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April 08, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-08

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The Weatfiet
Ra in today; tomorrow mostly
cloudy, possibly rain in south-
east portion.

i:l I r



President Conant
On Liberty . .

x t


Peace Council
Finally Makes
2-Point Truce
Will Identify Local Rally
With National Move In
Only One Resolution
Petition Circulation
Will Be Permitted
Overcoming what seemed last week
to be an impasse the University Peace
Council last night reached a two-
point agreement with Prof. Henry C.
Anderson, representative for Presi-
dent Ruthven In the negotiations.
The first point agreed to the pas-
sage of a resolution on April 22 at the
local peace rally identifying it with
the nationwide anti-war strike.
The second point provided for.the
circulation of petitions based on the
original set of resolutions which were
rejected last week by the University
on the grounds that they would be
interpreted as the opinion of the
Their content and form will be
decided and publicized by a special
committee of the Council consisting
of Clarence Kresin, '38, Julian Fred-
erick, '40, Marshall Shulman, '37, and
Elman Service, '39.
This committee was also empow-
ered to operate during the Spring Va-
cation and to get speakers for the
Faculty advice and cooperation at
the meeting last night was offered by
Prof. John "F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department, Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, counselor in religious ed-
ucation, in addition to that of Pro-
fessor Anderson who was tendered
an enthusiastic vote of gratitude be-
fore the adjournment of the gather-
ing. 0
Classes will be dismissed at 11 a.m.
Thursday, April 22 for one hour, dur-
ing which students will meet on the
mall between the College of Archi-
tecture and the University High
A platform and public address sys-
tem similar to those used last year
on the same site will be erected by
the University. The Peace Council
announced that it would try to obtain
the University Band for its program.
Fire In Manila
Leaves 10,000
Minus Homes
MANILA, April 7.-('P)-Fire de-
stroyed one and one-half square miles
of flimsy residences in the Tondo
section of Manila today, leaving up-
wards of 10,000 persons homeless, one
dead, 11 injured and property dam-
age estimated at $1,000,000.
A stiff breeze drove the flames at
high speed through the densely pop-
ulated area, which is in the northern
section of Manila. Firemen were
driven back for a time because water
pressure was low and the lightly con-
structed dwellings ignited quickly.
Authorities estimated between 700
and I100 dwellings were destroyed
The single fatality was a paralytic
in a home for the aged. He died of
fright as flames approached the
Spanish Situation I

(By The Associated Press)
Great Britain dispatched a de-'
stroyer to Mallorca seeking explana-
tion of two Insurgent aerial attacks
on the destroyer Gallant; other at-
tacks on foreign shipping added to
international tension.
Insurgent troops smashed through
Basque government lines in north
Spain battling toward Durango and
Bilbao; heavy Government losses
were reported.
The controlled Italian Press, charg-
ing Franco-Soviet violations of neu-
trality, again hinted at Italo-German
withdrawal from the 27-nation non-
intervention agreement.
The Spanish Government's London
embassy claimed proof 10,000 Italians
have landed at Cadiz in the past two
weeks to aid the Insurgents.
Canieron Sees Business
Bringing Improvementl
Social improvements 'ave been
brought about in the past, can be
brought about now and will be

