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May 01, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-01

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AY' MAY 1, 1937



-' v .
' ."

five to four decision that such a blow to civil
liberties could be struck. Here is the score of
the Court in the past on civil liberties and the
protection of minority groups: the case of Anita
Whitney vs. California (274 U.S. 356) upheld the
criminal syndicalism law of California which was
a definite curtailment'of freedom of speech; in
(92 U.S. 214) U.S. vs. Reese the United States
Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a law
passed by Congress which prohibited disenfran-
chisement of ;Negro voters; the case of Sacco-
Vanzetti which the Court refused to consider.
Even after the DeJonge case of a few months
ago which reversed the decision of the State of
Oregon on the ground of improper procedure,
mere membership in the Communist party is
liable to ten years in prison.
It was under the organized pressure of millions
of Americans from all walks of life, particularly
workers, campaigning for Angelo Herndon's life,
that the Supreme Court acted. The Court as a
bulwark for human rights, as it has been called,
behaved as it did because there was an enlight-
ened public interest focused on the case, an ele-
ment indispensible to the eternal fight for the
preservation of civil liberties-even in Ann Arbor.

ac" "
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authox ity of the Board in Control of
tusdent Publications.
Published -every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session y n
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al
Jri ts ,of republication of all other matter herein also
iraserved .~
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
aemcond ,class :mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
eMember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising ServiceInc.
I. ? " College Publsers Reiresetaiv'
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NI IGfT EDITORS: Josph Mattes, WilramE. Shackleton,
Ir'ing Slvermnan, William .Spller, Tuure Tenander,
'1obert Weeks.
. PORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
'WOEN'S :DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman;
rĀ„liabeth .M-Andersons, Elizabeth Binglan, :elen
fDaulas, Barbara J. Loveli, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
'-BUSINESS-MANAGER .......... .....JOHN R. :PARK
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy'
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigemnan, Richard Kowe Charles
,,:Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole,.Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
diehlinsi, Evelyn - ripp.
Departmental lanagers
J..Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; RichardCroushore,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, .Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
A Greeting
To High School Vistors .,..
HE UNIVERSITY student body
5 extends its welcome to high school
students visiting the campus today.
The University of Michigan has probably given
us our most happy period in life, and at the same
time our most profitable period intellectually.
Michigan will not be on parade today. We
trust that you who visit us today will realize
that the scenes you witness represent our regular
activity. Today it is up to you'to decide whether
Michigan will be your home fpr four years,
whether you will like the informality and democ-
racy of whic'h we are proud.
Public Vigilance-
The Highest Court .. ..
HEN THE- CAT (vigilance to pro-
tect civil rights) was away the rat
(antiquated Georgia Slave Insurrection Law)
played with the life of a young Negro, Angelo
Herndon. But early this week the cat came back.
On Monday the Supreme Court, naively con-
sidered the "indispensible bulwark" for the pro-
tection of minority rights, handed down a grat-
ifying decision reversing the conviction of Angelo
Herndon to the Georgia chain gang-otherwise
known as a living Hell (as quoted from the
Bible). A new road is thereby opened into the
South for the march of labor organization, for
the achievement of greater social and economic
equality for the tenant farmer and share cropper.
The victory won by the decision should spell a
new and freer day for the Southland which song
writers and romantics forget, the Southland of
lynchings, the Southland of illiteracy, the South-
land of Negro and white oppression, the back-
yard South.
Vicioustanti-Negro feeling and a concealed
hatred for the downtrodden accompanied the
case from its early days in'1932 in the Atlanta

courts!up to the United States Supreme Court.
For the crime of organizing a successful protest
meeting of unemployed white and Negro working
people in Atlanta asking for relief from starva-
tion, Hevndon was arrested on the charge that he
attempted to incite to insurrection. A grim hu-
mor is attached to the drama that saw an 1861
law dug up from the musty Georgia statute books
-a 'drama that our local government has been
emulating clumsily in recent weeks-on which to
convict an apparently innocent person. After
five years of traveling between the courts of the
unhappy state of Georgia and the mighty high
court of the land, the conviction of Angelo Hern-
don was ruled a violation of the Fourteenth
Criminal syndicalism and insurrection laws,.
however, remain untouched by the decision
which may even be construed as a form of aid
to such laws. The majority decision of Justice
Roberts says, "So vague and indeterminate are
Ut _ -,... i...a..-. 41....,'. .'cut +to ,.a nra fnm C'flflflfh


Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinon of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential u son request. Contributors are ,asked
to be brief, the edtltors reserving the right to "condense
all.letters of more than 300 wards and to accept or
reject ,letters upon the criteria of .general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Whdm Works For Who
To the Editor:
Professor Slosson took occasion several days
ago in a letter called "Who Works For Whom" to
object to the prevalent student attitude of unen-
lightened selfishness. As he saw it, we are
cheating ourselves when we cut class or skip
on homework; and we incorrectly view teachers
as persons trying to oversee us, rather than as
persons who try to serve us.
Such a view is very interesting; and, needless
to say, uncommon among students. May one
student suggest why we possess this strange de-
lusion and why we view teachers more as over
seers than as guides?
First of all, if our instructors are only con-
cerned with our welfare they seem to be taking
the long way around to achieve this end. Only
infrequently do we find a professor concerned
with and capable of making his course interest-
ing. If the educational system sat up nights
worrying about the welfare of the students, it
might be, expected that able research workers,
able scholars, would be given a salary and a
chance to study while the students were given
capable and interesting lecturers. We have too
many scholars and too few teachers at present
ahi it is not that our instructors have shown
no concern over the matter of interesting stu-
dents but that they have shown so little ability to
do so.
Secondly, in most cases the employer has the
right to help determine what task the employee
shall perform. With all due respect to the mature.
understanding of professors and curricula mak-
ers, is it too much to ask that a similar condition
prevail in the university in a milder form? Might
the students indicate what subjects they believe
should be covered in the various courses? Per-
haps some of the elementary history students
would not care to cover 3,000 odd years of as-
sorted historical happenings in one fell swoop.
Perhaps if the basic political science courses dealt
with the problems rather than the mechanisms
of political participation the students would show
more interest. Has the worker, concerned as he
may be about his job, done anything much to
allow his employer to voice his wishes?
Of course it will be said that background
courses are needed to give the basic facts-quite
oblivious to the fact that no empirical determin-
ation of the amount of such background re-
tained has ever been made. The reply will also
be made that papa knows best-especially when
papa represents the combined knowledge of sev-
eral hundred mature men deeply concerned with
matters of educational policy and possessing the
cumulative knowledge of educational problems
resulting from years of experience. Would it be
rude to retort 'That's what you say!'? The
identical argument in its more virulent forms is
employed to justify more dctatorial procedures.
The leader knows best. The head of the educa;
tional hierarchy may also kjiow best-but they
have given the student little chance to disprove
them. The proposal of a referendum on the
merits of teachers and courses may be imprac-
tical but it is significant that we have never even
heard it suggested.
The final disproof of this worker-employer re-
lationship is the startling lack of any mechanism
to carry the complaints of the students to those
who work for them. Too little work has been
done to make educational problems subject to a
combined solution offered by teacher and stu-
dent rather than teacher to student. Education
should be a cooperative venture, a search to-
gether for the truths of human experience with
teacher and student helping each other; the
student deferring to the mature wisdom of the
teacher, when the latter possessesesomething
worth deferring to. It should not be a system
wherein the student must willy-nilly accept the
major portion of what the professor believes. Are
we to have understanding or learning?
S gynappy Sories

To the Editor:
Since the subject of sex has been broached in
a letter to The Daily however trivial.a subject
that letter may have been about, I would like to
take this opportunity to make another point as
re o rd this heretofore tonhv nhipect

