The Weather
Generally fair and somewhat
warmer today and tomorrow.
AU- r Abw
The Independence
Of The Irish .
University Budget
BillOf $4,673,253
IsPassed ByHouse
->- -_ _ _ _
Brutal Beating'
Case Brought
Against Police
Five Witnesses Charge
Suma With Inexcusable
ManhandlingOf Victim!
University Janitor
Now In Hospital
Accusations of extreme brutality in
arresting Fred Chase, 53-year-old
University custodian, on a drunk and
disorderly charge were levied yester-
day against Patrolman Herman Suma
Appropriation Measure Is
Sent To The House For
Only 8 Dissenting
Votes Recorded
Rahoi, Glass, Previously
Against The Act, Are
Absent During Balloting
The University budget bill for $4,-
673,253 was passed yesterday by the
House and sent to the Senate for con-
currence. Only eight representatives
cast dissenting votes.
Rep. Philip J. Rahoi, Iron Moun-
tain Democrat, who had threatened
earlier in the session to fight the
measure, and Rep. Harry Glass, Jr.,
Grand Rapids Democrat, another
University critic, were both absent
when the vote was taken.
Rep. John B. Smith, Alma Repub-
lican, was the only one to raise a
question in connection with theap-
propriation. He asked Rep. M. Clyde
Stout, Ionia Democrat, chairman of
the ways and means committee, why
the University appropriation was
larger this year. Stout replied. that
the attendance was expected to in-
Negative Votes
Those who cast negative votes are
Representatives Ezra F. Aldrich, Hia-
watha Republican; Hans O. Clines,
Ludington Democrat; Alpheus P.
Decker ,Deckerville Republican; Ber-
nie F. Hampton, Harrison Republi-
can; Frederick Schriber, Grand Rap-
ids Democrat; Louis C. Schwinger,
Saginaw Democrat; Frank N. Steel,
Muskegon Democrat; and C. Dodge
Williams, Charlotte Republican.
The appropriation bill, which will
give the University $4,673,253 for each
of the next two years, stipulated a
definite sum for the first time. Prev-
iously the measure has called for an
appropriation equal to .73 mill tax..
The appropriation passed yesterday
was approximately the same as one
calculated on an .83 mill tax would
The budget is identical to that
which President Ruthven asked.
In his budget message President
Ruthven explained that an expected
increase in enrollment and a desire to
restore partially faculty salaries ac-
counted for the larger request.
Try to Force M.S.C.
LANSING, May 6.--(i)-An at-
tempt to compel Michigan State Col-
lege to adopt a civil service system for
employing all save members of its
teaching staff failed today, as the
House voted to increase the insti-
tutior's annual appropriation of $2,-
Rep. 'John F. Hamilton, Detroit
Democrat who demanded the civil
service provision, coupled with it an
attack upon the college, purchasing
department. He charged he had
learned of a purchase of 1,500 tons of
coal for the college heating plant in
which the low bids were rejected.,
Alumni Group
Receives Gif t
To Dorm Fund
Model League
To Open Tenth
Session Todayv
Bishop To Greet Delegates
From Over 18 Michigan
Schools This Morning . of the Ann Arbor police force by five
A League of Nations in miniature- Chase, who is still confined to Dr.
the 10th session of the Michigan Gates' private hospital, claimed that
Model Assembly-will convene at 11'
a.m. today in the First Congregation-
al Church with an intercollegiate
group of over 250 students represent-
ing 18 universities and colleges in
Michigan taking part.
Prof. William W. Bishop, head of
the department of library science and
Librarian of the University, will wel-
come the assembled delegates at the
first plenary session of the Assembly
which will be a model session of the
International Labor Organization.
Eyre Will Preside
James K. Eyre, Grad, will preside
at the meeting, while Robert E. Fryer,
'38, Director of the International La-
bor Organization, will start the dis-
cussion of the subject' "should the
governments assurethe right of col-
lective bargaining to the workers?"
with a report.
Following a luncheon to be given
the delegates in the League, the af-
ternoon meetings of the Assembly will
begin. There will be two committee'
meetings which will begin at 2 p.m.
and a student meeting to begin at
4:30 p.m., all of which are to be held
in the League.
The first committee of the Assem-
bly will hold its first meeting for the
preliminary discussion of the subject
"reform of the League" with Edward
C. Moore of Western State College
acting as chairman. Donald Drum-
mond of Western State College and
Omar Lovejoy, '39, will act as rap-
porteur and secretary respectively.
Assembly At 2 P.M.
