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May 04, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-04

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Planes Bomb
Rebels To Halt
Madrid Attack
3,500 Insurgents Holding
University City; Fascist
Northern Drive Fails
Basque President's
FamilyFlee Bilbao
MADRID, May 3--(,P)-Sixty-three
government warplanes bombed insur-
gent positions in the northern Guad-
alajara sector today, lest a new drive
against the capital be attempted
from that direction.
Insurgents were beaten back there
in March, along a front 50 miles
northward from Madrid.
Today's bonibers dropped almost
600 bombs and started fires in the
Siguenza railway station, Guadala-
jara communications center.
Insurgent troops were targets at
Castejon de Henares, Almadrones
and Alminos, all about 60 miles
northeast of Madrid.
Fighting In Madrid
Fighting broke odt again in the im-
* mediate Madrid sector. The 3,500
insugents held at University City in
a siege within the siege of Madrid at-
tempted vainly to reestablish contact
with their comrades at Casa de Cam-
po. Artillery and trench mortars
drove them back.
The Casa de Campo insurgents also
tried to make the contact but govern-
ment artillery smashed their attack.
Insurgent artillery shelled Madrid
again, and government forces con-
centrated on improving their posi-
tions, especially on the Usera and
Carabanchel fronts.
Reports from Bilbao said the in-
surgent drive on the northern Ma-
drid-Valencia allies .had been eflec-
tively halted, and there were fewer
demands in the press for a govern-
ment offensive to remove pressui'e
ST. JEAN DE LUZ, France, May 3.
-(T')-The wife and children of the
Basque president, Juan Antonio Agu-
irre, arrived today at Biarritz, France,
after a flight from Bilbao, besieged
capital of their country, from which
French and British warships began
evacuation of their own nationals.
The flight of the president's family
was regarded as indicating the grave
view taken by Basque leaders of the
fate of tieir chief city.
Call To Youth.
To Elect Men
For Congress
Senators, Representatives
Ask Delegates To Prove
Democracy Can Work

Pin Boy Claims YMCA Evicted
Him For Part In Bowling Strike

Becker Declares
Acted Because
Alley Owner Is


Emil Becker, a striking pin boy of
the Ann Arbor Recreation Center, 605
E. Huron St., last night charged that
he was evicted from the local YMCA
where he was living "just because I
was on strike for better wages."
"When I came into the Y the day
after the mass picket line, on April
9, Mr. Froyne, the manager, told me
that I would have to turn in my key,"
Becker declared.
"He said that he had heard about
the strike from one of the other pin
boys but that he was asking me to
leave because he could not take my
side against his friend Mr. Cassell,"
Becker stated, "whom he knew from
Detroit." Mr. Cassell is owner of the
Recreation Center.
Mr. Froyne, when contacted last
night refuse dto comment on the al-
leged eviction. Mr. Cassell was not
available in Ann Arbor for a state-
Came From Detroit
"Mr. Froyne told me that Mr. Cas-
sell was a prominent business man
in town who made contributions to
many philanthropic organizations in
Ann Arbor and that allowing me to
continue living at the YMCA would
prove embarrassing," Becker said.
Becker came to Ann Arbor after
having been unable to find employ-
ment in Detroit on the Nicholson
Terminal docks where he worked as
a cola passer for Great Lakes boats.
He said that he arrived in Ann Arbor
on Tuesday, April 6 and that the
manager of the YMCA promised to
get him a job at the bowling alley to
pay for his lodging.
Realizing that he could not earn
enough, Becker declared, on 16 cents
an hour, he disclosed his dissatis-
faction by going on strike for 20 cents
an hour.
"I've worked from Buffalo to Du-
Liberal Group
To Hear Talk
On Strike Case
Evanoff To Address Body
On The Legal Aspects
Of The Situation
The recently launched liberal or-
ganization at its second meeting at 8
p.m. today in Room 319 of the Union
will hear an explanation by Michael
Evanoff, '36L, of the legal aspects of
the case of the seven persons arrest-.
ed here on April 8 in connection
with a strike demonstration.
Evanoff, one of the lawyers for the
defendents in the case, will discuss
the local situation in light of the na-
tional labor and civil liberties' move-
ments. '
Robert C. B. Campbell, Grad, form-


