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April 24, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-24

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SATriTRI3A '. Al'giIl, 24, 1937




Letters Ask For Action By Labor;
Cementing Of Wail Against War


r. ."-
. Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authoilty of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning exceptMonday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$400; by matil, $450.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Puiblishes Representative'
Board of Editors
Cieorge Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
RalphW. Hurd Robert Cummins .
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
rving Silverman, William Spaler, Tuure Tenander,
IRobert 'Weeks.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, cliairman;
FredreLano, Fred Buesser, aymond Goodman, Carl
tG rstacker
WOMENS DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bl'ngham, Helen
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
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Departmental Managers
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National Advrt~sing andCirculationManager; Don.
Wilsher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
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rManager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Adlvertising Manager.
Laor n1on
Indeendece. ..
the National Labor Relations Law
Case was not more than a day old when out
of the offices of finance 'and industry emergedI
plans for blocking its forward march. Foremost
on the emasculation of labor list drawn up by the
National Association of Manufacturers and its
ilk is the demand for incorporation of labor
Resembling to a great degree a sullen child
who has lost a game, organized big business is
pouting about the "irresponsibiity" of unions"
which, it fears, will continue to win rights which
have been the aim of America's laboring me
women, and children, for more than a hectic
quarter of a century. Because of this "irrespon-
sibility" of organized labor, because of its claim
that it has no redress against labor unions, and
because it also holds that unions have tyran-
nical leaderships organized big business plays
on the anti-union sentiment of certain sections
of the ,population to facilitate the inco-poration
of labor unions.
This is exactly the kind of proedure that led
German and Italian labor and progressives, to-
gether with well-meaning liberals, into the arms
of fascism. The method is one by which the
thunder strikes against the Left, moves over to
knock downall the protection built by labor
for itself, then storms away over fascism's more
innocuous enemies and critics. At this stage la-
bor unions face sevei'e court attacks and a denial
of freedom only if they are incorporated.
That labor unions are by and large irrespon-
sible, as it is charged by business and industry,
is not a general truth. Employers in the rail-
road, printing, and garment industries, where
unions are strong and where there have been
long contractual relations have found their un-
ionized workers, capable, consistent and respon-
sible persons. And that distinction for their in-
dividuals charcterizes the major part of or-

ganized labor.
According to the Coronado Case of 1922 in
which the Supreme Court ruled that unions were
suable in federal courts for injunctions and
money damages, employers may allay their, fear
of no redress. Paul Ward of the Nation points
out that in that case $27,500 was paid.
After the reams of evidence which have flowed
from the LaFollette Civil Liberties and Labor
Committee attesting to the racketeering methods
of organized big business, a chronic duplicity
can be discerned in its attitude toward labor.
Business charges labor with maintaining dic-
tatorial leadership, imposing high fees on its
members, and racketeering in general. Actually,
on closer examination, the new form of labor
organization, the industrial union is a demo-
cratically controlled means for protecting the
right to work for decent conditions. Strict rec-
ording and accounting of the low dues paying in-
dustrial union is a salient feature of the CIO,

