The Weather lit snoiw p:l-lble tomorrow; colder er tomorrow. ,icl A6F 4bp .Ut 4 t ga it XLVII No. 95 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEB. 16, 1937 ____________________ I I I i - VT. Will Try Make Final tlement Of Martial Law In Anderson, id., Prevented Vigilante Violence' Strike Issues Six Of Union's Demands Remain To Be Answered In Conference Hoffman Challenge AcceptedBy CI.O. DETROIT, Feb. 15.-U/P-General Motors Corp., many of its produc- tion lines already humming in a drive to regain output lost during prolonged strikes, will seek tomor- row a final settlement of issues with the United Automobile Workers of America. Only two of eight. union demands -collective bargaining and union recognition-were settled in the agreement that ended the strikes last Thursday. Six others remain for negotiations staring tomorrow .rn~rting. Wage Increases Development s on the automotive labor front brought wage increases for hourly workers of two body man- ufacturing concerns not connected writh 'General Motors.. The Briggs Manufacturing Co. put into effect to- day an indefinite increase, based on mWerit, for some 27,000 hourly-rate employes. The Murray Corp. 'of America announced it would increase hourly wage minimums tomorrow to 75 cents for men and 65 cents for womnen, and grant a five-cent in- crease to all workers now earning these minimums or more. The ac- ion affects about 10,000 employes. Geeral Motors counted some 75,- 000 employes back at work in its au- tmoie plants after varying pe- rios f .idleness because of strikes and parts shortages, and pushed to- ward its goal of restoring full capa- city operations next week. By Mach the corporation expects to produce 225,000 crs, and trucks a month. Mri~n's Demands General Motors announced in- creases for its wage earners last week, as did Chrysler Corp. and the Pack- ard Motor Car Co. The union demands to be consid- ered by tomorrow's conferees as agreed upon in the strike settlement, were listed by Homer Martin, U.A.- W.A. president, on Jan. 4 as: "Abolition of all piece work systems of pay, and the adoption of a straight hourly rate in its place. "Thirty-hour work week and six- hour work day and time and one-half for all time worked over the basic work day and work week. "Establishment of a minimum rate of pay commensurate with an Amer- ican standard of living. "Reinstatement of all employes who have been unjustly discharged. "Seniority, based on length of serv- ice. "Speed of production shall be mu- tually agreedtupon by the manage- met and the union committee in all General Motors plants." New Jersey To Use Force Against C.I.O TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 15.-I)- Gov. Harold G. Hoffman warned or- ganizers for John L. Lewis' Commit- tee for Industrial Organization today he would use "the entire resources of the state" to prevent seizure of company property through "sit- down" strikes. His statement, issued a few hours after formation of the "North Jersey Council for Industrial Organization," brought from Julius Emspak, 32- year-old C..O. leader, a challenge that the committee would "moye in on" New Jersey and "use every wea- pon at our disposal." Gypsies' Life, Is Background Of Soviet Film "Gypsies," the Amkino film depict- ing the life of the 80,000 gypsies in the Soviet Union, will be shown at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the Art Cinema League. Seats may be reserved at the theatre box office beginning at 10 a.m. Wednesday for the performance, which will also include two Disney short reels. Mrs. Lila Pargment, of the Russian Guide Lamp Workers Say1 Vigilantes Threatened; Victor Reuther's Life EDITOR'S NOTE: Edward Magdol, a member of The Daily staff, rode with Norrpan Thomas, three-time Socialist candidate forPresident, from Ann Ar- bor to Anderson, Ind. In the following article he describes the vigilante de- velopments in Anderson, By EDWARD MAGDOL A "Wild-West" barroom incident in, the modest industrial city of Ander- son, Ind., early Saturday morning; promised to embroil that community in vigilante attacks on auto workers had not the Indiana National Guard proclaimed martial law. Accompanying Norman Thomas, Brandt Named Head Chairman Of Centennial Other Appointments Made By President Ruthven; Glenn Frank To Speak The appointment of Prof. Carl A. Brandt of the speech department as general chairman of the 1937 centen- nial celebration of the University was announced yesterday by T. Hawley Tapping, publicity chairman of the celebration. The following appointments to committees in charge of the celebra- tion, at which Glenn Frank, formerly president of the University of Wis-' consin, will speak, were made yester- r ay by President Ruthven: Frank Closes Meeting Prof. Philip E. Bursley, chairman of the housing committee, Prof. Her- bert Kenyon, chairman of the en- tertainment committee,Mrs. Lucille Conger, chairman of the alumnae activities committee, Arthur Stace, chairman