WED eI s '1 , °L ,1' .. w8, 1937 THE MICIGAN DAILY PAGE FT 'E League Council AnnouncesJ.G.P., Comnmittee Appointments For '37-'38 f+?- c. Chissus Named Head Of Junior '38 Production Assistant Chairman To Be Jean Holland; 11 Others Are Appointed (Continued from Page 1) Gamma, participated in Freshman Project, was music chairman of Soph- omore Cabaret. Miss Tillman, a resident of Mosher Hall, is also a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, and was active in both Freshman Project and Sopho- more Cabaret. Miss Lillie is a member of Colle- giate Sorosis and was on the ticket committee for Freshman Project and} the costume committee for Sopho- more Cabaret. She is a member of the Dramatic Club and has been ac- tive in the summer theatre. 1 Committees Named Miss Pomeroy, affiliated with Kap- pa Alpha Theta, was publicity chair- man of the 1936 Freshman Project,, a member of the publicity committee for Sophomore Cabaret and the Penny Carnival committee. She is working as a sophomore reporter on the women's staff of The Daily and is a Panhellenic Association repre- Fencing A tains Popularity With Women League Groups Are Announced For Next Year Social, Merit, Theatre-Arts Publicity Members Given By JudiciaryCouncil New members of four League com- mittees were announced by Angelene Maliszewski '38, head of Judiciary Council after a meeting of the Un- dergraduate Council held last night. The lists do not include the freshmen who became committee members earlier this semester and whose names were previously made known. The new members of the theatre- arts committee, headed by Joanne Kimmell, '38, chairman, are Ruth Allderige, '38, Bunty Bain, '39, Mar- garet Bremer, '40, Margaret Bryant, '39, Frances Burgess, '38A, Phyllis Carr, '38, Roberta Chissus, '39A, Mary Elliott, '38, Elizabeth Ann Emswiler, '40, Vera Gray, '38, Jane, Giesecke, '39A:. Election To Be Hel Fatcuilty Tea To Be Held FRESHMAN PROJECT At Newberry R 1eidc Freshmen women who did not at- By Faculty Women tend the mass meeting Monday, but ______ An informal faculty tea will be held who wish to be included in the cast The last general meeting of the from 4 to 5:30 p.m. today at Helen of Freshman Project may sign their year of the Faculty Women's Club Newberry Residence. Miss Ruth names to the slips on the bulletin will be held at 1 p.m. today in thet League Ballroom. The annual main Danielson, Mrs. Arthur Bromage, board in the Undergraduate Office ousiness of the meeting, which is to !Miss Evelyn Heuvelhorst and Betty of the League, Alberta Wood, general be preceded by a luncheon, will be the Lauer, '38, president of the dormitory, chairman, announced today. Tele- election of officers for the coming will receive. phone number and choice of parts Mers. Edward L. Adams outgoing Those who will pour are Miss Jean- should be stated. Friday is the dead- president of the club will present re- nette Perry, Mrs. Clarence S. Yoak- line for signatures. Casting will take ports on the activities of their groups. um, Mrs. Peter Okkelberg, Mrs. J. G. place on Saturday. The rehearsal Election of heads of the sections is Hays, Mrs. Martha Ray and Miss schedule will b@ posted in the League held within the groups. Kathleen Hamm. I Monday. Mrs. G. E. Densmore, chairman of__ the garden section, is in charge of the table decorations for the affair. Moore, '38, Palmer Patton, '39, Louise Penny, '40SM, Nelson Persons, '38, Z Alys Pierce, '39, Harriet Pomeroy, '39, 'Charlotte Poock, '39, Marian Price, '' 1th . i" '39, Mary Rall, '39, Jean Rheinfrank,-.rm n ,ts '39, Marguerite Ridhter, '40, Dorothy Kopper, '38Ed, Eleanor Sappington,H dh s m Appointees Listed which gives you complete satisfac- Betty Shaffer, '39, Harriet Sharkey, tion. Our work done by experienced '40 Mary Skinner,'39, Betty Spang- operators. * * * ~ Fencing, One Form Of Deftnse, in t~ntit~ (?tlhqjx~ .