreements, of any organ used as a con-
stitutional organ for the like purposes by any of
the nations referred to in Article 1 of this
On the following day, Dec. 12, the Dail Eireann,
the Irish parliament, passed the External Rela-
tions Bill which provided that as long as the
Free State "is associated with the following na-
tions, that is to say, Australia, Canada, Great
Britain, New Zealand, and South Africa, and so

long as the king recognized by those nations as
the symbol of their co-operation continues to act
on behalf of each of those nations (on the advice
of the several governments thereof) for the pur-
poses of the appoinltment of diplomatic and con-
sular representatives and the conclusion on in-
ternational agreements, the king so recognized
may, and is hereby authorized to, act on behalf
of Saorstat Eireann for the like purposes as
and when advised by the Executive Council to
do so."
Thus Ireland was rid of the governor-general,
who technically approved all legislation in the
name of the king. The necessity of the governor-
general's signature was nothing more than legal
fiction, to be sure, but nevertheless Ireland had
successfully asserted its right to govern its inter-
nal affairs in name as well as in fact. Almost
simultaneously de Valera had through the use
of this "constitutional organ" made it quite clear
that Ireland did not wish to sever its relations

EDITOR'S NOTE: This concludes the series of
articles by the section chairmen of the Spring Par-
ley outlining the issues expected to arise in each
of their panels this Saturday. General sessions
of the Parley begin this afternoon.
O 'r Int rnational Relations
1SOLATION or Cooperation seems to be the
main problem of "Our International Relations"
at the present time. Each of these alternatives
raises a larger number of questions peculiar to
In the adoption of an isolationist policy, what
part shall our "national defense" play? Is a big
navy a guarantee of peace or a provocation to
war?. Then again shall this isolation be a perma-
nent feature of our national policy or merely one
to go into operation when a war starts abroad?
Shall we protect, as neutrals, the "freedom of
the seas?" Should an embargo be declared on
the shipment of all goods to belligerents? Or
should we instead condu'ct our trade on a "cash
and carry" basis?" Shall we prohibit the exten-
sion of credit to belligerents?
If we decide on cooperation, these problems
arise: Should we "cooperate" by joining the
League of Nations? Or is the League a dead in-
strument? Should the United States call a world
economic conference to repartition "the spoils?"
Or should we join the anti-Fascist alignment?
What part should we take in the Spanish civil.
war, if any?
In the faculty panel the Far Eastern question
will undoubtedly be illuminated by Prof. Charles
Remer, acting chairman of the economics de-
partment. The question of international law
must take a large part in any discussion of neu-
trality and this is the field of Prof. Lawrence
Preuss of the political science department. Prof.
Arthur Aiton of the history department will
probably lead any discussion of the Spanish
civil war. European diplomacy and the growing
Fascist-anti-Fascist balance of power will prob-
ably be handled by Prof. Harlow J. Heneman
of the political science department and Prof.
Preston Slosson of the history department.
Our Religion
JOHN MacMURRAY, the modern British phi-
losopher, prefaced some remarks to a group
of students in New York last summer with this
statement: "Today the question to ask is not
'What is religion?' but 'What is religion about?'
The Spring Parley this year will undoubtedly
call out many students who have no interest
any longer in pedantic definitions, but who are
eager to discover the meaning of religion through
its application. What does religion contribute
to experience? What does religion contribute to
a philosophy of life? How can one benefit from
these contributions?
The concerns of religion bring forth these
questions. How is religion today related to the
new collectivism? How is the psychiatric role of
religion justified in the making of personal ad-
justments - to an old or to a new social order?
Can intellectual processes alone bring us to a
religious belief or must experience of some other
kind be involved? Can certain of the present
practices-service ritual, the sacraments, etc.-
be justified on aesthetic grounds? Is Communism
a religion? Is Fascism a religion?
DURING the Parley sessions the Church will
certainly not be disregarded. It will come
under attack and scrutiny. Is the Church cap-
able of adjusting itself rapidly enough to mod-
ern social trends and the demands of the present
Consideration of religion in the light of out-
moded evangelism, of primitive myth, or of
cur from a complete break from the British
community of nations.
In the new constitution, the first article now
makes no reference to the British empire and
states that the Irish nation has the power, among
others, to "determine its relations with other na-
tions." This would tend to indicate that de Val-
era really is contemplating a complete break
from the empire. However, in Paragraph 4 of
Article 29, dealing with foreign relations, is the
statement that for purposes of conducting its
external relations, "'the government may, to such
extent and subject to such conditions, if any,

