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April 09, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-09

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Edited and managed by stuents of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publicatibns.
Published. every maorning except Monday 'during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it'or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
,ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$400; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Naional Adverfising Service Inc.
College Publtshers keiresentativ
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIdI T EDITORS Joseph Mattes, Willam E. Thacketon,
laing Silverman, William Spller, Tiure Teander,
Robert Weeks.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman:
Fredr DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS MANAGER ...................JOHN R. PARK
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, 83111
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries. Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evlyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A..Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Conservatives And
The SpringParley.. .
N MAY 7, 8, and 9, about 500 stu-
dents and faculty members will
gather at the Union in the seventh annual ses-
sion of the Spring Parley to mould "A Program
For Our Times" in three days of hot debate and
panel discussions.
From a religious symposium, in seven years the
Parley has developed into an educational force
that lifts the veil of dogmatism from the con-
troversial problems of economics, philosophy,
sociology and political science. Issues that ob-
scure clear thought are thrashed out in the in-
terest of constructive ideas.
Nevertheless past Parleys have had their
faults, and each succeeding year has seen real
progress in their correction. An exceedingly
persistent fault, one that was done away
with to a large extent last year but not com-
pletely eliminated, has been the dominance of
liberal and radical groups whose enthusiasm
prevents a well-rounded discussion.
Accordiig to previous Parley committees this
dominance has resulted because of the difficulty
in securing conservative professors to serve on
the panel to uphold that point of view. This
condition has led many to the hasty conclusion
that conservatives either do not have a strong
and definable viewpoint or are incapable of de-
fending their position.
We do not believe this is so. The mistaken
feeling that the Parley is a place where. destruc-
tive criticism directed by liberals and radicals
rakes those in disagreement is more to blame.
To those who hold back their valuable serv-

ices because of this fear, it must be made clear
that "heckling of the faculty" on an emdtional
and personal basis is a distinct rarity during
the general sessions on Priday and completely
absent from the smaller section meetings on
It is exactly this scientific spirit that President
Ruthven commended so highly last year.
The strong attempt this year, in addition, to
making the Parley more constructive than ever
through the phrasing of definite topics and the
innovation of three introductory speeches of a
conflicting nature to start the general sessions,
explains why President Ruthven has come out
so strongly in its support again this year.
The District of Colunibia, Tennessee and South
Carolina are the only political subdivisions in the
United States that do not have laws controlling
the sale of marihuana.

~maectrc Ftn Mail
To the Editor:
Having stuck my neck out in defense of Sheriff
Andres,- I may as well keep it out there in
spite of my fan mail in Thursday morning's
To begin with, I will apologize to Mr. Lalond
of the Carpenter's Union for being misinformed
on the facts in relation to the recent strike on
the downtown bank construction. I was careless
enugh to set forth the facts as given in the
tWo local papers, since I had not covered the
story myself. Mr. Seiler told me yesterday after-
noon that when the men went on strike he
made application for union membership to settle
the dispute, and that the men then returned
to 'Work.
As for Mr. Chapman's answer, we are agreed
on the fact that the meeting was closed. Ad-
mission was by badge, and I understand, al-
though I cannot vouch for it, that even certain
badge numbers were being turned away. But we
differ on the question as to whether or not I was
present. Let Mr. Chapman ask the young
worker who 'Was acting as doorman whether a
persistent rporter spent a large share of the
evening just ouside the door, which was open
for a considerable period, and which was not
very thick. In addition, when the door was not
convenient, the windows opening into the alley
at the side of the Labor Temple were available.
I was there, not in any spying capacity, but be-
cause I am paid to get news stories.
We are apparently deadlocked on whether
there was any talk of strike, but while Mr.
Chapman cannot be documentally refuted since
there were no records, both a colleague of mine
who was present and I distinctly remember the
student who urged the workers to sit-down at
the hospital.
I have had a telephone conversation with Mr.
Neafus of the S.W.F. and we have arrived at
this solution of our differences: the man I quoted
as claiming a CIO offer of 5,000 Detroit workers
to effect a local sit-down was, at the time I talked
with him, two or three weeks ago, an authorized
CIO representative. Since then, Mr. Neafus in-
forms me, he has been fobidden to use their
Still with Mr. Neafus, I admit that the other
two statements in that case came from the
plant management, but after all, not being an
adherent of either side, I am supposed to get
both sides of the story, and not pass judgment
on one or the other.
As for R.K.C., there is a misunderstanding in
some direction. My letter was intended to show
that local officials have some fear of outside
organizers getting the local workers into a type
of strike with which they are not in sympathy.
I am not opposed to organized labor and can
think of several places in town, at one of which
I worked for two years, which would be fit ma-
terial for legal organization and strike. My re-
porting of the hospital wrkers' meeting was
neither from "second-hand stories" nor "hear-
say," as I pointed out above.
A final point: Sheriff Andres does not have
to "try to cling to his job," as he can get
at least a two to one majority at the pols in
this county any time he feels like it, and has
done so three successive elections.
A Cmservative Southerner's Stad
To the Editor:
In recent issues of The Daily there have been
printed lett&s anent the racial question, regard-
ing in particular the rights of the Negro in the
North and the South. I do not wish to become
involved in the discussion as to whether or not,
race distinctions should be set up in the North,
that is imfaterial to me. However I do desire
to ekplain the social status of the colored race in
the South, and to give the reasons for this basis.
Like the much-criticized W.B.O., I also speak
the thoughts of a Southerner.
Perhaps the term "restriction" is not exactly
conducive to the complete comprehension of the
relations between negro and white man below

