T HE MICHIGAN DAILY .TI'UsL Ar)Y, ArPAL , 1937 E MICHIGAN DAILY -'L<: -=v A =- - . T-- *c'« liq%6 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as Ssecond class mail matter, Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. New YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO -BOSTON *.SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES . PORTLAND - SEATTL Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR..............ELSIE A. PIERCE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ..MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton, Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weekms. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl Glerstacker. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER .................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ...JEAN KEINATH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Bucher , Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: TUURE TENANDER which would represent more than a purely mi- itary point of view, ought as soon as possible be appointed in order that this state of over-arma- ment, which we believe to be destructive to the, peace of the world, be reduced to limits safer to the world and adequately safe for ourselves. From time to time we have published the tes- timony of competent economists on the sub-. ject of the reciprocal trade agreements. Almost unanimously they have supported Secretary Hull in his efforts to further sound trade relations. For the last fifteen years economic nationalism has been on the ascendant; tariffs and restric- tions of various kinds have once again begun the trend of imperialism and conquest which repeats the story of the last war. The most hopeful sign in the field of foreign trade is the painstaking work of Cordell Hull in building uC a structure of sound international trade relations through reciprocal agreements. The third point in this petition is not with- out dispute in some quarters. Advocates of col- lective security in its most extreme forms believe that it may be necessary on the part of the United States to enter a European conflict on the theory that an incipient major struggle may be nipped in the bud. Such a policy has properly been referred to as "committing suicide from fear of death," and it seems more important to the future of democracy that this country stay out of war now, than that we try to suppress by force the fascist elements in Europe today. For these reasons, we urge your signature on the three petitions. IT-HE -FORUM 4 Attend The Peace Demonstration .. . 4 S S S k S S I S I S S S 4 S 54 S S 4 'C M OST OF US have wondered, at some time or other, whether stu- dent peace demonstrations, such as we are to have this morning, are anything more than a tonic and a free hour. Can these youths after all effectively prevent .a war caused by forces deeply rooted in our social and economic system? The answer is, as Senator Nye has said, that the student peace movement represents one of the strongest forces for peace in the world today. War will not be prevented simply be- cause you and your roommate attend the peace demonstration this morning, but your presence there, along with perhaps a million other youths throughout the country, demonstrates to the world that there is a firm bloc of citizens of the coming generation who have the will to peace. This will to peace will express itself in terms of legislation, of enlightened foreign policy, sounder trade relations. Student dem- onstrations in themselves will not achieve a warless world, but evidence that an enlightened bloc of voters will follow through legislative mazes the fortunes of measures calculated to reduce the probabilities of war will have a visible effect on public officials and national policies in the direction of peace. Hence, even leaving aside the psychological effect upon the people themselves who demon- strate, we believe that the usefulness of the demonstration this morning ought to be suffi- ciently evident to every thinking student. Attendance at the demonstration represents a very minimum of effort towards peace. Con- sidering that it is this generation whose lives are at stake, the devotion of one hour this morn- ing seems to be a small enough investment on their part. Therefore we urge you in the strongest terms: Atttend the Peace Demonstration. * * * * To the Editor: Poor, deluded creatures that we are! We, who had thought that one of the things our educa- tion had taught us was that the printed word isn't necessarily true, suddenly discover that, in spite of our purely democratic tendencies, we have been believing in a Bolshevik myth. Oh! Yes!-we have learned that when Hitler says he wants peace, or when Hearst says that Roose- velt is plotting with the Communists . . . we must be a bit hesitant about accepting such statements at their face value. But all these years, we have been believing all those pretty phrases about freedom of speech and press, found in the Constitution. Or per- haps, we have been wrong from the beginning. Perhaps the Ann Arbor police force has been secretly informed that the Supreme Court is about to declare the Bill of Rights unconstitu- tional. If so, why haven't the newspapers in- formed us of the fact? But there, I had almost forgotten that gathering news is a criminal of- fense. Or is it using "profane" language that is illegal? There seems to be a slight misunderstanding concerning the terms: "Profane language" and "disorderly language." For, if it is always true