as may be determined by law, avail or adopt any
organ, instrument or method or procedure used
or adopted for the like purpose by the members
of any group or League of Nations with which
Eire is or becomes associated for the purpose of
international cooperation in matters of common
concern." Further, in Paragraph 1 of Article 50
of the new constitution is the statement that any
laws in* force just prior to the coming into ef-
fect of the new constitution that are not in-
consistent with it shall be in force until repealed
or amended.
It would appear, therefore, that the old Ex-
ternal Relations Bill is still in effect and that
the king will have, until the bill is repealed or
amended, the power to appoint consular and
diplomatic representatives for the Irish Free
State. We do not feel that the bill is incon-
sistent with Paragraph 4 of Article 29 of the
new constitution, quoted above.
The evidence seems to point to the realization
by de Valera of his idea of internal indepen-
dence with an "association" with the British
Commonwealth. This latest move by de Valera
amounts to an independent republic asserting
that it does not belong to the British Common-
wealth and then in the same document virtually
declaring its right to ally with Great Britain for
n,,rnncoc whI~ich *if.nn,, 4 *.c'nf cennifv R, P. ,7 -

escape mechanism may keep the uncritical from
thinking on these questions. Many today, how-
ever, recognize these characterizations as "red
herrings" and fail to let them cisrupt serious
consideration of the problems.
Informative as well as conflicting views will
probably be forthcoming from these four fac-
ulty members and two ministers on the panel:
Dr. Edward Blakeman, councilor in religion;
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology de-
partment; Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, chairman of
the botany department; Prof. William A. Mc-
Laughlin of the romance languages department;
Rev. H. P. Marley of the Unitarian Church; and
Rev. Henry Lewis of the Episcopalian Church.
1Our Social, Life
AMONG the many and diverse issues which
have caught the attention of several previous
Spring Parleys on campus, none have been more
hardy perennials than those centered about the
title, "Our Social Life-Freedom or Restraint."
The problem of student marriage and its effect
on one's university life, the still-existent double
standard of morality, the very question of what
is morality, the advisability of inter-racial mar-
riages, the function of psycho-analysis as a guide
to the maladjusted, the question as to whether
fewer college women marry because they are
less demanded or more depanding, thessue as
to whether the administration should control the
social life of the students, the problem of sex
education and its place on campus, should birth
control information be disseminated freely, the
validity of the concept of "race suicide," the sig-
nificance of the present divorce rate-all these
have been recurrent subject-matter for innumer-
able informal bull-sessions in sorority, fraternity,
league house and dormitory. However, rarely
have they the benefit of such expert testimony
as is to be provided at the Spring Parley sec-
tion on "Our Social Life."
Those in the panel who will participate in
the discussion and be available for questioning
on these and kindred issues will be Dr. Robert
Dieterle, psychiatrist; Dr. Nathan Sinai of the
public health department; Dr. Theophile Ra-
phael, psychiatrist; Dr. Warren Forsythe, head
of the Health Service; and Richard Fuller and
Prof. Arthur E. Wood, both of the sociology de-
Our Art
LAST YEAR a great deal of interest centered
about the controversial issues which arose in
the Parley section on art. Questions were un-
covered and discussed by some of the most com-
petent and brilliant men on the faculty. Nor
did the discussion ever degenerate into mere
empty rhetoric.
Judging by the signs, a great. deal of Satur-
day's discussion will revolve about today's heated
controversy over propaganda in art-in litera-
ture, the theatre, in painting and sculpture. The
question will surely arise: Can propaganda ever
be forged into great art? To answer that, per-
haps it will first be necessary to establish the
relation of art to the vital issues of life in a
modern society.
THOSE WHO ATTEND the Parley will also
want to know some of the contributions
made to art by modern post-Impressionist move-
ments, perhaps to decipher such, things as Sur-
realism in painting, the seeming discords o.such
modern composers as Ravel and Stravinsky, and
the question, whether or not jazz has anything
to contribute to music. There will probably also
arise for debate the eternal controversy over
programmatic music versus pure music. Then
there is the problem of modern trends in archi-
tecture. What is functionalism? Are the purely
decorative elements to be eliminated from ar-
chitecture entirely?
Of the faculty panel members William Doty
is more than well known to all the musicians
in town. Jean-Paul Slusser, a penetrating in-
terpreter of historical and contemporary move-
ments, is himself one of Ann Arbor's leading
painters. Warner Rice of the English Depart-
ment is widely respected as one of the most
broadly and thoroughly informed men on the
entire faculty; his colleague Mentor Williams is
well known as one of the most progressive
young men in the English department. And it

