, ......
=- l
Edited and managed by students of. the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in' this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
orge Andros. Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W.'. urd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
R.obert Weeks.
- SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
i -Getstacker.'
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
SDouglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
S :Stickroot.
Business Department
iBUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
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I Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Iehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, 11 artha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
hJeln Rkhenfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
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4 ~Departmeta, Man ages.
J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager;' Richard Croushore,
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Cs ified Advertising Manager.
A Dare For
Thursday Morning ...
T o'clock classes will be dismissed in
order that students and member of the faculty
may attend the strike against war which will
be held on the mall between the School of Archi-
tecture and the University High School.
r Last year some 2,000 persons attended. Where
were the other 8,000? They either were indif-
Sferent or they "didn't believe" in a student strike
i against war. There always will be people in-
different to a social problem-no matter how
9-hard we try some do manage to slip into the
University-but the organization of the demon-
stration is such this year that its usefulness
:ought to be evident to anyone who'd rather not
go to war. Chief among the claims to your
attention which the Peace Council offers this
;week is a' series of petitions-specific suggestions
#aabput how you can further the cause of peace.
We -hope between now and Thursday to be
able to discuss the various items in the peti-
Itions editorially, and we will open our Forum
,column to reader expressions on the subject. The
first of the items, which we will discuss briefly
w today, is the Nye-Kvale Amendment.
Some time last spring Senator Nye of North
, Dakota and Representative Kvale of Minnesota
introduced a bill (S367-HR3795) which was in-
tended to, eliminate compulsory military train-
ing. The bill would amend the National Defense
Act of 1916 to read that no R.O.T.C. unit be
iiapproved at any school or college (except in the
,,case of military schools) unless enrollment in
Othat unit be elective and not compulsory. The
Bill had brief hearings, and is now quietly rest-
*ling in committee.
Three states have shifted military training in
land grant and state institutions from a com-
pulsory to a voluntary enrollment basis: Wiscon-
4 sin, Minnesota, and in February of this year,
Senator Nye's home state, North Dakota. In ad-
dition, thirteen other colleges and universities
'have since 1923 made military training voluntary
" or abolished it altogether. The movement
against compulsory military training is marked.
i It is an important element in peace action,
and the Nye-Kvale Amendment, which will pre-
vent any student from having to shoulder a
' gun unless he wants to shoulder a gun and drill,
s4ould have your support for an immediate pas-
Why is compulsory military training a menace
,to peace? Because the inculcation of the military
1 spirit on a mass scale trains a large portion of
our population not to think, but to obey the
easily-stimulated urges of chauvinism, jingoism,
Avigilantism, nationalism and military force. Be-
cause the doctrine of peace through prepared-
crness is a grievous fallacy, since a billion-dollar
expenditure for arms and munitions at the dis-
s posal of a militaristic population-a situation
duplicated in other countries as well-is not
;likely to induce a willingness to engage in peace-
.ful arbitiation of international disputes.
We conclude with three paragraphs from an
tions, hounded until such time as he placed
his influence behind the bill.
"It is encouraging thatthe temendous growthI
of the R.O.T.C. since the war has not occurred
without artificial stimulation. Although the cav-
alry went out of style and utility after Appo-
matox, thousands of horses have been provided
as sugar-coating for the pill of compulsory train-
ing. Fortunes have been spent on flashy uni-
forms. Pretty girls have been recruited asj
'sponsors.' The enemy has been resourceful.
"There is going to be a fight to the finish be-
tween a strong student peace movement and a
highly-subsidized regiment of training for
slaughter. The outlook will be iore reassuring
once the, Nye-Kvale Bill is law."
Sixteen Cents An Hour
To the Editor:
As one of the pickets at the Ann Arbor Recrea-
tion before Spring Vacation, I think that my
impressions about what took place that evening
may be of some interest. As we know, a num-
ber of individuals, including five University stu-
dents, were arrested on charges ranging from
"profanity" through "disorderly conduct" to
speaking in the streets without a license. TheirI
trial is set for Thursday, April 22.
