The Weatfive, Generally fair today and to- morrow; rising temperatures tomorrow. "Now Li4tlgan :4iaittj Editorials Conservatives And The Spring Parley,. . VOL. XLVII No. 139 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hudson,Union Agree To End Fourth Major Auto Deadlock Form Of Chrysler Pact Is Followed Minor Changes Strike With Must Be Ratified By Plant Workers DETROIT, April 8. - (/P) --The Hudson Motor Car Company strike was settled tonight, ending the last of the major tie-ups in the nation's automotive industry. Executives of the Detroit Com- pany, whose 11,000 employes have been idle a month, and the United Automobile Workers of America signed an agreement in the office of Gov. Frank Murphy at Lansing. The pact followed, with only minor changes, the form of that which end- ed the larger Chrysler Corporation strike and sent the first group of its 65,000 idle employes back to work today. "Our serious trouble in the motor industry is ended if this agreement is ratified by the Hudson workers," said Gov. Murphy in announcing the sign- ing. "Employers and employes in the industry have moved to an entirely new and satisfactory basis. "Everybody is interested in seeing the motor industry flourish. It can progress and boom, and at the same time give dignity to those who do the daily work." As in the case of other sit-down strikes, the agreement will be placed before the strikers for ratification, either during the night or tomorrow morning after the union negotiators return to Detroit from Lansing. The Hudson settlement was the fourth one in the automobile indus- try in which Michigan's governor has had a part since entering office Jan. 1. He had brought together representatives of the UAWA and the managements to terminate the wide- spread General Motors strike, the Chrysler strike and another at the Reo Motor Car Company in Lansing. Negotiations to solve differences not covered in the Hudson pact will open between the union and the company here April 15. Strike Investigation Is Denied By House WASHINGTON, April 8.-(P)- The House, after hours of vitriolic debate, surprised even its own lead- ers today by refusing to vote an in- vestigation of sit-down strikes. Without even a record vote, it tabled the investigation resolution at the end of an uproarious day. Only last night some Democratic leaders had predicted that the inquiry would be ordered. An attempt by Representative Warren, (Dem., N.C.) to bring up a Senate resolution denouncing sit- downs was blocked by an objection from Representative Withrow (P.,- Wis.). That did not close the way to its consi4kration at a later date, however. Opponents of the investigation proposal offered by Representative Dies (Dem., Tex.), successfully fought it with arguments that it would put the President in a posi- tion of "being dictator," meddling in local and state affairs, "snooping" and "labor baiting." In vain its backers pleaded that adoption would put the House "on the side of law and order," condemn lawlessness, and help stop a tide of strikes threatening the foundations of government. Gallery spectators saw scenes of tumult and turmoil. Members vied with one another in demands to be heard. Each speaker was heckled as he shouted his arguments. Reo Proxy Drive Loous In Battle For Control LANSING, April 8,--(/)-A pos- sible battle for control of the Reo Motor Car Company was seen today when a campaign seeking proxies for use at the annual meeting of the stockholders April 20 was started by an independent stockholders' com- mittee. The committee is issuing circulars to stockholders of the companv 3,700 Quit GM Canadian Plant On U A WA Call TORONTO, April 8.- (Canadian Press) -Premier Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario declared today the General Motors strike at Oshawa is the re- sult of efforts by "foreign agitators" who have created "chaos" in the United States, to dominate Canadian industry. He warned that police will main- tain order, and that if the strike con- tinues for an indefinite period, relief will be withheld from strikers. Thirty-seven hundred employes quit the General Motors Oshawa plant today under a strike call by the United Automobile Workers ofCAmer- ica, affiliated with the Lewis CIO, and which General Motors of Canada re- fused to recognize. The company it- self closed its Windsor plant, af- fecting 500 other workers. The government endorses the com- pany's stand against "foreign juris- diction," Hepburn said and cautioned employes "ill advised by outside prop- agandists" to consider carefully "be- fore any serious trouble develops." Citing refusal of strikers to admit company executives to the Oshawa plant today as the first overt act of the strike, the Premier warned that sufficient police will be available to maintain order, that no illegal sit- down strike or picketing will be per- mitted, and that if the strike con- tinues indefinitely the cabinet had decided "that no relief will be grant- ed in any form swhatsoever." "The entire resources of this prov- ince will be utilized," his statement read, "if the occasion warrants, to prevent anything in this country re- sembling that which is taking place at the present time across the line." The series of strikes in the United States, he charged, was "due to fail- ure on the part of constituted au- thority to take adequate action." Pre- sumably he referred to the recent Chrysler and General Motors sit- down strikes. The premier expressed regret that (Continued on Page 6) Kirar, Grad Take Fourths In Swim MeetI Michigan Suffers Setback In Dash, But Lake Shore Loses Diving Points NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 8.