would hardly be possible to select a more com-
petent man than DeWitt Parker, professor of
aesthetics, to supply principles for binding to-
gether the divergent interests of all the others.
Or Economic System
AMONG the pertinent economic questions of
immediate importance are the following: Are
we heading toward inflation? Have prices risen
too fast? Should price fixing be attempted? Was
the Wagner Act fair to employers? Will the
CIO and AF of L conflict undermine the op-
portunities of labor? How can industry absorb
the unemployed millions? Should working hours
be further restricted? What shall we do with the
TVA? How can we harness technological ad-
vance? Why not increase taxes and balance the
budget? What can the United States do with
all its gold? Can the inward flow of foreign
capital be effectively controlled? How can the
position of the farmer be permanently im-
proved? Is the PWA still necessary?
HREE MEMBERS of the economics depart-
ment and Prof. Charles Jamison of the bus-
iness administration school will compose the fac-
ulty panel. Professor Jamison will probably be

Ann Arbor this year, will have its;
last slowing of the season tonight
and tomorrow night. The picture
will be the UFA Production, Emil und
die Detektive. Although it is German
made, let me hasten to assure you
that it was made before the reign of
Herr Hitler. Don't make the mistake
of suspecting the Art Cinema League:
of Nazi propaganda. To quote froml
the New Statesman and Nation (Lon-
"If ever a film were made for the
general public, it is this one. There
is nothing highbrow in either the
good or the bad sense of the term in
Emil. It is unpretentious, straight-
forward, gay and utterly delightful,
and it is difficult to see what people
can like if they don't like Emil ...
"Emil creates the impression of
being written and directed by light-
hearted, civilized and happy people,
who understand the fun of existence
and have communicated their gaity
to the troop of children who enter
so gaily into the jest."
It will be at the Mendelssohn to-
night and Saturday at 8:15 p.m.

A -
American Artists Cokgress
PENING TODAY in the South
Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall
is an exhibition of paintings by
members of the American Artists
Congress, the last offering of the sea-
son by the Ann Arbor Art Associa-
tion. This is one of a series of eight+
shows sponsored simultaneously by
the Congress in leading cities of the
country, and, coming from its recent
showing in Detroit, represents thej
work of Michigan members of the+
organization plus a group of work
by some of the better known artists
of the New York chapter.
The American Artists Congress, ac-
cording to an officer of the Ann Ar-
bor Art Association, is a nation-wide
organization of over 600 painters and+
sculptors, among them many of the
more distinguished artists of the
country, banded together on the basis
of. a social program "For Peace, For
Democracy and for Cultural Prog-
ress." Its general objectives include
a crusade against war and fascism,
opposition to lynching and to social
injustice, and an attempt to help the
American artist realize his responsi-
bility to himself and to the society
of which he is a part. One of the
most successful of its activities to
date has been the nation-wide print
show, "America-1936"; shown here
last December. Its recent New York
exhibition, held in Rockefeller Cen-
ter, was said by some critics to rep-
resent the highest artistic average
of any group show of the past sea-
The exhibition continues through
June 4, and is open daily, including
Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m.; admission
always free to University students.
Marked Woman
IN SPITE of occasional mildly over-
played scenes, there is enough
dramatic dynamite in this story of
clip joint hostesses and their mur-
derous underworld-emperor boss to
make it an outstanding picture.
Edward Cianelli, handles his role,
an impersonation of "Lucky" Luci-
ano, New York gangster chief re-
cently 4agged by Prosecutor Thomas
Dewey, with great skill, but is over-
shadowed by the splendid perfor-
mance of Humphrey Bogart, who de-
serts his usual bad man characteriza-
tion to play the D.A. hero, whose big
problem is to get Bette . Davis and
her prostitute friends to testify
against Cianelli, whose successful
terrorization of witnesses has kept
him out of range of the law. In this
he is unsuccessful until the brutal
killing of her younger sister turns
tough-girl Bette against her employ-
The horror of big-time racketeer
methods is brought out perhaps more
fully than ever before in a motion
picture. Most effective scenes are
the beating-up Miss Davis receives
at the hands of Ciapelli's strong arm
men as a warning not to double cross,
and the escape of Isabel Jewell from
the death squad in a pent house via
the automatic elevator.
The success of Warner Brothers in
exploiting actual crime-in-the-news
for film material, as in "Scarface,"
and "Black Legion," is once more
demonstrated in one of the really ex-
citing shows of the season.
Unfortunately the bill at the Mich-
igan is slightly marred by the maud-
lin nonsense of a reel of Hollywood
celebrities growing obnoxiously senti-
mental in an effort to levy contribu-
tions from the audience for a "Will