--s --iBy Bonth Williams
TONIGHT five nervous juniors will toss rest-
lessly on their cots experiencing alternate
moods of elation and dejection as they speculate
with regard to the future.
A week from tonight three of those five will
be sunk in the depths of morose disappointment,
one will appear completely satisfied, one will be
next year's president of the Michigan Union-
and all five will be gloriously drunk.
To the campus at large May brings spontane-
ity, .lazy warmth and girls in sweaters, but to
the juniors who have worked three years for the
recognition that goes with senior positions in
The Daily, the Union, the. Gargoyle, the 'Ensian
and the Interfraternity Council, May is the
month of the jitters.
Battling it out for the posts of president and
recording secretary in the Union are Fritz Geib,
Jack Thom, Bruce Telfer, Murray Campbell and
Hugh Rader. To those five men this next week
will be a nightmare of perplexing, nerve wrack-
ing strain with the same thought constantly in
the minds of each of them, "IF I get it."
same mental torture inflicted on the third
year men in all three student publications, as
they look forward, hope mixed with fear, to the
conclusion of the fateful meeting of the Board
in Control.
That afternoon is never particularly pleasant.
The Board, composed of faculty men, students,
and outsiders, including Dean Bursley, Professor
Sunderland, Lee White of the Detroit News sits
in conference in the outer office of The Daily.
All afternoon they sit there examining peti-
tions, reading recommendations, and discussing
the ability of the various candidates for office.
An ominous feeling of forboding hangs over The
Daily city room as reporters gather in groups,
sophomores speculate, and freshmen sit in wide-
eyed amazement at the immensity of the thing
which is taking place.
From time to time furtive eyes are turned to
that front room where through the glass the lips
of board members are deciding in a few words
the destinies of next year's Michigan great. Three
years of chasing stories, reading copy, and crawl-
ing exhausted into bed at 3 o'clock, and you may
be dismissed from consideration after five min-
utes discussion.
Most of the juniors don't sit around. They
stay home and read or go down and drink im-
mense quantities of beer, or listen to the ball
game. I remember my freshman year when Bill
Ferris was appointed managing editor of The
Daily, and nobody could find him because he had
gone for a long walk in the Arboretum.
a ' I*x
THE LAST THING in the world I would do,
however, is to complain against the system.
Every man can be sure that his case has been
justly and impartially considered by a group of
men who are interested only in the welfare of
the publications and of Michigan, and when in
the late afternoon of the'15th of MayProfessor
Sunderland emerges from the three or four hour
meeting with the final list in his hand, you can
rest assured that every man will have beeR
chosen fairly and without the least concession to
campus politics.
* ** *
One of the most entertaining indoor sports of
this particular season is the selecting of the men
you favor for next year's important jobs. A
group of present bigwigs have even gone so far
as to get up a pool. 'Each man picked his
own winners from the list of entries, sealed it
with a quarter and deposited it in the Union
This handicapping of the junior class is great
stuff as long as the present job holders keep
their ideas to themselves, but this column will
gladly offer 20-1 against that crafty judge of
psychic phenomena who thinks he can pick all
the winners.
Every year has its startling upsets. Not upsets

in the sense that an undeserving man wins out,
but rather that sormeone who has been considered
a sure thing because of good grades or pleasing
personality, or talented apple polishing finishes
up out of the money.
This year will be no different than the rest
and all I can do is to wish everybody the best of
luck and may the best men come out on top.
4 * 4 4-
THE ALPHA PHI'S behind the stellar hurling
of Betty Lyon, crafty Hill Street left hander,
walloped the Theta softball team Wednesday by
a score of 12-7. The Alpha Phi's won the game
in the first inning when they took a liking to
the slants of Betty Ronal, who started on the
mound for the Washtenaw club, and belted home
nine runs before Mary Gies was called from the
bullpen to retire the side.
Press showed two bandages on his face. How
he was injured is easily understandable and,
since the girl involved is the daughter of a po-
liceman, probably can be partially excused on
the grounds that parental passion is hard to
control. However be that as it may.
The point I would like to make is that in the
truck of Patrick were found a number of sex
magazines of the type sold throughout the city.
These magazines, pandering to the unintelligent
with their pictures of nude women and sugges-
tive stories, barely pass the federal ban on porn-
ographic literature. In many cities-Newark
among them I believe-they have been banned by
the authorities.
In recent years in Ann Arbor it seems as if al-
mnst evrv s ffen hac habn enmmitted ha