the Mason-Dixon line. I substitute "segrega-
tion" in its place. And the point upon which
I take issue with Messrs. Griffey, Lindsay, etc.
is the spirit with which the colored man regards
this "segregation."
Apparently some people misunderstandingly
believe that the Southern negro wishes to break
down the barriers of race distinction. Nothing
is further from the truth. Your typical Dixie
darkey will take any and all privileges that are
mistakingly offered him, it is true. But in his
heart he despises the white person who attempts
t'o put the two races on an equal social basis.
Furthermore, he will take advantage of any
letdown in the race barriers to presume upon
his benefactor to an unbelievable degree. This
is not mere hypothesis, it is a statement drawn
from actual fact. I have seen many Northern
vacationists relax their discipline over their
colored help to such an extent that soon the
negroes were literally doing as they pleased
about working or taking days off. I make an
exception in this ease of the few remaining old-
sters who were born and brought up in slavery-
their sense of loyalty to their master is so strong-
ly engrained that no amount of spoiling will
shake them from it.
In his recent letter published in the Daily,
C. B. Lindsay had a few interesting remarks
to make concerning the impositions laid upon
the Southe'n Negro, such as the "pill box" rail-
way coaches in which he had to ride, and the
schools supported by his own taxes which he
dare not enter. I have traveled on a great many
railways in the South and I have yet to find

#+*. # IT ALL
By Bonth Williams
where they think nothing of fracturing po-
licemen's skulls, the rah rah boys have turned
over a new leaf and are seriously considering
support of the April 22 Peace Conference . . .
Evidence that not all of the O.S.U. population is
playboy minded is substantiated by an official
survey which reveals that 36% of the male en-
rollment work their way through school, at least
in part. . . Lantern Sports Editor, Lou Goldberg,
agitating for a new Field House mentions the
fact that fewer Buck athletes would catch pneu-
monia if a properly heated sports palace were
provided. . . Purdue's Daily pulp, which appears
to rank among Conference papers in about the
same spot as the Boilermaker track teams, runs
a Daily column called The Bold and Black which
is most appropriately named . . . It takes my only
acquaintance on the Purdue. Campus, a Grand
Rapids gent named Carl Peth, for one of those
extra dirty rides . . . I suppose they must have
some sort of an emotional outlet in that god-
forsaken neck of the woods, however, where the
only compensation is a bar called The Blue
Blazer . . . Out at Iowa a circus much like the
Michigras will be thrown in the Field House this
week . . . In the Pitt Skyscraper the turmoil
never ceases between the fraternities and the
independents for the balance of power in the
student government . . . which could never hap-
pen here because neither side would have enough
incentive to work for . . . The University of Min-
nesota Union reports that it annually shears a
hundred pounds of Gopher hair . . . and I'll bet
85 of that 100 pounds is blond . . . Speaking of
peculiar schools, the Minnesotas open their cur-
rent ball -season April 16 with the strong Gus-
tavus Adolphus nine . . . The Daily Pennsylvan-
ian plays the fraternity bridge tournament as
a lead story on the front page . . . Chicago has
virtually the same ruling as Michigan in reards
to the passing out of handbills on the campus.
Five students were recently suspended for dis-
tributing circulars which condemned support of
the Pontiac Varsity Show, the first of which
took place here in Ann Arbor last winter . . . At
the University of Colorado they still call inde-
pendents Barbs . . . Manush is leading the slug-
gers again with a .483 average, but it's not
Heinie. This is a boy named Art who plays
left field for Iowa and has banged out 15 hits
in 31 trips to the plate .. .
TWO OF THE BEST around the publications
building are riding it out in a stretch duel
in a race where the winner takes all. Bud Lun-
dahl and Johnny McFae, both Sphinxes and
both tops, are battling and scrapping for Frank
Dannemiller's job as managing editor of the
'Ensian-and they both can't win.
Johnny is in the tough spot of having family
traditions to uphold. Brothers Ben and Bill held
the job before him and naturally he wants to
make it three in a row.
Bud, Phi Psi, and aces with everybody, is fight-
ing the McFate dynasty and putting up a real
battle. Both he and Johnny are on the best
of terms and fully realize the situation. Lots
of luck to both of 'em.
A ND SPEAKING of younger brothers I can't
. help thinking that some of them are dropped
into pretty tough slots. Elder brothers before
them have made Phi Beta Kappa, been football
stars, or publications men of note, and the
next in line, because they bear the same name,
are supposed to attain the same heights.
This year's crop of freshmen has brought a
lot of younger brothers close on the heels of
elders who either through exceptional ability or
a good share of the breaks got to the top in a
particular field.
Paul Park, Johnny Park, Daily Business man-
ager's kid brother, is a freshman. Jack Kleene,
little brother of the famous Tom, Daily editor, is
following in the Alpha Delt footsteps of Blimp.
Gus Dannemiller, fresh from Canton, is out
for the 'Ensian and the job Frank now holds.
Gib James has a kid brother who will try to