Wanted: Backbone
To the Editor:
Yesterday at 11 a.m. the University called off
all classes, took its students by the hand, led
them demurely over to the mall of the architec-
ture building, served them pink tea in a 45-min-
ute outing, patted them lovingly on the head,
and sent them home.
Yesterday at 11:30 a.m. it had become ap-
parent that at least as far as the Univeristy of
Michigan is concerned the 1937 peace movement
had gone neatly pfffft.
True, there were 1500 students standing
around, mildly interested by the noise. True,
there were hundreds of contagious "Yeas!" of-
'ered up in response to the resolutions express-
ing unity with other demonstrators throughout
the nation. True, the speakers denounced the
war-makers, worried about the Hill-Sheppard
Bill, and commended the Nye-Kvale bill to the
good graces of our liberal Congressmen.
But there is only one test of the worth of yes-
terday's deronstration: will it in any way con-
tribute to the prevention of our entry into an-
other war? And I think the answer is no. When
those who have an interest in the promotion of
such a war start their war-whooping-when
the newspapers and the magazines start their
systematic glorification of war-when preacher
and professor join hands as they did in the last
time they were put to the test to extol the
virtues of conflict of man against man-then
the sort of anti-war spirit displayed on the mall
yesterday won't mean a blessed thing.
There isn't any sense in telling the world that
f1500students in the University of Michigan
1 are against war. Anyone who is old enough to
eat his own porridge knows that probably 95
per cent of the student body-just like 95 per
cent of the people-at-large-are against war.
The only excuse peace demonstrations can
have for existence lies in the preparation they
can furnish for'some sort of effective opposition
to war when the emergency requiring such op-
position shall arise. And preparation like the
peace meeting yesterday furnished is not only
utterly negative, it's downright disheartening.
Can any of you who were there picture the
president of a corporation with its talons deep
in the wells and mines of the Orient gazing
with frantic eye upon the gathering and saying
to.:himself, "VWell, I guess it's no dice this time.
This war racket works just so long and then
the suckers catch on. We'd never get this bunch
to fight our battles for us." If you think we
overwhelmed the war-mongers with awe for
our do-or-die determination not to fight, you're
-to be frank-balmy.
What was inissing? Was it that essential spark
that makes the difference between a sleepy po-
liteness to sone orators and a heartfelt resolve
to cooperate in a common cause, an inward glow
of unity with a group of our fellows who can
be counted on to pitch in with us, shoulder to
shoulder when the going is rougher than it is
There are various elements that may, in a
particular instance, supply that added fillip to
give meaning and value to the meeting. But the
opportunity that was fumbled by those in charge
of yesterday's demonstration was a prize. Out
of four meetings which have been held on the
campus on April 22 in the past three years, only
one was a true success. That meeting was held
two years ago,.on the steps of the library, and
thefactors which contributed to its success were
(1.) The University officially frowned on
the meeting and the leaders weren't sure
until afterwards that they wouldn't be dis-
(2.) The Oxford peace oath was ad-
ministered, also contrary to the University's
(3.) Classes were not dismissed for the
meetirig, the University sponsoring instead
a rival afternoon neeting in Hill Auditorium
with a speaker brought from the University
of Chicago on University funds.
Those were the only significant differences
between that meeting and three others held
under the wing of the University. And they
teach one important lesson: there must be bar-
riers to overcome-there must be something hard
for the demonstrators to do-there must be some
effort expended in behalf of their beliefs. For

if there is nothing in the way of inconvenience
-and hazard in demonstrating, then there is noth-
ing comparable to the test to which those dem-
onstrators will some way be put.
Of course I am not advocating the peace-lovers
go about picking fights to show they're sincere.
But this year's group went to the opposite ex-
treme and made a shambles of a fine idea.
There was at least four specific examplesI know
about which show that it was the weak-kneed,
kowtowing, bending-over-backward-not-to-of-
fend spirit that robbed our peace meeting of sig-
. (1.) The leaders asked permission of the Uni-
versity to hold the meeting on the library steps
and agreed not to meet there when the Univer-
sity said it would disturb those who were study-
ing. (And the carillon?)
(2.) The leaders asked permission of the Uni-
versity to pass resolutions at the meeting and
wouldn't plan on doing so until permission had
been granted. (Resolutions? of all the nerve!)
(3.) The original resolution, beginning "'We,
students of the University," was at the Univer-
sity's suggestion changed to "We here assem-
bled," (Thereby saving our face before the Lith-
uanian ambassador to Madagascar).
(4.) The leaders carefully announced that
the meeting should not be considered a "strike"
but a "demonstration." (Tsk, tsk; sech lang-