luth on lake boats, I've been in a
few cities but I never got such a raw
deal as this," Becker said.
Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, who was
arrested during the strike, and his
attorney, Arthur C. Lehman, ap-
peared before Judge George W.
Sample in Circuit Court on an appeal
hearing yesterday. Date for the trial
was not set.
Laird Reappointed
City Attorney William Laird, who
prosecuted Neafus, was yesterday re-
appointed to his post by Mayor Wal-
ter C. Sadler, professor in the en-
gineering college.
The date for the trial of Tom
Downs, '39, president of the Student
Workers' Federation, who was also
arrested in the course of the pin boys'
strike, has not yet been set.
League Reform
Task To Face
Assembly Here
Covenant Revision To Be
Model Group's Problem
On Week-End
Reform of the League covenant to
make the League of Nations a more
effective instrument of international
cooperation is the principal question
which will confront the Model Assem-
bly here Friday and Saturday, it was
announced yesterday by Gardner
Ackley, Grad, director-general of the
The Model Assembly which is to
convene in the First Congregational
Church will be attended by over 250
delegates representing 20 colleges and
universities in Michigan Ackley said.
U.S. Neutrality
Also on the agenda of the Assemb-
ly, he announced, is the question of
the American neutrality policy and
its effect on the League of Nations.
"Inasmuch as the question of
American neutrality is of such time-
ly concern, this subject has been
included in the agenda, although, as
the United States is not now a mem-
ber of the League, it can not be dis-
cussed by the plenary session of the
Assembly, but instead will be dis-
cussed by an unattached committee."
However, he said, the results of
this committee's deliberations will
be inserted into the discussion on the
reform of the League.
Discuss Wagner Act
The agenda of the International
Labor Conference, which will be the
first session the delegates will attend
at 11 a.m. Friday, will be confined to
a discussion on whether collective
bargaining should be insured by na-
tional governments. In conjunction
with this subject, the Wagner Labor
Act, the strike situation in Canada,
and incorporation of labor unions
will also be discussed, Ackley stated.
Fr. Carey Calls
Annual Bonuses
Masked Wages
le Says Communism Was
Brought Because Men
Scorned The Church
Bonuses given by Chrysler and
General Motors last year were noth-
ing less than wages in disguise said
the Rev. Fr. Thomas R. Carey, chap-
lain of Catholic Students Sunday in
St. Mary's Chapel.
Firing another verbal broadside at
corporations which he claims exploit
their employes Father Carey quoted
freely from the encyclical of Pope
Pius XI, issued March 19, 1937, di-
rected at "atheistic communism."

Father Carey asserted "there would
be no socialism or communism if the
rules of the nations had not scorned
the maternal teachings and warnings
of the Church."
He said further that now the dam-
age is done, the means of saving the
world of today from the lamentable
ruin into which a moral liberalism
has plunged' us, are neither the class-
struggle nor terror, nor yet the auto-
cratic abuse of state power, but rath-
er the infusion of social justice and
the sentiment of Christian charity
into the social economic order. He
emphasized strongly that "the wage.
earner is not to receive in alms what
is his due in justice."
Father Carey also condemned the
recent employment of detective agen-
cies by the big automobile manu-
factures to spy on the labor unions
and to checkmate the unions efforts
to organize the men in their employ.
He pointed to the conditions that
prevail in Harlan County, (Ken.) as

