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April 27, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-27

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Edited antd managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the auth ity of the Board in Con trolof
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or nrot otherwise redted in this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of al other matter herein- also
Entered at the Postt-lce at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mnail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-7
National Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative.
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfcl Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anrderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Hlelen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore; Bety
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigeman, Richard Knowe Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie .Parfet, Maron
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinrank,Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Mihlinski, Evlyn Trpp.
Departmental Managers
J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore,
National Advertisingmand Circulation Manager; Dn J.
Wilsher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones. Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
if ed Advertising Manager.
HE TENOR of correspondence
which has appeared in these col-
umns, and the general character of student ac-
tivities during the year indicate, it seems to us,
that there is growing on this campus a substan-
tial progressive movement.
This is not an isolated phenomenon. Other
universities have witnessed, and sometimes en-
couraged, the growth of a lively student interest
in social issues. Michigan has been slow in de-
veloping such interests, because, first of allY of
the character of the people from whom the stu-
dent body is largely drawn, and second, because
it is a state university,
The gentle robe of apathetic unconsciousness
in which the campus seemed to be wrapped was
pitiful to behold. If these blissful people were
the educated among us, Heaven help democracy.
But now, unless we mistake the signs, the cam-
pus stirs with some of the currents which are
altering the landscape. We are close to an in-
dustrial center of the country, and we cannot ig-
nore the vitality of a newly-awakened labor
movement. We have passed through a critical
depression and a decisive election in which the
fundamentals of our social and economic sys-
tem.were called into question. We are now wit-
nessing legislation which revolutionizes the re-
lationship of a manager and his employes.
There is apparent in some journals evidence of
an inchoate, but potentially powerful, progres-
sive movement. It speaks the American idiom.
It prognosticates a genuine farmer-labor party,
but in its present form it worships at the altar of
Franklin D.
One reason why the campus does not respond
more fully to this movement which has been
more in evidence at other colleges is that we,
students and faculty alike, suffer from a pathetic
lack of liberal leadership. If the peace demon-
stration went-as one correspondent magnilo-

quently described it-phffft, it was because the
Peace Council lacked strong and purposeful lead-
ership. If the semi-radical organizations on
campus have failed to gain for themselves a
sympathetic hearing, it is because wisdom has
not been a characteristic of their tactics.
But there is, in the peace group, in certain.
church groups, in the student labor movement,,
in going cooperative enterprises, in the student
leftists, the supporters of the Spring Parley, the
Friends of Spanish Democracy, the Teachers
Union-there is in all of these a common spirit
of investigation and action which needs to be
shaped into a coherent faculty and student pro-
gressive movement. The organization which this
movement ought to take should be such that it
can, without being doctrinaire, hold public dis-
cussions, debates, arguments-on the Supreme
Court proposal, on sit-down strikes, on neutral-
ity, Spain, child labor, art both proletarian and
otherwise-and it ought to be such that, after
discussion, it can act--in cases of infringement
of civil liberties, discrimination, or susnension of

