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VOL. XLVII No. 148
51st Meeting
Of Educators
Dean James B. Edmoinson
Will Preside At Initial
Session At 9:30 A.M.
Convention To Last
Through Saturday
The 51st annual meeting of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will
open at 9:30 a.m. today in the Union
with a conference of teacher-educa-
tion headed by Dean James B. Ed-
monson of the education school.
Included in this conference, the
theme of which is "New Issues in
Teacher-Education," will be talks by
Paul Rankin, chairman of the state
committee on curriculum revision,
S. M. Brownell, superintendent of
schools at Grosse Pointe and John R.
Emens, director of teacher training
and certification of the state De-
partment of Public Instruction, and
discussions led by Prof. Clifford
Woody of the education school, Prof.
Raleigh Schorling of the education
school and Egbert Winter of Hope
Problems Of Schools
At 2:30 p.m., a conierenceson prob-
lems involving secondary schools and
institutions of higher learning will be
held in the Union.
The meeting will then adjourn un-
til tomorrow and Saturday when in-
dividual conferences will be held on
art, biology, business, the classics,
commercial subjects, education, Eng-
lish, general science, geography,
health and physical education, math-
ematics, modern langauges, music,
physics, chemistry, astronomy, school
libraries, social sciences and speech.
A banquet will be held at 6 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union for those who
have been members of the club for
25 or more consecutive years. At that
time Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the
Central M. E. Church of Detroit will
speak on "What Is an American?"
Expect 2,500
Between 2,500 and 3,000 persons
are expected to attend the conference,
the office of Registrar Ira M. Smith
said yesterday.
Among those appearing on the pro-
gram of the three flay conference
are Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department, Kermit Eby of
the Ann Arbor high school, R. J.
Hickman of the Michigan State Nor-
mal College, Audrey DeWitt of the
State Department of Conservation, D.
D. Lessenberry of the University of
Pittsburgh, Dean of Women Lydia I.
Jones of the Michigan State Normal
College, E. O. Melby, dean of the
school of education of Northwestern
University, President J. L.. Seaton of
Albion College and Prof. Wilbur L.
Beauchamp of the University 4f Chi-
Byron J. Rivett of Detroit is pres-
ident of the Schoolmasters, C. E.
Brake of Detroit is vice-president and
H. A. Tape of Ypsilanti is secretary
University Day
To Bring 500
Students Here
Pupils From High Schools
To Be Offered Preview
Of MichiganCampus
State high school students will con-
vene here Saturday, for the first time
in the University's history, as its
guests for a furl day of activities
planned to introduce them to the
Advance reservations indicate a.
possible attendance of more than 500,
most of them from Detroit and the
district within a radius of 125 miles
from Ann Arbor, Frederick V. Geib,
'38F&C, chairman of the Union com-
mittee in charge, revealed yesterday.
"If the project is successful," Geib
said, "it will be continued annually.
It's purpose is to weld a closer re-
lationship and friendship between
residents of the state and their Uni-
"Though students are not advised
to stay over night, we will have lists
of approved rooms in fraternities,
sororities, and dormitories for them."
The program will start at 9 a.m.
when the visitors meet at the League
and the- Union. There they will be
assigned student guides to conduct
them to the points of interest on
campus. They have been invited to
attend the Engineering Open House
- . -nt_ t[ . ... T *11 v Etil
GovernorMurphy's WiagnerAct'
Will Go To Legislature Today
ichigan's Strike Policy
Was 'Neutral,' He Says
At Case Club Dinner
A "model labor relations act" for
Michigan will be introduced in the
State Legislature today, Gov. Frank
Murphy said last night in his address
at the annual Case Club dinner in
the Law Club.
Announcement of the initiation of
the act, which the Governor said he
"would be proud to introduce," came
in the middle of his talk last night
and was the first definite statement
as to when the "Wagner Act" for
Michigan would be presented to the
A plea for fundamental principles
of government that will withstand
the onslaughts of temporary currents
of change and yet permit progress
and evolution was made by the gov-
ernor in his talk.
Stating that these strong govern-
mental principles are especially
necessary at the present time, Gov-
ernor Murphy said, "It is a colossal
weakness among those in public life
that they yield and bend before the
immediate problems, losing sight of
the long-time end."
"There is nothing inconsistent in
progressive government with prac-
tical government," the Governor
said. "A government canabe socially
minded and progressive and at the
same time competent," he added."
The constitution was not designed to
meet the problems of any particular
period but was intended to carry the
nation through the ages."