- Michigan's chances for an A.A.U. swimming championship received a setback in the opening events of the meet here tonight, when Ed Kirar, Wolverine junior, failed to show in the 100-yard free-style. Kirar, who had been figured for a high place in the 'event, finished fourth behind Peter Fick of the New York A.C., Charlie Hutter of Har- vard and Bill Quayle, Ohio State freshman. The winning time by Fick was 51.6 seconds. Walt Tomski second Michigan swimmer to qualify for the finals of the event, finished in sixth place be hind Ed Sabol of the Ohio State freshman squad. Tomski and Fick led at the end of 25 yards, and at the half-way mark it was Kirar and Hutter. At 75 yards Fick came up to battle Hutter and won by four feet in the final sprint. Quayle rushed up to touch out Kirar in a surprise finish. Michigan's loss of points in the 100 was more than offset, however, when Lake Shore A.C. of Chicago, the Wolverines' biggest rival for team rivals, received a setback in the low-board diving. Al Greene, favorite for the Chicago team, was nosed out by Al Patnik of the Ohio' State freshman squad. Ben Grady, Michigan's National' Collegiate high-board champion, fin- ished in fourth place behind Elbert Root of the Detroit A.C. With the inauguration of a 5-3-2-1 system of scoring, Lake Shore led after tonight's events with 11 points, followed by the New York A.C. and the Detroit A.C. with five each, and Michigan with two. Lake Shore's nine-point margin over Michigan was less than had been expected. Summaries will be found on page three. Adolph Kiefer, 18-year-old Texas freshman, won the 150-yard back- stroke in 1:33, finishing 14 feet ahead of Al Vande Weghe of the Prince- ton freshmen and Taylor Drysdale, formerly of Michigan. Johnny Higgins of Ohio State's As Disorderly' In Demonstration With Bowling Alley Strikers Here Five Students, Two Others Jailed Labor Council Votes Support To Federation $10 Contribution Taken For Strikers; Andres AddressesMeeting Determined financial and morai support was pledged late last night by the Ann Arbor Trades and Labor Council to the Student Workers Fed- eration in its drive to negotiate with the Ann Arbor Recreation Center. The Council met in the Labor Hall, 312 W. Liberty St. The services of Arthur C. Lehman, former Democratic candidate for the .nayorality, were proposed as counsel for the five students, alumnus, and bystander arrested by the police. It was reported that Michael Evan-' off, '36L, labor attorney, who has been representing the Flint local of the U.A.W., was en route to Ann Arbor at the request of the S.W.F. Protest Police Protests against use of city police in the alleged attempt to break the Recreation Center picket line will be presented to the city authorities this morning by the Labor Council. In addition, a unanimous resolu- tion was passed to send a letter to the University commending thel spirit of the S.W.F. A spontaneous collection for the immediate needs of the Federation resulted in the contribution of about $10. Further finances were promised as soon as the sub-organizations of the Council are reached. After a request for the Council's support was made by E. Leonard Cheatum, Grad., acting head of the S.W.F., John McClinchey, president >f the Council, declared: "We'll stand behind the students 100 per cent. 'Hand Of Fellowship' "It's a worthy cause to organie and it is up to the Council to ex- tend the helping hand of fellow- ship to the Student Federation." Earlier last night the Council had: been addressed by Sheriff Jacob An- dres, who defended his organization of the Veterans Military Police. Andres emphasized that the special deputies would not be used to break strikes but merely to maintain law and order and enforce the decisions of the court. Considerable feeling existed among the members of the Council that there is no need for a special force of volunteers in this county, it was revealed by the discussion that fol- lowed the sheriff's talk. The sheriff maintained that he was a friend of labor, having been a worker himself. CALLS FOR CIVILIANS Membership in the Veterans Mili- tary Police, a reserve force of depu- ties being organized to combat pos- sible strike violence in Washtenaw County, was thrown open to non-vet- erans as well as veterans by Sheriff Jacob B. Andr'es yesterday. . The move was taken after criti- cism was voiced that only veterans were being selected and that veterans' organizations were organizing the1 force. The sheriff emphasized that the force was under his own sponsor- ship and not that of any veteran or- ganization. He also said that the group was not being organized to act as a strike- breaking instrument or to take sides in any labor dispute. Its sole pur- pose, according to him, is to assist sheriff's officers to preserve order or enforce court orders if necessary. Approximately 200 men have joined the organization to date. 1937 Essay Annual! Features Outdoors Jailed Daily Reporter Tells How The ford 'Hell ' Spells Arrest But A Stronger Expletive By A Strike Foe Evokes Only Laughter Of Police By EDWARD MAGDOL Last night as you approached Hu- ron and State Street you could see the glaring electric sign of the Ann Arbor Recreational Center. Beneath it marched a picket line of striking pin boys, workers in the bowling al- leys, University students and citizens who symyathized with the strikers. As