Labor I tsel
To the Editor:
What has happened to the promises for far-
reaching social legislation that swept President
Roosevelt to victory last fall? On his own in-
itiative, the President is cutting the heart out
of the program which elected him. Slashing
away $135,000,000 from farm tenancy legislation,
$100,000,000 from education, $30,000.000 from
low cost housing, $100,000,000 from crop insur-
ance, $550;000,000 from flood control, reducing
the WPA budget so that there will be 500,000
fewer workers on its rolls, abolishing the RA, the
President is carrying out in effect the provisions
of the Republican platform.
Bad enough as this is, Senate majority leader
Robinson slaps the other cheek by placing the
'burden of government on the shoulders of those
who are going to be most seriously affected by
the economy measures. Lamenting the high tax
rates placed n the rich, he declares that the in-
come tax will have to be carried to the lower
brackets. As though this were not enough, ad-
ministration leaders Byrnes and Harrison are
urging that the WPA appropriation be reduced
from $1,500,000,000 to $1,000,000,000.
President Roosevelt estimates that federal ex-
penditures will be $7,324,000,000 for the next
fiscal year. Where is this money going to? With
the cut in social legislation, what else is being
done with these huge funds? One indication is
the $953,000,000,000 for the army and navy, an
amount almost the equivalent of the economies
enumerated above.-
If the government were actually taking steps
to preserve world peace, the military expendi-
tures might at least be made palatable, but the
failure of international democracy to stop fas-
cist aggression in China, Ethiopia, middle Eu-
rope and Spain is a blot which no presumably
peace-loving government can ever hope to live
down. Indeed, it would seem that as far as Eng-
lish democracy is concerned it has completely
capitulated to the Spanish insurgents; a picture
in today's Ann Arbor News shows English mer-
chantmen prevented by British destroyers from
sailing into Spanish waters because General
Fraanc'o has declared a blockade of England's sis-
ter democracy. "Britain will not protect its
commercial vessels within the rebel line," reads
the caption. Mistress of the seas! Mistress of
fascism would be a better title.
The anxious liberals who so zealously urged
the election of Roosevelt lest Landon be elected
and refused to support a national farmer-labor
party, lest Roosevelt's election be imperiled,
should be happy with their choice. The sole
result of their efforts is the effective deadening
of any independent political sentiment which
might have existed before the last election. Look
to 1940, they said; there is so much enlightened
political consciousness in 1937 and so infamous
a measure as the conscription bill has met with
practically no opposition. The charter for labor
has been won, but it has been won by labor itself
in the face of the stiffest opposition from the
same 'party which the liberals helped put in
power by supporting Roosevelt.
How it will be possible to organize a na-
tional party for 1940 when no effort is made to
educate its potential supporters in the day to day
struggles against reactionary measures, which,
heaven knows, are plentiful enough, is a ques-
tion which the liberals will have to answer be-
fore too long, and there is no indication at all
that they even realize the existence of the di-
lemma. Nor is there anyereason to think that
the CIO will overnight become the mass base
for a farmer-labor party; success in the economic
arena is no guarantee of political sophistication.,
Democracy in this country will be in danger
so long as Roosevelt is not revealed for what he
is, the liberal defender of capitalism, so long as
it is not realized that when the liberal glove
wears thin, the iron gauntlet of fascism is drawn
on. Who is going to provide this education?
-R. S.
have seriously crippled our chances of peace
by our anaemic anti-war demonstration. But
with the experience of the past three years in
mind I cannot help but think that if the meet-
ing had been forthrightly publicized as a strike,
if the leaders of the movement had disregarded
the University's disapproval of a meeting on the

library steps, and its hand-picking of what the
students should resolve and what they should not
resolve-that then and only then should we
have done our bit for peace.
And these details are more important even
than in their effect on yesterday's congregation.
They indicate a basically futile attitude toward
war-prevention. They indicate that on this
campus we have not yet begun to fight for peace.,
And they indicate that we must change our
course and our tactics if we dare hope than
when the war-crisis comes there will be thou-
sands of students who, relying on us as we will
be relying on them, will meet under their Uni-
versity's horrified nose and proclaim in resound-
ing tones that they don't intend to fight.
The key to war propaganda lies in the fear
of each individual that if he protests he will be
alone, apart from the mob, friendless and hope-
less in his opposition. And the key to peace
propaganda is exactly the same from the' other
end; instilling confidence and courage in the
multitudes of individuals who know they don't
want to fight by proving to them that they
are not outside the mob, not hopeless, not alone,
not friendless.
I hope we have learned our lesson. I hope we
can, build a backbone into our peace movement