emulate the great record the sly Canadian has
set here as a ranking hockey player. There's
a younger Fesenfeld in School. Vic Heyliger's
brother plans to enter next fall, and so it goes.
Bill Heston, Jr., found the strain of his fa-
ther's name too much for him here. The pres-t
sure was on every time he took the ball. The
papers played up "a second Heston" whenever
he donned a uniform. Bill couldn't stand it.
His brother Jack, came along without all the
shouting and turned into a high-class halfback.
Names are a tough thing to buck, and lucky
is the freshman who enters Michigan a$ the first
of his line without any family tradition to up-
hold. If he succeeds, swell, if he misses, he's just
unlucky and what of it.
Everybody takes the success of a great name
for granted, that's what's so tough about it.
THIS, My CONSTITUENTS, being the last is-
sue of The Daily until after the ten-day
glad making period, I tender to all best wishes
for a swell vacation and remind you that, accord-
ing to authentic reports, a third of all liquor
now being sold is bootleg.
To all of us who are going to spend the ten
days in search of some form of employment for
the forthcoming graduation which looms not too
far distant, I wish added success. Also, if any
of your fathers run newspapers which are in
dire need of new talent, I would appreciate 'the
good word.' Don't fall off a train, anybody.
Southern Negro is quite satisfied with his pres-
ent condition. The disastrous Reconstruction

David Lawrence Opposes
Proposal To Change Court
EDITORS NOTE: This is the second Icumstances and to apply his plan to
of two articles representing the affirm-
ative and negative points of view on an existing situation in Which his
the Court proposal as presented in the own administration has fared badly
columns of The Quill. David Lawrence a
is the editor of the United States News at the hands of the Supreme Court.
The affirmative was presented by Ray- Says Charles Warren, eminent his-
mond Clapper. torian, in his recognized work on the
FOR 150 years under a written Con- Supreme Court:
stitution theAmerican.pople The real grievance felt by the
have worpped at he alar of Court's critics is not the number
sportsmanship.. of justices who joined in setting
They have accepted the doctrine asieshe jeinstatue;ti
that it is fundamentally unethical rather the fact that the statute
to refuse to respect an adverse deci- was set aside at all."
Traditionally the spirit of America The transparency of the President's
has been that if you do not like the argument is revealed when it is not-
rules of the game, change the rules- ed that he gives, first of all, as a
but don't soak the umpire! reason for the proposed increase in
the number of judges his belief that
Court of the United States has the work of the Supreme Court is
been the umpire in deciding what Well, then if the present six jus-
are and what are not valid acts of tices who are mnore than 70 years of
the executive and legislative branches age were to retire tomorrow and if
of the government within the mean- Mr. Roosevelt appointed six other
ing of the supreme law of the land ! jsties1woldthe worAf the court

