THE MICHIGAN DAILY SaUNAY, MAY 2, 1937 _________________________ U m 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY I Battle Of Right And Left Shakes Mneapolis Farmer-Labor Party -Trotsky Group Sheds Light On Russian Question By Joining Conservatives I_ - Edited and managed by students of the University of Micigan under the authozity of the Board in Control of * tudent Publications. published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively ,entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.,, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as 'seobnd-class mail matter. SSubscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 IIEPRENTD F ORNATIONAL ADVERTISING UY 'National Advertising Service, Ii. College Publishers Rpreseugagive 420 MADisoN Ave. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOs ANGELES PORTLAND . SEATrLE AAGBoard of Editors MIANAG3INGf EDITOR ...........ELSIE A. IERCE UDITORIAL DIRECTOR......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton, Irving Silverman, William Spallet, Tuure Tenander, ''Robert Weeks. BPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; P'ed Delano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodmsaf, Carl G.erstacker. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen rDouglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty ;trickroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ................JOHN R. DARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BAR'DT W1OMEN'S BUSINESS MASNAG}ER ...JEAN KEI ~TH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries. Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion ,eater L.°Adasko, Q: Lehman, Betsy Croword,:etty Davy. Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsyd Baxter, Jean- Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, 'Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, 'Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers. .1.Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; on J. " Wilshxer Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service M2anager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- s flied Advertising Manager.- NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER. -° The Dorm's Challenge To The Fraternty.. '.ORK on the dormitory project has W increased the amount of specula- tion on the question: Is the fraternity in its present state worth the extra expense for what seems to be dubious educational and social re- turt -.Inorder to strengthen the fraternity's ed- ;lV~i; itiol indefense of this question ef- rhave been made on many campuses to riake 'fraternities keep up with the colleges in edu- tioInal progress. One measure introuced hre d'tly would require fraternities to havea . p1astic average above the all men's average iefo're they would receive permission to have freshmen'live in the house the second semester. 'uiaortuxnately, fraternity men have reacted to ee measures half-heartedly. "I'he 'fraternity was one of the last places ; to ee the effects of the depression and is still clinging to the "mad, glad' 1920's. Fraternities apparently have not realized that boys come to .cdllege today in a spirit rather different from the' blithe conventionality of the roaring 20's. Oolleges have been more discerning of this shift- ing attitude among undergraduates and have iatered to 'it by providing an intellectual atmo- sphere, simply by building new educational edi- fices of their own: dormitories, quadrangles, and house plans often under tutorial supervision. When tutors are provided in dormitories, edu- cation becomes a more pervasive factor in the student's life, bringing an improvement in stu- sent-faculty relationships.. It might be asked if this attempt to make edueation go beyond the classroom will have any o ni the fraternity. In answer to this IJo- ';Bartlett, Grad., resident 'advisor fi' the r chapter of Chi Psi fraternity, recently . Fraternities .sowly, pitiably slowly, are k ig' that they are ideally' 'suited to the e'r Education. They are ideal units in tie &hh1eme of personalized education, if they will but take the trouble to equip themselves for it." ,The equipment that he suggests is the resident adviser, whom he describes as a graduate stu- dent in residence at the chapter, whose purpose is inspirational and whose duties are to provide a link between faculty and fraternity, actives and alumni, to improve scholarship and to act as counsellor in problems of the chapter. He' asks, "Can't" we have a resident fellow in a fraternity house with the same objective as the resident fellow in a quadrangle?" 