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of 'he
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance' and interest to the campus.
Peace ForUs All
To The Editor:
B. W.'s letter in Saturday's Daily pointed out
some salient facts as to the failure of peace
meetings, such as the one of April 22, to prepare
the students of the universities for action in the
teeth of opposition. That a stronger set of reso-
lutions should have been adopted seems to be
fairly evident. That only a thousand persons
from an educational institution such as the Uni-
versity of Michigan would meet together for a
project so vital to -the future of their own lives
as a Peace Strike is something that the thinking
person must feel heartsick about.
And yet the reason for the sad fact that a
Michigras parade can attract as many or mor@
people than a Peace Strike lies not only in the
fact that students are not prepared to fight for
their own welfare. "As the twig is bent so grows
the bough" and the men responsible for bending
the twig have failed us sadly. Where, O where
were the professors when the Carillon struck
eleven and the crowd gathered on the Mall? A
few were there in person, more, possibly, in spirit
but the great majority seemed then, before then,-
and still now, apathetic to the problem.
The men responsible for molding the youth of
the country have not accepted the responsibility
which is theirs by virtue of their intellectual
capacities and educational opportunities. The
appellation of "academic liberal" is not in the
best of repute in these days of immediate issues.
An "academic liberal" can serve his cause best
by fighting for the very ideals to which he 'is
committed. In wartime all the freedom of
inquiry to which the professor is traditionally
pledged, all the untrammeled quest for truth
which is the creed of the educator in a democ-
racy is drastically and suddenly cdrtailed. Class-
rooms become barracks and professors' rostrums
propaganda machines for the glorification of the
reversion to the Dark Ages.
The answer may be that the professor has
enough to do in teaching the subject at hand
without bothering to become an agitator. Yet,
when the War God starts his machine rolling,
the subject at hand will be forgotten soon enough
in the interests of the regimentation of mental
as well as physical faculties.
I submit that it is the duty of the leaders of
the students, the men from whom they receive
their ideas and whose words do much to shape
their course through life, to actively support
movements which aim to further civilization,
and to oppose any manifestation which will lead
to the curtailment of the individual rights which
are the fundamental principles of a democratic
and civilized government. Peace is not an issue
confi>ed to people in their teens or twenties. It
embraces us all and the leadership and active
backing should come from those most qualified
to lead, the members of the faculties of our
institutions of higher education. --R.J.F., '37
The Broken Record |
To the Editor:
In his speech here several months ago, Bruce
Bliven, editor of the New Republic, pointed out
that newspapers have two great sources of power
in influencing the public mind: what they print,
and what they . . . don't piint. The policy of
the Ann Arbor News with reference to the re-
cent labor dispute in which seven were arrested
proves Bliven's point conclusively.
Taking the latter point first, what they didn't
print. The police couldn't press charges against
the defendants for speking without a permit
from the mayor because, of all things, the ordi-
nance couldn't be found in the statute books!
Consequently we find several of the defendants
charged with "loitering." If convictions are
obtained on such charges, the possibilities for the

forces of "law and order" are limitless. For in-
stance: a boy is seen talking earnestly to a girl
at a street corner. A policeman approaches.
"Here, you two, what are you doing?"
"Why, we're just making a date for Saturday
"Well, you look like you're loitering to me.
You'll have to come along to the station."
The second point, what they did print. In the
city edition of the Ann Arbor News of Friday,
April 9, appeared a statement to the effect that
picket line in front of the Ann Arbor Recreation
Hall had sung the Communist Internationale.
This was a brilliant piece of musical criticism.
The Star Spangled Banner sounds nothing at all
like the Internationale, nor does My Country
'Tis of Thee, nor Onward Christian Soldiers, nor
Solidarity Forever. At no time during the
entire evening was the Internationale sung. The
News changed the article in its county edition,
but there was no mention of correction or apol-
ogy in city editions. But the damage was al-
ready done, however. The story grew by word
of mouth until one of the defendants was de-I
scribed as a "red agitator" who was taken to
jail with his pockets bulging with bombs, and
what is even worse, Communist literature. Enter
the red herring. This malicious rumor caused
the defendant to be suspended from his position
as Sunday school teacher. Incidentally, this
same defendant has been charged with using
profane language. The police didn't realize
when they hazarded this charge that they were
trying to make it stick against a Sunday school
teacher. Ridiculous, isn't it? It's about as fan-
tastic as accusing the Ann Arbor police of re-
spect for the Constitution. -M.L., '38.
A "job-hunting school" at Ohio State Univer-
slio hoe hlann nroanize t e ch nash nier hmu

