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May 06, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-06

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"II Aiipp YlaRYyWORY i

The Weather
Fair today and tomorrow with
rising temperature tomorrow.



.Ia itj

Of Terrorism .



Potter To Give
Talk At Model
League's Meet
Will Open With Plenary
Session Of International
Labor Conference
Bishop To Welcome
Prof. Pitman B. Potter of the
University des Hautes Internation-
ales Etudes in Geneva and now ex-
change professor at the University of
Chicago will be the speaker at the
banlquet given for the delegates of
the Model Session of the League of
Nations at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Union, Gardner Ackley, Grad.,
Secretary-General of the Assembly,
announced yesterday.
Professor Potter, who has written
several books on international af-
fairs, is familiar with the League ofI
Nations and can speak authoritative-
ly on the subject, having been arbi-
trator representing Ethiopia during
the Wal Wal dispute in 1935, Ackley
stated. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the
department of political science de-
partment who acted in 1930 as the
technical advisor to the Hague Con-
ference for the Codification of In-
ternational Law, has been secured1
as chairman of the Banquet, he said.
To Open At 11 A.M.
The Assembly wil open at 11
a.m. in 'the . First Congregational
Church with the plenary session of
the International Labor Conference.
A welcoming address will be given the
assembled delegates by Prof. Wil-
liam W. Bishop, head of the depart-
ment of Library Science and Librar-
ian of the University, who has long
been interested in the League of Na-
tions, having devised the system in
the League's library, Ackley de-
clared. The discussion at this ses-
sion will center around the question
"should collective bargaining be as-
sured by national governments?"
Hold Joint Luncheon
A joint luncheon, entitled, "China
by the Chinese," which will conclude
the activities of the' delegates has
been arranged under the auspices of
the Model Assembly and the Spring
Parley for Saturday noon in the
League ballroom. A panel discussion
has been arranged with five Chinese
student leaders giving brief com-
ments upon the present situation and
future problems of their country, with
four faculty members taking part.
They are: Prof. C. F. Remer acting
chairman of the economics depart-
ment; Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, chair-
man of the political science depart-
ment and former vice-governor of the
Philippines; Prof. Robert Hall. of the
geography department; and Dr. Y. Z.
Chang, visiting lecturer in the Eng-
lish department.
The five students and their sub-
jects are: Miss V. Y. Ting, Status of
Women in China; Mrs. L. H. Yui-
Education; Kay Lee, Edonomics; C.
K. Yang, Social and Cultural Life;
C. H. Shen, Politics.
Revisions Llkely
I Civil Service
And Labor Bills
LANSING, May 5 -(A)-Compro-
mise agreements were in prospect to-
day to permit passage of civil service
and labor relations bill by the legis-

Governor Murphy announced he
will accept amendments to the civil
service bill providing qualifying ex-
aminations for present state em-
ployes. This would give them the
advantage of staying on the pafroll
if they c6uld pass the examination
and would remove the necessity for
them to compete for high marks
against an open field of applicants.
The Governor's decision was ex-
pected to placate a substantial house
faction which had been opposing the
Changes in the recently introduced
administration labor relations bill
likewise were approved by Murphy.
He declared some sections may be de-
leted entirely without injuring the
measure. The Governor indicated
he would not oppose striking out a
provision giving him dictatorial pow-
ers in case of labor controversy emer-
Voisine Is Nominated
To Discussion Panel
William Voisine, village president
of Ecorse, will be a member of the

To Welcome Delegates

House Grants
Added Million
To AidRelief
Vote Minus Debate Marks
Contrast To Yesterday's
Criticism Of Haber
Professor Praised
By Gov._Murphy
LANSING, May 5.--I)-The House
voted today to add another $1,000,-
1,0(' to the $15,000,000 already pro-
vided for direct relief work in Mich-
igan this year. The money would go
to the State Emergency Relief Com-



Insurance Men
To Open Annual
More Than 500 Expected
For Life Underwriters,
Convention Here{