Cercle Francais de L'Universite du
Michigan:rRepresentation Ann uelle
Theatre Lydia Mendelssohn, Le 30 Avril.
La Farce do Cuivier (Anonyme) Direc-
tor, M. James O'Neill; L'Ecle des
JBeles-Meres par Eugene Brieux? Direc-
teur, M. Charles Koella; Un Client Ser-
ieux par Geor-es Courteline, Directeur:
Personne et Tout le Monde (The trans-
lation o fthis phrase is M. Rene Tala-
Three French Comedies
This year the French play was three
plays instead of one. Starting with a
medieval farce' the club skipped
through to the present day. La Farce
du Cuvier was a high spirited aec-
dote, a curtain-raiser, really, directed
and acted with a great deal of spirit
especially by Rowena LaCoste.
It is doubtful if the Brieux play
that followed could be made inter-
esting by any group of actors. Henri
Bernstein's Espoir played in New
York this season under the title of
promise is the same sort of brand of
post-Ibsen. Even with Sir Cedric
Hardwicke and Frank Lawton, it was
dull. Perhaps it is just that the type
is out of style at the moment.
However, the play last night was
well done. The characterizations
were convincing and well sustained.
The two mothers (Harriet Shackle-
ton and Martha Dynes) had force and
a restrained comedy spirit. The young
husband (Nicklay Turitzin) was
played with spirit, the wife (Marcia
Connell) had charm enough to make
us easilybelieve in the reconciliation.
Misha Chimacoff as M. Graidor
handled well the problem of resolving
the plot.
The third play Un Client Sericurx
was the hit of the evening. Members
of the Romance Languages faculty
played with a sense of sly humor this
satire on contemporary court-room
practices in France. They were no
doubt aided by elaborate Dickens-like
make-ups. Mr. Marc Denkinger had
mock-seriousness and energy that
built the play to a farcical climax.
The pantomime of Prof. Arthur Can-
field, Prof. Herbert Kenyon, and Mr.
Charles Koella, especially, was pure
Won By lonia
Squad Holds Government
Ownership Of lectric
Utilities Impractical
(Continued from Page 1)
dividual members with gold wrist-'
In the afternoon an exhibition de-
bate between members of the fresh-
man team on the question of a uni-
cameral legislature resulted in a vic-
tory' for the negative, which favored
a bicameral system.
The negative team consisted of
Robert Johnson and Jack Sessions,
the affirmative of Sydney Davidson
and Jack Shuler, Sessions was a
member of the Plymouth High School
team which lost to Kalamazoo Cen-
tral in the state championship de-
bate finals here last year.
The question was: Resolved, That
the State of Michigan Should Adopt
the Unicameral Legislature System,
has been chosen as the national de-
bate question for next year. It is
now being considered for the Michi-
gan High School Forensic Association
High School Pupilsj
To See Universiy