people began to gather around the front of the establishment they asked questions. What's happening? A strike? Who? What do those fellows want, any- way? Student Workers Federation or- ganizers attempted to explain the situation. One began to tell why the strike had been called, sketching the background of the management's ne- gotiations with the pin boys. Grabs Organizer He introduced one of the striking boys, who presented his case while police jostled the organizer. Because I was standing too far away, sur- rounded by police, waiting for "trouble," as they put it, I was unable' to hear exactly what the policeman was saying as he grabbed the workers' representative. This fellow was taken away by the officer. I later learned that he was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge. The next speaker for the union was arrested as he resumed the expana- tion of the strike-of how the man- agement of the Recreational Center had gone back on its agreement which it had signed with the boys last week. Second Speaker Taken The second speaker was forced by a policeman to start walking to the. police station. He refused to walk the distance so the officer comman- deered a car to take him to the sta- tion house. As he was walking with the Stu- dent Workers Federation organizer, I attempted to find out for my paper why the arrest was being made and to obtain other necessary informa- tion. I tapped the arrested man on the shoulder with my left hand, in which there was a large paper pad. In my right, quite naturally, there was a pencil. I asked the officer Report Reveals Athletes Getting More Subsidies College Athletes Defended Against Current Trend Of Professional Sports CHICAGO, April 8.-M)-A Com- mittee on physical education and athletics reported today to the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools "subsidizing and proselyting of athletes is more prev- alent than ever before." The 18-page report, read at the 42nd annual meeting of the associa- tion by Dr. B. L. Stradley, dean of the College of Arts and Science of Ohio State University, was based on a questionnaire sent representatives of fourteen intercollegiate athletic conferences. It defended college athletics how- ever, against current trends in pro- fessional sports. "Much has been written and said in vague terminology about 'over- emphasis,' 'subsidization,' 'recruiting,' and 'professionalism,' but the public's basic confidence in the integrity o the athletic contests themselves re- mains unshaken," the report said. why the arrest was being made, on what specific charge. Before I had a chance to hear any answer anotherrofficer dashed up behind me and grabbed me. He caused a disturbance by drawing a large number of persons present out into the street, blocking traffic. I asked him to release me since I was carrying out my duty as a re- porter and not obstructing the duty of a police officer, as he charged. 'Freedom Of Press' One of the bystanders asked me if I were a reporter for The Daily. I replied, "yes." He told me to give the police "hell" for preventing me from getting the news. I repeated, "I sure will give him hell." I under- stood him to mean "give him hell" in the columns of the Daily. I heard some one in the small group around us say something about freedom of the press. I asked the officer if he had ever heard of freedom of the press. He simply tightened his grip on my elbow and would not let me go home, as I then requested. He stopped a car going down State Street and forced me to ride down to the police station, where I was taken to the chief of police. I did not know on what charge I was be- ing arrested until I had been seized and taken to the county jail with three of the arrested union members and the arrested bystander, who had said "hell" in the same manner. Respectable Swearing.. As a matter of fact , one of the more prominent book store owners, in the presence of ladies, referred to one picketer on the steps of the Rec- reation Center as a "bastard." He has not yet been arrested on a dis- orderly conduct charge although he enjoyed the wild, approving laughter of two police officers. While we were in the police sta-- ion the policeman who arrested me remarked that he did not think the picketers and sympathizers were in- telligent looking enough to be college students. He said they must have been Bolsheviks. Four Members Of Plane Posse Reported Safe McNARY, Ariz., April 8.-(/P)-A posse trudging out of the White mountains with bodies of eight plane crash victims said tonight four fel- low searchers, reported missing, had made their way to the wreckage and joined the funeral party. The four had been unreported since they left Greer shortly after noon Tuesday to seek the crashed Douglas airliner. Ground parties from McNary reached the wreckage yesterday. An alarm was spread when Clifford Wentz returned to Greer and said he left the four when he feared he would be stricken with snow-blindness. Searching parties, their attention diverted to a new emergency, rushed to Greer. They included John L. Butler, father of one of the missing men, who had discounted the theory the men might have lost their way, but expressed fear the glare of the snow might have blinded them. The four are Euly Butler, George Crosby, Kent Pierce and Cleve Wilt- bank. Word sent out by Sheriff John Nun from the posse en route with the bodies said they got under way early this afternoon, but did not expect to complete the trying journey tonight. Draft Bill To Divert Auto Tax For Roads LANSING, April 8.