Engineers Charge Lit Students
Display Pansy-Like Behavior
Whether Women Prefer state, while Adelphia brought out let-
Engineers Over Literary ters from different campus sororities.
ng ee Or LTerary The engineers quoted a question-
eves Addresses 1 Faster Planes
14th C onvocation'
4 _ c_ Are Predicted
(Continued from Page 1) ru, -u-uT 1y
(Continued from Page 4)
on "Sources of True Happiness."
p.m., Sunday,. May 2, 19J37. Prof.
William H. Worrell will speak on
"Types of Religion in the Near East."
All Episcopal students and thcir
friends are cordially invit;ed.,
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday, May 2,
! .1 . .'. Wrighlt
tellectual life." The key of today,'
he said, is no longer that but a "badge
of recorded and advertised achieve-
en elnains Unsolved naire which they had recently cir- ment, a symbol rather of what has
Students; Phi Kappa Phi _____been done than of planning what is
S U~ezls 114 Before a crowd of approximatelyculated on campus asking for the toeome.
'- selects 114 Before a crowd of approximately feminine angle on the question. Ac- m
d60 persons, an assortment of dogs, sWhen one nvw and then is con-
(Cotinedfro Pge ) nd hrridl pantd sgn "tiscording to statistics, they claimed, the fronted by the truly successful big
' debate is unfair to our wind tunnel," engineers unsatisfactory dates, also thefl-
garet E. Goodrich, Elsie A. Pierce, and .engsinsersatmisfctoryo dtesalsing that one is meeting a walking
Thelma E. C. Zwerdling, all of Ann signed the Aeronautical engineers, sa sh date ce t men a fact bunch of keys, keys perhaps to lock
Arbor; David H. Swann, Alpena; Vol- :Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engineer fwhich they claimed showed why she rather than to unlock an accumu-
airine E. Hirsch, Bay City; Adele M.,ing society, defended its laurels yes- ocial activities.rary colegeforher lated store," Professor Reeves said.
Gardner, Clarkston; Mary M. Dug-.terday afternoon against Adelphi, One enthusiast claimed that the Speaking of the proper function of
fan, Samuel Kaplan, Gretchen C. honorary forensic society of the other engineersproveda very satisfactory the honor society, Professor Reevs
Lehman, Marie E. Mette, Benjamin. said that it should be the symbol of
Pecherer, Willis Player and David side of the campus on the moot ques- date "because he sure knows his fig- the "unlocking of the intellectual;
Rosenbaum, all of Detroit. tion, "Resolved that engineers out- ures." treasure house."
Evelyn Ehrlichman, Ferndale, Mar- date lits." Engineers Miss Aesthetic Side He told his audience that "scholar-
ilyn A. Gittlen and C. J. D. Zara- Sigma Rho Tau opened the debate Adelphia, however, claimed that ship, like virtue, is to a large extent
fonetic, Grand Rapids; Virginia C. by referring to the students of the thetengineers missed the more aes- its own reward."
'literary college as "individuals with thetic side of life when they re- 'TeUiest a he uc
Dahlem and Mary L. Goldsmith, petticoat fever" in contrast to the ferred to a French curve as something tIons," Professor Reeves said. "One
Jackson; Marguerite'Knab, LaSalle; engineers who lived, he claimed, in to draw blueprints with and had toitopePrvessowlede, ado e
Jacob L. Chason and William B. Wil- "slide ruled h rmony." study too much to have tin& for is to preserve knowledge, another to
son, Monroe; Marion Donaldson, spread knowledge, and the third to
s onac ; W ris ortlHu- Resort To Date Bureau dates. They also brought out the sdvandeknowledger
Pontiac; Wesley W. Purkiss, Port Hu- They went on to point out that point that the women must prefer advance knowledge."
on; Anne M. Macintyre, St. Clair; the students in the L.S. and A. divi- the literary college as there were sev- "There is no royal road to learn-
J. ang, WyadoTraunick;Henrysion had found it necessary to resort eral thousand of them registered bin, he sa because study has ever
J a , a t+h, ~ ~ om rsn t the thr been labor and ever will be and the
D c*Cs r6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.e
Director Of Curtiss wright':~.Hi omno;93
. Installation of new council officers. 8 a.n., Holy Communion; 9:30 am..
Speaks At Aeroiiautical Fellowship hour and supper follow- Church School; 11 a.m., Kindergar-
Inng the meeting. ten, 11 a.m., Holy Communion and
Institute In Union iesermon by The Rev. Frederick W.