'The University has answered this question un- equivocally. Its answer is taken from a letter from the Dean of Students office, addressed to graduate students qualified to serve as student advisers: "Upon the recommendation of this office, the Regents of the 'University of Michigan have approved a request made by a committee of the National Fraternity Secretaries Associa- tion to the effect that the University, will offer free tuition to preceptors or (resident) advisers for fraternities desiring to use 'them. "This plan as approved provides that the Uni- versty will give fre etuition in the Gradunte By RICHARD M. SCAMMON Some weeks ago the Nation published two ar- ticles by Charles R. Walker on the Farmer-Labor party of Minnesota and the problems incident to its growth and present position of power. The Daily commented editorially on these articles on March 26, pointing out that Mr. Walker pre- sented a picture of the Minnesota Farmer- Labor organization which was hardly encourag- ing to intellectual radicals but which was nearer to the truth than their own dreams of the Amer- ican Front Populaire. It is interesting, in view of the comments of the Daily editorial and of the original articles themselves, to consider a new crisis which has developed in the party since Mr. Walker wrote his impressions of it. This spring, elections will be held in the city of Minneapolis for various municipal officers, in- cluding a mayor, aldermen, and various others. These elections, while presumably held "without party designation" as in Detroit, Milwaukee and many other cities, are actually, because of the practice of the Farmer-Laborites in "endorsing" a slate of candidates, almost as partisan as elec- tions conducted under the more common prac- tice of printing a candidate's party affiliation on the ballot. Naturally enough, with the Far- mer-Labor party and its miscellaneous trade union and quasi-liberal allies supporting a ticket in the elections, the conservative elements in the Republican and Democratic organizations mobilize behind the anti-radical candidates and a straight liberal-conservative contest is thus ensured. At the last city elections, held in 1935, the Farmer-Labor "endorsees" were largely suc- cessful, their candidate for Mayor, Thomas E. Latimer, being elected by a large majority over his conservative opponent, and the liberal groups gaining a small majority on the City Council. These elections were marked by a ftrong Farmer- Labor campaign, for the Leftists remembered only too well the way the conservative Mayor "Buzz" Bainbridge handled the truck drivers' strikes in 1934. As soon as he was elected, the new Mayor gave evidence of a change of heart and he, an ex- Socialist party official, used the police as dras- tically against'strikers as his predecessor, in one case personally leading a group of strike-breakers through the picket lines. In the Flour City Iron Works strike, in the fall of 1935; three months after Latimer's election, clashes between strikers and police led to the killing of several bystanders, including two children. Whether justified or not, these actions of Mayor Latimer caused tremen- dous resentment among the Farmer-Labor forces which elected him, and demands were made for his expulsion from the party. His friends, how- ever, managed to delay any formal expulsion moves until the storm had quieted down and the less militant elements were in control. BY MARCH of this year, however, the situation had entirely changed, for in October, 1935, the Communist movement had decided to aban- don its previous attitude of uncompromising oppositiop to reformist and liberal political parties. As a result of this change in the Com- munist "line," the French Communist party joined in the formation, with the Socialist party of Leon Blum and various liberal elements, of the "Front Populaire" government. In Great Britain, the Communist party endeavored to gain admittance to the ranks of the Labor Party, and, failing in this attempt, gave its support none- the-less to the Laborites in the British general elections of November, 1935. In America the Communists have ceased their attacks on those persons known to Communist literature as "social fascists," that is, liberals and other reformers refusing to following the old Communist tech- niques. In Minnesota, the Communists, who for over a decade had run candidates against the Farmer-Labor nominees and had bitterly at- tacked the heads of the third party movement as "misleaders of the working class," joined the Farmer-Labor 'Association and proceeded to "bore from within." The Farmer-Labor Associa- tion, it should be explained, is a dues-paying organization formed of township and ward clubs throughout Minnesota and having, in all, around twenty thousand members, composing the rank- and-file backbone of the movement. The Com- munists, well-trained in organization, strategy, and the other fundamentals of political battle, soot gained positions of