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May 05, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-05

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Wyoming Base
Will Be amp
For Surveyors
Summer Session Courses
Will Include Field Work;
JohnsonCalls Site Ideal
Camp Davis, 20 years older than
the University Summer Session of
which it is now a part, will again
serve as a field station for courses in
surveying this summer, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. Clarence
T. Johnson of the College of Engi-
neering, director of the camp.
The camp, in the middle of the
Grand Teton mountains of western
Wyoming, is on the Hoback River, 19
miles north of Jackson, the nearest
town. It is on the main trail from
Rock Springs, Wyo., to Yellowstone
Park. This area, according to Pro-
fessor Johnson, is ideal for surveying,
for it is in open country, the ground
is solid, and there are many eleva-
tions for triangulation work.
Courses Awhich are to be offered
there will be in general surveying;
work, computing, and plotting, Pro-
fessor Johnson said. There will be
mainly field work, with parties led
by instructors. A general course in
surveying will also be given here on
the campus.
The camp is equipped with modern
set-up, Professor Johnson stated. It
has steel buildings with concrete
floors, a modern sanitary system ,and
mountain water available to all parts
of the camp. Sleeping facilities are
furnished by the University. The ses-
sion there will begin on June 28 and
will last for eight weeks. About 20
students will take part, with six fac-
ulty members attending.
This will be the 64th session of the
camp, Professor Johnson said. First
organized under Professor Davis in

Means Ann Arbor,
Believe It Or Not!
The Indians who first settled Ann
Arbor must have been good tongue
twisters because they first named
Ann Arbor "Kaw-goosh-Kaw-nick."
The Indians derived the name from
the sound of an old fashioned sash
mill built by the first settler, John
Allen in 1824.
Evidently the first inhabitants had
difficulty in pronouncing this conglo-
meration of words because they were
responsible. for changing the name.
Perhaps thL beauty of the name Ann
Arbor is marred by the knowledge
that it was named after the spot
where the wives of the first settlers
hung their Monday wash. The first
settlers of Ann Arbor, John Allen
and Walker Rumsey, had built a
beautiful arbor just south of Huron
Street for their wives. Their wives,
Ann Allen and Ann Rumsey, sewed in
this arbor and washed clothes in a
huge iron cauldron. The spot was
call Ann's Arbor by the two families.
When John Allen was called upon
to name the village, he selected the
name Ann Arbor honoring Ann Rum-
sey and his own wife. The name was
recorded on a plat and was sent to
Detroit in May, 1824. A copy of the
plat is now in the Court House in
Ann Arbor in the office of the Reg-
ister of Deeds.
The original documents bearing
these facts are on exhibition in the
William L. Clements Library of the
history of the development of Mich-
Scientist Tells
Of Possibilities
In. 21st Century


150 Business
Alumni Expect
To Attend Meet
Nearly 150 returning alumni and
other persons are expected to attend
the Ninth Annual Alumni Conference
of the School of Business Administra-
tion, to be held Saturday at the
Union, according to Prof. Dudley M.
Phelps of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, who is in charge of ar-
rangements for the conference.
The principal address will be given
at the evening banquet when F. Leslie
Hayford, New York economist who is
connected with General Motors Corp.,
will discuss current business policies
Opening the morning session, Ed-
ward S. Cowdrick, an industrial rela-
tions councilor of New York who has
been associated with some of the na-
tion's leading corporations, will dis-
cuss the recent events in the field
of industrial relations.
(Continued from Page 4)

on "Developing a Good Buck-and- at 10 a.m. Phone 6300.
Wing Routine."
Lutheran Student Choir: Rehearsal!
Sigma Delta Chi: There will be an this Friday evening, 7:30 p.m., in thel
important dinner meeting of the or- basement of Trinity Lutheran
ganization at 6:15 p.m. tonight in Church.
the Founders' Room of the Union.-
Daniel Gluck will point out some Examiner's Certificate for Life
aspects of the law dealing with news Saving: Attention, candidates for
as property. Election of officers for American Red Cross Examiners cer-
next year will be held. tificate for Life Saving!

