The Weather.
Occasional showers today;
scath to southwest winds.
The Great
Pox ..
Liberal Group
Devises Plans,
Hears Evanoff
Committee Reports Given
On Peace, Security And
Social Equality
Pin Boy Renders
Account Of Strike
More than 150 students at the sec-
ond meeting of the new liberal group
last night in the Union heard Mich-
ael Evanoff, '36L, one of the lawyers
for the students in the local strike-
demonstration case, describe how
workers' organization has brought
them political and economic benefits
in "that General Motors-dominated
town, Flint."
Reports were presented by the
chairmen of the security, social
equality and peace committees and
Tuesday, May 11, was set as the date
for the next meeting. The meeting
was presided over by Marshall D.
Shulman, '37, associate editor of The
Daily. Last week the group voted
to affiliate with the American Stu-
dent Union.
Local Trial Like Natinal
Relating the local trials to the na-
tional labor movement, Evanoff de-
clared people attempt to better their
working conditions they "usually get
it in the neck from the courts."
Evanoff cited many cases of ar-
rest of workers and their sympathiz-
ers and pointed out that "company
men" guilty of more serious acts at
the same time got off through the
influence of General Motors, which
"is run by outside agitators from
New York."
Luby Promises Support
Earle B. Luby, '38 head of the se-
curity committee, reported that his
group tentatively decided to cooper-
ate with existing organizations, the
Dormitory Committee, the SWF and
cooperative establishments. T h e
committee plans to wo'rk indepen-
dently on a cooperative book store.
Robert C. B. Campbell,. Grad.,
chairman of the committee on social
and racial equality, received ap-
proval from the group to build his
committee of representatives of va-
rious racial minorities on campus and
to investigate discrimination against
Negro students in Ann Arbor.
The peace committee head, Elman
(Continued on Page 2)
Murphy Urges
Party To Enact
Democratic Caucus Hears
Governor Ask Support
Of Civil Service Bill
LANSING, May 4.-(P)-Governor
Murphy made a personal appeal
Tuesday night to members of the
legislature of his own political party
to support civil service.
The Governor attended a caucus
of Democratic legislators, the fikst
meeting of this character at which
he has been present. He asked the
members of the majority bloc in the
House and Senate to get behind the
merit system bill and push it through
to enactment.
"It is legislation which should be
passed. I favor its adoption in prac-
tically the form in which it was sub-
mitted," the Governor said.
The bill was drafted by a special
commission named by former Gov-
ernor Fitzgerald. It passed the Sen-
ate without material change, but has
been held in the House State Affairs
Committee since.
Rep. Chester B. Fitzgerald, Demo-
crat, Detroit, said the committee
might consider the bill in a few days.
George A. Schroeder, speaker of
the House, expressed the belief the
bill could be reported and passed if
its sponsors would agree to one im-
portant amendment. As the measure
now stands all applicants for state
positions, including present state em-
ployes, would be required to take
competitive examinations. Schroed-
er proposed that persons now on the
payroll be allowed to take qualifying
examinations and retain their posi-
tions if they passed-before the ex-
amiAtions are thrown open to the
public. This would give present em-
ployes the advantage of not having to
compete in an open field.
$157 In Checks Taken
Super Bull Session Is Expected
From Debate In Spring Parley
o --
Morality, Inflation Among
Topics To Be Discussed
By Conglomerate Group
So you think you've seen a bull
session before?
Well, you haven't until you mix
together about 20 professors, prefer-
ably conservative, liberal, and radical
in equal proportions. Add several
hundred students seasoned and un,
seasoned, blood red, lily white, and*
pure blue, pour in Protestants, Cath-
olics, Jews, Mohanmedans, Brahm-
ins, and Hindus, sprinkle with Amer-
ican Liberty Leaguers, add some sur-
realists., And stir, not too gently,
with a set of questions running like
Morality, Conscience or Coercion
Does a sit-down stand up for la-
bor? Will inflation deflate re-
covery? Do our studies interfere
with our education? Why do 8,000
students religiously stay away from
church on Sunday? Morality-con-
science or coercion?-and what have
you? A melting pot of ideas, Spring
Parley for 1937.
At least that's what Spring Par-
leys have been every year since 1932,
and the precedent is not likely to be
broken now what with the Supreme
Court proposal, armaments and the
man, new taxes, recovery et al.
And this year's Parley, which will
meet for the first time at 4:30 p.m.
Friday and continue through to Sun-
day will have the benefit of the ex-
perience of five previous Parleys.
