THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEB. 21, 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY I .. _.* fib Member t937 Issocioted CoIe# ile Press Distributors of Cogegicfe Di6est Published every morning except Monday during the University year- and Summer Session by the Boatd in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press' The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ues for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or dot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. , Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second Class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 4 00; by mail, $4.5G. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO Los ANGELS - PORTLAND . SEATTLE Board of Editors WANAGING EDITOR ..... .........ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............ FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce. Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tunre Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; R~obert Cummins, Mary Sage ,Montague.. Siports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; ° Fred peLaudo and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymnd Good- zin, ,Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler. Richard La- MLarc a. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: liza- beth MH Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, M~argaret, Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell; Katherie Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. uAsine'ss Departmentz BUINSSMANAGER ..... ..JHN 1.PABK AgSOcIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM AfWNlT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.....JEAN KEINATH Business Assistants: Robert Martin. Ed Macal, Phil Bu- ohen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton Ketcham, Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton,. Bill Newt can, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman,. W. Layhe,. J. D. Haas, Russ Cole. Women's Business Assistants:. Margaret Ferries, Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion 'axter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Petty Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha- Hankey, Betsy 19axter, Jean Rheinfranky'DodieDay, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski,, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers Jack Staple. Accounts Manager; glchard Croushore. 1|a- tional Advertising and CirculatioT Manaer; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A.'Jones, Locial Advertising Manager'; Norman ' Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert' Palender; Publications and Glass- ified Advertising Manager.- NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SHACKELTON of a few undesirable dates, is filled from now Iuntil the. end of the Summer Session. This need ought to be subordinateion our list only to dormitories for men and faculty salaries. THEATRE Bureau Of New Plays' Awards By JAMES DOLL THE LACK OF OPPORTUNITIES for young people to get into the theatre has begun to cause concern to some executives in the theatre. To correct this situation so far as playwriting is concerned, the Bureau of New Plays was formed last year, under the directorship of Ther- esa Helburn, who has for a number of years been a member of the board of directors of the Theatre Guild. A contest with six prizes of $500 each and a number of fellowships and scholarships was an- nounced. Contestants were limited to students of American colleges and universities or students who had graduated or left school within three years. In order to make the contest still more selective, manuscripts had to be approved by the heads of departments of drama or English at the various schools. Awards were announced on February 1 on a coast-to-coast broadcast. Two of the six winners are from the University of Michigan: Arthur A. Miller, who received a scholarship of $1,250 and Robert Wetzel, who was given a cash award of $500. Theodore Kaghan, known here as Theo- dore Cohen, was given honorable mention. No other university was represented by more than a single winner and an honorable mention. Under the terms of the scholarship, winners must spend a year at a university to study playwriting. The two other scholarship winners, besides Miller, who is already on the campus, selected Michigan. They are Norman Rosten of Brooklyn College and Bernard Dryer of Wes- leyan University, Middletown, Conn. They will undertake to write two plays within 18 months. Five hundred dollars of their award constitutes payment for a 60-day option. If the play is produced by the Bureau or through its agency, half of the