The whole affair grew out of the attempt of
pin boys at the Ann Arbor Recreation to adju
an intolerable labor condition through peaceful
negotiation with their employer, Mr. Cassell.
The boys had been working on the basis of a
four cent a line wage. For the average player,
a line consists of rolling about 18 balls and takes
about 20 minutes. The pin boys must work
fast, return the ball promptly, clear the gutters
and the pit of fallen pins, and place them on
the rack. He has no control over the actual
speed of his work and must adapt it to the
habits of the player. In addition to this, the
work is dangerous. The pins are heavy and it is
impossible to predict how they will fly. A pin
boy is often hit on the legs by flying pins.
When we consider these things and then realize
that the boys were only asking a raise from four
cents a line to five cents a line, most of us
will sympathize with the boys. On the new
basis, they would be making about 20 cents an
hour while they were working. They must be,
on hand whether they are actually busy or not.
The pin boys presented their demands to
Cassell and he agreed to the wage increase. The
nextday he spoke to the boys individually and
forced them to sign with him on the old four
cent basis or be discharged. The boys protested,
and an impartial committee of townspeople,
professors and students was formed to mediate
the case. Mr. Cassell refused to meet this com-
mittee and hired new pin boys. This T'ener
to be a clear case of unfairness. The discharged
pin boys, themselves members of the Student
Workers Federation, called upon the Federation
for support. The Student Workers Federation
entered the field.
A picket, line was formed at the Ann Arbor
Recreation on April 7. All was peaceful. TheI
next night a greatly expanded picket line was
present. A crowd of interested bystanders had
also assembled and about'eight Ann Arbor po-
licemen were on hand. An officer and two men
in civilian clothes walked among the pickets and
jostled them. The pickets understood and avoid-
ed these men.
About eight o'clock one of the striking pin
boys began to explain the working conditions at
the bowling alley and the cause of the picketing.
He was told to shut up. When he continued to
speak, he was seized by an officer. He was later
released. When Ralph Neafus pointed out to
the crowd that the boy was fully within his
constitutional rights in speaking and that the
picket line was in motion and perfectly orderly,
he was also arrested and taken to the police sta-
tion. Then Tom Downs was arrested for protest-
ing Ralph's arrest. He was handled roughly by
the police and his arrest drew protest from the
crowd. When Ed Magdol, reporter for The Mich-
igan Daily, attempted to find out for the paper
why the arrest was being made, he,was also ar-
rested. Arnold Kambly protested his arrest and
was himself arrested for using the word "Hell."
Picketing continued peacefully. After a while
the pickets removed to the city hall, where the
boys were being held. Raphael Haskell and Jo-I
seph Bernstein were arrested on. the steps of
the city hall for speaking without a permit. They
were attempting to explain the situation .when
an officer, who was inside the building and had
no idea of what was being said, reached through
the door, grabbed the boys and placed them
under arrest. The pickets disbanded when they
were informed by Dean Bursley that the boys
.would probably be released.
What is happening here? Does it mean any-
thing? Are there any real issues? There are.
First, the intolerable situation still exists at the
bowling alleys. The old pin boys have been
fired and new ones are now working. The Stu-
dent Workers' Federation feels that this is suf-
ficiently important to deserve its attention. ItI
shall continue to work on the case and bring
decent standards of pay to hard-working and
perfectly sincere pin boys. Another question of
importance is the attitude of the Ann Arbor
police. They maintained an attitude of bellig-
erency all evening and seemed to be looking for
trouble. Nobody in the demonstration wanted
trouble. The mere insistence on the right to
picket peacefully and the right to speak freely
as guaranteed by the constitution lead to the
arrest of seven persons. The charges are not
convincing and in at least three cases absolutely
spurious. The Ann Arbor ordinance which re-
quires a permit from the Mayor before one can
speak on the streets will be tested as to con-
stitutionality at the trial.
The issue in a nutshell is this. Does this case
****** IT ALL
mBy Bonth Williams-
DICK GOLDCAMP, who overnight skyrocketed
to the fame of collegianna when he was
dubbed Michigan's Most Beautiful Man, stands
a great chance of getting the last laugh on Bam-
by Boucherle who managed his campaign, and
on the dozens of acquaintances who gave him the
bird for days after his triumph.