The special session of the unat-
tached committee of the Assembly
will also be held at 2 p.m. with a
discussion of the neutrality policy of
the United States including a treat-
ment of the recently enacted neutral-
ity acts. Norman Veenstra, Calvin
College will act as chairman of the
committee, with Leon J. Weiner, '37,
as secretary.
At 4:30 p.m. the delegates will meet
as students and, for the moment for-
getting their role as representatives
of the various countries, they will
present their own points of view on
the several subjects which the As-
sembly is considering. Gardner
Ackley, Grad., secretary-general of
the Assembly, will preside at this
Prof. Pittman B. Potter of the
University des Hautes Internation-
4Continued on Page '
UAW And Parke Davis
Reach Understandings
DETROIT, May 6.-')-The Unit-
ed Automobile Workers Union an-'
nounced today that an agreement
had been reached with the manage-
ment of Parke Davis & Co., manu-
facturing pharmacists for an elec-
tion under the Wagner Labor Rela-
tions Act to determine a collective
barganiing agency in the company's,
he was struck in the eye with either
Other witnesses to the arrest off
Fred Chase at 12:40 p.m. last
Saturday on the corner of State
and North University avenues
are asked to communicate with
The Daily.
a billy or blackjack at the time of his
arrest last Saturday afternoon. He
is also suffering from a badly bruised
neck and lacerated lip.
Chase was arrested at the corner of
State and N. University Avenues at
12:40 p.m. S'aturday on a street
crowded with visitors to the MichiganI
Schoolmasters' Convention.
Witnesses agreed that his conduct
had been inoffensive and claimed
that there was no justification for the
man-handling to which the 137-1
pound Chase was subjected.
Admits Drinking
Admitting that he had been drink-
ing, Chase stated he was waiting to
cross State Street by the Quarry Drug
Store when Patrolman Suma noticed
that he was staggering and ordered
him to "Come on!" Chase moved back
a step and Suma smashed him across'
the face. He was semi-conscious
from then on and has no recollection
of further events until he came to in
a cell at the county jail, he stated.
Police hit Chase "So hard I could
see his eyes roll," after he was in the
police car and sitting between two po-
licemen according to Edna Steeb, an
employe of a State Street book store
who was passing by in a car. "It was
completely unjustified," she said.
Betty Gillen, a clerk at The Quarry.
said: "The man wasn't causing any
trouble. There didn't seem to be any
excuse for hitting him. He made
no resistance."
Another Witness
"The man didn't know what he was
doing and wasn't causing any
trouble," according to Betty Jane
Pence, another witness.
Still another witness called it "The
most disgusting thing I ever saw."
"I was in The Quarry when the
girl who waited on me, looking out
the window, saw the policeman walk
up to the drunk, who was inoffen-
sively standing there, and slug him
in the face. Even inside the store we,
could hear the blow-it sounded as if
someone had dropped a set of law
books. The old man lay there in
the street, unable to get up, and the
policeman had a hard time getting
him over to the street phone. They
manhandled him into a police car,
(Continued on Page 2)
The regular Union Friday3night
dance will not start until 9:30 p.m.
today, it was announced, owing to;
the convention of the Life Under-
J writers here this week-end.
Spring Parley
To Hold First
Panels Today
Politics, Economics, Arts,
Religion To Be Subjects
For Student Discussion
Modern Program
Is Goal Of Group
Spring Parley will open its first
general session at 4 p.m. today in the
North Lounge of the Union when the
rap of the chairman's gavel will send
about 500 students and a 23 member
faculty panel into three days of hot
debate on problems of the day.
"A Program For Our Times" is the
goal of this seventhdannual Parley.
a. program that includes the fields of
government, economics, international
relations, art, social life, religion, and
Col. Miller Present
Col. Henry W. Miller, head of the
engineering drawing department,
Mentor Williams of the English de-
partment, and Prof. Max Handman
of the economics department will pre-
sent the approach of the conserva-
tive, radical, and liberal respectively
to modern problems in short talks
before Ralph Danhof, general chair-
man, throws the Parley open to ac-
tual questions from the floor.
How to achieve the most progress
at the least cost to society will be the
basis upon which each of these fac-
ulty men will attempt to prove that
the conservative, radical, or liberal
method is the best. In announcing
this new addition to the Parley last
night, Danhof emphasized that its
purpose is to introduce the long time
view of the solution of present-day
TheHon. Junius Beal of Ann Ar-
ibor, dean of the Board of Regents will
open the Parley as the representa-
tive of the University. It was Regent
Beal who opened the first Parley in
Session Starts At 4 P.M.
The session starting at 4 p.m. to-
day will adjourn for dinner and re-
convene at 7:30 p.m. at another gen-
eral session. Tomorrow the Parley
will divide into seven groups which,
meeting simultaneously, will discuss
the seven divisions of the main theme.
