TheWeathecr Occasioanal rain,. somerawhat coolr today; tomnorrow cloudy and continued coal. LL Mit igan Iaiti *Edit~orials The Next Spain .. . VOL. XLVII No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1937 PRICE 5 CENTS Rail Workers, Union Leaders Seek To Avert Gotham Strike Peace Parley Follows 48 Hour Truce Holding Up ThreateningStrike Empty Ford Plant,f BeginNegotiations LABOR AT A GLANCE NEW YORK-Peace parley fol- lows 48-hour truce in projected strike of 25,000 raIlroad workers threaten- ing to tie up freight movement in Metropolitan area; five injured in clash at Long Island newspaper plant. LEWISTON,' Me.-Shoe manufac- turers repeat refusal to deal with CIO, or be "intimidated" into strike conferences; seven union leaders or- dered to trial for allegedly violating injunction. RICHMOND, Calif.-Ford plant evacuated, work to resume pending negotiations. PITTSBURGH-A. F. of L. ac- counting of defense funds demanded in cross-bill to suit against alum- inum workers. SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.-Work- ers on Parker Dam strike for CIO recognition and wage boosts. BARGAINING STARTS (By The Associated Press) Weekend conferences, begun last night (Saturday) in New York, held the hopes of railroad and union offi- cials for averting astrikethat would cripple freight movement in Goth- am's metropolitan area. About 25,000 members of the Bro- herhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers and Station Employes were scheduled to walk out at noon yesterday, but postponed action for 48 hours. A federal labor mediator arranged a peace parley soon afterward. Eight railroads were involved. One official attributed the trouble to a dispute between the brotherhood and the International Longshoremen's Association. A wage increase of 20 cents an hour was among the demands. If the conferences fail to bring ac- cord, another peace prospect was seen in the possible application-of a section of the Railway Labor Act which would offer a 60-day post- ponement of strike action pending mediation by a board to be named by the President. . Most of the nation's labor con - troversies were concentrated at geo- graphical extremes. Many were quiet or moving toward settlement. Group Of GM Employes Form Independent Union FLINT, April 24.-(A')-A group of General Motors employes announced tonight the formation of the Inde- pendent Automobile Employers' As- sociation as a union open only to Flint automotive workers. Leaders said they have been work- ing quietly three weeks and have en- rolled more than 6,000 workers. At present the work is being directed by Edward Bowers, treasurer, Paul Kleiber, secretary, and an advisory committee. Bowers and Kleiber, Chevrolet Mo- tor Co. employes, said they are serv- ing temporarily until a constitution and by-laws can be formulated and the organization incorporated. John Wilson and Joseph Smith, Buick Mo- tor Car Co. employes, and George Walker and Arthur Rumsey, Chev- rolet workers, constitute the advisory committee. llin~ois Sen ate Votes For New Student Dorms The Illinois State Senate Thursday passed four bills providing for the construction and operation of dormi- tories and a student center at the University of Illinois, according to the Daily Illini. The main bill passed provides for a three man building commission which would control the construction! of the buildirgs to be used as resi- dence halls or student centers. It is possible to construct a dormitory and to finance the construction with the anticipated rental receipts, the university administration has been advised. French, Portuguese Blockades Least Dependable, Aiton Says Calls Germany And Italy Above Suspicioni As They Patrol Loyalist Area By ROBERT FITZHENRY The greatest danger of leakage in the present international policy of Spanish isolation is on the sectors of. the border patrolled by France and Portugal, Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history department said yester- day. Professor Aiton was apprehensive of the French vigil because of the sympathy of the popular front gov- ernment in Paris for the Spanish loyalists, whereas he expressed sus- picion of the Portuguese because of their open espousal of the Franco cause. In speaking of the remaining countries participating in the block- ade he termed Germany and Italy far beyond suspicion as Insurgent sympathizers even though they are patrolling Loyalist territory while he thought that Great Britain could be counted upon to fulfill her part as a defender of the non-intervention pact. Professor Aiton was unable to state which side had the advantage at present. "Reports are too conflict- ing to place accurately the positions of the two armies," he said. "I have attempted to fix the positions by placing red and green pins on a map,l but I find in