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April 27, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-27

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The Wcat:her
Occasional Iiht rain today
and possibly tomorrow; con-
tinued cool.

SW 43&


Inventory . ..



CIO Talkers
Ask Election
Of Laborites
Kennedy Foresees Crash
Similar To One In 1929
If Labor Advance Fails
Director Praises
Murphy, Roosevelt

Oarsmen Gone, Busmen Strike;
Londoners Fear For Coronation
r _ _ _ ___

H erndoi Free
As High Court

Four-Fifths O f T he
Bells Of St. Betsy
Are Ringing Again

Repetition Of Flood

Meantime, Edward Forces
Remroval Of Pubalicatioin
DescribingHis Reign
LONDON; April 26.- P) -The
King's oarsmen were missed today
because they won't haul His Ma-I

love, abdication and coronation drew
zlso to a quiet end. Six months ago
tomorrow, the American-born Wallis
Warfield Simpson obtained a pro-
bationary divorce decree from her
second husband, Ernest Aldrich
The date marks an end to the pro-I

Five-Four De
Georgia Se
Infrin 1 d

atu e ' The girls of the Betsy Barbour need
straLU e ain their ears no more for .the
tinkle of the dinner bell. Four of the
five dinner gongs which were stolen
cision Holds from the dormitory now have been
returned, so that the "Soup's On" is
edition LaW now brought to them with more force
tnd resonance.



As Rivers Overflow

jesty down the Thames tomorrow, bationary period and Mrs. Simpson's
and London worried lest a bus strike attorneys may make the decree final
tsar Coronation Day. by formal action within the next
The city's 40,000 busmen want a two weeks.

Legality Of Ancient
- - :, ti InJ ./k Do tA U

Progress of the American labor
movement depends upon the election
of pro-labor candidates to all public
offices, two representatives of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion told approximately 350 persons
last night in Pattengill Auditorium.
"The American labor movement
stands on one principle," Rinaldo
Cappellini, regional director of the
CI0, said. "That principle is that
we will see that the representatives of
our government will be the represen-
tatives of our people, who will see
that we can live as better men and
better women."
Praises Roosevelt, Murphy
J. V. Kennedy, member of the De-
troit Council of the CIO, was the
othei union speaker. The Washte-
naw Conference for the Protection of
Civil Rights sponsored the meeting.
"The Chambers of Commerce in
America have worked hard for a good
many years to see that anyone who
owned anything was protected," Mr.
Cappellini stated.
"A few months ago, however, the
people took it upon themselves to
vote for themselves.
"President Roosevelt is a friend of
America," he declared.
He also praised Gov. Frank Murphyn'
for his policies in recent CI-spon-
sored. strikes in Michigan.
SWF Called Good Idea
Following his address he said, "The
Student Workers' Federation is an
excellent idea. Its organizing on all
the campuses of the country would be
a fine idea. We need college men
as leaders."
Mr. Kennedy predicted another
crash similar to that of 1929 if the
labor movement fails.
He emphasized the theory that the
increased production of a speed-up
system would flood the market and
create unemployment.
Resolutions Approved
The meeting unanimously approved
a resolution presented by the Rev.
H. P. Marley of the Unitarian Church
containing the following points: 1)
To demand the rihts of organizing
and collective bargaining from Wash-
tenaw county employers; 2) to disap-
prove of "lirge-scale deputizing or
unprovoked arrests" by law enforce-
ment agencies; 3) to "condemn such
legislation as the Palmer and Brake
bills, passed by the Senate at Lansing
April 7, making it a felony for em-
ployes to engage in sit-down strikes
and for employers to deal with sit-
down strikers"; and 4) to approve the
Murphy-proposed bill to "set up a
Michigan statute governing labor re-
lationships in this State in accord-
ance 'with the Wagner Act,"
Prof. Hobart R. Coffey of the Law
School said he believed, after an in-
terview with Sheriff Jacob Andres,
that Sheriff Andres was sincere in
his statement that he would not use
his "vigilantes" to prevent labor ac-
tivities in this county.-
Band W11 Play
Spring Concert
At 8:15_Today
Culminating several months of.
practice, the Varsity Concert Band
will present its annual Spring Con-]
cert at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
torium under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli. There will be no
charge for admission .
"The band has been pointing to-
wards this concert ever since the lat-
ter part of January," Professor Re-
velli said. He added that this is one
of the most difficult recitals the band
has ever attempted.
The overture "Oberon" will open
the program. This, according to Pro-
fessor Revelli, is considered one of
the hardest pieces for a band to play,
since it is especially difficult for the
reeds and clarinets.