'- By Bonth Williams
G REETINGS, salutations, and irritations to
you 8,000 odd beer drinkers, and the Dean's
office, who spent a lot more money than you
thought you would while putting over the Mich-
igras with the bang this column prophesied Fri-
day morning.
Because I am an amateur columnist a great
many people are under the misapprehension
that I can hang by my toes and hold audiences
spellbound. From now on consider all such
reports unmitigated falsehood.
rfHURSDAY NIGHT Jack Otte, Homer Lathrop
and myself, under compulsion, of course,
volunteered to drum up carnival trade by giving
the dormitory girls a dinner table sales talk.
Lucky fellow that I am, I drew the moat-
protected fortress dubbed Mosher-Jordan, and
passing by the dead end, entered the sick side.
I poured everything I had into that first talk,
and when I made the second my breath was
coming in quick pants. I tumbled through and
rushed out into the corridor where my tour con-
ductor met me and in a sweetly feminine voice
murmured, "Now we'll go over and talk to the
other two dining rooms."
BEN@ATH IT ALL: Ted Miller, Alpha Sig sen-
ior, is the proud possessor of a monkey.
The monkey was all Ted got when he recently
spent 22 one dollar bills in Hollywood's famous
"Cocoanut Grove looking at a lot of people who
were looking for movie stars . . . The roulette
wheel Sphinx made such a tremendous profit
on over the week-end was out on loan from
Harry G. Kipke ... The present musical arranger
for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer wrote the stirring
march Men of The Maize and Blue.. . WAR AD-
MIRAL became a ranking candidate for Derby
honors Saturday wheh he ran away and hit
in the barn from a highly touted field of three-
year-olds including Fairy Hill, Siam, and Court
Scandal to take the Chesapeake Stakes. The
brown son of Man O' War hoofed the mile and a
sixteenth in the only fair time of 1:45, but
Jockey Charlie Kurtsinger had the Glenn Riddle
Farm's entry under heavy restraint through most
of the going and was still out in front by six
lengths at the wire . . . Tonight Michigan's great
Varsity Band will stage a free concert in Hill
Auditorium with the opening number set for
8 p.m. . . . Some of the tickets at the Michigras
looked awfully worn by Saturday night. A few
of them could tell a real story about the number
of booths they were used at before they finally
came to permanent rest . . . . University in-
spection of both the Beta's FOLLIES BERSERK
and the Lambda Chi's O'SHAUGHNESSEY'S
SALOON was duly made by the constituted au-
thorities early Friday night . . . -
,*. * *
THIS NOTE was delivered to me Friday after-
To Whom It May Concern,
We stole the Gargoyles and returned them
to the person who showed the most in-
genuity in ferreting out their hiding place.'
The blood hounds of the Ann Arbor detective
bureau maintained that it was an inside job,
that it had been done with a key, and' that
the window was broken only to make the
thing appear as an outside job.
The sleuths further opined after a thor-
ough investigation during which they broke
another window with a hammer, that the
window had been broken from the inside,
and that the lawn outside the window failed
to show sufficient signs of having been tram-
rled to believe that the magazines had been
removed other than through the door.
lawn outside the window failed to show suffi-
cient signs of having been trampled to be-
lieve that the magazines had been removed
other than through the door.
The facts are these. Between 12:30 and
12:45 a.m. Wednesday morning a window
was broken from the OUTSIDE with a large

dull instrument. The window catch was
slipped and 1,500 pounds of Gargoyles hoist-
they were piled on the LAWN for almost an
They were then transported by car to the
residence of one of the perpetrators, carried
up three flights of stairs in the dead of
night, and safely locked in a closet without
anyone in the house knowing a thing about
Business Manager Barnes with his usual
astuteness called the police who apparently
have not l±i°en keeping up with their corre-
spondence school training. Editor Tilles took
the affair less seriously and set out to do
some sleuthing on his ow'n hook. Barnes
continued to storm and threaten, but did
nothing, saying that nobody would dare keep
his magazines past the scheduled sales time
of 7:45 Thursday morning.
When 7:45 and then 8 and then 8:30 came
and went, however, Barnes hardly able to
choke back the tears, admitted that he was
awfully mad, but didn't know what to -do.
Meanwhile Tilles, following up the thou-
sandth clue, traced a phone call from one of
the perpetrators. He could not prove his
suspicions, but the felons, not waiting any-
one to sustain a financial loss and believing
that Tilles should be rewarded for his ability
to keep his temper, swore both the editor and
his companion to an oath of secrecy and
revealed the hiding place of the loot.
The perpetrators helped Gil load the
Gargs into a cab a'nd whisk them back in
time to catch the nine o'clock customers. I