Spring Parleyv
Plans FinishedI
By Committee
Danhof Is Elected General
Chairman; Seven Other
Heads Are Named
Wilsnack And Neal
Are Among Leaders
Spring Parley plans reached final
form last night as the general chair-
man and seven section chairmen ac-
cepted the positions to which they
were elected Sunday at a meeting of*
the 'heads of campus organizations.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the
Union the Parley will convene to'
draw up "A Program For Our Times."
Ralph Danhof of the sociology de-
partment was elected general chair-
man. He will preside at the general
sessions Friday afternoon and night
and Sunday morning at which 231
members of the faculty panel will'
be present.
Parley Chairmen
Each of the section chairmen will
preside at one of the seven simultan-
eous meetings Saturday afternoon
and night. The chairmen and the
sections which they will lead are:
Norman Sharfman, '38 BAd-Out
Economic System-hands off, patch-
work, or change? Fred Warner Neal,
'37-Our Political System-democ-
racy or dictatorship?; Robert
French of the economics depart-
ment-Our International Relations-
isolation or cooperation?
William Wilsnack, '37-Our Reli_
gion-mysticism, ecclesiaticism, or
ethics?; Mrs. Thelma Zwerdling, '37
-Our Social Life-freedom or re-
straint?; Harry Bethke, Grad.-Our
Art-beauty or persuasion ; and
Bernard Weissman, '39L-Our Col-
lege .Education-success or failure?
Meeting Tomorrow
The annual luncheon for the panel,
which precedes the Parley will be
held at the Union Thursday, Dan-
hof announced. A discussion of pro-
ceedure will be held and suggestions
for possible question called for, Dan-
hof said. He added that the lun-
cheon will allow the section chair-
men to meet the members of the
A meeting of the Parley executive
committee will be held tomorrow
night at the office of Prof. Robert
Angell in Haven Hall. A continua-
tions committee and several faculty
advisors will then be selected to pre-
parc next year's Parley.
Houses To Get
Prizes In Plan
Of Beautifying
The most attractive fraternity or
sorority premise the week of June 7
will be awarded a trophy in the more
attractive Ann Arbor competition,
which is attempting to beautify Ann
Arbor for the University Centennial,
it was announced yesterday.
The competition is being sponsored
by the Ann Arbor News and the Ann
Arbor Garden Club and has as its
purpose a more beautiful Ann Arbor
for the centennial.
Twenty-seven trophies will be given
by the News in 13 different classes
which includes besides the most at-
tractive sorority and fraternity
premises class, classes for the most
attractive large premises in the city,

the most attractive small premises in
the city, and the most attractive in-
dustrial premises.
Prof. Wells Bennett of the archi-
tecture school is in charge of the com-
mittee in charge, which includes
many faculty members.


Post Dispatch,
Gets Pulitzer
Prize For '36

Frost Is Winner
In Poetry Group
NEW YORK, May 3.-'P)-The St.
Louis Post Dispatch, the novel "Gone
With the Wind," and the play "You
Can't Take It With You" received
Pulitzer awards for excellence in
American journalism and letters to-
The committee, announcing the
awards at its annual banquet tonight,'
said the "disinterested and meritori-
ous public service" for which the Post
Dispatch was honored was the expo-
sure of wholesale registration frauds
in St. Louis.
* The prize for the best American
historical work went to Van Wycks
Brooks, for his "Flowering of New
Robert Frost Wins
The biography prize was given to
Allan Nevins, for his "Hamilton Fish,
the Inner History of the Grant Ad-
"Gone with the Wind" is Margaret
Mitchell's Civil War novel which has
set a record as a best seller and soon
will be made into a moving picture.
"You Can't Take It With You," is
a comedy of American life written by
Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman,
and now is playing to capacity houses
on Broadway.
The poetry award was given to
Robert Frost for his "A Further
The best newspaper cartoon, the
committee decided, was one by C. D.
Batchelor of the New York Daily
News, entited "Come on in, I'll Treat
you right. I used to know your dad-
6 Reporters Given Awards
The $500 award for distinguished
service a a foreign or Washington
Vorrespondent was voted to Anne
O'Hare McCormick, of the New York
Times, for her dispatches and fea-
ture articles from Europe in 1936.
The $1,000 award for a disti-
guished example of reporters' work
,during the year was shared, by five
reportes, John J. O'Neill, of the New
York Herald-Tribune; William L.-
Laurence of the New York Times;
Howard W. Blakeslee, of the Asso-
ciated Press; Gobind Beharillal, of
the Universal Service and David
Dietz, of the Scripps Howard news-
They were awarded the prize for
their coverage of the Harvard Ter-
centenary Celebration last year,
The $500 award for distinguished
editorial writing during the year went
to John W. Owens, editor of the Bal-
timore Sun.
Mayor Sadler
Sets May 14
ForTag Day
The annual Fresh Air Camp tag
day has been authorized for May 14,
Mayor Walter C. Sadler announced
A traditional institution in Ann Ar-
bor, the tag day is an event sponsored
each year by the Student Christian
Association on behalf of the Univer-
sity Fresh Air Camp.
Giving employment to thirty-five
students as counselors, the Fresh Air
Camp is an institution that has been
in operation for sixteen years. Dur-
ing that time it has given over 3,000
underprivileged boys summer vaca-
Fraternities, sororities and various
other campus organizations will co-
operate, it was announced.

