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February 21, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-21

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Pride And
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Hitler Threatens Auto
Industry With Oblivion
BERLIN, Feb. 20.-(AP)-Adolf Hit-
lar, who once paid nineteen billion
inflation marks for a used car, blunt-
y threatened Geimany's private auto
industry with obliteration today un-
less it makes the Reich independent
of foreign motor imports.
Thundering aggressively for a good,
cheap, "people's car" which people
will buy at home, he told cabinet
members, diplomats and other not-
ables invited to the opening of Ger-
many's annual auto show:
"It is my irrevocable will to make
the German automobile industry in-
dependent of the insecurity of inter-
national imports: I will place it on a
safe and solid domestic basis; either
private industry is capable of solv-
ing these problems or it isn't capable
of continuing to exist as a private
While Herr Hitler did not mention
the price he considers fair for a
"people's car," persons in a position
to know said it would be the equiv-
alent of about $400.
ockey Sextet
Repeats Victory
Over Tech, 4-2
Puck Chasers Take State
Championship; James
Scores Two Goals
Michigan's scrapping sextet upset
Michigan Tech, 4-2 last night after
the Miners got off to a one-goal lead
and went on the defensive, succeed-
ing in keeping the Wolverines away.
But they couldn't hold the fort.
The Heyliger, James, Fabello line
was stopped cold for almost 40 min-
utes as the Miners, out in front by
virtue of Johnny Hascall's goal mid-
way in the first stanza, lined up at
their own red line and presented a
solid wall to the Michigan attackers.
Second Line Good
But Eddie Lowrey sent his amaz-
ing second line out with six minutes
gone in the second period and things
started happening. Jack Merrill,
stickhandled past the red line and
laid a pass square on George Cooke's
stick. The Windsor sophomore feint-
ed Goalie Ed Maki out of position and
pushed the puck past him to tie up
the ball game at one all.
From then on the tide was turned.
Captain Vic Heyliger put his mates
out in front late in the same stanza
when he turned in a great solo effort.
Tech had been pressing hard and
Bill Chase had just cleared a shot
from Peck Pakkala, when the black
thatched Beaver broke.
Win Championship
Vic fought off McCarthy, and as he
hit the defense, cut around Clem
Bucher and then swept back in to
jam a goal past Maki's right foot in
the near corner. Vic's score was only
(Continued on Page 7)
Local Churches
To Offer Lenten

Copy Of Historic Letter's Manuscript

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* * * *
Washington Death-Bed Scene
Is Described In Faded Missive

Law Professor
Proposes New
Court Ref ormr
Burke Shartel Advances
Plan Forcing High Court
Justices To Retire At 75
Claims It Achieves
End In Wiser Way
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth
of a series o: five articles concerning
President Roosevelt's proposal to in-
creasb the membership of the Supreme
Court. The last, a summary and an
analysis of the various points of view,
will appear in wednesday's Daily.
Not opposing, not supporting Pres-
ident Roosevelt's Supreme Court pro-
posal, Prof. Burke Shartel of the
Law School yesterday advanced an
alternative plan, which he thinks will
obtain the same end and in a wiser
The plan, which is not in the hands
of United States Senators, entails the
enactment by Congress of a law pro-
viding for compulsory retirement of
Supreme Court justices at 75.
Constitutionality Is Upheld
It is commonly assumed without
argument that such a compulsory re-
tirement law is unconstitutional, Pro-'
fessor Shartel pointed out, for the
Constitution provides for Federal
judges to hold office "during good be-
havior." This assumption, however,'
Professor Shartel believes, is incor-
rect, and he outlines arguments in
favor of the constitutionality of his
If such an act were in effect, Pro-
fessor Shartel declared, "it would
operate to retire immediately three
justices-Vandevanter, 77 years old,
McReynolds, 75, and Brandeis, 80.
And two others, Chief Justice Hughes
and Justice Sutherland, both now
nearly 75 years old, would be forced
to leave the bench within two
Of the three justices already more
than 75 years old, Justices Vande-
vanter and McReynolds have consis-
tently voted against the New Deal
program, while Justice Brandeis has
voted consistently (with the exception
of the unanimous NRA decision) to
sustain it. Chief Justice Hughes
has been a some-time supporter of
New Deal statutes before the Court,
while Justice Sutherland belongs
definitely to the opposition.
Same Effect Secured
If the plan urged by the President
-to appoint one additional justice
for each one over 70 years old-is
passed, many persons believe the jus-
tices affected would resign imme-
diately.. The same effect might well
be obtained from the passage of com-
pulsory retirement legislation.
"The justices affected would ob-
viously be embarrassed to contest
an act which would finally come be-
fore their court," Professor Shartel
held, "and certainly they could not
well sit on the appeal, if it finally
did reach them."
If the Shartel plan works out this
way, President Roosevelt's apparent
objective would be accomplished. He
could then appoint to fill the va-
cancies created men of his own
choosing, Professor Shartel points
out, who could be expected to uphold
laws expressing the New Deal philos-
Now why is this plan for compul-
sory retirement more desirable than
the President's present proposal of
increasing the size of the court, or
at least indirectly forcing some jus-
tices from the bench?
In the first place, Professor Shartel
says, compulsory retirement answers
(Continued on Page' 3)