many cases that suc- 'cessive dispatches will so contradict one another that battles appear to be taking place behind the supposed fronts." In men and materials, Professor. Aiton believes the two armies are ap- prcximately equal. Figures recently' released by the Italian government which put the number of interna- -tionalists in the Insurgent forces at 85,000 as against 20,000 in the gov- ernment army should be discounted, there being probably more than a 15 per cent difference, he said. "In financial resources the gov- ernment appears to have the edge," he continued, "as I think the 400 million dollar gold reserve that the government controls far exceeds any resources which the Insurgents may command in the branch banks, cop- per mines, wine industries or orange groves under their control." The recent success of the govern- ment army on the Guadalajara front was attributed by Professor Aiton to the superior Russian equipment be- ing employed at present by the Loy- alists. "Russia has apparently opened up with her best equipment," he said, "and the question now is whether Italy and Germany decided to rush in some of their secret war machines before the ban went into effect." While the Loyalists have made sur- prising advances in the past few months they have apparently been unable to garner any fruits from (Continued on Page 2) Six Proposals Await Annual June Centennial Dinner To Hear C. Of C. Meet Shields, Burke Capital, Labor! Present Defy To Leon Blum Workers Threaten General Strike If Full Demands Are Not Granted Disputes May Stop Paris' Exposition PARIS, April 24.-(/P)-Capital and labor lined up tonight for a show- down over the social efforts of Pre- mier Leon Blum's peoples front gov- ernment. Labor threatened a general strike if its full demands were not met;. some employers held out the pos- sibility of lockouts if the govern- ment acceded further to labor's re- quests. Building trades workers defied Premier Blum at a Vincennes mass meeting. They were prepared, they said. to use the "full power we pos-. sess" to force the government to; spend 10,000,000,000 francs ($444,- 400,000) on a public works program to relieve unemployment. Dock workers demanded .that wharves remain idle two days each week. Unionized newspaper print- ing employes were seeking to halt; publication of newspapers two days' weekly. The disputes cast their shadows I over Paris' International Exposition,. scheduled to open May 1. But which probably will not open until May 17. Construction at the exposition site. still was lagging. In some quarters this week was regarded as labor's, club over the government, which, does not want its exposition spoiled by a strike. But M. Blum has told the labor; federation the treasury could not stand additional public works ex-; penditures. Some financial experts, asserting half of the eight billion franc March defense loan has been spent, also believed the nation might; face an empty treasury by June. On the employer side, despite ex- pectations of big exposition business, hotel keepers and cafe associations serv ' ue,&they-wxiua ose if the government applied the 40-hour week to them. They declared they would not be able to compete with other countries for tourist business. Campus Liberal Groups To Join Forces April 27 Liberal and progressive students will meet Tuesday, April 27, at the Union in a mass membership meeting to consolidate the forces working for peace, security, equality, academic freedom and a broader student social life and the campus, it was an- nounced yesterday. The group of 40 representatives on campus organizations that met April 3 will hear a report by the committee, instructed to draw up a constitution for the proposed organ- ization. Temporarily called the Student Union, the representatives chose for the constitutionial committee include Richard Clark, '37, president of the Student Christian Association, Wil- liam Barndt '37, associate business manager of The Daily, Tom Downs, '39, president of the Student Work- ers Federation, Joseph Bernstein, '39, president of the Student Alliance and Marshall D. Shulman, '37, asso- ciate editor of The Daily. The committee was instructed at the last meeting to consider the ad- visability of affiliating the local group. with the National American Student Union., Leopold Wins Anglo-French, Belgian Pact' Two Powers Guarantee Brussels' Independence And AidAgainst Attack Low Country Gives Support To League BRUSSELS, April 24,-()-Bel- gium was set today on a unique basis of neutrality by Anglo-Saxon guaran- tees which may become historic. A joint declaration guaranteed Bel- gium's independendence and released King Leopold's nation from her pro- mise to fight for Great Britain or France if either were the victim of aggression. The document, published simul- taneously