Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4,.00; by mail~ $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37.
National Advertising Service, Inc
College Publishers Rojresentatipg ,
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfet. Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shaekleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks..
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
FredsDeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel, chairman;
Elizabeth M.. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
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Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
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Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, J e
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National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
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Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
rwrr i r i rt
Letter To The Dead
To the Editor:
The world spins pretty fast these days and lots
of things happen. Some of us care what happens.
Some do not. At the Union last Wednesday
night, David McKenzie, a young Scottish medical
student recently returned from the International
column in Madrid, delivered a brilliant account
of the situation in Spain. Where were all the
fellow-members of the human race? Why wasn't
the entire college there instead of 200-300 stu-
dents? Where is the simple decency of one man
towards a grave responsibility of another?
I say to those all day tea-drinkers and all the
ain't-it-just-too-bad intellectuals bowed by the
weight of their own metaphysics, I say to all
those unconcerned men and women, "Go home
and lay down and die. You're dead all the way."
Because right this minute thousands of stu-
dents are in cold trenches fighting for those dem-
ocratic principles which we so blandly inherited.
To those who demand a reason for being con-
cerned other than political, let them realize that
fascism is death to culture. If any reader
doesn't know that by now he. ought to do some
extra-curricular reading. With a good memory
he'd remember the book burning fiesta in Ger-
many in 1933. Or let him ask Thomas Mann or
Einstein or Bruno Walter and any of the other
thousand "cultural" exiles. If you shy away
because "I'm a student and politics and me just
don't, mix," let this fact, burn in your brain: If
fascism wins anywhere in the world, what goes
up in smoke is perhaps as terrible as the loss of
flesh and blood: I mean the thousand years of
Cervantes, Goya, Heine, Goethe, Shelley, Thomas
Mann, Ernst Toller, Fredrich Wolff, John Dos
Passos, - and this list is endless!! When this
torch.is dimmed, the darkness spreads over water
to every distant land!
The duty of the student is crystal-clear if he
has any cultural evaluation of civilization. It is
an evaluation which the process of history and
art makes imperative. Therefore your interest
in the Spain question, your cooperation against
fascism should transcend politics and religion,
it should spring from the deep and sibere feel-
ing that a true student holds towards artistic
and intellectual freedom. That is why we must
know, understand and act from that understand-
ing in whatever capacity we can. We but extend
ourselves in Time and fight for our own preserva-
tion and the preservation of Michigan University.
Remember the entire picture when you read a
play by Shakespeare or a poem by MacLeish.
Imagine a possible time when these values will
be forbidden you. Remember what I have tried
to explain when you attend the music festival.
On the Saturday afternoon concert the orches-
tra will play music by DeFalla, a modern Spanish
composer, an old man. I'll tell you something
about DeFalla. He was captured by fascist rebels
and witnessed these murderers torture his scuip-
tor-friend Lorka to death He went insane from
the ordeal. Think of this when you her him
played. Perhaps it will do something to you.
Think of the thousand women and children
killed every month by German and Italian
bombs, thinlk only for ten minutes, quietly.
If you can forget and sleep easy after that, it's
time to hang the crepe on the.door and count the
dead. -Norman Rosten, Grad,
+Tossing The Gauntlet
To the Editor:
I want to extend several personal invitations
-or, rather, challenges-to certain misguided
individuals with whom I have a bare nodding ac-
quaintance but whose flaunted opinions get
sharply under my skin. If these individuals have
the courage of their convictions, let them sharp-
en their wits, grease their tonsils, and fare forth
for local combat, viz:
1. There's a beautifully-constructed blue-
eyed blonde, who is taking History 92, who won'tf
say hello without a formal introduction, who1
dates every night in the week, who can see no
reason for the University to take some active
steps for a more systematic promotion of social
activities on the campus.
2. There's a tall and skinny red-head in my
Economics 52 class, who quotes the Daily Worker
as authoritative, who has read Marxian eco-
nomics and nothing else, who thinks a human
being is nothing more nor less than an animated
stomach, who sees no value in any education
without a class angle.
3. There's a pot-bellied professor who believes
students should memorize every pearl that drops
from his lips, who has never been known to
change his mind, who thinks students should be
turned out like automobiles, who treats educa-
tion as an activity in vacuo, utterly unrelated to
practical experience.
4. There's a bushy-haired, buck-toothed art
student who sneers at surrealism, who thinks
that because Dadaism is insane it must be in-
significant, who won't try to understand unin-
telligibility in art, who classes Picasso and Dali
with Barnum and Bailey.