State life underwriters will convene'
today at a dinner meeting opening
their annual two-day convention in
the Union.
More than 500 persons are expected
to attend, Clarence F. Yates, chair-
man of arrangements, estimated yes-
terday. Many will come from Toledo
and Windsor.
Prof. Walter O. Menge of the math-
ematics department and Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the history depart-
ment will address the convention to-
morrow. At a public session tomor-
row evening, Albert W. Atwood, mag-
azine writer and formerly a financial
editor will be the main speaker.
Since the capacity of the ballroom
is limited, admission will be by ticket
only. They may be obtained free' by
applying at the offices of Caleb R:
Smith, chairman of registration, in
the First National Bank Building.
The meeting was brought here by
the Washtenaw underwriters' organi-
zation after the first meeting in Ann
Arbor proved to be a success, Prof.
James W. Glover of the mathematics
department explained yesterday.
Gets Approval
Of University
University approval of May 14 as
Tag Day for the Fresh Air Camp
was granted yesterday, according to
Walter Luszki, '37, chairman of the
drive. The goal has been set at $2,-
City permission and personal sup-
port were given by Mayor Walter
Sadler of the engineering college
For the first time in the Tag Day's
history the drive, which is sponsored
by the Students' Christian Associa-
tion, will include the downtown dis-
trict and an enthusiastic response is
expected, Luszki stated.
Partial support for the cautp,
which is located at Patterson Lake,
was earned by the Campus boxing
show, but the need for more funds so
that a full program could be carried
out for underprivileged youth of Ann
Arbor and Detroit necessitated the
tag day, he said.
Thirty-five University students will
be employed at the camp as counsel-
lors, Luszki stated. Committees for
the drive will be announced tomor-

mission for allocation to the coun-
ties. The vote coincided with in-
troduction of a bill by Rep. Vernon J.
Brown, Rep., Mason, to abolish the
commission and permit the return
of welfare control to the counties.
Today's welfare fund vote was1
without debate, in marked contrast to
yesterday's session, in which legis-
lators took turns at citicizing the
ERA and Dr. William Haber, its ad-.
ministrator. ^
Murphy Defends HaberE
Governor Murphy took occasion to-j
day to defend Haber, asserting simp-
"I consider him the ablest man in
the state in the field of social serv-
Brown made public the text of at
letter from Haber which denied
charges voiced by Eaton that he has
drawn multiple salaries from theI
state and Federal governments.
"My name appears on the payroll
of the University of Michigan, and
appears on no other payroll, state
or Federal," Haber wrote.-
Has Only One Job
"I have one job, and that is profes-1
sor of economics at the University of
Michigan. My position as adminis-
trator of the state relief commis-
sion involved no administrative re-
sponsibility. The commission has as-
signed to Mr. Granger, the deputyi
administrator, the major administra-
tive job and I consult with him as I
time requires. I am not on the pay-I
roll of the relief commission."
The letter emphasized that in two
years as head of the commission, hei
drew only two months' pay.
Dr. Haber had asked for the ad-
ditional $1,000,000, warning that suf-
fering among relief clients would re-
sult if the legislature failed to act.
the legislature voted $6,000,000 earl-
ier this session at his request, the
amount supplementing the regular
$9,000,000 appropriation for relief
work in the fiscal year that ends next
The $1,000,000 item goes to the
Senate for concurrence.
Band To Broadcast
Oni National Hookup
The 80-piece Varsity Concert Band
will broadcast at 11:30 a.m. to noon
Saturday through the studios of sta-
tion WWJ, Detroit, over the NBC red
network, according to Ernest A.
Jones, '38, business manager of the
The band will open and close the
program to the strains of the "Vic-
tors" as arranged by Prof. William D.
Revelli, director of the band. The re-
mainder of the program is: "Come
Sweet Death," by Johann Sebastian
Bach; "Slavonic Rhapsody," by
Freidman; "Les Deaux Japonais";
and "Amporito Roco"-a Spanish
march by Texidor.
After the broadcast the band will
be the guests of the Michigan Alumni
Club at the Intercollegiate Club for
luncheon. Then they will attend the
Detroit-Washington baseball game.

