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May 05, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-05

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Edited and managed by students of the Univers'ty of
Michigan under the authoity of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.-
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and SummerSession y
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of repubileation of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Ofce at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Sutsriptions duringregular school year by carrier,
$4.OO; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
NatinaJ Advertising Service, Inc.
C4hwesl gIPitSbers RPresegagave
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robegrt 'Weeks.
SPORT DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOME'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell,, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwater, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rhein frank, Dodie.Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Mihlinski, Evlyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Adyertising Manager.
The Great
SYPHILIS, which does 100 times as
much damage yearly as infantile
paralysis, which has -infected as much as 40 per
cent of the population of certain "backward
areas," which causes 15 to 20 per cent of the
cases of blindness in the United States, 10 per
cent of the cases of insanity and kills uncounted
tho'usands by complications of the heart, brain
and blood vessels has been allowed to take this
toll and to ravage a million new victims each
year-partly because of the failure of the govern-
ment to "do something about it" and partly be-
cause of a public that is too "bashful."
Congress now has before it the first large scale
plan presented to combat venereal diseases and
is considering the request of the United States
Public Health Service for an amendment to the
Social Security Act that would provide an ap-
propriation of 25 million dollars with which to
put this plan into operation. The annual appro-
priation at present is $8,000,000 for the nation
and this year Michigan received $280,000, a sum
which has been called "obviously inadequate"-to
carry on a campaign against venereal diseases.
If the 25 million appropriation is passed, adding
this amount of "health money" to the Social Se-
curity Act, more adequate facilities will be pro-
vided for diagnosis by subsidizing state and ap-
proved private laboratories, by helping state and
local authorities to pay for public nurses to hold
old cases under observation and to trace sources
in order to hold the disease in check, according
to Dr. Thomas Parran, Jr, surgeon-general of
the U. S. Public Health Service.
Long a taboo in polite conversation, syphilis
has been allowed to thrive because of the diffi-
cilty of showing the public or its legislators the
widespread suffering and damage for which it is
responsible. The harm that is done by this
prudery is brought out by contrasting the prev-
ar1oee of venereal diseases in the United States
and in Denmark, where it has been treated free
by the government since 1771. In Denmark the
incidence of syphilis and tuberculosis is being
diminished rapidly through stringent laws and

organzed clinical treatment under State con-
Dr. Thorvald Madsen, director of the Danish
Serum Institute, Copenhagen, who spoke here
last week, said, "Denmark not only makes it a
penal offense by the patient to neglect reporting
and treatment of syphilis, but goes to the limit
in rehabilitation of those who have been treated
for these diseases, paying an indemnity, even
though the convalescent may be able to do some
gainful work and may beactually earning money.
The result of this program is that all the classes,
rich and poor alike, feel themselves in the same
boat, so far as the disease and its treatment
are. concerned, and cooperation in combating
these diseases is hearty and universal. Mortal-
ity from these diseases and incidence of them
have, in consequence, rapidly decreased."

tically at the vanishing point. But we have not
attaclhed syphilis as we have these and many
other plagues that we have conquered. For the
most part we have been content with wishful
Now that a few metropolitan newspapers hav
been audacious enough to print articles on syph-
ilis and some of the radio stations have raised
the porticullis of prudery and admitted the word
syphillis in their health talks, we appear to b
leaving the mediaeval realms of wishful thinking
and at last coming to grips with a problem that
has been clothed in prudery and dark stupidity
for more than four centuries.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressiag the editorial opinion of he
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
'Who For Whom'
To the Editor:
What's this twaddle about 'Who Works For
Whom' and 'Whom Works For Who?'
It reminds me of the joke about the fellows at a
"You know," one said, "What I like about
women is their hair"
"What I like is their eyes."
"It's their walk that gets me"
"I like their sweet voices."
Finally a disgusted voice from the rear, "Why
don't you fellows quit lying and' tell the truth!"
And what is the truth about 'Who(m) works
for Who(m)'? Simply this:
Wher an institution is rapidly developing
from a college of a few hundred to a university'
of ter thousand, where millions of dollars must
be raised within three or four years . .. There
is an imperative need for an executive of the
captain of industry type. Under such conditions
the President becomes a general manager respon-
sible to a board of regents or trustees as directors,
the deans are managers and division superin-
tendents, the department heads are foremen,
the rank-and-file of the teaching staff are em-
ployees, the students are the raw material, and
the alumni 'The Manufactured Product' bearing
the 'College Stamp'
This is what our Professor Slosson wrote in
The Great Crusade and After as quoted in
James Wechsler's Revolt on The Campus. Slos-
son's analogy here successfully refutes Slosson's
analogy about the dancing class in his latest
letter. Slosson can apparently take both sides
of the same question quite cleverly and quite
successfully. Personally, I think the quotation
above is the truer statement. There can be
little doubt that 'Who works for the board of re-
gents' to an uncomfortable degree. And it's
really surprising hLw powerful and how impor-
tant the regents are in corporations other than
the University.
Come to think of it, if we students 'employ
the teachers, what would we do if they ever
struck against us and demanded higher pay. I
think we'd give it to them, if we could. For
even if tliy are our employees, they work too
hard. We students don't want to be accused of
sweat-shop conditions and being responsible for
them. We could give them collective bargain-
ing, seeling that the Wagner Labor Act is con-
By the way, don't you think it's a bit incon-
gruous for our employees to summon us before
a committee for conduct 'unbecoming a univer-
sity student? Sort of like a valet beating his
master for drunkenness and threatening to fire
When and if five of the seven persons arrested
for picketing are sent letters during the summer
asking them not to come back, don't you think
they ought to be told about this new relation-
After all, it's pretty difficult for an employee
to fire his employer. That, I'm led to believe, is
Bolshevism. .-Who and For Whom'.
Time To Recover

