rr xWTHE M .CICHIGAN IJA ILY FRAIDY, APRIL 30, 1937 A ll Ieace Programs Must Be Anti-Fascist, MacKenzie Claims DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SI "~tM rng Parley n; ~anel Ineludes I~ P i S i L a tis, mhFRIDAY, APRIL 34, 1937 F_ cultyClerg P Pred.ICf ~t asishyalistcist said, is for engineers and mzachin- VOL. XLVII No. 149 p sts to help the Spaniards with nefR Vitory I Year, Withmachiney they don't understand. O1 e (continued fromag U World Conflict Near MacKenzie stated that a Loyalist President and Mrs. Alexander G. br__ofthe_ of victory within a year was zimely "and Rutveners of the panel will be presenlt. zn The American peace movement maybe a World War in the mean- May 2, from 4 to 6 p.m. for a faculty oturday they will be joined by 13 i should 'stop bleating about peace and time." tthers and the enlargedpanel will! find the causes of war and then it Factories that employ more than ea. divide into seven sections which will t will discover that any peace program 100 men have been placed under gov- - meet simultaneously at 3 p.m. and must be anti-fascist," David MacKen- ement control. "That wasn't diffi- Honors Convocation: The Four- 7:30 p.m. to discuss the seven phases 1 zie, Scotch medical student, one of cult because all the big industrial- teenth Annual Honors Convocation I of the general theme. N the estimated 40,000 Loyalists in the ists went over to the rebels. The of the University of Michigan will be The 23 members of the general International Brigade, said in an in- middle class has cast its lot with held today at 11 o'clock in Hill! panel and the sections with which terview Wednesday. the worker's united front," he de- Auditorium. Classes, with the ex- they will sit Saturday are: Our Eco-I The rebel side, 1VacKenzie stated, is "ared. ception of clinics, will be dismissed nomic System-Prof. William Haberd supported by bishops appointed by MacKenzie cla-imed that the people at 10:45 a.m. Those students in and Dr. Ralph Dewey, both of the ec- the former reactionary governiment, I America who should oe most in-I clinical classes who are receiving cnomics department; Our Interna- ; the army leaders, land aristocrats terested in the Spanish conflict, be- honors at the Convocation will be tional Relations-Prof. Arthur S. Ai- and the big industrialists; the sol- cause they do not understand its in- excused in order to attend. The fac- ton and Prof. Preston Slosson, both diers have been impressed. ternational significance, are devoting 1 ulty, seniors, and graduate students of the history department and Prof. "Yes, my father is Rear Admiral all their energies to the CIO and sim- are requested to wear academic, cos- Harlow Heneman of the political sci- of the British Navy and a 'blahsted' ilar movements and are neglecting tume but there will be no procession. ence department. fascist at that," the speaker at Wed- their "brothers in Spain." Members of the faculty are asked to 'Our Government' Discussed nesday's meeting declared. enter by the rear door of Hill Audi- j Our Government-~-Prof. Ralph Aig- When asked "what proposal of the Ae Ps torium and proceed directly to the ler and Prof. Edson Sunderland, both Fronte Popular most antagonized the r stage, where arrangements have been of the Law School, Prof. Lewis Van- reactionaries and the fascists," Mac- Are To Be R qd made for seating them. The public der Velde of the history department, Kenzie said it was division of the is n Prof. Walter C. Sadler, of the civil land among those who worked it. Alexander G. Ruthven. engineering department, mayor of The greatest need of the govern- (Continued from Page I )Ann Arbor, and Prof. Harold Dorr of ment at present, the Scotch anti-fas- __the political science department. -- - -reduce his expenses enough to remain The University of Michigan Pub- Our Religion-Dr. Blakeman, Prof. in school. He estimated that by doing lie Health Club will hold a dance on John F. Shepard of the psychology . C . G lb Al. esse ( Saturday evening, May 1, at th e E .A dr s hs own cooking, the student can cut adepartment, and Prof. Harley .H. P 0 Melt deassIe hiat least one-half rm the average Women's Athletic Building from 9 Bartlett, chairman of the botany de- board bill. until 12 o'clck. This dance is be- partment; Our Art-Prof. DeWitt H. "Educational Administration as a Dean Olmstead emphaized the irlg held in conjunction with the j Parker, chairman of the philosophy field is well nigh bankrupt because ifact that students living in apart- Graduate School group. Members department and Prof. Jean Paul Slus- fails to, consider the creative ability ments are still subject to the regula- of the club are cordially invited to ser of the architecture school. of the individual," said Dean E. O tions of the Board of Regents regard- come and bring their friends Our College Education-Dean Jo- ! Melby of the School of Education of ing the presence of intoxicating liq- Members are asked to remember seph Bursley, Prof. Stuart Courtis of Northwestern University in address- sand unchaproned women in the meeting to be held Wednesday the education school, and Prof. Wes- uors eveningnMayp5,ro37,dat hichntim ing the initiation banquet of Phi apartmentsevening, May 5, 1937, at which time ley Maurer of, the journalizsm depart- Delta Kappa, honorary education .Dr: Reuben Kahn of the Bacteriology ment; Our Social Life-Prof. Robert fraternity, last night at the Michigan "The presence of women guests in Department will speak. This meeting R. Dieterle of the psychiatry depart- Union." all men's living quarters, except when w ill be held in the Michigan League ment, Prof. Warren E. Forsythe, di- Well known for his progressive chaperons approved by University and the room will be posted. rector of the Health Service, Dr. work in education, Dr Melby advo- authorities are present, is not in ac- (CoIltinucd on Page 4) Richard Fuller of the sociology de- cated greater academic freedom for cord with the generally accepted - ----- - partment and Prof. Nathan Sinai of teachers. "But we must be careful," standards and conventions of society Seo l asIers BeiI the public health department. he warned, "lest this freedom go to and is disapproved by the Univer- The 13 others who will join them at their heads and they become rugged sity," he said. EduicatioiIal SessIIs . individualists. Freedom from restric- The use or presence of intoxicating Co=ti-_-_d . ._. 1) ST.__ tion from above is an excellent liquors in student quziters is also dis- -------S- STR theory but it disregards that natural approved, he said, and persons violat- Issues in Teacher-Education," ePABST BLUE RIBBON tendency to want to be important ing the regulatio are liable to disc first meeting of the Michigan School-RIA SA and attract attention." I plinary action. master's Club in the Union. 1i All Dealers .___ __ __His discussion dealt with the trends J J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 3500 in the curriculum of elementary and -- -- _-- 1' , U h. + ' . -4; p' t secondary schools. r. ., . A assI. ietI uIre. o ryS. M. Brownell, superintendent of -_. Grosse Pointe Schools, followed this - DRUGS- . . -~~_~_~ talk by an argument favoring they, SLOS'' AND FOUND interneship of Michigan teachers. ,. i i. iex uebr 1.uau 1 n_.....a...ai.,, .:«, ..,}+, "+ncaii nt ---- -. __- Tn~i T T"' % -1 FqiEon-re he Saturday meeting are: Our Ec&= omics System-Prof. Howard Ellis f the economics department and ?rof. Charles Jamison of the business dininistration schxool; Our Interna-. ional Relations -Prof. Lawrenc Preuss of the political science de- artment and Professor. Rmeri; Our Religion-Rev. H. P'. Marley of the nitarian Church, Rev. Henry Lewis f the Episcopalian Church and Prof. Villiam A. McLaughlin of the ro- mance languages department. Our Art-Prof. Warner G. Rice of he English department, Prof. Wh1- iam Doty of the music school, aid Mentor L. Williams of the English department; Our College Education -Prof. Howard McClusky of the ed- ucation school; Our Social Life- Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the sociology department and Prof. Theophile Ra- phael of the psychiatry department TYPEWRITERS '- AlF makes and models, Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Repaired. 