of the community commit- tee, Emory J. Hyde, chairman of the prograrn committee and Wilfred, B. Shaw, chairman of the publicity com- mittee. Dr. Frank, upon whom an hon- orary degree was conferred by the University in 1924, will bring the five- day observance of the centeniial, which begins Monday, June 14, to a close with an address on "The Uni- versity and the Enrichment of Life." Prominent Alumni The celebration, which is to be cli- maxed with commencement exercises on Saturday, June 19, will be devoted to an inventory of past accomplish- ments and a consideration of the University's future responsibility in higher education. The theme will be "Michigan Between Two Centuries." Prominent alumni in all walks of life will participate in the observ- ance by attempting to furnish from practical experience a guide to be used in relating the University's courses to the needs of a contempo- rary society. Among the speakers in addition to Dr. Frank are Chris- (Continued on Page 10) Senators Wage Wordy Battles On Court Plan Minton Defends Roosevelt As Glass Strikes Back At Cummings WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-()-The strenuous fighting over President Roosevelt's proposal to revamp the judiciary today found Senator Min- ton (Dem., Iy.) defending Mr. Roosevelt as the servant of the masses and Senator Glass (Dem., Va.) assailing the President's attor- ney general as "evasive." Minton, in a radio speech, urged enactment of the President's proposal to name six new justices to the Su- preme Court. The senator declared it would strip "five men" of "an ab- solute veto power over legislative pol- icies of the people's chosen represen- tatives." Senator Glass, taking direct issue with Attorney General Cummings' speech of last night defending the court reorganization, charged Cum- mings with "evasive, disingenious and misleading" statements Continuation Of Union Coffee Hour Announced A four-week trial having proved successful, the Union Coffee Hour and discussion aroup offering students three times candidate for President on the Socialist Party ticket, who drove from Ann Arbor to Anderson to see for himself, he said, what condi- tions prevailed there, this correspon- dent was informed of a series of events which indicated the proba- bility of "vigilante violence." Threaten Reuther The immediate cause for the proc- lamation of martial law in Madison County was a shooting of several union workers at about 12:30 a.m. Saturday by a barkeeper who, it is said, is a company policeman of the Guide Lamp plant. The actual de- tails of the shooting, for which the wounded men were arrested and the shooter released by Chief of Police Joseph Carney, were still unverified. Previous to this incident, it was learned, threats had been made by a mob of vigilantes on the life of Victor Reuther, U.A.W. organizer in the Anderson area. Mr. Thomas, in his endeavor to ob- serve all viewpoints of the situation, visited Col. Albert H. Whitcomb, com- manding the guardsmen in the county, Mayor Harry R. Baldwin, and the Anderson Daily Herald, local morning newspaper. LaFollette Committee At union headquarters, Milton Sie- gel, union attorney from Indianapolis and B. J. Widick, C.I.O. organizer, related how in August three union organizers were met in the streets of Anderson by un-uniformed men and told to leave town. Siegel said he was contacting the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee for an investiga- tion of the Citizens League for In- (Continuied on Page 2) Tension Eases As DelcowRemy PlantsOperate National Guards P a t r o 1 Anderson Streets; Union, Non-Union Men Mingle ANDERSON, Ind., Feb. 15.-(AP)- Hiding their feud, which flared into violence Saturday and brought mili- tary rule to Anderson,.union and non- union automotive craftsmen marched peacefully today to their jobs at the Guide Lamp and De-lco-Remy divi- sions of General Motors. With tension easing, Col. Albert H. Whitcomb granted permission to the United Automobile Workers of Amer- ica to hold two meetings, their first under the military rule, and to dis- tribute their publications. Colonel Whitcomb commands the troops. Patrol Streets National guardsmen, bayonets fixed, partolled the streets around the two plants as about 2,400 em- ployes resumed work in the Guide Lamp factory, scene of a recent "sit- down" strike and about 7,000 work- ers returned to jobs in the Delco- Remy plant. The guard was increased tonight as shifts in the factories changed. Colonel Whitcomb said his troops reported no disturbances. Writer Is Wounded Citizens went about their business as usual except that they could not buy liquor under the martial rule. Union leaders, after obtaining Col- onel Whitcomb's approval, planned a meeting of their strategy board and a session of their woman's auxiliary. Colonel Whitcomb agreed also that they might distribute 3,000 copies of the United Automobile Workers' Journal and the union's mimeo- graphed publication. Heaton Vorse, New York, writer for a labor paper, and John Rose, Flint, a union man, the most seriously wounded in the clash, were reported in "fair condition" at St. John's Hospital. - Great Powers Hasten Action On Neutrality Portugal May Be Coerced By Blockade As Result Of Adamant Attitude Blum Warns Italy Against 'Invasion' LONDON, Feb. 15.