5. There's a stout and vociferous girl in a red
dress, who is taking Political Science 92, who
takes Roosevelt-for-King-ism seriously, who
thinks government and economy don't mix, who
thinks foes of the court change are traitors,
who thinks it can't happen here.
6. There's a neurotic and sulphuric chemistry
major who thinks that when science came in the
door religion went out the window, who refuses
to recognize any distinction between observing
natural phenomena and understanding them,
who thinks he can solve every problem in life
with time and a laboratory, who is a member of
the Southern California chapter of Technocracy,
N,_ 9Y Bonth William
LATE THIS AFTERNOON the first of the Ann
Arbor contingent will pull stakes and start
the overland trek for the widely heralded region
of the famous Blue Grass.
Yes sir, ladies and gentlemen, sometime in the
latter part of the day Commissioner Bonthron
will point the snub nose of the rejuvenated
Champion southwards and, hauling his home be-
hind him, hit the historic Louisville trail.
Accompanying the Commissioner will be three
other well known handicappers, prominent in
local racing circles. Colonel R. J. H. Henoch,
named custodian of the trailer ice box, Steward
Phil Hart, designated as official maker of the.
bunks, and Judge William Bates, counter of the
juleps, will be riding the home on wheels when
the caravan pulls out of Detroit today.
The presence of these nationally known north-
ern sportsmen is enough in itself to insure the
unqualified success of the 63rd running of the
Kentucky Derby, officials have stated. Other
dignitaries who will be present include Colonel
E. R. Bradley, Mrs. Dodge Sloan, and Alfred
Gwynn Vanderbilt.
To any who are still in doubt as to the winner
of Saturday's $50,000 romp I need only mention
that WAR ADMIRAL worked over the Derby
route on a slow track Monday morning in
2:08 3-5. .
He wheeled the last quarter in the sensational
time of :26 flat and unless I miss my guess will
be thundering over horses in the drive to the wire
and the winner's circle in the Blue Grass classic.
If the track is fast the Ann Arbor contingent feels
that betting money on The Admiral is just like
investing in government bonds. Of course, there
are revolutions.
While this necking question is under
discussion, I should like to issue an appeal
on the behalf of non-combatants. I am not
opposed to necking. I consider it a worthy
successor to the defunct petting, spooning,
and sparking. But these warm spring nights
is it absolutely necessary for amorous couples
literally to choke the entrances of our wom-
en's residence halls?
Horse blinders are all very well for winter,
but in pleasant weather like this why can't
we bring those goodnights out in the open,
where it's nice and dark?
Betsy Mosher Newberry Jordan Cook.
P.S.: Perhaps by next winter someone will
have donated isseries of telephone booths
(minus telephones) for each front hall.
Chuck Bowen, Alpha Delt would-be playboy,
was in so much of a hurry when he returned
from Windsor a few days ago that he neglected
to declare the new suit he had just purchased.
The customs officers took plenty of time how-
ever and ripped back the lapel of Chuck's coat.
When they saw the Canadian label they calmly
assessed Bowen 40 iron men, and then told him
the suit would have been admitted duty free had
lie but mentioned its acquisition.
* * * *
BENEATH IT ALL: Fred James will stomp and
stretch at the Architects' Ball Saturday
night as a Corinthian Column. Sally Pierce, as
an Egyptian slave, will go chained to him . .
Governor Frank Murphy stopped in at the
Sigma Chi House when he was in town the other
day and found the brothers in the samestate
of bull tossing common when he was a Mich-
igander ... The Governor, by the way, was both
a member of Tribe and a Phi Beta Kappa in his
undergraduate days.. . Gil Tilles is complaining
again. This time he has been victimized by a
fiend who entered his office and cut the pages
off the desk calendar. "Now I'll never be able
to keep all my committee meetings straight,"
Tilles wailed . . . Herb Wolf will be the Gargoyle's
preposterous person when the next issue goes
on sale May 13th ... Unless WE THREE MEET
AGAIN... This bilge is conducted by Bonthron
X Williams. Man the pumps!
on this week-end at the Union. If they'll kindly
show up there for the Parley, I'll promise to
be around at the top of my voice. I'm getting a
little fed up on the routines of the educational
process. I've got a powerful yen to argue about
something important and interesting and prac-
tical. The Parley looks to me like just that sort
of thing. * --l.W.