Old Order Must Change
"The old order must change" was
the general conclusion of three days
hot debate last year-the old order
in religion, politics, morality, ec-
onomics and education. At that the
general tone of the conference was
Model League Is
Called Pertinent'
By Calderwood
Conference Will Include
An International Labor
session, He Says
At a time when relations between
national states are 'so strained, the
10th annual Model Assembly to be
held in Ann Arbor May 7 and 8 takes
on a new significance, Prof. Howard
Calderwood of the political science
department said yesterday. It not
only develops in the students a con-.
ception of the difficulties in inter-
national relations, but it also is im-
portant in fostering international
goodwill, he said.
In the Assembly the student-dele-
gate does not give vent to his own
opinion but presents faithfully the
point of view of the country which he
is representing, Professor Calderwood'
said, and therefore he becomes ac-
quainted with and can appreciate
the stand which other countries take
in world affairs. In this way, he
stated, the student is assisted in un-
derstanding the difficulties encoun-
tered when the solution of any inter-
national problem is sought by means
of international cooperation.
'A very significant departure from
the usual procedure was made by the
inclusion of a plenary session of the
International L a b o r Conference,
showing the growing importance be-
ing attached to the solution of in-
ternational labor difficulties by the
cooperation of all nations, Profes-
sor Calderwood stated. This very
important part of international ma-
chinery to which the United States
belongs, is little known in this coun-
try, he said.
that of progressivism rather than
radicalism as at the Parley of the
year before, in 1935. That Parley
blasted the suppression of free speech,
marked a huge "no" on the Baldwin
teacher's oath and "anti-red" bills,
and ended in a black cloud of fore-
boding for the future.
1934, year of deep pessimism in a
gloomily passive world, saw the cry
for a strong labor organization, con--
trol of investments, in short, changes
the economic system, but changes
which should come only gradually.
To be useless is the highest aim'
of education, one professor told his
group in the Spring Parley, of 1933
which centered on the theme "What
constitutes an education?" "Forget
about being educated to be useful
and enjoy being educated," was the
advice that drew forth a flood oft
comments from students forced to
pinch every penny in that lean year.
Good is what you decide for your-
self is most likely to get you what
you desire out of life, was the phil-
osophic advice given to the 1932
Parley, the central theme of which
was personal philosophies of life.t
House Passes
State Control
of Child Labor'
6-Day, 48-Hour Week Set
Maximum For Childrnt
Women After Fight <
LANSING, May 4.-(AP)-A bill pro-;
viding a six-day, 48-hour working
week for women and children re-1
zeived House approval today and ad-
vanced to the Senate. The vote was
59 to 27.r
An attempt to reduce the maximum
to 44 hours failed, along with an
amendment which would have ex-
empted persons employing fewer thant
five women or children. ,
Rep. Joseph F. Martin, Democrat,t
Detroit, chairman of the labor com-
mittee, approved the measure in thek
form in which it went through, as-
serting labor should not "bump its
head against a wall" trying to achieve
"everything at one time." He point-
ed out that state law now permits aI
54-hour working week for women.
A floor fight threatened when Rep.
Charles W. Snow, Jr., Democrat, Sag-
inaw, the sponsor of the bill, at-
tempted to have it amended to re-
turn to a 5/ day, 44-hour week. He
offered to compromise on a six-day
44-hour week, but the plan was re-1
The measure provides, also, forf
minimum wage schedules, to be
worked out in conferences after the;
bill becomes law. Code hearings,
somewhat similar to those held under
the NRA, would fix the wage limits
for various industries.
Ex-Faculty Woman,
Archeologist, Dies
Dr. Esther Boise Van Deman, 75,
former University faculty member,
died Monday in Rome, Italy.
Carnegie research professor in Ro-
man Archaeology from 1925 to 1930,
Dr. Van Deeman had spent many
years in Rome. She was awarded
the honorary degree of Doctor of Let-
ters at commencement exercises last
Author of several books including
"The Atrium Vestae" and "The Build-
ing of the Roman Aqueducts," Dr.
Van Deman received her bachelor's
degree here in 1891.
Burial was planned for the Protes-
tant cemetery in Rome yesterday.
Early Truce
Is Forecast
In Civil War
Strife, In 10th Month, May
Yield Victory To Either
Side, Writer Thinks
Bilbao, Madrid May
Be Deciding Sieges
(Associated Press Foreign Editor)
Spain's civil war is at the eleventh
Victory is within the grasp of either
The factions have fought nearly
ten months and one may yield at any
Madrid - Republican capital, still
stands. Six months ago tomorrow the
insurgents marshalled their forces
close along the westernedge. The
day after, it was announced, the
"final attack" was launched to cap-
ture the government city but neither
it nor other "final" attacks took the
embattled, entrenched city of a mil-
lion people.
