,. .5 I. Y Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. AAl rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY. National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Re-resetatie 42 OMADISONsAVE. NW YORK N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANC.ISCQ 2LOS ANGELES .-POATLAND - SEATrJLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ................. ELSIE A. PIERCE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleto*, Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; FredsDeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl Gerstacker. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bngha, Helen Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER...............JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KINATH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Segelman, RichardKnowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane. Steiner, Nancy Cassidy Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Floreiwe Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING S. SILVERIVIAN President Conant On Liberty ... TWO ITEMS reported in the na- T tion's press recently are hard to reconcile. They concern President Conant of Harvard. One of these, reported in the New York Herald-Tribune, presents a picture of President Conant with the caption "Defender of Tradi- tional American Liberty." The story tells of his letter to the two senators from Massachusetts on the President's Supreme Court proposal. Said Dr. Conant: "The President's proposals in regard to the. Supreme Court appear to me to concern deeply all who are intent on maintaining freedom, of speech and inquiry. The recent action of the Senate repealing the so-called red rider is a, Welcome sign that the wave of intolerance which. marked the passage. of teachers' .oah bills in many states is beginning to subside. But many of us who have been interested in combating this threat to freedom are now alarmed. by the proposed change in the Supreme Court. To us it appears contrary to the spirit of a free demo-. cratic country... . In the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for Tuesday of this week appeared an Associated Press dis-. patch which reported that two leaders in the formation of a Harvard Teachers' Union are losing their jobs. Harvard officials, according to the despatch, said that Dr. John Raymond Walsh and Dr. Alan Richardson Sweezy, appointed to the Harvard faculty in 1934 had been offered two-year concluding appointments as instructors in economics. They said the cases presented "no unusual features" and the decision was made "solely on grounds of teaching capacity and scholarly ability." Dr. Walsh, senior instructor in an intro- ductory course in econolnics, the .P) reports, to- gether with Dr. Sweezy, helped organize the Cambridge local of the American Teachers' Fed- eration. Walsh is president of the local and vice-president of the Federation in New England. The union is an American Federation of Labor, affiliate. Walsh recently declared himself "ashamed'' of the stand of President Emeritus A. Lawrence Lowell against the National, Child Labor Amend- ment. The decision in the case of Walsh and Sweezy may have been made, as the statement of the, Harvard officials asserts, purely on the basis of teaching ability, but the coincidence is striking at least, and the fact that a man apparently incompetent was allowed to become senior in- structor in an introductory course, in economics is likewise a reflection on Harvard's educational. policies. The case seems to resemble very much that of Dr. Jerome Davis who was elevated from Yale because of budget requirements. Dr. Conant's objections to the Supreme Court proposal may be a perfectly reasonable one, but the profession of faith in freedom and tra-. IT' 4G FORUM; Facts To the Editor: In reply to Clinton B. Conger's article in Tuesday's Forum column, I would like to pre- sent, in answer to his first point, thefact con cerning, thestrike calledat the State Savings Bank job. On that day the carpenters were called off, the. job to protest having to work wih a non-union man imported from Detroit. The, facts are that the carpenters did. quit work and they did not return to work until Mr. Seler, the non-union man, had filed applica- tiop for membership in the Carpenter's Union. There was no need to. vote upon any issue, for when Seiler's application was filed for mem- bership, the issue as far as the men were con- cerned was settled, I would liketo suggest that in the future Mr. Conger make sure of the facts he uses before embarking upon such hysterical rampages as he did. -William Lalond. More Facts To the Editor; The University Hospital employees are organ- ized under the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, a dependable national organization of public servants which maintains a program of achievingthe workers' interests without resort to strike action. In a letter to The Daily published April 6, Mr. Clinton B. Conger quoted several statements concerning a meeting of the hospital workers which, are obviously based upon unreliable hear- say. Mr. Conger points out that it was " . . . a closed, meeting of. University Hospital work- ers , . . " He is correct. It was a closed meeting and he was not there His implication that a division of interests exists between the student and non-student workers at the hospital is entirely false. In the first place, many of the student employees work