These divisions are: Our Govern-
ment-democracy or dictatorship;
Our Economic System-hands-off,
patchwork, or change; Our Interna-
tional Relations-isolation or cooper-
ation; Our Religion-mysticism, ec-
clesiasticism, or ethics; Our Art-
beauty or persuasion; Our College
Education-success or failure; Our
Social Life-freedom orrestraint.
Eleven other faculty members and
two ministers will join the panel for
Contnued on PP 68
Reveal Reform
School Threat
AgainstPin Boy
Lighter-than-air travel will never
be safe until fabric envelops are dis-
carded for the all-metal ships, twoT
local aeronautical authorities agreedI
last night.s
"We should not focus our atten-r
tion on the fact that the Hindenburg'
disaster may have been caused by thek
explosion of hydrogen gas," Ralph H.c
Upson, who directed the construc-N
tion of United States Navy dirigiblesi
during the World War, said. "Thet
problem is primarily one of con-s
struction. Any minor accident mightt
have been reasonable, and so long asi
fabric casings continue to be used,.
any spark, whether from lightning, a
gasoline engine, or even from the ex-
haust, might result in such a disas-
Had Fabric Gas Bags
Upson. who lives in Ann Arbor, d-
signed in 1928 for the Navy the,
ZMC-2, the only all-metal airship'
in existence. The ship, which wasf
built at Grosse Ile, Mich., used Al-
clad, an aluminum alloy, and it has,'
according to Upson, been highly suc-
-essful in tests.
Confirmation of Upson 's assertionE
that all-metal construction should re-
place fabric covering was offered byf
Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski of the aer-t
onatuical engineering department, a
world famous authority on the sub-
Disaster Scars I
Record Of Safe
German J light'
(By Associated-Press)1
Until the explosion of the Hin-
denburg, Germany's record of thou-
sands of miles of safe flight in her
zeppelins contrasted remarkably with
disastrous attempts of the United
States, Britain and other countries to
develop lighter-than-air craft.
More than 400 persons had lost
their-lives in the past 30 years in pre-
vious peace time airship disasters but
no seriousiaccidents had befallen
zeppelins since 1913.
In that year on Sept. 9 the L-1,
the first German naval airship, built
in 1912, foundered off Heligoland andi
its crew of 13 was lost.
On Oct. 17 of the same year, itsr
sister ship, the L-2, exploded overe
Johannistahl Airdrome, killing 128.
The Graf Zeppelin in Oct. 19285
ripped a fin in a terrific gale as it P
neared the United States after a
trans-Atlantic flight but it reached
Lakehurst, N.J., safely. In May, g
1929 it was endangered when four of
five motors went dead in a flight overK
Europe, but again it reached safety,'
in France.-
A regular zeppelin service has been;
maintained between Germany and 1
South America since 1930 without
serious accident.-
The success of the Hindenburg in
the North Atlantic service started last
year has resulted in the inaugura-t
tion of a big zeppelin building pro-i
gram. A sister ship is now near com-i
pletion and two others have been
State Meeting
Opens At9 A.M
Arriving from all parts of the state,
Toledo and Windsor, members of the
Michigan State Association of Life
Underwriters focused on Ann Arbor
preparatory to today's annual state
convention beginning at 9 a.m.
University students preparing for
life insurance work. have been in-
vited to attend a seminar conducted
by four alumni in conjunction with
the meeting. The men are Charles E.
Hodgeman of the Mutual Benefit, H.
Peter Trosper, New York Life, H. Ben
Ruhl, Massachusetts Mutual, and
Hugh C. White, Connecticut Mutual.
Activities will begin at 9 a.m. to-
- - i frm- rn_ A foln a e
'All-Metal Covering On Dirigible
Might Have Prevented Disaster
ject. "The United States should ex-
periment more with the superior
metal covered dirigible developed by
Ralph Uspon," Professor Pawlowski
said. "This type has both an aero-
nautical and structural advantage."
"Great Britain and France have
both given up the building of rigid
dirigibles with fabric coverings. It
was after the disaster of the R-101
in 1930 that the British abandoned
them, although they had one in con-
struction at the time, and it was after
the disappearance of the Dixmunde
in 1923 that the French gave them
up,'" he said.