314 SOUTH STATE STREET r~k I, m R G tneans Bicycle Riding GA INSL EY BROS. MOBILGAS STA#JIbN South U at Forest READ THE DAILY CtIASSIFIEDS KY NE SHOP -KODAK= D SPECIAL Ai , 1'. ourt St.I Pace advertisexxxents with Classified L. Fouirih - Advertlsing Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five ..,~Jo'clock ,previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no _________ extra charge.I Cash in advance 11c per reading line for one or two insertions. lOc per read- ing une for three or more insertions. D V(on.basis of five averagewords to line) , 4 DAY' Minimzumx throe lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per readJng line -'for two -r more inertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. LAUNDRY 'cmLAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at a low price. Sx a1 LAUNDRY WANTED Priced Reasonably STUDENT LIST shirts ......................12c Shorts........................4c ores Tops .......................... 4c Handkerchiefs ... . .............2c Main Socks (pr). ...................3c Pajamas .....................10c CO-ED LIST .__,_._,_.. Slips....................... lOc Dresses......................25c ' YOvV Panties .......................7c handkerchiefs ...... . ...........2c, Pajamas .........:........0c to 15c Hose (pr.) . .... . ... . .. .. .,. .. . .3c Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles done separately-no markings. Per- sonal satisfaction guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver Laundry. 907 E. Hoover. 14x FOR SALE FORE SALE: Harvard Classics, Dr. El- iot's five-foot shelf. 52 volumes. Red Morocco. Also portable vic- trola. Phone 4786. 478 SITUATION WANTED STUDENT WANTED: to do chores about the house for a nice com- fortable room. Call 6528. - -Last Times Today TWO FEATURES! >jZosu Pitns - Ted Hoaly 4.. Dire ted by George B. Sells R b R 6 a .. 9 1 LOST: One woman's wig at Mich- igras Saturday night. Finder please call 4017. Ask for D'Aprix. Reward. 476 LOST: Pair of buff-colored men's gloves. Deerskr. Call 6232, ask for Robert Junghans. At Michigras Friday night. 480 HELP WANTED 3.TTENTION: Summer employment for college men and teachers. We will select 25 Michigan men for special sales and service work in Michigan and Ohio. Men selected will be trained and placed in es- tablished territories. This job will pay from $30 to $55 per week to students who mean business. We will guarantee $250 for ten weeks summer work for students selected. Write E. A. Blowers, Fuller Brush Company, c /o Michigan Union for interview in Ann Arbor. Give age class, past experience and phone number. 468 WANTED CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, and musical instruments. Phone Sam. 6304. 78x LOST: At Yost Field House Saturday night, a curved, gold, Waltham wrist watch with brown leather strap. Please call 2-2565. Reward. Jonn R..Emens, director of Teachz-' er Training and Certification, State Department of Public Instruction, (Continued on Page 4) 4 _ .5 L a M"nd,;so, ,..cX 37 ° ~t cSeasont Dramat Lia Mendssh Theater O- n Sale!- T opp at $2.50, $3.60,$4.80 Bring ti and $6.60. Garden we tre RooMi, Mchigant Lcague BldgC k s * 324 SOUTH --CND ~~ ~~C A D ------u~ hed with a Luscious Chery! he gal friend in with you and at you both for but 27c. .Fletcher Drug Co. STATE 81 SOUTH STATE 5 , T .., ..,,r.. . ... ..._ - __ __ ___ __.. i 475. A Home Runr its the Spot like Creamy PURITY ICE CREAM WIKEL DRUG CO We Deliver Phone 3494 i . i Again S et ~ ui { M etro 4ij7(11I /I AT 'ITHE $I.Oo per Cou ple Feat ring CHARLIE ZWICK AND HIS ORCHESTRA STiARTING SATURDAY ! THE NEW ST AR! FERNAND) GRAVET c ..._ _ . -