full time. n the second place, all of the or- ganized workers in the hospital are primarily interested in the welfare and efficient operation of the institution, and in the establishment of a living wage with decent working conditions. Mr. Conger's statement that" . . . a part-time student worker arose and urged some 150 gath- ered there to atage a sit-down without warning, and then present demands ... " is also entirely false. No one even suggested such action. The fact is that the thing we are firmly resolved to do, is to otain a decent living wage and better working conditions by arbitration and if necessary, by legislation and not by striking. We hold this position not because we lack de- termination to achieve these desirable objectives, but because of our deep concern for the welfare and safety of the patients. --Maurice. Chapmat. Protest And Facts To the .Editor Clinton. B., Conger's attempt to show that the workers of.:Ann Arbor must be 'persuaded' by outsi4e. organizers is so discolored as to call for. protest, I would like especially to answer the charges he makes under point three of his article. The only authorized CIO organizer in An Arbor denies emphatically having met or talked with. Mr. Conger or having madeany statement that the CIb has promised 5,000 Detroit men be brought here 'in. the event of a strike. His- authority for the statements concerning a girl, fired, for undependability and the threat of the workers in the plant to eject union repre- sentatives is obviously the plant management What sort of a "sample of the sentiment of Washtenaw County Labor" is this? Why has the management encouraged the workers to join the craft organiztions of the A.F. of L. by showing a representative of these unions. through the plant and permitting him to speak to the workers?. Why have the manage- ment of this and anqther local plant discrim- inated against CIO union sympathizers by dis- charging them? If there is any more talk of legality and en- forcing of court orders, let Sheriff Andres direct his vigilantes against the employers in town who refuse to allow their ;workers' to organize. -Ralph. Neafus. And More Facts To the Editor: A letter by Mr. Conger in Tuesday's Daily im- plies that Washtenaw county workers frown upon, organizing to fight for better working con- ditions, and he cites. three samples of anti-sit- down sentiment-as if that proved that the struggle, which can take several, forms besides sitting down, won't continue. Mr. Conger, who by referring -to a union rep- resentative as "an otherwise unemployed organ- izer" indicates he Can be called "an otherwise unemployed reporter," twisted his stories to suit his conclusion, as follows: Said he: "Carpenters . . . ordered to sit down voted in defiance . . . " The men on the bank remodelling job,.however, actually did sit down during one day and, following negotiations, decided. that one man being unorganized on the job was not enough to prod a general strike, especially since. their working conditions .and pay-they are proud to state as a result of their organizing up to now-equal anything a union could demand except an absolute closed shop. The University hospital workers, although re- fusing to sit down when urged to do so by a part-time worker, must have been seeking better working conditions and pay or' they wouldn't have been in Labor Temple 150 strong discussing the BEST ,way to accomplish their purposes. If Mr. Conger had done as much research of hos- pital conditions as listening to second-hand, BENEATH **** ##4#+ IT ALL .-~By Bonth Wiiamsn m IN A WINDOW of the Arcade is the picture of a group of very prepossessing young gentle- men in'full evening attire with a caption be- neath which reads, "They stole the slide rule." The whole thing might have passed unnoticed had it not been for the sheepish expressions on. the faces of the young barristers, expressions which were in no way warranted by either the stupendousness, or the ghastliness of the crime. Investigation revealed that: For the entire week previous to the Crease and Slide Rule dances, the Crease committee had plotted and planned to make off with the large slide rule which traditionally decorates the en- gineers annual shindig, But came the morn of the dance and the blus- tering barristers had still done nothing but plot. Then it was that, unknown to the rest of the committee, two stalwarts from the ranks stalked through the portals of the Union and out again in broad daylight bearing with them the insignia of the 'rough necks..' The Crease dance was well under way when the two perpetrators of the deed fetched the thing forth from a garage where they had hidden it and bore it to The Club. How appro- priate, they thought, it would be to have the whole committee march in holding the huge slide rule aloft, much better than if just the two of them tussled to get it inside. So the sinister pair sought means to collect the committee and at last hit upon a scheme. They passed the word around that the engineers were coming to raid the dance. The plan was a colossal success in that it collected the committee with the utmost alacrity, but collected them not just outside where the slide rule waited to be borne in a triumphal procession, but rather out a side entrance and into precipitous flight. The emblem of engineerdom was carried with- in by other less timid hands and the dance went merrily on, but an hour later when the photog- rapher came to take pictures he