Dick may get into the movies as a result of the
notoriety he gained when half the nation's news-
papers carried his picture after he walked away
with this column's contest to select Michigan's
Widespread publicity carried the Goldcamp
physiognomy all over the country and Dick was
swamped with a deluge of letters from every
person who'd ever called him by his Christian
The Campus gave him the bird and the
letters rubbed it in, but the pay-off came when
he removed himself to the seclusion of Youngs-
town, Ohio, only to have the boys he had worked
with at ye olde Renner Brewery greet him with,
"Hi ya, Sweetie Pie.",
The whole thing bothered Dick, but he took it
and said little. Then one day came a letter.
Paramount Studios would like .Mr. Goldcamp to
come to New York for a screen test in June.
Warner Bros. got wind of the bid and have di-
rected an even more enticing counter offer to
lure Mrs. Goldcamp's boy to the town of, big
money and beautiful legs.
These days Dick is no longer slinking around
ready to smack somebody on the schnozzle. He's
figuratively thumbing his nose at the cat callers
who now sit very quietly in their seats, ill con-
cealed envy all over their sombre faces.
And Bamby Boucherle-Bamby's kicking her-
self every time she turns around, Dick tells me.
She's mighty sorry now that she recruited the
entire Pi Phi House to enlist in the Goldcamp
cause and pile up a huge majority of ballots.
She's afraid Dick may make good in the flickers.
* * * *
From now on Build-Up in this column will be
on a per space rate with all personal items and
plugs one buck. I should give away a million
dollars worth of free publicity! Henceforward,
' Steve Hannigan, Jr., official solicitor and
publicity agent. "We guarantee to make your
"MEfI household word." Pamphlet on request.
BENEATH IT ALL: Chuck Kennedy was back
in town Sunday night for a brief run in at
the Bell. He was en route from Rochester, N. Y.
to Elmira, about a hundred miles, but decided
to wander off his course a little to visit his old
4'aunts. Kennedy, by the way, having spent a
month working for Eastman Kodak, has trans-
ferred his affiliation to the family hydrant plant
in Elmira where his principal work at present
will be to travel around the country attending
all sorts of conventions to spread good will and
the doctrine of Kennedy Valves . . . Peko Burs-
ley, an oldster of some four years now, and
once the largest of large Campus promoters,
also honored Ann Arbor with a visit. Peko
still holds down a job in New York and sports a
black derby as evidence of his prosperity-. .
Speaking of New York, about half of the Campus
appears to have vacationed, there and doubtless
stories will be forthcoming in the near future ...
Bud Benjamin, R. C. Reider, Peg Cowie, and a
host of barristers were among the front runners
of the Gotham excursion . . . Dick Hershey,
clutching the publications scholarship check for
$50 in one hand, announced Monday afternoon
that he was going to Harvard Law School next
autumn . . . The UAW's long arm even reached
into the boat building industry and tied up the
Chris Craft plant at Algonac with a fat strike
which put America's largest motor boat produc-
ers thousands of dollars behind in production . .
What this country needs is a "Stop Hitting Peo-
ple on the Head Week." Mallet murder seems
to be gaining quite a vogue ... Speaking of what
famous characters have done in times of na-
tional emergency, Prof. Dumond remarked that,
"Nero fiddled, but Coolidge only snored."
-* * * *
KAY LOOMIS and I agree that Marion Martin
hasn't got so much on the ball. I say that
if this 20-year-old Englishman who has been
chasing her all over America had ever seen.
Gypsy Rose Lee in the Follies, he wouldn't give
the blond strip artist a tumble. Kay says Mar-
ion's legs are too big.
When Gypsy left the Ziegfeld production for
Hollywood she not only took herself out of the
show, but she lifted her routine and specialty
number as well, leaving the platinum-haired
siren to improvise another ditty for the distobing
ceremony, and frankly, well, there's just one
*' * **
over Dynamic Detroit these days, and that is
the only one which is very likely to hang there
for some time to come. If anybody is rash enough
to think the Battling Bengals are going to string
an American League pennant up beside it, they're
as goofy as Dizzy Trout.