2 Sieges Decisive
The war may hang on two sieges.
Madrid still is besieged and the
next time it may fall.
Bilbao, "economic capital," center
of the munitions industry, with its
treasure of iron and its port is mak-
ing a last stand against theinsur-
gents. This Basque capital of an au-
tonomous province is fighting behind
a semi-circle of concrete forts. There
are 350,000 people inside seeking to
send out women and children so they
can think of only their country and
battle for their lives.
Morale Depends On Bilbao
If Bilbao falls the moral effect
may far surpass the unquestioned
military importance. The insurgents,
victorious and elated, obviously would
turn back to drive again on Madrid
with new and tested troops, flaming
with enthusiasm and confident in
their one great effort to destroy the
"left" for which hatred has grown as
the war dragged on.
If Bilbao resists and defeats the
besiegers, then the courage and con-
fidence of the government side and
the double failure of the insurgents
at Madrid and Bilbao, might bring
the collapse of the insurgent effort
-for the present.
Barcelona's Dead
Estimated At 100
PERPIGNON, France, May 4-()
-A traveler arriving here by airplane
tonight estimated 100 persons have
been killed at Barcelona, capital of
the autonomous Catalan state in
Spain, where anarchists have risen in
armed revolt against the government.
The traveler said Barcelona's Hos-
pitals were jammed with wounded,
result of heavy street fighting in Cat-
alonia's civil war within Spain's
civil conflict.
Duce, Reich
To Maintain
United Front
Joint Accord Is Signed By
Neurath, Duce; Neglects
SpanishCivil War
Pius Asks Freedom
For German Church
ROME, May 4.-{A)-Italy and
Germany agreed tonight to stand to-
gether on Europe's main problems,
come what may.
Premier Mussolini and the visiting
Baron Konstantin Von Neurath, Ger-
man foreign minister, effected the ac-
cord to strengthen their friendship
agreement of last fall, highly in-
formed sources said-a main point
presumably was the continuation of
their common opposition to bolshe-
Pius Sends Note
And while Il Duce *conferred with
the Nazi official, Pope Pius sent a note
to Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler saying
that the Catholic Church must be
free to fulfill its mission in Germany.
The Vatican note, answering a Nazi
protest against the Pope's encyclical
on the German Church-State situa-
tion, demanded application of the
1933 concordat with Germany which
reserved spheres of influence for the
Premier Mussolini and Von Neu-
rath occupied their attention with is-
sues that promise to be important in
the coming year.
Their agreement was so complete,
well-informed sources declared, that
the Nazi cabinet member can leave
Rome tomorrow with the satisfaction
that Mussolini and the Reichsfuehrer
see eye to eye on the European sit-
I Scant attention was paid the Span-
ish war, these sources asserted, indi-
cating the two leaders are now in
agreement not to make sharper the
international issues of the Iberian
Conflict Becoming Graver
At Long Last'
Ed And Wallie
Are Together
MONTS, France, May 4.-AP)-Ed-
ward of England and Wallis Simpson
at long last made plans for their
marriage tonight, shut off from the
world in the beautiful Chateau De
The American born wbman and the
man who decided that their love was
more important than the throne of
the world's greatest empire were re-
united today after separation of five
months and one day.I
On the threshold of his brother's
coronation as the king he chose not
to be, the Duke of Windsor traveled
by rail and auto from his Austrian
retreat and reached his fiancee's side
with a boyish smile on a now carefree
What he could not have done as
king, he did as a simple British sub-
ject. He carried a bunch of flow-
ers to the door of his chosen lady,
not of royalty born, and embraced
her in full view of onlookers from a
world of commoners.
Members of his party said the
Duke-exuberant that divorce proce-
dure finally had freed Mrs. Simpson
-was anxious to announce plans for
their marriage at once.
But a spokesman later said the an-
nouncement would be withheld, pos-
sibly until tomorrow.
Varsity's Rally
Trips Ypsilanti
Nine By 7 To 3
Scores 5 On 3 Hits, Error
And 2 Passes, Normal
Gets No Hits Off Gee
YPSILANTI, May 4.-(Special to
The Daily)-Combining three extra-
base hits, an error and two passes,
Michigan staged a five-run rally in
the eighth inning here today to defeat
Michigan Normal by a score of 7-3.