(Continued from Page 2)


Lions may be arranged through Mrs.
Clever, Room 102 Mason Hall.
Seniors in all departments are
again reminided that the Commence-
ment Invitation. booklets and an-1
nouncements may still be obtainedt
at the store of Burr, Patterson &,
Auld, 603 Church St. It should be
understood that these announce-
ments do not constitute admission to
the commencement exercises but are;
really formal invitations to be used
for personal friends and relatives.-
Admission tickets to the exercise7
can be obtained at a later date at
the University Business Office.
W. B. Rca.
Photographs of French Plays: Pho-
tographs of the casts of the French
Plays may be seen in the office of
the Romance Languages Depart-
ment and ordered from the secretary.
Camp Directors and Counselors:c
The Howard County Tuberculosis As-
Fociation of Kokomo, Ind., maintain-
ing a nutrition camp for undernour-'
ished children (25 in number) during
July and August, have vacancies for
a director ($50 and full maintenance)
and a counselor ($25 with mainten-
ance). Please call at 201 Mason Hall
for further information.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation. .
tlouseheads having rooms for light
housekeeping. furnished or unfur-
nished apartments suitable for grad-
uaete women students for the Sum-t
mer Session are requested to call the
office of the Dean of Women as soon+
as possible.
Househeads having rooms for May
Festival guests are requested to call
and list them at the office of the
Dean of Women as soon as possible.+
interlochen Alumni: Notices have+
been posted on the bulletin board of'
the School of Music concerning im-
portant information desired. If you
can ont sign these notices in the
School of Music, please call Mrs.
Maddy at 8891.
Engineers, Sophomores: The ring
design selected for the sophomore
class is now posted on the bulletin
board near the Library in West En-
gineering Bldg. It may be ordered
through Ulrich's Bookstore. The ring
is also available for seniors, juniors
or freshmen with appropriate num-
orals. Get your order in this week
so that we can take advantage of
price reduction in quantity lots.
Academic Notices
Candidates for the Master's De-
gree in History: Candidates for the
master's degree in history who are
taking the language examination on
May 21 must register in the History
departmtent office, 119 Haven Hall,
before Monday, May 17.
University Lecture: Dr. Walter H.
Bucher, chairman of the department
of geology and geography, University
of Cincinnati, will lecture on "The
Hart Mountain Overthrust" on Tues-
day, May 11. at 4:15 p.m., in Natural
Science Auditorium. Illustrated, The
public is cordially invited.
The Henry Russel Lecture: Dr.
Charles Wallis Edmunds, professor of
Materia Medica and Therapeutics,
will deliver the annual Henry Russel
Lecture at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May
13, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
His subject will be "Experimental
Studies on Diphtheria Toxin." On
this occasion also announcement of
the Henry Russel Award for 1936-37
will be made.
Mathematics Lectures: Dr. Witold