Anderson earned an enviable repu-
tation as a line coach while acting in
that capacity for 10 years at Notre
Dame under the great Knute Rockne.
During those years that lie directed
the Irish line, Notre Dame won 74
games, lost 10 and tied three. Upon
Rockne's. death in 1932 Anderson I
became head coach. His teams did
not match those of Rockne, and after
two years he shifted to North Caro-
lina State where he also found
trouble in putting out winning teams.
Mainstay Of Line
He graduated from Notre Dame in
1922 after starring as a lineman un-
der Rockne. In those three years
that Anderson was a mainstay of the
Irish line Notre Dame won 28 games
and lost only one.
It is hoped, as well as expected by
many observers, that Anderson will
prove the key to the rehabilitation of
Michigan football. Much of the blame
for the three lean years which the
Wolverine gridders have just gone
through has been placed on inade-
quate line coaching. Anderson, known
as one of the greatest line coaches in
the country, is expected to be of great
aid in putting Michigan back on the
football throne that was abdicated
after the national championship sea-
sons of 1932 and 1933.
Glee Club Will Sing
Today In Dearborn
The Varsity Glee Club will give a
concert today at 4:30 p.m. for the
Alumni Club of Dearborn in the
Dearborn Inn.
The Glee Club will sing "Laudes
Atque Carm ina" by Stanley, "God
Rest Ye Merrie Gentlemen," "Inter--
mezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana" by
Mascagni, Goudnod's "By Babylon
Wave," "Finnish Lullaby" by Palm-
gren, "How Jovial Is My Laughter"
by Bach and "Jeanie" by Foster.
They will also sing "Holy Moun-
tain," a Negro spiritual, "The Lord's
Prayer," the music by Forsyth and
sielcted Michigan songs. Ralnh