With The Wind'
Wins; Kaufman
Gets Award

Plymouth Rocking;
Prefer March Wind
To MayPaint Coat
PLYMOUTH, Mass., May 3.-(P)-
Grim visaged selectmen tonight vot-
ed to request state aid in finding
the person or persons who painted
part of Plymouth Rock red last Sat-
urday-its first defacement by hu-
man hands in 300 years.
"They ought to get 20 years in
jail," one of the town fathers ejacu-
lated as he emerged from the meet-
Chairman James A. White an-
nounced he had received a telegram
signed "Phil Frankfield, State Sec-
retary, Communist Party" in which
that party "repudiated indignantly
irresponsible statements" that Com-
munists might have applied the
White said the selectmen would
not reply to the telegram, but would
turn it over to state officials, together
with any other matters pertaining
to defacement of the historic boulder
'on which, tradition has it, the Pil-
grims first set foot when they ar-.
rived at Plymouth in 1620.
A huge red smear covered the in-
scription "1620" on the rock. It
trickled into small cracks. Today
workmen, using paint remover and
turpentine, sought vainly to remove
the smudge. Instead, they spread'it.
Tomorrow, a town official said, a
state chemists wil lexamine the stain
and seek another method of removing,
Today, at Boston, Gov. Charles F.
Hurley ordered Paul G. Kirk, State
Commissioner of Public Safety, to
place the facilities of his department
at the disposal of Plymouth.
In addition to daubing the rock
with paint, the vandals shattered
an arc light which threw its rays di-
rectly on the historic shrine.
Coffee Shop
Closes; Charges
Men Unskilled
Manager States Competent
Help Not Available; SWF
Protests Claim
Henry Ford and General Motors
could not afford to do it, but when
the Coffee Shop at 339 Maynard
Street experienced labor trouble, Em-
ma Eede, proprietor, and D. M. Wil-
lets, manager, decided to have a real
"closed shop" and thus shut their
place of business up yesterday.
The Coffee Shop, however, did not
experience trouble with the help they
had. According to Mr. Willets, his
trouble was the fact that he could
not obtain any help whatsoever.
Blame President
The terse note which the manange-
ment - has put in the front window
of the closed store explains it all,
Mr. Willets stated. The note reads:
"Cannot acquire competent help.
Business has been good, we thank our
lovely patrons. No meal tickets un-
redeemed. Rent all paid up to date.
No unpaid bills. Blame it on Mr.
President. if you want to."
Mr. Willets explained the lack of
experienced help is the fault of the
I depression. He saystthat the experi-
enced workers were able to get jobs
during the depression, but that those
millions who should have been ap-
prenticed meanwhile were idle. Now
it is necessary to take in the inex-
perienced, he said, and our place just
could not get along with that type
of help.
"Everyone should be taught their
work, before they deserve full pay,"

Mr. Willets concluded.
SWF Will Help
However, Ralph Segalman, '37,.pub-
licity director ,for the Student Work-
ers' Federation, expressed surprise at
Mr. Willet's statement that he had
put a sign in his window for help
and had not received a single ap-
plication during a whole week.
Segalman said, "Mr. Willets has the
mistaken impression that skilled res-
taurant help is scarce in Ann Arbor.
A glance at the University Employ-
ment Offices' list will show how er-
roneous is his impression.
"The Student Workers Federation
will undertake to supply, free, of
charge, as many student employes as
he may require, all with previous res-
tourant experience."
Independents Plan
Union Dinner Today
A member of the Men's Council
will speak on student government at
a dinner meeting of the men's Inde-
pendent Society, 6:15 p.m. today in
the Union.
Committee chairmen will be chos-
en at the meeting, and suggestions for
d a niame considered, William 0.