%~ritirt Prto ram By ELLEN CUTHBERT E To many people the word "fenc- ing" brings a picture of a knight in armor mounted on a prazncing steed charging down a field with a' long pointed lance before him, or one of 'a duel being-fought in some wooded ..-' PS...7JJ'U.J'E Wi * N V.AU5U/ E the important thing in this move-! ment, because the farther you can' get away from your opponent and still touch h'im, the better it is for you-and; incidentally, for your score. "The "lunge" is executed from the "on guard" position. The right arm hold- Theatre Arts Members Marion Gommeson, '3, Janet sentative. -_ _° spot with top-hatted and black- ing the foil is extended as far as it Miss Krieghoff, a resident of Jor- draped seconds standing by. But to will go, and the body is pushed for- dan Hall, was on the finance corn- the modern Michigan college woman ward by straightening out the left leg mittee of Freshman Project, the As- the word has a very different con- and moving the right one ahead. The sembly Banquet and the Assembly notation. left foot is kept flat on the floor, and Ball committees. Miss Bursley, af- For. although fencing originated as the right one drops perpendicularly down fr~om the knee. The free left filiated with Collegiate Sorosis, was - a form of defense between .contin-mh.r e on the dance committee and took part ental gentlemen, it has become in- arm is held straigh1t back parallel to in Sophomore Cabaret. She was ac- creasingly popular as a sport, until the floor to aid in maintaining bal- tive in Penny Carnival last year. it is now: included 'on the sports pro- ance. Miss Baxter4 a member of Delta gram of this and other universities as 'Fencing Strip' Used Gamma, was on the entertainment well as high schools.' Definite cos- In a regular bout, the duelists are committees and in the casts of both tumes, forms and weapons have been restricted to a definite 21 by three Freshman Project and Sophomore developed and are now universally foot area called a "fencing strip." Cabaret. Miss White, who lives in used. Scoring is done eithei' by points or Betsy Barbour House is a member of Two Essential Positions minutes. In the classes at the the W.A.A. board, the archery, fenc- There are two' essential positions University, -the -bout lasts until three ing and swimming clubs, Crop and that every fencer must know: "on or five points have been made by one Saddle and the University Girls' Glee guard" and the "lunge." "On guard" or both contestants. Three minutes Club. She took part in Sophomore is the position of readiness, with the is the usual time and the wiiner is Cabaret and Penny Carnival, heels at right angles to each other the, one who gets the ndst 'touches." Music Head and the knees slightly bent, a position Foil Has Three FParts' Miss Wilson is president of the, of grace when properly ekecuted. The weapon used is the foil. This sophomore class in the School of-°Mu- Quick movements for advance or re- is made up of three parts: the pom- sic. She is vice-president of the treat are always done in the "on mel, held in the hand and similar to University Girls' Glee Club, a mem-! guard" position. the hilt of a sword; the bell guard, a ber of Choral Union and of Sigma Al- In the attack, the first :thing round nickel of steel disc just beneath pha Iota, honorary music sorority, learned is- the "lunge." Distance is the pommel, and the flexible steel Miss Holden, affiliated with Pi -- ---- -{blade. The end of this blade is pro-m Beta Phi; was on decorations com- PHI SIGMA SIGMA tected by a rubber foil tip: Instead of, mittee of Sopomore Cabaret and is 'a bell guard, a- guard which looks a member of the League social com- Phi Sigma Sigma