Ends Revolt
In Barcelona
Bloody. Internal Strife
Took Estimated 100
Lives In Cdtalonia
Anarchists Lose
In Most Of Towns
PERPIGNON, France, May 5--/P)t
-The government of autonomousI
Catalonia put down a bloody inter- I
nal rebellion of Barcelona anarchists,
today that cost an estimated 100 livesc
and threatened the Catalan coalitione
allied with the Madrid-Valencia re-c
Official dispatches said peace was
restored to the city's streets with thei
government again in control.1
Occasional shots still were heard in1
parts of the city although street1
fighting was ended. In some streetsc
barricades remained.
Anarchist forces still held the towns1
of Puigcerda and Belver, near the
French border.
Latest reports indicated the An-1
archist uprising represented a splitt
even within Anarchist ranks, just as1
the Barcelona battle was a civil con-
flict within Spain's civil war. More
moderate Anarchists did not join
their militant colleagues. Three An-
archist leaders who were members of
the former Catalonian Government,
called on their fellows to stop fight-
ing, but without avail.
(By Associated Press)
Spanish Insur gents poised their
might for a final smash at Bilbao last
(Wednesday) night hard on the heels
of a surprise offensive on the "forgot-
ten front" of East Central Spain.
As Gen. Emilio Mola's northern
legions girded for action within sight
of the Basque capital, his troops to
the southeast blasted apart a govern-
ment menace to the insurgent spear-(t
head pointed at Valencia.
In a sharp, five-day offensive, thet
insurgents flung back their foe more
than 20 miles from the mountain
country north of Teruel, itself 72
miles from the seat of the Spanishf
A new provisional government was
in charge of Catalonia tonight, z
Peaee Council
Desires Place'
In Ceremony
The Peace Council members will at-
tempt to secure a place in the Ann1
Arbor Memorial Day parade, it was
decided at a meeting last night held
in the League.
If their request for a place in the1
parade is granted the peace advo-
cates will march in formation wear-
ing black crepe arm bands. These
bands will be worn on campus whe-
ther or not a parade position is grant-
ed, it was decided.
Bret Harris, field secretary of the
Middle-West of the American Stu-
dent Union, spoke to the group and
outlined the policies of the Student
Union toward the peace movement,
clarifying its espousal of the Oxford
Pledge and the Spanish Loyalists.
The Union is in favor of the Pledge,
Harris said, because it feels that par-
ticipation of the United States in an-
other war would be from imperialistic
motives. If the American govern-
ment advocates a policy of neutrality,
he added, the Union maintains that
it should be a strict neutrality and

that therefore an embargo should be
levied against both factions in the
Spanish strife as well as against Ger-
many and Italy.
The coordinating policy of the
Council was also stressed by the mem-
bers last night. The Council will
take for its province the coordination
of all the peace movements on cam-
pus, it was said.
The participation in the Memorial
Day Parade will mark the first public
appearance of Peace Council mem-
bers since the Peace Demonstration
j April 22.

Ruthven Gives Enthusiastic
Approval To Spring Parley

Stresses Opportunities For
Informal Analysis Of
Unsolved Problems
Stressing "the opportunities foro
informal discussion of fundamental 1
questions," President Ruthven gave2
the Spring Parley his enthusiastica
support last night and urged intellec-
tual honesty and a serious purpose
in the discussion which starts at 4,]
p.m. tomorrow. (t
He emphasized that only to a cer-
tain extent can the work of the g
University be done "in the classroom, t
at the laboratory bench, and over thed
seminar table." It is exactly this 1
ordinary campus routine, he indicat-
ed, that limits opportunities for stu-e
dent-faculty discussion of problems1
of the day.s
It was first thought that the Pres-s
ident would open this year's Parley.
But since he will be unable to do soJ
he issued this message instead. TheJ
Hon. Junius E. Beal of Ann Arbor,
dean of the Board of Regents will
inaugurate the Parley tomorrow in
his stead.
Commending the tradition the Pat-'
ley has built up in the past six years,
the President pointed out that its
preservation depends upon "a group
genuinely interested in the realities
of life."
He added that this group must be
aware of shifts in trends of thought
Chevrolet And
UAWA Seeking
Attempt To Pacify 3,700t
Strikers At GM Plant In
St. Louist
ST. LOUIS, May 5.-(A')-A nego-
tiating committee of the United Au-
tomobile Workers of America con-
ferred tonight with Phil Baugh, man-
ager of the St. Louis Chevrolet As-
sembly plant,,in an attempt to settlet
a strike of 3,700 General Motor Cor-
poration employes here.
Two hundred sit-down strikers re-1
mained in possession of the plant ast
the negotiations began, Union lead-
ers asserting the occupation would
continue until the differences weret
ironed out.
The strike also closed the FisherI
Body unit where 1,800 workers walked
out in a sympathy demonstration. -
John Livingston, president of the
St. Louis local of the Automobile1
Workers' Union, said the strike had
been called because of the dischargei
of 37 men employed on a truck as-
sembly line where the work week is;
five 7-hour days. He said Baugh
had refused a "share-the-work" plan)
by which the working day would be
reduced three-fifths of an hour which
would return those discharged to
their jobs.
The sit-down demonstration was
the third at the G.M.C. plants here1
since settlement of the nation-wide
strike. One-day sit-downs occurred
Feb. 18 after a series of fights be-
tween Union and non-union workers,
and on March 11, in protest of what
the Union termed formation of a
"company union" among non-union
NEW YORK, May 5.-()-Mary
Nolan, who as Imogene "Bubbles"
Wilson was the toast of Broadway, a
few years ago, was released from
the prison ward of Bellevue Hospital
today when she agreed to pay a five-
year-old dress bill out of her irreg-
ular earnings as a cabaret enter-