J. T._Farrell
-A 70rld I Never Made-
The Chicago West Side of 1911 was
a dirty, poverty-ridden district, in-
habited by hard-working and hard-
drinking Irishmen. James T. Farrell
was born into that abyss of human
degradation in 1904, so this story of
little Danny O'Neill, the first of an-
other trilogy dealing with the same
locale, may be regarded as partly
"A World I Never Made" is a tragic,
gripping picture of American ugli-
ness, and Farrell depicts that ugli-
ness as he experienced it. If he iin-
;ers longest upon the srdid and
sinister it is because he found that
world sordid and sinister-he had no
part in its making. The wretched-
ness of the district he writes about
is satisfactory justification for the
apparent coarseness of the book.
Danny O'Neill was a normal seven
year old boy. Ty Cobb and Big Ed
Walsh were his gods; his trip to the
downtown department store where
he gloried among electric trains, bi-
cycles, and baseball bats and balls
affected him as it would any seven-
But Danny never had a chance-
that is the thesis of the book, unmis-
takably apparent from the first ref-
erence to the O'Neill household,
which was supported by the $16 week-
ly pay envelope of Jim O'Neill, an
earnest and hard-working, but ig-
norant, man who was driven to drink
by the filth and the fervid, hypocrit-
ical piety of his wife Lizz.
Nor were Danny's chances of
emerging from the despondency of
his environment enhanced when he
went to live with the O'Flaherty's, his
grandmother, aunt, and uncle. Uncle
Al was a shoe salesman whose efforts
to make Danny a gentleman consist-
ed of praising Lord Chesterfield's let-
ters and mailing them to the boy
from the third-rate drummers' hotel
he was stopping at as the ripened
fruits of his own sagacity.
But- to Dan Lord Chesterfield was
a stuffy old gent, even in the whizz-
bang translations of Uncle Al, while
these things brother Billy was telling
him about smoking Melachrino cig-
arettes, or fighting with the niggers
across the tracks--now that was
"A World I Never Made" is written
in sharp, hard prose, full of apt col-
loquialisms, and is best when the
author is wallowing in the psycholog-
ical complexities of his superb, ac-
curately-drawn characterizations.
Hepburn Wins
(From the Herald Tribune)
THE WILLINGNESS of the local
officers of the UAWA in Ontario
to renounce allegiance to the CIO in
negotiating a settlement of the Osh-
awa strike is a distinct victory for
Premier Hepburn. His passionate re-
fusal to recognize Lewis or his "hire-
lings" as spokesmen for Canadian
labor, now that it has been acquisced
in by the Oshawa strikers, has set
an important precedent which, one
must believe, will henceforth govern
Canadian response to Lewis's ambi-
tions. As a condition of extending;
their organization across the border
his unions will have to grant their,
Canadian branches more or less com-
plete autonomy.
This successful resistance to the
Lewis absolutism is an extremely3
healthy development from which the
labor movement should benefit here
as well as in Canada. Indeed, we
should not forget that our own auto-
mobile workers were an invaluable
aid to Hepburn in achieving his ob-

jective. This very evident resent-
ment of the suggestion that they
stage a strike against General Mo-
tors on this side in sympathy with
the Oshaway walkout was in itself
notice to Lewis that his autocracy
was in disfavor and, incidentally, a
plain intimation to the Oshawa strik-
ers that their CIO affiliation was of
no practical advantake. The latter
now talk of having been "let down"
by Lewis. Lewis didn't let them
down. His following in Michigan
let him down so that he and his
henchmen found it convenient to re-
tire in silence to Washington.
Is it too much to hope that the
demonstration means the beginning
of the end of the Lewis tyranny, that
Canadian resistance to Lewis will do
for -us industrially what our resist-
ance to George III did for Canada
politically? If so, we have much for
which to thank Premier Hepburn.
'Campaign To Protect
Lawns Is Announced
A campaign to protect the campus
Jawns and shrubbery for the Univer-
sity Centennial in June has been put
under way this week by a committee
representing members of the staff of
the Fresh Air Camp, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Walter Luszki,
'37, chairman.
As a first move in the Fresh Air
Camp campaign, Luszki said, peti-
tionsedoin ach student to :sPP