To the Editor:
Although I have never been a contestant, I at-
tended the meeting last year at which the win-
ners of the Hopwood awards were announced. I
could not help noticing the probably unconscious
brutality of the method used in announcing the
winners. The whole group of contestants were
invited, all of them totally ignorant as to which
would l'e successful. And of course, practically
every one of those trying out for the awards
is immensely concerned over his success or fail-
ure, for in these troublous times, awards rang-
ing from $250 to $2,500 are not to be taken light-
ly. Indeed, to most of the entrants, whether they
will it or no, the winning of an award becomes
a life and death affair.
Yet it is obvious that the majority of the con-
testants must be unsuccessful, and that in view
of the money and prestige involved, this lack of
i success must cause a great deal. of discomfort
and unhappiness. Nevertheless, the committee
in charge makes the whole group suffer silently
through a speech that would be only moderate-
ly interesting under the most precipitous circum-
stances, with the tension growing and growing
as the dreaded moment when the winners will
be announced draws near. And when the an-
nouncement finally does come, each lucky one
has to go up and receive his prize, and walk back
to his seat feeling very out of place indeed amidst
such a sea of sick and disappointed faces. No
wonder that some of those who became winners
last year chose to stay away rather than go
through the ordeal.
It would seem that the least that 'could be
done would be to'make it possible for the con-

r His IS THE STORY of a Mosher Jordan
freshman who had heard vague rumors of
the facts of life.
The .young lady was squired one evening by
a very respectable lad who, following a walk,
asked if she would like to stop at his boarding
house while he gave a message to his roommate.
The maid was horror-stricken at the thought
and quaked inwardly with terror as she now saw
her perfectly honorable escort in a new and
frightening light.
They compromised with a coke in the Calkins-
Fletcher establishment which fronts on both
State and Packard, and the lass managed to keep
her fear to herself as'she sat cringing in a corner
of the varnished booth.
When they rose. to go the young lady walked
sedately out and turned on Packard. Then
gentleman took her by the arm and attempted
to direct their course up State Street, but with a
disdainful thrust of her arm, strengthened by the
conviction that she was the victim of a 'bad man,'
the girl thrust her from him and set out down
Packard at a brisk walk.
Somewhat bewildered because she was taking
the shortest- route to where he lived, the boy
walked silently beside her for several blocks.
When he looked up it was to see his roommate
and a friend sauntering towards them down the
street. Introductions marked by an air of frigid
hostility, were passed off, and the puzzled gentle-
man in a serious tone said, "Say fellows, I wish
you'd help me explain to ----- which way she
should go."
To the girl this thinly veiled insinuation had
but one meaning and when the boys each took an
arm and playfully began to drag her back to-
wards State Street her alarm became hysteria.
"Help, help," she shrieked as she scratchedand
tore at her abductors. "Help me, save me some-
body, help."
The boys let go in a hurry and fell back
amazed. The girl, momentarily spared from a
fate worse than death stood ashen and shaking
on the sidewalk.
No one said a word. Then a great light came
into her eyes and she looked up at her ddte.
"Lord," she said, "that is the way home, isn't it'
* * * *
And the poor kid crept home to bed completely
crushed and thoroughly mortified, which goes to
show that maybe me and the University aren't so
far wrong when we say some of the co-eds still
need a little mothering.
* * * *
BENNY GOODMAN will toot his whoozis else-
where the night of June 18 when Michigan's
seniors parade at the last social occasion of their
college careers. MCA broke a verbal contract
with Dean Rea and committee members and has
re-routed the King of Swing so as to make his
appearance here for the Senior Ball an impos-
Negotiations to secure Glenn Gray instead are
already under way with some progress reported.
Other bands which are available for the Ball
are Isham Jones, Jan Garber and Freddie Martin,
MCA had definitely agreed to hold Goodman at
$1,500, but pulled another of their innumerable
fast ones and, presto-chango, scheduled Benny to
play Walla Walla.
Windy's yesterday afternoon and as a result
of what happened slips you a classy zebra who
will bear plenty of watching in the Derby.
This hyde, DELLOR by name, came from be-
hind in the stretch to outga'me the odds on fa-
vorite, Reaping Reward, and annex the Derby
Trial, run over a mile course, $1,500 for his
owner, and $8.80 for me.
To my way of thinking yesterday's prep cleared
away a lot of cobwebs from Saturday's picture.
It proved that Reaping Reward cannot go the
Derby route. He yielded to Dellor in the final
furlong yesterday and that was only a mile race.
It also established Bernard F, an Ike Collins
entry who furnished your columnist with a new

