iterary College may now file appli- Sophomores College L. S. & A.: Washingtons Birthday Recital: In tions for the above scholarships, From Wednesday through Friday of commemoration of Washington's n blanks to be obtained from the next week class dues will be collected birthday, Wilmot Pratt, University Mlce of the Dean of the College, 1210 for the purpose of building up a fund Carilloneur, will play a special ten- .H. All applications must be re- to keep the class intact upon grad- minute program at 4:15 o'clock Mon- irned to the same office on or be uation. Please cooperate with mem- day. re March 6. Awards will be an- bers of the finance committee and :unced in April or May. avoid having to pay a larger sum in Lectures The Marsh Scholarships have re- future years. Dues may be paid in ntly carried stipends of $50 or $75. the Angell Hall lobby or to the fol- University Lecture: Prof. Alexan- he Mandlebaum Scholarships, of lowing: Betty Lyon, John Thomp- der R. Hohilfeld, of the University of hich three are awarded to men son, Rebecca Bursley, John Bulke- Wignsi, willalesture on udetsin heLitray Cllgecaryley, Waldo Abbot, Maurice Hoffman Wagner, Dramatist," (in English) on udents in the Literary College, carry eMonday, March 1, at 8 p.m. in Na- ipends of about $400. The scholar- or Stuart Low. tural Science Auditorium. The pub lips here named are restricted to lirasSciAuyinoied iose who are students of the Liter- Elements of Musical Production -li is cordially invited. y College only, and in awarding Speech 142: A musical for the Cen- iem consideration is given to char- tennial Celebration will be given in University Lecture: Prof Alexan- er, nieed of financial assistance, conjunction with this course, the der R. Hohlfeld, of the University of ad scholarship, in the order named. School of Music, and the Dept. of Wisconsin, will lecture on "Der Ir- Physical Education. All those inter- dische Ausgang der r'austdichtung Varsity Glee Club: The following ested should consult at once with Mr. Goethes," (in German) on Tuesday, en will leave at 2:30 for Dearborn, Windt at the Laboratory Theatre. March 2, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Sci- [ichigan, for our concert in Dear- ence Auditorium. The public is cr: rn Inn: Choral Union Members: Members dially invited. nderson Philo of the Choral Union whose records andenberg Pratt are clear will please call in person Mr. John D. Cowley, Director of arwood Clark for their pass tickets for the Artur the London University School of Li- iller Twyman Schnabel concert, at the School of brarianship, will deliver a series of orris Rankin Music, Tuesday, between the hours of eight lectures, beginning Wednesday, urstein Kent 9 and 12, and 1 and 4. After 4 p.m. Feb. 17. Mr. Cowley's lectures will raper Gillis no tickets will be given out. cover the development and present :eek Viehe state of county libraries in Great . C. Williams Montgomery Contemporary: Manuscripts for Britain. pstein Trebilcock the third issue should be left at the The lectures will be in Room 110 oore Gardner English office, 3221 A.H., as soon as of the General Library building. They aapa Spooner possible. will come at 10 a.m. on Wednesday wann __unerjagerand at 4 p.m. on Thursday. All per- ason Soldofsky Academic Notices sons interested will be welcome. rooks Lodge The State Education Department French Lecture: Mr. C. E. Koella alter Jeen of New York announces that the next will give the fifth lecture on the amann Yaldwellwritten examination (French, Ger- Cercle Francais program: "Les Cau- ustison Caldwell man, Spanish, and Italian) -is sche- chemars de Julien Green." Wednes- endrick Luskin . duled for the afternoon of March 19, day, Feb. 24, at 4:15 o'clock, Room :acarthur Sinclair 1937, at 1:15 o'clock. All seniors who 103, Romance Language Bldg. may be interested in securing a li- Tickets for the series of lectures Registraetion of Candidates for cense should make known to Assist- may be procured at the door. octoral Degrees: The Board of Re- ant Director W. W. Knox their in- - - nts has ruled that all doctoral can- ant irectortWkeW .his x mti nEi idates who are on the campus andtetotoakthsxmitono Exhibitions res aking rse of thefcilmpuesndthat the papers may be sent here. e making use of the failities of For full details the circular may be An Exhibiion of Chinese Art, in- ie University, must be regularly en- consulted in the office of the Depart- cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and lied. This applies also to the Sum- ment of Romance Languages, 112 R.L. peasant paintings, sponsored by the er Session. The cooperation of all Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- partments is requested to the ex- Latin 206, Latin Inscriptions. The tectural building. Open daily from 9 nt of notifying all such students to next meeting of the class will be held to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the ~ke care of the matter of enroll- Tuesday, February 23, at 1:00 o'clock months of February and March. The ent as soon as possible if they have in 2009 A.H. public is cordially invited. >t already done so. Mathematics 302: Seminar in An- Events Of Today College of Literature, Science and alysis. Preliminary meeting for ar- Graduate Students: The Graduate le Arts: Juniors becoming eligible rangement of hours, Tuesday, Feb- Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall r candidacy for the first time in ruary 23, at 2:30 in 3014 A.H. today at 2:30 p.m. for a trip to Scio ebrutry 1937 are urged to call for for hiking, horseshoes and hilarity. weir concentration slips beginning uesday, Feb. 23, and have slips ap- Concerts roved by the adviser, returning Choral Union Concert: Artur hite slip to Room 4 U.H. by March 6. Schnabel, pianist, will be heard in PURE DYE the ninth Choral Union concert Notice to Seniors L.S.&A.: Friday, Tuesday evening,, Feb. 23, in Hill SATIN GOWNS eb. 26, is the last possible day de- Auditorium, at 8:15 o'clock. The in nquent seniors may pay their dues, public is respectfully requested to be NEW DOT PRINT hich are one dollar. There will be seated on time as the doors will be table in the front of Angell Hall closed during numbers. om Tuesday, Feb. 23, to Friday, Feb. , where those not having done so Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, ill have their last chance to pay University Carillonneur, will give a NAVY, WINE, BLUSH ese dues. recital on the Charles Baird Carillon BLACK, AQUA, SATIN Might they be reminded that all in the Burton Memorial Tower this niors failing to pay this fee will ifternoon, Feb: 21, at 4:15 p.m. rfeit the right, among other things, have their name printed in the Faculty Concert Postponed: The nior Announcement booklet pub- faculty concert announced for Sun- hed by that class; nor will these day afternoon, Feb. 21, has been me people be allowed to purchase postponed one week to Feb. 28, at the ese announcements. same hour, 4:15 p.m. Instead Mr. 8 Nickels Arcade Please cooperate with your class. Pratt will give a carillon recital at Arnold Gross, Treasurer. that hour. You Can't Afford to Miss These! MONDAY BARGAINSECTIN Read This Section Every Sunday MONDAY ONLY! Genuine Gillette Blue-Blades - 10-BLADE PACKAGE REGULARLY 50c Monday! TODAY ONLY... 33c Calkins -Fletcher Drug Stores -_--___ REMOVAL SALE SMART BUYS for SMART GIRLS in - Second. FloorinS Single and Twin Styles Our ina] Cleaance$1.32 tip - Cost Prices Our Final Clearance Capes, Scarfs, Mittens and of Winter and Mid-Season Gloves, Wool. .Underwear, etc. DRESSES, COATS, BLOUSES and SWEATERS At a fraction of their former price. LAURA BELLE SHOPPE 1*6he Elizabeth 'Dillon SHOP SMARTEST 309 SOUTH STATE HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. Specials MONDAY ONLY D R E S S E S Three-Thread Ringless CREPE HOSE 'i II .n Jfl. *,,A ..1.!-s V 't4 %-- ri i' I