WJR Interviews 36
Students As Part
Of Youth Program
Thirty-six students were inter-
viewed yesterday in front of Angell
Hal and on the steps of the General
Library by student representatives of
Radio Station WJR. The interviews
were recorded to be broadcast over
that station at a later date as part
of its "Youth Speaks" program.
KarTh students were questioned by
Karl Nelson, '37, and Ellen Rothblatt,
'39, on current problems, such as the
President's Supreme Court proposal
and recent social legislation.
The interviews yesterday were
the first of a series to be made in
various colleges in the Middle West.
Today Nelson and Miss Rothblatt
will go to Michigan State College to
interview students there. The gen-
erl purpose of these talks with stu-
dents is to get a general idea on
young people's philosophies of cur-
rent problems and then broadcast
them over WJR, Nelson said.
Several colleges within the broad-
casting range of WJR will be visited
for the series.
Burned Bodies{
Found Where'
Liner Crashed'
Corpses Of Co-Pilot And
Pilot Still Strapped To
Seat In' Wreck
McNARY, Ariz. April 7.-(/P)_
Weary searchers found only burned
and broken bodies late today at the
spot high in mountain wilds south-
east of here where a luxurious sky-
liner crashed Saturday with eight
Bodies of Pilot Glen Moser and
Co-pilot Joe Wolfolk, half-burned,
were still strapped to their seats in
the smashed and charred wreck.
The other six bodies, all burned
beyond recognition, were beneath the
wreckage of the giant 21-passenger
ship which had plunged headlong in-,
to a mountainside in a snowstorm.
Deep snow and precipitous trails
forced the first party of searchers to1
return tonight without the bodies.
The 21-passenger transport, which
was being ferried across country
from Burbank, Calif., to New York
City, crashed into the mountain al-
most head on.
Half of the tail was found a quar-
ter mile away.
When the big ship hit the ground
it broke into half a dozen parts and
the cabin housing the passengers
burned. The plane was so badly
torn up that investigators discussed
the possibility it had exploded when
it hit the ground.
Others expressed the opinion the
terrific impact was sufficient to break
it to pieces.
Police Hold Three
After Auto Accident
Three Ann Arbor men were being
held by local .police in county jail
yesterday after an automobile acci-
dent in which they were involved,
and which injured three Negro young
women Tuesday night.
Ward M. Decker, 21 years old, the
driver of the car, is being held on
charges of reckless driving. One of
his companions, LaVerne Morgan,
22 years old, is charged with larceny
of two cases of beer and the other,
Paul J.-Houghtalin, 25 years old, is
being held on a drunk and disorderly

None of the three women, Myrtle
Redman, 22 years old, Chestine Pul-
len, 21 years old and Augusta Mor-
gan, were seriously hurt, but Miss
Redman and Miss Pullen required
treatment at St. Joseph's Hospital.

Lewis Names
Ford As Next
Reo Motor Car Company
Ends Month's Deadlock
In UAWA Agreement
'Company Will Not
Recognize Union'
DETROIT, April 7-(M)-The sign-
ing of agreements by two more au-
tomobile producing companies with
the United Automobile Workers of
America was followed tonight by
Henry Ford's declaration that the
Ford Motor Company would "never
recognize" any union.
The Reo Motor Car Company,
whose Lansing truck plant has been
held by sit-down strikers for a month,
and the union signed an agreement
today similar to that last night which
ended the four-week-old strike in the
Chrysler Corporation's Detroit plants.
Reveals Strike
Reo and Chrysler both recognized
the UAWA as the collective bargain-
ing agent for its members.
"We'llnever recognize the United
Automobile Workers' union or any
other union," the founder of the vast
Ford industrial empire asserted at
his plantation in Ways, Ga.
Richard T. Frankensteen, organi-
zation director of the UAWA, told a
mass meeting of unionists in Detroit
tonight: "I want to say in answer
that if Ford wants to build automo-
biles he'll recognize the UAWA."
He did not elaborate.
Ford made his statement in re-
vealing that a few men had struck
Tuesday night in the company's St.
Louis plant. It was the second strike
in the company's plants in less than
a week. The other was a sit-down
which halted operations of the Kan-
sas City assembly plant.
Ford Yet Remains
The Chrysler and Reo settlements
left only one large automobile con-
cern strike bound. Negotiations were
opened by Gov. Frank Murphy at
Lansing this evening to settle the dis-,
pute which has kept 10,000 employes
of the Hudson Motor Car Company
at Detroit idle a month.
The Hudson conference was brief
and described as "preliminary." It
will be resumed at 10 a.m. tomorrow
in the state house.
The Reo sit-downers set 5 p.m.
tomorrow to evacuate the plant. A
union leadersaid they wanted time to!
leave the factory "in good order."
DETROIT, April 7.-()-John L.
Lewis, head of the Committee for
Industrial Organization, asserted to-
night that unionization of the Ford
Motor Company's employes is the
next objective of the United Automo-
bile Workers of America.
Lewis made his assertion in an ad-
dress at a union rally in the Coli-
seum at the Michigan State Fair-
grounds, adding that the organiza-
tion of the Ford workers would not
be undertaken until "this problem is
before us."
"I have no doubt," Lewis said
"That Mr. Ford will deal individually
as long as his employes will permit
him to pull that policy and no other.
I have no doubt, however, that Mr.
Ford will change his mind."
Ruthven Will Address
Chicago Alumni Group
President Ruthven will be the prin-
cipal speaker and guest of honor
April 16 at the annual dinner meet-
ing of the University of Michigan
club of Chicago, it was announced