Scientific Mind
To the Editor:
I notice so much in my classes the failure of
the professors of the College of L.S. and A. in
one important respect. It is this: However well
and accurately a course may be presented, th)
professor most often fails in the last and most
irpportant step of showing the practical appli-
cations, connections, and importance of the
material to the individual's life in general and
to the occupations with which the material is
connected. I think this is typical of the profes-
sional, scientific mind but they should not for-
get that the practical application and meaning
of the material they present is the ultimate and
sole aim of all students not planning to teach
the subject themselves.
I would like to point out an outstanding ex-
ample of the application of this principle and
its success in Political Scence I and II taught
by Professor Paul M. Cuncannon. Attendance in
his classes is practically 100 per cent. Interest
is unusually keen and the practical benefits of
his instruction are immeasurable-all in a course
There's Always Tovarich.
1F YOU DON'T know what the title
to the last play on the schedule of
the. dramatic season means, don't be
discouraged. Tovarich is, literally,
the Russian word meaning Comrade.
In the days just after the revolution
less so now-it was used as a kind
of how-d'ye-do between friends or
between others wishing to show their
loyalty to the party. It is pronounced
in the New York production now
playing at the Plymouth Theatre)
In. reviewing it for the New York
Times, the morning after it opened,
Brooks Atkinson said: "After the
autumn drought a pleasant shower
has come. There was appropriate
jubiliation on the sidewalks last eve-
"If this column reports that two
penniless Russians of exalted station
anonymously take situations in a
wealthy Paris home do not be dis-
couraged. That is one of the dustiest
of comic devices. In the present in-
stance the slumming nobility are
Prince Mikail Alexandrovitch Oura-
tieffnand the Grand Duchess Tatiana
Petrovna, who are gallant people:
even the author respects them. It is
only a question of time before their
identity leaks out and considerably
deflates their master and mistress.
"But the virtue of M. Deval's com-
edy is that snobbish sensationalism
is not the sole point of the piece. For
the Prince and Grand Duchess are
thoroughbreds who ask nothing of
the world they have left and are
eager to belong to the world that lies
before them. Since the characters
have been intelligently described, the
crises they pass through engenders
a nice sentimental emotion.
It comes late in the season here
-just about the time that this de-
ligtful comedy can be a welcome re-
lief after an especially bad examina-
tion. The cast that will play it here
will be one selected or approved by
Gilbert Miller who produced the play
in London and New York.
8:30 Means 8:15 Here
THERE SEEMS to be some misun-
derstanding floating around about
the Noel Coward bills. There will be
two bills, each of three one-act plays
or sketches, each played under the
title Tonight at 8:30. This title has
nothing to. do' with any of the six
plays in the two bills and very little
to do with anything. For the curtain
here will go up on these plays at
The first program Tonight at 8:30, 1
consists of an amusing, light, conver-
sational piece Ways and Means, a
more serious love story with a comic
sub-plot or situation Still Life, and a
quiet period piece (very charming)
with music, Family Album.
The three short plays in this first,
opening, program will be played by a
cast headed by Helen Chandler and
Bramwell Fletcher.
Then, after the productions of The
Merchant of Venice and Gordon Da-
viot's The Laughing Woman, there
will be another set of three short
plays-Tonight at 8:30, 1I. These
follow the same plan ast the first
bill: a light comedy, Hands Across
the Sea; a more realistic comedy,
Fumed Oak; and a play with music,
Shadow Play.
Issues Of Court, Sit-Ins
Face Political Panel
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
article by one of the section chairmen
of the Spring Parley outlining the
probable issues that will arise at the
panelhe will lead this Saturday. The
others will follow tomorrow.
In this day of Supreme Court re-
organizations and sit-down strikes,
our entire governmental framework
is undergoing careful examination.
There are many who say it should be
changed. There are many who say
it should be abolished. And there
are many who say it should be un-
It is only through discussion and
debate that the proper course can
be found. That discussion and de-
bate will be furnished at the Spring
Parley section on government and
Do we want Nine Old Men? Or Fif-
teen? Do we want to emphasize
states' rights? Or do we want to give
increasing power to the national gov-
ernment? Shall we keep our division
of powers? Or shall we centralize
control in the executive?
Theanswers in themselves are not
important. But what is important
is the path and direction in which
those answers will lead us. Democracy
or dictatorship? We must choose.i
There are many who say we do not
have democracy in the United States.
There are many who do not want it.
Not since the founding of the Re-
public have there been so many, bit-
terly-contested points of view about
government demanding recognition.