and must make an attempt to discov-
er their significance.
The President advanced his belief
in the importance of this group's in-
terest in the progress of science as
one of the prerequisites to the con-
inued success of the Parley. They
must be in contact, he indicated, with
attempts to learn the make-up of
the physical world.
The Parley's "tradition of intel-
lectual honesty and serious purpose,"
he President said, "should by all
means be carefully preserved by a
group genuinely interested in reali-
ties of life, changes in thought, and
discoveries as to the nature of the
universe in which we live."
In previous years the President has
emphasized the necessity of the Par-
ley's attacking its problems" in ai
spirit of religion with the vigor of thel
scientific method."
Drama Season
Will Feature.
Current Star In 'Miss Quis'
Will Replace Winwood
In 'Merchant Of Venice'
Peggy Wood, well-known stage and
screen actress currently starring in
the New York production of "Miss
Quis" will replace Estelle Winwood in
the cast of Shakespeare's "The Mer-
chant of Venice,' it was announced
yesterday. Miss Winwood has been,
released from her contract by Robert
Henderson, Director of the Dramatic
Season, because of a film offer.
Miss Wood will play the leading
role in the drama, the second produc-
tion in the season, from Saturday,I
May 22, through Wednesday, May 26,
together with Gareth Hughes as Shy- I
lock and Rex Ingram, the famous
Negro actor, as the Prince of Morocco.
Miss Wood will appear as Portia,
which several seasons ago she played
with George Arliss during the play's
New York run. This will be the first
time, however, that Miss Wood has
playe'd the part outside of New York
City; she did. not tour with Mr. Ar-
liss in the production.
Peggy Wood has climaxed a dis-
tinguished career on the New York
and London stage with her brilliant
performance of Mme. Sari Linden in
the original London production of
Noel Coward's "Bitter Sweet." In
addition to Portia and Sari Linden,
Miss Wood is famous for her perfor-
mance of the title role in Bernard
Shaw's "Candida" under the direc-
tion of Guthrie McClintic, for "Tre-
lawney of the Wells" with John Drew,
the delightful musical comedy "Bud-
dies," and "The Taming of the
Shrew" with Rollo Peters. Her pres-
ent vehicle, "Miss Quis" at the Henry
Miller theatre in New York, is closing
just in time for Miss Wood to fulfill
her Ann Arbor engagement.
In addition to her many stage suc-
cesses, Miss Wood has appeared fre-
quently in films, her latest picture
being "Call It A Day" for Warner
The cast for "The Merchant of
Venice" will also include Rex Ingram,
Negi'o star, who made an international
(Continued on Page 2)
House May Vote Today
On Appropriation Bills
LANSING; May 5.--(P)-Bills ap-
propriating increased amounts to the
University of Michigan and Michigan
State College advanced in the House
today without debate, and became
eligible for a final vote tomorrow.
The University bill appropriates a
maximum of $4,673,253 a year for the
next biennium, that for the college
a maximum of $2,633,466 a year.