that the use of certain specified words constitute the aforementioned "crimes," the lan- guage used by a prosperous book-store owner, and the policeman who made the arrests of April 8th, would indicate that these "pillars of our community" are hardened and habitual criminals. -R.S. '37. II - - - To the Editor: Thersites has his blood up again! He hasn't been in print since his tussle with the Sociology Department, but now he is up in arms! In the last issue of The Daily which he saw before leav- ing for a happier clime, there was a great to-do about this picketing affair. The Daily reported that: . . one of the more prominent bookstore owners, in the presence of ladies, referred to one picketer on the steps of the Recrea- tion center as a "bastard." He has not yet been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge .. . He can't get away with that. I don't mind the presence of ladies, since I am a great one for the single standard, but when Thersites sees the constitutional right of freedom from libel being invaded with the approval of the local con- stabulary, he does mind. Thersites has been overcharged for second-hand books for years, uncomplainingly. But when the book people go sticking their noses into other people's bus- inesses, and calling folks uncomplimentary names in the bargain, he revolts. In fact Thersites demands the following: 1. The immediate establishment of a co- operativp bookstore. 2. The immediate publication, if possible, of the name of the anti-labor book-merchant, so that Thersites can call upon the world for a boycott *of that gentleman's business or racket. -Tersites. The Sit-Down And Fraternization To the Editor: The student of social movements learns to expect that the real significance of such move-. ments often turns out to be quite other than that apparent to the people directly and indi- rectly affected by them at the time. May I say a few things about what seems to me to be perhaps the most important social consequence of the sit-down strike movement--something that seems to have escaped the attention not only of the general public and the newspapers, but also of all the writers of articles on the subject whose publications I have seen. The thing that caught and held my atten- tion as I observed and mingled among the strikers in Flint and Detroit was the spirit of comradeship among them. They were like a big and well-ordered family, the members under- BENEATH **** #*###+ IT ALL ---By Bonth Wiliams;; ARGOYLE, Gargoyle, who's got the Gar- goyle! One thousand, nine hundred and ninety seven copies of this month's Tilles-Barnes copyrighted joke book, proclaimed as the biggest and best, too much to give away for a dime, will not be sold on the Campus this morning unless the culprit(s) who pilfered them from a locked room in the Publications Building relent(s) and sur- render(s) his booty before 8 a.m. Only three copies of the magazine are known to be in existence. One is in the hands of Editor Tilles, who says he's not a bit worried, one is in the hands of Detective Gene Gehringer, local police sleuth who retired from the case after opining that it was an inside job, and one I was given 'to review Tuesday is locked safely away as my future contribution to the relic depart- ment of the University Museum. Tilles and Barnes, though both professing no concern whatsoever, wandered nervously about questioning all suspects after Detective Smith had broken another window in the burglarized room and cut his thumb in an attempt to get to the bottom of the whole business. Smith was very decent about the whole thing, but rightfully maintained that the 'snatch' was more in the, nature of a prank than of a theft and agreed with Tilles that it would be better for the police to drop out of the case. High University officials sat back and chuckled with mirth when they learned of the crime of the century, recalling other days when student life was continually punctuated with the strange removal of the President's front steps, or the wrecking of an unpopular merchant's estab- lishment. Theories, accusations and counter-charges filled the Publications Building from early morn- ing until well into the evening. The Great Steal- ing of the Gargoyle was the dinner table topic last night as the whole campus, with its togue in its cheek, offered a thousand different solu- tions. Detroit and Chicago papers carried the story of The Joke on the Humorists, and spec- ulations were rife. One theory holds that Fred Warner Neal made off with the books to prevent the distribu- tion of a magazine in which he was Preposterous Person Number 41. Another indicts the Michigan Daily sports staff with specific charges leveled at your col- umnist. A third solution makes the whole thing a publicity stunt concocted by Tilles and Barnes to sell a magazine at more than double is usual price. Others charge the deed to the Michigras committee and some to outsiders. Barnes and Tilles angrily deny theory num- ber three, and the fact that they both stand to lose a considerable bonus if the issue has been destroyed, coupled with the looks of pure anxiety on their faces, makes the publicity solution seem not too probable. Barnes, by calling in the police, has probably so frightened the perpetrators that they may in desperation have dumped the whole business into the Huron river. Personally I think the Gargs will be returned safely in time. Nobody wants them for anything and their value is sufficient to command a good deal of respect. * * * * STAN COX, S.A.E. boxer, is