Hurewicz of the University of Am-f
sterdam will give his third lectureon
the subject of "Homotopy and Hom-
ology" today at 4:15 p.m. in Room.
3011 Angell Hall.
Exhibition, College of Architee-I

ment of Trinity Lutheran Church.
Regular rehearsal Sunday afternoon,
4 p.m., at Zion Parish Hall.
Coming Events
School of Music Seniors: You have
been invited to attend the annual
banquet of the School of Music Al-
umni Association on Saturday, May
15, at 11:45 at the Michigan League.
This is a fine opportunity to meet
prominent School of Music gradu-
ates, become members of the Alumni
Association, enjoy an excellent pro-
gram. Reservations should be made
immediately by signing your name on
the list provided on the Senior Bulle-
tin Board in the School of Music lob-
Graduate Outing Club: Annual
canoe trip down the Huron River,
starting near Whitmore Lake. Party
leaves at 6 a.m. Sunday morning.
Each group of four provides one
canoe and transportation. Reserva-
tions should be made through Wayne
Whitaker, telephone 5745, or through
Edward Marceau.
The U. of. M. Outdoor Club will
have a supper hike on Saturday, May
8, leaving Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m. All
those interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Aeronautical Engineers: The trip
to Wright Field, O., .for members of
the Institute of the Aeronautical
Sciences will be Saturday, May 8.
We shall leave East Engineering
Building at 2 a.m. Saturday and re-
turn that night. All members plan-
ning to make the trip please register
on the notice on the aeronautical
engineering bulletin board by Friday
Phi. Sigma Picnic: Crooked Lake,
Saturday, May 8. Meet at East door
of Natural Science Bldg. at 2:30 p.m.
Please phone Miss Lois Jotter at
6420 Thursday or Friday, 6-7 p.m.
for reservation, so that transporta-
tion may be arranged. Guests wel-
Kappa Kappa Psi: Those who have
received invitation to membership
must signify their acceptance by
Monday, May 10, at 6 p.m. The in-
itiation fee must be paid in full by
May 19, 1937. All members must re-
turn information cards and make
final payment on dues by Tuesday,
May 11.
Graduate Students in Hispry: To
meet the members of the History
Department faulty and wives, the
graduate students in History will give
a tea at the Michigan Union, Sun-
day, May 9, from 3 to 5 p.m.
Tickets may be obtained by stu-
dents at the desk in the Union or
from Clark Norton, Arnold Price, Stu-
art Portner, Louis Doll, or Miss Isa-
belle Fisk.
Phi Kappa Phi: The Spring Initia-
tion and Banquet of Senior and
Graduate students into the National
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi will
take place in the Ballroom of the
Michigan Union at 6:30 p.m. on the
evening of Monday, May 17. Mem-
bers may notify the secretary, and
place cards will be laid until noon of
that date. The speaker will be Prof. *
Clark Hopkins, who will tell of the
"Michigan Excavations at Seleucia."
Several musical numbers are ,includ-
Secretary, 308 Engineering An-
nex, Campus Phone 649. Resi-
dence 8285.
Emil UJnd Die Detekitive: This
charming comedy, which is so fa-
miliar to students of German, will be
shown May 7-8 in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre at 8:15 p.m. This pic-
ture was made in pre-Hitler Ger-
many. Though the dialogue is in
German there are Eiglish sub-titles.
The box office ,will be open today

f at 10 a.m. Phone 6300.
Examiner's Certificate for Life
Savinug,: Attention, candidates for
American Red Cross Examiners cer-
tificate for Life Saving!
Mr. William C. Lucey, First Aid and
Field Representative of the American
Red Cross will be in Ann Arbor the

ture: An exhibition of the student week of May 10. Instruction and tests
work in design from member schools will be given as listed below.
of the Association of Collegiate Monday, May 10-7-10 p.m. Intra-
Schools of Architecture, among which mural Pool.
is included the University of Michi- Tuesday, May 11-7:30-10:30 p.m.
gan College of Architecture, is being Union Pool.
shown in the third floor exhibition Wednesday, May 12-7-10 p.m. In-
room of the Architectural Building. tramural Pool.
This will be on view through May 13, Candidates for the Examiner's cer-
dailytxcept on Sunday, from 9 to 5. tificate must be present at all ses-
The public is cordially invited. sions.
First Mortagage Loans: T h e
Events Today University has a limited amount of
funds to loan on modern well-locat-
Members of the Faculty: The Mich- ed= Ann Arbor property. Interest at
igan Association of Life Underwrit- current rates. - Apply Investment Of-
ers has extended an invitation to fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-
members of the University faculties sity Hall.
to attend the evening meeting of the
Association today at 8 p.m., in the Lutheran Student Club: Dr. Ralph
ballroom of the Michigan Union, at J. White, D.D. will be the guest speak-
which Albert W. Atwood is to speak er on Sunday evening. Dr. White

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