asked the men responsible for the brilliant coup d'etat to pose. The committeemen had by this time been in- formed that it was safe to return, in fact that there had never been an attack. They hesitat- ingly agreed to stand together for the picture that the campus might see the men who were still satiated with audacity and daring. But the fact that none of the men in that picture had anything whatsoever to do with the deed itself was faithfully revealed by the camera as it caught their sheepish expression and led to the unravelling of the peculiar mys- tery. BENEATH IT ALL: Dorie Holt, petite and comely Theta, has a remarkable propensity for mixing up words at the wrong time. At a very formal dinner party where Little Bit had eaten slightly more than. her share, she turned to her date as coffee was being served and an- nounced in a matter of fact tone, "I feel just too voluptuous for words" . . . Don Graves, this col- umn's roommate and a scholar of note, was being quizzed on stars in an astronomy lab. Don was faring poorly. He missed constellation after constellation. Finally in desperation Miss Losch pointed directly overhead, "What's that one, Mr. Graves?" Don looked up and-saw a star sprinkled sky, "Orion," he stammered. Miss Losch looked at him for. a moment and then chided gently, "You'd better come back again Wednesday night, Mr. Graves, that is the big dipper" . . . . And in the same class Earl Luby presented an amusing spectacle carrying a full grown Great Dane down a flight of stairs that were so steep the dog could not negotiate under hisown power ... Fred DeLanb and Bob Ewell will follow the for- tunes of the ball club during the spring jaunt next ,veek. They leave Friday morning . Two states yesterday passed on laws making sit- down strikes a Criminal offense. They are Ver mont and Texas ... Johnny Sherf, ex-Wolverine hockey star, will very probably see service tonight when the Rangers clash with the Red Wings in the Olympia. It would be. great stuff for the Calumet Flash if he could get a play-off goal . F SOMEBODY were to come up to you and say, "I can score a run after three men are out," what would you say? Sure, well I said it too, and now I'm. notnearly so sure. Here's one for the books and a good example in point. J Bases are loaded and two down. All runners start with the motion. The man on third sees that the pitch is a ball and slows down. The man going from second to third, however, does not see the pitch and slides. He overslides the, bag. The catcher whips the ball down to third, and the runner is tagged before he can scramble back. Three men are now out, but the man coming in from third has not yet crossed the plate, and so gentlemen you have a run scored after three. men are out, or have you? Very interesting. Motors, held meetings loudly proclaimed by Detroit newspapers as demands to go back to work, accompanied by pictures whose headlines were much more enthusiastic than the faces of workers pictured. And certainly that strike wasn't won by the men who yowled against the union while it worked out the historic settlement. One straightforward conclusion to be taken from Mr. Conger's letter is: sheriffs try to cling to their jobs by booming about getting up vigi- lante bands to fend off hear-say invaders, known only from a union representative's alleged boast- ing (excusable in the face of company tactics). TH EATR E Current New York Plays By JAMES DOLL IN LISTING the shows to see in New York at any time one is apt to stress the recent successes rather than the group of plays-especially important this season-which have been going well for a long time. To- bacco Road started its fourth year last December and it hardly seems possible that anyone who goes to the theatre in New York hasn't seen it. It's easy to arrange to see it because you can almost always get seats at all prices at the box office even at curtain time. These prices were reduced a long time ago to 50 cents to $1.50. Dead End is another important play. Sidney Kingsley has solved the problem of the propaganda play un- usually well. He never points a les- son but demonstrates in a way that is thrillingly dramatic the effectof the East Side slums on children. Victoria Regina as played by Helen Hayes and an excellent company is ten episodes from the many that Lawrence Houseman has written- and is still writing-about "The Queen, God Bless Her!" It is in some- thing like its 57th week and sells out -especially at matinees. There are three a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; no performance Mondays. -Evans Makes Play A Hit- Of the new productions-along with the Maxwell Anderson series, High Tor, The Masque of Kings and The Wingless Victory and Shaw's Candida mentioned yesterday-the more important ones are: Richard II, Shakespeare's "study for Hamlet, the first professional production since Booth played it a half dozen times about fifty years ago. Maurice Evans, who was Na- poleon in R. C. Sheriff's St. Helena earlier in the season and Romeo to Miss Cornell's juliet and the Dauphin in her production of Saint Joan prev- iously, is the Richard. It was his enthusiasm for the play and the part that got the play on and his performance is largely responsible for its success. Tovarich by Jacque Duval, adapted by Robert Sherwood, is an intelligent and charming comedy beautifully played by Marta Abba and John Hal- liday. The plot won't impress you if scmeone relates it to you but it is so charmingly