-(P)-Europe's' major powers lined up tonight in an agreement to try to keep foreign vol-+ unteers from entering strife-torn+ Spain after March 6. They acted in the face of Portugal's continued refusal to cooperate. In- formed persons said if Portugal main- tained that stand, it was likely she would be subjected to a naval block- ade to prevent foreigners entering Spain through her territory. Representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Russia- which with Portugal form a sub- committee of international "Hands- off-Spain" group-agreed at a meet- ing that all the 27 countries of the committee must complete plans for controlling the influx of foreign fighters by midnight Saturday, Feb. 20. The complete control program to isolate the civil war, they agreed, must become effective by March 6. Portugal's delegate said he await- ed a decision by his government, which has turned a deaf ear to the plan thus far. Informed sources asserted. there was little doubt the full committee would ratify the sub-committee's de- cision at a meeting tomorrow. If Portugal continued in her re- fusal to participate, they declared, the other powers would go right ahead in arranging to blockade her coast as well as that of Spain to make the plan effective. The naval patrol program resulted from the refusal of both the Valencia government and the insurgent ad- ministration to permit neutral ob- servers to be stationed on their ter- ritory. The ships, while having no au- thdrity to stop and search suspected, vessels, would report their movements to the international committee and governments would be asked to pen- alize the owners. Fretnch Premier Leon Blum's sud- denly belligerent stand regarding Italian aid to the Spanish insurgents was believed to have influenced the sub-committee to take serious action. Blum, in Paris, warned Italy that France will not tolerate the "open invasion of Spain," asserting French patience is being taxed near the point of independence of action. Merlino Leaves To Accept Post At Boston U. Camillo P. Merlino of the Romance Language department will resign from his position as associate pro- fessor of Italian here at the end of the current semester to accept a po- sition at Boston University, it was an- nounced yesterday. Professor Merlino came to the University in 1930, from Bryn Mawr College, where he was in charge of Italian studies. He was graduated from Harvard with high honors in 1923, received his doctorate in 1928, and studied in France, Spain and Italy on a Roger Travelling Fellow- ship in 1926 and 1927. Previously he was associated with the French department at the University of Cal- ifornia. His promotion to an as- sociate professorship became effective last fall. 'Pipes,' Singing Mouse Captured After Chase When Dr. C. Howard Ross, of 1513 Brooklyn Ave., heard a faint but dis- tinctly musical squeaking in his liv- ing room, he thought at first that it must be something wrong with the pipes. So when the melody proved to be the work of a talented mouse who was singing from his vantage point somewhere in the basement, Dr. Ross christened him "Pipes" and set a trap for him. But Pipes proved as clever as he was gifted, and evaded every effort of the doctor and his family until Saturday night, when an elaborate box trap finally caught him, still singing as merrily as ever. Dr. Ross isn't sure what he will do with Pipes, but admits he might consider an offer from a circus. Nine Soloists Are To Sing In May Festival Kirsten For Final Flagstad Opening Will Be Returns Night; 'Aida' The appearance of nine outstand- ing soloists for the May Festival and the outline of the program to be pre- sented May 12-15 were revealed yes- terday by Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music. Participating as guest soloists in the traditional Music Festival will be Kirsten Flagstad, who opened the current Choral Union concert series last fall, and Elizabeth Rethberg, so- pranos; Marion Telva, controlto; Ar- thur Carron and Lauritz Melchior, tenors; Carlos Morelli, a graduate of the engineering college, baritone; En- zio Pinza, bass, Eugene List, pianist; and Joseph Knitzer, violinist. All the vocalists are starred with the Metro- politan Opera Association. The program as briefly outlined provides for the presentation of Ver- di's "Aida" on the closing night of the Festival, sung by the Choral Union under the baton of Prof. Earl V. Moore of the music school with Rethberg, Telva, Carron, Morelli and Pinza appearing as soloists, accom- panied by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of its new conductor, Eugene