A brand new piece, "Mannen Veen,"
a tone poem about the Isle of Man,
will be presented. This piece by
Haydn Wood will have an organ ac-
companiment by Robert Campball,
Everett. Kisinger. '37SM. Max Mit-

7 z/2 hour day, rather than the present
eight, and have threatened to strike
at midnight April 30. The labor con-
ciliation department sought to effect
a truce, but conferees reached no
decision in a five-hour session to-
day. They were to meet again to-
The King revives an historic custom
on his journey down river to open the
National Museum at Greenwich, but
he chose a modern naval launch
rather than the gold state barge with
its crimson-coated oarsmen.
And as the day for crowning Kingt
George VI approached with a crown-
ing fanfare of preparation, Edward:
of Windsor won withdrawal in Eng-
land of "Coronation Commentary,"
the book which referred to his tenure
on the throne as marked in part by
"muddling, fuddling and meddling."
The man who might have been
the central figure in the forthcoming
coronation pageantry received also
an apology from the publishers.
Geoffrey Dennise wrote the book
(which United States publishers said,
would be released regardless of the
London action).
Another chapter in the drama of


London newspapers expressed grave 1
alarm over the bus strike prospect,
and some feared such a walkout WASHINGTON, April 26.-(IP)-
might extend to subway and subur- The Supreme Court today relieved
ban transportation. Angelo Herndon, Negro Communist,
Such a strike could "do serious in-
jury to the people of London" if it of an 18-year prison sentence, find-
remained in effect during the Cor- ing that his conviction under an an-
onation with its expected hundreds cient Georgia anti-sedition statute
of thousands of tourists, the Times j was unconstitutional.
remarked. By a five-to-four decision, it held
The bus workers had insisted they .


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axwY{ 1xxl.lxV VIE..( 'VALV J' Y

Plants Closed
By UAW Action
Non-Automotive Factories
Are Affected By Detroit;
Saginaw Strikes
DETROIT, April 26,-/P)---Strikes
directed by the United Automobile
Workers of America affected four
Michigan plants today, "only two of
them connected with the automotive
In Detroit, 300 sit-down strikers
left the Parke Davis & Co. pharma-
ceutical plant, which employs 2,100
persons, but not until one group of
strikers had turned a fire hose on a
police detachment that included high
I departmental officials and Federal
narcotic agents.
That incident occurred at the en-
trance of the sixth-floor drug and
chemical department, where $2,000,-
000 worth of narcotics and medicine
were stored.
Twenty-five men were detained for
In Saginaw, 700 members of the
United Automobile Workers, most of
them from other plants, picketed the
Baker-Perkins, Inc., plant, where
baking machinery is manufactured.
UAWA officials said a strike was
called because 60 employes were dis-
charged after a short-lived sit-down
strike Friday.
The Nelson Brothers foundry and
the Saginaw steering gear division
of General Motors Corp. were closed
because union employes left their
jobs to join the picket line.
Police opened a lane through the]

would accept no compromise and
that they would not agree to a
month's truce todcarry through the
Coronation period.
Liberal Group
Will Oro'aniz
At U nionTo da
Offers Program Of Peace,
Security, Equality, Broad
Social Life,_Civil Rights
A membership and organizational
meeting of students interested in ed-
ucation and action on peace, eco-
nomic security, social equality, aca-
demic freedom and broadening cam-
pus social life will be held at 8 p.m.
Loday in Room 319 of the Union.
A constitution and recommenda-
tions on affiliating the local group
with the national American Student
Uion will be presented by a com-
mittee appointed at the last meeting,
April 3.
Steps will be taken tonight toward
the formal organization of the group,
it has been announced.
The constitutional committee of
the group, temporarily meeting as
the Student Union, consists of Rich-
ard Clark, '37, president of the Stu-
dent Christian Association, William
Barndt, '37, associ'ate business man-
ager of The Daily, Marshall D. Shul-
man, '37, associate editor of The
Daily, Tom Downs, '39, president of
the Student Workers Federation, and
Joseph Bernstein, '39, president of
the Student Alliance.
"This organization will offer an ex-
cellent opportunity for those students
interested in furthering the realiza-
tion of the five objectives, peace, se-
curity, equality, academic freedom
and a broader social life, to make
themselves effective," Richard Clark,
member of the constitutional com-
mittee, said last night. "The 1,500
students who demonstrated against
war last week," he stated, "will have
an organization to continue their
peace activity throughout the year
through a permanent organization
that will cooperate with existing
groups working for the same objec-
3 PEYhae Cn l.o-
Of Railroad Empire
NEW YORK, April 26.- (P) -A

