N DAILY ULI Patrons For Architects' Ball Announced By Favors Chairman ~1 The Trimrose Path Best Costumes Will Be Given Prize Awards Leaves Top New Hat The roll of drums . . . the clank of swords . . . bombs bursting . . . boots, boots, boots, boots.. . brass buttons.. . there's something about a soldier... She had been to the hairdresser's for a scintillating wave the day before ... her ambrosial locks vaguely resembled'the waves of the Red Sea (due to the henna rinse) . . . as she shook them with abandon while drifting from the shower . . . Hours passed while she slipped dreamily into each specially chosen garment . . . adjusted rouge and lipstick in perfect proportion on her delicate features . . . aha! . . . a touch of personality perfume . . . shei lure for Her Own . . . At last she donned the long string of orchids which flowed from her left shoulder to the hem of her evening gown and would have dragged on the floor if she hadn't wound them twice around her swan like neck to prevent tripping over them as she made her entrance down the ivory staircase . . . What's that ???? . . . the bell . . . Heavens ! ! ! she wasn't nearly ready ... Half an hour later . .. with the carriage of a woodland faun she picked her way down the stairs with pounding heart.. . and there ... with his hand on his sword ... his buttons shining with an intense glare . . his manly form encased in wrinkleproof khaki . . . and the gleam of love in his adoring eyes . . . stood Her Own . . . the perfect soldier . . . They set out tor the Military Ball . . . Red Soldiers Marcching... Arrived there they were made startlingly aware of immense, red-coated forms marching up the stairs of the Union and around the walls of the Ballroom . . . After being revived by the doorman and persuaded that the figures were only cardboard they decided not to abandon the dance and even mustered a shaky chortle or two when Alberta Wood and Dwight Adams passed on their harrassed way . . . trying to find one of the cardboard soldier boys to take home . . . She waved a fluttering hand at Ruth Washburn and Spike Nelson as they tramped downstairs . . . and thought how becoming red dotted swiss was to Virginia Letts, especially when trimmed with white bows at the neck and sleeve . . . Howard (Med- iterranean) Crusey thought so too, she decided . . . As the evening progressed . . . Miss Primrose . . . for it was no other than she . . . grew much bolder . . . and only fainted once during the air raid . . . much to the horror of her partner who was hiding behind the portier at the time . . . With trembling fingers she borrowed a pencil from Bill Donovan, who was reviving Helen Wolf . . . and, remembering her duty at all times, inscribed the names of Sally Eschbach and Carl (Jail- bird) Clements who were apparently reveling in the awful humming of the dirigible and the bursting of the bombs on the Ballroom floor . . Elaine Ihnken and Dick Shappell were doing the same . . . Johnny Marley looked really very fine in his regular army uniform as he escorted Vir- ginia Osterman to a place of refuge on the sidelines . . . Then Miss Primrose experienced just another of the many thrills which are a part of her everyday life in the social whirl . . ..She stood beside Her Own in the sabre arch and watched guests go by in the Grand March . . . Bob (Fido) Pommerening . . . Bill (Coca) Cobey and Hidson (Hunky) Dunks were there too, the last with Betty Loughborough by his side . . . She saw Mary Johnson and Bob Eberbach go sailing by . . . and envied Hope Hart- wig, who stood pridefully gazing- at John Cornelius as he led the drill team through their maneuvers ... The Phi Gam Social ... But all was not so rosy for the dear lady . . . Jack (Where's Emer) Gideon, of football repute was bouncing on the Phi Gam's front porch and at first glance turned her blood to water . . . Quickly consuming a half a dozen iron pills she sidled past him into the lighted hallway . . . and peered about'. . . Jane Jewett and Bob Elliott were lurking about . Elaine Jacobs and John Hulbert 'Ensian star freshman salesman . . . she noted down on hercuff . . . Adelaide Ely with the omnipresent Jack Brennan . . . Jayne Roberts and Jack Henderson . . . Six feet four of Roy Neff with Martha Cook, Betsy Barbour resident... Bob Cooper and Jeanne Gomon . . . Miss Primrose then felt the hour of parting was near so she traveled off to her trundel bed to be fresh for the round of parties the next night ... And oh what a night that was . . . First the Phi Psis entertained her on their terrace where she ate most of the buffet supper they had prepared for other guests . . . But Dorothy Shipman and Bud Lundahl were making away with a good portion