suit at the Detroit track last summer, as a sure
starter. The Ohio colt ran a good race and got
the show handily.
Galsun failed miserably in the Trial and in
all probability will not start. However Earl
Sande, returning to Churchill Downs for the
first time in five years, announced yesterday that
he planned to start both of Maxwell Howard's
horses, which means that the former Idaho rider
who himself has ridden three Derby winners,
will saddle both Fencing and Sceneshifter for the
On a dry track it's still War Admiral, Scene-
shifter and Pompoon, but if its gumbo when the
parade to the post begins, you'll be smart to get
a small wager down on Dellor. That dog can
really step in a bog.
This column is glad to print the combined plea
of Alpha Delta Phi and Delta Kappa Epsilon
who are willing to do practically anything to
recover the wig which they lost while staging
their "Ten Most Beautiful Girls" act at the
It would seem that the wig in question was
real hair to the value of $65, and unless it turns
up somewhere, members of those hatchet clubs
will be eating salmon hash for the next two
barrage of stores of a host of acquaintances
and rivals who have known all too well of his
hopes for success. Such treatment is positively
indecent. Let us hope that this year the indi-
vidual contestants will be informed of their for-

You lake It With You4
IN ITS CHOICE of You Can't Take
It With You by George Kaufman
and Moss Hart for the Pulitzer Prize
Play this year, the Committee that
makes the recommendations has fur-
ther weakened the prestige of the
Award. There have almost always
been heated arguments over the prize.
But the awards to Sidney Kingsley's
Meu in White and Zoe Akins The Old
Maid in 1934 and 1935 were rejected
practically unanimously by the
soundest commentators on, the the-
atre and its literature.
The original statement in Joseph
Pulitzer's will was: "Annually, for the
original American play, performed
in New York which shall best repre-
sent the educational value and power
of the stage in raising the standards
of good morals, good taste and good
manners, one thousand dollars." In
1928 the conditions touching "good
morals, good taste and good man-
ners" were dropped. In 1934 the
phrase "preferably one dealing with
American life" was added.
Just how You Can't Take It With
You "best represents the educational
value and power of the stage" needs
a good deal of explanation. It is a
clever Broadway comedy. It has not
the element of satire which made Of
Thee I Sing- such an inspired choice
in 1932. It depends principally on
clever gags and in this respect is
hardly better than The Women or
Stage Door. It has more geniality
than these two but hardly more than
Yes, My Darling Daughter or Having
Wonderful Time which are the same
sort of play. All of these plays show
the power of the stage to entertain
but hardly in a way that could by
any means be described as original.
The central idea of a mad family has
been done--and sometimes better
done- in Hay Fever, The Mad Hop's,1
The Vinegar Tree. In You Can't
Take It With You we have just an-
other set of amusing characters hungc
onto a very trite plot by a string of
gag lines. As with a funny story, if
you've heard them once they've lost
their appeal. In a comedy like To-,
varich, for example, this wouldn't
matter. No description of lines or
situations could take much away from
the delight of seeing them. Also, the
characters have more roundness, rela-
tion to the complicated ways of real-
Because of their dissatisfaction
with the awards of a few years ago,
the New York critics formed an or-
ganization of their own to give a prize
each season. Last season this New
York Drama Critics Circle made their
award to Maxwell Anderson's Win-
terset and this year'to his High Tor.
He had won the Pulitzer Prize in 1933
with Both Your Houses. In com-
menting on the formation of the
Critic's Circle, he said: "In so far as
the Pulitzer prize has had any in-
fluence on our theatre it has been a
confusing and misleading influence,
an encouragement to mediocrity, a
gift passed out to a lucky winner by
authorities who possess in this field
neither standards nor information."
If the Pulitzer Prize Committee did
not wish to run the risk of Mr. An-1
derson's refusing the award-as Sin-
clair Lewis did several years ago when
his Arrowsmith was given the award
-they had plays like Paul Green's
Johnny Johnson, John Howard Law-
son's Marching Song and Robert Tur-
ney's Daughters of Atreus to choose<
On the basis of this year's Pulitzor
Prizes in both the fields of fiction
(Gone With the Wind) and drama,i
the award seems to have resolved if-
self into 'a popularity contest.