remaining sum is paid by' the producer out of the royalties to the Bu- reau's fund for future scholarships. The other half is similarly paid if a second play is produced. The Bureau holds a 30-day option on the next play written after the scholarship expires. There was some misunderstanding about this and a feeling that the Bureau was organized in opposition to the Dramatists' Guild of the Au- thors' League of America. That there is any opposition to the acceptance of the awards by the Dramatists' Guild was denied by Sidney Howard, its spokesman, in an interview with Rosten. Because of these misunderstandings a new ad- visory Council of Educators was formed by the Bureau. Also, the terms of the fellowship and scholarship awards were somewhat modified. Now if a play written during the tenure of the scholarship is produced, the second instead of the first week's royalties is to be returned to the Bureau. Second, only if one of these plays is produced would the Bureau hold an option on the first play written after the scholarship period and even this would be subject to the control of the Advisory Council. The sponsors of the Bu- reau liked .these suggestions so well that they made them retroactive. While this matter was under discussion, Wetzel and Miss Janet Mar- shall, a fellow winner, returned their awards although the terms were known to them before acceptance. They felt they should be free to sign the existing Dramatists' Guild contract if production could be obtained for any of their plays. According to Thursday's New York Times the Bureau has not re-offered the prizes to them. RADIO By TUURE TENANDER RAFAEL SABATINI'S "Captain Blood" will be presented at 9 p.m. tomorrow on the Lux Radio Theatre over CBS. The cast will include Olivia DeHavilland and Errol Flynn, the pair that made such a hit in the screen version of this same story. A program that promises to be one of the most interesting features on the air in a long time is to make its initial appearance tomor- row. "Let Freedom Ring" is the name of the new series, sponsored by the United States Office of Education of the Department of the Interior, and its aim is to present dramatic portrayals of the human race's fight to obtain civil liberties. At 10:30 p.m. tomorrow, the premiere will pre- sent a picturization of how the people of the United States won the Bill of Rights. Parts of authentic speeches made at various conventions by Washington, Franklin, John Adams, Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson will be reenacted by members of the "Let Freedom Ring" staff. * *1 * * Those of you who have gone into a flower shop to pick out some choice corsage for the belle of the evening and have ended up every time by sending orchids, nota bene. At 6:30 p.m. Wednesday the- Factfinder will tell you all about the various members of the orchid family. He will spare nothing, but will reveal the most intimate facts about this flower. Over WXYZ and the Michigan Radio Network. * * * * Bryan Field, generally conceded to be the finest racing announcer in the business, willj WEEK IN REVIEW NATIONAL On The Labor Front ANTICIPATING TROUBLE, bituminous coal operators and miners met Wednesday in New York to attempt negotiation of a new agree- ment to replace the present one which will ex- pire March 31. The miners' demands were aimed at obtain- ing a degree of security which would be unique for labor. They asked a basic wage of $6 a day and a guarantee of 200 days' work a year, pro- posals which would bring a $1,200 yearly min- imum wage. To this, and other demands for a 30-hour week and paid vacations, the operators replied "Impossible!" They countered with a demand that the work week be increased from the present 35 hours to 40, without increase in pay. The only encouraging notes heard before the conference adjourned indefinitely to gather statistics were an agreement that the evil effects of technological change must be ameliorated, and the pronouncement of John L. Lewis that coal strike rumors are "bunk." * * * * L ABOR NOTES-The first police attempt to evict sit-down strikers failed after two hours' of fighting Friday at the Fansteel Metallurgical plants in Waukegan, Il.. . . Interrupted mo- mentarily by a short-lived St. Louis strike, G.M.