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April 30, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-30

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______IC___________4THE MICHIGAN DAI LY "



fag was amusing to the jury no doubt, but had
we net so high an opinion of his integrity, we
might suspect that he was not so much interested
in illustrating city ordinances as in wafting
gentle scents of; red herrings under the noses of
the jurors.
A new interpretation of the Peace Demonstra-
tion was also included in the polemic (City At-
torney Laird is an education in himself). "Ir
calling a mass meeting here they are going over
their depth," he said. "The University didn't
let their peace meeting take place on the Librar:,
Steps. They sent them down in an alley be-
hind the high school so people would think they.
were high school pupils."
Except for the fact that City Attorney Laird
is wrong, he really is very entertaining. What
a pity that his faith in youth must be destroyed
because they now protest coolie wages instead
ofoverturning trolley cars, but then, there aren't
any more trolleys in Ann Arbor.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
ichigan under the authoity of the Board in Control of
tudent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
Tniversity year and .Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associatted Press is exclusively entitled to- the
so for repubaicton of all news dispatches tcredited to
t o. not otherwise credted in this newspaper.: AU
fghts of republication of all other matter herein. also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
ecod4 class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school. year by carrii',
.00; by mail, $4.50.
fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College~ Publishers ReIpresentatiae
420MADisoN Ave, NEW YORK, N.Y.
Board of Editors
eorge Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W, Hurd Robert Cummins
[IGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackletori,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
PORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
OMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizab~eth, Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Bety
Business Departrent
USINESS MANAGER .......... .. .. ...JOHN R. ,PARK
USINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnaxi}, Leonw~rci Sefgelrian, Richard Knowe, Charles
Colemati, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
'omen's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries. Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinsk, Eva-yn Tripp,,
Departmental Managers
Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.,

From The Outsid

'Em Eat

treetcars.: * *
HE ROMANS gave them circuses,
T Marie Antoinette let them .eat
cake, but City Attorney Laird offers streetcars.
"When I was a student here," said City At-
torney Laird in his eloquent-nay, magniloquent
-address to the jury yesterday afternoon- in the
trial of Ralph Neafus for loitering, "when I was
a student here," he said, "we used to give vent
to our enthusiasm by upsetting trolley cars .. .
Now, instead, they hold mass meetings and make
all this disturbance."
On April 8, a group of students publicly pro-
tested against one Herbert Cassell, a manager of
the Ann Arbor Recreation Center, who they say
pays his pin boys some 16 cents an hour and
broke an agreement which he made to pay them
four cents more an hour. In the course of the
demonstration, seven persons were arrested, some
for speaking without a license. After an assid-
uous search of the ordinances failed to reveal
any law requiring a license to speak in public,
he was found guilty of loitering instead, by a
jury of six, after eight policemen testified that
traffic was blocked, that people couldn't pass on
the sidewalk, and that they had to help cus-
tdmers enter and leave the bowling alley. Of
course, said City Attorney Laird, "the police don't
attempt to stop picketing. As long as they keep
walking, aren't loitering, and don't interfere with
business the cops are going to keep away from
them," was his reassurance to the labor move-
"It seems to me," said City Attorney Laird,
with his customary skill for summing things up
in a pithy way, even though irrelevant, "there
is only one thing in this case: whether or not
we are going to be subservient to the rule of a
group of people who have taken it upon them-
selves to hold meetings of this kind, or whether
Ann Arbor is going to run along in the same
even tenor as it has in the past."
If "the same even tenor of the past" means
that Cassell will still be able to pay his coolies-
16 cents an hour, and that no one dare protest;
if it rieans that persons in a labor demonstration
may be sentenced to 15 days in jail for "loiter-
ing," then let us hope that the rest of the quartet
is realistic while City Attorney Laird sings an
even tenor by himself.'
For the issue is this: Will people who demon-
strate against unfair labor policies continue-to
be picked up by Ann Arbor policemen for "loi-
tering?" Shall there be labor organization in Ann
Arbor, or not?
A lesser man might have seen the issue, but
not City Attorney Laird. Instead this master of
the innuendo artfully suggested that Neafus
might be misappropriating the'funds of the Stu-
dent Workers Federation. "You can contribute to
the strike fund!" he read from the leaflet issued
by the S.W.F., and then observed: "After this
they are apparently able tc, retire."
Again: "Let's see what the facts show. If any
one was ever guilty of disorderly conduct, -Neafus
; wxran Pr i , with the Studeant Workers