Spring Parley
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of
a series of articles by the section chair-
mine of the Spring Parley outlining the
probable issues that will arise in the
sections they will lead this Saturday.
Issues Facing Education
For University students, the prac-
tical focal point for the "Program
for our Times" which the Spring Par-
ley hopes to plot this week-end lies
in the application of broad social,
economic, religious, artistic, and po-
litical principles to that process of
mental seasoning known as "higher
The startling inability of the av-
erage student to justify, even to him-
self, the expenditure of four valuable
years, not to mention several thou-
sand dollars, on a college education
suggests the urgent necessity of tak-
ing stock of what we should get out
of auniversity suchias ours and of
whether the university is properly
fulfilling its educational mission.
There is a fertile field, in these
questions, for constructive discussion
of issues ranging from the grading
and examination system to teachers'
loyalty oaths; from the students'
role in politics to curricular reor-
ganization as suggested, for instance,
by Chicago's President Hutchins;
from student-faculty relations to
peace demonstrations; and from the
nlace of the humanities in 20th cen-

VOL. XLVII No. 153
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
be at home to students today, 4 to 6
'Co Users of the Daily Official Bul-
The attention of users of The Daily
Official Bulletin is respectfully called
to the following:
(1) Notice submitted for publica-
tion must be Typewritten and must
be signed.
(2) Ordinarily notices are pub-
lished but once. Repetition is at the
Editor's discretion.
(3) Notices must be handed to the
Assistant to the President, as Editor
of the Daily Official Bulletin, Room
1021 A.H., before 3:30 p.m., (11:00,
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents
at their meeting in March, 1927, au-
thorized an arrangement for the sale
of scientific apparatus by one de-
partment to another, the proceeds of
the sale to be credited to the budget
accounthof the department from
which the apparatus is transferred.
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send description thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The
Chemistry store headquarters are in
Room 223 Chemistry Building. An
effort will be made to sell the ap-
paratus to other departments which
are likely to be able to use it. In
some instances the apparatus may be
sent to the University Chemistry
store on consignment and if it is not
sold within a reasonable time, it will
be returned to the department from
which it was received. The object
of this arrangement is to promote
economy by reducing the amount of
unused apparatus. It is hoped that
departments having such apparatus
will realize the advantage to, them-
selves and to the University in avail-
ing themselves of this opportunity.
First Mortagage Loans: T h e
University has a limited amount of'
funds to loan on modern well-locat-
ed Ann Arbor property. Interest at
current rates. Apply Investment Of-
fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-
sity Hall.
Students Interested in Summer
Employment (Men): The University,
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information has been noti-
fied by the Uited States Civilian
Conservation Corps of their program
for summer employment (June to,
September 15) open to students with
at least one year's college training
and especially to those majoring in
Engineering, Landscape Architecture,
Architecture, Forestry, Biology, Geol-
ogy, and History. Duties consist of
assisting in the technical work car-
ried on by the National Park Serv-
ice; salary, $70 per month. For fur-
ther information call at 201 Mason1
Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 a.m. and 21
to 4 p.m.
Seniors in all departments are
again reminded that the Commence-
ment Invitation booklets and an-
nouncements may still be obtained
at the store of Burr, Patterson &
Auld, 603 Church St. It should be
understood that these announce-
ments do not constitute admission to
the commencement exercises but are
really formal invitations to be used
for personal friends and relatives.
Admission tickets to the exercises at
can be obtained at a later date at
the University Businss Office. ;
W. B. Rea.
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall on Monday,
May 10 at 2 p.m. At this time the