considerable strength in the third-party clubs and retain that strength now, particularly in Minneapolis. In the elec- tions of November, 1936, the Communists did not run candidates of their own for state offices, but supported the whole Farmer-Labor ticket and campaigned vigorously for it. When the city convention of the Farmer-Labor Association of Minneapolis and its allies was held March 1, 1937, the Communists, al- though not, by themselves, in a majority, joined with the left-wing of the Association to control the convention. The more conservative elements, who were supporting Mayor Latimer for re-en- dorsement as the Farmer-Labor candidate for Mayor in the spring elections, bolted the conven- tion and organized a "rump" group. The regular convention, which had taken no official action on the nomination of a candidate for Mayor, then adopted Kenneth Haycraft, the Director of the Psi and Phi Kappa Tau, but Dean Bursley agrees that more houses should use this opportunity. Prof. Robert P. Briggs, fraternity financial ad- viser, said of the plan that he knew of no fra- ternity that could not afford to adopt it and not one that would not be more than paid back for State Old-Age Pension Administration, as its candidate, and named a ticket of aspirants to run with him for the various minor offices open. The Latimer "rump" convention roundly at- tacked the influence of the Communists, assert- ing that Communism was the issue and that Mayor Latimer must be re-elected to demon- strate the fundamental "Americanism" of the Farmer-Labor movement. . Of all the attacks upon the Communists, the most vigorous was delivered by Miles Dunne, a leader of the Truck Drivers' union and a well-known Trotskyite and Socialist party leader. In his attack he w supported by other Trotskyites and by the Min- neapolis local of the Socialist party, which is under the control of the Trotskyite group. HERE THEN was a great paradox. Presum- ably the Trotskyites, organized in the Com- munist League of America, the Workers' Party, and, most recently, in the Socialist Party, were the most militant of the militant, the ultra- ultra radicals, yet they were supporting a red- baiting move against the Farmer-Labor party and in favor of a candidate for Mayor whom a year previously they had denounced as a traitor to labor, a man whom they had claimed they would never support for re-election. In their activities they aligned themselves with the most conservative of the A.F. of L. leaders, with men they had termed "labor racketeers," with groups they had accused of being under the control of the liquor-dealers and brewery interests, and, above all, with the Right in a Left-Right fac- tional struggle. How can the attitude of the Trotsky group be explained? To many observers in Minnesota it is inexplainable save in Russian terms, and, if their "Russian" explanation is correct, it certainly sheds considerable light on the guilt of Trotsky himself as far as his dealings with Germany and Japan are concerned. These observers hold that the split, not only in Russia, but throughout the world, between Trotskyism and the control- ling forces in the official Communist party, domi- nated by Stalin, is so complete that the Trotsky- ites will ally themselves with anyone, no matter how reactionary, if they feel that by so doing they will hamper or defeat the policy of the Stalinists. It is significant to note that the at- tacks of the Trotskyites on the Farmer-Labor organization in Minnesota a re not directed against Communist control but against Stalinist control. Thus the Trotskyite leaders refer to the leaders of the regular organization, not as "Communists," but as "Stalinist stooges." If we may assume that this explanation is correct, then we may also assume that the Trotskyites, if sin- cere, have entered into this "rump" coalition with the idea of eventually controlling it. If so, however, they are faced with an almost impos- sible task, for the split in Minneapolis, with some exceptions, has placed the radicals and militants behind the Haycraft faction and has left only conservative Farmer-Laborites in the Latimer group. Thus the Trotskyites have brought them- selves to the task of converting, not radicals who half-agree with them, but conservatives who are opposed to any form of Communist influence, no matter what its designation. Since the party split in March, the campaign has been carried .on with a view to the primary elections of May 10 and the bitterness of the split has grown as the campaign has progressed. The conservative faction's leaders have refused mediation of the dispute, trusting to Mayor Lat- imer's personal following to get him nominated, and are continuing the attack on the "reds." The Haycraft group, in control of the official ma- chinery of the Association, have