It was the Wolverines' tenth win of
the season.
Rep. Eaton's
Attack Against
Haber Termed
Campaign Plot
Republican Charges Relief
Head With Squandering
State's Money
Haber Resignation
In Murphy's Hands
Because all telegraph and telephone I
communications between the Catalan
capital and the French border city 1
have been cut, confirmation of the
traveler's estimates were impossible.
The border has been closed from the1
Spanish side since Monday.
Other reports said the Barcelona:
government, desperately beset by the
anarchists, had called its troops back
from the Aragon fighting front.
The authoritative newspaper Po- Going into the productive eighth,
polo Di Roma declared, however, that however, Burt Zacher, Huron right-
"the Spanish problem becomes every hander, enjoyed a one-run advan-
day graver and more pre-occupying. tage, having permitted the "Gas
International control is ineffica- House Gang" only two runs, one a
cious." homer over the center field fence by
The Italo-German attitude toward Merle Kremer, center fielder.
a world economic conference, possibly In addition, Zacher made an of-
to be called by President Roosevelt, fensive contribution when he caught
was also understood to have been dis- one o fBurt Smith's fast balls in the
cussed. seventh and blasted it out of the
park for a round tripper. No one
'I .R.' Gives Proof was aboard.
Michigan's hurling duties were
That Wilhelm Still shared by John Smithers, John Gee
and Smith. Off their combined pitch-
Is Kaiser De Jure ing, the Hurons collected' seven hits.
Smithers was making his initial ap-
pearance of the season and fared
The irony of an emperor who beat well in his brief stint.
an ignominious retreat from his The Wolverines' eighth-inning
throne yet retained the royal title is splurge was started by Walt Peckin-
presented by the signature of Kaiser paugh, who tripled into right field
Wilhelm II in a book now on dis- after Don Brewer had grounded to
play in the General Library. short. Peck scored when Leo Beebe's
The book, "Errinerungen an Korfu" fly fell between the shortstop and
(Memories of Korfu) was written by center-fielder for a double.
the Kaiser in 1924 and the copy on Beebe lingered at second while
display was presented to President- Steve Uricek went out pitcher to
Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins. Under- first, but counted when Kremer bare-
neath the large scrawl that spells ly missed another homer by a drive
"William" are the two letters "I.R.," to right good for three bases. Dan
standing for imperator rex and in- Smick then laced a sharp hit to deep
dicating that William prefers to think center, which the Huron fielder
of himself as emperor de jure though reached but failed to hold, Kremer
not de facto, Prof. Preston W. Slosson scoring.
of the history department explained. The Ypsil coach decided here that
Among the other books on display Zacher had had enough and replaced
are autographed copies of books by him with Fred Bailey, who promptly
Samuel Clements and Ralph Waldo hit Bob Campbell with his first pitch.
Emerson. The display will continue Capt. Kim Williams, who took Hey-
for several weeks, according to Li- liger's place in left in the seventh,
brary officials. (Continued on Pave 31
In The Spring Students' Fancy
Lightly Turns To Tossing Eggs
Prof. William Haber of the eco-
nomics department, State emergency
relief administrator, termed the per-
sonal attack made upon him by Rep.
Elton R. Eaton, Republican of Ply-
mouth, yesterday in the House as,
part of the campaign against the
Governor's relief welfare reorganiza-
tion program.
Denouncing the attack as "mali-
cious" Professor Haber said last night
to The Daily, "The State Relief Com-
mission has during the past four
years expended in excess of $240,000,-
000 of State and Federal funds for
relief purposes. The recrds are
available for anyone who wishes to
examine them."
Eaton demanded the resignation of
Professor Haber, accusing the ERA
of "squandering millions." He asked
Governor Murphy to call upon Pro-
fessor Haber to withdraw from public
payrolls and end at once his "tax-
exempt income from the tax funds
of the State." Professor Haber stated
that he severed connections with the
Federal relief organization when he
came to the University last fall, that
Governor Murphy has had his resig-
nation as relief administrator since
November. It is generally known that
he plans to sever his connections with
the state relief agencies as soon as
the welfare legislation is disposed of
and the emergency agency which he
heads is abolished.