The University of Michigan Con- -
cert Band, conducted by Prof. Wil- TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1937
liam D. Revelli, will present its sec- VOL. XLVI No. 146
and concert of the season in Hill
Auditorium this evening at 8:15. The
public is invited. Students in the College of Litera-
The program°of the Band will be- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet-
gin with a transcription of Carl ing will be held today at 4:15 p.m. in
Maria von Weber's Overture to Ober- Room 1025 Angell Hall for students
n, an opera of elves, fairies, and in the College of Literature, Science
supernatural powers. The Overture and the Arts and others interested
opens with Oberon's magical horn in future work in graduate studies.
call, creating the atmosphere of The meeting will be addressed by
fairyland. A modern tone poem for Dan C. S. Yoakum of the H. H.
band by Carleton Colby, "The Mes- Rackham S c h o o 1 of . Graduate
sage of the Chimes," is the second Studies.
number, displaying the rich sonori-
ties of the modern band as .well as Senior L.S.A. Studen-its: Seniors are
the effectiveness of the chimes. Two requested to attend to their orders
selections for cornet trio with band for caps and gowns immediately, in
accompaniment continue the pro- order to avoid a rush at the end of
gram, followed by the Nocturne from the year. The Moe Sport Shop, lo-
Thomas Griselle's "Two American cated at 711 North University, is the
Sketches." A Spanish suite of three official store for handling the orders.
characteristic dances, "In Malaga,"
by Curzon, concludes the first half Househeads having rooms for May
of the program. Festival guests are requested to call
The second part of the program1 and list them at the Office of the
opens with Friedmann's Slavonic1 Dean of Women as soon as possible.
Rhapsody No. 1, made up of Slavic
folk and dance tunes. Next is a flute The Honor Society Representatives
solo, "Le Tremolo," by Demeresse- on the Key Dance will hold a special
mann, followed by a descriptive piece meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Dean
by a modern French composer, Fred-' Rae's office. Because tickets will be
erick Charrosin, "Two Little Japs," distributed, it is essential that all
in which two little tin Jap soldiers attend.
come to life and have some exciting Gus Collatz.,
adventures before being knocked out'
by the cat. The final work on the Gold Names on 'Ensians: A list of
program is a tone poem for modern all persons who have purchased
concert band by the eminent English copies of the Michiganensian will be
composer, Haydn Wood - Mannin posted in the windows of Slater's
Veen (Dear Isle of Man). The work Bookstore today. As the names of
is organically developed around four these students are to be stamped in
Manx folk songs: "The Good Old gold on the front cover of the Mich-
Way," "The Manx Fiddler," "Sweet iganensian, we are requesting that
Water in the Common," and "The they go to Slater's to verify the spell-
Harvest of the Sea." ing of their names. Unless this is,


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vmnlversity. Copy received at the offii~e ot the Asssltt to till Presideat
outil 3:30: 11:00 a.m. cmi Saturday,

Down South

done by Friday, April 30, the names
will be stamped on the Michiganen-
sians as they now appear on our list.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Inde e~ndent Mea'c O sr~ i atlin