that in the Herndon case, at least,
the law infringed upon constitutional
liberties by placing "vague and inde-'
terminate" limits upon the rights of
freedom of speech and assembly.
Hughes Delivers Opinion
Herndon was convicted on a charge
of possessing radical literature.
Whether the decision had the ef-
fect of invalidating the old Georgia
law, enacted during the turbulent Re-
construction era, or was confined to
the case at issue was a matter of
controversy after the opinion had
been read.
Delivering the majority opinion for
himself, Chief Justice Charles Evans
Hughes, and Associkte Justices Har-
land Fiske Stone, Louis D. Brandeis
and Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, Jus-
tice Owen J. Roberts repeatedly as-
serted that no proof had been ad-
duced that Herndon had read the
literature in question, or had ad-f
vacated the armed overthrow o'f the!
Sta.tute Termed Dragnet
"The statute as construed and ap-
plied," said Roberts, "amounts mere-
ly to a dragnet which may enmesh
anyone who agitates for a change of
government if a jury can be persuad-
ed that he ought to have foreseen
that his words would have some ef-
fect in the future conduct of others.
"No reasonably ascertainable stan-
dard of guilt is prescribed, so vague
and indeterminate are the boundaries
thus set to the freedom of speech and
assembly that the law necessarily vi-
olates the guarantee of liberty em-
bodied in the Fourteenth Amend-
.Annual School
Music Festival
The second annual high school mu-
sic festival to be held Saturday, May
1, at Morris Hall, Ann Arbor High
School, Newberry Hall and the Glee
Club room at the Union will attract
between 500 and 550 high school
music students, according to advance
Prof. William D. Revelli of the
School of Music is chairman of the
festival committee. Judges are Prof.
Joseph Brinkman of the School of
Music; Leon Ruddick, Cleveland;
Harold Bachman, University of Chi-
cago; Clarence Warmelin, Chicago;
and Leonard Falcone, Michigan State
There will be competition in the
playing of 18 solo band instruments,
6 solo orchestra instruments and va-
rious ensembles. An added feature
of this year's program is a division
for junior high school students.

The latest was returned to the
dormitory addressed to Elizabeth
White but the third was returned in
Saround-about fashion. It was left in
the corner of the office in the Burton
Memorial Tower addressed to "Wil-
mot Pratt, Bell Ringer, Music
School," and was immediately re-
turned to the dormitory again to
summon the girls to their hash.
The bells first began to disappear
around Christmas Vacation and have
:een returning and disappearing
since. At one time all were gone so
that the girls had to depend upon
their watches to ascertain when to
appease their appetites.
The gongs are the gift of a former
graduating class.
Nelson Namned
Will Remain To Complete
Present Semester Here,
Leaves In Fall
Dr. Erwin E. Nelson of the phar-
macology department of the Medical
School has been appointed head of
the department of pharmacology at
Tulane University, it was made known
Dr. Nelson will finish the present
semester at the University and will
leave for Tulane on July 1. He will
assume his teaching duties next fall
and will utilize the summer to pre-
pare for his new position.
Taught Here Since 1919
After he was graduated from Drury
College, Dr. Nelson came to the
University and here received his nas-
ter's degree, his doctor of philosophy
degree and a doctor of medicine de-
gree. ' He also studied at Johns Hop-
kins University and at the University
of Munich.
Dr. Nelson has been on the faculty
of the Medical School since 1919. He
has published more than 30 scientific
papers, chiefly in the field of bioassay,
and is editor of the pharmacology
section of Biological Abstracts. He
is also a member of the revision com-
mittee of the United States Pharma-
Worked In Washington
Since 1931 he has been consultant
pharmacologist to the Food and Drug
Administration of the United States
Department of Agriculture at Wash-
ington, D.C. In 1935 he was given
two years leave to organize and ex-
pand the Pharmacology Laboratory
of this organization, and during this
time acted as Chief of the Division of
the Department of Pharmacology,
established as a result of the expan-
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson and their two
daughters will make their home in
New Orleans. Dr. Nelson is replacing
Prof. John T. Halsey of Tulane
MOSCOW, April 26.-(P)-A Rus-
sian plan to become in 1937 the first
nation to produce airplanes on an
assembly line, as a step toward mass
production of military aircraft, was
disclosed tonight by Michael Kagano-
vich, vice-commissar for the defense