Upson Explains
Upson explained that a ship built
like the Hindenburg not only has in-
ternal fabric gas bags but that also
a fabric casing covers the framework
outside the bags, leaving an air layer
between. "The hydrogen will not
burn while it is in the bags because
it is pure," he pointed out, "and the
air in between the bags and the cas-
ing will not burn of course. But hy-
drogen, if it should mix with the
air in the outside chambers, through
an injury to the fabric inclosing the
gas, becomes highly explosive. A
flame, coming in contact with the
compressed hydrogen-air mixture will
cause an explosion. The other non-
metal parts of the ship will burn,
and you have a Hindenburg disas-
"The all-metal ship, on the other
hand, can use hydrogen, rather than
the non-explosive helium, and be
as safe as is so far humanly pos-
sible. The metal covering is less vul-
nerable to lightning, and it elimin-
ates the layer of air which traps
leaking gas in a dangerous mixture,''
Upson said.
Trosko Given
Annual Alumni
Football Award
Trophy Goes To Yearling
With Best Performance
In SpringPractice
Freddie Trosko, 19-year-old fresh-
man halfback from Flint, was award-
ed the Chicago Alumni Trophy yes-
terday for being the most outstanding
yearling football prospect of the year.
Meyer Morton representing the Chi-
cago Alumni Association made the
award before a meeting of the entire
grid squad at the Union.
Trosko, who tips the scales at 154
pounds and is five feet, eight inches
tall, is a triple-threat player. He can
run, pass or kick with equal ability,
and is noted for the speed with which
he gets away from behind the line.
The award is based on attendance
at spring drills, attitude, general im-
provement and value to the team.
Trosko, probably the most conscien-
tious player on the squad, is alsothe
most improved since he started drill-
ing last fall as a member of Wally
Weber's yearling team.
Trosko graduated from F 1 i n t
Northern High School where he
played three years at halfback under
Coach Guy Houston. It was Houston
who persuaded Freddie to come to
The speedy little halfback who
plays basketball and baseball, and is
at present patrolling center field for
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's freshman
Journalism Society
Picks New Officers
Sigma Delta Chi, national hon-
orary journalism fraternity, last night
announced officers for the coming
year. They were elected at a meet-
ing held Wednesday night in the
Union at which Daniel Gluck, '38L
winner of a Case Club award Vhh
year, spoke on "News As Property.'
Tuure Tenander, '38, was electec
president; Joseph Mattes, '38, wa:
chosen as vice-president: Claytor
Strange' Explosion Rips
Hindenburg, With Death
Total Believed To Be 33
German Zeppelin Plunges
In Flanmes In Preparinge
To Moor At Lakehurst
Recurring Blasts
Prevent Rescues
Ignition Of Hydrogen Gas
In Dirigible Is Thought
Reason ForTragedy
LAKEHURST, N.J., May 6.-OP)-
Her silvery bulk shattered by a ter-
rific explosion, the German air liner
Hindenburg plunged in flames at the
U. S. Naval Air Station tonight, with
indications at least one-third of the
99 aboard perished.
Harry A. Bruno, press relations
counsel for the Zeppelin Company
which operated the luxurious modern
dirigible, said that 64 of the persons
aboard her on her maiden 1937 voy-
age here had been reported saved. He
listed 20 passengers and 44 of the
crew as survivors.
Timothy W. Margerum,' of Lake-
wood, said there were already 40
bodies in the naval station's garage
which had been hurriedly trans-
GALVESTON, Tex., May 6.-
()-President Roosevelt, learn-
ing of the disaster to the dirig-
ible Hindenburg at Lakehurst,
N.J., tonight sent a message to
Chancellor Hitler in Berlin ex-
pressing his "deepest sympathy"
to the German government and
formed into a morgue. Many of the
dead were horribly burned by the
oil-fed flames. Margerum reported
-otherswere--dying. Hospitals for
miles around were filled with the in-
An explosion of the No. 2 gas cell
toward the stern of the ship was
named as the cause of the disaster by
State Aviation Commissioner Gill
Robb Wilson, who called the blast
"strange." The highly-inflammable
hydrogen gas billowed into fierce
flame as the explosion plummeted
the ship to the airfield. Ground spec-
tators said crew members in the stern
of the ship "never had a chance" to
The disaster struck without the
least warning. The ship had angled
her blunt nose toward' the mooring
mast, the spider like landing lines
had been snaked down from her
belly and the ground crew had
grasped the ropes from the nose,
when the explosion roared out scat-
tering ground crew and spectators
like frightened sheep.
Thirty-one survivors were account-
ed for in hospitals and other places
in the Lakehurst area at 10:45 p.m.
See Clues
F. W. Von Meister, vice-president
of the American Zeppelin Transport
Co., the general U. S. agents for the
German Zeppelin Transport Co., the
Hindenburg's owners, said there were
two possible clues for the explosions.