The Red Wings did a great job of turning back
an inspired New York club which carried the
play every minute it was on the ice, but in the
last game the Wings were certainly not hindered
by bad breaks.
Earl Robertson, Detroit cast-off goalie, earned
a big league berth for himself by his fine per-
formance in the nets when in the last three
games, he allowed the fiery Rangers with their
now-famous Brat line just one goal.
Earl should break in with either the Americans
or the Montreal Maroons. Both are looking for
a capable goal tender.
Johnny Sherf distinguished himself in the
-Waikiki Wedding- IIies. Copy received at tbe off
untl 330;11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
A comedy with a reasonably or-
iginal plot, fair dialogue and Bing TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1937 1
Crosby is always a hit formula, and VOL. XLVII No. 140
Waikiki Wedding is no exception. N tc
The picture is by no means devoid1Notices
of slack spots, but the personable To Members of the Faculty and
Bing manages, as usual, to put it Officers of the University: Notice is
across, this time with the generally hereby given that at their meeting of
capable assistance of Bob Burns, the March 26 the Regents officially
j Adonis of Arkansas, and the boist-aMa sthndrgfnoencauy
erous Martha Raye, whose l adopted a standard of nomenclatue
ity seems toacontinute on the ascen- applying to all titles of individual po-
it sesitions and divisions of the Univer-
Hawaii itself comes through in sity, as follows:t
Resolved, That the nomenclature
brilliant fashion, with just enough of divisions of the University and
native guitar dances and dawns over titles of members of the faculty and
the Pacific to keep the atmosphere staff as printed in the annual Regis-
correct without being boring. The ter be, and it hereby is, adopted as,
native Hawaiians also show them- the official standard of the Univer-
selves once more as natural actors sity, and that no changes in such
on a par with the Negroes. They are nomenclature be made except as the
alternately sinister and merry, ro- egents may specifically direct If
mantic and primitive, and consistent- changesoftlore clatreare
ly eterainng.changes of title oromtenclaturear
ly entertaining, made at the time of the adoption of
The story is hardly complex, but the budget or at other times in con-
:y no means typed, and features an nection with appointments, promo-
adroit ending that winds things up tions, and other actions affecting
on just about the right tone. In be- I faculty and staff members, it is un-
tween this and the beginning, which derstood that such changes will be,
shows a real Waikiki wedding the separately and specifically recom-
way the natives do it according to mended and acted upon.
the Hollywood script writers, is
sandwiched: comedy both light and Notice to all Members of the Uni
Martha Raye; romance in the usual 'r
Crosby manner; some pleasant mu- versity: The following is an extract
sic by a couple of veteran hit-sling- of a by-law of the Regents (Chap-i
ers, Leo Robin and Ralph Rainger; ter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which1
lots of blue sky and sea; Mr. Burns has been in effect since September,
and his razorback pig, who comes 1926:-
close to stealing the show; and the "It will hereafter be regarded as
previously mentioned Hawaiians with contrary to University policy for,
their volcano. anyone to have in his of her posses-
The somewhat wooden-faced Shir- sion any key to University buildings
ley Ross, in role of heroine, does or parts of buildings if such key is
nothing to prove herself a second not stamped as provided (i.e. by the
Joan Crawford, but among the less Buildings and Grounds Department).
important players Leif Ericson dis- If such unauthorized keys are found
tinguishes himself by a smoothie per- the case shall be referred to the Dean
formance in an unsympathetic role, or other proper head of the Uni-
which he succeeds in making quite versity division involved for his ac-
ft p ton in accordance with this prin-
funny. The total result is pretty ciple. Any watchman or other prop-
much to the good. M-MMIDE -
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of hz .
e of the Aasieta~nt to the President
I er representative of the Buildings
and Grounds Department, or any
Dean, department head or other
proper University official shall havel
M U SIC the right to inspect keys believed to
open University buildings, at any
ceasonable time or place.