The industrial strife that the Gov-
(Continued on Page 6)
Varsity Stops
Toledo's Rally
And Wins, 7 - 6
Gee, Smith, Fishman All
Pitch; Twelve Fanned
As Ten Walk
Herman Fishman throttled a belat-
ed Toledo rally in the ninth inning
yesterday to give Michigan a 7-6
victory in a weird contest that
marked the opening of the home sea-
l son for Coach Fisher's Varsity base-
ball nine.
Fishman was the last of a trio of
Wolverine pitchers that fanned 12
opposing batters, walked 10 and blew
a 7-0 lead. Burt Smith crowned the
freakish mound performance by hit-
ting Bill Mattison, Toledo catcher,
on the head with a fast ball in the
seventh inning.
Michigan made four runs in the
second inning without hitting a ball
out of the infield. Steve Uricek and
Mlierle Kremer walked and Danny
Smick was safe on an error by
"Howdy" Camp, Toledo pitcher, to
fill the bases. Bob Campbell then
hit a grounder to Marty Slovak at
third who slipped on the wet grass
and Uricek crossed the plate with
the first run of the game. Kremer
and Smick scored on Heyliger's and
Gee's infield outs and Don Brewer
was safe at first when Camp's throw
hit him in the back as he was racing
down the first base line, Campbell
scoring on the play. Walt Peckin-
paugh ended the inning by ground-
ing out third to first.
Big John Gee started on the mound
(Continued on Page 3)
Seniors' Invitations
To Continue On Sale
Seniors who are graduating this
June and who failed to meet the
deadline yesterday for ordering com-
mencement invitations and booklets
will be given an opportunity to pur-
chase them for a limited time at
Burr, Patterson and Auld, 603
Church St., at no extra cost, ac-
cording to Dean Walter B. Rea.
"An opportunity has been given
all seniors to order these announce-
ments from the committees of their
respective colleges, and though this
is no longer possible," Dean Rea said,
"if they act immediately they can
purchase them without the increase
in cost that will inevitably come."
Van Kleek To Talk On
Professional Relations
Mary Van Kleek, head of the In-
dustrial Research Division of the
Russell Sage Foundation, New York
will speak at 12:15 p.m today at the
League on "Interprofessional Rela-
Speaks Here
'802 Students
Will Be Cited
Honors Convocation Is Set
For 11 A.M. Tomorrow;
Prof. Reeves Will Speak
Morning Classes
Will End At 10:45
The University will honor 802 stu-
dents for outstanding scholastic
achievement at 11 a.m. tomorrow
at the 14th annual Honors Convoca-
tion in Hill Auditorium.
Police Testify
Neafus Tied Up
Huron Traffic
Could Have Rerouted Area
If Permit Were Given,
Sgt. Cook States .
Trial of Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, for
"loitering" on the scene of a strike
here three weeks ago, was adjourned
at 5 p.m. yesterday after five Ann
Arbor policemen had testified that
the defendant had "congested" traf-
fice immediately preceding his ar-
Testimony will be resumed at 10
a.m. today in Justice Jay H. Payne's
Sgt. Norman E. Cook, the first
wvitness, testified that he had arrest-
ed Neafus only after he had told him
he'd "have to take him in if he failed
to heed the warning" to stop address-
ing the crowd which had gathered
around the picket line."
Under questioning of Arthur C.
Lehman, one of Neafus' attorneys
he said that Neafus had been ar-
rested because he did not have a
speaking permit from the mayor. I
he had had a permit, Cook said, po-
lice would have rerouted traffic to
avoid the "congested" area.
Other officers to testify were Ju-
lius Ehnis, Albert Heusel, Edward
Iler and Casper Michelson.
All said that when Neafus began
to speak he attracted a crowd that
made it impossible for a pedestrian
to pass the building Each officer
testified that he had had to aid per-
sons in entering the Ann Arbor Rec-
reation Center, 605 E. Huron St., the
scene of the strike.'
Lehman and Michael Evanoff, wh
is also representing Neafus, said tha
Neafus would be the defense's firs
"About three more policemen" wil
be put on the witness stand before
Neafus, however, according to Ser
geant Cook.
Clements Library
Gets Sketch Book
Of 1855 Visitor
The sketch book of J. F. Cropsey
an artist who visited Ann Arbor i
1855 and at the request of the Re
gents painted a picture of the cam
pus, has just been acquired by th
Clements Library, the gift of Prof
Bruce M. Donaldson, chairman of th
department of fine arts.