Homer Martin
Asks Workers
To Stop Labor
Relations Bill
A.F. Of L. Plans To Break
CIO With Industrial
Unionization Drive
Film Strike Spreads
But Work Continues
DETROIT, May 3.-(P)-Homer
Martin, president of the United Au-
tomobile Workers of America, called
upon organized labor today today to
oppose enactment of Gov. Frank
Murphy's Labor Relations Bill.
The Governor, explaining that his
measure was offered "not with the
thought that it was complete, but
that it might form the basis for
study," said he planned to confer
with representatives of the UAWA
and the Detroit and Wayne County
Federation of Labor tomorrow and
His proposed bill would establish a
State Mediation board; would. pro-
hibit strikes ol' walkouts until that
board had exhausted all possibilities
of mediation, and would empower the
Governor to place state police in
control of industrial plants in the
event of a labor dispute serious
enough to constitute an emergency.
Right To Strike Periled
Martin, describing the bill as "a
vicious piece of legislation, highly in-
imical to the interests of the working
people of the state," directed his pri
cipal criticism at the limitation of
the right to strike.
"Without having before us a copy
of the bill," he said, "We are unable
to provide a complete analysis of it.
It is obvious, however, that it con-
tains certains provisions which are
aimed at the right to strike.
WASHINGTON, May 3. -(s) -
American Federation of Labor leaders
expect to move into the mass pro-
duction industries this summer with
an industrial unionization campaign
intended to break John L. Lewis'
Committe for Industrial Organiza-
Their program, well-informed per-
sons said today, calls for the organi-
zation of all the workers in each large
mass production industry into one big
union on the CIO plan.
The workers so organized, however,'
would be divided among craft unions
after an indefinite period. Collective
bargaining eventually would be car-
ried on by shop councils of craft
union representatives.
' Labor observers said Federation
leaders will submit the program to
representatives of the Federation's
106 unions when they meet May 24
in Cincinnati: to arrange a new large-
scale membership drive.
HOLLYWDOD, Calif., May 3.-(F)
-The strike of film industry crafts-
men and laborers spread today, but
movie making went on and the full
effect on production activities could
not be determined definitely.
A statement on behalf of studio ex-
ecutives from their labor conciliator,
Pat Casey, said "all regular activi-
ties are being continued as usual."
Publicity committeemen on FMPC
headquarters declared about 6,000
workers are on strike. They said the
pickets will number up to 5,000 count-
ing three to six hour shifts working 24
hours a day.
MIPA To Meet

May 13,14,15;
368 Expected
More than 330 delegates and 38
teachers, from 33 different high
1 schools throughout the State, have
already registered for the annual
Michigan Interscholastic Press Asso-
ciation convention to be held here
May 13, 14 and 15, according to Prof.
John L. Brumm, chairman of the
journalism department.
Thursday evening, Professor
Brumm will welcome the group at a
reception at the League. Friday morn-
ing, Arthur Player, former editor of.
foreign news for the Detroit News
and now writer for the BoothrSyn-
dicate, 'will talk on the "Writer and
His Public."
At 2 p.m., Prof. Thomas Knott of
the English department, director of
the Middle English Dictionary, will
speak. In the evening the Rev. Dr.
Merton S. Rice of the Metropolitan
Episcopal Church, Detroit, will talk
2 at a banquet.
Friday and Saturday, according to
Professor Brumm, there will be 25
round table discussion groups -which
wi1 ll nbi i.rankrt~f~.qr, n Arsr vril