(Continued from Page I)
Wells . Bennet, director of the archi-
tecture schooi, De an Samuel T, Dana
of the College of Forestry and Con-
servation, Dr. Earl V. Moore, director
of the School of Music and Prof. How-
ard B. Lewis of the pharmacy college.
The program follows: At 9 a.m.-'
5 p.m., walks around the campus and
a bus tour to the Stadium; 9 a.m.-
noon, Engineering Open House; 10
am. -noon, consultation hourswith
department heads; noon, luncheon
in the Michigan Union, addresses by
President Ruthven, Dean of Women
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Students Jo-
seph A. Bursley; 2 p.m., track meet,
vlichigan vs. Indiana; 3 p.m., base-
ball, Michigan vs. Ohio State; 3 p.m.,
golf, Michigan vs. Ohio State; 4 p.m.,
football, spring scrimmage,
For the women, 2 p.m., demonstra-
tions of sports by the Women's Ath-
letic Department, Palmer Field; 2:30
p.m.-4 p.m., social hour, light re-
freshhients in the Women's Athletic
Association Building. 4:15 p.m., Prof.
Wilmot F. Pratt, University caril-
lonneur, will play a group of college
songs on the carillon.
Dental Honor Society
Inducts Six Students
Six seniors in the dental school
were inducted into Omicron Kappa
Upsilon, National Dental Honor Fra-
ternity, at its annual meeting held
Wednesday in the TUnion. Thev

President and
Ruthven will be
May 2, from 4 to

Commencement Invitations: The
Invitations Committee in the various
schools have closed their orders as of
5 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Begin-
ning today and continuing until fur-
ther notice the sale of these official
class booklets and folders will be
handled by Burr, Patterson & Auld
Company, 603 Church St. Samples
will be provided by this company and
orders for any of the Senior class
booklets will be taken. All Seniors
who have not ordered are urged to
do so without delay.
W. B. Rea.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Monday, May
3, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West1
Engineering Building. Agendum:{
consideration of panel procedure for
election of member to Executive
Committee; report on new statement
of Nontechniical Electives; routine
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.(
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: The seventh regular meet-
ing of the faculty of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts for
the academic session of 1936-37 will
be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall,
May 3, 1937, at 4:10 pm.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of April 5, 1937, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 331-338).
2. Reports:
a. Executive Committee by Prof.
John F. Shepard.
b. University Council by Prof.
Louis I. Bredvold.
c. Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs by Prof. Arthur Aiton.
e. Deans' Conference by Dean E.
H. Kraus.
3. Report of the Committee sn
Outside Employment.
4. Announcements and new busi-
Edward H. Kraus.
Engineers, Sophomores: Rings will
be purchased this year instead of the
usual class jackets. Three designs
have been submitted and are on dis-
play on 2nd floor bulletin board, West
Engineering Bldg., near Library.
Please inspect designs and the one
selected by vote will be adopted.
These rings, with suitable numerals,
will be available for all classes of
Academic Notices
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by the German de-
There will be an examination on
Wednesday, May 26, at 2 p.m. in
Room 203 U. H.
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to regis-
Iter their names at least one week
before the date .of the examination
at the office of the German depart-
ment, 204 U.H., where information
and reading .lists may be obtained.
Economics 112: Room assignments
for the bluebook on Monday, May 3,
at 1f am 0 rn n- cn fallnine

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of he
Vaiversity. .Copy received at. the oec ao the Assiatazt to the Presidast
ltU 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