AT 11 A.M. TODAY the University
will pay tribute at the Honors
Convocation to more than 808 students who have
distinguished themsves in their studies.
They are the unsung heroes of university life.
Few of them were heralded in the B.M:O.C.
Bluebook, not many of them direct the destinies
of dances, committees or useless boards, or warm
the seats of that local bohemia, the Parrot. But
though they dwell among the untrodden ways of
books, they have secured from their University
days something more lasting than pins and keys
-something of an education.
_ That the University should have functioned
Successfully in some cases-at least to the extent
that such success is indicated by high grades-
is a cause for celebration.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of 'ihe
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The namyes ou ommunicants wil, however, berregarded
as confidetial upon request. Contributors are asked
to bebrief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
rejct letters upon the criteria of general editorial
inmport~n, and interest to thze camptus.
Who's WQO
To the Editor:
The letter by the irate young gentleman, who
so fears that his natural self-expression will be
hampered by the Jordan "censorship," has
evoked the righteous wrath of several Jordanites.
His assertion that the worst that one sees on
walking into the room is a kiss, is gross under-
statement. Can it be that his love has blinded
him? If believers in public necking would know
the embarrassment, and worse, amusement, they
cause in their onlookers, they would confine
their activities to a more secluded rendezvous.
Even Jean Harlow and Robert Taylor "pitching
the woo" would become monotonous, if seen on
the same sofa, twice a day, every day in the week.
And certainly, Jordanites and their respective
swains haven't got a thing on those two. O-f
course, we =recognize the necessity of sex and
the "beauty of it all," but we definitely dislike
it with our meals.
Although we are not in complete agreement
with the vigilante system, extreme circumstances
require extreme remedies. Furthermore, this so-
lution was not tried until milder measures had
As a word of consolation to those suppressed
millions, we give you Spring and the Arboretum,
which are just around the corner. And if warm
dayshare too long in coming, there's always the
lobby of Angell Hall.
-Six Jordanites.
ueans Of Praise
To the Editor:
Believing that civilization functions at its best
only when people are in positions for which they
are best qualified, might I suggest upon the basis
of the communications in The Daily that Will
Canter, janitor, and Pat Conger, reporter, ex-
change jobs?
It is obvious that Mr. Canter could well earn
his livelihood as a writer and although we ar not
acquainted with Mr. Conger, his general thought
process seems to indicate that he has the reso-
luteness and tenacity to cope with the manifold
problems of broom-pushing.
-E. Pluriius Unun.
Sweet Vulgaicity
To the Editor:
We don't know whether the author of the
letter entitled "All For Love" has witnessed
some of the scenes in the parlors or whether his
opinion is based upon personal experiences.
We who live in the dormitories are constantly
faced with this vulgar display of "sweet and
lovely virtues" as Mr. Thompson calls them.
It was not being shocked at the sight of
necking, as being disgusted that made us vote
upon the new rules. It is inconceivable that
anyone should be so vulgar and show such com-
pletely bad taste as to "neck" in public.
It is very embarrassing when you walk into
the dormitory with a blind date. Your date looks

at you inquiringly as if to say-"well-?" you
look at him and think "I hope not." After
all one doesn't neck on a blind date. You both
laugh a little sickly, turn slightly green, and
wander hopelessly around unable to fing a refuge
from the couples clinging together in "affec-
tionate embraces."
Out of five hundred girls very few could or
would want to, say to their fathers "Here,
Father, is where we spoon."
The erv has been that they have no other