-(A)-A bill wh~ich iwouldq divert fnr, ,hirlN1J'f,. - Campus Leaders Help P cket Police Station; Daily Reporter Seized Five University students, one of whom is a reporter for The Daily, and an alumnus and a bystander were jailed last night on charges of disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace in the course of a bowling alley employes' strike against the Ann Arbor Recreation Center, 605 E. Huron Street. All seven were arraigned before Justice Jay H. Payne in the County Jail. Five entered a plea of not guilty and two stood mute. Trial was '-tentatively set for 2 p.m. Thursday, Ellen Stanley. To Quit League Business Post', To Complete Third Year; Miss Ruth Goodlander Will FillVacancy Ellen Stanley, business manager of University dormitories, has resigned the business managership of the League, a position which she has held for three years, it was announced yesterday by the League Board of Governors. Her active service in the League will terminate July 1. Miss Ruth Goodlander, owner and manager of the Lantern Shop for 12 years, was appointed successor to Mrs. Stanley. Miss Goodlander had four years' experience in Hotel Stat- ler, Detroit, before acquiring the Lan- tern Shop. Mrs. Stanley had asked that she be relieved of the League business man- agership at the beginning of this year, according to the Board's release, but was persuaded to remain in her po- sition until July. She will remain business manager of dormitories. "Her resignation was accepted with regret," the Board announcement read, "and the Board expresses grate- ful appreciation of the efficient man- ner in which she has organized the building on a sound financial basis." Miss Goodlander,' according to the announcement, "comes to her new position with the whole-hearted sup- port of the Board." Hoytmen Seek Coast Revenge For '35 Defeat Wolverines Hope To Top Golden Bears; S qu a d Leaves This Afternoon f By ROY HEATH The 22 man Michigan expedition- ary track force leaves for Berkeley, California this afternoon with the avowed purpose of wreaking havoc with Coach Brutus Hamilton's Uni- versity of California cindermen in retribution for the 76-54 shellacking sustained by the Wolverines at the hands of the Golden Bears in 1935. The 1937 model of the Hoyt track machine, undefeated so far this year, appears to have the edge on the Cali- fornians in balance and power. There is the chdnce that lack of outdoor work may tell on the Wolverines, however. The Bears fell victim to the San Francisco Olympic Club in their first meet of the season, then gained momentum to trounce Wash- ington University and U.C.L.A. by de- cisive margins on successive Satur- days. In none of these first three encounters, however have they shown any of the kind of power that causes Charlie Hoyt to turn grey haired. April 15. Bail was set at $100 property or surety, or $50 cash. With the exception of Edward Magdol, '39, a reporter for The Daily, all were held in the County Jail until this morning, when they were to be released on bail. Magdol's bail was supplied by The Daily. The seven persons seized were. TOM DOWNS, '39, 515 S. Fifth Ave., of Spokane, Wash. EDWARD MAGDOL, '39, 612 Hill St., of New York City. ARNOLD H. KAMBLY, '38, 1010 E. Ann St. of Battle Creek. JOSEPH BERNSTEIN, '39, 917 E. Huron St. of Scranton, Pa. RAFAEL W. HASKELL, '38E, 536 Thompson St. of Haifa, Palestine RALPH NAEFUS, '36 F&C, 1791 Plymouth Road. PAUL CHRISTMAN, 1059 Lincoln Ave. The arrests were made between 8 and 9:30 p.m. A strike had been called at 6:45 p.m. by the Student Workers Federation, of which Downs is president, against the Recreation Center on the complaint of pin boys working there. Picket lines were formed on the sidewalk outside the bowling alley. Approximately 50 persons gathered while police and plainsclothesmen stood by. Naefus Arrested Shortly before 8 p.m., Naefus, who graduated last June in forestry and .s a member of the executive com- mittee of the Student Workers Fed- eration, began to address the gather- ing but was warned by Sgt. Norman Cook of the Police Department that a license from the Mayor was re- quired for a public address. When Naefus continued to speak, he was taken into custody by Cook, and Christman, an onlooker, who protest- ed the- action in terms which were reported by the police as "profane," also was taken. A few minutes later Downs ad- dressed the group, and was arrested for speaking without a license. Mag- dol, while seeking to learn the cause of Downs' arrest, was charged by the police with interfering with the ar- rest and using language described as "profane," and he also was arrested. Taken To Headquarters Kambly, an onlooker who protested the arrest of Magdol, was charged with using profane language and ar- rested. The five who were then arrested were taken to police headquarters. Pickets and spectators who had been marching back and forth in front of the bowling alley building moved to police headquarters, where they formed a line and demonstrated in protest against the arrests. Among the demonstrators were many promi- nent students, including the presi- dent of the senior class, Allan C. Dewey; Hopwood winner, Robert C. B. Campbell; a former president of the Student Christian Association, William H. Wilsnack; a representa- tive of the Michigan Conference for the Protection of Civil Rights, Mil- ton Kennitz, Grad.; and members of the University Peace Council. Arrested For Speeding During the picketing Bernstein and