here, in London and in Paris, was believed in diplomatic circles to have strengthened the close ties between Great Britain and France in Europe's quest for a non- aggression pact to replace the nulli- fied Locarno treaty. Besides being a "one way" arrange- ment for the benefit of Belgium, the declaration also was made a stop- gap to clarify Belgian policies "until the negotiation and conclusion of a general pact intended to replace the Treaty of Locarno." Belgians Determined It took into consideration the de- termination of the Belgian govern- ment to defend the frontiers of Bel- gium against invasion and to pre- vent Belgian territory from being used for purposes of aggression against any other state as a passage, or base of operations by land, sea or air. It also considered "the renewed as- surances of fidelity of Belgium to the Covenant of the League of Nations and to the obligations which it in- volves for members of the League." Despite the so-called considera- tions observed in the declaration, ob- servers foresaw three quandaries still confronting Belgian policy makers: Three Quandaries 1. How can Belgium, desiring again the neutrality she had in 1914, deny League of Nations members the right to transport troops through her territory and still remain in the League, as she also desires, which makes such permission obligatory against an aggressor? 2. How will Belgium answer the moot question of internatignal law as to whether airplanes flying over a country constitute an invasion in the same way as troops on its soil? This problem, important fornany neu- tral country, iswparticularly vital for Belgium over which French or Ger- man bombers probably would fly in case of trouble. 3. How neutral can Belgium real- ly be? Both Britain and France have made Belgium part of their defense systems. Prowlers Invade Four Residences Local police were kept busy Friday night and early yesterday morning by prowlers, who four times invaded res- idences, one a sorority house, and a business establishment. Police were called at 5 a.m. to the Collegiate Sorosis sorority house, 1501 Washtenaw Ave., after a prowler en- tered through a downstairs window and was found upstairs. He was frightened from the house by the screams of one girl, whose room he had entered. Nothing was reported stolen. Another, or the same prowler at 9:15 p.m. broke into the Jacob Echel- bach market, 202 E. Huron St., and into the adjoining Kroger store, but obtained nothing. He was frightened away by Mr. Eschelbach. Want Legal Responsibility Of Labor Unions Fixed;' Convene At Capitol WASHINGTON, April 24.-P)- The question of industry's relations with labor unions assumed a growing importance tonight on the agenda of the United States Chamber of Com- merce, which begins its annual meet- ing here Monday. Delegates arriving for the conven- tion found that a half dozen pro- posals already were on the program for their attention. The whole ques- tion was given added urgency by the recent Supreme Court decision up- holding the Wagner Labor Relations Act and the recurrence of strikes. Incorporation Demanded Among the suggestions already ad- vanced by local Chambers is that "legal responsibility" of labor or- ganizations be fixed. One Chamber unit recommended federal legisla- tion to make unions responsible par- ties to agreements and require them to incorporate. The Portland, Ore., Chamber pro- posed a study of what it termed "coercive methods used by radical labor leaders to obtain membership" and the Whitter, Calif., unit urged that the federal government "with- hold financial assistance to striking employes." The Chicago body would have the national Chamber call upon the Fed- eral and all local governments "to protect vigorously owners of prop- erty from unlawful seizure by any and all groups." In addition to the labor question, the Chamber delegates are expected to enunciate policy on a variety of other subjects, including taxes, gov- ernment activity in the business field and credit expansion. Day Is Set Aside One day's session nas been set aside to air business demands for re- peal or modification of the federal tax on undistributed corporate sur- pluses. Delegates speculated on what type' of leader ship will succeed what some members describe as the moderate liberalism of Harper Sibley, retiring president of the Chamber. Those in town tonight declined, however, to speculate on candidates for the presi- dency., A slate of directors for the nine regional districts and special depart- ments of the national Chamber al- ready had been posted for the dele- gates' attention. Volunteer To Speak On Spanish Strife David Mackenzie, secretary of the Scottish Peace Congress, will give an address here Wednesday on the present situation in the Spanish ,Banquet To Be Expression Of Gratitude 'Of