sI _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDA .Y, APRIL 30, 1937 Ionia For State Title Here Delbate Team Activities Scheduled Voice Record Ends Big Ten For High School Day A ids Studeuts -T " " High School Student Conferences , Race W ith Title' concerningC eniversitycadmission I. adi Class< (Throughout the day). Registrar'sk office, Room 107, Mason Hall. Con- Wins Conference Contest; ducted by Ira M. Smith, Registrar, Facilities in Morris Hall are avail- K University of Michigan. able to speech students interested in Also Piled Up Best Dual 11 a.m -Hill Auditorium. Annual doing radio work, Jerome B. Wiesner, Meet Record Honors Convocation. Address by '37E, assistant director of the Broad- }Jesse S. Reeves, The William W. Cook casting Service disclosed in an in- The University of Michigan has Professor of American Institutions, terview yesterday. Thi hiUniversity of Michigan has _ _-- _ T~i~rr~ctyof ~inifrt z~nnntiinrfin7 zi . '.Y T'1 'tirf.." Iii Toight an essential to good radio speaking During the semester, attempts are made to present all forms of radio wx ork, ranging from.sports broad- c:asts to dramiatic work. Part of the program of the Broad- casting Service consists of actual broadcasting. Students of radio dra- matics classes give about one play each week over WJR, with four classes meeting to use the station. The above students will speak for the Flint Northern High School and the Ionia High School in their debate tonight. The Flint Northern team is on the top and its members (left to right) are Keith Norwalk, Jane Reid, and Charles Knutson. The Ionia team is (left to right) Paul Stewart, Jr., Lawrence Read, and Charles Wilson. aried peech Program Proves Eloquence Rules The Day Here completed its intercollegiate debate umve±.iLyovUcn15an. activities for the present school year 1 :30 and 3:30 p.m.-Campus Tours. with the winning of the Big Ten Con- Leaving from front entrance of Ha- ference Debate Tournament held at ven Hall. Conducted by Universityt the University of Chicago on April 9Iof Michigan Varsity Debaters. and 10. The summary of the sea- 2 :30 p m.--Demonstration Debate, son's results, sent to Prof. Carl G. 1025 Angell Hall. The University of Brandt, Director of Debate, by P E. Michigan Debate Teams will debate Lull, Secretary of the Western Con- one of the possible questions for next ference Debate League, shows that year's contest.- Michigan's record for the year was 4:05 p.m.-Complimentary Base- the best in the Conference, ball game. Michigan State Normal The question used in the men's fall College versus University of Michi-, debate was: "Resolved; That All Elec- 70gan. mt tric Utilities Should be Governmen-i7'rt.m.gHigh ud om ACo- tally Owned and Operated." In this cert. Michigan High School All- series, Michigan upheld the affirma- State Band. Conductor, Mr. Harold Bachman, Chicago. tive against Purdue in the Lydia 8:15 p.m.-Hill Auditorium. State Mendelssohn Theatre with Robert V. Championship Debate. Rosa, '39, Ronald Freedman, '38, and__ Harry Schniderman, '38 as membersI of the team. The decision was in All-State High favor of Michigan. On the negative,' man, '39, and William Centner, '38, Ba( _ represented Michigan against Ohio State at Columbus. This decision was!11tlal C .leert won by Ohio. Women's Team - Barbara Bradfield, '38, Betty Jane The Michigan All-State Senior Mansfield, '39, and Dorothy Wepman,, High School Band will make its in- '37, composed the women's debating itial appearance at 7:30 p.m. today in team which met the women from Hill Auditorium as a part of the pro- Ohio State in the Lydia Mendelssohn gram of the Annual State Champion- Theatre on the question: "Resolved; ship Debate.J That the Essential Features of the Harold Bachman, ,of Chicago, will National Y o u t h Administration conduct the concert, assisted by high Should Be Made Permanent." They school band directors. Mr. Bachman successfully upheld the affirmative vas the director of Pershing's Head- of the proposition. The negative quarters Band in France during the team was made up of Mary Frances Norld War. Adair, '37, Margaret Ayers, '38, and The program of the concert in- Katherine Schultz, '40, who made eludes "Sir Galahad Overture" by the trip to Urbana. The debate was Iildred, "Pride of the Wolverine" by wo h . Sousa, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" won by theUniversity of Illinoisny Bach, "VanishedArmy" by Afford, Shcberg Coaches 'U°"nder the Double Eagle" by Wagner, Michigan's affirmative team was Rampage of the Old Grey Mare" by composed of Robert Rosa and Harry Stacey, "March of Youth" by Olivi- Schniderman and the negative was latti,' 'and "The Victors" by Elbel. upheld by William Centner and Ron- Some of these will be conducted by ald Freedman. The affirmative won VIr. Bachman, and others by William three debates, one each from the D. Revelli, director of the University " University of Indiana, the University of Michigan Band, and by the follow- of Illinois, and the University of ing high school band directors: Cleo Minnesota. The negative was vic- E'ox of Kalamazoo, Mac Carr of River torious over the University of Iowa, Rouge, Eugene Heeter of Holland, and the University of Chicago, and Merwyn Mitchell of Grand Rapids, lost one debate to the University of King Stacy of Lansing, and William Wisconsin. Champion of Ann Arbor. The principal coaching duties dur- ing the season have been adminis- tered by Raymond V. Shoberg, with the cooperation of Frederick E. Densmore, E. Orville Johnson, Dean,', ej-. *je 3 Nichols, and George Sargent, alb of 1' the Speech Department. pewelry and S Watch etpairing UNIVERSITY SERVICE SOUTH UNIV. opp. The Den iI In conjunc zon w ~~ txe cpar - ment of Speech and General Lm- guistics, voice recordings are , made to ascertain the quality of pronnn- ciation, enunciation and speech pat- tern. According to Wiesner, radio speak- ing requires a technique different from that of ordinary speech work or dramatics. "One must keep in mind the fact that facial expressions and hand motions arc not used," he explained. One of the main difficulties in the way of a student is the lack of poise i MOTHER'S DAY IENTHER IC Lo/ us cd'Or Miracle Shanghai Twzeed Gardenia de Tahiti Le Pirate Asphodele Nu!roic~() T~welve rug Sore 727 North University Phone 9787 ENGLAND, FRANCE. GERMANY, Etc. Make Tou and siearmer Reservaions NOW Phone 641? Steamer - < Specialist - - ' :- ' Since 197 AN Major Linea -_____=_____--_--_______ G Ioar !, Ocean - ___ __ .- -.. .-- _ _ KUEBLER TRAVEL DBUR AU 6o1 E. HURON Sr.. ANN APRWV. MICH i : - -_-- - ___-____ W Sf MILK-ICE CREAM Week-End Special VA N I L LA and CH OCOLATE M I N T Cream Superior Dairy Comlpaney Phone 23181 .. II' }itv aaiiEr urja~ca.