handled by the author and the actors that it makes thor- oughly satisfying theatre. Marching Song by John Hapward Lawson is a production of the The- arte Union now moved into the in- timate Bayes Theatre. It's about strikes and so timely that you will be sure it was written for the pres- ent situation. The Amazing Doctor Glitterhouse is a mystery or crook play but not of the old "who-did-it" school. It is more like the Priestly thrillers, Dan- gerous Corner and Laburnamn Grov -only more so. Sir Cedric Hard- wicke the very well-known English actor makes his second American ap- pearance in it. The Women has forty of them in the cast and takes them through scenes in a "powdersroom," reducing salon, bathroom, Reno hotel, and other such. A lot of actresses who have played here recently are in it: Margolo Gillmore, Ilka Chase, and Phyllis Povah who graduated from Michigan. It is full of laughs of the less genial sort. -Play To Tour- You Can't Take It With You is a' collection of amusing characters and lines. If you don't see 'it in New York you will probably be able to see at least one of the four com- panies that will be touring next sea- son. It's that kind of a hit. George Kaufman and Moss Hart wrote it. Yes, My Darling Daughter is a hit that opened more recently. Its' about the generation following the Green- wich Village radicals of twenty years ago. A comedy, of course. The Eternal Road is the Max Rein- hardt spectacle for which they rebuilt the inside of the Manhattan Opera House down on 34th Street. It sur- prised everyone by being a swell show. The Show Is On. is Vincente Min- nelli's revue at the Winter Garden. Beatrice Lillie, Bert Lahr, Paul Haa- kon, Reginald Gardiner. Good no- tices from almost all the critics. Storm Over Patsy is a comedy pro- duced by the Theatre Guild. Espe- cially notable for the fine perform- ance of Sarah Allgood of the old Abbey Theatre Company. And because they are listed last here and only advertised in Monday's New York papers is no reason to ne- glect the very excellent shows of the WPA Federal Theatre. Their Doctor Faustus is one of the best shows 'now playing. You can buy seats for 125 and 40 cents. Power in The Liv- ig Newspaper series is a fine suc- cessor to Triple A Plowed Under and Injunction Granted. Not to be missed They also have productions of The Sun and I and Virgil Geddes' Native Ground. 4 Professors Leave For Chicago Meet Dean James B. Edmonson, Prof. Calvin O. Davis, Prof. George E. Carrothers and Dr. Harlan C. Koch of the education school left yesterday t tnd nA ,n tn a in ("hir~n of THURSDAY, APRIL S, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 138 Notices To the Members of the University' Council:The next meeting of the Council will be held on Monday, April 19, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 Angell Hall.f The agenda is as follows: Disposition of Communications: Reports of Administrative and Ad- visory Boards and Committees: Advisory Committee of the Bureau of Alumni Relations, W. B. Shaw. University Committee on Student Conduct. University Committee on Student Affairs, J. A. Bursley. Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Reports of Standing Committees: Program and Policy, Bates. Educational Policies, Rodkey. Student Relations, Bailey. Public Relations, McMurry. Plant and Equipment, Aigler. Louis A. Hopkins, Secy Notice to all Faculty Members and Officers: Arrangements have been made with the purpose of having in the General Library both for present purposes and for future historical value, a file of the portraits of mem- bers of the faculty and University of- ficials. It is highly desirable from the Library's point of view that this file be of portraits in uniform size. Port- raits will be made without cost tol any faculty member or officer byt Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son. Members of the faculty are cordially invited to make appointments with Rentschler and Son for the purpose. Any special questions arising with re- spect to the matter may be asked either of the secretary of the Uni- versity, Mr. Shirley W. Smith,or the Librarian, Mr. William W. Bishop. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Cards for mid- semester reports have been sent to departmental offices. Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Friday, April 9. More cards may be had at my office. These reports should name those students, freshman and upperclass, whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemes- ter. examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. W. R. Humphreys, Asst. Dean Students, School of Education: Courses dropped after Friday, April 9, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary cir- cumstances. No course is- considred officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Regis- trar, Room 4, University Hall. " Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Except in ex- traordinary circumstances, courses dropped after Friday, April 9, will be recorded with a grade of E. has been notified of openings for college men and women to work on boats for the summer, young wom- en for waiting on tables and young men for work in the commissaries. It is required that they have, sope talent for entertainment of the guests. The final date for accepting applications is April 10. For further information call at once at 201 Ma- son Hall, office hours, 9 a.m. to: 12 noon and 2 to 4 p.m. To Graduate Medical Students: A (YMCA) camp