VOL. XLVII No. 150

Mrs. Alexander 0.G
home on Sunday,;
6 p.m. for a faculty

nourncement of the Henry Russel
Award for 1936-37 will be made.
University Lecture: Dr. Thorvald
Madsen, chairman of the Health
Committee of the League of Nations
and Director of the Serum Institute,
Copenhagen, will deliver a lecture on
"The Control of Whooping Cough"
today at 11 a.m. in Room 1528, East
Medical Building.
Mathematics Lectures: Your at-
tention is called to a series of lectures
to be given by Dr. Witold Hurewicz
of the University of Amsterdam on
the subject of "Homotopy and Ho-
mology.", The first lecture will be
held on Tuesday afternoon at 4:15
p.m. in Room 3011 Angell Hall. The
dates of the other two lectures will
be announced later, but will probably
be on Thursday and Friday at the
same hour.
An exhibition of paintings by Mar-
garet Bradfield and Mina Winslow
is being held in Alumni Memorial
Hall through May 5, 2 to 5 pm. Sun-
days, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association.
Events Today
} Mr. C. M. Goodrich, chief engrer
of the Canadian Bridge Company,
will talk on the design of Transmis-
sion Towers before the class in E.M.
18 today at 2 p.m. in Room 406
West Engineering Building. All in-
terested are invited to rattend.
Danee for Graduate $tudents and
Public Heaih Club tonight at the
Women's Athletic Building from 9
until 12 o'clock. Also bowling and
The University of Michigan Pub-
lic health Club will hold a dance to-
night at the Women's Athletic
Building from 9 until 12 o'clock. This
dance is being held in conjunction
with the Graduate School group.
Members of the club are cordially
invited to come and bring their
Members are asked to remember
the meeting to be held Wednesday
evening, May 5, 1937, at which time
Dr. Reuben Kahn of the Bacteriology
Department will speak. This ineet-
ing will be held in the Michigan
League and the room will be posted.
Catholic Student's "Hiking Club:
A group of Catholic students and
their friends will- meet at the chapel
at 2 p.m. today for a hike. They will
return not later than 5 p m. All
students and their friends are in-
vited to attend.
Hillel Foundation: There will be
an informal dance and reception to-
night in honor of visiting Chicago
students. All are cordially invited.
- German Table for Faculty Mem-
hers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be an in-
formal 10-minute talk by Prof. Hanns
Coming Events
Junior Research Club: The May
meeting will be held on Tuesday eve-
ning, May 4, 7:30 p.m. in Room 2083
N.S. Bldg.
Program: The Work of theInsti-
tute of Fisheries Research, by Dr. A.
S. Hazzard, of the Museum.
Soaring Flight, by Dr. Rudolph L.
Thoren, Dept. of Aeronautical En-
Contemporary: . There will be a
meeting of the entire staff, except
for the editorial board, on Monday,
May 3, at 4 p.m. in the Publications

building. Tryouts will be held at
4:30. p.m. to fill vacant business staff
Graduate Outing Club: Bird trip on
Sunday morning at 6 a.m.fGroup will
meet in the park east of the Museum
Building. Breakfast will be served
at the.Island at 9 am. All graduate
students cordially invited.

a, su a.m. are as sos ows
A-G, .Natural.Science Aud.
H-Q, 25 Angell Hall.
R-Z, 1025 Angell Hall.
Geology 11: There will be a
trip as usual this morning at 8


Short Courses in Mathematics: The
third of the series of short courses
in mathematics will be given by Dr.
Sumner B. Myers on the subject of
"Calculus of Variations in the Large."
These lectures will begin on M1Vonday
May 3, and will continue for five
weeks. First meeting of the class
Monday at 3 p.m. in Room 3201 An-
gell Hall for the purpose of arrang-
ing hours. ,
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
'in the Burton Memorial Tower, Sun-
day afternoon, May 2, at 4:15 p.m.
University Lecture: Dr. Walter H.
Bucher, chairman of the department
of Geology and geography, University
of Cincinnati, will lecture on "The
Hartz Mountain Overthrust}' on
Tuesday, May 11, at 4:15 p m., in
Natural Science Auditorium. Illus-
+roa: p.ThP nnhlit s an lly nv t

Acolyte Vleeting ionday, May 2,
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 202 S.W. Dr
Morris Lazerowitz will read a paper
entitled "The Principle of Verifiabil-
ity." Anyone interested in philo-
sophical debate may attend.
Lutheran A Capella Choir: The
regular choir rehearsal will be held
on Sunday at 4 p.m.
Hillel .Foundation: A student
symposium led by Ronald Freedman
will be held Sunday, May 2, at 8 p.m.
Pop Concert: The third in the
series of pop-concerts will be held at
the Hillel Foundation Sunday, May
2, at 2:30 p.m. The Franck'D minor
symphony will be presented.

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