People Of Town To University Regent Edmund C. Shields and George Burke, Ann Arbor attorney, will be the principal speakers for the Centennial Community Dinner, it was announced yesterday. Regent Shields will speak on "The University and the State" and Mr. Burke on "One Hundred Years of Town and Gown.'' The dinner will be the "opening gun" of the Centennial celebrations taking place Monday, June 14 in the Intramural Building which for this occasion, it is believed, will be turred into the largest banquet hall Ann Arbor has ever known. It will be in charge ofeStanley A. Waltz, general manager of the Union. "The dinner will be the dinner of the people of Ann Arbor, their spe- cial expression of appreciation of alI that the University has meant to the community during the past eventful century, all that it means today, all that it will mean during the coming years," laid Arthur W. Stace, chair- man of the Dinner Committee and managing editor of the Ann Arbor Daily News. The dinner, it was explained, will be informal, to be served at 7 p.m., with tickets priced at $1 each which will go on sale May 15. Requests for reservations,. however, it was an- nounced, may be mailed immediately to Earl H. Cress, chairman of the Community Dinner Ticket Commit- tee, Ann Arbor Trust Building. President Ruthven will preside. Church Officer W ill Address P resIlyterials Dr. Kenneth D. Miller, executive secretary of the Presbytery of De- troit will be the guest speaker at the regular service of worship of the First Presbyterian Church at 10:45 today. He will speak on "The Perils of Civilized Life." John M. Trytten will give a talk to the Westminster Guild at 6:30 p.m. His topic will deal with "Criteria for choosing a Vocation." Trinity Lutheran Church will lay special emphasis on higher Christian education in accordance with the ac- tion of thousands of other congre- gations of the United Lutheran Church throughout the world. The Rev. Henry Yoder, pastor, will have for his theme at the 10:30 a.m. serv- ice the subject "In School with Christ." The Rev. William H. Walker of De- troit will speak dn "The Prophet that 2500 Michigras' Revelers Increase Receipts To $8000 J oe Cole ge Call s CxL.Ct2L . t A t Michigras 'Fake' By TED PECK Joe College, wanting to get ac- quainted with the co-ed who sits in front of him in Spanish 31. indig- nantly branded the dime-a-dance at the Michigras a "big fake" last night. "I've been watching thai, gal like a hawk all semester in the hope she'd drop a book or do something else to give me an excuse to get acquainted," said the ambitious student hiding be- hind the Joe College pseudonym. "When she signed up as a Michigras hostess I thought at last it was the break I had been awaiting. 'How About A Dance' "But when' I waved the tickets under her nose and said, "How about this dance?' she went coy on me. She said it was too bad but she had to work in her sorority booth just then. 'Another time, maybe.' Nuts!" Mary Jane Mueller, '38, chairman of the 500 hostesses who worked in relays during the two evenings of the carnival, said Joe should have tried again last night. His charge of "fake" elicited an equally sharp "That's not so" from Miss Mueller. 'A Grand Opportunity' "It's really a grand opportunity for boy to meet girl," she insisted. "Of course, he must be introduced prop- erly first to the favored stranger by one of the other hostesses he does know. "The girls are pretty busy, and lots of times they do have to work in the booths. But tell me, is your friend Joe good looking? After all, the girls do have a choice; they're not getting paid for this themselves, you know." Legislators May Adjourn Session By First Of June Heavy Schedule For Week Completed; Legislation Delayed By Strikes LANSING, April 24.-(IP)-The Michigan Legislature, a heavy week's schedule completed, pointed its pro- gram tonight toward possible ad- journment by May 28. Ahead lie several controversial bits of legislation, as well as part of the administration program, delayed while Gov. Frank Murphy devoted his efforts to settling automobile and other strike difficulties. The House Ways and Means Com- mittee, holding the last of the big appropriation bills-amounting to $75,000,000-promised speedy ac- tion and Chairman M. Clyde Stout said "We'll all be home by the first of June." Rising demands on the state treasury have resulted in attempts to uncover new tax sources. Senator John C. Wickstrom, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said h would inquire of the State Liquo Control Commission how much a package tax'of 15 or 20 cents a quar and 10 cents a pint would produce. Pointing out that budget re quests now top by 25 million dollar the estimated $100,000,000 of stat funds available, Senator Wickstromr said, "if a bill providing for the