Leech. On Thursday, May 6, As-
Reviewing the development of avi- First ethodist Church, Morning cension Day, there will be a celebra-
ation T. P. Wright, director of th j worship at 10:30 am Dr. Edmund tion of the Holy Communion at 8
Curtis Wright Aircraft Coa, foresaw D. Soper, president of Ohio Wesleyan I a z.
great strides forward for the indus- University will preach on "Ourselves __m
try in the future in an address be- and the Future." This is Education
fore the first annual banquet of the Day. Trinity Lutheran Church: All stu-
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences dents and their friends are invited
Thursday night at the Union. j First Presbyterian Church, meeting to attend devotional services at 10:30
Siat the Masonic Temple, 327 South a.m., Sunday.
tance of airplanes, Wright declared Fourth Ave. The theme for the day is "Is Chris-
and because speed is available at a "Meaning of Life" is the topic upon tianity Practical?" Trinity Church is
decaus sted air transporat rest: which Dr. Lemon will preach at the located at E. Williams and Fifth Ave.
decreasing cost airb transport rests ,onn osi evc t1:5am
on a firm economic base, morning worship service at 10:;45 a.m. ,
n"Werm can mafelypredict," hecon- Music by the student choir and Zion Lutheran Church: Devotional
"ued, "an fe pret," he con- double quartette. services are held at 9:30 a.m. in Ger-
tinued, "that in ive years, if we use
the engineering knowledge that ve In the evening at the meeting of man and 10:30 a.m. in English.
now have, the average speed of trans- the Westminster Guild, student Everyone is invited to attend these
port ships will be in the vicinity of group, there will be .a symposium on services held in the church on East
300 miles an hour," Principal rea- "Vocations-My Choice and Way." Washington and Fifth Avenues.
son for this speed, he said, will be The supper and social hour is at 5:30
high altitude flying and more effi- p.m., followed by the meeting at 6:30 Unitarian Church, '11 a.m. Sun-
cient plane construction. p.m. day morning.
Preceding Wright's speech the i Mr. Marley will speak on "Let Hu-
Michiganchapter of the Institute First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m., inanity Sing.
of the Aeronautical Sciences in- morning worship. Sermon by Rev. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union.
stalled its officers for 1937, The R. Edward Sayles, minister of church, Dr. C. C. Probert of Flint will speak
new chairman is Jere Farrah, '38E, on "The Fruits of Religion."' The on "The General Motors Strike."
other officers are John Reeder, '38E, church school at "9:30 a.m. The 9 p.m., Social Hour.
secretary and Jack Kasley, '37E, En-- High School young people at 5:30
gineering Council Representative. p.m., in church parlors, Dr. R. G. First Church of Christ Scientist:
White, ladr
We who build these planes have a leader. 409 So. Division St.
responsibility to civilzation, said ' Mornin gservice at 10:30 a.m.
Wright, for there proper use. "We Roger Williams Guild, 12 noon, Subject: Everlasting Punishment.
have developed a weapon that has Student class in Guild House, Mr. Golden Text, Proverbs 13:21.
great potentialities for destruction, Chapman. 4:15 p.m. A play will Sunday school, 11:45 a.m., after
possibilities that stagger us yet we be given in the church parlors by the morning service.
are confident that it will prove a the dramatic group. 6:15 p.m. Stu-
force for peace in the world. Air- dent forum in the Guild House. The
planes shrink the world and bring speaker will be Rev. R. E. Sayles, . WOMEN'S.BASEBALL
peoples closer together, from this giving a review of Dr. Shailer Ma- Play in the first round of women's
contact and mutual understanding thews' autobiography.v " baseball games continued yesterday.
will come peace." Alpha Phi defeated Kappa Alpha
ere zn cc pdi~ai o i ie i
engineering college boasted - thus
showing the obvious feminine prefer-
ence for the other side of campus,
they stated.
Cedric March, '37E,;
Sigma Rho Tau, was
the debate which was
the Engineering Open
a member
in charge
a feature
--R M
CKLW-1030 Kilocycles
I M.
6:00-String Ensemble..
6:15-News and Sports.
B :30-Vincent York's Orch.
6 :45-French Lessons-Prof. Leon Troyat.
7:00-Bide Dudley's Variety Revue.
R:-"It's a Racket."
8:1 5-George Fischer--Hollywood Gossip.
8:30-Old-Timge Melodrama.
9:00-Hawaiian Serenades.
9:30-Harold Stokes' Orch.
10 00-Henry King's Orch.
X0:15-Duoke Ellinrton's Orch.
103--Freddy Martin's Orch.
t1:00--Canadian Club Reporter.
t1:15-Dick Stabile's Orch.
t V30-Paul Whitem an's Orch.
Midnight-Sterltnn Ynoug's Orch.
1 $:30-TIed Flo-Rito's Orch.
'2 :45-Herman Waldman's Orch.
1:00-Weather Forecast.
WJR-750 Kilocycles
P M.
6:00-Stevenson Sports. .
6:30-Melody and Rhythm.
7:00-Professor Quiz.