-- -- --By Bonth Williams-._.____
W HEN JIM DOLL slit open his morning mail
a day or so ago he almost fainted dead away.
On a neatly engraved invitation he read with
faltering eyes the words "invited . . honors
convocation. .because of high scholastic attain-
Doll put the invitation tenderly back in his
pocket and heaved a sigh. Then he reluctantly
sat down and called the Registrar's Office.
"No," came the reply, "there is no mistake.
The invitation was mailed to James Doll and
our records show that it was officially designated
for him."
Doll turned half way around in his chair, his
tal, lean body bent sideways and sighed again.
This time it was a sigh of triumph.
To the ordinary person there is nothing so
preposterous about an invitation to the honors
convocation, but to poll it represents a milestone
in his career.
James Doll probably holds the record for lit
school students. He, enrolled at Michigan the
same year Angell Hall was first opened; it took
him practically ten years to get an A.B., and his
Unliversity record looks like an Egyptian scroll.
Dol, who now is the drama editor for The
Daily, topped oft his astonishing literary ac-
complishments last June when he needed just
three hours of science to graduate.
He elected an astronomy course with which he
had experienced some difficulty eight years be-
fore and planted his hopes for the much-coveted
sheepskin with the generosity of the instructor-.
He rushed in all his lab work the day before
the final and then borrowing a book, spent the
entire night in pursuit of facts pertaining to the
So diligently did Doll study that he became
over fatigued as dawn crept close, with the re-
sult that he slept through the exam, got an "E"
in the course, and had to cap off his lengthy
scholastic sessions with a summer term before
he was finally adjudged a Bachelor of Arts.
Though this year devoting himself to the
stage and its concerns, and the winner of a Hop-
wood Award, Doll still couldn't believe his eyes
when he saw the invitation to the Honors Con-
vocation "for high scholastic attainment." It
didn't seem to fit in with the past somehow.
OCAL NEWS SNOOPS are boasting a picture
which may or may not run in the Sunday
papers showing Dean Alice Lloyd in a prominent
beer establishment with a glass of brew near by.
Now I don't know whether Miss Lloyd was
drinking the beer or not, but certainly in an
age when liberalism is the watchword of the
government and Universities the educators of
the liberals, there can be nothing out of the
ordinary in the Dean of Women drinIing a glass
of beer if she likes.
Most students drink beer, and no one thinks
anything about it. Is there any reason why the
same privilege should be denied to those whose
business it is to watch over the students? Ob-
viously not.
The trouble lies in the cheap publicity given
by newspapers in general to such commonplace
occurrences because they happen t involve
people who the uninformed element assumes to
be straight liced and puritanical pedagogues who
abhor the word 'alcohol' and sit in the parlor
all day Sunday.
BENEATH IT ALL: With Betty Gatward's
elevation to the presidency of Mortarboard,
it would appear that the Dannemiller-Gatward
Corporation controlled a holding company with
practically unlimited power. . . Is there anything
which stamps the ordinary student as "different"
quite like a brief case? . . . The committee on
dusting off the seats in the ball park will do well
to get busy before the girls get their spring
dresses dirty when they troop down to watch
Michigan play Ohio State on Ferry Field Satur-
day . . . Chester Fairbanks, lawyer who took
poison during Spring . Vacation, apparently
changed his mind after he had swallowed enough

strychnine to kill a dozen men. He called his
landlady who phoned a doctor, but Fairbanks
gasped and died almost before the call was com-
pleted . . . Ty Tyson is working his head off at
present. He is on the- air three and four times
a day, including of course, his baseball broadcast
from Navin Field. . . Harvey Patton, former track
star and Ann Arbor correspondent, is now cover-
ing the suburbs for the Detroit News .. . Saturday
should be a great occasion for real sports fans.
Track at 1:30, baseball at 2:30 and the annual
Spring Football Game at 4:15 will give sports
followers all the excitement and variety' they
could ask for.
ment would gently or perhaps not so gently re-
quest you to leave. Then why should you be per-
mitted to do this in what is, when you examine
it, not your own private home, but a dormitory
housing a large number of girls almost under
precise hotel conditions.
Mr. Thomson says a kiss is a symbol of affec-
tion. It becomes a pretty tawdry and stupid
symbol when over-worked and used indiscrim-
Everyone in the dormitory knows that the
rule is aimed at a very small percentage of the
group and that they are the ones who usually
entertain many different men a week. As for the
"steadies," has an engagement ring ever sanc-
tioned over-affectionate display in such public
places as, let us say, theatre lobbies or stock-
brokers offices-? Our dormitory living rooms.
are no less public.
-Mosher-Jordan '38 and '40.
To learn about the health habits of the black