First he listed the rainy condition
which prevailed at the naval air
station when the landing was at-
tempted. The ship cruised around
over the field for an hour to ride out
a rain storm and nosed down while
rain was still falling.
The rainy condition, Von Meister
said, would make for the creation of
ha spark of static electricity when
the landing ropes were dropped and
such a spark might have touched
off the highly explosive hydrogen gas
which gave the long silver ship its
lifting power.
Second Theory
The second theory Van Meister
advanced was that a spark flew from
oneof the engines when they were
throttled down for the landing. The
ship had been valving hydrogen prep-
artory to landing, and he theorized
some of the gas might have gathered
in a pocket under the tail surfaces
and detonated when the spark flew
Some authorities scouted the
theory that the explosion could have
been caused by the ignition of hy-
drogen inside thetgas cells. They said
a mixture of 20 per cent free air
I with hydrogen would be necessary to
s cause an explosion, indicating the
first blast must have occurred out-
Announcement was made at the I plant here.
last meeting of the University of
Michigan Club of Rochester, of an
anonymous gift of $2,500 to the club's Spring ParleyM
recently undertaken Ten-Year Pro-
gram Fund for the construction ofO
men's dormitories on the campus. 0fe e lO
At the meeting of the University of
Michigan Club of Rochester early in
April, the members voted to partici- Doors that close China to the West-
pate in the Michigan Alumni Ten- ern mind will at least be jarred at a
Year Program and thereupon electedluncheon sponsored jointly by the
a share in the dormitory project. Spring Parley and tie Model League
Edward L. Cleary, '07L, and Gov- of Nations Saturday in the League
ernor of the First Alumni dIistrict, ballroom.
undertaking organization of the proj- Five Chinese, four of them stu-
ect, had just finished outlining plans dents, and a faculty panel will be at
for the campaign when D. Conrad G. the luncheon to explain China and
Moehlmann, '02, announced the an- the events peculiar to her that reg-
onymous bequest ularly perplex the West.
President Ruthven was the guest of Such puzzles as the kidnapping of
honor and principal speaker at the Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek at
annual dinner-dance ofstheeRoches- Sianfu last fall and as Chinas devas-
ter lub.tating and original boycotts are typ-
Ths Claggfgiical of the questions speakers expect
This large gift giver the Roches- to be asked.7
+,. C1l. b hegad~ starf in its Ten-y - - - --. -
[odel Assembly
en Door' To China
Manager Warned Youth
To Stay Out Of Picket
Line, Mother Says
Threats to place Mike Katopodis,
15-year-old striking pin boy at the
Ann Arbor Recreation Center, 605 E.
Huron St., in a reform school unless
he stayed out of the Recreation Cen-
ter picket line were reported yester-
day to The Daily by his mother, Mrs.
Peter Katopodis, 109 E. Summit St.
Herbert D. Cassell, manager of the
Recreation Center, made the threats,:
Mrs. Katopodis said, on April 7, thel
day before five University students i
and two other persons were arrested
in the course of the strike.
She said that Mr. Cassell had told
her, "Now Mrs. Katopodis, you know
Mike has no right to be in this strike.
He's a minor. If you know when
you're keeping your boy out of
Itrouble, you better keep him out of
this picket line.
"If Mike'sface shows up in that
strike you know what he's going to
get. He's going to get reform school,"
Mrs. Katopodis reported Mr. Cassell
as saying.
She said that Mr. Cassell had told!
her that if Mike stayed out of the j
picket line he would be reemployed
next fall when "he said the pin boys
would be making $25 a week."
Mrs. Katopodis is the mother of
nine children, all of whom live at'
her home.
Last Friday night at the picket line
Mike said Mr. Cassell told him,
"Vnr ha++tms, nvo, arvnir fa em gn-
ary Victories of the Chinese Woman
Movement." Shen will discuss the
Sianfu incident as a test of political
Those who will be on the faculty
panel are Prof. Charles F. Remer, act-
ing chairman of the economics de-
partment, Prof. Robert Hall of the
geography department, Prof. Joseph
R. Hayden, chairman of the political
science department and former vice-
governor of the Philippine Islands
and Dr. Y. Z. Chang of the Eng-
lish department, a visiting teacher
from China.
"In this series of talks we will try
to present a picture of modern China
from the various points-of-view."
I Yang said. "As each speaker is al-
, ..
Ter u;W 4 a ubb4 ,II u
Year program. The third unit of
+t ,nrmitnr vhpin hiii ltn WnFMai-
C. K. Yang, Lee Kay, Miss V. Y.j
Ting and C. H. Shen, all graduate
..4.3.4. __R t . . , -