The banquet will be held at the
LaSalle hotel in Chicago, and the
Varsity Glee Club will sing for the

25 Students
Picket Local
Bowling Alley
Firing Of Three Pin Boys
Reason For Protest By
Federation Workers
Six Women Assist
In Forming Line
Ann Arbor's first case of active
picketing of University students took
place last night when 25 members of
the Students Workers Federation
formed a line in front of the Ann
Arbor Recreation Bowling Alleys pro-
testing the firing of three pin boys
who had sought a collective bargain-
ing agreement in order to obtain
ninimum wage and seniority rights.
The three pin boys who were fired
had asked that they be given a min-
imum wage of five cents per game. In
busy times, said Rena Rubenstein,
'38, chairman of the SWF research
committee, four games can be played
in an hour.
The strikers also asked that those
boys working eight hours per day
should be guaranteed a minimum of
20 games or $1 per day. This is the
second time this week the boys have
asked that they be given the raise.
Six women students also entered
the picket line.
Herbert Cassel, manager of the al-
leys, fired the three boys because he
termed them "ringleaders," accord-
ing to Ralph Segalman, '37, an of-
ficial of the federation. Cassel could
not be reached for a statement.
After the three were asked to leave,!
the management, according to the
picketers, hired "scabs" to take their
The federation then formed their
picket line. They moved slowly about
in a circle shouting that the alleys
employ "scab" labor. The women en-
tered the lines to express their sym-
pathy to the ousted employes, they
Loyal Hershey
Plant Workers
Farmers Join Labor Fight
Against Sit-Downers To
Save Milk Market
HERSHEY, Pa., April 7.-(IP)-Sev-
eral thousand angry farmers and
"loyal" men and women workers of
the Hershey Chocolate Corporation
drove more than 1,000 sit-down strik-
ers from the vine-covered factory to-
day after a bloody battle.
Twenty-five of the combatants
were attended at a hospital; nearly
as many more were taken to physi-
cians or removed to their homes.
Most of the victims had battered
heads, bruised bodies and fractured



By Federal Senate; State
Acet Calls Strikes Felonies

Bill Forbidding Owners
To Bargain With Stay-In'
Strikers Also Enacted
Legislation Awaits
Approval Of House
Governor's Present Labor
Policy Makes Measures
Useless, Martin Says
LANSING, April 7.-(P)-Bills des-{
ignating sit-down strikes as felonies
and forbidding the owner of a plant
to bargain with sit-down strikers re-
ceived Senate approval today, eachj
by a vote of 17 to 12.
The measures now go to the HouseJ
for concurrence.]
The Senate rebuffed attempts to
delay action. Senator William Palm-
er, whose city of Flint was known for'
weeks as the nation's "strike capital"'
during the General Motors sit-down,
asserted from the floor that "it is
time some branch of state govern-
ment took a stand the people can
understand. The bills may be harsh
and severe, but we are not dealing'
with any Sunday school picnic."
Diggs Opposes Bill3
The Flint Democrat told the Sen-
ate it should not "adopt an attitude
of condoning the sit-down strike1
weapon," which he described as an
"open door to racketeering." It was
he who introduced the bill to make.
sit-down strikes felonies.
Senator Charles C. Diggs, Demo-
crat, Detroit, opposed adoption of
the Palmer Bill, arguing that "no law'
you can pass can correct this situa-
tion, any more than the injunction
laws can correct them. This is a.
thing that has to do with causes. We
have the law of injunction and could
not enforce it. We ought not to en-
act more laws that can't be enforced."
The Senate withheld the immedi-
ate effect clause from the bills. If
passed by the House and signed by
Governor Murphy, they would be-
come operative 90 days after adjourn-
ment of the Legislature.
The Palmer Bill would provide that
any person engaged in a sit-down
strike was guilty of a felony punish-
able by a maximum sentence of five
years in prison and a fine of $2,500.
Introduced By Brake
The measure forbidding owners of
strike-affected plants to negotiate
with sit-downers or their representa-
tives was introduced by Sen. D. Hale
Brake, Republican, Stanton. It al-
so carried felony penalties for per-
sons who "negotiate, adjust, settle or