Cropsey's painting, a celebrate
portrayal of the University in it
early days, is also in the possessio
of the library. The artist's point o
I vantage was apparently in the re
gion of Forest Hill Cemetery, o
Geddes Avenue. The scene include
three campus buildings which sti]
stand, Mason Hall, South Wing o
University Hall, and the President'
At that time, according to authori
ties in the archives department of th
library, there were three othe
houses, belonging to professors.
The medical school, with its larg
glass dome ampitheatre, occupies
prominent position in the pictur
The famous "broken shaft" monu
ment, now in back of the Gener
Classes will be dismissed at 10:45
a.m. and the program. will start
promptly. President Ruthven will
preside at the meeting.
The Convocation address will be
delivered by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of
the political science department,
whose topic is"Scholarship-an Ac-
complishment and a Profession."~
58 Phi Beta Kappas
Fifty-eight new members of Phi
Beta Kappa will be honored at the
meeting. The list includes 41 seniors,'
seven juniors and 10 graduate stu-
Seniors whose scholastic achieve-
ments will be recognized number 202.4
'Ninety juniors, 75 sophomores and 94I
freshmen will also be honored.
Graduate fellowships and scholar-
ships will be awarded to 121 students,
while other honors will be awarded
to 154. Special scholarship awards
will be given to 171 in the Graduate
r I Three students will be honored
three times at the Convocation and
1 99 will receive two citations. Names of
the honor students will not be re-
vealed until the time of the meeting.
Held Annually Since 1924
The Convocation has been held an-
nually since 1924 when it. was insti-
tuted by President Marion Leroy
Burton to honor publicly students
who have shown outstanding scho-
lastic ability and achievement.
Last year slightly more than 700
students were honored.
Professor Reeves, who recently re-
signed the chairxianship cam.-a po-,
* litical science department, will be
the first faculty member to deliver
the Convocations address.
Jackson youth
fIs Jailed Here
After Assault
Clarence A. Patrick, 25 years old,
Jackson, yesterday _was in County
Jail after he admitted he had in-
tended to assault Elinor West, 17
year old high school girl, Tuesday
Miss West, daughter of Police Sgt.
e Clifford West, balked the attempted
assault by slipping the chain-lock be-
fore opening the door of the West
t home, 906 Fifth St., when her suspi-
cions were aroused by the growling
of her pet dog.
e Miss West was preparing for bed
shortly before midnight when the
doorbell rang. She thought it might
have been her father, and went down-
stairs to let him in. She slipped the
chain after hearing the dog's growl-
ing. As she opened the door, the
assailant pushed hid leg through the
opening in the door and grabbed her
by the arm. She screamed and
aroused her mother, who was asleep.
, The screams startled the assailant so
much he released his grip.
n Her mother came downstairs and
- called the police. Two radio equipped
- police scout cars, the Washtenaw
e sheriff's patrol car and five State
Police cars quickly joined in a road
House Passes
Budget Raise
Of 4_Million1
Congress Approves Award t
Of Over 83 Millions r
To Federal Agencies 1
T' A Grants Totalr
Set At $44,166,270
WASHINGTON, April 28.-()--e
The House climaxed a day of econ-
omy debate today by approving an1
outright increase of $4,000,000 in the
session's second deficiency appropria-f
Without a record vote, the cham-I
ber then passed the measure carrying
$83,146,943 for the Tennessee Valley1
Authority and a number of otherc
Federal agencies.t
Despite Republican appeals for
"real economy," the House added $4,-
000,000 to the TVA's appropriationt
for the fiscal year beginning July 1.
This action came after authorization '
for the TVA to make electrical equip-
ment contracts for a similar amount,
had been stricken out on a point of
order raised by Minority Leader Snell;
(Rep., NY.).
Gives TVA $44,166270
The change would give the TVA a
total of $44,166,270, approximately
$4,524,000 less than it had this year.
As finally approved, the measure
carried about $14,060,000 less than
the total recommended by the budget
Although the only reduction effect-
ed on the House floor was the elimin-
ation of $60,000 for salaries of as-
sistant attorneys in the Justice De-
partment, the House beat down sev-
eral attempts to increase the bill.
Some of the hottest debate on the
measure centered on the TVA ap-
Discounts Impounding
Earlier in the day, Representativej
Taber of New York, a Republican
leader, told the House that a Demo-;
cratic proposal to impound 15 per
cent of all of next year's governmen-
tal appropriations subject to Presi-
dent Roosevelt's orders "will not re-
sult in any economy whatsoever."