Seeking to prove -that democracy er win a Hopwood Award and
can work, 11 United States Senators chairman of the committee on social
and 32 Representatives issued a call and'racial equality, will present to
yesterday to the youth of the nation the nembers for their approval a
to elect "Senators" and "Represen- plan for the activities of his commit-
tatives" to a Model Congress of the1 tee.
United States to be held in Mil- Earle B. Luby, '38, chairman of the
waukee, July 2 to 5. security committee, will present a re-
According to the 75 youth leaders port of the meeting of his commit-
who signed the call the purpose of tee last night at which plans for co-
the Model Congress is "to give the operative eating and rooming places,
nation's youth an opportunity to con- cooperative bookstores, dormitories
sider its mutual problems, seek its and aid to student labor were dis-
own solutions, and strengthen the co- cussed.
operative efforts among organizations At the last meeting the group voted
of youth and organizations serving to affiliate with the national Ameri-
youth." can Student Union, known as the
The "Senate," according to Wil- ASU, and elected as president Mar-
liam W. Hinckley, chairman of the shall D. Shulman, '37, associata edi-
national council of the American (Continued on Pane 6)
Youth Congress which is handling __ontnue__nPage__
arrangements for the Milwaukee
Congress, will consist of representa- Slater's Trial
tives of national youth organizations
or of agencies serving youth, each of W ill,
which is entitled to four "Senators." TDday
Local youth groups will be able to'
send one "Representative" for each Before Payne
group of 50 members or "any frac-
tion thereof." Mr Hinckley said that,
there would be six joint committees Myron E. Slater will go on trial
from both houses to hold hearings on at 2 p.m. today in the court of Justice
major problems confronting youth. Jay H. Payne for disorderly conduct
The committees, he announced, would in connection with the picketing April
ha D crnifl . Thfiialfllflrati.- T Lib r-

Trailer Solves Room Problem
Here For Public Health Student

ne on AgricuiLure, AJ cau , ra c er-
ties, Education, Labor, Peace and
Recreation and Leisure Time. 1
Among the sponsors are Rep. Paul,
Shafer of Michigan, Rep. Charles J.1
Kvale of Minesota, Sen. Arthur Cap-I
per of Kansas, Sen. Dennis Chavez of
New Mexico, Sen. Robert M. La-
Follete, Jr., Wisconsin, Sen. Marvel'
M. Logan of Kentucky, Jeremiah T.
Mahoney, President of the Amateur
Athletic Union, Russell C. MacFall,
Secretary, National Interfraternity

9 of the Ann Arbor Recreation Cen-
ter, 605 E. Huron St.
Mr. Slater was charged with using
indecent language ina warrant sworn
out by April 22 by Robert C. B. Camp-
bell, Grad., a former Hopwood prize
Mr. Slater will be defended by
Frank B. DeVine, and City Attorneyl
William Laird will represent the city.
He will be tried before a jury.
He is charged with using indecent
language at the picketing at which
students of the University, one of
them a reporter for The Daily, a

Although a trailer is not a battle
ship, a former chief petty officer of
the U. S. Navy, now a student in pub-
lic health here, makes his berth in
one next door to the Student Publi-
cations Building.
Taking leave from the Navy after
16 years of active service in the sub-
marine and aircraft corps, John
Wunderlich, Spec., transfered to in-
active duty in 1932 to travel around
the United States, finally enrolling
in the University to prepare himself'
for public health work.
He estimated that his "rent" and
light cost him $4.50 a month. He'
said other expenses amounted to

easily adapted to any emergencies,"
Wunderlich said, citing the recent
flood as an example. "I just fastened
my home to a car and drove down
there," he stated. "After helping,
with the refugees at Middlesport, O.,
I moved on to Portsmouth. .'You
can move your entire belongings to
a spot which is high and dry."
Because the trailer has been such
a success during his four months
course in the University, Wunderlich
expressed the desire to take his trail-
er with him when he returns to Hon-
olulu, "the paradise of the Pacific"
where he spent four years while in
the service. "It would be perfect,"
he explained, "Hawaii is a beautiful
islandi and one rcan move around sol

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