Prince And Poet
(From the New York Times)
FEW POETS can be more out of
fashion than Swinburne. Sing-
ing has gone out. The homely and
naked word, the harsh construction,
ire preferred. If there is an ecstasy,
it is metaphysical rather than lyric.
Phe new school has its geniuses and
is cruel to the old. So the centenary
on April 5 was a bit chilly. One
(ieasant note, howeverhas come
from it. After Tennyson's death in
'92 Swinburne was the chief sur-
viving English poet. It was natural
;o think that he ought to succeed to
the laureateship. had he not been
morally and politically out of the run-
ning. He was a republicatl. He re-
garded "slaves and kings" with equal
fervor of distate. He had written that
first series of "Poems and Ballads"
that shocked the Victorians so in-
He had been nasty to some respec-
table sovereigns. He was a sort of
confounded foreigner and exotic. Yet
he had his backers. A correspondent
of The Times of London has raked
up in the "Private Diaries" of Sir
Algernon West some curious conver-
sations. There was talk about the
laureateship at a dinner given in '91
by Mr. Asquith and Mr. Haldane. Mr.
Asquith hoped that "it would be held
in suspense on Tenniyson's death."
Mr. Balfour said "Swinburne should
have it." Mr. John Morley, whose
nonconformist conscience had yelled
so angrily in The Saturday Review
against "Poems and Ballads," won-
dered what that conscience "would
say to Swinburne's 'Epithalamium.'"
In October, 1892, shortly before
Tennyson's death on the 6th, West
was told my Sir George Murray, Mr.
Gladstone's private secretary, that
"he had visited British Museum and
discovered that Swinburne had never
withdrawn a word of his poems and
ballads, but on the contrary had pub-
lished a pamphlet in defense of them
and had circulated a poem against
the execution of the Manchester Feln-
That dished his chances, West
thought. Visiting the Tennants he
found that "Swinburne, had he been
possible, appeared the favorite, from
the.Prince of Wales downward; but it
was impossible. Mr. Gladstone is.
however, I fear, in correspondence
with Her Majesty, and suggests Rus-
kin, who, as Spencer Lyttleton says.
is 73, nearly out of his mind and
never wrote a poem that any one
ever read."
William and Lewis Morris were
mentioned. James Bryce said the
former wouldn't accept. He probably
thought that the latter was unfit.
He recommended Coventry Patmore.
At the end of October the Prince of
Wales gave up his favorite. He wrote
West his willingness that the lau-
reateship should remain in abeyance.
He yielded unwillingly: "I should have
thought "that the name of Swinburne
might be duly considered." It seems
unlikely that the Prince had ever
read any of Swinburne's poem. One
wonders if some mischievous friend
had put forward Swinburne in the
hope of antagonizing the "middle-
Mlass" queen.
Group Opens
51st Session
(Continued from Page 2)
then told of the advantages of the
recently passed legislation, which re-
quires the certification of all teach-

Mr, Elliott, speaking before a gen-
eral session of the Schoolmasters.
Club at 12:30 p.m. yesterday in the
Union, expressed disatisfaction with
the present chaotic conditior, of sec-
ondary schools, and said that he de-
sired a state wide movement to ef-
fectively remedy it.
A picture of high school adminis-
trators perplexed by the lack of a
basis upon which to choose students!
to recomend for higher education
arose from the talks and discussion
at the general sessin of the School-I
masters Club yesterday afternoon.
The session discussed "the types of
techniques which give largest prom-
ise of usefulness in the promotion of
better articulation between secon-
day schools and institutions of high-
er education."
Professor George Carrothers of the
education school in his introductory
speech said that the University had
been working with the high schools of
the state since 1871 when they al-
lowed the students of Ann Arbor
High School to enter without exam-
ination upon recommendation of the
principal of the school.
Both J. H. Adams, principal of
Central High School of Bay City, and
O. A. Emmons, principal of Cooley
High School of Detroit, expressed the
difficulty involved in judging wheth-
er or not individual students are to
be recommended for college educa-
Mr. Adams suggested the adoption
of a form of collee entrance exm-