By WLLIA J. ICHENWAGE~t' " For any individual to order,
By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER have made, or permit to be ordered
-The Second Hurricane- or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized
"Butch, Fat, Gyp, and Lowrie, channels, must be regarded as a
Gwen and Queenie, special and willful disregard of thel
What a wonderful time they'll safety of University property."
have, These regulations are called to the1
What a swell time! attention of all concerned, for their,
Flying and rescuing, flying and information and guidance. Any per-
everything, son having any key or keys to Uni-(j
Gee, I call it a crime! versity buildings, doors, or other locks,
From now on our name is mud. contrary' to the provisions recited
They're off in a plane, they're above, should promptly surrender the;
flying to the flood." same to the Key Clerk at the office;
These potent, if plebeian, lines are of the Superintendent of Buildings
Thee otntifplbeinlies and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith.
quoted from what claims to be dy
America's first opera "for school
children, about school children, to Mimes Michigras Cast: Completel
be sung by school children." It is rehearsal at 4 p.m. today and to-t
The Second Hurricane, libretto by morrow, April 20 and 21 in Room 302,
Edwin Denby, music by Aaron Cop- Union.
land, to be performed for the first
time on Apiil 21 at the Grand Street Students in the College of Litera-
Playhouse in New York, under. the ture, Science and the Arts: A meet-
Railroad Retirement Board, salaries,
$3,200 to $5,600; for Cost Accountant,
Air Corps, War Department, salary,
$3,200; for Associate and Assistant
Child Guidance Case Worker, Chil-
dren's Bureau, Department of Labor,
salaries, $2,600 to $3,200; also for
Junior Agronomist, Junior Animal
Fiber Technologist, Junior Biologist
(Wildlife Management), Junior Bot-
anist, Junior Dairy Bacteriologist,
Junior Entomologist (Apiculture),
Junior Entomologist (Physiology and
Toxicology), Junior Horticulturist
(Transportation and Storage), Junior
Pathologist, Junior Plant Quarantine
Inspector, Junior Plant Propagator,
Junior Pmo logist 1 ericulturist
(Fruit Breeding); Junior Soil Survey-,
or, Junior Soil Technologist, and
Junior Olericulturist, Department of
Agriculture, salaries, $2,000. For
further information concerning these
examinations, call at 201 Mason Hal,
office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock.
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information has re-
ceived the following notification: A
limited number of scholarships and
fellowships ranging from $150 to
$500 are being offered by the Grad-
uate School for Jewish Social Work,
71 West 47th St., New York City.
These scholarships and fellowships
are available to especially qualified
students for the next academic year.
The school offers courses of study in
preparation for Jewish Social Work,
leading to the Master's and Doctor's
degrees. Applications for admission
to fellowship examinations must be in
before April 30. For further infor-
mation and catalogue, those interest-
ed may address Dr. M. J. Karpf, Di-
Presidents of Fraternities and So-
rorities are reminded that the month-
ly membership blanks for the month
of March were due April 15 and
should be submitted to the Dean of
Students Office at once.
Academic Notices
English 102, Make-up examination
will be held Thursday evening, April
22, at 7 o'clock, in 1025 Angell Hall.
J L Davis
Graduation Recital: Marion Bry-
ant Dickson, pianist, a graduate of
the School of Music with the degree
of Bachelor of Music, will give a
graduation recital as partial fulfill-
ment of the requirement for the Mas-
ter of Music degree, Wednesday eve-
ning, April 21, at 8:15 p.m., in the
School of Music Building on Maynard
St., to which the general public is
May Festival Season Tickets: Now
on sale "over the counter" at School
of Music office, Maynard St., $6, $7,
and $8 each. If Choral Union "Fes-
tival coupon" is exchanged, the prices
are $3, $4 and $5. "Festival cou-
pons" are not good after April 24.
University Lecture: Dr. Arthur A.
Allen, Professor of Ornithology in
Cornell University, and Ornitholo-
gist in the New York State Experi-
ment Station, will lecture on "Hunt-
ing with a Microphone" today, in
Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m. The lec-
ture will be illustrated with sound
films. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Prof. Reginald
A. Daly, of the Department of Geol-
ogy and Geography, Harvard Univer-
sity, will lecture on "Land and Sea
in the Ice Age" on Tuesday, April 27,
at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium. The lecture will be illustrat-
ed. The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Adelphi Room. Debate on the
Spanish Civil War will be led by Rep-
resentatives Sessions and Sjolander.