is in need of a camp doctor for the coming summer sea- son, $50, room, board, laundry and traveling expenses. For further in- formation concerning this position, call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9-12 and 2to 4p.m. Phi Kappa Phi: A prompt acknowl- edgment of the notification of elec- tion to, the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is requested in order that the names may be included in the Honors Convocation.S Deadline for Hopwood Manu- scripts; Students planning.to com- pete in the Hopwood Contests are urged to read the Hopwood bulletin carefully. The date for the close of the contest is on page 7. R. W. Cowden. Concerts Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, tUniversity Carillonneur, will give a t recital on the Charles Baird Carillon, in the Burton. Memorial Tower, this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. May Festival Tickets. The "over- the-counter" sale of May Festival season tickets at $6, $7 and $8, will begin Monday morning, April 19, at 8:30 a.m. at the School of Music office on Maynard St. Orders with remittance to cover received before that date will be filled in advance in sequence. Lectures 'University Lecture: Dr. Arthur A. Allen, Professor of Ornithology in Cornell University, and Ornitholo- gist in the New York State Experi-- ment Station, will lecture on "Hunt- ing with a Microphone" on Tues- day, April 20, in Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m. The lecture will be illustrated with sound films. The public is cor- dially invited. Events Today A.S.M.E. Members: We are very an- xious to have as large a delegation as possible to attend the spring con- ference in Chicago on April 19-20. There will be a short ;but important DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tk U'ulversity. Copy received at the ofie at the Asi~tant to the Preei4* util 3:30; 11:00 ai..an Saturday. I Students, The final completes College of Engineering; day for the removal of in- will be Saturday, April 10. Seniors, Important Notice; June' graduates who have not already done so should call at once, before vaca- tion, in Room 4 University Hall and fill out final semester grade report cards. This applies to all seniors in L. S. & A., Architecture, Education, Music and Forestry. Juniors in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: April 20 is the final date on which to make applica- tion for admission to any of the Combined Curricula. Applications should be filed before Spring Vaca- tion, on blanks which may be ob- tained in Room 1210 Angell Hall. It should be remembered that this is a separate application, not to be confused with the application for candidacy to a degree. Pre-medical students should bear in mind that application for admis- sion to the Medical School does not constitute application for admission to the Combined Curriculum. Library Hours, April 10-19: During the spring recess the General Library will be open as usual from 7:45 a.m. to 10 p,m. daily, with the following exceptions: the two study halls in the building will be open from 10- 12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. daily and the Graduate Reading Rooms from 9-12 a.m. and 1-5 p.m. daily. The hours of opening of the De-l partmental Libraries will also be 10- 12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Sunday Service will be discontinued during this period. Win. W. Bishop, Librarian. meeting of all those men who plan to go at 5 p.m. today in the M,E. Computing Room. All members are urged to attend. Aeronautical Engineers, I. Ae. S. Members: There will be a regular meeting of the Institute tonight at 7:30 p.m. This meeting will be 1held in Room 1024 East Engineering Bldg. E. I. Ryder, a former instructor in the Aeronautical Engineering De- partment of Air Commerce will speak. Refreshments will be served. A.LCh,E,: All chemical and metal lurgical engineers are invited to at- tend the meeting to be held this eve- ning at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 West Eng. Bldg. The speaker is to be Dr. J. A. Gann of the 'Dow Chemical Company. He will give an illustrated talk on "Magnesium." Re- freshments will be served in the chapter room after the meeting. J. H. Rushton. The Men's Intramural riding class will meet . today at the Engineering Arch at the usual time, 7:50 p.m All interested are invitedto come. Athletic group of the Michigan Dames; The members will swim at the Union this, evening at 8 p.m. Please bring your swimming cards Ann Arbor Independent Women: There will be an important meeting today at 5 p.m. Election of two As- sembly Board representatives. and vice-president. Everyone is urged to come. Michigan League. The Art Group of the Michigan Dames, will meet today at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Mrs. Hard and Mrs. Joyce will be in charge of the program on China, Glass, Lamps and Pictures. Art Study Group of the Faculty. Women's Club: There will be a meet- ing today at the home of Mrs. J. M. Plumer, 624 Church St., at 2 p.m. Coming Events Sigma Xi: The annual banquet and initiation will be held Wednesday, __ May 5,at 6:30 p.m., at the Michigan The University Bureau of Appoint- Union. Prof. Jesse Ormondro d will ments and Occupational Information speak on "The Two hundred Inch Telescope Mounting." Missouri Fails To Ratify Scandinavian Student Club: The e meeting that was planned for this Child: Labor" Amendment.I week will be nnstononed until the first