so she wasn't at all embarrassed . . . Addie Mason and Bill Whitehead were swinging a mean bat in the yard ... Across the street, lights blazed from the Sorosis House where the spring formal was in full fling . . . Marguerite Ritchter was beaming at Chuck White and Bruce Purdy had made away with what was left of the cookies after the stag line had made surreptitious visits to the dining room .. The Flattery Every Mother Loves --- * *-/ -4- *. I Jf, 4 .f\\ f . Y r " j \ \, I '4, 7,,,' .4 It Students To Present Skit, 'The Burning Of Rome,' During Intermission The patron list for Architects' Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri- day in the Architectural Building was announced last night by' Florence McConkey, '38A, chairman of favors for the dance. The list includes President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea and Dean and Mrs. Charles Olmstead. Prof. Ernest H. Barnes, Prof. and Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, Prof. and Mrs. George B. Brigham, Prof. and Mrs. Myron B. Chapin, Prof. and Mrs. Her- bert A. Fowler, Prof. Walter Gores, Prof. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hammett, Prof. and Mrs. Jean Hebrard and Prof. and Mrs. Emil Lorch. Historical Play Prof. and Mrs. W. V. Marshall, Prof. and Mrs. Geo. M. McConkey, Prof. and Mrs. Frederick C. O'Dell, Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, Prof. and Mrs. Alexander M. Valerio. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H. Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Ross T. Bittinger, Mr. Donald B. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mathres and Mr. and Mrs. ThomasI Ruthven Home Dean Rea To Speak Merit System Revised ToBeOendOn Political Partiesi By LeagueComte To Be Opened PNo merit points will be awarded to Dean Walter B. Rea, dean of stu- tryouts on The Daily staff, it was For Eighth Teadents, willspeak on student govern- announced by Barbara Bradfield, '38, ment at a meeting for all freshmen chairman of the merit system com- The eighth in the series of under- at 8 p.m. today at the Sigma Nu mittee after a meeting of the Under graduate teas will be held at the home house, JamesMacDonald, '40, an- graduate Council last night of President and Mrs Ruthven from Thuniemrysseeadey. 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow. This will be Dean Rea will speak of his ex- The entire merit system was revised the first tea to be given since before periences with political parties and on the basis of alloting one point for Easter vacation, at which time va- lead a discussion on student govern- 10 hours' work on League activities rious members of the League Council ment. He will talk about the need and it was decided to give 50 points, were invited to pour. for changes, and tell of possibilities the maximum total possible, to the Delta Gamma, Pi Beta Phi and Phi! and make suggestions for them. League president. Points earned by Sigma Sigma will be honored at the All freshman, whether of the State sorority women living in dormitories tea, as well as the following frater- Street, Washteiaw or Independent or League houses will hereafter be nities: Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Sig- party, are invited to attend the meet- awarded to the sororities, Miss Brad- ma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta ing, MacDonald said. field said. Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Rho and Phi Sigma Delta. Any other undergrad- uate student of the University is al- so cordially invited to attend, ac- cording to Betty Gatward, '38, chair- SPRING man of the League social committee.jSheReouNiGepnt The entire house will be open to the students, and President and Mrs. The May Festival . . . and don't Ruthven twill receive in the living forget the rest. "Filtered Light" room.,ogtters "i ee gt The newly appointed members of . Dey Portraits. You at your the League social committee will of- ficiate as hostesses, and those who best. will be invited to pour will be an- nounced tomorrow. Violets and velvet rosebuds are mixed in with the green eaves top- ping this newest of the spring hats from Paris. Such flowered creations creations are popular for afternoon wear. Announcements Of Engagrement, Wedding Made A former student was married Sat- urday in Detroit and the engagement r t THYRA MAYER Formerly of Dimattia - now at COLLINS BEAUTY SHOP. 618 East Liberty Phone 7400 P ho to ographer 332 South State Dial 5031 Dil,03 S. Tanner. of two students was announced. During the intermission the stu- At a quiet ceremony held at 8:30 dents of the architectural school will p.m. Saturday, Isabelle Campbell present a play entitled, "The Burning