VOL. XLVII No. 144
Senior and Graduate Students:
Those senior and graduate students
who have been invited to be guests
of honor at the Fourteenth Annual
Honors Convocation of the Univer-
sity of Michigan should order caps
and gowns immediately at the Moe
Sport Shop or Van Boven Inc. It is
necessary to place these orders at
once in order that the caps and
gowns may be deliveredhin time for
the Convocation, April 30.
Joseph A. Bursley Chairman
Committee on Honors
Summrner Session Students: Any
woman student desiring residence in
the University dormitories for the
Summer Session should make appli-
cation as soon as possible at the
Office of the Dean of Women.
t o Users of the Daily Official Bul-
The attention of users of The Daily
Official Bulletin is respectfully called
to the following:
(1) Notice submitted for publica-
tion must be Typewritten and must
be signed.
(2) Ordinarily notices are pub-
lished but once. Repetition is at the
Editor's discretion.
(3) Notices must be handed to the
Assistant to the President, as Editor
of the Daily Official:Bulletin, Room
1021 A.H., before 3:30 p.m. 11:00,
Hoauseheads: Having rooms for
light housekeeping, furnished and
unfurnished apartments suitable for
graduate women students for the
Summer Session are lrequested to call
the Office of the Dean of Women as
soon as possible.
Oriental Women: Mrs. Elizabeth
Cotton, Foreign Division, Y.W.C.A.,
will be in Ann Arbor this afternoon
and tomorrow morning to interview
Oriental women concerning summer
vacatiots, opportunities for learning
summer camp methods in Y.W.C.A.
camps, and opportunities for visiting
local Y.W.C.A.'s while they are liv-
ing in this country. Oriental stu-
dents who are returning home ,via
Europe are usually interested in re-
ceiving introductions to the Wfld's
Y.W.C.A. in Geneva and the national
Yuen movements in other countries.
All Oriental women students are in-
vited to talk with Mrs. Cotton. Her
headquarters will be in the Office of
the. Dean of Women.
A cademic Notices;
Playwriting (English 150) will meet;
Tuesday night, April 27, instead of
Monday, in Room 3212 A.H. instead'
of 3217 A.H.
Kenneth Rowe.
Philosophy 31: Sections 3, 5, and 6;
midsemester next Thursday.Section-
al; midsemester next Wednesday.
Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer
Christian, University organist, will
give an all Bach program of organ
nusic Sunday afternoon at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The gen-
eral public, with the exception of
small children, is invited without ad-
mission charge.
May Festival Tickets: The sale of
individual tickets for May Festival
concerts will begin at 8:30 o'clock
Monday morning, April 26. The sale
of season tickets will also continue.
Individual concerts, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
and $2.50; season tickets, $6.00, $7.00
and $8.00, at School of Music office,
Maynard Street.
University Lecture: Prof. Reginald

A. Daly, of the Department of Geol-
ogy and Geography, Harvard Univer-
sity, will lecture on "Land and Sea
in the Ice Age" on Tuesday, April 27,
at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium. The lecture will be illustrat-
ed. The public is cordially invited.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. James B.
Sumner, of the department of bio-
chemistry, Cornell University, will
lecture on the topic "The Chemical
Nature of Enzymes' 'in the Chemistry,
Amphitheater at 4:15 p.m., Tues-
day April 27. The lecture is under
the auspices of the University and
the American Chemical Society. The
public is cordially invited.
Engineering Lecture: Monday and
Tuesday nights, April 26 and 27, at
7 p.m. at the Michigan Union, Prof.
Richard S. Kirby will deliver two
illustrated lectures on Early En-
gineers and Early Engineering. The
members of the faculty of the
University, and students, as well as
all other interested parties are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Professor Kirby is a professor at
Yale University. He is an outstand-
in -a.>tnrityn ta. ntma ofan_-