At the Parley they will all be given a
The faculty panel of the section
on "Our Government" presents a va-
Of Terrorism.
D ISCLOSURES made by the LaFol-
lette Committee in investigating
conditions in Harlan County, Kentucky, long a
stronghold of terrorism and rule by might, lends
a new tinge to the conception of "law and order,"
the phrase that has been flaunted so often in
the press in connection with recent labor con-
The testimony of the witnesses before the
Senate Committee has shown that law and jus-
tice in Harlan County were what the coal oper-
ators willed them to be. The local adminis-
trators of the law were employed by -the com-
panies, the sheriff and his numerous deputies
acting in the dual role of labor spies and gun-
men. Even the Governor of Kentucky has been
implicated in the despotic disregard for human
rights by his assertion that he found the record
of Sheriff Middleton absolutely clear and that
the latter had "maintained law and order in
Harlan County." (Middleton is the'man who,
admitted that his deputies were responsible for
the atrocities against United Mine Workers' or-
ganizers but who couldn't, however, remember
how he "received" $100,000 in three years as
The Governor absolved the man who permitted
his aides to murder a 19-year old youth whose
only sin was that he was the son of a United
Mine Workers' organizer.
Another organizer for the UMW testified that,
a deputy came up to him and told him that
it would be better to get out of the county be-
fore he was killed. "This bunch will shoot you,
they'll dynamite you and they'll burn you. You
don't know what you're up against. They'll do
anything," the witness quoted the deputy as
"I told him," the witness testified, "that we
had come in to organize the miners peacefully,
that none of our men would take a drink-that
they wouldn't even carry pocket knives."
"Let me tell you something," the deputy had
replied, "you're a damn fool if you think you
can do it peacefully. I'd like to protect you, be-
cause I've known you for a long time, but I can't
do anything for the others. Of course, if I pro-
tect you, I'll have to have some money for it.
I never do anything for nothing."
A few days later, the witness continued, he
found three large tear gas grenades behind the
door of his hotel room at the same time that
two of the organizers' cars were dynamited. The
organizers left town for a few days and when
they came bacls no hotel would accept them.
Of course, one might say, there are the courts
to which one may always have recourse. But
in Harlan County the juries seem to have the
peculiar knack of being composed mainly of
coal operators or their friends, hardly conducive
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tale
miversity. Copy received at the *M m at the Axuistant to the Presideat
vtSi 3:0; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
VOL. XLVH No. 154
To the 'Members of the University
Council: The next meeting of the
University Council will be held on
Monday, May 10 at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1009 Angell Hall. The agenda is as
Disposition of Communications.
Reports of administrative and ad-
visory boards and committees..
Committee on Cooperation with
Educational Institutions, G. E. Car-
Committee on Honorary Degrees, F.'
E. Robbins.
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations, W. A. McLaughlin.
Advisory Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, G. E.]
Committee on University Lectures
of the Oratorical Association, L. M.
University Advisory Committee on
Foreign Students, J. R. Nelson.
Advisory Committee on the Univer-
sity Extension Division. C. A. Fisher.
Subjects Offered by Members of the
Reports of Standing Committees.
Program and Policy, Bates.
Educational Policies, Rodkey.
Student Relations, Bailey.
Public Relations, McMurry.
Plant and Equipment, Aigler.
Seniors in all departments are'
again reminded that the Commence-
ment Invitation booklets and an-
nouncements may still be obtained
at the store of Burr, Patterson &
Auld, 603 Church St. It should be
understood that these announce-
ments do not constitute admission to
the commencement exercises but are
really formal invitations to be used
for personal friends and relatives.
Admission tickets to the exercises at
can be obtainedat a later date at
the University Business Office.
W. B. Rea.
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall on Monday,
May 10 at 2 p.m. At this time the
committee will consider requests for
loans for the Summer Session and
the school year 1937-38 as well as
requests for immediate financial as-
J. A. Bursley, Chairman.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: Freshmen
are urged to discuss their academic
programs for next year with their
counselors before June 1. Consulta-
tions may be arranged through Mrs.
Clever, Room 102 Mason Hall.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next semester
are required to pass a Qualifying
Eaxmination in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held in the auditorium of
the University High School on Sat-
urday afternoon, May 22, starting
sharply at 1 p.m. The examination
will consume about four hours' time;
promptness is therefore essential.