The remarks, which Professor Ha-
ber termed "expected and not unfor-
tunate," came during debate on a bill
appropriating $1,000,000 to meet di-
rect relief demands in the fiscal year
which expires June 30 according to
the Associated Press. The Legisla-
ture already has appropriated an ad-
ditional $6,000,000 this year for that
Rep. Vernon J. Brown, Republican,
of Mason, arose to defend Professor
Haber, commenting that a man who
has had the confidence of three suc-
cessive governors "can't be so awfully
bad." He accused Professor Haber's
critics of "just crucifying" him be-
cause they were "afraid to face the
facts." He said the trouble is not
"Haberism" but the emergency set-
up under which control of relief funds
has been taken from the counties. He
lashed out at the State Affairs Com-
mittee for its failure to report out a
bill which would decentralize relief
Eaton's speech bristled with alle-
?ations. He contended Professor Ha-
ber was more interested in personal
gain through multiple public salaries
and expense accounts than he was in
relieving suffering by unfortunates.
He said the present welfare set-up
(Continued on Page 2)
Choose Leaders
Of Committees
Michigan's Independent Men chose
temporary 'committee chairmen at
their third dinner meeting in the
Union yesterday, William G. Barndt,
'37, president announced yesterday.
Appointed to head the membership
committee was Julius Rockwell, '40,
the dance committee Jess Drogin, '38,
and Ted Perl, '37. In charge of the
examination files, which will be com-
piled by the organization beginning
this semester will be Edward Page,
'39E. Charles Seidenstein, '38, was
nominated leader of the sports com-
mittee, Irving Silverman, '38, pub-
licity committee.
Maurice Simon, '39, was chosen
to investigate independent's activi-
ties on other campuses, and Henry
Homes, '39, and William Jewell, '37E
will organize the orientatidn group.
"Our future meetings," Barndt ex-
plained, "will provide plans for next
year's activities. The group affords
an opportunity to increase the mean-
ing of college to its members."
The men will meet again at 7:15
p.m., Tuesday, May 11 in the Union
to decide on a name and provide for
University recognition.
Vander Velde Voices Approval
Of Reference File Of Exams
Riot Of Movie
Strikers Sends
5 ToHospital
HOLLYWOOD, May 4.-UP)-Five
non-strikers went to hospitals with
serious injuries today after two out-
breaks of violence in movie labor
A crowd of 30 men battered down
the doors of the office of the Interna-
tional Alliance of Theatrical and
Stage Employes and beat several men
seeking studio employment. Four
were sent to the Hollywood receivingI
hospital, suffering multiple cuts and
Police said they did not believe the
raiders were members of the striking
federated motion picture crafts. They
had damaged the office and disap-
peared when police patrol cars ar-
Triangles Will Initiate
9 Sophomores Today
Triangles, junior honorary society
of the engineering college, tapped
nine second-semester sophomores to
A reference file of former examina-
tion questions in the library is of
great value to both students and in-
structor, Prof. Lewis G. Vander Velde
of the History department said when
informed that he is the only instruc-
tor on the campus who follows this
Impressed with this system while
he was a graduate student at Har-
vard, Professor Vander Velde has,
since 1931, placed copies of all the
midsemester and final exams from
his courses in the General Library.
When, on coming herb, he saw that
"In my own -experience as a stu-
dent, I discovered such files to be1
really valuable for review purposes,!
while as an instructor, I find they
are an incentive toward more careful
preparation of the questions and lead
to a better balance of emphasis on
subject matter," he said.
"At Harvard, it is required that all
examinations be printed on paper of
uniform size in order to permit those
on a given subject for one year to be
bound together. This affords each
faculty member the privilege of look-
ing over his colleague's papers. Ob-
viously, this practice, as used there,
NEW YORK, May 4.-(EP)-The
spirit of springtime boiled over at Co-
lumbia University tonight and sent
celebrating students on a rampage
that required attention of four police
squad cars reinforcing campus police.
The celebration began with a bon-
fire of neWspapers that brought a
barrage of stale eggs from some non-
participants in the fire rites. Next
dormitory students brought a fire
hose into play and the fire was aban-
doned in favor of some serenading of
girl students on the Barnard campus.
Finally the students were forced
off the street, traffic resumed its nor-
mal course and the celebrants re-
turned to their dormitories, where
- The riot followed by 24 hours a
similar outbreaw in Harvard Square,
one mile distant, where 2,000 Harvard
students were routed by the same
Nausea, Gas Threatened
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 4.--(A)-
Police warned Harvard students to-
night that nausea gas will be used in-
stead of tear gas the next time they
are called out to quell a "spring riot"
in the ancient Harvard yard.
The warning by police Chief Tim-
othy Leahy followed a demonstration
inspired last night by the first warm
evening of the year.
Passersby were drenched by wa-