sorority an- like a- figure 8 isoften used. mittee. She is a reporter on the nounces the pledging of Edith Coff- The mask worn resembles that of women's staff of The Daily. man, 39 of South Bend, d.abasebllatcr, and an apron of leather or canvas drops from the chin level to the - chest in order to protect, the area of the neck. Although the fenceirs; don't .deliberately aim for I each others' necks, the point may fliclk up when it has been placed on the plastron, a small padded vest, and could cause .injury. The shoes must have no heels whatsoever. The average cost of the equipment is $7, and at Michigan everything but the glove is furnishedby the physical education department. The conventional fencing outfit consists of either long trousers which serve as protection for the legs, or a BET ER RES EScircular three-quarter length black velvetaskirt. Michigan women go modern .in shorts, Miss Hartwig says, preferring them td the custormary uniform. Another important part of the costume is the plastron, high at the neck, made of very heavy canvas to protect the player. A gauntlet glove padded on the back for addi- tional protection completes the out- fit. L) J Groft, '38, Betsy Henderson, '38, Mary Hinchman, '39, Eileen Ichel- dinger, '38SM, Constance Isaly, '38, Mary. Elizabeth James, '38, Margery Lee Lehner, '39, Margaret Louise Lowry, '38, Rowena LaCoste, '39, Annada McElroy, '39, Eleanor Mc-" Cay, '39, Mary McCrory, '39SM, Hel- en McRae, '39P. Charlotte Morehouse, '38, Evelyn! Mullin, '38, Rebecca Newman, '39, Elizabeth Notley, '39, Dorothy Novy, '38, Frances Osborn, '39, Helen Ows- tan, '39, Mary Perkins, '38, Lenora Racette, '38, Helen Ralston, '39, Jean Rutherford, '40, Mary May Scoville, '40Ed, Katherine Schultz, '39, Myrra Short, '39, Eleanor Sikkenga, '38, Al- ice Stevenson, '40, Elizabeth St. Johns, '39, Eleanor Swan, '39. Namcs Are Given . Marjorie Tate, '39, Martha Till- man, '39, Elizabeth Turner, '38, Julia Ann Upson, '39, Cornelia Van Doorn, '38, Madelaine Westendorf, '40, Betty Wahl, '38, and Mary Wheat, '38. New membeizs of the social com- mittee are Dorothy Barrett, '38A, Carol °n Beltramini, '38, Phyllis Ben- nett, '39, Mary Blodgett, '38, Doris Bolton, '39A, Betty Bonistee4, '39, Jean Bonisteel, '38, Rebecca Bursley '39SM, Florence Brotherton, - '40A,' Betty Brooks, '40, Margaret Camp- bell, '38, Margaret Carrigan, '39, Helen Cayia, '38, Marcia Connell, '39. Margaret Gram, '39, Marian Dailey, '38, Margaret Day, '38, Nancy Dall, '39, Harriet Dean, '39, Margaret Dodds, '38, Virginia Eaglesfield, '38, Jeannette Edick, '38, Mary English, '39, Bernice Fage, '39, Marguerite Ganzhorn, '39, Jeanne Geyer, '38A, Betty Gregory, '39, Annabel Haag, '39, Jane Hardy, '39A. Social Committee Named Ruth Hartmann, '39, , Barbara Heath, '39, Jane Holden, '39, ElaineI Jacobs, '40, Marybeth Jones, '39. Ar- demis Kouzian, '38, Florence Kean,. '38, Florence Krenzler, '40, Madeline Krieghoff, '39, Margaret Jack, '38, Lenore Johnson, '39, Mary .Levan~ '39A, Jean Lee, '38, Jean Lillie, '39, Jane Lord, '39, Margaret Lorenz, '39, Betty Lindegren, '38, Betty Mansfield, '39, Marguerite MacGregor, '39A. Marjorie Merker, '39, Phyllis Min- er, '39, Roberta Moore, '40, Ruth ler, '39, Mary Ellen Spurgeon, '40Ed, Jean Steere, '38A, Barbara Teall, '39, Margaret Tichenor, '39, Dorothy Till- mans, '39, Virginia Voorhees, '39, Margaret Waterston, '38, and Mary Wickes, '39. Betty Gatward, '38, is chairman of the group. New appointees to the merit sys- tem committee, under the direction of Barbara Bradfield, '38, chairman, are Betty Behler; '38, Louise Bolitho, '38, Miss Brotherton, Phyllis Can- non, '40, Norma Curtis, '39, Hazel DeGroot, '38, Helen Jean Dean, '39, Jean Drake, '39, Esther Dye, '40A, Merit System Committee Miriam Finheldey, '40, June