probably the num- ber one bicycler in these parts. Stan cycled some 500 miles through Kentucky during spring vacation and last summer conducted a pedal- ing tour through the British Isles with 58 teen age charges under his control. Distance means nothing to Stan. He can average 125 miles a day without any trouble at all, but pooh-poohs his own stamina with the remark that real Britishers can make 250 miles a day if they really have to. Stan has two steeds which he rides on his ex- cursions about the country. One, a German bike with a gear shift, its own electric generator, and back and front lights, weighs only 26 pounds and cost $18. The other is an English make with virtually the same equipment. It retailed for $22.50 but weighs only 18 pounds. I was seeing here the spirit of democracy among great masses of American workers. All the dif- ferences of race, religion, and other ordinarily divisive influences were forgotten in a new spirit of brotherhood. And the almost daily news re- ports of unorganized, "wild-cat" sit-downs in factories because a fellow-worker has been fired. or demoted for unjust cause, while sometimes it is doubtless ill-advised, certainly lends strength to the impressionthat a new sense of responsi- bility for each other is growing among the Amer- ican proletariat. After all these strikes are over, it should remain as a social psychological foundation for more effective democratic action in the future. If the thing I speak of really is coming into existence among people, it is, I think, cause for rejoicing on the part of every man and woman desiring the growth of civic responsibility, mu- tual responsibility, mutual understanding among1 the innumerable social, racial, political and re- ligious groups of this heterogeneous American people. Had this social spirit been present in Detroit, for example, during the last seven years, there could not, I think, have developed such a vigilante monstrosity as the Black Legion. I be- lieve that it is only through the increase of this spirit that we can expect a decrease in delin- quency and crime and the tendency to ignore the rules of safe automobile driving, for example, and, on the other hand, an increase in coopera- tion in social organization. By and large, the people who are most bitterly as existing in a transcendental and abstract world. To say it does is to admit that beauty is incommunicable and unrelated to the concrete world, and the human mind unable to reach it. Hence, when I criticize an Ab- stractionist painting, I try to judge it in the purely formal sense in which it was intended, so far as that is pos- sible, but I do not sympathize, for I can never condone its failure to be anything more. I seek in art a hu- man thing. ART MUST HAVE SOCIAL COMPLEX. For centuries the role of the artist has been considered one of unique and individualist self-expression. He was not expected to know anything about the forces of the wicked world -and seldom did. It is that notion of remoteness from the social whole that has led to abstract Expression- ism. But today, in a highly coordi- nated society, where it becomes evi- dent as never before that art cannot exist independent of the social com- plex, the proletarians point the way to a more worthy and secure ideal- social integration, a cooperative world. They attempt to express something of what Thomas Mann calls "the unity of the human prob- lem," the complex relationship of the individual to the whole of man, of one personality to another. And that is the keynote of a new age of unity now being born. Waldo Frank has called art a means for man to express "his or- ganic connection with life." He adds that "Art brings to human lives the experience of freedom." The goddess of freedom herself takes new shapes and assumes new disguises in every age as she passes through. Once freedom meant individualism,, and I the Giottos and Michaelangelos, seeking her, created a great art. To- day it means a collective order, and the Riveras and Groppers and How- ard Cooks are creating another. Uni- versal and eternal? We need not worry about that. Suffering, injus- tice and struggle have always been universal. They vary only in the new forms they assume in every age. If an artisthas discoveredrand ex- pressed beauty in his world, if he has captured something of the spirit of his age, posterity will see and understand, and he too shall be eter- nal. SeX Education Bill To Be Considered LANSING, April 21.-(,P)-A bill' which would permit the teaching of sex hygiene in the public schools was introduced in the House today by 'the legislature's only woman member, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Belen, Democrat, of Lansing. The measure would forbid any instruction or discussion relat- ing to birth control. Reps. Henry Douvil E. Alpena, and Charles H. Nixon, Cadillac, Republi- cans, introduced a bill which would add 100 uniformed officers to the State Police for establishment of a highway parto*. i bj C Chairman, with four other members to be appointed by the President for staggered terms of four years each, 3.) That a report of its activities be presented annually to the Univer- sity Council. Also the University Council gave consideration to the report of ,the Special Committee on Faculty Par- ticipation of which Professor Daw- son was Chairman. The following attitudes were approved: (1.) To the suggestion of the Dawson Committee "that the stand- ing committees of the Council be abolished," the Council does not con- cuy. It