- union negotiators reported agreements on meth- ods of handling grievances and turned to the problem of seniority rights ... Gov. Hoffman of New Jersey, speaking of "shameful" sit-down strikes, declared Monday that "the avoidance of bloodshed is desirable, but not at the expense of surrender to . . . those guilty of such criminal acts." LaFollette Revelations H ENRY W. ANDERSON, General Motors labor relations director, was the star of the civil liberties show last week, until a former auto union official in Lansing testified Thursday that he and all other officers of the Lansing local had been Pinkerton agents. Anderson told of "stripping" General Motor files of labor spy data when the La Follette investigation ap- peared imminent. He revealed next day that representatives of General Motors and such cor- porations as General Electric, United States Rubber, Goodyear, DuPont, and U. S. Steel pe- riodically have exchanged information, but denied that it concerned labor espionage. *m* * * The Court And Other Things ANXIOUS DEMOCRATS sought compromise on the President's court proposal this week. Senators Wheeler of Montana and Bone of Washington revived the proposal Madison made in the Constitutional Convention-that a two- thirds vote of Congress over-ride Supreme Court nullification-while Nebraska's Senator Burke proposed compulsory retirement of justices at 75. President Roosevelt recommended two modest bills to benefit some farmers last week. Tuesday he urged a long-term Federal-State program to reduce farm tenancy, and Thursday he requested a crop insurance program which would cost be- tween 100 and 150 million dollars. FOREIGN 'Non-Intervention' Again PORTUGAL objected at first, so she said, to a possible blockade of her coasts, but finally agreed, with 26 other nations, to a new plan for attempted isolation of the Spanish civil war. The plan calls for bans on volunteers by individual nations, and an international naval cordon around Spain, beginning March 6, to prevent troop and arms shipments. Meanwhile, the Loy- alists appeared to have checked a rebel drive to capture the Valencia road and sever communi- cations between Madrid and the capital. T k B*o t* Talking Back To Hitler LAST SUNDAY Cardinal von Faulhaber of Mu- nich and Count von Preysing, Catholic Bishop of Berlin,' attacked in such a belligerent tonethe plan of Church Minister Hans Kerrl for control of German Protestantism by a state com- missioner, and received such unmistakable pop- ular support that Hitler quickly dropped the plan and issued a decree providing for free election of a new governing body for the German Evan- gelical Church. The new synod is authorized to draft a new church constitution and to restore unity in the manner it may consider most effec- tive. However, all but the Nazi branch of the church expressed doubt as to the reality of the promised "freedom" and the fairness of the election. Nevertheless the Hitler decree is inter- preted to mean the failure of the three-year Nazi program of church regimentation. * * * * Big Crisis, Little Crisis THERE was hot debate in the British Com- mons on the proposed seven-and-one-half- billion dollar British armament plan which pro- vides for new battleships, cruisers, aircraft car- riers, great ammunition reserves, new airdromes, etc. The attack, chiefly from labor, was more against proposed methods of financing the ex- pansion than against the plan itself. Meanwhile in Washington, Chief of Naval Operations William D. Leahy announced that the Navy department will recommend that the United States match Britain battleship for battleship. RUMANIA'S IRON GUARD, fascist and anti- semitic organization, held a demonstration a week ago yesterday which profoundly dis- MUSIC Program Notes S RTUR SCHNABEL, world-re- nowned Austrian pianist wil present a program of great interest to music lovers here Tuesday. Aside from his activities as a pian- ist, Schnabel finds time to compose and among other works he has writ- ten a string quartet and a "Dance Suite" for piano. Mr. Schnabel first gained recognition as an interpreter of Brahms. Since then he has en- joyed a corresponding degree of suc- cess with his performances of the Beethoven piano sonatas. In Janu- ary of last year he began, in New York, a weekly series of all-Beethoven recitals with the final concert on April 6. At each of these recitals he was greeted by large and enthu- siastic audiences. This sustained in- terest in a series made up of the works of one composer is ample tes- timony to his artistry and musician- ship. Mr. Schnabel's program will open with the Sonata in A major (posthu- mous) of Schubert. Among Schu- bert's contributions to piano litera- ture, he is best known for his Im- promptus, "Moment Musicals," and Waltzes, works of great lyric beauty but limited scope. His bigger piano works like the Sonatas are all too rarely heard. The A major Sonata which Mr. Schnabel will play is one of the great ones and deserves to be heard more often. In it one sees Schubert's amazing gift for melody exploited to the full. Particularly in the Scherzo and Rondo movements the vivacity of the rhythm gives the work a freshness and vitality char- acteristic of Schubert. - THREE