ComprehensiveExamination in
Education: All candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate (except grad-
uate students who are candidates for
advanced degrees) are required to
pass a Comprehensive Professional
Examination covering the Education
courses prescribed for the Certificate.
The next examination of this kind
will be given in the Auditorium of
the University High School on Sat-
urday afternoon, May 22, at 2 p.m. It
will cover Education A10, Cl, directed
teaching, and special methods. Any,
student who will have completed
these courses by the end of the pres-
ent semester is eligible to take the
examination at this time.
All Junior Engineers: The collec-
tion of the regular class dues has
been so slow this year that less than
half of our current expenses .ave
been met to date. These expenses
amount to about $70, principally inI
the form of assessments by the En-
gineers and Honor Councils, and the
class page in the 'Ensian.
Our only source of income this year
is the collection of dues, so please
pay at once to one of the following
members of the Treasurer's Commit-
tee: Jack Young, Jim Eckhouse, Goff
Smith, Carl Clement ,Bob Baxley,
Dave Lansdale, John Harris.
One of these men will be available
at a table by the main bulletin board
in the W. Eng. Bldg. on Tuesday,
'Wednesday and Thursday mornings
of this and next week.
Engineers,. Sophomores: The ring
design selected for the sophomore
class is now posted on the bulletin
board near the Library in West En-
gineering Bldg. It may be ordered
through Ulrich's Bookstore. The ring
is also available for seniors, juniors
or freshmen with appropriate num-,
Mental Hygiene of Adolescence,
C120: This course resumed regular
meetings yesterday. The field trip to
the Ypsilanti State Hospital will be
held as scheduled. Members of the
class meet in front of the University
Elementary School on Monroe St.,
today at 1:15 p.m. H. Y. McClusky.
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by the German de-
There will be an examination on
Wednesday, May 26, at 2 p.m. in
Room 203 U. H.
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to regis-
ter their names at least one week
before the date of the examination
at the office of the German depart-
ment, 204 U.H., where information
and reading lists may be obtained.
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in History: The language examina-
tion for candidates for the master's
degree in hstory will be given at
4 p.m., Friday, May 21, in Room B,
Haven. Candidates must furnish
their own dictionaries. Copies of
'old examinations are on file in the
Basement StudyHall in the Library.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Chares Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial, Tower,
Thursday afternoon, May 6 at 4:15
Mathematics Lectures: Dr. Witold
Hurewicz of the University of Am-
sterdam will give his second and
third lectu'res on the subject' of
"'Homotopy and Homology" on
Thursday and Friday at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 3011 Angell Hall.
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture: An exhibition of the student
work in design from member schools
of the Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture, among .which
is included the University of Michi-
gan College of Architecture, is being
shown in the third floor exhibition
room of the Architectural Building.
This will be on view through May 13,
daily except on Sunday, from 9 to 5.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Zoology Seminar: Miss Jean Brier-
ley will. report or. "An Exploratory In-
vestigation of the Selective Value of
Certain Genes and their Combina-
tions in Drosophila," and Sister M.
Francis Xavier on "A Comparative
Study of the Reaction of the Leuco-
cytes to a Generalized Infection" to-
day at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S.
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 pm. this afternoon in
the Observatory lecturefroom. Mr.
V. A. Goedicl e will 'speak on the
rotation of planetary nebulae. Tea
will be served at 4 p.m.
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Room 3056, at 7 p.m. today.
Mr. Edward Hard will speak on "Mis-
sissippian Gas Sands of the Central
Michigan Area."
Varsity Glee Club: Tonight's meet-
ing is particularly important to every
man, which means that full atten-
dance is desirable. The annual elec-
tion of officers, a rhearsal for the
May Festival, followed by the annual
serenade are on the program. Every
man should be present at 7:30 p.m.,
since we have a great deal to do in a
very short time.,
The Intramural riding class for
men will meet at the Engineering
Arch at 7:50 p.m. today. All those
interested are cordially invited to
Peace Council: All those having
Peace Council petitions in their;pos-
session please turn them in at the
Michigan Daily today. They will
be mailed to Washington tomorrow.
Peace Movies: "Drums of Doom," a
seven-reel sound picture will be
shown'n#at 8 p.m. today in Natural
Science Auditorium. Today at 4:15
p.m. will be a program of short sub-
jects, "A Zeppelin Raid on London,"
"New York's Peace Parade," "The
League of Nations," an edition of
March of Time, and a cartoon,
Hillel Foundation: Students in-
terested in helping with the campus
drive for the Jewish National Fund