Flem- ing, '39, Helen Flitcraft, '39, Janet Fullenwider, '39, Carolyn Gallmeyer, '38, Betty Hill, '40A, Virginia Hunt, SpecSM, Kathleen Larned, '38, Hel- en Neberle, '38, Barbara Paterson, '39, Ellen Redner, '40, Jean Ruther- ford, '40. Nancy Saibert, '39, Mary Jean Sanford, '40, Harriett Schneid- er, '40, Harriet Sharkey, '40, Rosa Silverman, '40, Elinor Somerville, '38, Katherine Sprick, '40, and Genevieve Thom, '40. The publicity committee, headed by Roberta Jean Melin, '38, chairman, in- cludes Carolyn Beltramini, '38, Jane Bierly, '39, Betty Bonisteel, '39, Isa- bel Bruyere, '39, Mary Katherine Burns, '39, Phyllis Carey, '39, Janet Carver, '38, Ellen Cuthbert, '39, Helen Douglas, '38, Gwendolyn Dunlop, '40, Betty Fromm, '39. Publicity Committee Mary Goodrich, '40, Jeanne Grant, '40, Martha Hankey, '38, Jean.Harley, '39, Virginia Hart, '40, Millicent-Hos- trup, '40, Frances Hubbs, '40, Kath- erine Johnston, '38, Barbara King, '38, Julia King, '40, Virginia Krieg- hoff, '38, Barbara Lovell, '38, Helene Martin, '38, Mary Ellen McCord, '38. Marguerite McQuillan, -'39A, Kath- erine Moore, '38, Matilda Moss, '39, Miss Pierce, Miss Pomeroy, Jayne Roberts, '38, Edith Ross, '39, Evelyn Sager, '39, Miss Schultz, Zivia Seltzer, '39, Marian Smith, '39, Jane Steiner, '38, Nancy Stonington, '39, Jane 'Sturtridge, '38. Lois Verner, '40, Faith Watkins, '39 and Elizabeth White, '39. CORRECTION There is no scholarship of $150 at the Helen Newberry Residence as it was announced in The Daily pre- viously. 307 South State Street VOGUE BEFIUTY SAILON Phone 8384 Month-End Special 300 H ATS J ust Unpacked! In Sma rt STRAWS and FELTS 9 a m. to 3 p. m. Wednesday The styles are as exciting as the materials - muffin brims, peach baskets, simple brims, trim sail- ors. In carnelian, brown, har- ness tan, navy and blue, with clever trims of flowers or gros- grain. $1 ALL HEAD SIZES ROBERT'S 604 EAST LIBERTY II ~II'i SAL 4 Formerly $9.95 t o$14.95 $ 95 Formerly $14.95 to $16.95 Speech Club Elects Delegate For Meet June Laing, '39, was elected dele- gate to the national convention of Zeta Phi Eta at the meeting of the honorary speech society held Monday in the League. The convention will be held June 24, 25 and 26 in New York City. Mrs. G. F. Sanford, the regional director of the society, was present at the meeting in order to meet the new initiates, who are Edith Steele, '37Ed, Laura Belle Godlove, '39SM, June Laing, '39, and Barbara Strand,j '37, as ,well as the recent pledges Mil- dred Olsen, '37Ed, Marie Sawyer, '38, Ruth Brandtsky, '37, and Ida May Schilling, '38. Mrs. Fred Densmore was also present. ALPHA XI DELTA Alpha Xi Delta is holding a formal faculty reception from 8 to 10 p.m. today, according to Jane Peckinn- paugh, '38, chairman. Those who will pour are Mrs. Franklin Shull, Mrs. Roy Cowden, Mrs. Neal Williams and Mrs. Hugh Keeler. - - _ . _ _ - - - - - - - - ST A R TING W ED NESD AY Our Entire Stock of Fur-Trimmed COATS ALL-OCCASION Pleasing Selection of Types and Sizes $700 U * * I' * I I NOW - while you still have lots of time to wear them . . . entire stock of SUIT SUCCESSES at CLEARANCE PRICES! Faultless tailoring, fine fabrics and the newest style details are evident in every one of them! Dressmaker Suits' Mannish Tailleurs! Furred Swag ger Sztibs Two Groups $12.95 and $19.75 Two-piec TAILLEURS, SWAGGERS, Values to $29.75 One Group of two-piece TAILLEURS . $7.95 One Group of three-piece SUTS . at $29.75 ..i Swaggers' Fitted' Toppers! Fleece - Lustratone and Novelties in Navy and Lighter Shades Two Groups $12.95 and $19.75 if $ 95 I ' Formerly $ 19.95 to $27.50 Including Costume Suits - Jacket Dresses, Formals, one- and two-piece Dresses- - One Group with FUR COLLARS I Si zes 12 to 20 - Values to $29.75 E Eu I - - _ _ 4E