Notice to Seniors, June Graduates,1
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any spe7
cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi-1
cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) atc
once if you expect to receive a de-
gree or certificate at commencement
in June. We cannot guarantee that
the University will confer a degree or1
certificate at commencement upon
any student who fails to file such ap-
plication before the close of business]
on Wednesday; May 19. If applica-t
tion is received later than May 19,
your degree or certificate may not be
awarded until next fall.a
Candidates for degrees or certifi-1
cates may fill out card at once at of-
fice of the secretary or recorder of
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Literature,
Science, and' the Arts, College of
Architecture, School of Music, School
of Education, and School of Forestry,
and Conservation, please note that
application blank may be obtained
and filed in the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall). All appli-,
cations for the Teacher's Certificate
should be made at the office of the
School of Education.
Please do 'not delay until the last1
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and]
certificates must be lettered, signed,,
and sealed and we shall be greatly
helped in this work by the early filing
of applications and the resulting
longer period for preparation.
The filing of these applications1
does not involve the payment of any'
fee whatsoever.
Shirley W. Smith,
Commencement Invitations: The
Invitations Committee in the various
schools have closed their orders as of'
5 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Begin-'
ning today and continuing until fur-
ther notice the sale of these official
class booklets and folders will be
handled by Burr, Patterson & Auld
Company, 603 Church St. Samples
will be provided by this company and
orders for any of the Senior class
booklets will be taken. All Seniors
who have not ordered are urged to
do so without delay.
W. B. Rea.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Monday, May
3, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West
Engineering Building. Agendum:
consideration of panel procedure for
election of member to Executive
Committee; report on new statement
of Nontechnical Electives; routine
A. I. Lovel, Secretary.
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular monthly luncheon meeting
of the Faculty will be held on Mon-
day, May 3, at 12 o'clock, Michigan
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infermtation
has received announcements of Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations
for Senior 1M4arine Engineer, Quarter-
master Corps, War Department, sal-
ary, $4,600; for examiner, estate tax
tinternal revenue agent), treasury
department, salary, $3,200; also for
marketing specialist and production
adviser (Indian Arts and Crafts,) De-
partment of the Interior, salary, $2,-
600 to $3,200. For further informa-
tion concerning these examinations
call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours,
9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
Senior Engineers: Caps and Gowns
will be available in the Game Room
Second Floo, Michigan League
Thursday 9-3:30 and Friday 9-11:00.
Rental and deposit charges are neces-
sary. IThey may be kept through
Engineering Council
Engineers, Sophomores: Riggs will
be purchased this year instead of the
usual class jackets. Three designs

have been submitted and are on dis-
play on 2nd floor bulletin board, West
Engineering Bldg., near Library.
Please inspect designs and the one
selected by vote will be adopted.

(Continued from Page 2)