Mr. William C. Lucey, First Aid and Candidates for the Examiner's cer-
Field Representative of the American tificate must be present at all ses-
Red Cross will be in Ann Arbor the sions.
week of May 10. Instruction and tests
will be given as listed below. The Art Study Group of the Fac-
Monday, May 10-7-10 p.m. Intra- ulty Women's Club will hold its last
mural Pool. meeting for the year on Thursday at
Tuesday, May 11-7:30-10:30 p.m. 2 p.m, at the home of Mrs. Henry C.
Union Pool. Eckstein, 1553 Broadway. Will. you
Wednesday, May 12-7-10 p.m. In- all please bring your book lists and
tramural Pool. your ideas for next year.


1874, it was held at Douglas Lake in The world of 2030 may well be as
northern Michigan until 1829. In fantastic as pseudo-science maga-
that year it was changed to its pres- zines would have it, Ernest L. Foss,
ent location, and this will be its ninth of the General Motor's research de-
season there. Along with the sur- partment, told Dean Bursley's Fresh-
veying camp of the University of Cor- man Luncheon Club yesterday noon.
nell, it is one of the oldest camps Pointing out the tremendous steps
of its type in the country, he added, made by research chemists in the last
and is nationally recognized for its half century, Mr. Foss stated that the
work. future may see our vegetables grown
on gigantic plants whose nourishment
Knudsen Predicts is derived from chemically treated
bowls of water.
R'se In Production Stating that the inventor of a sub-
marine tractor, capable of harvesting
undersea growths and bringing them
DETROIT, May 4.-U(P)-William to land so that they might be used
S. Knudsen, immigrant boy who rose for cellulose material would make a
to the presidency of General Motors huge fortune, Mr. Foss declared the
Corporation, predicted today that his sea to be the only one of the prac-
firm would produce more cars this tically unemplored frontiers that in-
year than last despite the January lude electricity and chemistry.
and February labor troubles which The belief is spreading that trees
paralyzed operations. and coal were put on earth not to be
Knudsen, elevated yesterday from used in their natural form but as re-
the office of executive vice-president, positories for 93 elements which can
was back at his familiar desk in the be extracted by man's ingenuity, he
large General Motors building, re- said.
ceiving a deluge of congratulations Declaring that we should look
atid talked with newsmen. around us periodically so that we
He estimated that General Motors do not become accustomed to the
would produce 150,000 more cars this world in which we live and take it for
year than the 2,037,000 it built granted, Mr. Foss expressed the be-
throughout the world in 1936. As to lief that the future will see a different
the output in the United States and world made possible by the work of
Canada, he said: chemical, physics and engineering re-
"If we have no stoppages, I believe search workers.
we could make 2,000,000 cars in the
domestic factories this year." Meeting On Hygiene
The American and Canadian plants
manufactured 1,861,540 units last To Be Held May 6
year. As executive vice-president,
Knudsen had charge of operations of
the plants in these two countries; in An institute on Industrial Hygiene
phis new office he is in charge of all and Medicine will be conducted at the
operations medical school, Thursday and Fri-
.. i14-1 'K OIT7 9 a di r

at the League. All members are urged
to bring the money which they have
collected from the sale of tickets for
the bridge-tea which is to be given
May 8. All members who can not
attend this meeting must call the!
president this noon.
Delta Sigma Rho: Will the officers
and members of Delta Sigma Rho
please assemble in Room 4203 An-
gell Hall today at 4 p.m.
University Girls' Glee Club: There
will be a rehearsal tonight, aat 7:15
p.m. All members please be present.
Important meeting.
Suomi Club meeting this evening1
at 8 p.m., Upper Room at Lane Hall.
Michigan Technic Tryouts: There
will be an important tryout meeting1
this afternoon at 5 p.m. in Room 30461
East Engineering Building. This is
the last period before the examina-
tion. You will be informed as to1
what may be asked of you in the ex-E
amination. Please be there.
University of Michigan Publict
Health Club: There will be a meeting
on Wednesday evening, May 5, at 8
p.m. All members and friends are
cordially invited to attend this meet-
ing. The meeting will be held atr
the Michigan League.
The program will consist of a talkt
by Dr. Reuben Kahn, Assistant Pror
fessor of Bacteriology and Director
of Clinical Laboratories, University
Hospital entitled "The Incubation
Period in Tissue Immunity."
Plans- will be made at this meet-
ing for the remaining meetings of
the present year.
Publicity Committee of the League:
There will be a meeting at 4:30 p.m.
today in the Undergraduate Office.
All members, including the new fresh-
men, are urged to be present.
Peace Movies: "Drums of Doom," al
seven-reel sound picture, will be!
shown at 4:15 p.m. today and 8 p.m.
Thursday, in Natural Science Audi-
torium. Alternating with these, at 8
p.m. today and 4:15 p.m. Thursday,
will be a program of hort subjects,
"A Zeppelin Raid on London," "New
York's Peace Parade," "The League
of Nations," an edition of March of
Time, and a cartoon, "Why."
The Peace Council will meet today
at 7:30 p.m. in the League.
Plans for the remainder of the se-
mester will be considered. All those
interested in Peace Action are urged
to attend.
A.A.U.W Junior Group: Mrs. Ross
Bittinger will speak on Theatrical
Costume Design at the monthly din-
ner meeting today at 6:30 p.m. in
the Michigan League.
Sphinx: A luncheon meeting will
be held at 12:15 p.m. today in the
Union. Murray Campbell will speak