di- version of $9,000,000 or $10,000,000 a year from sales tax revenues to the counties and the State Highway De- partment is adopted we will have t find more money somewhere to mee 1 the budget." Tomlinson Says Carnival Is Success As 8,000 Attend In Two Days Sphinx comeback Gains A $13 Profit WAA To Receive $300 Plus 25' Of Remainder Dlorm Fund Gets Rest Inclement weather failed to dam- pen the spirits of 2,500 revellers last night as they thronged the Yost Field House for the second night of Michi- gras' mid-glad frolicing. The total proceeds of the two nights was estimated at $8,000 at 12:10 a.m. today and the total at- tendance figures were thought to approximate 8,000. Willis H. Tomlinson, '37, general chairman of the Michigras, called the whole affair a success. It was not announced last night how much the Women's Athletic As- To all but the twenty-eight Sphinx men who sponsored the roulette wheel at the Michigras, the whole carnival was a success. To them it was the second night that was their supreme triumph,. On Friday night the booth lost $3.00 and last night the atmo- sphere in the Michigras business office was heavy with gloomy an- ticipation until the receipts from the booth were turned in, for it had been crowded throughout the evening. However, the hat- ful of tickets the happy Sphinxes had, more than swept away their losses with a clear profit of $13 besides. sociation and the Dorm Committee, the two beneficiaries woLit' receive. However, the former will get the first $300 grossed and in addition 25 per cent of the rest of the profits, whereas the Dorm Committee will receive the remainder. Booths Did Well The booths did a land office busi- ness again as townsfolk and students alike flocked to the varied attrac- tions. Delta Upsilon's "Hunt Club" in which the customers attempted to put out candle flames with riflefire and Beta Theta Pi's "Follies Ber- serk" were among the most popular on the floor. In a survey of the most popular sororities on campus conducted by the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Kappa Kappa Gamma took first place followed by Kappa Alpha Theta and Delta Delta Delta. ' Independent Winners The winners in the independent radio contest were Jeanne Morgan, 4 M iradna0' nStiaiootaoin-tb5 '40, and Marion Sedon, of 1117 Church St. Dean Joseph A. Bursley drew the lucky numbers from the box. The carnival spirit was further carried out by a gian ferris wheel and a "loop" which were installed at the north end of the Field House. Ticket sellers estimated that 2,000 and 1,000 patrons respectively had ridden on these amusements. i t Extra Legal Price Fixing Power Wielded By Trade Associations EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles on trade associai ions aend the public, labor and indu.stry. By JACKJ DAVIS NRA is dead, but trade associa tions, armed with minimum price leg- islation can fix prices as efficiently today as when it existed abetting monopoly, Prof. Edward H. Gault of the business administration school declared yesterday. But today, he continued, we can- not demand the abolition of abuses such as child labor in return for the privilege of price fixing. "Trade associations, stated- Pro- fer Gaul.jilt. haive n t ben gcyiin- agree to maintain a high price in order to pay high wages. The union on its side aids the employers as- sociation in preventing chiseling and price-cutting among the manufac- turers through threat of a strike. The consumer, commented Professor Gault, is obviously holding the bag. "The only check, said Professoi Gault, that the general public has against such practices is through the anti-trust, the restraint of trade acts, and the criminal law. The Federal Trade Commission, charged with en- forcing these measures can only end the most flagrant violations where TO Speak Here Homer Martin, president of the United Automobile Workers of America, agreed last night to ad- dress a mass meeting at 8 p.m. to- morrow on "Labor and Civil Rights" at the Pattengill Auditorium. The meeting was called by the Washte- naw Conference for the Protection of Civil Rights. Following Martin, Prof. Hobart Coffey of the Law School will talk on the use of deputies in Washte- naw County and Tom Downs, presi- dent of the Students Workers Fed- eration will outline the students' struggles to organize. Fred Norris, Secretary of the Ann Arbor Trades and Labor Council will preside. Mr. Marley said that the purpose of the meeting is to clarify the is- sues which have confronted the citi- z C r s ,, 1 8 )'Clocks Now Start A t 7 q Time Changes Nearly one-third of the population of the United States moved their clocks forward an hour today (Sun- day) as Daylight Saving Time went into effect in hundreds of communi- ties. The advanced time became effec- tive at 2 a.m. and will remain in ef-