1Reader Offers Rebuttal will hold an election meeting today
To A. M. Bentley in - the Michigan Union. Room is
to be posted on bulletin board.
I do not want anyone to think that-
I am attempting to revive a discus- A cadeiic Notices -
sion which by this time must be tire-ds
some to all. However, I feel called Playwriting (English 150) will meet
upon to draw the attention of the tonight instead of Monday, in Room
public to a few facts. Either the 3212 A.H. instead of 3217 A.H.
gentleman from the South, Mr. Kenneth Rowe.
Bentley, is woefully ignorant of con- -
ditions in the section which he un-,
dertakes to defend, or he is wilfully
distorting the truth. Band Concert: The University'
His so-called rebuttal is merely a Band, William D. Revelli, conductor,
categorical denial of what had been will appear in the School of Music
said about actual conditions in the concert series in Hill Auditorium
South. this evening at 8:15 p.m. An in-
His denial that the Jim Crow com-? teresting program-of band selections
partments of Southern railways are will be offered without admission
smaller than other sections is in di- charge, except that for obvious rea-
rect antithesis to fact. 'Any white sons small children will not be ad-
person who has been South and has mitted.
taken the trouble to peer into the
Negro compartments knows that this Graduation Recital: Emily Paris,
is so. Others are not in position to' B.M., will give a recital in partial
speak. fulfillment of the requirements for
In the deep South, nomination in the degree of Master of Music in the
the Democratic Primary is tanta- School of Music Auditorium, May-
mount to election. Negroes in the nard St., Wednesday, April 28, 8:15
deep South are not allowed to vote o'clock, to which the general public
in this primary which, for political is invited.
purposes, is known as the "White -
Democratic Primary." Hence, any Lee turt
assertion that office seekers 'south of
the Mason-Dixon line refrain from University Lecture: Prof. Reginald
denouncing Negroes because they A. Daly, of the Department of Geol-
want the Colored vote is preposterous. ogy and Geography, Harvard Univer-
Furthermore, history shows that sity, will lecture on "Land and Sea
Southern politicians like ex-Senators j in the Ice Age" today at 4:15 p.m. in
"Pitchfork" Ben Tillman and Cole' Natural Science Auditorium. The
Blease, of South Carolina, "Cotton lecture will be illustrated. The pub-
Tom" Heflin, of Alabama, Tom Wat- lic is cordially invited.-
son, of Georgia, have made attacks
upon the helpless members of the Chemistry Lecture: Dr. James B.
dark-skinned minority to amass Sumnner, of the department of bio-
votes. The Atlanta Constitution of chemistry, Cornell University, will
Tily 26, 1936 showed that ex-Gov- lecture on the topic "The Chemical
ernor Eugene Talmadge, of Georgia, Nature of Enzymes' 'in the Chemistry
while campaigning for Senator Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. today. The
Richard Russell's seat in the United lecture is under the auspices of the
States Senate, denounced the latter University and the American Chem-
on the basis of his being affiliated ical Society. The public is cordially
with the New Deal, which has given invited.-

Events Today
Botanical Joural Club: Today at
7:30 p.m., 1139 N.S. The program,
in charge of Dr. L. E. Wehmeyer and
Dr. F K Sparrow, will consist of re-
views by Mr Ralph Bennett, Miss
Alice Huse, Mr. Roy E. Joyce, and
Mr. W. E. Manis.
The Deutscher Verein meets to-
day at 8 p.m. in Room 304 of the
Michigan Union. Members of the
Verein are urgently requested to be
The Adelphi House of Representa-
tives meets this evening in the Adel-
; phi room in Angell Hall. Messrs.
Johnson and Weipert will present a
short dramatic skit. Sex education
will be the topic for general debate
for the evening. Honor award nom-
inations will be in order. Al mem-
!bes are urged to attend.
Kappa Phi: Regular meeting to-
day at 5:15 p.m. Please be on time!
Hillel Players: There will be a
meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the
Hillel foundation. Election of of-
ficers for the coming 3ear will be
held, and plans will be made for the
presentation of three one-act plays.
Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
day Afternoon Play-Reading Sec-
tion will meet today at 2:15 p.m. in
the Alumnae Room of the Michigan
The Ilome Making Group of the
Michigan Dames will meet this
evening at 8:15 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. C. F. Behrens, 1101 Olivia Ave.
The demonstrator for Charles of the
Ritz cosmetics will be the speaker of
the evening. All Dames are cordially
Christian S c i e n c e Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
Coming Events
A.S.M.E. Members: There will be
a meeting of the Student Branch
Wednesday evening, April 28, at 7:30
p.m. in the Michigan Union.Mr. C. L.
Bibber of the Carnegie-Illinois Steel
Company will present an illustrated
talk on "Some Practical Aspects of
A dinner meeting is to be held at
6 p.m. before the regular meeting for
Mr. Bibber. All members are invited
to attend.
Aeronautical Engineers, I Ae.S.:
The first annual dinner meting of
the University of Michigan Student
Section of the Institute of the Aero-
nautical Sciences will be held Thurs-
day evening, April 29, at the Michi-
gan Union. T. P. Wright of the Cur-
tiss-Wright Corporation, a national
officer of the Institute, will be the
speaker of the evening. His talk
will be; "Aeronautics-A Brief Sur-
Anyone interested is invited to at-
tend, and tickets for the dinner
should be purchased as soon as bos-
sible from any of the local officers.
French Plays: The Cercle Francais
presents this year three one-act
plays: "La Farce du Cuvier" (anony-
mous), "L'Ecole des Belles-Meres" by
Brieux and "Un Client Serieux" by
Courteline. The cast of the latter
play is composed of members of the
Department of Romance Languages.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Fri-
day, April 30, at 8:30 o'clock. Tickets
at the box-office Thursday and Fri-
Archery Club, Women Students:
The first meeting of the Archery
Club will be held at the Women's