The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Room 3056, at 7 p.m. on
Thursday, May 6. Mr. Edward Hard
will speak on "Mississippian Gas
Sands of the Central Michigan Area."
Zoology Seminar: Miss Jean Brier-
ley will report on "An Exploratory In-
vestigation of the Selective Value of
Certain Genes and their Combina-
tions in Drosophila," and Sister M.
Francis Xavier ' on "A Comparative
Study of the Reaction of the Leuco-
cytes to a Generalized Infection" on
Thursday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. in1
Room 2116 N.S.
The Observatory Journal Club will,
meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday after-
noon, May 6, in the Observatory lec-
ture room. Mr. V. A. Goedicke will
speak on the rotation of planetary
nebulae. Tea will be served at 4 p.m.
An Institute on Industrial Hygiene
and Medicine will be held on Thurs-
day and Friday, May 6 and 7. The
Institute will be conducted by Mr.
J. J. Bloomfield, Industrial En-
gineer, United States Public Health
Service. The first session of the In-
stitute will begin at 9 a.m., Thursday
morning in the West Amphitheatre,
West Medical Building. The program
is as follows:
1. Historical Development of In-
dustrial Hygiene including Industrial
Legislation, Industrial Morbidity and
2. Preliminary Surveys of Indus-
trial Environment.
3. Engineering Studies of Occu-
pational Diseases.
4. Control of Industrial Health Ha-
All interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Phi Sigma Picnic: Crooked Lake,
Saturday, May 8. Meet at East door
of Natural Science Bldg. at 2:30 p.m.
Please phone Miss Lois Jotter at
6420 Thursday or Friday, 6-7 p.m.
for reservation, so that transporta-
tion may be arranged. Guests wel-
Emil Und Die Detekitive: This
charming comedy, which is so fa-
miliar to students of German, will be
shown May 7-8 in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre at 8:15 p.m. This pic-
ture was made in pre-Hitler Ger-
many. Though the dialogue is in,
German there are English sub-titles.
The box office mill be open Thursday
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Five Physicians Attend
Atlantic City Meeting
Five members of the department of
internal medicine of the University
Hospital are in Atlantic City where
they are attending the American So-
ciety .of Clinical Investigation. The
convention began yesterday and will
continue today and Wednesday.
Those who are attending are: Dr.
Arthur C. Curtis, Dr. Henry Field, Dr.
Franklin D. Johnson, Dr. Frank N.
Wilson and Dr. H. Marvin Pollard.

day, May (iana .
The institute will be under the+
direction of J. J. Bloomfield, indus-
trial engineer of the United States
Public Health Service. Four sub-
jects will be considered, with the first
meeting scheduled to begin at 9 a.m.,
Thursday morning in the West Am-
phitheatre, West Medical Building.
The subjects for discussion are as
1. Historical development of in-
dustrial hygiene including industrial
legislation, industrial morbidity and
mortality, Preliminary surveys of in-
dustrial environment. Engineering
studies of occupational diseases. Con-
trol of industrial health hazards.
The meetings will be- open to the
general public.
WASHINGTON, May 4.--0P)-The
House passed and sent to the Senate
today a bill to grant Mrs. Helen H.
Taft, widow of former President Wil-
liam Howard Taft, an annual pension
of $5,000.


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