-the Constitution.
There has been a recognized and
well-defined difference between re-
forming judicial procedure and tam-
pering with the personnel or judg-
ment of the Supreme Court itself.
In the few instances where at-
tempts have been made to control the

suddenly become less congested?
Also it is established practice for
the entire Supreme Court to partici-

pate in the rendering
How can it be averred
dition of "new blood"
justices will accelerate
of the court when the

of decisions.
that the ad-
or six more
the business
original nine

S u p rem e C o u rt o f th e U n ited S ta te s m u st h e a eV e ry UCa se , t o o ? T h11 r1
Smust hear every case, too? Their
for political purposes, an outraged pace still regulates the speed of the
public opinion has risen in protest. Court.
President Roosevelt's message to AGAIN, under the bill he proposes,
Congress, considered purely as a piece Mr. Roosevelt can appoint a man
of judicial reform, has so many ob- 69 years old and not until the jus-
vious inconsistencies in it and makes tice serves 10 years and reaches the
so many statements that will be <lis- age of 79 can another justice be
puted by persons who are familiar appointed to match him if he declines
with the actual truth about the al- to retire.
leged congestion in the work of the Mr. Roosevelt may not have
Supreme Court, that it would be most thought about-it but he automatical-
unfortunate if the American people ly ruled out Senator Joe Robinson
came to the, conclusion that the mes- and every other member of Congress,
sage itself was merely a pretext or whether he is above or below 70 years
excuse to cover up a direct attempt of age, from becoming an additional
to punish the present members of member of the Supreme. Court or
the Supreme Court for their temerity any additional federal judgeship at
in declaring several New Deal laws least until January, 1939.
unconstitutional. This is because the Constitution
T IS a serious thing to impugn the forbids the appointment to any civil
iofficeof the United States of any
good faith of a presidential policy member of the House or Senate dur-
however well-intentioned may be the ingmbefteHausew ofen shall
motives of the President himself. But have been createdn
it is always the duty of the press to Mr. Roosevelt devotes considerable
speak frankly and point out the dan- space in his message to a discussion
gers to our system of government of the need for immediate appeals
occasioned by a President's bold as- from a district court to the Supreme
sertion of political power. Court on questions involving consti-
Mr. Roosevelt's hostility to the tutionality. This is, of course, pos-
present membership of the Supreme sible now, under present rules where
Court became known when, on thel urgency is warranted. The new plan
day after the NRA was declared un- would unhappily deprive the nation
constitutional by a unanimous vote of the benefit of the considered judg-
of all nine justices, liberal and con- ment of the many high-grade justices
servative alike, he exhibited a sur- of the United States Circuit Court of
prising pique. This, it was insisted b3i Appeals. It would deliberately in-
his supporters during the recent cam-
paig, wa abadone becuse ub-rease the work of a supposedly aver~-
paign, was abandoned because pub- udndSpeeCut
lio opinion voiced nationwide dis- Iburdened Supreme Court.
appova. illonsofconservatives IKEWISE the President argues at
approval. Millions of consrvaiif
Democaticvote for length that it is unfortunate i
in the Demociratic party voted for the federal court in one district de-
Mr. Roosevelt on that supposition. cides a question in an opposite man-
Not a word did Mr. Roosevelt sayn.c
during the last campaign about his ner from another distict court. He
plans to change the number of jus- says thus one group of citizens en-
tices on the Supreme Courto He re- Joysadvantage over another and
ts to H much "uncertainty", and "inequality"
fused to answer the challenge of exists. Has the President forgotten
the opposing candidate who wantedh
to know if the Supreme Court would' that we have 48 different states and
be "packed." But because about 28,- that the courts of each state are pro-
000,00 ersos vtedfor imMr.tected against interference from the
000,000 persons voted for him, Mr. Federal Government by the Consti-
Roosevelt has concluded now that tution itself? Surely Mr. Roosevelt
they gave him a blanket endorse- would not imply that he plans to do
ment to do what he pleased including away with certain advantages in law
all those things hehad not men- that the citizens of one state have,
tioned in his speeches.