taken steps to expel the conservative leaders, have sought legal means to prevent the insurgents from using the name "Farmer-Labor," and are con- tinuing their attack against Latimer as a "be- trayer" of the workers and a tool of the em- ployers. Efforts of state leaders to repair the schism have proven fruitless and apparently the party will go into the primaries completely disor- ganized. So far the regulars seem to have con- siderable support from the local ward organiza- tions and from some of the trade unions, par- ticularly those affiliated with the CIO, while the Latimer support comes primarily from the right- wing Farmer-Laborites, the conservative trade unionists, and from the "open-town" interests who fear a change of administration may ruin their business. THIS CONFLICT within the Farmer-Labor movement has assumed the outward charac- teristics of a Left-Right factional war, but it must be interpreted in the light of the Stalinist- Trotskyite dispute, for the Trotskyites, in para- doxically aligning themselves with their sup- posed conservative opponents, have carried the Jesuitical approach to politics to its logical ex- treme. Their tactics seem almost impossible of success, for even if their faction wins against the regular Left-wing group, they have little chance to convert their natural conservative enemies to their own viewpoint of world revo- lution and Left Communism. No matter how fantastic the Trotskyite plan may seem, it is the logical result of the intellectual reaction to poli- tics which carries the scope of activity to any field necessary to victory. In this example may be seen the possibility that Trotsky did in fact agree to give the Ukraine to Germany in re- turn for German aid in upsetting the Stalinist regime. The possibilities of factionalism in the state Farmer-Labor party, due to the factionalism in Minneapolis, which represents one-fifth of the te' vn'e ir a n ne-quarter of the Farmer.. RADIO By TUURE TENANDER LAWRENCE TIBBETT, baritone, and Helen Jepson, soprano, will be the guests on tonight's General Mo- tors concert. The 16-voicemale choir will also contribute to the program, which will be under the direction of Erno Rapee. The Greenfield Village1 Chorus will be featured on the Ford broadcast an hour later. Jack Benny will celebrate his fifth1 year on the radio tonight with an encore presentation of one of the dramas that have been given by his company during his successful stay on the networks. Just what the play will be remains unknown, but Radio Guide announces that "Ah, Wilder- ness" has received most votes from the listeners with "Emperor Jones" and "Why Girls Leave Home" fol- lowing. These tabulations are incom-. plete, however, and may have been altered by further balloting. * * * The Kentucky Derby is coming in for muchhattention from the radio during this week. All during ther week, NBC is planning to carry va- rious afternoon programs from Churchhill Downs and nearby spots which will be replete with the Derby Day background. The race itself will be on NBC-WXYZ at 5:15 p.m. next Saturday with Clem McCarthy at the microphone. We expect that Bryan Field, who is the dean of them all, will be at the track on behalf of Mu- tual. According to our promise some time ago, in view of our past failure to pick any horse that finished in the first 10 in any race, we are not an- nouncing any predictions in this col- umn. (Of course we have ideas-.) ' * * * jUTUAL has scheduled to broad- cast the coronation next week on a grand scale, giving over eight hours (Continued from Page 2) DAILY OFFICIAL BULIETIN Fublication in the Bulletin Is construc tie notice to a wmna wa t tAvuQ y. I R .o.i, Me attae d . bstt year urge tend of time to the description of various parts of the ceremony that will of- ficially make the Duke of York George VI. The network will start in at 4 a.m. and will be on the air contin-1 uously until 9:30 a.m., on again in the afternoon, and will finish off in the evening with a transcription of1 the new king's address. (THE SCREEN ' The King And The Chorus Girl Although it tries very hard, and possibly for that precise reason, this new Warners' Brothers vehicle just can't quite seem to get on the trol- I ley, It is funny enough in places, but the humour seems to be mostly extra-curricular; the writers and di- rector have been unable to fully util- ize the possibilities of their idea, which is really almost as original as a original as a motion picture idea ever is. Fernand Gravet rmakes a capivat- ing ex-monarch in Paris, and with a little more assistance from the tech- nical staff would have had no. diffi-; culty in placing his first starring pic- ture among the best of the year, espi- cially with Joan Blondell playing op- posite. Miss Blondell plays the part of (guess) a chorus girl in the Folies Bergeres. His ex-Majesty Gravet drops in for a rest from his brandy bottle, and spotting Joan directly off the bat,; has her invited to supper. Right here the plot takes a running jump for familiar cover; Gravet's two faith- ful retainers, Edward Everett Hor-. ton and Mary Nash, anxious to snap their master out of the lethargy into which he has fallen, urge Joan to "resist," just to give the king some-I thing to occupy his mind. Needless to say, what started out as an in- trigue ends up, after numerous mis- understandings, with everybody in the cast tired but happy -J.G. to hold the various groups together, there is a good possibility that the Right and. Left will soon pat com- pany. In this split lies one of the funda - mental difficulties of a national Far- mer-Labor movement-the satisfac- tion of the reformers and of the rev- olutionaries and, above all, the hold- ing-together of groups, which, apply- ing the Jesuitical principle to politics, it is virtually impossible to hold to- gether. * * NOTE: Since this article was pre- pared, the time for filing for city offices in the primary election has closed, and, in a last-minute develop- ment, Vincent R. Dunne, Socialist' candidate for Secretary-of-State in 1936, Trotskyite and Truck Drivers' Union leader, filed for Mayor as a Socialist candidate. It is difficult to interpret this new political move save as an effort by the Trotsky group, realizing the dangerous position in which they had placed themselves and the whole Socialist movement, to "save-face" by running their own candidate. By this move they remove from, themselves the onus of supporting a, conservative and right-wing candi- date while at the same time they do will be held on Sunday. all members of the club to this meeting. We at- Pop Concert: The third in the series of pop-concerts will be held at the Hillel Foundation today at 2:30 p.m. The Franck D minor symphony will be presented.c Hillel Foundation: A student sym- posium led by Ronald Freedman will be held today at 8 p.m. Varsity Glee Club: There will be a full rehearsal this afternoon at the Glee Club Rooms in the Union at 4:30 p.m. All those men expecting to sing in the May Festival are ex-1 pected to be there.1 Coming Events ' Faculty, School of Education: The regular monthly luncheon meeting of the Faculty will be held on Mon-l day, May 3, at 12 o'clock, Michigan Union. Economics Club: Mr. Robert R. Horner of the Economics Department will speak to the club on "Urban Milk Distribution Costs" at 7:45 p.m. in Room 305 of the Union on Mon- day, May 3. Members of the staffs in Economics and Business Administra-' tion, and graduate students in these departments, are cordially invited. Junior Research Club: The May meeting will be held on Tuesday eve- ning, May 4, 7:30 p.m. in Room 2083 N.S. Bldg. Program: The Work of the Insti-' tute of Fisheries Research, by Dr. A. S. Hazzard, of the Museum. Soaring Flight, by Dr. Rudolph L. Thoren, Dept. of Aeronautical En- gineering. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting_ will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.' in the Founders' Room of the Michi- gan Union. All faculty members in- terested in Speaking German are cor- dially invited. There will be an in- formal 10-minute talk by Prof. Hanns Pick. Motion Pictures, Department of Astronomy: On Monday, May 3,. at 8 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditor- ium, there will be shown motion pic- tures of phenomena connected with the moon and sun, photographed at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory of the University of Michigan. Although this showing of the films is primarily intended for students in astronomy courses, the public is cordially invited to attend. Adelphi House of Representatives meets Tuesday evening. at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi Room in Angell Hall. Election of the honor award winner will be made at that time. Nomina- tion of officers will be in order for this meeting. The meeting is an import- ant one. All members are especially urged to attend. Sigma Xi: The Annual Banquet and Initiation will be held' Wednes- day, May 5,' at 6:30 pm., at the Michigan Union. Prof. Jesse Ormon- droyd will speak on' "The Two Hun- dred Inch Telescope Mounting." Tickets may be obtained at the door. Contemporary: .There will be a meeting of the entire staff, except for the editorial board, on Monday, May 3, at 4 p.m. in the Publications building. Trybuts will be held at' 4:30 p.m. to fll vacant business staff positions. Initiation Banquet, Phi Beta Kap- pa: The Annual Initiation Banquet of the Michigan Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will be held at 6:3 p.m., Sat- urday, May 8, at the Michigan League. Judge Florence Allen of the