Spring Parley
Allows Chance
For Discussion
Spring Parley-bull session par ex-
cellence-will give opportunity for
students to indulge in that much re-
pressed desire of talking back to
those dictators of the classroom, the
This aspect of the Parley, how-
ever, is only an incidental one.
It is not by any means the important
feature, according to Ralph Danhof
of the sociology department, chair-
man of the Parley. Directed along
informal lines, the activity of the
Parley is designed to foster free ex-
pression of ideas between teachers
and students, something which, under
the limiting requirements of thel
classroom, would be impossible, he'
The Parley, this year, will be held
the week-end of May 7, 'at the
The direction of the debate- is set
by seven specific topics under the
general theme of "A Program for Our
Times." The topics are: Our eco-
nomic system-hands off, patchwork,
or change?; our government-de-
mocracy or dictatorship?; our educa-
tion-success or failure?; our inter-
national Relations-isolation or co-
operation?; our religion-mysticism,
ecclesiastics, or ethics?; our social
life-freedom or restraint?; our art
-appreciation or social front?
After these main speakers have
finished addressing the assembly,
discussion will be thrown open to the
students and other faculty members
who may either agree with or attack
the ideas presented-or initiate dis-
cussion on any other subject.
In the evening sessions on Friday
and the two sessions Saturday after-
noon and evening, seven section
(Continued on Page R
Reading Says
Sit-Down Act
Violates Law
Since it appears to violate the con-
stitutional provision protecting the
rights of individuals to contract free-
ly, the law passed by the State Sen-
ate yesterday forbidding employers
to bargain with sit-down strikers ap-
pears unconstitutional, declared for-
mer Judge Clark Reading of Ann Ar-
The fact that one of the contract-
ing persons is violating a law has no
bearing on the issue, the right to
contract is inalienable even though
one of the parties were already be-
hind bars, continued Judge Reading.
The other law designed to outlaw
sit-down strikeshshould have impor-
tant effects in that it makes the vio-
lators liable for criminal action in
having committed a felony rather
than simply punishable for contempt
of court, Judge Reading pointed out.
Thus while men like John L. Lewis
can defy the court's injunction with
public sentiment running high, under
the new law they would be liable
after the excitement and mob tension
had died down, to criminal prosecu-
tion, stated Judge Reading. This
would strengthen the court's position
. immeasurably, he said.

Reprobation Of Company
Unions And Industrial
EspionageAlso Made
75 To 3 Vote Ends
Week Of Debate
House Action Is Delayed
Until Decision On Labor
Investigation Reached
WASHINGTON, April 7.-(P)-The
Senate denounced sit-down strikes
today but added a blunt condemna-
tion of company utions and indus-
trial espionage.
Abruptly ending a week of fiery
debate, the Senate adopted the
"statement of policy" by a 75 to 3
vote and sent it to the House. Some
leaders there indicated action o it
would be delayed until after the
chamber decides whether to investi-
gate sit-down strikes, as demanded
by Representative Dies (Dem., Tex.).
The Dies demand is to be debated
Lists Resolutions
The Senate resolution, drafted by
a group of administration chiefs, does
not require either acceptance or re-
jection by the President.
The Senate:
1. Denounced sit-down strikes as
"illegal and contrary to sound pub-
lic policy."
2. Denounced the "so-called in-
dustrial spy system" for breeding
"fear, suspicion and animosity" and
pending to cause strikes and indus-
trial warfare.
3. Declared "it is likewise con-
trary to sound public policy for any
employer to deny the right of col-
lective bargaining, to foster the com-
pany union, or to engage in any oth-
er unfair labor practice as defined in
the National Labor Relations Act."
Three Oppose Bill
The only opposition votes were cast
by Senators Borah (Rep., Ida.), Fra-
zier, (Rep., N.D.) and Lundeen (F.L.,-
Borah had announced that he
would not "single out labor" for con-
demnation, so long as capital was left
"free to pursue its illegal methods."
Minority Leader McNary (Rep.,-
Ore.) urged that the measure be
made a joint resolution-which would
require the President's signature or
veto-rather than a concurrent reso-
lution which would not call for presi-
dential action.
Senator Barkley (Dem., Ky.) im-
mediately objected that "it isn't nec-
essary for anyone but Congress to
pass on an expression of policy by
He was supported by Robinson,
who carefully explained:
"I do not mean to imply that the
President would veto such a resolu-
tion, and neither do I mean to say
he would approve it."
Vandenberg Challenge
When Senator Bridges asked for a
definition of a company union, Rob-
inson characterized it as an organ-
ization "promoted and financed by a
company to control its workers and
prevent them from exercising their
right to real collective bargaining."
He cited findings of the LaFol-
lette civil liberties committee that
many firms had hired detectives to
"worm theirway" into unions and
turn members' names over to the
Asserting that unions had been
disrupted and "many thousands of
workers" discharged through such
tactics, he said "nothing could be
more unfair, or more calculated to
create labor unrest."
Senator Vandenberg challenged
the resolution as "unclear," argu-
ing that not all company unions were
in themselves "contrary to sound