IingSteps Out;
Queen Is Sa fe
--W ith8 Cops
It was shortly after midnight on
Saturday night. Jane Edmonson,
'37, one of the Gargoyle's 10 most
beautiful women, and King Louis,
'40M, were sitting alone in the Ed-
monson living room. One lamp was
burning. Ali was quiet.
Suddenly a shadowy figure darted
past the window. The two parlor oc-
cupants saw it but reasoned that itj
was a member of the household and
nothing. However, when the figure
again loomed out of the darkness, and
a face pressed itself against the win-
dow, Louis drew himself up to his
full height and prepared for action.!
They watched the prowler as he
fumbled about in his pockets, final-
ly locating a ring of keys. The tinkle
of the metal against the door was
too much for the on-lookers, and
Louis carefully crept out of the room
and crawled to another door of the
house. With bated breath he opened1
the door and stepped out into the
darkness. He yelled at the man, who
threw one glance in Louis' direction.
and then hit the open road. Louis
took up the pursuit with gusto.
The chase proceeded over fences,
through back yards andoverdback
porches. Louis gained steadily on
the fugitive and finally cornered him.
After giving his adversary a face
full of flying knuckles, Louis emerged,
on top. He dragged his prisoner back
to the Edmonson home where, in the,
meantime, Miss Edmonson had called
(Continued on Page 2)
L. G. Christman
By Big M 'argin
Lewis G. Christman, 1331 Olivia
Ave., was elected alderman from the
seventh ward in a general election
held yesterday to fill the vacancy
created on the city council by the
resignation of Prof. Leigh J. Young of
the Forestry school who resigned to
be a candidate for the presidency of
the council.
Christman, a Republican, defeated
the Democratic candidate, Fred Nor-
ris, 1423 Henry St., by a vote of 289
to 180. Christman captured both'
precincts of the ward, the first by
a vote of 60 to 50, and the second by
a vote of 229 to 130.
Christman came to Ann Arbor five
years ago as vice-president of the
First National Bank, and is at the
present time liquidating agent of the
bank and is also engaged in personal
trust and legal worl. He is a grad-
uate of the Law School.
Nurse, Three Men
Are Ilurt In Crash
Miss Vera McCully, 23 year old
graduate nurse at St. Joseph's hos-
pital and three Detroit men were
seriously injured at 9:45 p.m. Sun-
day in a head-on automobile collision
on U.S. 12 about five miles west of
The others injured were Ernest'
Combers, Robert B. Aylesworth and
Malcolm F. Detlefs.
Miss McCully suffered a fractured
skull and" a possible fractured right
arm. Combers received a fractured
forehead, Aylesworth has fractures
of both upper and lower jaws and
Detlefs suered a fractured knee cap.
According to Detlefs, the accident
occurred when Miss McCully, who
was travelling east alone, turned out
to pass two eastbound cars and lost

control of her own machine, which
swerved to the left over the rain
soaked pavement directly into the
path of Detlef's car,
Curtis-Wright Corp.,
Official To Lecture
T. P. Wright, vice-president of theI
Curtis-Wright Corp., will be the prin-
cipal speaker at the first annual ban-
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ThamIes River High Water
Forces 6,000 To Leave
Lonon, Out., Homes
Ohio Swells Along
900l e Course
43-Foot Level Predicted
In East Liverpool, O.
Traffic May Stop
(By The Associated Press)
With memories of the disastrous
January floods still fresh, residents
of six states on both sides of the Alle-
ghanies were alarmed tonight as con-
tinuous rains sent rivers and streams
out of their banks.
The high water area spread into
Canada, with London, Ontario, evac-
uating 6,000 persons as the Thames
River, rising six inches an hour under
the pulse of rain-swollen tributaries,
reached its highest level in 40 years.
Boats were lacking in the Canadian
city to remove several thousand more
residents from homes endangered
when a breakwater over~flowed.
Pittsb.urgh Endangered
The situation by rivers:
Ohio-Swelling for 900 miles from
Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, a 43-foot
level predicted at East Liverpool, O.,
which would halt street car and in-
terurban traffic. Police closed Pitts-
burgh wharves and business men
soughtato protect the city's "Golden
Triangle" with sandbag barricades.
Lowland residents moved to upper
stories or fled the sections.
Potomac-Business suspended at
Cumberland, Md., as water rolled
through downtown streets.
CQnemaugh-Schools closed, trol-
leys stopped and business at a stand-
still at Johnstown, Pa. Numerous
highways covered with water. Trains
rerouted away from washed out
tracks. Some villages isolated.
Allegheny and Monongahela-ris-
ing a half to a foot an hour and spill
ing into the Ohio at Pittsburgh,
Tracks washed out.
Ohio Rises At Wheeling
Robinson-Bridge washed out at
Drange, Va., and party of four or
five autoists feared drowned.
The streams swelled from the fall
of from 48 to 72 hours of rain on the
Allegheny watersheds. Activity was
feverish at Wheeling, W. Va. last
night asall forces were mobilized to
fight the swell of the Ohio. A hun-,
ired WPA workers were ordered to
stand by with sand-loaded trucks. A
rnearby CCC camp was ready to rush
another hundred workers .to the
scene. The river was expected to go
to 48 feet there Wednesday night.
.At the predicted crest the rivers
will have inundated the homes of
hundreds of flood-weary families in
the nearby communities of Sharps-
burg, Millvale, Etna, McKees Rocks
and other sections.
In the downtown "Golden Tri-
angle," of Pittsburgh the city's bi-
lion-dollar business district, mer-
chants and others prepared for any
eventuality, even though observers
assured them the 36-foot stage would
not bring serious damage to most of
this busy, congested area.
Glacier Effects
Will Be Subject
Of DalySpeech
The effect of the glaciers of the
Ice Age on present geological forma-
tions will be graphically described by
with illustrations by Prof. Reginald
A. Daly of the geology department of
Harvard University, at 4:15 today
in Natural Science Auditorium.
Famous for his writings and
theories on various phases of geolo-