of Geology and geography, University
of Cincinnati, will lecture on "The
Hartz Mountain Overthrust" on
Tuesday, May 11, at 4:15 p m., in
Natural Science Auditorium.' Illus-
trated. The public is Qordially invit-
Theosophical Lecture: Dr. B. Jim-
enez will speak on "Reincarnation in
the Light of Heredity." The lecture
deals with reincarnation in a new way
and shows its relationship to heredity.
It is sponsored by the Student Theo-
sophical Club and the local branch
of The Theosophical Society in
America. The lecture will be given
at the Michigan League Chapel, 8
p.m., today
An exhibition of paintings by Mar-
garet Bradfield and Mina Winslow
is being held in Alumni Memorial
Hall through May 5, 2 to 5 p.m. Sun-
days, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association.
Events Today
English Journal Club meets to-
day at 4 p.m. in the Union. The
program, open to the public at 4:20
p.m., will be a colloquium on the
study of American Literature. Mr.
Charles -Walcutt will discuss "Recent
Scholarship on American Fiction."
Mr. Charles Peake will talk on the
subject, "American Literature in the
English Curriculum." General dis-
cussion will follow.
J. L. Davis,
French Plays: Tonight at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, at 8:30 p.m.
the Cercle Francais presents three
one-act plays in French. Box office
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Informal
spring initiation this evening, at 7
p.m in Room 303, Chemistry Bldg.
Banquet on Saturday, May 1, at 6:15
p.m. Michigan Union. All members
are requested to purchase tickets im-
Esperanto: The Esperanto Class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today.
Lutheran Student Choir: Special
rehearsal this evening, 7:30 p.m.,~ at
Trinity Lutheran Church, 5th and
William Regular rehearsal Sunday
afternoon at 4 p.m. at Zion Parish
League Social Committee: There
will be a meeting today at 4:15 pi.m
in the League Council Room of the
Undergraduate Office for all mem-
bers of the social committee who are
interested in acting as guides for
University Day on May 1. All those
members already contacted will
please attend. Very important.
Coming Everts
Economcs Club:; Mr. Robert R.
Horner of the Economics Department
will speak to the Club on ":rban Milk
Distribution Casts" at 7:45, p m. in
Room 305 of the Union on Monday,
MViay 3. Members of thde staffs in
Economics and Business Adminis-
tration, and graduate students in
these departments, are cordially in-
Mr. C. M. Goodrich, chief engineer
of the Canadian Bridge Company,
will talk on the design of Transmis-
sion Towers before the class in E.M.
18 on Saturday, May 1, at 2 p.m. in
Room 406i West Engineer.ing Build-
ing, All interested are invited to at-
Graduate Outing Club: Bird trip on
Sunday morning at 6 a.m., Group will
meet in the park east of the Museum

Building. Breakfast will be served
at the Island at 9 a.m. All graduate
students cordially invited.
Acolyte Meeting Monday, May 2,
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 202 S.W. Dr
Morris Lazerowitz ill read a paper
entitled "The Pringple of Verifiabil-
ity." Anyone interested in philo-

Publication n the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memb'rs of tla
1Unversity. Copy received at the ofL rs or the A si tapt to the Prm Id41
iu~Jl 3 3i G ; :0 .mf. 01 An Satrday.t

These rings, with
will be available

suitable numerals,! sophical debate may attend.
for all classes af-
sDance for Graduate Students and
-- Public Health Club on Saturday eve-
. - ,;H , 4/Fn<, . , +U . i T....,..... , A'

Speech 31: Mr. Shoberg's 9 o'clock
and 10 o'clock sections of Speech 31
will not meet today.
Geology 11: There will be a field
trip as usual this Saturday morning,'
May 1, at 8 o'clock.
Sociology 132 (Poverty and Depen-
dency): Bus leaves on field trip to
Ypsilanti State Hospital at 2 p.m.
- uomfun u . agg aukI aae pog
Chemistry 47: Sections will meet
together in Room 1042 today.
Short Courses in Mathematics: The
third of the series of short courses
in mathematics will be given 'by Dr.
Sumner B. Myers on the subject of
"Caiclus of Variations in the T. ae"

ning, May 1, at the Women's Ath-
letic Building from 9 until 12 o'clock.
Also bowling and ping-pong.
Lutheran Student Club: An outing
will be held on Sunday, May 2, if
the weather is favorable. The first
group will meet at the Parish Hall at
4 p.m. For the members of the A
Capella Chorus and others the sec-
ond group wilt"leave at 5:30 p.m. If
the weather is not favorable there
will be a program at the Parish Hall
and devotional services will be held
in the evening. All students are in-
vited to attend oiir meetings.
An election of officers for the next
year will be held on Sunday ;We
urge all members of the club to at-
tend this meeting.
Pan Concert: The third in the

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