public policy."
U.S. May Intervene
In Test Lawsuits
WASHINGTON, April 7.-P)--The
House passed today and sent to the
Senate a bill giving the Attorney"
General authority to intervene in
niate witser,, atsofVn_


arms or legs. enter into any agreement relating to
Women joined sides in the fighting any dispute or difference whatso-

Movies Are Found Significant
In Environment Of Children

and added their screams and shrieks
to the shouting of the embattled men
The farmers joined the non-strik-
ers in demonstrations against the sit-
down, because they supply the fac-
tory with 800,000 pounds of milk
daily. Their market was cut off by
the strike.
Catholic Youth
Party Leaders
Placed On Trial
BERLIN, April 7.-(A3)-A Nazi
chosen Peoples' Court today placed
seven Germans, four of them Cath-
olic Youth leaders, on trial for high
treason charging them with subver-
sive attempts to form a Communist-
Catholic united front.
Chaplain Joseph Rossaint of the
Dusseldorf Youth group was the lead-
ing figure among the seven defen-
dants. Proceedings started behind
locked doors.
Official charges accused Rossaint
of cooperating with the illegal Com-
munist party from 1933 until Jan-
uary 1934, and asserted other de-
fendants, Chaplain Karl Kremer zu
Remscheid, Chaplain Franz Steber,
leader of the Catholic Young Men's
Association, and Jacob Clemens, the
Association's general secretary, toler-
ated meetings of Catholic leaders
with Communist functionaries.
Charges filling 154 pages traced
activities of the accused. Two defen-

ever concerning employment" while
their property is held by strikers.
Homer Martin; president of the
United Auto Workers of America, the
union which has supported automo-
bile strikes that tied up many of the
nation's leading plants, referred to
the bills as "locking the barn after
the horse is gone," in view of the
Governor's recent strike settlement
policy of obtaining union pledges to
refrain from strikes.
"I wonder if they are trying to
help Mr. Ford just in the chance of
a sit-down in his factories," Martin
He insisted the UAWA never called
a sit-down strike in Michigan but
merely gave its support to spontan-
eous movements started by employes.1

New Law Imperative For Food
And Drug Act; Nelson Declares

Research on the extent to which
movies affect children and youths
either in desirable or undesirable di-
rections has indicated that the mo-
tion picture is a significant factor
in the environment of many chil-
dren, according to Prof. Robert C.
Angell of the sociology department
and author of "Campus."
Professor Angell referred to the
book "Motion Pictures and Youth: A
Summary" by W. W. Charters, pub-
lished in 1933, in which tests were
described reporting that children
eight years old notice 60 ner cent of

ness of sleep. It was found that
after attending a movie the children'
moved around as much as they did
after staying up until midnight or as
much as they did after having a cup
of coffee before retiring.
The book reported studies that had
been made on children in regard to'
the effect which movies had on pat-
terns of sexual behavior. Before giv-
ing these effects, Charters quotes
C. C. Peters' book, "Motion Pictures
and Standards of Morality," which
states that 15 per cent of the movies
studied in 1930 were "sex pictures."
In this class Peters classed pictures
whose major themes were living to-

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in
a series of articles dealing with the po-
sition of the consumer.
The weaknesses in the present Fed-
eral Food and Drug Act are so nu-
merous and serious that the need
for a new law is imperative, Dr. Er-
win E. Nelson of the Medical School
said yesterday.
"One of the greatest weaknesses in
the present law is the lack of con-
trol over advertising," Dr. Nelson
said. "This has afforded opportuni-
ties for unfair advertising practices
on the part of many concerns for

"The present act has proven inef-
fective as a means of controlling the
sale of patent medicines with un-
warranted claims because of the ne-
cessity of proving intent to defraud,"
Dr. Nelson said. "The inclusion of
the phrase that the claim must be
proven 'false and fraudulent' in order
to constitute a violation has provided
a strong defense for those misrepre-
senting their product," he said.
"Frequently the man selling such a
patent medicine has successfully de-
fended himself by disclaiming profes-
sional knowledge of the action of his
product," he said.

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