Kanter, '35, daughter of Mrs. Frank of Rome," according to Richard Pol- Wells Kanter of Detroit, spoke her land, '38A, chairman - of entertain- vows to Robert William Sumner. Mr. ment for the dance. The presenta- Sumner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. tion will be an attempt to delve into William Wyatt Sumner of Detroit. the facts behind the case-and give the The service was read in the home of true history of this great eventMthebride'suncle and aunt, Mr. and Triumpal March Feature I Mrs. Howard H. Lawrie of Grosse The play will open with the triup Pointe. P MOHE' DAY -- May 9th Something useful and pretty should be your remembrance hal march of Nero returning from the wars amid much celebration and revelry. After the inner history has been revealed, the production will end with a grand finale of singing and dancing firemen. The cast for the skit is not yet complete, according toj Polland. Prizes will be awarded this year for the cleverest costumes of both faculty( and students. Professor Hammett is chairman of the faculty committee in charge of judging the students', costumes. The costumes of the fac- ulty will be judged by a student com- mittee. Les Arquette and his orchestra will play for the dance. Tickets, which' are priced at $2.50, may be obtained at the Union and Ulrich's Bookstore' as well as from the committee mem- bers, according to Richard Dennis,' '37A, general chairman of the dance. FRESHMAN PROJECT There will be a meeting of the dancing villagers in the Freshman Project at 4:30 p.m. today in the game room of the League. Children and those with speaking parts will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Un- dergraduate Office. A reception in the Lawrie home followed the ceremony. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home in Detroit. Mrs. Kanter is a graduate of the University where she is affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gam- ma. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Potter, of Bar- ton Hills and Lansing, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Patricia Potter, '39L, to Mahlon S. Sharp, '39M. Mr. Sharp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Sharp of Flint. The wedding date has not been announced. Miss Patter, who has been presi- dent of Gamma Phi Beta sorority during the current year, was chair- man of the entertainment committee of the Sophomore Cabaret in her sophomore year, a member of the Judiciary Council and took part in the Juni'or Girls' Play. Mr. Sharp is affiliated with Beta Theta Pi and Phi Chi. Somnething useful and pretty should be your remembrance for Mother's Day ... Here are things she loves.. LOVELY SILKEN LINGERIE always makes a more than perfect gift Every woman never has enough ... we know she'll appreciate your thoughtfulness . . . Slips, Gowns, Dance Sets, Chemises, ,,,,, 7 . . ...7' ,77, . ' V. Panties .. . $1 to $2.98 Regular and Outsizes rl Jewelry and Watch Repairing + . HALLER'S Jewelry State at Liberty , I1 - - - --.--- - -- -. -- Ii I Here are the WHITE SHOES you'll be wearing for "SPECIAL DATES" :.. ' ' . T 4. ). CHIFFON HOSIERY Guaranteed first quality. Three-carrier ringless ... luxuriously sheer yet with the reinforcement that insures good wear. Service Weights also. , i . - ,; . l ,,° ,' l ,fir , i r ' _ I - '1 < m _ , Smart ultra-feminine shoes that will make your feet appear inches smaller and narrower .. . born flatterers. Perfect for chiffons and sheers and floppy hats on Sunday afternoons. White Gabardine swing strap, with white patent trim .high heel. $6.00 .. t4 79c Pr. pair in gift box, $2.25 GEORGIANA FROCKS to brighten up HER day . . . Eyelets, Seersuckers, 1 -..Blistersheers, Voiles, Dotted Swiss, Prints-in wide ' variety ... All are guaranteed fast cplor. Sizes-I 2-20, 38-44, 46-54. Also outsizes in half- sizes . !1.98 to $3.98 t i '; Belle-Sharmeer Stockings in Her Own LEG SIZE Here's the perfect gift for every Mother. . .small or tall, middling or plump. Beautiful Belle-Shar- meer Stockings that fir her legs as though you'd had them made to measure. She'll love their flattery and your thoughtfulness. And Belle-Sharmeers are as easy to buy as they're grand to wear. We feature them in individual leg sizes . . . perfectly proportioned in both width and length:.. for ill size legs. All foot sizes, of course. Just tell us your Mother's type and we'll do the rest. And re- member . .. Belle-Sharmeer is here exclusively. $1.00, $1.15 to $1.95 the pair 37 Sandalized pump of white kid with slim high heel. $6.00 Other white shoes for sports and dress i I l41 0dm m AV -s $5.00 to $7.50 ! Z flk Im "Iu LTA , - Her Foot Size Has a Number .. Her Leg Size Has a Name IiII I l 11 K I