Ormandy. On the opening night, Wednesday, May 12, Flagstad will be heard in miscellaneous operatic arias with the Philadelphia Symphony. Melchior will be heard in a similar capacity with Choral Union numbers interspersed on Thursday night. Friday afternoon the Young Peo- ple's Festival Chorus with List as soloist will be heard. Juva Higbee and either Ormandy or Jose Iturbi, guest conductor, will direct. Friday night Rethberg and Pinza will contribute operatic solo numbers and will combine in several duets, with Ormandy conducting the Phila- delphia Symphony. Iturbi will conduct the orchestra Saturday afternoon in a symphony concert with Knitzer appearing as soloist. State Highway Conference Is Held At Union Van Wagoner And Smith To Talk This Afternoon; Worley Will Preside Highway building, finance and' safety will form the subjects of the 23rd annual Michigan Highway Con- ference, which is expected to draw more than 600 engineers, police offic- ers and safety workers for a three- day session beginning today in the Union. The conference, under the direc- tion of the University enginering col- lege in cooperation with the Michigan State Highway department, the Michigan State Highway department, the Michigan Association of Road Commissioners and Engineers and the Michigan Department of Public Safe- ty, will open at 1:30 p.m. Prof. John S. Worley of the transportation en- gineering department will preside. Addresses will be given by Murray D. Van Wagoner, state highway com- missioner, and Leroy C. Smith, en- gineer-manager of the Wayne County road commission, during this after- noon's session. The former will speak on the topic "Financial Needs of the State Highway," and the latter on "The Counties' Interests in Highway Michigan's Entry In Big Ten Beauty Contest To Stay H1ome By ROBERT P. WEEKS which will be given to charity. Miss Beauty plus brains-with the em- Connell was told that she was to be phasis decidedly on the former-is a Michigan's representative while she universal ideal in almost every so- was dancing at the J-Hop ciety, except Michigan's. University The selction of Michigan's repre- authorities simply will not brook the sentative was made after an exam- ascendancy of beauty over brains. ination of photographs and after a Hence Marcia Connell, in graceful personal scrutiny conducted at the' subserviency to scholarship, will not J-Hop by a committee of four North- compete in Chicago Friday night for western students headed by William the coronet, said to have once been Heyn. a possession of the Empress of Russia, "I was delighted to have been which will be given to the most beau- chosen," Miss Connell said last tiful girl in the Big Ten. . night," and not being able to go is In explaining why she will be in sort of like having your cake and be- the League or the Union Friday nght ing able to eat it too, for I'm afraid instead of the Aragon, Miss Connel the whole thing would have been Lecturer At Hague He was technical advisor to the American delegation to the Hague Conference for the Codification of International Law in 1930. Since 1925 he has been the American mem- ber of the Pan-American Commis- sion of Jurists for the codification of international law, and he has been a member of the board of advisors of the Institute of Politics, at Williams- town, Mass., since 1920, and. was a round table leader of the institute from 1921 to 1930. Professor Reeves was lecturer at the Academy of International Law at the Hague in 1924 and the James Schouler lecturer in history and po- (Continred on Page 2) Varsity Wrestlers Beat Northwestern EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 15.-()- Michigan's powerful wrestling team defeated a crippled Northwestern squad, 33 to 5, at Patten Gym here today. The Wolverines won seven out of eight matches. They scored six of these victories by decisive pin falls and won the decision in another. Captain Frank Bissell at 155 pounds, Johnny Speicher at 118 and sophomore Harland Danner at 165 National Prizes Arthur A. Miller, '38, has received a scholarship of $1,250 for his play "They Too Arise," in a contest spon- sored recently by the Bureau of New Plays. Robert Wetzel, '33, was given a $500 pride, and Theodore Kaghan, who is known in Ann Arbor as Theodore Co- hen, was awarded honorable mention.' Cohen won three Hopwood awards as a student here. Miller's play is a play of vigorous social consciousness with emphasis, however, primarily on character de- velopment. He was formerly on The Daily staff, and worked for his board at the Wolverine, Michigan's cooper- ative restaurant for students. "They Too Arise" is now in rehearsal and will be produced at the Mendelssohn Theatre on March 12 and 13. Fred- eric Crandall of the Play Production staff is directing it. Climaxing its nation-wide competi- tion the Bureau of New Plays, found- ed last year to discover and encour- age new playwrights, announced through its director, Theresa Hel-