WORKS of Beethoven will comprise the next section of the program. The first called "Baga- tellen" Op. 126 is a group of short, simple compositions very rarely given public performance. They usually appear under the name "Six Bagatel- les" although there are actually seven such pieces in the group appearing in the following sequence of keys: G, G minor, E flat, B minor, G, E flat and E flat. It is particularly inter- esting to note that these "Bagatellen" were composed immediately after Beethoven had completed his mon- umental Ninth "Choral" Symphony. The second Beethoven work is the Fantasie, Op. 77, written about 15 years before the "Bagatellen" and dedicated to Beethoven's friend and amateur musician, Count Brunswick. The last of these three is the Rondo a Capricco, Op. 129 in G major. It attempts to depict definite scenes or moods of mind. The manuscript bears the composer's own title "Die Wuth uber den verlorneniGroschen ausgetobt in einer Caprice" (Fury over a lost groschen, vented in a ca- price). Mr. Schnabel will conclude his re- cital with the "Davidsbundlertanze," Op. 6 of Robert Schumann. Schu- mann was a romanticist and these "Dances" reflect his romantic spirit as completely as anything he has ever written. The title "Davidsbundler- tanze" is of interesting origin. Schu- mann had assembled in his mind a society of young musicians with kin- dred interests and spirit. These were to band themselves together under the leadership of King David, the poet-musician and conqueror of the Philistines "to do battle in the cause of musical progress against Philis- tinism in every form." Schumann has represented himself in this mystical society under the two names "Flores- tan" and "Eusebius. These names represented the two almost antithet- ical sides of Schumann's personality. "Florestan" was the turbulent, im- pulsive and highly imaginative Schu- mann while "Eusebius" indicated the gentle, thoughtful and sensitive char- acter of the composer. Associates are often alluded to in his compositions and in his critical essays. THE "Davidsbundlertanze" is a group of short lyrical pieces in which the contrasting characters of "Florestan" and "Eusebius" are pre- sented. The work is not often heard. The reason may be as Fuller-Mait- land suggests in his book on Schu- mann: "Exquisite as are some of the passages in the "Davidsbundler," some of the numbers are so wild and obscure that the work has never at- tained to a wide popularity." What- ever the critical estimate of the work as a whole may be, there is much in- spired music in it. The tender, wist- ful melodies representative of "Euse- bius" are particularly beautiful. The program should be interesting and unique from at least two aspects. First, none of the works included has figured prominently in recital reper- toire. The "Bagatellen" is virtually unknown. Certainly from the stand- point of musical value they are all important enough to deserve a better fate. In all the works the melodious element is prominent, a fact which should give the program a wide ap- peal. Musicians and those more familiar with Mr. Schnabel's playing will en- joy hearing this artist, who has given such beauty to the works of classic composers, play a program in which two of the major works are by "ro- mantic" composers, namely, Schubert DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 3) Robert Campbell, solo by Carl Nel- son. To be followed by discussion Harris Hall, Sunday: in church library. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. in the Coming Events Chapel. Breakfast will be served Adelphi House of Representatives following the service. meets Wednesday evening, Feb. 24, at The speaker at the Student meet- 7:30 in ,the Adelphi room, Angell ing at 7 p.m. will beHMrs. Helen Gib- Hall. Plans for the coming semes- son' Hogue, Mental Hygiene Counsel- ter will be drawn up. All members for of the Highland Park Public are expected to attend. Schools and author of "Untying 'ide And nbarrassment.. Scholsandauhorof Uv asn, aa Apron Strings." All students and' their friends are invited to attend.4 Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Services of worship. 8 a.m., Holy Communion 8:30 a.m., Church School. 11 a.m., Kindergarten. 11 a.m., Morning prayer and ser. mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Stalker Hall, Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Student Class led by Prof. Geo. Carrothers. Subject to be considered: "How to Read the Bible." 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting. Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on "Intelligence or War," Fellowship Hour and Supper following the meet- ing. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially invited to at- tend both of these meetings. First Methodist Church: 10:30 a.m. Morning worship. Dr. C. W. Bra- shares will preach on "The Christian Way." First Congregational Church, Sun- day.:Allison Ray Heaps, minister. 10:45 a.m., Service of worship, ser- mon by Mr. Heaps. Third in Lenten series. Subject "Teach Us to Pray." 6 p.m., Student Fellowship. Mr. Heaps will speak on "Religion and Mental Health" with special reference to the book by Dr. Link on "The Re- turn to Religion." 6 p.m., Ariston League. There will be a short business meeting followed by a discussion on "February's Hall of Fame," and the reading of "North to the Orient" by Ann Lindbergh. Congregational Student Fellow- ship, Sunday: Devotional group will meet at 5 p.m. instead of 9:30 a.m. as before. There will be a discussion led by Mrs. John Luther on "Present Day Ob- servance of Lent." First Presbyterian Church. meeting at the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave, Sunday: "For the Disillusioned" is the topic upon which Dr. Lemon will preach at the morning worship service at 10:45 a.m. This is the second sermon of a Lenten series on "Vital Correspon- dence." Music by the student choir. Professor Nelson and three students from foreign countries will be the guests of the Westminster Guild stu- dent group at their meeting at 6:30 p.m. A supper and social hour will preceed the meeting at 5:30 p.m. All students are invited. Lutheran Student Club: The speak- er for Sunday evening will be Judge Sample of the Circuit Court of this county. Judge Sample will tell of problems arising in the courts. Social and supper hour: 5:30; For- um hour; 6:30; Place: Zion Parish Hall at East Washington and Fifth. Everyone is cordially invited to visit our club. St. Paul's Lutheran Church: C. A. Brauer, minister. Lenten services in the German language at 9:30 a.m. Regular morning service at 10:45 a.m. The pastor will preach on the words of Jesus, "They Hated Me Without Cause." Lutheran students will join the young people in a skating party at 3 p.m. Meet at the church. The stu- dent supper at 5:30 p.m. will be fol- lowed by the pastor's Bible Study Hour at 6:30 p.m. All students cor- dially invited. First Baptist Church, Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Reb. R. Edward Sayles, minister, will speak on "Sins of Good People." Roger Williams Guild, Sunday noon at Guild House, 503 E. Huron Street. Mr. Chapman will speak on "Liter-' ature of the Old Testament: Amos." 6 p.m. The Guild meets at Guild House. Mrs. Herbert S. Mallory will speak on "Problems of Adjust- ment." Questions and discussion will follow. The usual social hour for ac- quaintance. Church of Christ (Disciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 12, Students' Bible Class. H. L. Pickerill, leader. 5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea. 6:30 p.m., Discussion program. Subject, "Resources for Building Per- sonality." This is the last of a series of discussions on the general sub- ject of "Pathways to Personality." niscinle studentg bvifPnfrna t h University of Michigan Public Health Club: All Public Health Ad- ministrators, Nurses, and Sanitarians as well as all students pursuing courses in Hygiene and Public Health are cordially invited to 9 dinner and meeting to be held Wed- nesday, Feb. 24, at the Women's League. The dinner will be in the Russian Tea Room, and you bring your trays in from the cafeteria. The dinner is at 6:30 p.m. At 8 p.m., a meeting will be held in the Hussey Room at the League, an important business meeting will be followed by a lecture by Professor Maurer of the Journalism department. Deutscher Verein: Meeting Mon- day, Feb. 22 at 8:15 p.m. in the Michigan Union for an evening of dancing and entertainment. Re- freshments will be served. Everybody interested, especially members, are invited to attend. Polonia Circle: There will be an im- portant meeting of Polonia Circle at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23, at the League. All Polish students are in- vited. Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, Feb. 24 in the Russian Tea Room' of the Michigan League Building. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School, will speak informally on "The Supreme Court." The Faculty German Table will not meet tomorrow. On Monday, March 1, the group will meet as usual, and there will be a ten-minute talk by Prof. E. A. Philippson. Iota Alpha: The regular monthly meeting of Iota Alpha will be held on Thursday evening, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room, 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Professor Dow Baxter will show colored movies illustrating his talk, "On and Off Alaskan Trails." Every member is urged to be present. The Michiganensian editorial staff is calling for tryouts for the editorial, photographic and art staffs on the first floor of the Publications Build- ing at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Both fresh- men and sophomores are eligible. Photographers please bring some sample of their work. The Interior Decorating Group of the Art Division of the Faculty Wom- an's Club will meet Monday after- noon, Feb. 22, at 2:30 p.m. in the Michigan League. Miss Mable Mc- Cutcheon of the J. L. Hudson Co., of Detroit will speak on "Color as Applied in the Home." Mrs. Raphael Isaacs is leader of the group. Golfers, attention: Meeting 8 p.m. Wednesday night at Union. Varsity and freshmen. Important. R. 0. Courtright. Phi Tau Alpha, honorary classical society: There will be a meeting Wed- nesday evening, 7:30 p.m., at the League. Business for future meet- ings of the chapter will be discussed. It is urgent that all members be present. The Freshman Luncheon Clubs will meet at 12 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. Albert C. Stitt will be the guest pianist. All members are invited to bring guests. Sigma Rho Tau and Stump Speak- er's Society picture for the 'Ensian will be taken Tuesday evening, Feb. 23, at the Union. Picture will be taken at 8 pm. Members please see the notice in the reference room. Botanical Seminar meets Wednes- day, Feb. 24, at 4:30 p.m., Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by Elsie H. Bauck- man "Karyotaxonomic Studies in Agave." Carnival Booth Committee: The first meeting will be Tuesday, Feb.23 at 5 p.m. in Room 316 at the Michi- gan Union. Contemporary: Tryouts for edi- torial and business staff will be held Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Student Publications Building. The only re- quirement for trying out is ordinary scholastic eligibility. - Hillel Players: Any students in- terested in helping with the adver- tising, publicity, box office, or ticket committee for presentation of the next play, "They Too Arise" to be given at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, meet at the Hillel Founda- tion, East University and Oakland, WadnPagdnV ah 4R THE RECENT RECOGNITION ex- tended to Michigan as a dramatic center pleased us very much, but, it was also a matter of embarrassment.. In his Theatre col- umn today, Mr. Doll discusses th'e Bureau of New 'Plays, in whose recent contest Michigan playwriting students distinguished themselves. It is interesting to observe that Michigan stu- dents received two of the six-awards for original plays, and one of the five honorable mentions. It was the only university represented by more than one award. The recipients of scholarships are to exercise them in a year's study of play- writing at any institution acceptable to the Bu- reau. Two of the three scholarship winners chose to come to Michigan. The third is already in at- tendance here. Michigan was fourth in the number of manuscripts submitted. And Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe, in charge of playwriting here, was selected with Professors Walter Pritchard Eaton of.Yale, and Frederick Koch of the Univer- sity of North Carolina, to serve on an Advisory Council of Educators to the Bureau of New Plays s This national recognition points out that Michigan occupies an important place in play- writing and University theatre work, but it re- minds us once more what we have pointed out. many times in these columns-that the dramatic facilities on campus are pitifully inadequate. Stu- dent plays need to be produced, and cannot be; Play Production holds classes, rehearses, and stores scenery in a small structure condemned as a fire-trap, and has to operate under extremely crowded theatre conditions. This is particularly deplorable since Mich- igan possesses several advantages which would combine with proper facilities to make it truly distinguished. Geographically, it offers a con- junction of the cultural background of the East with the creative vigor of the West. It is located in a small town, which provides a better writing atmosphere than a large city, but is close enough to Detroit for students to see road-shows, and to New York for contact and stimulus, though far enough to escape imitative pressure. Ann Arbor possesses too a variety of backgrounds easily available-both agricultural and indus- trial, Moreover, we possess the considerable stim- ulus of the Hopwood Awards, which give extra- ordinary sums to young authors. We have a large student body which compares favorably with that of other large state universities: a dis- tinguished department of Play Production; and a detailed curriculum which offers opportunity for study in fields related to the drama.