believes that no gain is to be obtained through such action and that the standing committees should be continued in their present form. (2.) To the Dawson recommenda- tion that "before any matter be re- ferred to a committee of the Coun- cil an opportunity should be given for discussion . . . the Council com- m'ents that discussion from the floor has always been encouraged and hopes that in the future the mem- bers will express themselves freely upon the reports and other business brought to the Council. (3.) With the proposal that the "continuing committees reporting to the Council undertake to provide more than a historical record ..." the Council is in entire agreement and1 recommends that all advisory boards and committees be guided by this suggestion in their annual reports. (4.) The- Council agrees that "a complete agenda should be published in the Daily Official Bulletin ... - (5.) With respect to the recom- mendation that "after each meeting of the Council a brief statement of the important actions taken should be communicated . . . ," the Council instructed the Secretary to convey to the Deans the desirability of appoint- ing some member of their respective faculties to make a report at the faculty meetings of the actions of the University Council. (6.) The Council agrees that "the roll call should be abolished." (7.) To the last proposal, "with a view to making the Council a more effective agency for the discussion of ;eneral matters of University policy, the Council should provide records that communications from members of the Faculty have been encouraged and opportunity has always been given for their personal presentation before the standing committees of the Council or the Council itself. It Propaganda -Use In Art Defended- By HARRY BETHKE I have recently been asked why I. as a critic, show such evident favor- itism toward proletarian propaganda art. The answer is. because prole- tarian art, whether it is propaganda or not, is the only movement of any force or vitality in the contemporary scene, the only movement which creates beauty out of today's ma- terials and captures something of the spirit of our mechanistic age, the only movement which understands and penetrates the brawling forces of today and holds forth promise of a cultural reawakening for tomorrow. Personally, I see no objection to propaganda of any kind in art. Great painters have been propagandists in the past and great artists will con- tinue to be propagandists in the fu- ture. What I am interested in is the eternal and inviolate bond between art and the human problem. Art can never be a wholly significant force in the lives of men-for which beauty itself exists-unless it is will- ing to cope with man and the forces operating within man, wails of aes- thetes to the contrary notwithstand- ing. CULTURE MUST WORK FOR A NEW WORLD Nietzsche once divided aesthetic trends into two categories, the Ap- polonian and the Dionysian. In the Appolonian, the artist, disillusioned and defeated by the. conflicts of real life, avoids the human problem and retreats into a world of dreams and escape. There he seeks solace in an isolated haven of formal and ab- stract beauty of his own creation. The various "Modern" movements fall into that class. But in the Dionysian the artist goes forth in courage to meet the conflicts of life, to under- stand and affirm life itself, and there- by to create beauty out of its hap- penstances and events. In times like these, when the western world blindly gropes its way through the most shaking transitions it has ever known, there is little room for romantic dreams. Life penetrates them, crowds them out. Today all the forces of culture and creation must bend themselves toward the achievement of a new world. Art is useless, beauty itself is frus- trate except as it can become a co- herent and constructive force in the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mcmb'rr, of the Waiversity. Copy received at the offom of the Assimtnt to the Prcwtd*nt wntU 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. -r P P1II I r P Pw -- II P MIU- -YPr ( THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 142 Notices To Members of the Faculty and Officers of the University: Notice is hereby given that at their meeting of March 26 the Regents officially adopted a standard of nomenclature applying to all titles of individual po- sitions and divisions of the Univer- sity, as follows: Resolved, That the nomenclature 'of divisions of the University and' titles of members of the faculty and staff as printed in the annual Regis- ter be, and it hereby is, adopted as the official standard of the Univer- sity, and that no changes in such nomenclature be made except as the Regents may specifically direct. If changes of title or nomenclature are made at the time of the adoption of the budget or at other times in con- nection with appointments, promo- tions, and other actions affecting faculty and staff members, it is un- 1 derstood that such changes will bel separately and specifically recom-1 mended and acted upon. Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- gineers: Mid-semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West Engineering Building. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean. Peace Meeting: In accordance with custom and with the consent of the Deans of the several schools and colleges, 11 o'clock classes today will be dismissed in order to permit at- tendance at the student peace meet- ing. Laboratories, libraries, and clinics will remain open. To the Members of the University Senate: At the meeting of the Uni- versity Council on April 19 the fol- lowing action was taken: (1.) That the Library Council be continued permanently as an advis- ory committee, under the general jurisdiction of the Standing Commit- tee on Educational Policies, (2) That it be composed of the rILibrarian as a member ex officio and p.m. in Room 207 Architecture Bldg., for students in the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in architecture. Prof. W. I. Bennett will be available for indi- vidual conferences. The final meet- ing in the vocational series, to be held on April 27, will be addressed by Dean C. S. Yoakum. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcements of United States Civil Service Examina- tions for Associate Physicist (Electro- encephalography), U. S. Public Health Service, Treasury Depart- ment, salary, $3,200; and for Endoc- rinologist, Bureau of Dairy Industry, Department of Agriculture, salary, $3,800. For further information concerning these examinations, call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. Undergraduates Interested in Sales for this Summer: The Forbes Busi- ness Magazine is arranging for this summer an undergraduate organiza- tion for sales of their magazine and business service to executives. For further information call at 201 Ma- son Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. Life Saving, Women Students: All women students interested in taking the American Red Cross Examiner's course are asked to sign up in Bar- bour Gymnasium, office 15, as soon as possible. Academic Notices English 102, Make-up examination will be held this evening at 7 p.m., in 1025 Angell Hall. J. L. Davis. History 92: This class will meet in Natural Science Auditorium at 2 p.m. Friday, April30, instead of West Physics Lecture. This change is for April 30 only. Preston W. Slosson. Zoology 32 (Heredity): The ques- tions to be handed in Friday are 19 to 21 inclusive, instead of the larger group indicated in lecture. Concerts Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower today at 4:15 p.m. May Festival Season Tickets: Now on sale "over the counter" at School of Music office, Maynard St., $6, $7, and $8 each. If Choral Union "Fes- tival coupon" is exchanged, the prices are $3, $4 and $5. "Festival cou- pons" are not good after April 24. Lecture UniversityLecture: Prof. Reginald A. Daly; of the Department of Geol- ogy and Geography, Harvard Univer- sity, will lecture on "Land and Sea in the Ice Age" on Tuesday, April 27, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi- torium. The lecture will be illustrat- ed. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: A collection of Modern Dress and Drapery Textiles created by the Bu- reau of Style and Design of Marshall Field & Co., Manufacturing Division, is being shown in the third floor ex- hibition room of the Architectural Building. Open daily 9 to 5 through April 27. The public is cordially in- vited. Events Today The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Ob- servatory lecture room. Dr. W. Carl Rufus will speak on "Highlights of Korean Astronomy," illustrating the subject with lantern slides. Tea will be served at 4 p.m. Visitors are cor- dially invited. Weekly Reading Hour: The pro- gram for this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Room 205 Mason Hall will consist of readings from prose humor to be given by Professor Hollister. The public is cordially invited. Aeronautical Engineers, I. Ae. S. Members: Important election meet- 1: sURING the last several days, we I)have discussed two of the subjects of the petitions being circulated by the Peace Council on campus today: the Nye-Kvale Bill for the abolition of compulsory military train- ing i schools and colleges, and the Hill-Shep- pard Bill for the conscription of labor and cap- ital'in the event of war. The third petition may be separated into three parts: (1.) We disapprove of military and naval ex- penditures in excess of the requirements of national defense and we recommend the ap- pointment of a joint civilian and military com- mittee to determine the needs of national de- fense.' (2.) We approve the extension of the Recip- rocal Trade Agreements Act, as a means of fur- thering international amity through the estab- lishment of sound trade relations. (3.) We disapprove of any participation by the United States in any extra-territorial con- flict. In the course of the recent presidential cam- recommends however, that at the ing tonight at 7:30 p.m. Room 1042 first meeting of the University Senate East Engineering Bldg. All mem- each year the members be reminded bers should be present. Refresh- of their privilege of presenting mat- ments. ters for consideration to the Coun- cil either in person or through writ- ten communications. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Attention Seniors: Orders for Com- mencement Invitations will be taken by the committees in all the depart- ments beginning this afternoon and extending through Friday. Unless otherwise specified in notices on bul- letin boards in the various schools, Varsity Glee Club: Regular re- hearsal tonight - in the Glee Club rooms of the Union at 7:30 p.m. Please return any music which you have checked out. Scandinavian Student Club: Prof. E. L. Erickson of the Engineering School will give a talk on Denmark and the other Scandinavian coun- tries this evening at 8 p.m. in Room 316 at the Union. Professor Erick-