7:30-Johnny PrePents with Ch q ries
Martin-Phil Duey and Russ Mo-
gan's Orch.
8:00--race Moore. vincent Lnonez' Orch.
8:30-Saturday Night Serenade.
O:00-Yoiir Hit Paradle.
9:45-Universal Rhythm.
t0:15-Benny Goodman's Orch.
10:30-Anson Weeks' Orch.
11:15-Ted Fiorito's Orch.
11 :30-Harry Owen's Orch.
Midnight-Marvin Frederic's Orch.
12:30-To Be Announced.
WWJ-920 Kilocycles
6:00-Tyson's Snort Review.
6:10-Dinner Music.
6:30-Hampton Institute Singers.
6 :45-Sports Review.
7:00-Saturday Night Party.
R:00-Snow Village Sketches.
8:30-Joe Cook.
9:30-NBC feature.
10:00-Dance Music.
1O:15-Tnk Spots.
10:30-Dance Music.
11:00-Northwood Inn Orch.
11 :30-Dance Music.
Midnight-Webster Hall Orch.
WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles
6:00-To Be Announced.
6:15-To Be Annunced.
6:30-Harry Hellmann.
6:45-Town Talk.
7:00-Ed Wvynn.
7:30-Lone Ranger.
8:00-Barn Dance.
9:00-Benay Venuta-Terri LaFranconi.
9 :15-Les Arquette.
9:30-To Be Announced.
10:00-Frank Dailey.
10:30-Ruby Newman's Orch.
11:00-Sammy Dibert's Orch.
1:30-Phil Harris Orch.
I Midnight-Morrey Brennan Orch.
essence of royalty is absence of work."
Professor Reeves stated that the
present system of marking and
awarding scholarship prizes is not
ideal but only tolerable. "It is not
the best possible, but the apparently
most available, way we have," he said.
Patrick Is Sentenced
AfterAssaulting Girl
Clarence A. Patrick, 25. Jackson,
was sentenced to nine to 10 years in
the Ionia state reformatory by Circuit
Judge George W. Sample yesterday
afternoon after a report of the sanity
Patrick, who attempted to assault
a 17 year-old high school girl, Elinor
West, Tuesday night, was examined
by County Edwin C. Ganzhorn and,
Dr, O. R. Yoder. They reported that
they found Patrick had uncontroll-
able sex impulses, was a menace to
society and should be confined for
Irving Capilowish won the an-
nual Union chess tournament yester-
day by defeating Abraham Raimi,
and Helon Harter, '37L took the
checker championship.
The 'Old M an' Passes
Hais 66th ile Post ,
Danish Doctor To Talk
O Control Of Coughs
Dr. Thorvald Madsen, chairman
of the Health Committee for the
League of Nations will give a Uni-
versity lecture on "The Control of
Whooping Cough" at 11 a.m. today in
Room 1528, East Medical Building.
Dr. Madsen, whose work brought
about the international standardiza-
tion of vaccines and serums, is direc-
tor of the Serum Institute, Copen-
hagen, Denmark.
First Congregational Church:
10:45 a.m., service of worship.
Sermon by Rev. William H. Walker
of Detroit. His subject will be "The
Prophet Who Distanced the Charg-
ers." The Choir will present special
music by the Finnish-American com-
poser, Marrti Nisonen.
4:30 p.m., Student Fellowship out-
ing. The group will meet at Pilgrim
Hall at 4:30 p.m. and have a picnic
supper followed by a devotional serv-
Theta with the score of 12 to . DAelta
Delta Delta defaulted to Mosher
Hall, while Sorosis won over Kappa
Kappa Gamma by 8 to 7.
Mac"To"and Steamer ReCervatnorn NOW Phone6412
harris Hall: There will be a stu-
dent meeting in Harris Hall at 7
$ m.e & 0,..,,, --__ ____ __ -_________ III _
l.iUA)J'J.& V JA *.A..-ifC... 4 " A L .AAAAAA U .U ,
James H. Fles, Frank A. Horner, Jr., Coach Ray Fisher wasn't fooling
Roy Lyon and Gatherings Stewart are when he said that he was going to
to be initiated. Henry A. Briusma make a strong effort to shorten the
and Mary E. Porter represent the time consumed in playing the Var-
School of Music. sity baseball games.
The College of Architecture has two After the Toledo University game
candidates; Charles G. Anderson and' that meandered along for two hours
John A. VanDis. William P. Yost and 14 minutes, Coach Fisher wrote
is the only prospective member from the following notice on the locker.
the School of Forestry and Conserva- bulletin board. "Players will run in
tion. while Winthrop D. Hall and and out to their positions. Managers
Philip C. Varnum will represent the will keep tab and report violations.
College of Pharmacy. Players will run once around the wall
New Phi Kappa Phi members from I for each violation.",