Kills Self In New York

Crudeness Of Medical Aid
Is Apparent In Account
Of Eye Witness
A yellowed letter in the collection
of Americana in the William L. Clem-
ents Library, describing the death of
George Washington, would never
have been written if modern medicine
had treated the first President, Dr.
William M. Brace of the Health Serv-
ice commented yesterday.
The foolscap document, written in
simply phrased sentences by a To-
bias Lear, Washington's private sec-
retary in the president's Mt. Vernon
study, gives an eye-witness account of
Washington's last days.
Sorrow Is Expressed
Lear's deep-felt sorrow is expressed
in this unpretentious eloquence:
"I kissed the cold hand, which I
held to my bosom, laid it down and
went to the other end of the room
where I was for some time lost in pro-
found grief."
It was early Saturday morning, be-
tween 2 and 3 a.m., that the General
awakened Mrs. Washington to say
that he was unwell and had an ague.
He would not permit her to rise,I
however, fearing that she might take,
cold. He could hardly speak. At
daybreak he requested Lear to sum-
mon Rawlins, an overseer, to bleed
him before the arrival of Dr. James
The 69-year-old man bade the
nervous Rawlins not to be afraid, and
said "More, more," as Mrs. Wash-
ington became uneasy about the loss
of blood.
Gargle Mixture Given
The throat was bathed in "sal
volatile," and a strip of flannel, sat-
urated with the solution, was wound
around his neck.
According to Lear, the doctor, up-
on arrival, took more blood from the
patient, had him gargle a mixture of
vinegar and sage tea, and put a blis-'
ter of catharieds on his throat.
"This gargle of vinegar and sage
tea would probablyhave strangled
Washington," Dr. Brace pointed out.
At 4:30 p.m. he turned to his wife,
asked for his two wills, and request-
ed. her to burn one of them. He dis-
cussed the arrangement of his ac-

counts and papers with Lear. "I find
I am going. My breath cannot last
long," he said.
After much pain in the early eve-
ning, accompanied by difficulty in
breathing, he whispered hoarsely to
Dr. Craik, who had just entered the
"Doctor, I die hard, but I am not
afraid to go. I believed from the
first of my attack that I should not
survive it."
(Continued on Page 2)
Schnabel Here
For 2nd Time
Tuesday Night
Appearing for the second time in
Ann Arbor, Artur Schnabel, interna-
tionally known Austrian pianist, will
offer the ninth in the current series
of Choral Union concerts at 8:15 p.m.
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Rendering compositions of Schu-
bert, Schumann and Beethoven in his
recital here, Schnabel will offer those
works for which he is especially fa-
mous. He is known to favor selections
from Beethoven, and is regarded as
the foremost interpreter of Beethov-
en's compositions. He has also estab-
lished an inimitable style of presen-
tation commonly referred to as "The
Schnabel Vogue."
The program which Schnabel will
present Tuesday includes:
Schubert: Sonata in A major (post-
humous) including Allegro, Andan-
tino, Scherzo: Allegro vivace, and
Rondo: Allegretto.
Beethoven: Fantasie, Op. 77; Six
Bagatelles, Op. 126; Rondo a capric-
cio, Op. 129, G major.
Schumann: Die Davidsbundler-
tanze, Op. 6 (second version) 18
character pieces.

Varsity Caonaers
Rally To defeat
Wolverines Stay In Race
For Conference Crown;
Thomas, Gee Star
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 20.-(Special
to The Daily)-For the second time!
this year the announcement of a Pur-
due victory proved the impetus for a
Michigan cage victory. With the
Northwestern basketball team play-
ing its best game of the season, the
varsity cagers fought an uphill battle,
coming from behind in the last five
minutes, to nose out the Wildcats, 34
to 32, at Patten Gym and go into a
virtual tie for first place in the Con-
ference race.
The Wolverines, hampered by the
loss of Herm Fishman, whom they
left at home ill, entered the game
with their minds on the Purdue-Min-
nesota game and their appointment
with the Boilermakers Monday night.
Wildcats Point For Varsity
But the Wildcats, beaten five times;
already, were waiting for them and
peppered the basket with long shots
that dropped with amazing regularity.
Not until the announcement of the
Boilermakers' win did the Michigan
team come to life and start the drive
that gave it its sixth win of the Big
Ten season.
Mike McMichael, Northwestern's
lanky forward, scored almost half of*
his team's points, hitting six long
shots, a short, and a free throw.
Ed Thomas, sub guard, and Johnny
Gee led Michigan with 11 points]
The Varsity played sluggish ball
the first half, looking weak around,
the backboard and failing to get the
ball into Jake Townsend at pivot
for set-up plays. This inability to
get the ball in worried the Michigan
team and showed up in their general
Townsend Saves Game-
Townsend couldn't hit his stride all
through the first period. But in the,
second half, despite the fact that his
guards were never giving him a shot,
he staged one of the prettiest ball-
hawking exhibitions that the Big Ten
has seen this year. It was this ball-
(Continued on Page 6)
Student Loans
Are Lessened,