gy, Professor Daly was the first to
suggest that atolls in the volcanic
islands of the Pacific owe their pres-
ent peculiarities 'to the lowering of
the sea by withdrawal f much of its
water to furnish the glaciers ,of the
Great Ice Age, according toDr.
George M. Stanley of the geology
department. Such effects of glacia-
tion will be discussed by Professor
Daly in his lecture "Land and Sea in
the Ice Age," Dr. Stanley said.
f nnRienr s.R : ch

picket line this evening for the 300 Pennsylvania philanthropist and two
or 400 day shift employes who re- New York investment bankers-all in
fused to join in the strike. The their forties and heretofore compara-
pickets, however, brgke windshields tively unknown in powerful financial
of several automobiles and jerked circles-stepped into the limelight to-
tail-lights and windshield-wipers .lay as purchasers of the controlling
from othe oto aoobile Workers block of securities in the vast Van
national executive board resumed in Tweinge aroa p.
Detroit this afternoon the sessions The three are Allan P. Kirby, of
which were held for four days in W nlkesBarre, Pa., son of one of the
Washington last week. The meet- founders of the Woolworth chain and
ings will continue for three or four in the past chiefly interested in the
days. General organizational prob- Kirby family philanthropies, and
lems, including a membership cam- fRobertk h. Young and Frank P. Kolbe
paign among Canadian automobile of the stock exchange of Young, Kol-
workers, will be discussed. be & Co.
jThe purchase was announced by
r I George A. Ball, Muncie (Ind.) glass
1-eurpNl O P t jar manufacturer, on behalf of the
Labor Relations Bill George and Francis Ball Foundation
i-philanthropic institution to which
_--_ the Indiana capitalist transferred the
LANSING, April 26.-QP)--Admin- controlling stock of Midamerica
istration floor leaders in the legisla- Corp., top Van Sweringen holding
ture said today they expected Gov- j company, a month ago.

Michigras Wins Dignified Place
As Result Of Carnival's Success

They carted away the ferris wheel,
they took down that horror inspiring
"loop-o-plane" and they swept up
the withered carnations and gar-
denias, and with all of these opera-
tions the Michigras has assumed a
dignified position among undergrad-
uate projects with a profit of $2,-
784, and possibly more, according to
Willis H. Tomlinson, '37, chairman.
With the gross receipts at $5,284,
and the expenses estimated by Tom-
linson to be $2,500 at the most, the
Dorm Project will probably receive
around $2,000, Tomlinson conjec-
tured, and the women's swimming,
pool fund will be increased by about
$1,000, he said.
The Dorm Project's goal is the at-

the Mosher Hall flower booth and'
third was the Sigma Phi fraternity's
"Souse Sherwood or Dew Drop In."
These three organizations will be
awarded prizes, he said, which will be
decided upon later.
All of the business connected with
the Michigras is yet to be settled,
Tomlinson said, advising all organi-,
zations having bills from their car-;
nival expenditures to present them
to Dean Walter B Rae, financial ad-
visor. Fraternity bills, he said, must
be presented to Jack Thom, '38, for
approval before being given to Dean
Winners of the credit slips given
out as prizes by some of the booths,
were advised by Tomlinson to turn
them in for merchandise within the

ernor Murphy would present before
the end of the week a labor relations
bill that would "go farther than the
Wagner Act."I
The bill still was in the hands of
Governor Murphy, undergoing re-
visions. The Governor himself de-

'Ensian Customers
May Check Names
A F.f ol 1,c ~h {ttortr.

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