Ambassador At Large Gets
Assurances For Solving
Economic Problems
English, American
Commerce Helped
LONDON, May 5.- ()-Norman
Davis received tonight final assur-
ances of British and general Euro-
pean cooperation with the United
States in solving world economic
Since the United States ambassa-
dor at large has been in London, he
talked with leading European states-
men whose pledge of cooperation he
is expected to convey to President
Sign Agreement Tomorrow
Last doubts as to the validity of
;hese assurances, it is felt here, were
dispelled by agreement of the 22 par-
ticipating countries to sign tomorrow
the International Sugar Conference
agreement designed to stabilize that
industry's production and marketing.
Davis called the sugar conference
"probably the most successful inter-
national deliberation I ever saw," and
it is expected to become the model
for future economic negotiations.
It proved, the ambassador said,
that a cooperative conference can be
Since before President Roosevelt
and Walter Runciman, president of
the British Board of Trade, conversed
at the White House, trade talks be-
tween London and Washington have
been progressing as shown in state-
ments in Commons.
Davis indicated his conviction that
details will be handled directly be-
tween proper departments of the two
governments. Those close to him be-
lieve that his outstanding contribu-
tion toward success of any forthcom-
ing treaty lay in nailing down as-
surances of British willingness to co-
operate upon a basis of mutual co-
Concessions Are Possible
That nations can make such con-
cessions, it is argued here, is demon-
strated by the sugar conference at
which the 22 antagonistic delegates
finally made basic and individual con-
cessions, culminating in formal agree-
ment on production limitation.
Davis pointed out that the ulti-
mate purpose of woo4d economic co-
operation is to prevent either mili-
tary rearmament or war from wreck-
ing national self-sufficiency which
both rearmament and war are mis-
takenly designed to achieve.
He advocated "economic disarma-
nnt" immediately as guaranteed to
make military rearmament or. war
Two Men. Raid
Plymouth Bank;
Loot Is_$6,658
PLYMOUTH, Mich., May 4.-()--
Two dapper robbers who entered the
First National Bank during the night
ambushed four employes as they ar-
rived this-morning and escaped with
They left four members of the bank
staff and a customer bound and
gagged in the basement and waited
impatiently 20 minutes for the ar-
rival of an accomplice in an auto-
mobile in which they fled.
The alarm was not given until Miss
Margaret Dunning, one of the am-
bushed employes, released her bonds
and freed the others.
They were: Jadk Taylor, the cash-
ier; Floyd Kehrl, the bank president;
Mrs. Ruth Hamburger, a clerk; and
Paul Last, a customer.
The robbers, who boasted that they
had "cased this job" and displayed
familiarity with the time of arrival
of a l damnnv a nmncwrnA cnn, a n-

Europe Agrees
On Davis Plan
To Cooperate
In Trade Talks


Smaller Incomes May Supportd
New Taxes, Says Prof. ford

Prof. Riegel Advises Minimum
Wages Based On Ratio System

Small incomes will probably bear
the brunt of increased Federal tax-
ation if Congress decides that more
taxes are required to balance the
budget, in the opinion of Prof. Rob-
ert S. Ford of the economics depart-
"Taxes on upper income groups
are already very high," Professor
Ford said. "I think that if more
taxes are to be laid they will fall on
lower incomes. Congress would prob-
ably lower income tax exemptions
and levy a Federal sales tax."
Asked whether a Federal sales tax

many states would object, saying that
the Federal government was infring-
ing on their sovereignty and that this
would be another step in the conquest
of states' rights by Federal power.
Direct taxes such as income taxes
have always been lucrative sources of
revenues, he continued, but exceed-
ingly variable, and an increase in
them would be politically inexpedient
at the present time. In 1929 two-
thirds of Federal revenues were de-
rived from direct taxes; in 1934, Pro-
fessor Ford explained, only one third
of the revenues was from direct taxes.
It is difficult to have elasticity so


Ann Arbor Can HJave
Rain Every Day Now
EVANSVILLE, Ind., May 5.-UP)-
G. P. Springfield, Evansville inven-
tor, asserted tonight he had perfect-
ed a rain-making machine so simple
that he could teach a child to operate
the device in five minutes.-
He said that from June 4, 1936, to
Nov. 4 he had operated the machine
153' times and produced 94 rains.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a
follow-up to one published a few days
ago in which Professor Riegel pointed
cut some questionable aspects, under
dynamic conditions, of a minimum
money wage arbitrarily fixed with ref-
erence to the cost of a selected stand-
ard of living.
Minimum wage rates which could
vary directly with current average
rates were advocated yesterday by
Prof. John W. Riegel, director of
the Bureau of Industrial Relations.
A minimum wage in money terms,
arbitrarily set by some government
agency, would not, he declared, as-
sure a standard of living, because

to prevailing wages for the services ai empoyes, expresse some con-
in questing wgesnortesariasycern over the belated appearance of
in question would not be arbitrary Mrs. Hamburger. Shortly after she
nor inflexible. It would not increase arrived, Last knocked at the door.
prices nor increase aggregate unem- One of the robbers instructed her
ployment. Furthermore, it would
...,to admit Last and he and Mrs. Ham.

safeguard the competitive advantages
of the more efficient firms and pro-
tect employes from wage-cutting by
unscrupulous managers."
This type of minimum wage, it
was explained, would be fixed at a
certain per cent of the weighted av-
erage or median of prevailing levels.
A minimum rate, for example, could
be set by state law at 90 per cent of
the median wage being paid for the

burger were taken to the basement.
State police said the description of
one of the robbers tallied in most
respects with one of the men who
robbed the Depositors' State Bank of
Northville of $10,000 on April 20.
The two men who entered the Ply-
mouth bank were described as 25 or
27 years old and well dressed in
powder blue suits. One had a scar
over his left eye and limped. The


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