Baha'i Group Sunday afternoon at
4:30 p m. at the Michigan League.
er subject will be, "This Challeng-
ing Hour." The public is cordially
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A collection of Modern Dress and
Drapery Textiles created by the Bu-
reau of Style and Design of Marshall
F"ield & Co.,Manufacturing Diision,
is being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room of the Architectural
Building. Open daily 9 to 5 through
April 27. The public is cordially in-
An exhibition of paintings by Mar-
garet Bradfield and Mina Winslow
is being held in Alumni Memorial
Hall through May 5, 2 to 5 p.m. Sun-
days, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association.
Events Today
Catholic Studeits Hiking Club:
There will be a group of students
leaving at 2 p.n. today from St.
Mary's Student Chapel for the first
hike of the year. They will return
not later than 5 p.m. All Catholic
students and their friends are invit-
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members
interested in speaking German are
cordially invited. There will be an
informal 10-minute talk by Mr: Wer-
ner F. Striedieck.
Chemistry Motion Pictures: Mr.
Shuster of the DuPont Company will
show several sound films covering the
manufacture of important chemical
products. The pictures will be
shown Monday, April 26, at 4:30 p.m.
in the Chemistry Amphitheatre.
Suomi Club will hold an outing
at the "island" tomorrow. We leave
from Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m. Re-
freshments will be served, and a
group picture taken.
Hillel Players: There will be a
meeting at the Hillel Foundation
Tuesday, April 27, at 7:30 p.m. Elec-
tion of officers will be held and
plans discussed for the presentation
of three one-act plays.
The Home Making Group of the
Michigan Dames will meet Tuesday
evening at 8:15 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. C. F. Behrens, 1101 Olivia Ave.
The demonstrator for Charles of the
Ritz cosmetics will be the speaker of
the evening. All Dames are cordially
The Bibliophiles of the .Faculty
Women's Club will meet with Mrs.
Carl E. Burklund, 1561 Marlboro
Drive, Tuesday, April 27, at 2:30 p.m.
Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
day Afternoon Play-Reading. Sec-
tion will meet on Tuesday afternoon
April 27, at 2:15 p.m. in the Alunnae
Room of the Michigan League.
SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1937
First Baptist Church:
10:45 a.m. Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
minister, will preach on "The Perils
of Privileges." Church School at
9:30 a.m. High School young people
at 5:30 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild: 12 noon.
Student Group at Guild House. 6:15
p.m. the Guild's regular meeting.
Election of officers. The program
will be "Impressions of the State
Youth Conference at Battle Creek,"
given by Stanley Wheater, Grad.,
and Howard R Chapman.

Sulker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Class led by Professor Carrothers on
"The Peril of Uselessness."
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Miss Gertrude Muxen will speak on
"Friends-Our Greatest Investnient."
This will also be election of officers.
Fellowship hour following the meet-
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:30 a.m. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "We or
First 'Presbyterian Church: Meet-
ing at the Masonic Temple, 327 So.
Fourth Ave.
At the Morning Worship Service at
10:45 a.m., Dr. Kenneth D. Miller,
executive secretary of the Presbytery
of Detroit, will preach on the sub-
ject "The Perils of Civilized Life."
Special music by the student choir
and double quartette.
Mr. John M. Trytten will be the
guest speaker at the regular mneet-
ing of the Westminster Gulid at 6:30
p.m. His topic will be "Criteria for
Choosing a Vocation." A supper
and social hour will nrecede this

Publication n the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of thd
Vaitvarsity. Copy. received..at tine omc. a the Astent to thu PreeidMn
uati 3:30: 11:00 a.m. ou Saturday.


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