Party division will be begun in this
debate." A lively meeting is antici-
pated. All are welcome.
Kappa Kappa Psi: Regular bi-
weekly luncheon and initiation to-
day at 12 o'clock in the Michigan
Union. Full or partial payment of
the fees should be made at or before
the luncheon to the Treasurer.
Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regu-
lar dinner meeting at 6:15 p.m. at the
Union tonight. Mr. A. B. Singleton
of Detroit will be the speaker.
Polonia Circle: There will be a
meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. at
Lane Hall.
Druids: An important meeting will
be held this evening at 10:30 p.m.
in the Forest Room of the Tower.
Final plans for the Michigras Booth
will be made and it is necessary that
all members be present.
auspices of the Music School of the
Henry Street Settlement. Mr. Cop-
land, one of the foremost leftists of
the modern American school and a
man whose music is ordinarily not
what one would associate with school
children, describes both the origin
and fruition of the idea of such a
work in the columns of the Herald-
-For A merica's Youth-
The suggestion first came, he says,
from Miss Grace Spofford, head of
the Henry Street Music School, and
"I found the idea completely attrac-
tive. For one thing, it would be in-
teresting to see how simple one could
be without losing one's musical
identity. And secondly, it was pleas-
ant to envisage musical contact with
an entirely new audience-the youth
of America.
"We had all been hearing of the
surprising musical developments in
the high schools .of the country, par-
ticularly those in the Middle West,
the Far West, and the Southwest.
Travelers returned with stories of
more than credible performances by
these youngsters with charming,
fresh voices and ambitious orches-
tral technique. And whether we
spoke of Tucson, Ariz., or of Flint,
Mich. , the witnesses all agreed on'
the extraordinary enthusiasm which
these young folk put into their per-
-Schools Disappointing-
ing will be held on Thursday, April
22, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 207 Archi-
tecture Bldg., for students in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and others interested in future
work in architecture. Prof. W. I.
Bennett will be available for indi-
vidual conferences. The final meet-
ing in the vocational series, to be
held on April 27, will be addressed
by Dean C. S. Yoakum.
The Library Committee will -meet
on the afternoon of Thursday, April
22. Members of the faculty having
requests to lay before the Committee
should have them in the hands of
the Librarian if possible by the af-
ternoon of Wednesday, April 21.
All Script for Freshman Project is
due by 4 p.m. today. Material may
be turned in at the undergraduate
office of the League, or given to Al-j
berta Wood, general chairman.
Date for the Hopwood Contests:
All manuscripts must be in the Eng-
lish Office, 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30
p.m., Wednesday, April 21, 1937.
R. W. Cowden.
Summer Camp Counsellors: The
Bureau has been notified that the'
Lake of the Woods Camp for Girls
will receive applications from ex-
perienced counsellors; Camp Martin-
Johnson in Northern Michigan has
a vacancy for a man who has had
good forestry and camping exper-
ience (should be a junior, available,
for at least a two-year period atl
camp), salary, $125 plus room andl
board and expenses from and to Chi-I
cago; The Abraham Lincoln Centre
"It was only when we found out'
what they performed that the pic-
ture darkened. At the top of the
scale were the special arrangements
of Gilber u, and S .fllivnn nJ9.Ltt
and t.S l e alltut pen uu- Camp, Chicago, has vacancies forl
and at the bottom were tenth-rate colored and white men and women
imitations of Broadway musical with at least two years of college,
comedies. The idea of writing a for go work, tean educon-
work especially designed for per- for group work, teaching, education-
formance in a typical high school, recreation, social case work, $5 a
which the children themselves would month, maintenance, and transpor-
enjoy singing and playing, was cer- tation expenses. For further mfor-
tain to occur to someone. Miss mation concerning these positions
Spofford supplied the impetus by call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours,
offerding the Grand Street Playhouse 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock.
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