Legislation to authorize the im-
pounding was introduced late yes-
terday by Representative Cannon
(Dem , Mo.) and Speaker Bankhead
said it had President Roosevelt's ap-
proval. It would permit the Presi-
dent to restore all or part of the im-
pounded funds as he saw fit.
Some Democratic leaders contend-
ed that the President, who recently
announced an economy campaign,
should be given broad discretion in
making cuts.
Seek To Make ROTC
Compulsory Here
LANSING, April 28.-(/P)-A mea-
sure introduced in the legislature to-
day by Rep. F. Dean Morley, Demo-
crat, New Troy, would make military
training ior men compulsory at the
University of Michigan.
Morley's bill would make one year's
training in military tactics a manda-
tory condition to enrollment at the
University. Military training now is
optional with the University students,
but compulsory at Michigan State
College for two years.
Rep. Frank N. Steele, Democrat,
Muskegon, introduced a bill to per-
mit parochial schools to share in
state school aid funds
A bill submitted by Rep. Joseph E.
Warner, Republican, Ypslianti, would
provide $400,000 to remodel the
Neuro-Psychiatric Institute at the
University of Michigan and install
additional equipment.
4pril Breezesj
Have Nothing
On Air Tunnel
April breezes have nothing on
he breezes that will be circulating
hrough the wind tunnel which will be
>n exhibition in the aeronautical ex-
ibition at the Engineering Open
-ouse tomorrow night.
Exhibits of all the latest develop-
ments in the way of electrical appa-
'atus will also be featured at the
)pen House which starts at noon to-
A working television model has
Teen prepared for showing in the
lectrical department exhibit. This
vill feature both the broadcast and
pick-up of a scene in the exhibit.
Another special attraction to be of- 1
eed in this division is a demonstra- v
ion of the ability of a sound to be
ransmitted over a beam of light. The
sound will be packed up by a phono-
raph and carried through an am-Y
dlifier to a neon tube. The light,
vhich varies in intensity according to
;he sound waves, will be picked upx
nd through an electric eye bet
hanged back to waves correspondingc
o the original.
What happens when you put in a a
all by use of & dial telephone will e
ie illustrated in a system especially 1
evised for exhibition purposes. Each t
(Continued on Page 2)p
World Fascism a
Spanish Issue,
Volunteer Sayst
Hearst Press, Mussolini,4
Liberty League, Nazisf
Assailed By MacKenzie
The Spanish war is preeminntly aa
war against international Fascism,v
David MacKenzie, Scottish medical f
student, who enlisted in the cause of
the Loyalists, told a joint meeting of
the Friends of Spanish Democracy }
and the Student Alliance yesterday -
n the Union.
"It is a war against the Hearst
Press and the Liberty League inf
America," Mr. MacKenzie said,
"against the National Government
in Great Britain and against Hitler
and Mussolini in Germany and Italy.
It is not a civil war but a War for1
Spanish independence."
Formerly a member of the volun-
teer battalions in Spain, having left
his studies at Edinburgh University+
to speak for the Loyalist Government,1
Mr. MacKenzie is conducting a lec-
ure tour in America.f
"The opposition of the American
press to the Spanish government has
led to the development of many1
myths," Mr. MacKenzie added At
present, he said, the government is
making all its arms except uniforms'
which are being imported from Mex-
"Until January," Mr. MacKenzie
explained, "the USSR provided air-1
planes and tanks to the army. But
(Continued on Page 2)7
Initial Is sue
Of Fraternity'
News Appears'
Fraternity men were 'presented
with the first issue of the Interfra-
ternity Council News yesterday, a
three-column mimeographed morith-
Iy publication edited by Roy E. Fra-
zier, '38, of the Interfraternity Coun-
According to an editorial in this is-
sue, the purpose of the paper is to
"improve and bring more favorable
publicity to the fraternities on cam-
pus . . . The scope of the material is
obviously limited in that this is a
>ublication for fraternities," accord-
ing to the editorial, "presenting news
and articles dealing in both the na-
tional and local phases as much as
The first issue carries a cartoon
n the front page and has space de-
voted to alumni news, editorials,
sports, and house activities besides
news stories.