Dr. Schutz,
n.Takes Life
Health Service Physician,
Kills Self During Illness
In New YorkHospital
California Graduate
Came Here In 1930
Dr. Helene Emeth Schutz, 33-year-
old Health Service physician, com-
mitted suicide yesterday inL the New
York Neurological Institute, New
York City, where she was recuperat-
ing from a nervous breakdown during
a sick leave.
Suffering from a nervous depres-
sion since early last fall, according
to Dr. Margaret Bell, chief medical
adviser for women and a member
of the Health Service staff, Dr. Schutz
went to New York City just before
Christmas for a rest with friends.
Her leave of absence, according to
Dr. William E. Forsythe, director of
the Health Service, who said Dr.
Schutz was extremely popular with
everyone with whom she came into
contact, extended through this
month. She was an especially good
friend of Dr. Bell, with whom she
had lived.
Was To Visit Nassau
On Dec. 29, Dr. Bell said, Dr. Schutz
entered the institute for treatment.
Her attending physician, Dr. Irving
Pardee, New York neurologist, re-
leased herifrom the institute Feb. 10,
and Dr. Bell made arrangements for
her to take a trip to Nassau before
her return to Ann Arbor.
Dr. Schutz's nervous condition was
intensified, however, before Feb. 13,
when she was to have left for Nassau,
and she was returned to the institute
under special nursing. Dr. Bell then
initiated arrangements for the exten-
sion of her leave until the end of the
semester and for her transfer to the
Bloomingdale Sanitarium, Westches-
ter, N.Y.
Wednesday Dr. Pchutz had ex-
pressed a desire to return to.Ann Ar-
bor, insisting that 9he was well, but
this was held undesirable,.
Survived By Mother, Brother
Friday night Dr. Bell, in Chicago
on business, telegraphed Dr. Schutz
that her leave was expected to be ex-
tended with full pay and that finan-
cial arrangements had been made for
her cruise to Nassau, and urged her
to continue treatment.
New York police, according to As-
sociated Press reports, attributed the
suicide by hanging partially to this
telegram, but only because they did
not understand the circumstances,
according to Dean A. C. Furstenberg
of the Medical School and Dr. War-
ren E. Forsythe.
She was graduated- from the Uni-
versity of California medical school
and had served in that university's
health service before she came here
in 1930, Dr. Forsythe said.
She is survived by Mrs. Pearl
Schutz, her mother, and Murray
Schutz, a brother, both of San Fran-
cisco, Calif. Funeral arrangements
were not known here yesterday.
Wilmot F. Pratt, University
carillonneur, will play the follow-
ing program on the Charles Baird
Carillon in the Burton Memorial
Tower, at 4:15 p.m. today.
Rondeau ........ Van den Gheyn
Fantasia for Carillon ..........
..Staf Nees

Silent Water ... .E. Markham Lee
Three Hymns for Lent:
a. Forty Days and Forty Nights,
Herbst (1676).
b. Christian, dost thou see
them, Dykes (1868).
c. O Jesus, Thou Art Standing,
Court Compromise
Not Believed Likely
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.--(/P)-
Democratic Senate leaders, emerging
from a long strategy conference with
President Roosevelt tonight, predict-
ed there would be no compromise on
his court legislation and that it soon
would begin to move through Con-
For more than an hour and half
the President went over battle plans
with Vice-President Garner and a
half dozen Senators backing his pro-
posal for six new Supreme Court
Senator Robinson, the Democratic
leader. acted as5snokesmniwuhen the