To the Members of the University
Council:The next meeting of the
Council will be held on Monday, April
19, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 Angell
The agenda is as followsn:
'Disposition of Communications:
Reports of Administrative and Ad-
visory Boards and Committees:
Advisory Committee of the Bureau
of Alumni Relations, W. B. Shaw.
University Committee on Student
University Committee on Student
Affairs, J. A. Bursley.
Subjects Offered by Members of
the Council.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Program and Policy, Bates.
Educational Policies, Rodkey.
Student Relations, Bailey.
Public Relations, McMurry.
Plant and Equipment, Aigler.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secy
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Except in extra-
ordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after today will be recorded
with a grade of E.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due today.
Juniors in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: April 20 is the
final date on which to make applica-
tion for admission to any of the
Combined Curricula. Applications
should be filed before Spring Vaca-
tion, on blanks which may be ob-
tained in Room 1210 Angell Hall. It
should be remembered that this is
a separate application, not to be
confused with the application for
candidacy to a degree.
Pre-medical students should bear
in mind that application for admis-
sion to the Medical School does not
constitute application for admission
to the Combined Curriculum.
Seniors, Important Notice: June
graduates who have not already done
so should call at once, before vaca-
tion, in Room 4 University Hall and
fill out final semester grade report
cards. This applies to all seniors in
L. S. & A., Architectur'e, Education,
Music and Forestry.
Students, School of Education:
Courses 'dropped after today will be
recorded with the grade of E except
under extraordinary circumstances.
No course is considered ofticially
dropped unless it has been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Room
4, University Hall.
Library Hours, April 10-19: During
the spring recess the General Library
will be open as usual from 7:45 a.m.
to 10 p.m. daily, with the following
exceptions: the two study halls in
the building will be open from 10-
12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. daily and the
Graduate Reading Rooms from 9-12
a.m. and 1-5 p.m. daily.
The ,hours of opening of the De-
partmental Libraries will also be 10-
12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.
Sunday Service will be discontinued
during this period.
Win. W. Bishop, Librarian.
To Graduate Medical Students: A
(YMCA) camp is in need of a camp
doctor for the coming summer sea-
son, $50, room, board, laundry and
traveling expenses. For further in-
formation concerning this position,

call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours,
9-12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcements of Unit-
ed States, Civil Service Examinations
for Psychologist (Public Relations),
Forest Service, Department of Agri-
culture, salary, $3,860; and for As-
sistant Chief, Mechanical Section,
Social Security Board, salary, $3;200.
For further information concerning
these examinations call at 201 Mason
Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4
Deadline for Hopwood Manu-
scripts: Students planning to com-
pete in the Hopwood Contests are
urged to read the Hopwood bulletin
carefully.' The date for the close of
the contest is on page 7.
R. W. Cowden.
R.O.T.C.: Advanced course com-
mutation checks available at Head-
quarters from 9 to 12 today.
University Lecture: Dr. Arthur A.
Allen, Professor of Ornithology in
Cornell University andtOrnitholo-
gist in the New York State Experi-
ment Station, will lecture on "Hunt-
ing with a Microphone" on Tues-
day, April 20, in Hill Auditorium at
8 p.m. The lecture will be illustrated

THE PRESIDENT would be right in!
assuming that the American
people bestowed on him a general
grant of leadership, but he cannot by'
any stretch of the imagination as-'
sume justly that they gave him a
mandate to undermine the strength'
of our judicial system or to impair'
the effectiveness of a life tenure as-
sured to judges by the Constitution.a
What objection, it will be naively
asked by many, can there be to a
simple increase in the number of
justices of the Supreme Court, espe-
cially since some are beyond 70-
There can never be any objection
to meeting an issue squarely andI
fairly in the American way. If lifef
tenure for federal judges is wrong, ifI
70 or 75 should be the compulsory
retirement limit, then the American1
people should have an opportunityI
to pass upon that particular question
directly. Mr. Rosevelt says:
"Modern complexities call for
a constant infusion of new blood
in the courts . . . A number of
states have recognized it by pro-
viding in their constitutionsfor
compulsory retirement of aged
The issue is clear. If there is any-
thing wrong with the life tenure
clause by all means let us change it
through an amendment to the Fed-
eral Constitution itself as we have
done in the states. George Wash-1
ington warned us against "amend-
ment" by usurpation of power and by
subterfuge. There can be no better
way to preserve our democratic pro-
cesses than to let the people decide
whether they want the system or
choosing justices of their courts

over citizens in other states?
Obviously there is "uncertainty"
in our system of law. Obviously, too,
there are inequalities. If the Presi-
dent will look about him in the gov-
ernment bureaus and commissions in
Washington he will find plenty of ex-
amples of inequality and uncertainty
under his own jurisdiction. Will he,
for instance, deny that the National
(Continued on Page 6)

You Only Live Once

"You. Only Live Once"


enough unch to make it one of the
notable bictures of the year. It bears
a strong likeness to "Fury," an out-
standing production of 1936, display-
ing equally fine production tech-
nique. It does not run so smoothly
through its entirety but there are
scenes that are extraordinary for
their dramatic power.
Henry Fonda plays a. role of an
ex-convict who has to buck all the
stigma of the label. From the first
night out of prison after he has
joined the girl who has been waiting
for him, all conceivable forces work
against his attempt to go straight.
The climax comes when he is con-
victed to the electric chair for a
crime of which he was innocent. His
wife (Sylvia Sydney) sticks by him
through it all, until the ending,
which is not the usual "movie end-
Both Sylvia Sydney and Henry
Fonda carry their roles excellently.
It is a grin-and-bear-a-lot part that
theyv have.and they ido wellin mak-~

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