committee will consider requests for
loans for the Summer Session and
the school year 1937-38 as well as
requests for immediate financial as-
J. A. Bursley, Chairman.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next semester
are required to pass a Qualifying
Eaxmination in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held in the auditorium ofI
the University High School on Sat-I
urday afternoon, May 22, starting
sharply at 1 p.m. The examination
will consume about four hours' time;
promptness is therefore essential.
Comprehensive Examination in
Education: All candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate (except grad-
uate students who are candidates for
advanced degrees) are required to
pass a Comprehensive Professional
Examination covering the Education
courses prescribed for the Certificate.
The next examination of this kind
will be given in the Auditorium. of
the University High School on Sat-

All Junior Engineers: The collec-
tion of the regular class dues has
been so slow this year that less than
half of our current expenses have
been met to date. These expenses
amount to about $70, principally in
the form of assessments by the En-
gineers and Honor Councils, and the
class page in the 'Ensian.
Our only source of income this year
is the collection of dues, so please
pay at once to one of the following
members of the Treasurer's Commit-
tee: Jack Young, Jim Eckhouse, Goff
Smith, Carl Clement ,1ob Baxley,
Dave Lansdale, John Harris.
One of these men will be available
at a table by the main bulletin board
in the W. Eng. Bldg. on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday mornings
of this and next week.
Academic Notices
Psychology 31: Recitation Sec-
tions 6 and 7. The class bluebook
this week will cover Chaps. 11, 12 and
13 of the textbook.
Metal Processing 7, Metal Process-
'ing '10, and M.E. 21a: The proposed
trip through the Ex-Cell-O Aircraft
and Tool Corporation on Thursday
afternoon is postponed until Thurs-
day, May 13. O. W. Boston.
Mental Hygiene of Adolescence,
CIZQ: This course will resume its
regular meetings beginning today.
The field trip to the Ypsilanti State
Hospital will be held as scheduled.
Members of the class meet in front
of the University Elementary School
on Monroe St., Thursday, May 6 at
1:15 p.m. 11. Y. McClusky.
Graduation Recital: Jane Ellen
Rogers, contralto, will appear in
graduation recital this evening at
8:15 p.m. in the School of Music Au-
ditorium. The public is cordially in-
vited to attend.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower,
Thursday afternoon, May 6, at 4:15
Universityl Lecture: Dr. Walter H.
Bucher, chairman of the department
of geology and geography, University
of Cincinnati, will lecture on "The
Hartz Mountain Overthrust" on
Tuesday, May 11, at 4:15 p.m., in
Natural Science Auditorium. Illus-
trated. The public is cordially invit-
The Henry Russel Lecture: Dr.
Charles Wallis Edmunds, professor of
1Vlateria Medica and Therapeutics,
will deliver the annual Henry Russel
Lecture at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May
1$, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
His subject will be "Experimental
studies on Diphtheria Toxin." On
this occasion also announcement of
the Henry Russel Award for 1936-37
will be made.
An exhibition of paintings by Mar-
garet Bradfield and Mina Winslow
is being held in Alumni Memorial
Hall through May 5, 2 to 5 p.m. Sun-
days, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association.
Events Today
School of Dentistry: An Assembly
of the students will be held at 4:15
p.m. today in the Dental School Am-
phitheatre. The address will be giv-
en by Mr. E. E. Peterson of the In-
stitutt of Archaeological Research on
the general subject of "Archaeological
Research with special reference to the

University of Michigan Excavations
in the Near East." The talk will be
illustrated by moving pictures.
Chemstry Colloquium will meet
303, Chemistry Building. Prof. Kasi-
this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Room
mir Fajans will speak on "Molar
Refraction of Inorganic Substances."
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais at
7:45 p.m., this evening at the League.
The room will be posted on the Bul-
letin Board.
The games committee and current
affairs committee will be in charge of
the program. It is very important
for members to be present.
A.I.ChE. will have a meeting at
7:30 p.m. this evening in Room 1042
of the East Engineering Building, for
the purpose of electing +next year's
officers and discussing plans for an
Institute banquet. Refreshments will
be served.
Sigma Xi: The Annual Banquet
and Initiation will be held this
evening at 6:30 p.m. at the
Michigan Union. Prof. Jesse Ormon-
droyd will speak on "The Two Hun-

Publication in the Bulletin Is construective notitce to all members of the
Umiversity. Copy received at the offe e o the Assietant to th Predudemt
watl 3:30; 11:00 a m. anSaturday.


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