The Interfraternity News is first
publication of this nature in the
country, to the knowledge of the
Council, according to a letter sent out
to the 41 fraternities announcing the
paper. In keeping with the objective
of bringing more favorable publicity
to fraternities, copies of the paper
will be sent to many members of the
Faculty, members of the National In-
terfraternity Council, ,leading news-
Flood Threat
In Northeast
Area Lessens
Ohio River Loosens Grip
On Wheeling; Residents
Are Left Homeless
Volunteers Begin
Refurishing Cities
WHEELING, W. Va., April 28 -(P)
-Flood waters of three states rolled
down the sluggish Ohio River tonight
eaving thousands homeless in their
Six lives were lost in Pennsylvania
and West Virginia as a result of the
high waters.
The river released its grip on tae
Wheeling industrial district of ap-
proximately 200,000 population as the
third day of the flood threat ran its
Danger of catastrophic flood dam-
ge diminished throughout the north-
ast American flood area as the Ohio
ed the retreat of rainswollen wa-
erways back to their normal chan-
Municipal cleanup squads and dis-
odged residents followed with mops
nd brooms. the slow recession of the
Three thousand persons were
homeless in Wheeling tonight as the
Ohio inched back into its banks.
Many hours still remained before
the muddy waters would seep to a
safe margin below the flood's crest of
45.9 feet reached early today. The
flood stage is 36 feet
Wheeling undertook its mop-up
campaign calmly, thankful that the
damage can be reckoned in thpus-
ands instead of millions of dollars as
was the case in the record flood of
1936 which reached a crest of 55.5
Normalcy returned to the historical
"flood city" of Johnstown, Pa., which
bore the brust of the first attack of
the tributaries to the north Monday.
The Stony Creek and Conemaugh
Rivers, which had poured two feet,
of water into main business streets,
flowed placidly southward tonight,
seven feet below the 16-foot flood
Ontario Harried
By Thames Overflow
THAMESVILLE, Ont., April 28 -
(Canadian Press)-The worst flood
here in 30 years poured through
Thamesville tonight, damaging homes
and business property and engulfing
many acres of nearby farmland.
Since 7 p.m. yesterday, the Thames
River rose 24 feet and poured over
its banks this morning at this town,
15 ;miles northeast of Chatham
Thamesville tonight was virtually
isolated and water six to eight feet
deep covered two square miles.
Thamesville has a population of
One thousand of the villagers and
residents of the surrounding country
fled their homes, many rescued by
motor trucks that backed up to'their
homes before the water became too
deep. Boats were rushed here from
Chatham and other places.
Many of the refugees crowded in-
to the Tecumseh Hotel, where they
were fed and provided with sleeping
quarters. In the rural district affect-
ed there was a hurried evacuation of
Tonight, a~ worried populace an-
xiously watched the river for an in-
dication of recession but there was
JThe rampaging Thames already
had spread destruction estimated at
$3,000,000 in London, about 25 miles
to the northeast. A broad section of
London was coated with slime today.
How Co-Eds Stumble
T'hroughTheir Pipes'
WASHINGTON, April 28.-(V)-
The Securities Commission learned
about women's intuition today from
Mrs. Evelyn Mendelsoohn, wealthy
Detroit widow.
Appearing as a witness in the com-
mission's hearing of manipulation
charges against the W. E. Hutton &
Company brokerage firm, Mrs. Men-
delsoohn told how she bought three
blocks of Atlas Tack stock, totalling
"Why did you buy the second thou-
sand," she was asked.
"I thought the stock was doing so
well it would be a good idea to buy
another thousand," she replied.
"How did you know the stock was
Alnnr n n lr119 flirA in, Inc l-nlt ha
Cellophane-Wrapped Answers
Will Not Be Given Out At Parley
"All washed out!"
That's how faculty men felt wher
last year's Spring Parley was over
according to Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, University counselor in religious
"That's how they feel every yeas
when another Spring Parley wind:
up," he said. "But they all enjoy it
hard work and all, for the Parley is a
real and sincere thing," he continued
The Spring Parley has come tc
mean deep sincerity, and it usually
ends in a wholesale appreciation of
faculty men by students, Dr. Blake-
livisions are: politics, economics, in-
ernational relations, art, education,
'eligion and social life). However, he
ndicated that the discussion will not
e limited to these issues as reported
n yesterday's Daily. "They are mere-
ly suggestions of possible lines of de-
bate," he said.
"The Parley is not a series of
earned lectures by professors," he
emphasized. "It is not a debate upon
an 'either-or' proposition where one
group defends one, and another group
the opposite thesis.
Rather the Spring Parley is a frank
and lively consideration of many