Athletic Building on Wednesday,
April 28, at 4:30 p.m. A club shoot
will be held to determine the club
Crop and Saddle Tryouts: Any
woman student wishing to try out
for membership in this riding club
is asked to sign on the bulletin board
at Barbour Gymnasium or the Wom-
en's Athletic Building or to get in
touch with Dorothy White, the club
president, as soon as possible.
Try outs will be held Friday, April
30, at 5 p.m. Transportation will be
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors: The annual dinner
meeting of the Michigan chapter of
the Association will be held Thurs-
day, April 29, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. There will be elec-
tion of officers and Dean C. S. Yoa-
kum will speak on "The Program of
the Graduate School."
All members of the faculty wheth-
er members of the Association or not,
are cordially invited. A special in-
vitation is extended to members of
other chapters who may be on the
Faculty Women's Club: The An-



certain rights to Negroes. Incidently,
Eugene Talmadge, as Governor, ve-
toed the Georgia old-age pension bill
on the strength of the fact that ad-
vantages .would accrue to the Negro,
stating that if the bill were passed
there would not be a "hoehand left
in Georgia."
Surely no student of the Univer-
sity of Michigan would go as far as'
Talmadge to place the Negro prob-
lem solely in the labor category. But,
on examination, Mr. Bentley has in-
sisted that "letdowns of racial bar-
riers" are capitalized upon by Ne-
groes to the disadvantage of their
"benefactors" or employers. It is re-
markable that he referred to the edu-
cational issue at all.
Hampton, Fisk, and Tuskegee are
good schools for Negroes, true enough..
However, they are not tax-supported.
Hence, Mr. Bentley does not prove
his point. Another point that A. M.
Bentley should bear in mind is that
Southern Negroes are definitely con-
tending for admission to white schools
of the Southland. Mr. Murray, of
Maryland, has already been admitted
to the law school of the University of
Maryland, while Lloyd Gaines, of
Missouri, and Negroes of North Car-
olina are contesting for the same

Lecture: On Wednesday, April 28,
at 4:30 p.m., Mr. David McKenzie
will speak on the Spanish situation,
in the Union ballroom. Mr. McKen-
zie is the chairman of the Scottish
Peace Council, and has fought in the
International Brigade of the Spanish.
Loyalist Army. No admission charge.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A collection of Modern Dress and
Drapery Textiles created by the Bu-
reau of Style and Design of Marshall
Field & Co., Manufacturing Division,
is being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room of the Architectural
Building. Open daily 9 to 5 through
April 27. The public is cordially in-
An exhibition of paintings by Mar-
garet Bradfield and Mina Winslow
is being held in Alumni Memorial
Hall through May 5, 2 to 5 p.m. Sun-
days, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association.
Negro does with his power." -On the
other hand, the ' cruel black codes
employed in the deep South and the

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