United States Circuit Court of Ap- peals will deliver the principal ad- dress. An attempt has been made to reach all members who have expressed. their 'wish to receive notices. If this has failed, reservations and can- cellations can be made through the office of the Secretary, 3233 Angell Hall up to the evening of May 6. All members of Phi Beta Kappa are wel- come. Orma F, Butler. Phi Beta Kappa Initiation: The In-. itiation service for the -newly elected members of Phi Beta Kappa will be held at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, May 7 in the League Chapel. Notices to the new members are now in the mail. Orma F. Butler. Peace Movies: "Drums of Doom," a seven-reel sound picture, will be shown at 4:1i5 p.m. Wednesday and 8 p.m. Thursday, in Natural Science Auditorium. Alternating with these, at 8 p.m. Wednesday and 4:15 p.m. Thursday, will be a program of short subjects, "A Zeppelin Raid on Lon- don," "New York's Peace Parade," '"The League of Nations," an edition Michigan Dames will hold their an- Wual banquet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday evening, May 4, at the Michigan League. All reservations must be in by Sunday night, May 2. Please call Mrs. Jerald DeWeerd at 22403. Churches Stalker Hal, 9:45 a.m. Student class led by Prof. George Carrothers on "Sources of True Happiness." 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting. Installation of new council officers. Fellowship hour and supper follow- ing the meeting. First Methodist Church, Morning worship at 10:30 a.m. Dr. Edmund D. Soper, president of Ohio Wesleyan University will preach on "Ourselves and the Future." This is Education Day. First Presbyterian Church, meeting at the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave. "Meaning of Life" is the topic upon which Dr. Lemon will preach at the morning worship service at 10:45 a.m. Music by the student choir and double quartette. In the evening at the meeting of the Westminster Guild, student group, there will be a symposium on "Vocations-My Choice and Way." The supper and social hour is at 5:30 p.m., followed by the meeting at 6:30 p.m. First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m, morning worship. Sermon by Rev. R. Edward Sayles, minister of church, on "The Fruits of Religion." The churcheschool at 9:30 a.m. The High School young people at 5:30 p.m., in church parlors, Dr. R. G. White, leader. Roger Williams Guild, 12 noon, Student class in Guild House, Mr. Chapman. 4:15 p.m. A play will be given in the church parlors by the dramatic group. 6:15 p.m. Stu- dent forum in the Guild House. The speaker will be Rev. -R. E. Sayls, giving a review of Dr. Shailer Ma- thews' autobiography. First Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m., service of worship. Sermon by Rev. William H. Walker of Detroit. His subject will be "The Prophet Who Distanced the Charg- ers." The Choir will present special music by the Finnish-American com- poser, Marrti Nisonen. 4:30 p.m., Student Fellowship out- ing. The group will meet at Pilgrim Hall at 4:30 p.m. and have a picnic supper followed by a devotional serv- ice. . Harris Hall: There will be a stu- dent meeting in Harris Hall at 7 p.m., Sunday, May 2, 1937. Prof. William H. Worrell will speak on "Types of Religion in the Near East" All Episcopal students and their friends are 'cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday, May 2, are: 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11' a.m., Kindergar- ten, 11 a.m., Holy Communion and sermon by' The Rev. Frederick W. Leech. On Thursday, May 6, As- cension Day, there will be a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church: All stu- dents and their friends are invited to attend devotional services at 10:30 a.m., Sunday. The theme for the day is "Is Chris- tianity Practical?" Trinity Church is located at E. Williams and Fifth Ave. Zion Lutheran Church: Devotional services are held at 9:30 a.m. in Ger- man and 10:30 a.m. in English. Everyone is invited to attend these services held in the church on East Washington and Fifth Avenues. Unitarian Church, 11 a.m. Sun- day morning. Mr. Marley will speak on "Let Hu- manity Sing." 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union. Dr. C. C. Probert of Flint will speak on "The General Motors Strike." 9 p.m., Social Hour. First Church of Christ Scientist: 409 So. Division St. Morning service at 10:30 a.m. Subject: Everlasting Punishment. Golden Text, Proverbs 13:21. Sunday school, 11:45 a.m., after the morning service. Church of Christ, Disciples: 10:45 a.m., morning worship. Rev Fred Cowin, "preacher. 12 noon, Stu- dents' Bible Class. H. L. Pickerill, leader. Disciple Students Guild: 5:30 p.m. tea and social hour. 6:30 p.m.,' Forum. Topic, "The Work of the Federal Council of