Experimental All-Student
Program Will Be' Given
At Unitarian Church
Lenten services embracing a great
variety of subjects will be offered by
Ann Arbor churches today.
Mrs. Helen Gibson Hogue, mental
hygiene counselor of the Highland
Park Public Schools and author of
"Untying Apron Strings" will be the
speaker at the student meeting at
7 p.m. at Barris Hall.
"For the Disillusioned" is the topic
upon which the Rev. Dr. W. P. Le-
mon will preach at the morning wor-
ship service of the First Presbyterian
church at 10:45 a.m. This is the sec-
ond sermon of a Lenten series on
"Vital Correspondence."
At. St. Paul's Lutheran church the
title for the Rev. C. A. Brauer's ser-
mon is "They Hated Me Without
Cause," to be given at 10:45 a.m.
Lenten services in the German lan-
guage will be given at 9:30 a.m.
Judge Sample of the Washtenaw
County Circuit Court will be the
speaker at the Lutheran Student Club
at 6:30 p.m. in Zion Parish Hall.
The Rev. R. Edward Sayles will
speak on the "Sins of Good People"
at 10:45 a.m. in the First Baptist
An experimental all-student serv-
ice of poetry, music and meditation
will be offered by the Unitarian
church at 7 p.m. Marshall D. Shul-

Definite War Preparation Is Seen
By Heneman In British Rearming

Burton Tower Work
Nears Completion
The Burton Memorial Tower will,
probably be finished with the next
month, Edward C. Pardon, superin-
tendent of the building and grounds
department, said yesterday.
Scaffolding has been removed so
that the roof, which will be about 12
feet in height and of copper surface,
can be erected this week, he said.
Cleaning of the stone, which was
at one time halted for about a month,
has now been finished. Caulking and

Instead of being a safeguard for
the preservation of peace, Great Brit-
ain's huge five-year rearmament plan
makes it appear that England is fol-
lowing in the footsteps of continen-
tal European governments in prepar-
ing for war, in the opinion of Prof.
Harlow J. Heneman of the political
science department.
"The rearmament move is espe-
cially significant," Professor Hene-
man said yesterday, "coming, as it
does, on the heels of the announce-
ment of the extensive physical train-
ing program proposed for the United
Kingdom. This proposal to 'increase
the physical fitness of the nation,'
coupled with the extraordinary mil-
itary appropriation, shows conclusive-
ly that Great Britain is preparing

English is but another instance il-
lustrating that another great power
has recognized the ineffectiveness of
the League of Nations, as constituted
at the present time, as an instru-
ment to maintain peace," Professor
Heneman said. "It is also apparent
from the remarks of Neville Cham-
berlain, chancellor of the exchequer,.
that Great Britain does not intend
to depend upon the League, but rath-
er intends to rearm and become suf-
ficiently strong so that she will be
able to act either on her own accord
or in cooperation with other powers."
Drill Fields Proposed
Chamberlain also has stated, ac-
cording to Professor Heneman, that
Great Britain's influence on diplo-
macy will undoubtedly be greater if
she is heavily armed. Similar senti-
ments have bee vniced hv Alfred

The amount of loans granted to
students from University loan funds
is $15,000 behind the total granted at
the same date last year, Boyd C. Ste-
phens, University cashier, disclosed
The current figure for loans grant-
ed since the beginning of the fiscal
year, July 1, is $105,000. The amount
for the same period last year was
$120,000, Mr. Stephens said.
The decrease was attributed by Mr.
Stephens to a falling off in the de-
mand for loans. "It probably indi-
cates that the financial condition of
the student is improving," he said.
Another indication of the return
to better economic conditions, Mr.
Stephens said, is the increase in the
payment of loans. Payments for the
current year have already amounted
to $72,000 as compared to $63,000 col-
lected over the same period last year.
The payment of loans usually be-
gins about four or five months after
graduation, he said, and averages $10
at a time.
The amount of loans outstanding at
the present time is $400,000, Mr. Ste-
phen's figures showed. In the past 39
years a total of $1)221,640 has been
loaned by the University to students.
That the student is a sound finan-
cial investment is indicated by the
unusually low number of failures to
pay, Mr. Stephens said. Only 93 fail-
ures have resulted, or eight-tenths of
one per cent. Of these, one-half were
attributed to death or the utter in-
ability of the debtor to return the

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